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01x20 - The Mystery of the Crooked Clubber

Posted: 05/06/15 23:09
by bunniefuu
Slow down.

I wanna remember this.



Laura: Hell of an unhappy ending.

Who's our victim?

Reynaldo: Zach Hill.

Twenty-five years old. Snazzy dresser.

Cause of death?

Came in as a jumper.

Took a header over a bridge overpass.

But I am not so sure.

Posterior cranial fracture and subdural hematoma.

Injuries inconsistent with the fall.

No su1c1de note, no video footage on the overpass.

Tox screen came back with cocaine in his system, and he was also carrying a couple of eight balls.

Addicts usually k*ll themselves when they're coming down from a high, not when they have a weekend's worth of product in their pocket.

What's this stuff?

Oh, I'll have to get a sample to the lab.

Fresh scuff marks on top.

Nowhere else.

He was dragged.


I don't think I wanna know what that is.

It never fails.

Break out the black light and your mind goes straight into the gutter.

So, it's not...


Look at all the different colors.

It's fluorescent body paint.

Rubs right off the skin, but is a nightmare to get out of children's clothing.

Zach here did not k*ll himself, he was m*rder*d.

Dragged through paint and some mystery muck, and dumped off a highway overpass.

You know, I bet you dude was k*lled at a rave.

Florescent body paint is huge in that crowd, and party dr*gs?

It's the only way to think that thumping EDM noise is music.

It makes my skin crawl.

Put a rush on the labs. Results might lead us to the rave.

Let's track down next of kin.

Let's, uh... Let's see here.

Brian Shaw. Zach's brother.

Oh, yeah. Patrol cops notified him this morning.

Of course, they were thinking su1c1de.

I don't believe this.

He was all I had in the world.

Tell me about your brother. Were you close?


Yeah. It was just the two of us after our parents died.

I dropped out of school to raise him.

Started working in a garage. Eventually, I opened up this place.

Did Zach work here?

No, no, this life was never for him.

How do you mean?

Well, most kids around here grow up with Jeter Fatheads on their walls, but Zach...

His room was plastered with Vanity Fair pages, sports car magazine covers...

He wouldn't set foot in my '66 Bonneville.

I tried to keep him grounded in reality, but...

Not a lot of jet-setters living in Queens.

Not a lot of kids going out to party all glammed up like a rock star either.

Our parents would have rolled over seeing him.

How did he bankroll his lifestyle?

He had a security job in the Diamond District.

Sounds like the right job for a kid who likes shiny things.

I thought so.

But then he started living too large.

Like Manhattan nightclubs, bottle service. Zach couldn't afford any of that stuff.

Did you ask him about it?

I tried, but he just kept dodging the question.

I asked him the other day, and all he said was that he was in too deep.

You were thinking dr*gs.

No. No way.

Our parents were k*lled by a stoned driver.

Zach knew better than to mess with that stuff.

Brian, cocaine was found in Zach's system.

And he was carrying enough to indicate that he may have been dealing.

(SCOFFS) This is all my fault.

I should have done more.

Sometimes people can't get out of their own way no matter how far you reach out for them.

Do you have any idea where he might have gone last night?

Probably somewhere for the rich and famous.

I'm thinking brewery.

Last night? Zach?

No. Based on what his brother just told me, Brewery isn't high end enough to be Zach's kind of place.

Well, per Reynaldo, the substance on the shoes was brewers' yeast.

Yeah, could be a brewery.

But which one? There are hipster beer halls every two blocks in Brooklyn.

You would know.

Anyhow, to narrow it down, I cross-checked noise complaints from last night with an Internet search for local raves, and voila!

A weekend-long bash at the Westman Brewery in Red Hook.

It's worth a look. Grab Billy and check it out.

Oh, please, can I go?

You, Wisconsin? At a rave?

I'm down.


Available to attend and curious, never having raved.

Billy definitely hates raves.

And in for Soto...

Frankie Pulaski.


