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01x06 - Sucks Like MAD; A Claw For Talon

Posted: 05/06/15 13:54
by bunniefuu


♪ Inspector... Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector... Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Go Go Gadget, go! ♪
♪ Go Go Gadget, go! ♪
♪ Inspector... Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Go Go Gadget, go! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Aaah! ♪


Uncle Claw... Seriously, we need to do something about MADcat's fur!

We haven't cleaned this up in months!


Dr. Claw: Perhaps the lair could use a cleaning.

Fortunately I know what to do.

What is that? A vacuum cleaner convention?

It's not just a convention. It's the International Suckfest; all the top new vacuum technology will be revealed.

You must steal the centerpiece, the most powerful vacuum cleaner ever made.

The Suckatron 9000!

With it, I will be able to clean the lair instantly.

Uncle Claw, this plan sucks.

Yes. It sucks like MAD.


There's nothing like a good cleaning day, eh Professor?

Oh, right you are Inspector! I just love cleaning.

You just never know what you're going to find... - Ow!

Oh! Careful with that!

Wowsers! What is that?

Whoa! Cool!

What is it?

It's a prototype for a protective force-field generator.

Here Penny, why don't you take it with you?

If you get a change to test it out, I could use the feedback.


We have a new mission, Gadget.

Hello, Chief!

HQ has reason to believe that MAD is plotting to infiltrate the IVCC.

The Institute for Vacationing Cybornetic Cows?!

How dare they! [SIGHS]

No... the International Vacuum Cleaner Convention.

We suspect Dr. Claw of plotting to harness the incredible technology of the Golden Suckatron 9000 vacuum.

With such power the possibilities for evil are endless.

This message will self-destruct.

Don't you worry, Chief. I'm on it!

Inspector Gadget will make a clean sweep of Dr. Claw's evil plans!





Ah, perfect parking.


Be on the lookout for MAD agents!

Wowsers! Such amazing vacuum technology.

This would be a dust-bunny's worst nightmare.

Better hop to it!

Hello, hello there, hi how are you, fine I'm great, yes you're welcome, may I interest you in the latest and greatest and most amazingly incredible robot vacuum cleaner?

It has its own artificial intelligence and can even play chess!

Watch. Please, please are you watching? Watch!





Any number of these dust bustering apparatuses could be a MAD agent in disguise.

I'm going to go take a closer look and get some answers.

Go Go Gadget interrogation light!

Alright, spill the dirt!





Welcome to Suckfest!

The International Vacuum Cleaner Convention!

[EVIL LAUGH] I vant to suck your dust! Ha!

That's just a little vacuum cleaner humour. Ha!

And later today, the moment I know you've all come for... the unveiling of the most powerful suction device ever created... the Golden Suckatron 9000!

Currently being transported under the tightest security, it's due to arrive later today.




Hm. Something sucky is goin on.

Brain, can you keep an eye on Uncle Gadget?

I'm gonna check something out.



Where did you go...


Do I have to wear this moustache?

Every dumb disguise has one. And it smells like soup.

Wait a minute, is this a used fake moustache?

Disguises are expensive.

Reusing them is financially responsible!

[GASPS] Dr. Claw?!

This is so gross!

Claw is going to steal the Golden Suckatron 9000!

With that power, he could do almost any horrible thing...


You break it you buy it! And if you do buy it, are you interested in the five year extended warranty?





Just where do you think you're going, you MAD vacuum cleaner!

Go Go Gadget vacuum catcher!






Talon? [LAUGH]

It's a specialty of mine to have all the angles covered.

Really? A vacuum trap at a vacuum convention...

Don't you think that's a little cliché?

Ugh, I know, it was my uncle's idea. Don't get me started.

I told him it was too much but he was all [MIMICKING DR CLAW] You have to do it my way.

[MIMICKING DR CLAW] Raaa! I'll get you Gadget!

Hah, seriously, that was awesome.

I can't believe that Claw is the overlord of an evil crime syndicate.

You wouldn't know it, the way he's been cheaping out with these used moustaches.

I thought I smelled soup. Minestrone?

I wish... anyway, what were we doing?... Oh, right.

