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03x09 - Best Enemies

Posted: 05/04/15 02:43
by bunniefuu
So, Montgomery just gets away with m*rder?

That's Internal Investigations.

What do they want?

It has to be about Neville Montgomery.

Internal Investigations answers to the deputy chief.

The deputy chief and Neville are cronies.

You know if you lie to me, you're violating the police act.

I'm well aware of my responsibilities as a police officer, sergeant.

A month ago, I got diagnosed with Graves disease.

Why didn't you tell me sooner?

I don't like waiting.

Where is my model?

She won't come to set.


She says she's uncomfortable in her wardrobe.

It's your job to make her comfortable.

A least it used to be your job to make her comfortable.

You're fired.

Nika, go get her.


Tyler? It's Nika.

Are you okay?

Where's Kelli?

Eric just fired her because you wouldn't come out.

It's just...

Eric wants me topless.


There are so many guys here.

You know that Eric can make your career in a single shot, right?

That's what my agent says.

Well, isn't this what you want?

If it's not, that's cool.

Just get dressed and leave.

But if it is, you need to stop wasting our time.





And here we go!

I don't hear any music!

Hello, sweetheart.

I am going to make you beautiful.

She looks lovely, ladies. Thank you very much.



Why don't you show me those beautiful shoulders, huh?

Oh my God, sweetheart, you just made my day.

Very good.

It's totally fine if you borrow that blazer again.

Okay, I have to go, I have to go.

Good morning, boys and girls.

Best pitch today gets a bottle of bourbon.

Sanctioned needle exchanges.

Helping or enabling?

That's what we call a "lean back" issue.

What's the sign behind me say?

"Wicked city." Salacious sells.

Give me something over the top.

Miss Pacific Rim.

She entered the competition as a woman, just got outed as transgender.

That's what I'm talking about.

Hey, good morning.


Ready to get started?

Yeah, want to go in?


That looks like quite a party.

Yeah, uniforms responded to a noise complaint last night.

They shut it down around 2:00.

That's Eric Sharpe and his lawyer.

Eric is a photographer.

He owns the place.

The victim is a Nika Reid.



No, assistant.

According to the lawyer, Mr. Sharpe woke up in bed with the victim next to him and, uh, stabbed to death.

He has no idea how she got there.

I don't see any blood on him.

Mm-hmm, well, Mr. Sharpe took a shower before we got here.

Oh, did he?

Mm-hmm. Want to hear my favorite part?

The lawyer gets here before the unis did.

What time did he call the lawyer?

6:48, lawyer.

He calls 9-1-1 15 minutes later... thank you, sir.

Claims Sharpe was too shaken up to do it himself.

That's enough time to get a jump on it and clean himself up.

Mm-hmm. We've got Nika's phone, a couple of calls from a "Stacey" earlier this morning.


Hey, Betts.


One s*ab wound to the back.

No defensive wounds.

She didn't see it coming.

Forensics found the knife beside the bed.

Yes, they found a knife.

I'll confirm if it's the m*rder w*apon.

Any signs of sexual activity?

Yes, definitely, and there's some recent bruising on the upper arms.

So, like she was held down?

Uh, you'd have to be there to know for sure.

Might have been foreplay, but I'll call you with my results.

Thank you, Betty.

You're welcome, Oscar.

Bye, honey.

Hey, Nika. It's me.

Just call me and let me know that you're okay.

Love you.

Best Enemies

Detective Angie Flynn.

I hear you're pretty shaken up, Mr. Sharpe.

Julian Stancroft. I've advised my client that I'll respond to all questions on his behalf.

You want that?

He does.

Huh. Okay, Julian.

Well, it's my duty to inform you as Mr. Sharpe's counsel that his refusal to answer questions makes him look guilty.

We're not concerned with that.

No, of course you're not.

In my experience, K*llers, they lawyer up fast, but your client set a new speed record.

He's entitled to counsel.