Won't let you down, coach.

I should put on something way hipper.

I can't believe you.

It seemed like you wanted her to go.

I'm fine with her.

Did I miss something or is it be annoyed with Jake day?


I present to you exhibit A.

And exhibit B.

Matching FDNY T-shirts.

Size medium. Boys' medium.

You introduced the twins to Angela?

Angela Ryan. FDNY arson investigator.

So, by her do you mean fire hottie?

Can you stop saying that?

You can't expose children to every flavor of the month.

It's confusing. It's damaging.

She's not a flavor of the month. She's my girlfriend.

Oh. Um...

I didn't know that you two were serious.

You haven't even mentioned her name.

And I didn't know that that was indicative. Angela, Angela, Angela.

Wait, you haven't introduced Tony to the twins?


You know what? You're not mad at me.

You're confused about you and Tony.

No, this isn't about me. This is about you.

And your violation of the divorced parents' etiquette.

Go rave!



Oh, my good Lord.

Amen to that.

Oh, great.

It took me six years to go binky free.

Oh, massage train.

I could totally use some lower neck work. Wanna be my caboose?

I'm more interested in the bartender/drug dealer.

Dude in the eyeliner.

Guyliner. Such a fad but weirdly hot.

If you say so.

See? When he shakes.

He passed him dr*gs.

We have drug dealers in Wisconsin too, you know.

Some things are universal.

May I have some water, please?

It's so hot in here.

How about you let Clint here buy you a drink?

Referring to yourself in the third person. Always a sign of a keeper.

Just water for me, thanks.

I don't wanna get cross-faded.

Hear that.

So, um, my friend Zach.

He told me I could score some blow off of you.

You know Zach, right?

Maybe I do, maybe I don't.

But I would like to get to know you better.

Why don't we start by doing some lines together?

Oh, trust me, you won't need anything in a few minutes.

Hey, girl!


Making friends?

He's great.

Yeah, she's about to get real friendly.

You drug her?

Not drug her, drug her. You know.

No, I don't. What's in this?

Molly water.

Water spiked with MDMA.


You're busted.

You're under arrest.

Hold it right there!



Move, man!

Excuse me.

Come and get it.


Out of the way! Get off!

NYPD. Move! Move!

Drugging a cop.

Evading arrest. And look at this.


Possession with intent.

You kids really know how to party.

Get comfortable. You're gonna be in there for a very long time.

But, Laura, massage trains.

No, I have to go... Oh, okay, just for a second.

Okay, a little higher... Oh...

What is going on here?

I knew I was too hard on your scapula last time, but give me another chance.

Max, Frankie is rolling on Molly.


Okay, one, you don't say rolling on Molly, you just say rolling.

Two, Frankie is ro... This is the best moment of my life.

Okay, down boy. It was an accident. It could happen to anyone.

Okay, well maybe not anyone.

But Jake cannot know about this.

Oh, why not!

A little departmental slap on the wrist might do Amy Winehouse here some good.

Okay, okay. Enough, enough.

Max, I hereby deputize you to watch Frankie.

Do I get a badge?

No, just a massage.

But where's the bad guy?

Billy's watching him.

Frankie: Okay, bye!



I didn't know she was a cop.

I just thought she wanted to party.

So, if Detective Pulaski was just some blonde at the rave then it'd be okay to drug her without her consent, huh?

Come on.

Fly brother like you, you know how it goes.

The talent at these things, they all wanna roll.

And you're the man with the product.

Felony weight cocaine and Molly.

You're going away for a long time. Not to mention a 25-to-life m*rder charge.

m*rder? What are you talking about?

We found your boy Zach Hill dead with two eight balls of your cocaine on him.

Zach was slinging for you.

Toxicology showed the same cocaine was in his system.

Yeah, he was probably getting high off his own supply.

You probably decided he was too much trouble than he was worth.

Whoa, hold up. So, he was moving some product for me.