I was winning, and you were trapped.

Sucks... to be you! Ha!

That's a vacuum cleaner joke. [GROANS]


Yes hello again, fine thank you.

I also rent this beauty for a very reasonable price!

Whoa! Woah-woah-woah!

Go Go Gadget airbag.


And now the moment you, and more importantly I, have been waiting for.

The momentous arrival of the Suckatron 9000!



Go Go Gadget deflator!







Ladies and gentlemen, the Golden Suckatron 9000 ... is mine.



Finally, my nephew does something right!


Ugh! MADcat!

[STRUGGLING] How am I gonna get myself out of this one?

I know!




Oh. You've got to be kidding me!




Now to stop Talon!


Now, the real Suckfest begins.





Wow, this thing is as good as they say. I like it!

The power... yes... the absolute power!


What's better than the Golden Suckatron 9000?

The Golden Suckatron 9000 with Gadget inside!


There seems to be a bit of a draft in here.



Go Go Gadget air brakes.





Uncle Gadget!

Sorry, Penny.

Wait, no, I'm not!! I got Gadget! [LAUGHS]

GADGET: Oh, a monkey!


Go-go Gadget bananas!


No, bananas!

Ah, looks like you're thirsty.

Go Go Gadget coconut milk.


Where are you going? Hold on monkey, come back here.

Go Go Gadget monkey catcher.


Oh no! Come on, don't do this to me now!




That's it, I'm outta here!



This place is a mess!

You'd think a vacuum convention would be cleaner.

Uncle Gadget, are you okay?

I'm fine, Penny.

But I can't say the same for that golden vacuum.

I wonder where it went.

Congratulations are in order.

You cleaned up a real mess.

Thank you, Chief.

But even with all the cleaning technology, sometimes you just can't beat a good old broom.

Go Go Gadget broom.




[CLAW] Your performance on this mission was pretty sucky.


I'll show you next time, Uncle Claw. [SNEEZES]


This is your plan, Uncle Claw?

I don't get it... is that me, with goggles on?

Why is that anvil there?

It's there because it's my job to make the plans.

It's your job to follow them!

[SIGHS] But what does this arrow mean?

It doesn't make any sense...

As long as I wear the Claw, I make the plans!

Why can't I wear the cla...?

You can't handle the claw!

You wouldn't even be able to handle my Training Claw!

Training Claw?....

Aah yes.

My Training Claw...

I haven't seen my old training claw since I lived in claw manor.


Claw Manor... Training Claw...

Hmm... I'll be right back.

Just set the co-ordinates for Claw Manor and...

Boom! That's it! I've got a signal.

Now, I'll get the Training Claw for myself and finally, I'll get to make some decisions around here.

This one sounds great, Penny!

Happy Sunshine Rainbow Puppies! It looks excellent!

I've heard it has a very good plot!

Here, what about this one, Uncle Gadget?

Ghostly Ghosts of Ghost Manor... Part 3! This looks awesome!

Ummm... I don't think so... I've uh, seen it before.... I think.

Oh, come on! Seriously?

You're not afraid of ghosts are you?

Ghosts can be very scary...

I prefer to focus on this Prize Grabber game.


Uh, Chief Quimby! What are you doing here?

Did you come to see Happy Sunshine Rainbow Puppies?

I'd be glad to join you!

No Gadget, I just received some emergency intel from one of our agents.

Claw Manor, the abandoned childhood home of Dr. Claw, has been under surveillance.

Recently, an energy signature matching Dr. Claw's claw has been detected there.

Our intel indicates possible... paranormal activity?


But we can't be sure. Your mission: to retrieve the second Claw before MAD does.

This mission will self-destruct.

Now, I realize there are rumours about Claw Manor being haunted.

But I know I can count on my best agent to keep a level head and not get caught up in any of that nonsense.

You can ghost on us, Chief! I mean, you can count on us, ghost!

I mean, I'm going to the bathroom and not because I'm absolutely terrified.


Uhh.... - Don't worry, Chief. We won't let you down.




See Uncle Gadget, there's nothing to be afraid of.


Uncle Gadget, you can't seriously believe this place is haunted.

Of course not Penny. There's no such thing as ghosts.