Yeah, yeah, he is, all I'm saying is that Nika Reid was his assistant, but he did not call 9-1-1 this morning to get her medical attention when he woke up and found her covered in blood beside him in his bed.

Instead, he called his lawyer.

She was already dead.

Eric, I got this.

Look, the last thing I remember is a cop coming here, telling me to turn down the music.

Everything after that is a blank.

So, you expect me to believe that a girl was m*rder*d beside you, and you slept through it?

I take sleeping pills most nights to knock myself out.

Did you take one last night?

Maybe. I don't remember.

Okay, then do a blood test, provide a DNA sample, and give me a list of all the people who were at your party last night.

I'd advise against that.

Whatever you need.

Eric, we've discussed this...

You're fired.

I like your new attitude.

Eric Sharpe, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Nika Reid.

What? But I'm cooperating.

Yeah, and I appreciate that.

Keep that for the private collection.

[Cell phone chimes]



I'm double booked for gigs on the 14th.

Anything that I could help you with?

You couldn't handle it.

It's a fashion party at the Roxy, for "The Times."

I could totally do that.

I used to sh**t parties for "The Tribune."

I told you that in my job interview, remember?

The only thing I remember is how tight your pants were.

So, can I do it?

If you earn it.

There she is.



I told you I'd make you beautiful.


Maybe one.

Be a good girl and lock up on your way out.

You're 21, right?

Back to work!


I heard Eric Sharpe was a sleaze, but I never expected something like this.

I'm not surprised.

The way he treats women.

I've heard some pretty crazy stuff about him.

I was at his party last night.


Yeah, my friend, Nika, the one who invited me, she was the victim.

Talk about burying the lede.

Are you all right?


I think maybe I should go home.

Look, I know this is difficult for you, but think about the potential.

You have a connection to this story that no one else has.

You have a relationship with the victim and the k*ller.

Isn't it a bit of a conflict of interest if I cover it?

Well, you know we're a gossip blog, right, not "the New York Times"?

If you do this, you control the way the story is told.

[Footsteps approach]

Eric Sharpe's tox screen came back.

There was evidence of a sleeping medication in his blood... Zolpidem.

Well, that makes sense.

We found a prescription at his apartment.

What are the side effects?

Uh, memory loss is chief among them.

That doesn't make sense, though.

You m*rder a girl, and then you take a sleeping pill to make sure you get your eight hours?

I'd argue that he took it to party.

If you fight through the pill's side effects, stay awake, the sexual disinhibition becomes extreme.

Oh, this guy's a piece of work.

When Saunders interviewed me, he wanted to know...

[Clears throat]

He wanted to know how I got from Janet Wong to Henry Guenther.

The audio recordings between Guenther and Neville Montgomery.

No, Cross told me not to base my investigation on those recordings.

Why not?

Because anything Deputy Chief Halford hears, Neville Montgomery hears.

You're talking about corruption and criminal conspiracy.


Does Oscar know about all this?


So, if Neville found out that Maria gave me that recording, then she's dead.

You're asking me to hold back information from internal?

No, I'm not asking you to do anything for me.

I'm just sharing with you why I decided to protect a source.

It is one thing to lie to a suspect.

This is my career that's on the line.

Have a seat.

I'd rather stand, thank you.

Just so we're clear, you've waived your right to a union rep here today?


I understand you've had some health issues.

This isn't about that.


How long have you and Detective Flynn been partners?

That should be in the file.

Eight years.

You must have grown close.

I would, uh, I would say we're very close, yes.

Well, you saved her life.

I, um, I shot a man in the line of duty to protect her.

She's done the same for me.

We would do the same for you.

You and detective Flynn investigated Janet Wong for the m*rder of Derek Caster, correct?

I assisted her, yes.

And this investigation happened after an inmate named Mason Garvey confessed to k*lling Caster?

Also correct.

So why did Detective Flynn investigate a closed case?

I think that's something you should ask her, don't you think?