And, yeah, some of it went up his nose but I didn't have a reason to k*ll the kid.

An unpaid debt is motive.

He settled up last night.

He even had enough left over to buy a couple of eights for him and his girl.

Girlfriend? You got a name?

I don't know, but I was surprised Zach could score a woman looking like that.

Why? Zach was a good-looking kid.

Yeah, but he was broke.

She was loaded.

The kind of girl that didn't have to worry where her next trip to Ibiza was coming from.

Okay, okay. So, this mystery girlfriend, she paid for the coke?

No, Zach did. With this.

Let me see it.

It's expensive.

Hand it over.

Hmm... I don't know, man.

Zach was barely scraping by on his salary, he owed you a bunch of money...

There's no way he could afford a pricey watch. This thing's gotta be fake.

Oh, it's real. Mamma mia.

It's a Vacheron Constantin worth over $30,000.

Eighteen-karat white gold, 21 jewel movement, with an alligator strap.

And three bar water resistant.

Says the guy who won't get into a pool unless it's 90 degrees and he's with two topless models.

Okay, that was one time and I was undercover.

You're a dedicated public servant, Soto.


Hold up.

This watch was reported stolen three weeks ago in a jewelry store heist.

Third smash and grab by the same crew.

Robbery squad make any headway?

Getaway car IDed at the last job, black Ferrari, no plates.

Laura said Zach worked in the Diamond District, maybe the kid was an inside man, got k*lled by his accomplices?

Clint the drug dealer said Zach had a girlfriend who bought coke with him last night.

Maybe she knows something about all this.

Let's figure out who she is.

Yeah, I just did that.

Jillian Havemeyer. Manhattan socialite, uber rich.

I found pics of her with Zach on RKOI.


Rich Kids of Instagram.

Where my people show off their wealth in ridiculous ways.

Entitlement porn.

Look at all these welfies.

Okay, I'm afraid to ask, but welfies?

Selfies that showcase ridiculous levels of wealth.

Cue the vomit in my mouth.

It is a tad nauseating and fabulous.

Trust fund brats whizzing off a yacht.

Posing with their jet.

Shopping spree in Dubai.

Fabulously gross.

Um, well I bought these shoes in Dubai, but it was not a spree.

Let's get the address on Jillian.

See if she knows about her boyfriend's jewelry habit.

Fancy address. This is all Laura.

This makes no sense.

Everybody loved Zach.

I loved him.

He was the sweetest boy I'd ever met.

But you knew he was dealing dr*gs?

He wasn't really dealing, he was more like a middle man.

He would just get the stuff from Clint and then sell to our friends.

Well, friends or not, it's still drug dealing.

What about the jewelry store robbery, did he ever tell you about that?

No, and I don't buy it.

I just can't believe that Zach would be involved in something so violent.

He had the gentlest way about him.

And a taste for very expensive watches.

Was that a gift from you?

He never let me buy him anything.

But you had to have known how much it was worth.

No, not at all, I just figured it was some bootleg he got off the street.

And he never gave you any sparkly gifts? A necklace, earrings, anything.

No. I know what you're thinking.

Why would someone like me be with someone like him.

Honestly, I didn't care that Zach didn't have much.

I loved him more because of it.

You were with him at the rave two nights ago.

Where did you go after?

We didn't go anywhere.

Zach got a text that he had to go meet someone outside.

He never came back.

Who texted him?

I don't know.

Oh, Jillian, come on.

We know that the two of you bought coke that night.

Enough weight to convict you for intent to sell.

And I have the feeling that jail time would be a rude awakening for you.

Look, I would love to help, but...

Well then, give me something on the robbery crew.

But I don't know anything about them.

This is the getaway vehicle. Have you ever seen Zach in a black Ferrari?

I think that's Chris Lee's car.

At least, one of them.

Who's Chris Lee?

He's a rich boy from China. He came here to go to NYU.

We met him in the Hamptons at a polo match.

Oh, I'm surprised I didn't see you there.