[NERVOUS LAUGH] But you can never be too sure.

In fact, I have a sixth sense about these kinds of things...



We should probably stick close together.

But wouldn't we cover more ground if we split up?

Um... right you are, Penny.


Um... nothing under here?

Brain... keep an eye on Uncle Gadget.

Not that I believe in ghosts, but if I did, and you're real, I want you to know, I have nothing but respect for all paranormal beings!


Hm, this looks unsafe.






Go Go Gadget rocket skates! [SCREAMS]

Talon. Talon?

MADcat and I need you for this plan.

It doesn't work nearly so well without you standing beneath the anvi... I mean here. [CHUCKLES]

Where is that boy?

The signal is weak, but it's got to be here somewhere!

It looks like it's just down this hallway and through that door...

Let's see if we can find that claw... it looks like the signal is coming from somewhere in a room at the end of this hallway...

Just through this door...

Hey, Penny.

Hey Talon.


So, you're here to get the claw?

Oh, you know about Uncle Claw's Training Claw?

"Training Claw?!" Really?

Yeah! With Uncle Claw's Training Claw, I'll be more powerful than ever.

Certainly more powerful than anything you could handle.

Ha! There is no way you'll ever be a match for me.

No? Well there's an easy way to prove it... A contest.

I'm in! Hold on, what kind of contest?

The Claw, of course!

I want it to become all powerful, and you want it to...

I don't know... put flowers in or whatever.

What have you got against flowers?

I say whoever retrieves the Training Claw first, wins!

Um, I don't know about...

I know I'm gonna win 'cause I can do this.

Uh, I mean... This!


Uh, this? This? Uh, this!

What are you doing?

Oh, um nothing...

You better not be cheating!

Of course not. I'm just... winning!





Aaah! That suit of armour is haunted, I knew ghosts were real, I knew it!


And this one needs my help! It wants the rest of its body back.

Hm... Maybe these ghosts are here because they just need someone to help them.

Inspector Gadget, paranormal expert, could be the answer to their problems.

I'll help you, ghost! I'll get you all back together again.


Wait, ghost! Inspector Gadget is here to help!

That's it, the claw! It's mine!

Uh, hang on, Talon! This might be a trap.

Ugh! I can't believe I fell for that.


Ughhh! Oh man!





Sorry, Penny! Can't let you do that!




Ha-ha! You're not bad at this, Penny.

You're not so bad yourself.

Just so you know, I was barely trying.


Suits you!

Yeah, I think so.



Wait ghost! I'm coming.

Don't be upset, ghost!

I can bolt all this back together in no time!

Go Go Gadget ratchet!


He's gone! Well, that was rude.

If that ghost didn't want my help, then why did he show himself?

Gaaaaa! This place is riddled with Ghosts!

Maybe you know where the other one went?



Think fast, Penny.

I do think fast. Faster than you, Talon!

Not fast enough!

Back atcha!

[GASPS] Whoa!

Precision. Superior skill.

Oh, and all around better agent-ness.

The only thing you're better at is being lame.

Yeah? Well with this claw I'll finally have the power that I was destined to have!


[GASPS] What!

This thing is puny! What am I gonna do with this!


Maybe you can put it on your pinky.

Yeah, well it still has power!

It's been a slice, Pen. Time to say goodbye!


[SIGHS] Uh, you were saying?....

Yeah, well I'm sure it does other cooler evil stuff!

Wowsers! [HOWLING]




Ooh... owch!

Penny! Have you seen a ghost come through here?

Wait ghost! Go Go Gadget ghost net!

You did it, Uncle Gadget! You destroyed the Training Claw!

Not that it did anything anyway.

What? Oh yes, I did... of course I did.

But I never managed to help that ghost.

Love to stay and chat, but I gotta run! See ya!


Great work, Gadget.

You foiled MAD and destroyed Dr. Claw's training claw.

Thanks Chief. But let's get out of here.

This place is riddled with ghosts.


...a couple steps back... perfect!

This is ridiculous!

What did I tell you?

As long as I wear The Claw, I make the plans!

Now a little to the left. Perfect.

Go ahead, MADcat.