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01x01 - Season 1, Episode 1

Posted: 02/18/14 22:44
by bunniefuu
Better than gym class, hey?




Oh, I have to go. See ya!


Warm yourself up.


(Easybeats' "Land Of Make Believe" plays)

No. You finish it.


Come on, darling.


Time to go home.


Where are you taking me?

Come this way.

Oh, I wanna know where are you taking me?!

Where am I going?!



♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪
♪ Ahh ♪
♪ You think that I don't feel love ♪
♪ What I feel for you is real love ♪
♪ In other's eyes I see reflected ♪
♪ A hurt, scorned, rejected ♪
♪ Love child ♪
♪ Never meant to be ♪
♪ A love child ♪

(Easybeats' "Heaven & Hell" plays)

Hey, sorry, man!

So sorry!

It's cool, man. Cool.

Hello?! Anybody there?

Now that you're up you can settle Stanton House will be your home during your confinement.

Your stay here requires obedience to some simple rules.

I shouldn't be here.

You are underage, Vivian, and your parents have signed you over to us for the term of your pregnancy.

To protect your family's reputation from the shame you've brought on them. you will change your surname while you're here.

I expect you to choose appropriately There will be no male visitors and no correspondence with them either.

My mum would never send me to a place like this.

This is all Dad's doing.

She'll be worried sick!

If you just let me all her...

Your mother signed the papers, Vivian.



I'm Joan Miller, the new midwife.

I'm here for orientation.

Frances Bolton, Matron.

You were supposed to meet me at the hospital. This is Stanton House.

A home for unwed mothers.

Come with me.

Vivian, I'll be back to collect you for your check-up.

You did your training at Royal North Shore?

Yes, Matron.

Then London City Hospital.

Very impressive.

We may be one of the smallest but our maternity ward is one of the busiest.

I'm afraid we'll have to bypass the rest of the orientation.

We're two midwives down due to a gastro outbreak and I've got a waiting room full of women who are all here for their check-ups and only one midwife.

I can start now, if you like.

This is the waiting room here, maternity ward straight ahead.

Bloody sexual revolution has a lot to answer for.

Hey, new girl? Off my bed.

Oh, you're huge!

Yeah, Einstein, I'm having a baby and one day you're gonna look just like this and have some idiot throwing things all over your bed.

Annie's just a week overdue and in a permanent bad mood.

I think we got off on the wrong foot.

I'm Viv Maguire.

No real last names.

I'm Annie Smith.


Whole world of names that's the best you could come up with?

Alright, if that's how you wanna play it I'll be Vivian...Leigh.


Vivian Leigh, an overrated actress, serial adulterer who went crazy, then died.

Interesting choice.

Thank you, Susie. Could you rustle up some biscuits, please?


Now, any idea how far along you are?

Er, Mum reckons eight or nine weeks.

And did your doctor give you a blood test to confirm?

My Mum is a nurse.

She gave me a test after she found me drunk in a hot bath with a bottle of gin.

(LAUGHS) Well, at least you got plastered.

Some girls try castor oil and vinegar.

It's not as much fun, trust me.

I tried that and jumping on a trampoline and lifting a piano.

It'd be a helluva lot easier if they just let us have the Pill.

Where are you from?

You had a suitcase.

Oh, I've been away in London for a few years.

One day I'll make it to London, hang on on Carnaby Street, and ride around on an Italian moped.

Right. Have you ever had a pelvic examination before?

Don't worry.

It'll be over before you know it.

Just lie down for me.

And just relax.

Just a deep breath. Good, good.

Er, excuse me, we're in the middle of an examination.

Perfect timing, then, nurse...

Sister Joan Miller.

And this must be...


Right, let's get you stripped from the waste down in a hospital gown, shall we?

I think my patient needs a little privacy.

Your patient?

Come on, we'll be as quick as we can.

Alright, that's enough.

I don't think it's appropriate for a young girl to be used in one of your teaching exercises.

Sister Miller, I am gonna examine her. You can either stay or leave.

That's fine. I'm not going anywhere.

They are.

It's a teaching hospital - how do you expect the students to learn if they can't practice on real patients?

They can practice on real patients.

Thank you.

Just not on young girls who are scared out of their wits.


I'm so sorry you had to go through that.

I'm not a charity case, unless you wanna give me some money Er...


You'll start work with the others tomorrow.

Dinner will be served in 15 minutes.

They lock you in at night?

Oh, we're in Kings Cross.

It's dangerous out there.

Better out there than in here!

Sorry, you waiting for the phone?