Could Zach have left to meet Chris that night?

It's possible.

Zach always said Chris was the craziest kid he knew.

And the text Zach received came from a prepaid phone.


Smart move.

If you're luring someone outside to k*ll them.

Did the parking guy see the black Ferrari?

He saw 10 of them.

Along with a couple hundred other cars, everything from hoopties to custom Maybachs.

Couldn't see anybody who drove them though.

All right well, we'll have to prove it another way.

Where's rich boy now?

No idea, but...

I can tell you where he'll be later.

Chris Lee's Twitter feed.

Going for the AU today.


AU is the periodic table abbreviation for gold.

What? No props for your partner?

I'm just trying to figure out how you knew that.

I thought you failed chemistry.

A lifelong habit of doing the New York Times crossword.

The one useful thing that my father passed on to me.

Phrasing makes sense. Going for the AU today, going for the gold.

Gotta be the gold exchange tower.

Nope, nothing suspicious here.

Hmm, level 47. Impressive.

You must have been playing all afternoon.

Instead of doing your job.

Not all afternoon.


Someone opened the roof exit.

Uh, go back to your game. The professionals will take it from here.

All right, suspect's on the roof, we're heading up.

NYPD, freeze!

Take off the backpack, step away from the ledge.

Tell you what, I have a better idea.

Au revoir!

Now that's cool.

He's all mine.

Laura, do you see this?

He's gonna land on that truck and get away.

No, he's not.

I give it an 8.5.

You lost points on the landing.

What are you doing?

Drinking coffee.

I know, I know.

But if there ever was a time for me to break my herbal tea only rule, this is it.

Wah. Okay, one more cup and I'll be good.

No, I mean what are you doing out here? Laura told you to stay hidden.

Oh, I'm fine.

Are you sure?

Oh, yeah.

Senior year of high school, my cheer team went to states.

I had lymph nodes the size of golf balls due to a severe case of mono from my boyfriend.

Well, actually, ex, he dumped me for a girl on the rival team.

Her splits were just trashy.

Anyway, I pulled off a reverse kick double basket toss to win the title.

See my point?

There was one?

I can handle an MDMA hangover.

Come on. People.

I wasn't robbing the gold exchange. I was base jumping.

Good for you. That doesn't mean you're not a k*ller.

Look at this face. Do I look like the violent type?

I wouldn't commit armed robbery, let alone m*rder.

I hate g*ns.

Hmm, pacifist.

Where were you two nights ago?

Clubbing with my posse.

There are pics of me all over my buddy's Instagram.

Where were you last Saturday?

In Macau.

I camped out at the Venetian for the Chinese world series of poker.

I'm sure they had a few cameras there.

Then how do you explain this?

To clarify, that's your black Ferrari leaving the scene of the Vandergraff jewelry heist.

It can't be.

Something funny about 25-to-life, senor pacifista?

What's funny is putting S-rated Michelins on a Ferrari 599.

Anyone who knows jack about racing will tell you you'll never hug corners in those.

They only work on straightaways.

So, that's not your vehicle?


I am all about the curves.

I wouldn't put those tires on my ride if Michelin offered me a lifetime sponsorship.

It's not my car. You got the wrong guy.

Did the base jump boy's alibi hold up?

Afraid so. Chris Lee's tagged all over Instagram Tuesday night, and then the weekend before in Macau he lost $100,000 during a three-night stay at the casino.

Puts the ow in Macau.

So, he's not our k*ller, he's not on the getaway squad, he's just some jackhole throwing himself off skyscrapers in midtown.

The idiocy of rich people never ceases to surprise me.

No offense.

Oh, none taken.

We're an enigma.

Speaking of...

Where's Laura? She's the one clawing for these files.

Spill, minion.

Date night with Tony.

She left?


How did you get this all here?

Best thing about a food truck.

The wheels.

I wish I was better company.

Hmm... Is it the case or the Jake?

The case will get solved.

