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01x03 - Path to Paradise

Posted: 05/02/15 05:57
by bunniefuu
Joshua: In the beginning, a star fell from heaven and changed us. Made us angels and gave us a new destiny: to stop the Apocalypse and the Devil himself. We must pass God's test and prove humanity is still worth saving. For we are the Messengers.

Previously on
The Messengers...

I can tell you where to find your son.

You just need to finish a job for me first.

I can't k*ll this woman.

But you must.


You're the woman from my vision.

You thought it was a meteor, but that was Satan being cast down from heaven.

But how are we supposed to stop someone like that?

By using the special gifts he has given all of us.

What did you see?

Blood. Fire.

Sounds like the Horseman of w*r.

Vera: Look, I hear what you're saying, Joshua, but how do we know you saw the Horseman of w*r?

All I know is what I saw.

A soldier's dog tags, a Middle Eastern guy on fire and a statue with a star and a sword.

These visions are messages leading us towards the First Horseman.

I'm all for saving mankind, but there's something I got to do.


Family comes first.

(rap music playing)

(customers whistle, whoop)

When are you gonna settle down with one of these nice girls, eh, mano?

We all can't be as lucky as you, Cesar.

Gabriela: Oh, no, you don't.

You can't be here.

Mario doesn't like husbands around.

Who do you think we came to see?

And where is Nadia?

She's with Abuela.


Well, Mario's upstairs.

Wait here.

♪ ♪

You can't just stop returning my calls.

Did what we had mean nothing to you?

It's over, Raul.

It's over.

I got to think about Nadia now.

She's my niece.

I want what's best for her, too.

But I love you, Gabby.

And you love your brother.

You can't have us both.

Raul! Let's go.

This stuff good?

Trust me.

You'll make a fortune on the street.

It's all there, man.

What's up? Where's the blow?

Mario: Yeah.

About that...

Houston Police! Hands in the air!

What... ? Let me see your hands!

Turn around! You... what's up, man?

You kidding me? You sold us out?

Get off me! Are you kidding me?

Get down!

You got the wrong guys!

Go! Move it!

Move it, move it!

Wait! Where are you taking them?


What the hell took you so long?

My dad could be out there dying right now.

That's not gonna happen, Nadia.

I'm gonna go find him.

Raul: Hey, Erin.

Could you do me a favor?

Does it involve carrying a w*apon or interstate kidnapping?

Can you watch my niece?

Just for a few hours?

I'm going with you.

The drug lord who took your dad is out there looking for me.

I'm not gonna put a target on your head, too.

Look, I want to help, but Amy needs to get to bed and we don't even have a place to stay.

Wouldn't ask if it wasn't important.

I don't need a babysitter; I can take care of myself.

It's not safe out there.

Please, just go with Erin. I trust her.

You promise you'll get my dad?

I promise.


Let's go.


I know a place no one will find us.

Joshua, it's been a pleasure.


Why'd you bother coming if you were just gonna leave?

Well, let me break it down for you.

A few days ago, a meteor hit the Earth.

Then, on that same day, a strange man showed me a video of my kidnapped son Michael.

He told me that if I came and k*lled Rose, I could get him back, only now he's gone.

My son is... is still missing and apparently I'm trapped in an episode of Touched by an Angel.

How old was your son when he was taken?

Ten months.

The boy in the video was... around eight years old, which would be the exact age of Michael today.

A lot of time has passed.

How could you be sure that the boy in the video is actually your son?

Because I'm his mother, that's how.

You're right.

Hey, you're right. I'm sorry.

It's just that Rose said not to stray from the path.

Vera... we need you.

She's on the move.

Should I follow her?

(truck engine starts)

Copy that.

(dog barks in distance)

(Erin sighs)

There's an eviction notice on the door.

Are you sure this place is safe?

Nadia: Trust me.

My dad flips foreclosed houses.

This one's been abandoned for months.

Okay, come on.

Here we go.

There we go.

It's actually pretty cozy in here.

So you party with your friends here a lot?