Have you ever had reason to suspect a personal agenda drives her work?

I don't think she's the one with the agenda here.

[Taps pen deliberately]

If you're found to have lied during an internal investigation, you can be discharged under the police services act.

Do you understand that, detective?

I do.

I appreciate your time.

Thank you.

Oh, good, you two made up.

An arrest will do that.

Detective Flynn.


I've been googling your work, Eric.

It's very impressive.

Is that acceptable?

Can he respond to a compliment?

My clients appreciate my eye.

Yeah, yeah, mostly editorial, young models.

Lots of nudity.

You've developed quite a name for yourself.

I'm actually transitioning into directing.

I'm going to level with you, Eric.

No one believes your "I don't remember" story.

It's the truth.

I prefer when Eric cooperates.

He has cooperated.

He's given you blood and DNA samples.

He answered all your questions.

What more do you want?

I want to know why he surrounds himself with young, impressionable women, and how one of them ended up dead in his studio.

Who my client works with is irrelevant.

Eric has a sterling reputation.

Oh, really?

So, give me names.

People who can vouch for you.

Start with Tyler Carver, my latest discovery.

I launched her.

Eric might have a gig for me.

I bet that comes with a price.

Why do you say that?

Uh, because you have.

All he said was that I have to earn it.

Okay, it's time for a new job.

He only likes models.

What about all those rumors?

This is my big break.

If I don't take advantage of it, a million other people will.

Wow... Eric has really rubbed off on you.

Now you're all about getting ahead.

Wow, thank you for your support.

I am supporting you.

I'm telling you that your boss is a creep, and you don't have to put up with it.

I just need to I stick it out and get in his good books.


Then I'm set.

I need you on my side for this, Stace.

I'm always on your side.

Then great, come to Eric's party tomorrow night, tell him how amazing you think I am, and if he hears it enough times, maybe he'll believe it and he'll give me the gig.

I will be there, but I am not staying late.


Hey, I need to borrow your black blazer again.

You never gave it back.


I wonder where it is then.

I spoke with the victim's sister, Danielle.

She's flying in tomorrow.

How are you making out with the party guests?

Interviews haven't turned up anything yet.


[Phone rings]

Detective Flynn.

Okay, send her up.

One of Eric's models, Tyler, she's on her way up.

I'm going to interview her.

Vega, can you help Lucas follow up with the guests from the party?

Yeah, sure.

So, what did he say?

I think Saunders is just sniffing around.

About Montgomery?

He didn't say a name.

What if this isn't about Montgomery?

Come on, why else would they be investigating?

Well, that's the problem, I don't know.

Brian, I, uh... I can't tell you what to say.

So, tell me how you met Eric.

He did my first sh**t.

Hmm. Did it go well?

Did you like him?

[Hesitantly] Yeah.

He asked me to stay for a drink after.

Eric is influential.

Well, he's also the prime suspect in a m*rder investigation.

So, if you have something you want to share with me, just tell the truth.

My booker said it was important to impress him, so when he gave me Tequila, I drank it.

Then he gave me a pill to relax.

Did he tell you what it was?


I wanted him to like me, so I pretended to take it.


We drank some more, and then he started kissing me.

And then he got... really aggressive.

It was like someone flipped a switch.

I wanted to get out of there.

I thought he was going to k*ll me.

Did he hurt you?

Honey, I'm sorry.

Why would Eric Sharpe use Tyler Carver as a character witness?

He assaulted her.

Maybe he doesn't see it as as*ault.

Well then, he's insane, because you should see her bruises.

No, look, I don't like it either, but that's just how some of these guys think.

Can I get you to talk to him?

You know, in a sympathetic way.

Try to get him to confess.


It's not my favorite part of the job.

No, but you're so good at it.

You know that's not a compliment, right?

It's supposed to be.

Eric Sharpe?

Hey, I'm Sergeant Mark Cross.

I'm not supposed to speak without my lawyer present.