No. It's all yours.

How come she gets her own key?

Does she work here?

Oh! No, that's Shirley!

I think she's Russian royalty!

She comes and goes as she pleases.

She's never said a word to me.


I hope you're not skulking away because of me.

Oh, I didn't think I was skulking.

Thought I was strutting, actually.

Why don't you strut your stuff with us?

A few of us are heading out for a drink.

No, thanks.

Don't tell me you have to run home or worse, some dreary husband.

Neither but I just got off a plane and I am very, very tired.

Well, then, you won't have a hope in hell of sleeping without a few drinks, so it's settled.

I'm buying.

One drink to make up for my appalling behaviour.

♪ Oh, show me a man That's got a good woman ♪
♪ Show me ♪
♪ Show me a man, I said That's got a good woman ♪
♪ Show me ♪
♪ Show me a man That's got a good woman ♪
♪ Show me a man That's got a good woman ♪
♪ Show me a man That's got a good woman ♪
♪ Show me a man That's got a good woman ♪
♪ Show me a man That's got a good woman ♪
♪ I'll show you a man That goes to work hummin'

♪ Cos he knows he's got Some sweet lovin' coming ♪
♪ At the end of his working day. ♪


So Ed finally stepped up to save you from spinsterhood!

Calls for champagne.

My shout.

Ah! Twice in one day.

At the fountain.

Oh! Oh. I'm so sorry.

I didn't recognise you without your wet T-shirt.

I'm Joan.

Hi. It's Johnny.

I think I owe you a drink to make up for this morning on the house.


Bottle of your best champagne for table eight and, er, martini for you?

Not on the house, thank you, Johnny.

I don't want you getting in trouble.

On my tab. Make it two martinis.

So, I'm curious.

Why is someone like you - smart, sophisticated - why did you leave London?

The weather.

That and the endless hours and the terrible pay.

So who's the lucky guy who brought you back here?

It was time to come home and my parents are getting older.

Anyway, I'm not so sure I'm gonna stay in Sydney.

I might go back to London.


Thank you.

Thank you.

To keeping you in Sydney long enough to rediscover her charms.

Why don't you hang up first?

Oh, OK, I will.

OK, I love you. I love you.

OK. Bye.

Mum! Mum! Mum, it's me!


Look, I know you wanted to teach me a lesson and I know what I've done.

I am so, so sorry but, please, just don't make me stay here.

I want...I wanna come home.

No... Mum, no!




(GASPS) Oh, Jo!

(LAUGHS) You're here at last!

We've been waiting for hours!

Oh! Jim! Jim, she's here!

Welcome home. (CHUCKLES)


Mother thought you'd like your old room but there's Leanne's room or the guest bed, if you want a double bed.

Not that you need a double.

Oh, it's fine, Dad.

I just wanna go to bed.

I really am sorry I'm so late, Mum.

I've organised a little homecoming tomorrow night, just a few old friends.

Right. Of course.

Seven o'clock. You won't be late?

No. I'm, um...I'm working early.

I don't understand why you came home to take a job as a midwife.


In Kings Cross, of all places.

I wanna be busy.

You were supposed to be arriving back as a doctor and married.

Now you're back to where you started.

Jim, she's only just arrived home.

Joan, what happened with Lawrence?

It ended.

Things just don't end. I mean, something must've happened.

(SIGHS) What on earth did you do, Joan?

I didn't do anything.

Now, I'm very tired.

I just wanna go to bed.



"Land Of Make Believe" plays)

Deejay: Thank you, Stones fans.

It's non-stop Mick madness to celebrate Mick Jagger's arrival in Sydney.

You're telling me the most exciting two square miles of Australia are right outside those gates and we're not allowed to go out there?

You gotta work. It's the rules.

Oh, god, I think I'm gonna be sick again!

What's wrong with her?

Morning sickness.

What's that?

Take a pinny, Vivian Leigh.

Mick Jagger is out there right now!

Doesn't it make you crazy to be stuck in here?

You've got five minutes.

Shirley goes out.

(The Loved Ones'

"The Loved One" plays)

Jesus! How long have you been standing there?

Long enough to see you're not going to work like the rest of us.

How did you get your own key?

And this room?

Didn't your mother ever teach you it's rude to ask questions?

Can you just tell me how you get to come and go as you like?


Zip me.

What's your name?


I'm Shirley.

Mrs Colin Ryan? Are you married?

Come on, before Matron catches you.

Lend us your key?



This boarding house is gonna be famous. You're gonna be perfect!

Perfect for what?