There's no electricity, but plenty of candles.

Bathroom's down the hall.

So... what are you, Raul's girlfriend?

Me? No.


Then what are you doing here?

It's complicated.

♪ ♪


(knocking at door)

Should I come back with champagne and strawberries?

Alan, what are you doing here?

I triangulated the GPS on your phone.


No, I just always wanted to say that.

You used the company card.

Mind if I come in?

Uh... sure.

And also, do you mind telling me what the hell you're doing in Houston?

It doesn't matter now.

No, I think it does matter.

I just drove 14 hours to get here.

No, it doesn't, okay?

It's been a really long day, and I'm tired and we have a long drive back tomorrow.

We're not leaving yet. We have an appointment tomorrow.

For what?

For this.

Look, the military covered up a giant hole in the Earth, made it disappear.

And I think this piece of meteorite has something to do with it.

So, I called the world's foremost expert in planetary geology, who happens to have a state-of-the-art lab right here in Houston.

You called Leo Travers, didn't you?

Yeah. You know him?

I'm familiar with his work.

What time is the appointment?



I'll see you then.

♪ ♪

You've got some cojones, asking me to come all the way out here.

I'm getting tired of you DEA sons of b*tches.

Oh, I'm sorry you feel that way, El Jefe.

I sent two men to k*ll Raul.

Now those men are dead... and guess who's still alive?

I can fix that.

You have Cesar?


Bring him here tonight.

Why would I do that?

'Cause I'll make sure Raul comes to find him.

Then you can enjoy watching them both die.

Joshua: What about Sanskrit?

Rose: Mm-hmm.

How about hieroglyphics?


Computer code?

I haven't tried that one yet, but probably.

So, you understand every language in the world?

I understand what God tells me.

How come you get the cool gift and I'm stuck making sense of these whacked-out visions?

Treystio Guoi.

Care to translate?


It means "trust in God."

Is this the statue you saw in your vision?

Yeah, that's it.

How did you find that?

Doesn't take a detective.

I just Googled "statue woman,

"sword and a star".

That's the Goddess of Liberty statue in the Texas State Capitol.

Think that means the Horseman's in Austin?


But we still need to find out who it is.

And whatever terrible thing they're about to do to break their seal.

You want me tooogle "Middle Eastern man on fire"?

Your yard looks good, Clarke.


We've been watching you for a while, Raul.

That's your boss, El Jefe. You work for his cartel.

No way, man. I'm not messed up in anything like that.

You are! You're just too far down the food chain to know it.

But what if I told you we were gonna let you walk out of here?

No charges, no jail.

What's the catch?

We're gonna turn you into a Federal agent.


No way, man.

I'm no rat.

Maybe not.

But you got potential.

I mean, for one thing, you're a hell of a lot smarter than your brother.

That little back-room buy at the strip club?

He's gonna spend the rest of his life in prison.

Work with us, we'll wipe both your records clean.

Everybody wins.

I should've known it was you that sold me out.

Now tell me where my brother is, and maybe I don't k*ll you.

I swear I don't know anything.

You went to El Jefe.

You told him I was DEA.

And then you sent two agents to ice me.

No, I didn't.

Clarke: Until El Jefe paid me 300 grand.

300 G's?

Come on.

I'm worth at least half a mil.

Yeah, I just read your mind.

(clock chiming)

I really enjoyed our little chat.

But now it's time for you to go.

Do you guys smell smoke?

We're making s'mores.

For lunch?

She's the best babysitter ever!

I hope that's okay.

Well, it's not ideal, but then again, neither is living in a foreclosed house.

Did you find the man on fire yet, Mom?

No, not yet, sweetie.

Nadia, would you mind watching her for a few more hours?

Got to go check out some more books from the library.


Gives us time to get ice cream sundaes. Yeah!

Oh, my God!

Mom! What are you doing?

It's him.

Hey! Hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Slow down.

What are you telling me?

The man from your vision? The one in flames?

I think I may know who he is.