Introducing the boys to Angela, I mean, can you believe the nerve?

First, can you at least take a bite?

Chefs are very insecure people.


Yum. No, serious yum.

Mmm. Well, you're welcome.

And second, I think you're reading way too much into this Angela thing.

Too much?


You and I are so much more serious than Jake and Angela and I've never even considered introducing you to the boys.

No, I mean... I mean, I've considered.

Well, how about it?

What if I come over tomorrow night, throw down my world famous grilled cheese for you and the guys, huh?

Uh... I don't know.

I mean, I just got finished tearing Jake a new one.

I'm gonna do exactly the same thing?

Okay, consider it a standing offer.

The whole Jake Angela thing, I'd cut them some slack.

You would?

You know how guys are when they wanna show off their new toys.

Come on.

Show off their new toys.

Yeah, like when I got that new panini grill.

You are a genius.

No, no, it was just a panini press, but...

No! No, I... I know where to find the Ferrari!

I've gotta go tell Billy.

The Ferrari?

I'll be right back. Don't start dessert without me!
Meredith: Are we gonna sit here all night?


Laura's right.

Guys like to show off their toys, and what a better place to show off a Ferrari 599 pimped out with straightaway tires than a drag race.

Perp could be racing anywhere.

Yeah, I spoke to highway. They said Randall's Island is the best drag strip in the city.

They see racers here a couple of nights a week.


You got someplace to be?


It's just...

Kind of awkward.

Two people sitting in a parked car doing absolutely nothing.

Well, we're two cops on a stakeout.

Is there something else we should be doing?



There you go.

Not so awkward.


Turn off your engines!

Exit the vehicle.

NYPD! Hands where I can see 'em, get out the car! Out the car!

Relax. Relax.


Frankie? Where's she at? Wisconsin!

No, Frankie Muniz.


Malcolm in the Middle? Agent Cody Banks?

You are hopeless.


Your face was on my wall for all of middle school.

Oh, thanks, that's sweet.


He's not our guy.

My boy Frankie here, he might love racecars, but he's not using them to rob jewelry stores.

Well, it looks like the right car.

Same tires. Is this your ride?

It's just a rental.

In fact, if you guys are shutting this race down, I'm gonna return this car before they process my deposit.

Actually, we'll be taking the car.

But if you wouldn't mind...

Could you take a photo for us?


Laura will be so jealous.

I'm so jealous!

How can he still be so adorable?

Yoga and no trans fats. I asked him the same question.

So, it's the wrong driver, but definitely the right car.

From Fifth Avenue Luxury Rentals. Billy's over there now.

How could the robbery squad miss that when they were running down all the black Ferraris?

Rental place wasn't on our radar since they title all their cars out of state so they don't have to pay New York taxes.

Can I do that?

All right, so who rented the getaway car?

Billy was trying to figure that out, but our clever bad guys, they paid in cash, used fake drivers licenses, and the rental office doesn't save security camera footage.

Of course not. Then it would be easy.

Billy get a description?

White guy, 20s.

Oh, him.

Now for the good news.

We pulled the black box.

Every rental car agency monitors where drivers go.

The highlights indicate everywhere the car traveled the week leading up to the heist.

These four points all correspond to stops the car made on at least two occasions before they finally hit each jewelry store.

I timecoded each.

They were stakeouts.

All three jewelry stores were robbed within 72 hours of the stakeout.

Yeah, but there's only three heists, why are there four stakeouts?

Corresponds with a fourth jewelry store.

That is their next target.

And we'll be there waiting.

Meredith: Testing one, two, three.

Detective Pulaski and I are in position awaiting the assailants.

You won't sell anything if you don't show off those pearly whites.

You do know we're not really selling anything?

Not with that attitude, we're not.

I can't believe Tony of all people thinks I should cut Jake some slack.

Not you too.


When my mother brought home her first boyfriend, I wasn't having it.

But the guy was actually pretty cool.

Taught me how to play bass, talk to women.

