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01x10 - Episode Ten

Posted: 05/08/15 00:08
by bunniefuu
Tony: Papi, I need you to get me out.

I ain't gonna make it here.

I'm talking to the lawyer.

I'm trying to get them to review the case.

I need you to do more.

I'm gonna give you some advice.

And this is off the record.

Get yourself a private defense attorney.

That costs money. I don't have that kind of money.

He's your son. Get it.

Nancy: Did you know Barb bought a g*n?

Russ: No.

When the man who k*lled my daughter got that joke of a sentence, I bought a g*n.

It was so easy to put the g*n under my chin.

Our lives weren't always this bad.

Maybe you should remind her.


Russ: I found some photos at Matt's house I want to show you.

And whatever good things the boys had, they had because of you.

The prosecution has to prove that it's likely your brother did what he's been accused of.

Now, they do have Mr. Tontz's testimony.

They have the g*n now.

Aliyah: Not Carter's g*n.

They can't put a g*n in his hand.

Quinn: The statement of Aubry Taylor.

This is the g*n used to k*ll Matt Skokie.

When Carter came back to the car, did he have his g*n?

Yeah, sure.

"Yeah, sure" or "yes"?

Aubry: That's the g*n. But Carter didn't use it.

I used it.

I shot Matt. I shot his wife.

[Keys jingle]

Up, Tontz.

What the hell?

Up! Let's go.


[Breathes deeply]

This was the vehicle that was lent to you by Tony Gutlérrez.


A '73 Grand Prix.

I mean, I don't know what kind it was.

Look at the photo. Was this the car?

Do we got to do this now?

Yeah. That... That's the car.

You stated you drove Carter to...

Slauson Minimart.

Nix went off on foot. He returned.

He had this g*n in hand.

Yeah. That... That's it.

This g*n... .45 a*t*matic.

Yeah. That's the g*n.

He turned over to you this wallet, these credit cards.

You recognize them?

Those are them.

Comes back, I drive him a couple blocks, I put him out of the car.

Meth head with a g*n, I didn't want to be anywhere around him.

Is this the same g*n Mr. Nix had that night?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

You're sure?

Y-yeah, I'm sure! [Sighs]

We have an issue.

This wasn't the g*n that was used to k*ll Matt Skokie.

This also is not the g*n that was in Carter Nix's possession when he was arrested.

Do you understand what the problem is, Hector?

I mean, um, it looked like the g*n.

No, it didn't.

You're giving testimony about a g*n that has nothing to do with the crime.

I mean, h-hold it. L-l-let me see it again.

The fact that you lied about this...

Now... n-n-now hol... Hold up.

Everything else that you said is inadmissible.

I mean, I-I-it looked like that, all right?

I-I... I mean, you're coming up here in the middle of the night.

Come on.

The deal is off.

No, no, no, no, no.

The charges against you in Sinaloa are being reinstated.

No, no, y-you signed the papers.

You are going back to Mexico.

You can't... you can't... No, you can't go back on that!




[Door opens]


[Door closes]


You think Carter cares about what you just did to yourself?

We're not gonna let you throw your life away.

We're getting you another lawyer, somebody who knows what the hell they're doing this time, somebody who can... Aubry, do not shut me out.

We're going to get you someone who...



[Indistinct talking over P.A.]

[Door closes]

I'm not taking his lawyer.

I'll take a public defender.

This is all pointless.

Then you really shouldn't have gotten involved.

You really should have left everything alone.

A-and you're just going to...

Just stayed in Milwaukee. Nobody wanted you here.

You're going to hurt a lot of people trying to get back at me.

It's always got to be about you.


You were 11 years old when I realized that, one day, you were either going to be dead or in jail.

I'll make it through this because I was ready for it a long time ago.

[Voice breaking] But your father...

This will ruin him.

So for him, see the lawyer, do as he says.

Just humor him for a while until he can accept it like I have.

[Door opens]

Barb: What are you doing?

Russ: I told Mark to be here first thing in the morning.

First thing, and...

Leave him alone.

Well, you know, I mean, he's got...

He's got all the time in the world for...

For Tom and Eve, and he can't even...

It's all right. Leave him alone. Just...


Ms. Hanlon, Mr. Skokie?


Rick: It is the goal of our office to be as inclusive as possible with the families of victims throughout the process.

But go back to the...

At the same time, there is always information that has to remain confidential for the sake of the trial, even as the situation changes.

And what's changed?