Yeah, no, no problem.

Look, I, uh...

I just wanted to give you and your attorney the head's up that Tyler Carver is thinking about filing as*ault charges.

What? What is she saying?

Look, man, it's just the usual sexual harassment stuff.

You know, you forced her. She didn't want to...

I don't need to force a woman to do anything.

No, I'm guessing that false accusations are a hazard of your job.

If Tyler's got a problem with me, ask her what she was doing at my party last night.

I gotta tell you, though, she said, uh,

"I was afraid, I thought he was going to k*ll me."

Look, right there.

No, that... that's crazy.

Maybe not, considering the last woman who was in your bed ended up dead.

That first piece you did on your friend, that was great.


What are you working on now?

I've been chasing models, stylists, booking agents.

Anyone who dealt with Sharpe.

Any headway?

No one who will speak on the record.

He's got a lot of friends in the industry.

Well, we've got to get someone to speak on the record.

I'm trying my best.

Try better.

Do you know where Ashley went?

Come on, let's get a drink.

Make sure you tell him how much you like my pictures.

You're an amazing photographer.

He knows that already, otherwise he wouldn't have hired you.

I don't think that's why I got the job.


We haven't met yet.

My name is Eric Sharpe.

This is my best friend, Stacey Lawford.

Why doesn't your best friend have a drink?


Try the Malbec.

[Chuckles dubiously]

So, are you a model?

She's a blogger.

And Nika's biggest fan.

She's an amazing photographer, don't you think?

Well, clearly, you haven't seen my work.

What the hell was that?

I was talking you up.

It was so obvious that I put you up to it, and now I look like an idiot.

According to everyone that Vega and Lucas have talked to, Nika would have done anything to impress her boss.

And he milked it.

Yeah, Tyler says that he likes to get the girls high before he gets rough.

So, maybe he took it one step too far this time.

All right, so he's living out a fantasy, and he gets carried away.

Well, anything else we can dig into that might sew this up?

Lucas is waiting on digital forensics to get Nika's emails.

I notice you've been investigating this case solo.

I'm just respecting everybody's space.


I am so glad you called.

I can't believe my sister's dead.

I'm so sorry.

None of this feels real.

I got on a plane as soon as I could.

I hope it's okay I came here.

Of course it is.

This must be so hard for you.

You two were so close.

You should stay with me.

Let me just go grab my bag, and I'll take you home.

I have to go to the police station.

Will you come with me?

Of course.

You know this is gonna happen tonight.

Not if I play hard to get.

Even better.

Hey, I got another call about that gig at the Roxy.

I don't know what to tell them. You sure you want to do it?

I can't find my purse.

Oh, my goodness, someone's hammered.

Okay, I should take her home.


Come on, this could be fun.

Hi. I'm Detective Angie Flynn.

Hi. I'm Danielle Reid, Nika's sister.

This is Stacey Lawford.

She was Nika's best friend.

I'm sorry for your loss.

Thank you.

Do you mind if Stacey sits in with us?

Are you the Stacey from Nika's phone?

I noticed you called yesterday.

I blog for Wicked City, I saw the news about her boss.

I didn't know Nika that was his victim until later.

Would you be willing to sit with a detective also?

Any background information we can get on Nika could be helpful to the investigation.

Anything I can do to help.

I'll be right back.

Brian, do you have a second?

If this is about Internal...

No, I need you to interview Nika's friend while I interview the sister.

Oh, sure.

And you should know that I feel terrible about Internal, okay?

I know you do, but...

I can't lie.

I've worked too hard to make detective.

I want to stay here.

Yup, I understand.

Stacey, this is Detective Brian Lucas.

He'll interview you, and Danielle, I'll take you this way.





Why don't you grab a seat and I'll ask you a few questions here.

Nika was so excited when Eric hired her.

She said working with him would launch her career.

He's super connected.

Yeah, he's a pretty powerful guy.

How did the job go?

Did she like it?

It changed her.