Yeah, but your dad was in the wind.

My kids have me.

They don't need another female role model.

It's true. But if you're not getting back together with Jake, he's gonna get with someone.

Wouldn't you rather it be Angela than just some random bimbo?

Kids benefit from being around good people, whoever they are.

Stop being so wise.

Here we go.

Laura: Five says he's gonna pick Frankie.

Billy: I'll take that action.

Damn! How'd you know?

A New Yorker with a death stare or a Wisconsin cheerleader with a million dollar smile?

Who would you pick? Thank you.

Aw, thank you. Ha-ha.

Excuse me?

Thank you.

For shopping at Sydney's.

Uh, how can I help you today?


I don't feel comfortable doing this, but, um...

Stay cool, Frankie.

Meredith's got him dead to rights, so just try and talk him down.

Let's see if she's got the sweet talk.

Another five says she does.

You don't have to do this.

This mistake will haunt you for the rest of your life.


I think she's the one.

Of course she is!

I mean, it's a mistake to go with the emeralds.

Every woman wants a diamond.

How about this bad boy, huh?

False alarm, he's harmless.

Agreed. Still another fiver.

Pulaski, get him out of there.

We can't have a civilian in the line of fire when...

Billy: Get ready, ladies. You have visitors.

No alarms or the man gets it.

Everything in the bags, now!

Stand down. I repeat, stand down.

There is a civilian in the line of fire.

We're just supposed to let them rob the place?

We'll get them on the way out, clean and simple.

Well, what do you know. A romantic with a fat wad.

No, that's mine.


Not anymore, lover boy.

There goes clean and simple. Come on, man. Just hand over the cash.

Last chance.

Just do what he says, it is only money.

No, I spent two years saving this.

I'll k*ll you!

NYPD. Freeze!

It's over! Put your g*ns down.

I'll k*ll him, I mean it!

It's over, drop the g*ns!

Damn, we should be in there.

I got it.

You got it?


Laura: Buckle up!


Stay right there!

Put your hands above your head!

Turn around! Put your hands behind your back. Do not move.

Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce the Diamond District robbery crew.

Screw you, cop.

Take it easy, Butch Cassidy.

And so, that means you the Sundance... Jillian?

Zach's girlfriend?

And maybe his k*ller.

You do realize you just drove through a $12,000 window?

We're the police. We have insurance.

Besides, the look on Meredith's face? Priceless.

Well, we can close the books on the robberies, but now we have a m*rder to solve.

Odds are it was one of your two jewel thieves that m*rder*d Zach.

My money's on D.B.

Jillian was still at the rave after Zach left.

I bet that D.B. texted Zach to lure him outside.

I vouchered their personal items.

He had a smart phone. He didn't have a burner.

You can still unlock a smartphone and pay as you go.

Even criminals don't wanna carry around a broke-ass flip phone.

You have been spending way too much time with Meredith.

Let's say it was the right phone, we're still gonna need a warrant to search it.

So, get one. I mean, we just busted them for armed robbery.

The search warrant's for Zach Hill's homicide, which on the face of it is a totally unrelated crime.

Unrelated! Come on!

We know that there's a connection, but I can't roll the dice in case we get some judge who doesn't think we have probable cause.

Boy scout.

All right, if you need probable cause, we're gonna have to flip one of them.

Then all the dirty laundry will come spilling out.

Oldest trick in the book.

Not bad parenting, either.

I don't follow.

Well, you must have grilled the boys when you found the fire department t-shirts.

Who cracked first? Harrison or Nicholas?

You. It was just a hunch.

About Angela, I may have overreacted.

What changed your mind?

The whole Jake Angela thing, I'd cut them some slack.

Kids benefit from being around good people, whoever they are.

Nothing in particular.

But if you had to introduce the boys to a woman, you could do worse than the fire hottie.

I can't believe you just called her that.

Well, I'm full of surprises.

Wait until you see what I have in store for the rich kids' robbery crew.