Again, I can't speak specifically about...

W-well, then what the hell?

Let him speak, Russ.

Y-you bring us in here...

I'd love for him to tell us something.

In the next few days, it's likely there will be fresh allegations against your son.

About what?

I'd like to be prepared.

Dealing dr*gs...

That lie... That has been...

Attempted r*pe, domestic v*olence.

Who's saying this?

Aubry Taylor's confessed to the m*rder and as*ault on Gwen.

W-why would you believe any of that crap?

We have a duty to vet her story.

She does know things about the crime only the perpetrator would know.

Yeah, of course she knows.

She was with the son of a bitch who k*lled our son.

That's what we're trying to determine.

All these months, everything wasted.

Thank you.

"Thank you"? What are you... What are you thanking him for?

[Door open, closes] [Clears throat]

What are you doing?

Do you have any idea what you're putting her through?

Mr. Skokie, we're doing you the courtesy of sitting down...

Oh, "the courtesy"!

With you and Ms. Hanlon.

You're telling me my son's a r*pist and he beats women.

No one has ever been straight with us.

The lawyer we had before you, it was like he wasn't even on our side.

Look [Sighs] there is a system.

You hired me to help you, and I think I can help you.

Will I get to go home? [Sighs]

That's what we're working toward.

Okay, couple things. I moved the case to family court.

Judges are traditionally more lenient.

Their primary goal is to reunite minors with their families.

When you're in front of the judge, you're gonna have to allocute.

Do you know what that means?

You're gonna have to give a full explanation of these new charges, what happened when you assaulted this other young man.


Your son really needs to start taking this seriously.

You need to drop this hard act and listen.

I'm not trying to be hard.

They have you on video beating someone.

If you won't give cause and show remorse, then it makes everything else we have to do more difficult.

I'll say I'm sorry for what did, that it's my fault.

That's showing remorse, right?

Then I don't have to say nothing else.

Character witnesses...

We need some people to speak on Tony's behalf.

Uh, the people in the community, they...

They don't look at my family too good right now.

All these things the judge takes into consideration...

Character, stability.

The fact that you've owned your business for 20 years is a major plus.

I sold my shop.


I'm trying to get you home.

There's a level of urgency right now.

This entire case is diseased.

People want it resolved quickly.

Do you understand?


The judge is looking for a reason to put Tony back in your hands.

You need to give him one.



Carter's girlfriend is the one who confessed to the crime.

I mean, that... that bitch lies.

Don't they got her lying on other stuff?

She also looks good for the crime.

They have her trying to slash some guy's throat, and they have a video from a liquor store near where they found the g*n.

Yeah, I mean, t-that don't mean she did it.

I mean... I mean, talk to somebody.

I've reached out to the prosecutors...

I mean, well, reach out again!

They're not interested in anything we have to say.

Your credibility is blown. You shouldn't have lied.

I didn't lie.

Hector... [Sighs]

L-l-l-look, I mean... I mean, I told him the same story every time, from the jump, word for word... That got to count for something.

Did you lie about the g*n?


They... they come up here in the middle of the night, and I'm half-asleep, and they want me to look at some pictures.

W-w-when they gonna send me back?

They want you out of here right away. I've got no avenues.

No, l-look, i-if they send me back to Mexico...

I can't put it before a judge.

They're putting... They're putting me in a hole!

I cannot appeal anything.

All right.

You see, I got... I got a little girl, and...

I mean, she's still here with her mom, and... and... and, I mean, they...

They won't even let me call her.

I'm sorry.

[Sighs] Don't give me no "sorry."

Just... just give me some help.


Let me have her number. I'll do what I can.

[Pen clicks]

Sanchez: At this point, a formal arrest of Aubry Taylor hasn't been made.

Technically, your brother is still facing charges.

The girl confessed.

That's a confession we still...

She confessed. Carter needs to be released.

He's still facing various charges.

Transmitting stolen property, as*ault...

Of a drug dealer who tried to k*ll him?

You really want to pursue that?

When you wrongly accused my brother of m*rder, you let his girlfriend go.

Now she's confessed, but you keep him locked up.

Where's your boss? Where's Soderbergh?

I don't like being dumped off on the "B" team.

The deputy D.A. is overseeing every aspect of this case.


He can't even look us in the eye.

He had to get you to do it?

We want my brother fully exonerated.

We want him released right now.

You understand there's going to be civil action against this office.

If a mistake's been made, it will be corrected.