I mean, her whole life became about keeping Eric happy.

And did that extend to a sexual relationship?

If it did, Nika never told me.

Stacey would know.

She was her voice of reason.

Best friends since ninth grade.

Nika didn't have a lot of friends.

She could be self-involved.

So why was Stacey friends with her?

Stacey's an only child.

She likes to feel needed.

Nika was needy.


Uh, thank you.

Thanks for coming down.

This has been really helpful.

What happens now?

We continue investigating.

But you have Eric Sharpe in custody.

We're being as thorough as possible.

My only sister is dead.

The man responsible needs to be punished.

Did you know Eric Sharpe?

I met him the other night at his party.

Did you speak with him?

A bit.

I left early and grabbed a cab home.

What did you two talk about?

Mostly about him.

His work.

How he liked a nice Malbec.

And how was Nika before you left?

This is all my fault.

Why would you say that?

Because Eric was pressuring her for sex.

I never should have left her there.

You disliked him even before all of this.

I'd heard the rumors about him.

The guy's disgusting.

Did Nika... want to stay?

Or did she feel like she had to stay?

He groomed her for a long time until he finally wore her down.

The old Nika never would've thought about sleeping with that guy.
Time of death is between 4:00 and 6:00 A.M., and DNA confirms...

[Card lock beeps]

That Nika had intercourse with Eric Sharpe before she died.

Consensual, we think?

Well, there's no evidence of any tearing or abrasions, but there's only two people who knows if there was consent, and one of them is dead.

Well, the other one is lying.

What about her tox screen?

Yup, evidence of alcohol and Zolpidem.

About half of Eric Sharpe's dosage.

Forensics pulled a set of prints from the knife.

Eric Sharpe.


The position of the prints suggests that the knife was held with the blade on the thumb side of the hand.


Well, the wound I examined...

Downward stabbing would be impossible.

So, someone wiped this off and put it in his hand.

It would appear so.

So, he didn't k*ll her?

Well, the evidence doesn't support that theory.

We've been looking at Eric Sharpe and who he hurt.

But maybe this isn't just about him, maybe this is about who Nika hurt, too.

Well, whoever the k*ller was, he used Eric's reputation against him.

He's the perfect patsy.

This is the guy who thought a solid character witness was a woman he assaulted.

Tyler was at the scene of the crime.

Nika had left her alone with him...

I'm not feeling her for this.

I'll re-interview her, but I'm not feeling her for this.

Lucas had digital forensics comb Nika's laptop.

There's a threatening email there to Nika from a Kelli... What is it, Bradshaw?

"Payback's a bitch."

Yeah, you want me to talk to Kelli?

Do you mind?

No, you're primary, you tell me what you want me to do.

Yes, bring her in.


If you change your mind about speaking on the record, please call me back.

I'll support you in any way that I can.

Thank you.

The morning after the night before.


I miss my 20s.

Mine aren't all they're cracked up to be.

The, uh, police cut Eric Sharpe loose.

That's news I should have heard from you.

They let him go? That's impossible.

I know, so that means your story is dead.

But he did it.

Yeah, good luck trying to find the evidence when the cops can't.

I thought I was clear, I don't want to press charges.

No, I understand.

I just, um... Go ahead, sit down.

I have some questions about the night of the party that I have to ask.

Uh... okay.

You were at the party the night Nika died.

Why did you go?

I wanted to stay on Eric's good side.

How well did you know Nika?

Well enough that I told her what he did to me.

You told her at the party?

No, the day before.

And how did she react?

She warned me that if I told anyone else about Eric, then he would find out, and he would destroy me.

You told me before that Nika left you alone with Eric when he assaulted you.

Were you angry at her?

Did you blame her?

Am I a suspect?

I just need, um...

I need an alibi so I can clear you.

What time did you leave the party?

Around 11:00.

My roommate was up when I got home.


Detective Flynn?

Why did you release Eric Sharpe?

