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01x04 - Season 1, Episode 4

Posted: 03/11/14 20:00
by bunniefuu
Please, please let me see my baby.

Why can't I see my baby?

I made a mistake.

I changed my mind.

I want my baby back It's not all over, there's still a chance you can get your baby back.

I'll draft the letter to revoke consent today.

You'll be granted custody of your daughter.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Annie Carmichael's gonna get het baby back.

We got a problem.

Carmichael girl, you need to do something.

We've just received notification.

Your baby died 3 days ago.


Hello, my little Rose.

Daddy's home.


Sweetheart, do I have an ironed shirt?

Uh, I don't know. Sorry.

Still colicky?

What am I doing wrong?

She won't eat anything.

Well, try rubbing her cheek with the tip of your finger, just along the jawline.

Do you think if she had her mother's breast, she wouldn't be like this?

Eva, you are her mother.

I know.

But Mum says if they have breastmilk, they don't get sick.

Not interested in your mother's opinion.

Do you think maybe she's sick?

She's fine.

Here, let me.

Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

I don't know. Maybe I should try a different formula.

If you want, maybe we could get some help in.

There you go. How's that?

I don't know, Patrick. Maybe...

I don't know if I can do this.

Of course you can.

You're a wonderful mother.

And I ought to know.

Mothers are my business.

Isn't that right?

("Love Child" theme plays)

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪
♪ Ahh ♪
♪ You think that I don't feel love ♪
♪ What I feel for you is real love ♪
♪ In others' eyes I see reflected ♪
♪ A hurt, scorned, rejected ♪
♪ Love child ♪
♪ Never meant to be ♪
♪ A love child... ♪




You need to eat.

I don't know what to do with all this stuff.

I'm sure there are plenty of people at the maternity ward who would love it.

Maybe you and I can take it in there together.

And then everything about her will be gone.

You will get through this.

Can I call your parents?


They'll be glad that she's dead.

That's what they wanted all along.

Oh, I'm sure that's not true.

How would you know?

You've never even met them.

I mean, can I take this down for you and clear some of this away, make some space in here?

And if you want to stay in Sydney, maybe I can help you get a job better than doing other people's laundry.


What are you reading?

Adoption consent form.

What does it say?

That I give consent to Child Welfare to adopt out my baby.

I've got 30 days after it's born to change my mind.

And I'm a hopeless, useless idiot that's brought this on herself.

Oh, whoa.

Made up that last bit.

Are you gonna sign it?

I couldn't raise a baby by myself.

Hey, Martha, have you signed your adoption consent form?

Signed 'em the day I got here.

Ooh, duck's off the pond!

Every Friday, she goes out in that hat and coat, all made up.

Where to?


Viv: Bet you she's got some fancy fella.

Martha: Oh!

I bet they go to a fancy cocktail bar.

Oh, we should have a cocktail party!

We never had one of those before.


All we'd need is some grog.

We'd need a place to have it.

And permission.

That shouldn't be too hard.

News reporter: Following the collision between HMAS 'Melbourne' and the US Destroyer 'Frank E. Evans', tensions between Australian and American servicemen are at an all-time high.

How are you getting along with all these American sailors in town?

Dunno. Steer clear of 'em, mostly.

That...that's my brother!

Reporter: No hard feelings, then?

A nurse will be along shortly to take you to Casualty.

What is this, a field hospital?

There's an American ship in town.

I know that.

And the Casualty ward is full.

I don't care if Nixon's in town.

Get 'em outta here.

I'm doing my best!

Excuse us, gentlemen.

What's wrong with you?

Annie Carmichael's baby died.

She's devastated.

Susie, can I get your help in here, please?

Patrick: You said you'd fix it.

And I did.

You told her the child died.

It was the most sensible thing to do.


She needed an end to her false hope.

(SOFTLY) Oh, Jesus.

Who are you worried about?

Her or yourself?

I'd rather she wasn't destroyed.

I have lied for you.

I have falsified records, all because you needed to give your wife a child and couldn't wait.

Don't insult me with confected sympathy.

What have you and Eva named the child?





Martha, there's someone here who needs to talk to you.

Well, you were difficult to find.

Mr Wilder's come to ask you about his wife's diamond necklace.

It disappeared the day you stopped work.

I didn't steal any necklace, Matron.

A report's been filed with the police.

I'd be happy to take Martha to the station to...

No, please!

Don't make me go with him.

I'm not a thief.

Turn out your things, please.

Doesn't seem to be here.

This place is huge.

She could've hidden it anywhere.

I swear on my own life, I didn't steal any necklace, I didn't steal anything.

Mr Wilder, I'll talk to Martha and we'll get to the bottom of this.

Perhaps you could come back tomorrow?

Of course.

If I must.

If you would come downstairs, I'll take your details.

You tidy up.



Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!


Johnny: I'm late for work.

Ho, what's up, sexy lady?

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Oi, back off.

Loosen up.

At least the place feels alive.

Alive with fleas.

Oh, come on.

Stuff's happening. It's good.

We're like the pet dog the Yanks took to their bullshit w*r.

How can they be the fleas and we're the dog?

Doesn't make sense.

Hey, honey.

You wanna spend some time with a man?

I'll even throw in a haircut for you, kid.


Shirley: Johnny!

See what you got. Come on.

Johnny, leave it!

I'll handle this, mate.

So you're against the w*r but in favour of fighting?





What are you doing here?

My brother is here on leave.

And I've looked in a bunch of pubs, but I can't find him.

Does the Matron know you're here?

I snuck out.

Would you please help me look for him?






And what can I do for you girls?

Oh, um, excuse me, we're looking for Bernie Maguire.

The Army R&R Office said you might know where he's staying.

Well, he's not staying here, love.

You could try the pub.

Viv, I'm not going to trail every pub in the Cross.

Please, Joan, just one more?

The last one, alright?

And then I've gotta get back.

Viv: Bernie?


Bernie! Oh, my God!

No way!


Oh, it's you!

Joan, this is um... this is my brother, Bernie.

What the hell?! Hey!

Mum and Dad here?


Well, what are you doing here?

You're pregnant?

Mum and Dad sent me here so no-one would find out.

They want the baby to get adopted out.

Who's the father?

It doesn't matter.

It does matter! Who is it?

Do you two wanna cool it?

Vivian, you shouldn't even be in here.

Look, you're underage.

You have to leave.

Just a few more minutes?

No, you have to go.

You wanna get your hand off her?

You wanna make me?

Johnny, stop it!

Vivian, get over here! Get out!

Get your hands off him! Bernie!


Bernie: You sure you're OK?

Viv: Are you kidding?

That was great fun.



Let's catch a ferry and go to the beach?

What, now?


We always said we would if we could.

Do you remember?



Mum and Dad drugged me when they brought me here.

Can you believe that?

What'd you expect?

Screwing blokes, getting preggers - what'd you think they were gonna do?

I thought you'd be on my side.

God's sake, Viv, I really am.


(Jackie DeShannon's

"The Weight" plays)

♪ I pulled into Nazareth ♪
♪ I was feelin' about half past dead ♪
♪ I just needed some place ♪
♪ Where I could lay my head... ♪

Shirley: Drinking alone?

That's a danger sign.

There's a clean glass there.

Why don't you join me?

Do you think we should ask Annie to join us?

Annie's gone.


Joan: Don't know.

♪ Take a load off, Annie... ♪

I wanted to help her.

♪ Put the load right on me ♪
♪ I picked up my bag ♪
♪ And went looking for a place to hide ♪
♪ When I saw old Carmen and the devil walkin' side by side ♪
♪ And I said, "Hey, Carmen, come on, let's go downtown"

♪ She said, "I gotta go, but my friend here can stick around"

♪ Take a load off, Annie ♪
♪ Take a load for free ♪
♪ Take a load off, Annie ♪
♪ And ♪
♪ And MAN: What's your name?


Look a long way from home.

I am.

Me too.

♪ And ♪
♪ And ♪
♪ And ♪
♪ And put the load ♪
♪ Right on me ♪
♪ Put the load right on me ♪
♪ Put the load on me ♪
♪ Put the load on me ♪
♪ Come on now ♪
♪ Put the load on me ♪
♪ Put the load on me... ♪


Vivvie? Vivvie?


Wake up.

I think I know where all the nurses keep their alcohol.

I think we should have a cocktail party.


It's a secret mission!




Quick, quick, quick, quick!



Shh, shh.

Put it in the common room.



Oh, Martha.

So you were a housekeeper for this man?

Him and his family.

And he forced himself onto you?

Why didn't you run away?

I did. I came here.

You should tell someone.

Isn't that against the law?

When I told him I was pregnant, he took me to someone who'd get rid of the baby.

But I was scared.

I couldn't go through with it.

I think he's back to make sure that my baby's...

Pattie: How?

How can he do that?

You can't get rid of it.

You're too far along.

I know.

Hey, Matron, she'd never allow that.

He's a rich white man, Pattie.

They get what they want.

Matron: Time to get up.


Morning, Matron.

You have a visitor downstairs.

It's OK. It's OK.

Come on, Vivian.

Look, I'm sorry, bub.

It was just last time I saw you, you were just a kid, riding a billycart down Hardy Street.

I mean, you hardly had any boobs.



Well, get used to 'em.

They're getting bigger every day.

The place you're in looks like a prison.

It's pretty hard.

Lots of rules.

Is it really dangerous, what you're doing in Vietnam?

The VC have put mines in the tunnels, booby traps.