Yeah? You got something up your sleeve?


Why am I not surprised?

Yeah, but that's just in case.

First let Meredith and Frankie take a run at them.

I didn't k*ll Zach.

But you're deep into armed robbery.

How does someone worth 10 figures end up in violent crime?

It's a rush.

So is heroin.

It was just a dumb idea at first, I'd steal scarves and purses, whatever I could grab from Barneys.

Shoplifting's a long way from jewelry heists.

That's where D.B. came in.

I've got nothing to say.

I've got all the time in the world.

No, seriously. I have no place else to be.


Then I guess we sit here all night.


I haven't pulled an all-nighter since college, and your rap sheet looks a lot more interesting than a marine biology textbook.

Breaking and entering, evading arrest.


Never convicted.

Oh, wow! Then this will be your first.

That's gotta be exciting.

Going to prison for the first time, getting your first jumpsuit.

First cellmate. What an adventure!

Or maybe you help me find Zach's k*ller, and I put in a good word with the DA on the armed robbery charge.

How am I supposed to help you if I don't know anything?


Be that way.

I sure hope your friend keeps her mouth shut.

Wouldn't want her to pin Zach's m*rder on you.

We met Zach at a rave.

He was cute but desperate to live large.

And when D.B. found out that Zach worked in the Diamond District that crazy son of a bitch came up with a plan to rob those places.


Even after your boyfriend was k*lled...

You still pulled one more job?

I tried to call it off, but D.B. said if I tried to get out of it, he would make me regret it.

I didn't thr*aten anyone, I just told her to stick to the damn plan.

Stick to the plan or else what?

Or else nothing. Look, this whole thing is upside down, we're the victims.

You didn't look like a victim when you busted into the store waving your g*n like a frickin' Looney Tune.

The whole thing was Zach's idea, he worked in the Diamond District.

He said he could get us in and out.

Nobody was supposed to get hurt. We trusted him.

So, you're hanging the blame on the dead guy?


Call it what you want.

I call it first degree m*rder.

I want my lawyer.

Look, Jillian.

I get it. Your whole life you're stuck in that penthouse surrounded by shallow rich kids.

Zach was a walk on the wild side.

Zach was the love of my life.

We were good for each other.

Until he realized he was in over his head.

He wanted out. And that's where it got sticky.

You couldn't risk him talking.

You're wrong. I would never hurt him.

Maybe not you. What about D.B.?

He forced you to do that last job.

You were so scared that you did it.

I think you know what he's capable of.

I want a lawyer.

I was sure I could get D.B. to talk.

At least give me grounds to search his phone.

Meredith didn't do any better.

Let's go to Laura's plan B.

Which is?



Old school. I'm on it.

Laura will have the usual.

Six-inch meatball, extra cheese.


I... I like a sub as much as the next gal, but if you hadn't noticed we're in the middle of a case here.

And the lady will have a foot long.

All right, Frankie!


Hey, girl.


Thought you could use a sandwich.

Oh, and...

Chips and a cookie too. Enjoy.

What the hell did you tell them?

Nothing, he isn't even the one who questioned me.

Then why did they bring you a three-course meal?

I don't know.

I bet you ratted me out for the whole thing.

Jillian: You're so concerned about rats, D.B.?

Is that why you k*lled Zach? He would have never said anything.

Would you shut up?

Come on. Admit it.

I'm not sure this'll hold up, even if he does.

There's no reasonable expectation of privacy in jail.

He owns up, we're home free.

So, you're not such a boy scout after all.

Jillian: You're pathetic. You think you're tough because you rob a store?

You're not half the man Zach was, and you knew it. Is that why you k*lled him?

Is it?

Shut the hell up, bitch.

Sorry to interrupt. Just confirming, you both asked for your lawyers?

Oh, hell no.

I asked you for my lawyer 20 minutes ago.

Super sorry, but I couldn't find his contact info.

Do you happen to have his number?