Depends on who's asking, a concerned friend or a blogger?


Well, to the blogger, I'd say no comment.

And to the concerned friend?

I would tell you, I understand how you feel, and I would encourage you to get in touch with victim services, who can help you.

You're making a big mistake letting him go.

I'm sorry you feel that way.

So, how did you know Nika Reid?

We both worked for Eric Sharpe, until he fired me.

All right, well, we have a threatening email from you to Nika.

"Payback's a bitch.

"Good luck with the climb to the top.

It's never going to happen for you."

Does that sound familiar?

Yeah, I wrote it, if that's what you're asking.

Well, what did Nika do to deserve such an email?

She would do anything to hold onto the job, the stuff I wouldn't do.

She's the reason I was fired.

You promised her payback even though it was Eric who fired you.

I was mad when I sent the email.

But if you're asking me if I k*lled her, no, of course not.

And were you sexually involved with Eric?

No, I have a girlfriend.

That didn't matter to Eric.

He kept threatening to convert me.

There's no way he's waking up any time soon.

Coming here last night was the biggest mistake of my life.

What are you so freaked out about?

You're still high.

I told you not to take one of his pills.

Don't judge me, okay?

You were pretty wasted, too.

Get dressed, we need to go now.

You are making a big deal out of nothing.

What happened wasn't nothing.

We need to talk.

I always loved that photo of you two.

Where did you get it?

I was flipping through your yearbook, and it fell out.

I hope it's okay I put it up.

You still want to do this?


I'll say whatever I have to to convict Eric Sharpe.

A public statement will mean a lot from you.

It'll convince victims to come forward.

I just need one girl on the record, and then I will bury Eric.

Okay, whenever you're ready.

Just speak from the heart.

My name is Danielle Reid.

My sister, Nika, worked for Eric Sharpe, and now she's dead.

I have lost the person that I care about most in this world, while a sexual predator goes free.

Eric Sharpe has a history of v*olence against women.

Please, if you or anyone you know has ever been a victim of Eric Sharpe's, come forward.

Please do not let him get away with m*rder.

That's good.

Detective Flynn came to me with her theory about Janet Wong's involvement in the Derek Caster m*rder.

I felt like the theory had merit, so I greenlit the investigation.

You've known Detective Flynn a long time.

We were partners back in the day.

You're loyal to her and she's loyal to you.

I believe I have the support of my whole team.

But you had a personal relationship with Detective Flynn, correct?

That was a long time ago.

So, you wouldn't say she enjoys special consideration, even, uh, unintentionally?

No, I wouldn't.

Are you happy in homicide, Sergeant Cross?

That wasn't meant as a threat.

No, I didn't take it as one.

Very happy, yes, thank you.

I only ask because I noticed you've been working in the field more lately.

A lot more.

You know, it's funny.

When you first took over the section, everyone thought you were angling for a top spot.

Priorities change.

Do they?

That was rhetorical.

You, uh, you don't have to answer that.

Hey, so I talked to Kate in sex crimes.

She's been hearing from other women about our Mr. Eric Sharpe.

But not one single complaint until now.

Danielle Reid's appeal is really hitting home.

She also says they've all been talking to Stacey Lawford.

Off the record, of course.

Can you follow up on their alibis?

Will do.

So, you checked out wicked city in the last hour?


Stacey Lawford just tweeted a link to a story about a girl going by the name "Marci"...

Says Eric Sharpe tried to k*ll her.


"I was drunk, I tried to get away, "he threatened to k*ll me,

"forced me to have sex.

It was the most terrifying experience of my life."

That's our first statement with an explicit death threat.

Yeah. I'll contact wicked city, see if they'll give me Marci's information.

That victim quoted in Stacey Lawford's story?


She said Eric Sharpe tried to k*ll her, I need to talk to her.

We promised anonymity.

If we sell out our sources to the cops, we'll never hear from anyone again.

Well, I understand, but there must be some kind of compromise that you can live with.