So I have to go down and disarm them.

Do you get scared?

I don't...don't sleep much.

Got a girlfriend, in Saigon.

Yeah, Lien.

Is she nice?


Yeah, she's beautiful.

Do you imagine if Mum found out?

One kid pregnant out of wedlock and the other one with an Asian girlfriend.

What's the world coming to?

I can get you out of that place, you know.

Stanton House.


Do a runner.

Could go together.

That'd make you a deserter.

Yeah, but that way you can keep your kid.

I'm serious, bub.

Run away with me.

Hello, Miss Viv.


How are you?

I'm good. How are you?

Good. Thank you.

I wanted to ask you a question about Annie.

What about her?

Well, uh...was she scared when she decided that she wanted to keep her baby?

Scared of what?

Being a mum, looking after it?

Well, I think she'd sort of already gone through that and come out the other side of it.



If you don't want to sign those forms, don't.


Yeah, but I don't know if I'm ready to be a grown-up.

Try not to put yourself under too much pressure.

You've got months to decide.

Thank you.

Where did they come from?

I borrowed them, for Annie Carmichael.

How is she?

I wish I knew.

I know you see me as the Wicked Witch in regard to that girl.

You're not to blame for the child's death.

Even if she had got the child back, she would've returned here within weeks.

That's the pattern.

Rounds, Sister.

Oh, you look tired.

Night feeds.


At home.

You have a baby?

I had no idea.


Joan: And you do night feeds?



Women's libbers will have you on a poster soon.

I'd be happy to wager against that.

Matron: Second floor of the hospital, please.

The ward sister needs some helping hands.


I've just spoken with Mr Wilder on the telephone.

Well, whatever you wanna say to me, you can say to them.

He's convinced you stole his wife's necklace.

I didn't.

He says you're a liar.

I don't know anything about any necklace.

Matron, he's gonna make her get rid of the baby. You can't let him.

Hospital, second floor.



You alright here?

Fine, but I'll have a whisky sour.

You should leave.

You're not allowed to drink.

She's not drinking.

I am.


Uh, Jeremy?

Whisky sour.


Woman: Kings Cross Hospital.

Uh, Joan Millar, please.

She's with a patient at the moment.

Can I leave a message?

Eva: I need Dr McNaughton.

Where is he?

I think he's through this way.


Something's wrong with her.

What happened?

She went stiff and started shaking.

How long did the shaking last?

She'd already started when I went in to check on her.

How long while you were watching her?

Maybe a minute.

Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

Did she have a fever?

Was she sweating?

I don't know.

She was fine when I put her down.

And then when I went in to check on her..

Can you wait out there, please?

We'll take care of it.

Thank you.

She's yours?


Joan: Temp's up. Febrile convulsions?

How high?


It's not high enough, really.

Is there any family history of epilepsy?

Not that I know of.

Well, you'd wanna be sure.

I'd like a neuro specialist's opinion.

In the meantime, let's get her admitted.

Want a full blood and urine work-up, including cultures.

Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

(SOFTLY) Hey. Hey.

Hey, you're gonna be fine.

You're gonna be just fine.

There we go.

Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

Come on, I'm really thirsty.

♪ 33 bottles of beer... ♪


Are you gonna fill this one up or are you just gonna...

Sailor: Damn, man, come on!

Annie: Ladies first.

Sailor: Come on, man!

I mean, that ain't even one finger, man.

Yo, baby, salut.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!


Sweetheart? Come on, let's go.

It's time to go. Is this your bag?


Let's go.

Come on.

Hey, man, what the hell?!

Get your hands off!

She's my daughter.

And she's underage. OK?

Enjoy your evening, boys.

That's not even true.

You're not my dad. Who are you?

Your guardian angel.

Thank you.

Well, this is...very nice.

I'll get you some water.

How much do you think I'm worth?


Cheers to you.

Answer my question.

How much are you offering?

I'm not.


Well, maybe I'm not either.



Hey, dance with me.


Come on.

Just have one little dance.


(SOFTLY) Come on.

Here you are.

Dance with me, come on.



Do you come here often?

All the time.


Is this room spinning?

It does that.

It'll stop in a moment.

Annie, I want you to listen to what I'm saying.

It's important.

Have you ever had epilepsy?

What, fits and stuff?



Is that what this is?

Has anyone in your family ever had it?


What are you talk...talking...

I feel sick.

Come on, lay down.


Joan: He must still be with the specialist.

Thank you.

Shouldn't be much longer.

She's sleeping very peacefully now, and her temperature's down.

Is she your only child?


She's beautiful.

I...did have another baby, a girl.

But, um... she died before she could even open her eyes.

I'm so sorry.

What was her name?


Thank you.

Now I'm so terrified something will go wrong with Rose, I stand by her crib and watch her for hours.