But a m*rder was committed, and someone will be punished.

You have a confession.

From here on, Carter is being falsely imprisoned.

[Door opens]

Quinn: Aubry Taylor, you're under arrest for the suspicion of m*rder.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. [Handcuffs click]

You have the right to an attorney.

If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.

Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?


You can meet us at the Modesto police department.

So, what happened?

What happened this time?!

They said I was lying.

They said you were lying, or you were lying?

And all that crap about getting a technology job and going to live in the mountains and...

And I-I-I-I... I want that.

So why don't you get it?!

Why don't you do what you got to do?

You hustle. You cheat. You lie.

N-no, no. All I did...


You see... You see, um...

The cops kept asking about the g*n.

"What about the g*n? Did he have a g*n?

Just put a g*n in his hand, and we'll do you a solid."

So I did how they said.

How's that worse than anybody else?

They all been lying, all of them.

But you're the one they're sending away!


How long until they deport you?

They're gonna do it now.

They... they... they want to be done with me.

[Sighs] You'll be there before me.

See, uh, I-I need you to tell Adela that...


No, dd-d-d-don't do this to me.

What are you doing to her?

She doesn't even know you, but you want me to tell her you said goodbye?


Aren't you tired of it?

'Cause I'm tired.

[Voice breaking] You know what's messed up?

It's that if there weren't these guards here, I'd reach over, and I'd... I'd hug you.

And I'd hold you.

But, you know...

I can't.

I'll get back to Mexico.

I'll be in court.


[Door opens, closes]

[Click] Mark: Mark Skokie.

[Beep] Mark, it's your mom.

I have been hoping you would pick up, but...


I wanted to warn you.

They're going to say more things about your brother.

I don't know if you care anymore, but I wanted you to be ready.

[Breathes deeply]

They may let the man out again.

I've... I've begged your father not to bother you, but... I'm here.

I'm around.



[Birds chirping]

[Door opens]

Mr. Gutlérrez.

Mr. Hall.

What can I do for you?


Can we talk inside?

Oh, yeah. Sure. Come on in.

I would just need you to talk about Tony, about his character.

Now, you've been his teacher, his guidance counselor.

You know the kind of young man he is.

Well, that's all I would need you to talk about, that he, uh... that he always tried hard, that, uh, he has a good home life.

But, I-I... I don't mean to tell you what to say.

Just, uh...

Just... talk about what a good kid he is, and that he has a good family.

I-I feel like I'm doing all the talking.

Look, I'm really, really sorry about what you're going through.

But Joaquin, the boy Tony assaulted, is in my fourth period.

We're having a fundraiser for his medical expenses.

He had one surgery to repair the damage Tony inflicted.

He's gonna need two more.

[Voice breaking] Mr. Hall...

I'm having a real hard time finding people who will speak up for my son.

I'm a little desperate.

Okay, thank you. Thank you for your time.

[Exhales deeply]

[Breathing heavily]

Barry: There's really not much going on at this point, other than some back and forth with the D.A.'s office.

Based on what they've been through, I can't see them wanting to offer much beyond taking special circumstances off the table.

The first thing you need to do is get me a competency evaluation.

It's my right to ask for one, yeah?

You care about dying?

You keep playing around, you're gonna be facing the death penalty.

If you look sane, if you look calculated, they are going to execute you.

I don't need help acting normal.

I'm gonna say what I'm gonna say, and what's going to happen's going to happen.

Aliyah: Everything's on hold.

The D.A. has new information.

They can't argue anymore. They know you're innocent.


They've all been proven liars. All of them.

But they're not gonna just let themselves be humiliated.

Whatever petty little things they can hang on you, they will.

So don't say anything to anyone.

Don't trust anything you hear.

W-what are they gonna say?

[Exhales deeply]

Why are you acting like this?

When I first got here, you didn't accept me or what I believed.

But I always stood by you.

We're the only family we've got.

And I'm asking you to please trust me just one last time.

[All conversing in Spanish]

Robles: Tontz, Tontz...

[Conversing in Spanish]

Alonzo: Hello.

[Soft music playing]

Jenny: You sold the garage?

I had to pay for the lawyer.

What are you gonna do for money?

Well, we have some savings.

I'm gonna get a job in another garage.

You're gonna work for someone else?

I'm gonna work.

Is the lawyer gonna be able to get Tony off?

Oh, I'm praying. I'm really praying.

And you, mija, you say your prayers for your brother, too.