It's in my phone.

Great. Can I have it?

No, because you took it away from me.



My badness.

Give it to me and I'll get the damn number.

Oh, yeah, no can do. House rules.

But you know, I can find the number if you don't mind me going through your phone.


Great, Coolsa beans.

Be right back.

Dumb bitch.

What the hell were you thinking? We were seconds away from a confession.

He did ask for a lawyer.

You decide to be volunteer of the year and give him one?

Whose side are you on?

I am on your side, Captain.

You're not acting like it. We've got nothing.

That is where you're wrong.

All right? I've got D.B.'s phone.

And I just recorded his consent to a search.

So, no warrant required.

Thought we might be able to prove D.B.'s the one who sent the text to Zach at the rave.

No such luck.

So, you blew our play and came up empty.

Nice job, Pulaski.

Yeah, good job.


Yeah, really?


Nice eyeliner, Zach.

I think this phone just solved our case.

Nice ride.

'66 Bonneville.

Is it a passion project or does she actually run?

Purrs like a kitten.

Roars like a lion when I drop the throttle, though.

You guys didn't come here to talk about cars, though.

News about Zach?

Good news.

We know who k*lled him.

That's great.

Here's the deal.

Your brother was involved with a pretty dangerous group of rich kid thrill seekers, pulling robberies in the Diamond District.

You told me that you were trying to set Zach straight, but he wouldn't listen.

So, you tracked him to the rave, texted him to come outside.

We thought a cunning k*ller deliberately used a burner phone, but you have crappy credit so you have to pay as you go.

What are you saying? You trying to say that I k*lled Zach?

Valets at the rave said they saw your ride.

The parking guy see the black Ferrari?

He saw 10 of them.

Along with a couple hundred other cars, everything from hoopties to custom Maybachs.

We showed a photo of the car, picked it right out.

Doesn't prove that I k*lled my brother.

Not finished.

This photo was taken right before he left the club to meet his k*ller.

It bothered you. The club kid lifestyle, the way he got glammed up.

You said it yourself, your parents would have rolled over.

Yeah, okay, so?

So, in the morgue there was not a trace of eyeliner on Zach's face.

Who else would have wiped his eyes clean of makeup?

Wiping away the person he'd become.

You were angry at Zach.

Maybe you threw a punch, maybe you pushed him.

He fell down, cracked his skull.

You never meant to harm him, but he was dead.

I don't have to listen to...

Don't even try it, bro.

I'm not your bro.


I know that you loved Zach.

And I could only imagine how guilty you felt.

You'd k*lled your own brother, but you couldn't handle it.

So, you put him in your car, drove him to the bridge, and dumped him off to fake a su1c1de.

I k*lled my brother?

Dumped his body? Come on.

Look, you guys got no proof.

I can understand why you'd think that.

You couldn't see the proof.

But I bet I can show you.

Fluorescent body paint, right off of Zach's body.

In this case, it's the smoking g*n.

Turn around, hands behind your back.

Brian Hill, you are under arrest for the m*rder of your brother, Zach Hill.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.



Sorry to bother you at home, I just wanted to say thanks.

With 5,000 gummy bears?

You're not the only one that buys in bulk.

I let you down at the rave.

Then you protected me from the Captain.

Then I stepped on your Subway play with my cell phone play.

I think after my first epic fail I was just trying to...

You know, prove my worth.

I know. You should stop.

'Cause it's hopeless?

'Cause it's obvious.

You're a good cop. And you're tough.

Despite your Wisconsin-ness.


I had a really hard time getting over my divorce, but what you've been through...

You couldn't have made it this far if you weren't the real deal.

I'm flattered.

And I guess you could sort of say I solved the case.

No, you couldn't.

Thanks for the gummies, I should...

Right, family time.


Family time.



(CHUCKLING) All right, spatula ready? Here we go.

Double flip.


Oh, look at that!



What you want, Mom?

I'll take one.

Extra cheese, triple flip.