What do you have in mind?

What if I give you a half-hour jump on your competition when I make the arrest?

For that, I could give you the raw audio of Marci's interview.

Well, that works for me.

I'll have Stacey make a copy when she comes in.

Great, she can email me.

I can't believe you agreed to that.

That's a compromise I can live with.

Well, I'm not giving up my source, and I won't give up my files.

They're not your files.

They belong to the company.

What about journalistic principles?

Consider the greater good, Stacey.

Detective Brian Lucas, hello.

I've heard great things about you from my friends in financial crime.


You too, sergeant.

You're a legend.

So, you, uh, you like homicide?

I do, very much.


How did Detective Flynn react when you stepped up to primary?

There was no issue.

So, she followed your lead?

Took all your instructions?

Look, no offense, sergeant, but is there a point to all of these questions?

Sounds like you have a theory.

Well, someone high up might have an axe to grind on behalf of Neville Montgomery.

And why would that be?


You'd have to ask them.

All I can see is Internal Investigations opens a file on Detective Flynn after she insulted Neville Montgomery's lawyer.

So, you think internal does Neville Montgomery's dirty work?

I know that Neville Montgomery and Deputy Chief Halford are friends.

[Sighs heavily]

My boss made a deal with the cops.

He wants me to give up Marci, but I won't do it.

She shouldn't have to talk if she doesn't want to.

She deserves her privacy.

What about Eric Sharpe going free with all of these women coming forward?

That's insane.

He drugged your sister, and then he k*lled her.

She was in his bed, for God's sake.

There's got to be something we can do.

I won't let him get away with k*lling my sister.

Eric Sharpe?

Do I know you?

No, but I know you.

You k*lled my sister.

[Shot cracks, Eric screams]

Oh, God!

Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God!

Oh, God!

So, Eric is in stable condition.

Another inch, you would have hit an artery.

I wasn't aiming for an artery.

You realize that's a confession.

I know.

You're looking at an attempted m*rder charge.

If I had wanted him dead, I would have aimed higher.

Was it worth it?

Excuse me?

I'm just curious, I'm asking. I mean, conservatively, you're looking at giving up 10 years of your life.

Was it worth it?

[Scoffs] That's justice.

Eric murders my sister, assaults all those women, and I go to jail.

You know, now that the witnesses have come forward, Eric is looking at multiple charges of sexual as*ault.

But nothing for k*lling Nika.

Forensic evidence proves that Eric did not k*ll Nika.

Who else could've done it?

He drugged my sister.

She was found in his bed.

And where did you get that information?

Stacey told me.



You asked me if it was worth it?

It was.

Danielle shot Eric because of what you said to her.

I never told her to sh**t Eric.

Not in so many words.

Not in any words.

You told her that he drugged Nika and k*lled her.

That incited her to k*ll him.

I fail to see how that implicates me in the sh**ting.

How did you know about the dr*gs?

I just assumed it from all that I've heard about Eric.

It's his M.O.

How did you know she was found in his bed?

Where else would she be?

She told me she was going to sleep with him.

I'm still waiting on those audio recordings of your interview with Marci.

Where are they?

I won't give up my source.

You can throw me in jail, but I won't give her up.

Well, it's good to know that jail's an option for you.

One last thing, when's the last time you saw Nika?

I had a few drinks at Eric's party and I grabbed a cab.

Okay, thanks.

So the best friend graduates to prime suspect?

Yup, she had information only we and the k*ller knew.

Stacey kills Nika, capitalizes on Eric's bad reputation, then hides out in plain sight.


No motive.

Well, she said she was drinking that night.

Nika's tox screen definitely came back with dr*gs and alcohol.

We could re-interview Eric's party guests, right?

Maybe someone could shed some light on Stacey's state of mind.

She said she took a cab home from Eric's party, so I'll track the cabs from his place that night.


So, how did it go with Saunders?

Nothing happened.

Lobbed a few softballs.