[Door closes]

So, you're listening to your Uncle?

He's strict.


Everybody's got to pitch in and work.

Well, he's a communist.

What's a communist?

[Laughing] What do they even teach you in school these days?

School okay? Everything all right?



Uh, hey, uh, I want to talk to your tío, okay?


He says you're a communist.


I'm a socialist.

So, what's the plan?

Uh, well, we're gonna go into family court.


Tony will admit to what he did was wrong and make a confession.

But [Sighs] he won't say why he did it.

He's stubborn.

[Chuckles] Like his papi.

I'll speak for him. You know that.

Jenny will, too.

Jenny looks happy.

Having her here... It was a good...

You know, it was a good experiment.

But I think she's getting tired of it.

I sold my shop so I could get a lawyer.

And the first thing the lawyer says to me is that it would be better for Tony if I could tell the judge I still have my garage.



Nothing happens for nothing, carnal.


[Knock on door]

Barb: Hello!

Russ: Yeah?

It's Barb.



Come on in.

Um... I can't go in.

Oh, n... I-it's not like it was. It's...

I can't.


I was, uh... I was gonna call you after you went off.

You okay?

I just don't have many people to talk to.

Oh, I'll listen. You know I will.

Yeah, I'm done. I'm taking myself out of this.

Taking yourself out of...

Whatever's supposed to happen next, I'm not gonna be a part of it.

You... you fought for Matt and Gwen.

Barb, we're... we're almost there.

This girl with her lies about Matt attacking her, how much time will she do?

And the man who really shot our son is gonna go free, so... [Chuckles]

If we're almost "there," "there" isn't much.

The only people who are getting punished are us.

I lost Matt.

I'm losing Mark. I'm losing myself.

Take this. don't let me see it again.

Hey, don't give up.

I'm not giving up.

That's why I need you to keep that away from me.

Try to talk to Mark, if you can.


Tell him I'm sorry.

Tell him to please make it work with his fiancée.


I have... no business with that right now.



You've participated in evaluations previously?

I need you to answer "yes" or "no."

Yes, I have.

This competency evaluation is an assessment of your ability to rationally participate in a court process.

You're also entitled to be evaluated regarding your competency to enter a "guilty" plea.

Any false statements you make, any attempts to mislead can be put into evidence.

Do you understand?


Let's start with your upbringing.

You were in foster care.

I was in until I was about 8.

Wasn't a real good system, the one I was in.

Do you need me to get graphic about the abuse?

Did you abuse yourself?

I had people doing it for me.

Did you abuse yourself with dr*gs or alcohol?

Did I put my brain to sleep so I didn't have to be aware of the... that was happening to me?

You were taken out of the system by the Taylor family?


Did the abuse continue?

Are you talking about my brother?

I'm talking about you.

Your environment improved.

Did you still feel a need...

Things didn't just get better.

They don't just get better.

But there were issues. You knew there were issues.

My issue was that there were things I couldn't fix or make right, control.

And you wanted control?

There were things in your life you wanted to control?

I wanted to be able to go to the bathroom or go to bed without having somebody try to do things to me.

I wanted to be with who I wanted, not people who owned me,

'cause they filled out adoption papers.

I want life the way I want life.

And if I couldn't have it, I...

You created it.

You created it in your head.

Created it around you.

Do you willfully bend truth to fit your perspective?

[Scoffs] No.

That's what liars do.

I see things the way I see them, and everybody else needs to get with that.

It's believed you made a statement about your brother molesting you to disqualify you from being a reliable witness to protect your boyfriend.


Are you trying to protect Carter now?

Is that your intention with this confession?

My intention is to own up.

I'm, um, Alonzo Gutlérrez.

I'm Anthony... Uh, Tony's, dad.

He was always a good kid.

Didn't have it easy growing up without his mom, but...

I guess a lot of kids have it that way.

But Tony, uh... he, uh...

Well, he was always helping out at home and, uh... and with me at work.


He, uh...

He's a really good boy, Your Honor.

And he's helpful. He's very, very helpful.

He always checks in on his tía, his aunt, when I have to work weekends.

No, Tony is a good kid, Your Honor.

And we're all gonna watch over him, make sure that he doesn't get into any more trouble.

Like everything my Uncle said, my dad...

Tony's a good kid.

He's always helping his family.

My dad even trusted Tony enough to work on cars sometimes by himself.


This isn't just on Tony.

This is on me, too.