My neighbours are planning my little bed-in.

Apparently John Lennon wasn't available so you could be my Yoko.

We could lie in bed all day doing interviews for the press.

The guy from the 'Whispers' is already here.
Man: Yeah, that's it. And arm back.


What do you say, baby?

I say it's one sure way to get yourself arrested for draft dodging but, hey, don't let that stop you.

No, don't take my picture.

I said no photos!

Shirl, chill out!


Hey, Shirl?

What if someone back home saw my picture looking like this?

You're being paranoid.

It's a local paper.

What if Matron saw it?

So what if she did?

Would it really be that bad?

She can't know about you.

I've told you that.

We can run away.

Stop it, Johnny.

It's not gonna happen.

You know I can't leave him.

We could keep the baby, be a family.

Come on, go back to your hippie friends.

Hey, I don't want them.

I want you.


That'll have to be washed again.


Don't you dare be sick on my nice clean sheets, princess.


Let's just take a break. No point k*lling ourselves over stupid sheets.

These are gonna have to be washed again.

Matron will have a fit if she sees these!


Come on, these ones are still good.

Annie, stop it!

Annie, stop it!



Oh, shit.

Oh, my god. What's happening to me?!

I'm so sorry.

I didn't even hurt you.

She wet herself!

Silly cows! Water's broken!

Baby's comin'. Make her comfortable while I go get some help.

Oh, shit! Annie, I'm so sorry!


I need the midwife!

My friend's having a baby!

Please, you have to come now.

Oh, ow!


Try not to hold your breath.

Breathe it out. Breathe it out.

Good girl. What's your name?

Annie Smith.

I'm Joan and you...

All of you out.

I'm going to need a wheelchair.

We'll get one from maternity.

I said get out.

Back to the dormitory.

Put your arms around me.

OK, we're gonna get up.

Up you get.

One, two, three.

There you go. Good girl.


What on earth are these girls doing in here?

Earning their keep.

They shouldn't be operating heavy machinery, let alone in this heat.

Deep breaths, sweetheart.

Here we go.

Hey, guys?


Do you wanna get outta here?


To the Cross. Do you just wanna go?

Oh... Matron will never notice.

She'll be with Annie all afternoon.

Now is our chance to get out of here.

Keep breathing, sweetheart.

Breathe it out.

I'm serious!

Don't hold your breath.

It'll be amazing!

Let's just live a little.

Let's go find Mick Jagger!

Alright. Ready?

OK, we're gonna go through these doors. Thank you very much, Matron.

Thank you.

Alright, ready? Deep breaths.

Is this a Stanton girl?

Her name is Annie.

This way.

You should read these.

Protocols for what?

Babies for adoption.


They can't be far.

Two white girls.

They're with a half-caste girl.

Sergeant, I'm sure you do have better things to do with your time but as two of them are underage and under my guardianship this is anything but a laughing matter!


I'm sorry!

(Billy Thorpe & The Aztecs'

"Don't You Dig This Kind Of Beat" plays)

I'm starving.

Me too. I'm always so hungry.

You're pregnant.


So what's the plan, Vivian Leigh?

I dunno but it is not like this in Tamworth.

I just wanna try everything!

Me too!

Mick Jagger's here somewhere.

We should definitely go meet him.

Oh, my god!

Could you imagine?

Oh, wow!


We won't try the gas again.

(GROANS) Is it meant to hurt this much?



Baby's not in a good position.


You know what? I'm gonna help you.

Oh! Good girl.

Long deep breaths.


OK, I'll be right back.


So, posterior babies with head deflexed.

Any options other than caesarean?

Not unless I can get Annie into a hot bath.

She can't tolerate the gas and the hot water will ease the pain and allow me to manipulate the baby's position.

(SCOFFS) A bath?

You should throw in some bubbles and a little candle light too, sir.

Shut up, Carter. You're a Luddite.


You could try her on some pethidine.

She's allergic to all analgesics.

Hmm. Some girls get all the breaks.

Well, if you think it'll help her avoid a caesar I say we go ahead.

We don't want her future husband knowing she has a past, now, do we?

Alright, kids, that's it.

The tutorial's over.

Everyone back to ward rounds except you, Carter.

You've got some reading to do.

Thank you.

Of course.

You know, I just found out we have a good friend in common, Lawrence Fabre - bloody good doctor.

Speaks very highly of you too.







My real name's Annie Carmichael.

It's lovely to meet you.

This is the most amazing thing I've ever had in my life!

I know! This is amazing.


This way!


This could be the one!

Excuse me?

Oh, my god.