Sometimes, I get up six or seven times in a night just to check if she's still breathing.

I'm sure Patrick thinks I'm quite mad.

You're not.

It's very, very normal.

Is it? I'm so relieved to hear you say that.

When Patrick says it, I think he's humouring me.

We, um...waited so long for her to come along, I...started to think I might not be a mother at all.

But now you are one, and you're very good at it.


Won't be needing this.

Will you write to us?

Of course.

Pattie: Just maybe use a different name.

Otherwise Matron won't give us the letters.

Take this. It's good luck.

Like Aborigine good luck?


Like Martha good luck.

I made it.

Are you gonna be alright?

Oh, don't be a fusspot.

I'll be alright.

I'll really miss you girls.

You take care of each other?

Go on.

Yeah, I got her.

Where do you think you're going?

I'm leaving.

Off you go, then.

Let's see how long you last.


I hope you have sex one day.

You really need it.

Matron: Martha?

My office.

You lied.

He gave it to me, Matron.

I swear.

It was payment for getting rid of the baby.

Once you have proven yourself to be a liar, everything else you say is also assumed to be a lie.

Do you understand that?

I've called Mr Wilder, and he's on his way.

No, please!

We will sit down and sort out the wheat from the chaff together.

No, please...


Patrick: Yes, it's good news.

Thanks, Joan. Back soon.



You're the doctor that delivered my baby.

My baby died.

What's the plan?

My mate's got some contacts in Melbourne.

Pretend we're married, with a kid.

No offence, that's gonna feel pretty weird.

I'm sure we'll pull it off.

Can you imagine what Mum and Dad will do when they find out?

Dad'll do his block.

I don't know what'll give him the irrits more, you running or me keeping the baby.


Still not sure I'm gonna be any good at that.

You'll be right, bub.

So how are we getting there?

Catching the train. Leaves at 9:00.



Who's this?

Is this your baby?


Viv: What's his name?

Bernie: Van.

It means 'knowledge'.

I can't believe I have a nephew.

Where is he?

Were they k*lled?


No, um...

They're in Saigon.

You gotta go back.

How can I help them?

He's your little boy.

What about all the shit you gave me about getting up the duff and who was the dad and how important that is?

He's with his mother, OK?

You're responsible for that boy.

You don't understand, Viv.

That place changes you, OK?

It does.

That's no excuse.

Oh, stop it.

You're his father!

Stop it.

Talk about it on the train.

You do what you want.

I'm not going.




Martha's under my guardianship, as I'm sure you understand.

I do. I understand that.

Is this your wife's necklace?


She'll be delighted to have it back.

What are we going to do with this girl?

We need to settle on an appropriate punishment.

Release her to me.

I'll make sure that happens.

What do you intend to do with her?

I'll take her to the police.

She should be prosecuted.

Please don't let him take me, Matron!

Martha says you gave her the necklace in return for her terminating her pregnancy.

Another one of your naughty little fibs, eh?

It's true!

You have to believe me, Matron.

Now that you have the necklace, perhaps we should consider the matter finished.

What about the rule of law?

The same rule of law that frowns on r*pe?

Is that what she told you?

I've drawn my own conclusions.

Give that girl to me and you won't hear from me again.

I won't be doing that, Mr Wilder.

Thank you, Matron.

Have you eaten?


I've kept you something.

Downstairs, when you want it.


Viv: "I understand that upon adoption of my child, I have no further claims on the child and have no right to see and get in touch with the child. I have relinquished all rights as a parent in respect of the child. I have no legal redress under any act of Parliament."

How are they?

Baby's doing well.

You're one lucky man.


I am.

She's sleeping.

I think she needs it.

Thank you for staying.




Psst! Has she gone?

Go, go, go, go.

(R. B. Greaves' "Take A Letter, Maria" plays)

♪ Last night as I got home ♪
♪ About a half past 10:00
♪ There was the woman I thought I knew ♪
♪ In the arms of another man... ♪

There's a really cute boy out here.

Viv, I think it's your brother.

♪ I packed some clothes and I walked out ♪
♪ And I ain't goin' back again ♪
♪ I never really noticed ♪
♪ How sweet you are to me ♪
♪ It just so happens I'm free tonight ♪
♪ Would you like to have dinner with me?
♪ Well, take a letter, Maria ♪
♪ Address it to my wife ♪
♪ Say I won't be comin' home ♪
♪ Gotta start a new life ♪
♪ Whoa-oh, take a letter, Maria ♪
♪ Address it to my wife ♪
♪ Send a copy to my lawyer ♪
♪ Gotta have a new life ♪
♪ Whoa-oh, take a letter, Maria ♪
♪ Address it to my wife ♪
♪ Send a copy to my lawyer ♪
♪ Gotta have a new life ♪
♪ Well, take a letter, Maria... ♪