I was the one messing up, not listening to my dad's rules.

I'd be drinking, having guys over when papi was at work.

And I told Tony not to tell on me.

Tony was always looking out for me...

Making sure I didn't get busted.

That's how he is.

He just wants everybody to be happy.

When me and papi would fight, it would really bother Tony.

So, to keep things cool, he would lie for me.

I didn't know I was making Tony feel like he had to protect me all the time.

But he did.

That's why he beat up Joaquin.

[Voice breaking] He was doing what he always did...

Protecting me.



He came at me.

And the way he beat me...

I didn't deserve that.

I should have told somebody.

I should have told my dad.

But I was afraid.

I should have told the police, but I saw what they did to Tony.

So I kept it hid.

And Tony, he only did what he did to protect me.

The only reason why he never said anything about any of this, he was still trying to protect me.

So I'm asking you, put some of the blame on me.

Put some of the blame on Joaquin.

It's not right to put all of this on my brother.

You are really tearing things apart.

Uh, I don't think you mean to, but you don't know the damage that you've done.

Everything that you and mom put on me, and I'm the one that's doing the damage?

Well, the thing I'm learning is it wasn't all bad.

Oh. [Chuckles]

Now, what we're going through now... yeah, t-this is hell.


But I look back on our family, and I see...

Yeah, you're looking back.

You and mom, you just keep on looking back, and you keep holding on to your anger and your guilt.

Our anger?

And that's the... that's the reason why I came here.

It's 'cause I want to forget about all that.

I want to move on. Now, I...

Moving on... moving on or running off?

I know you don't want to start talking about running off, Russ!

I'm happy to talk about that.

Do you want to be me, or do you want to be better than me?

And if you're gonna be better than me, you need to stay in things.

Did you know your mother bought a g*n?


Sit down.

Sit. Down.



What's she gonna do with a g*n?


She's not gonna do anything. I took care of it.

And that says something when I'm the one who's taking care of things.

I hope you have a good future.

I hope everything for you and Richelle is...


Your mother held on to things for a reason...

For a good reason.

Huh? And now she's got nothing.

So try.

Just try to give her something.


[Door opens, closes]

The evaluation wasn't completely favorable.

The psychiatrist believes that Aubry is competent to make a confession, but wouldn't make a judgment on whether or not she's competent enough to be held accountable for her actions without further diagnosis.

Michael: "Further"?

After the arraignment, they'll put her under observation.

When she goes to trial, you can offer up your own evaluation.

S-she is not going to trial.

She has issues. She can't think straight.

What did you say to the psychiatrist?

All the therapists you've messed with, all the times you made them think you were crazy.

Why didn't you this time? I don't understand.

Did you ever think that maybe I did it?

[Exhales sharply]

This is me letting you off the hook.

I'm not your fault.

Go home.

[Knock on door]

[Metal clangs] [Indistinct conversation]

[Man rapping in Spanish]

Hey, guys, is your boss here?


ÿQué tal? ÿhabla español?

Sí. Sí, claro.

[Conversing in Spanish]

Okay. Um...


Oh. De nada.

Mark: Live your life.

I'll tell you the same thing I told Russ.

Just live your life.

I don't know what that is right now.

[Inhales deeply]

Well, I think you're free of a lot of things.

You've been holding up Matt for a long time, Does being free...

And I don't think that you were ever really over or beyond Russ.

Are you telling me to be free of you?

Because you not wanting to be around isn't the same as me...

I know that you would like to maintain... [sighs]

I'd like to be in your life.

Yeah, and I don't know how to get there.

And everything that is wrong is because we're trying to hold on to each other.

Now, for me, when I got here, I was...

I was ready to throw you all away, and that's messed up, and I know that.

But I still...


I'm ready to let go.

Now, I'll always respect what you were trying to do for us, and even...

Appreciate it in some way.

But no love?

Not love.

[Exhales deeply]

I'm not asking because I want to hear it.


I guess I'm making sure it's not there.

[Metal detector beeping]

Hey, what's going on?

[Indistinct conversations]

Carter: What's happening?

Can you tell me what's happening?

It's over? I'm out for good?


Don't ask questions.

Just give praise.

[Door opens]

Thank you.

Aubry Taylor?

You are charged with first-degree felony m*rder with the use of a firearm, causing death or great bodily injury, enhancement with special circumstances.

I have a notation that you have willfully confessed to these crimes and that the confession is admissible as evidence.

How do you plead to the charges?