It's all good.

There you go.


[Gavin]: Talk to you later.

Detective Flynn.

Oh, hello, Gavin.

I assume you heard the news.

I did.

Should I be pleased?

Your team is tight, I'll give you that.


They're some of the good ones.

You sure that's the girl from your cab?

You picked her up at that address, you drove her home.

Her boyfriend, too.

Hmm, boyfriend?

Couldn't keep his hands off her.

You see it all in this job.

Can you describe him?

Uh, white guy. 20s.

Dark hair?

Height? Build?

It's hard to tell when he's sitting.

Your cab's got a security cam.

Yeah. It's crap.

Okay, I'm going to need you to come down to the station and work with a sketch artist, okay?

I got a call from Detective Flynn.

How come you didn't send the interview with Marci?

Because I promised I'd protect her.

Play it for me.

No, I'm not giving her up.

You fabricated her, didn't you?

That's why you won't produce the audio.

I'm not interrupting, am I?

Looks like I am.

What can we do for you, detective?

I'm here to take Stacey down to the station for some questioning.

I don't have to go. I know my rights.

Are you refusing to come with me?

Then I have no choice but to arrest you.

On what charge?

For the m*rder of Nika Reid. Stand up, please.

[Confused murmurs growing]

Danielle said that Nika changed once she started working for Eric.

She wanted to be a part of that world so much.

But you really stuck by her, even when she changed.

That's what friends do.

You show up for each other, no matter what.

That's if you're a good friend.

But maybe Nika wasn't.

Where is the taxi?

It's taking forever. It's freezing.

I can't believe you got this drunk.

Hey, don't be mad.

Let's go for nachos!

No, I can't.

[Whining in disappointment]

Eric is already mad that I'm out here with you.

You can do better than that creep.

I think you should quit that job and take your own pictures.

And do what for money?

Stacey, you don't get it.

I have to do what he wants.

You are so talented.

You can get another job.

Eric is my one shot.

[Horn honks]

Oh, finally.

Oh, here!

Be careful.

[Yelps and giggles]

Hey, that's my taxi.

He's hot.

You have great hair.

Look, my friend is super drunk. Just let her take the cab.

Where's she going?

Uh, the West Side.

Me too. Do you mind if we split it?

I'll drop her off first.

Uh... okay.

Yeah? Thank you.

The cab driver says that your boyfriend helped you into your building.

I don't have a boyfriend.


So, who was the man in the cab with you?

I don't know.

I shouldn't have had so much to drink.

I just lost track of how much I'd had.

Stacey, there's nothing wrong with having a good time.

No, I shouldn't have had so much to drink.

The one time that I needed her...

You want to tell me your story?

I'll listen.

Who was the guy you put me in the taxi with?

Mm, I don't know.

I didn't get his name.

You didn't know him?


You stole his cab.

I was drunk, and you put me in a cab with a total stranger.

You thought he was cute.

What are you so mad about? Did he stick you with his fare?

He r*ped me, Nika.

I-I can't do this right now.

What has happened to you?

I have always been there for you, and you served me up to a r*pist because you couldn't wait to jump into bed with Eric!

Oh, so I'm a slut now?

This isn't about you, Nika!

Let yourself out.

You stupid, selfish bitch!

[Nika screams]

[Choking gasps]

[Stacey panting in horror]

I just snapped.

I didn't mean to k*ll Nika.

I loved her, and...

Once I realized what I'd done, I...

You decided to frame Eric.

He's hurt a lot of women.

Including Nika.

I know.

But you deserve justice, too, Stacey.

Who is that?

It's the man that was in the taxi with you.

The cabbie gave a description.

I don't recognize him.

You can still file a report with the sexual as*ault unit.

They'll investigate it.

And what chance do I have with a jury?

I was drunk, and I got in a cab with him.

It's his word against mine.

And my best friend didn't even believe me.

Can I help you?

Nice car, isn't it?

Do you need something?