They saw Mick Jagger! He waved!


Mick Jagger, we love you!

Oh, my god!

Mick, we love you!

I'm not leaving this place until we see him!

We should break into his hotel room!

(LAUGHS) Oh, you're officially crazy, girl!

Crazy's good. You'll see.

Mick, we love you!

Ah, Viv, we gotta go.

Patty, let's go. Let's go. Run!

Patty, go!

Excuse me. Sorry!

Sorry! Sorry!


Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Come on!

This way!

(Russell Morris'

"The Real Thing" plays)

Man: Mick, are you taking this role seriously or are you likely to send it up a bit?

No, I'm taking it seriously.

I think... I mean, I'm taking the role seriously.

I mean, I'm not saying that I'm not gonna have any fun cos I think he had a lot of fun as well as having a very hard time.

How much longer you gonna be in Australia?

Are you altering your appearance to playing a Stones tour?

I have a question!

How does it feel to be the father of my love child?



What your plans are for the rest of your tour...

Are you gonna write any songs while you're here?




A nice long breath out.

You did it, Annie. Baby's rotated.

(LAUGHS) It'll be a lot less painful now.


Alright, once your settled I'm just gonna need to do one more check.

Now, you keep breathing, Annie.

Baby's almost here.

Impressive to watch, Sister Miller.

It's been quite an education.

You know, I think maybe Lawrence was right about you.

How do you know him?

We did our obstetrics residency together.

And what did he say about me?

Let's see.

That you were one exam off finishing your medical degree, came home for family.

And that we're damn lucky to have you.

But I didn't need him to tell me that.


Alright, Annie, how we doing here?

I don't care what happens now.

I can die happy!

It might even be worth something one day.

Are you kidding?! It's priceless!

Straight to your dorm. You wait.

Excuse me, miss?

You left these in the police car.


I have a book in my office with the names of all the rebels in it, the ones who make themselves the centre of attention, like you.

And do you know what? They always end up back here again and again.

Unwanted girls with unwanted babies rejected by parents, boyfriends, no-one willing to take them in... because when it gets tough, which it always does, that little g*ng of friends and admirers who you crave so much, they all disappear.

And do you know who's left?


I'm the only person willing to take you on, Vivian.

So from now on you will play by my rules.

Good girl. I can see the head now.

I can't! I can't do it anymore!

It's OK. Yes, you can.

Yes, you can, Annie.

You're doing brilliantly. A couple more pushes and it'll all be over.


OK, soft little breaths.

Nice and easy.

Nice and easy.

Is this really necessary?


Last push. Nice and gentle.

Come on, Annie.

There you go.


Well done, Annie. Well done.


Well done.

Where's my baby?!

Is my baby alright?!

OK, where is my baby?!

Please! I...

Well done, Annie.

Terrific job.

Where's my baby?!

Is it OK?

Why can't I see my!

Please! Please, let me see my baby!

Why can't I see my baby?!

Can someone tell me if my baby's OK or not?!


Why won't they let me see my baby?!

Is she OK?

The baby's fine, Annie.

Was it a boy or a girl?

It's better you don't know. It'll Sister Miller, would you be so kind as to collect Annie's things from the dormitory?

I believe you already know the way.

There, there. Well done.

It's alright.

Well done. Well done.

There, there.

Viv: Let's celebrate!


Yoo-hoo! Mind if I join you?

Hi, Shirl.

Let's see if you made the news.


Well, glasses.



What is that?


To the Stanton girls who met Mick Jagger.

Mick bloody Jagger!




Um, I'm sorry to interrupt. I'm just here to collect Annie's things.

Oh, did she have her baby?

Is she OK?

She's had the baby.

She had a pretty rough time, though.

Would you girls like to see her?

Do you think the Matron would allow it?


You should've seen Matron's face!

She was so angry!

She went red! (LAUGHS)

I know it doesn't feel like it right now but it does get easier.

It does.

Just remember, when you get out of this place you keep going.

Don't ever look back.

You can tell your friends that this is where you've been the whole time, living with the rock stars.

OK, time to go.

By, Annie.


Bye, Annie.


Can I see my baby?

Just once, please?


Mary? The redhead baby girl. where is she?

She's gone up to the mother.

No, she hasn't.

Matron was in the nursery so I couldn't sneak the baby out but I will tell you it's a girl.


(WHISPERS) What's she like?

She has red curly hair and she has big, big blue eyes just like you.

And she's bright and she's happy.


(The Sonar Music Band & Brian Campeau's "To Know You Is To Love you" plays)