So, you say you know this guy?

Yeah, we went to grad school together.

Oh, you didn't mention that before.

I didn't? No.


I mean, he's a planetary geologist, I'm a radio astronomer.

You know, it's a small universe. Our paths crossed.

Oh, my God! What?

You dated him. What are you talking about?

What am I talking about?

Oh, V, you're holding out on me.

Why you holding out on me? Listen.

It's ancient history, all right?

And the guy was a jerk.

I don't want to be here longer than we have to.

So, drop it.


"Planetary geologist".

Did he rock your world?

Oh, you have no idea.

Uh, you haven't touched your wine.

Are you, uh, feeling okay?


Yeah, uh, I feel... great actually.

Vera, I... Leo...

You first.

These last six months?

They've been truly amazing.

You're one of the most beautiful women I've ever met.


Not to mention the smartest.

You're really special.

And that's why I feel like...

I can't do this to you anymore.

I've met someone else.

It's not fair to lead you on.

I didn't know how to tell you.

I am so sorry.


You're sorry?

(whispers): You're sorry.

You should go.


Uh, Dr. Harris here told me he was bringing a colleague.

But I... didn't expect it to be you.


Alan: Professor Travers, we really appreciate you meeting with us.

Uh, call me Leo, please.

And I'm always happy to help an old friend.

Well... let's take a look at this rock of yours, shall we?

How long you been working for El Jefe?

I'm asking the questions here.

Clarke: Selling you out is my ticket in.


Yeah, yeah.

I knew you sold me out.

How the hell is he reading my... ?

Where's my brother?

I don't know!

Don't lie to me!

Oh, God! He's gonna k*ll me over something I don't even know.


You know I'm not gonna k*ll you.

But you listen carefully, you crooked son of a bitch.

I'm sure the DEA would love to know you're on the take.

So you're gonna help me get my name cleared.

And if you so much as even think about crossing me again with El Jefe...

I'll know.

(cell phone ringing)

Erin: Hey, Raul.

I can't believe I'm about to say this, but... we may have just found the First Horseman.

He's visiting a mosque here in Houston.

So, I don't know, maybe you could come and... read his thoughts or something?

I'm kind of in the middle of something right now.

He's not coming.

So, what do we do now?

We say our prayers.

Come on.

Easy, Raul.

You sure you want to k*ll another Federal agent?


I know where El Jefe has your brother.

It's not what you think.

Of course it isn't.

We know all about Clarke and how he set you up.

El Jefe got some of our agents in his pocket.

We're going after him.

Tell me where my brother is.

Come on, Agent Garcia.

You know how this works.

I need something, and you need something.

Tell me everything about this new group you're working with.

What new group?

You know.

Your drinking buddies from the bar.

I want to know their names, how you met, your mission.

Their mission?

No, they got nothing to do with El Jefe.

Oh, so you don't want to see your brother again.

No, no, I...

I do.

So tell me what I want to know.

I want to know every damn thing they're doing.

But they really can't help you.


I'll be the judge of that.

(man chanting)

(speaks Arabic)

Look, it's the prime minister from Joshua's vision.

How do we figure out if he's the First Horseman?

Just follow my lead.

(speaking Arabic)

What's going on?

Sounds like he said many will curse the prime minister's actions.

And that God is on his side.

Do you think he's the Horseman?

(crowd clamoring, siren wails)

This is why we need Raul.

We may need more than that.

This doesn't make any sense.

Why would the government cover up a meteor site?

Look, I know this is hard to believe, but I'm telling you... We were there.

This rock, it's special.

Must be.

Got you to come to me after all these years.

I wish I had a choice.

So can you help us?

You'll have to calibrate the mass spectrometer if you want to run this sample.

I trust you know your way around a processing lab.

Alan: Sure do.

I'll leave you two to get reacquainted.

It's really good to see you.

What happened to you?

Huntington's disease.

I was never much of a dancer.

Leo, I'm so sorry.

When did you find out?

(sighs) I was diagnosed nine years ago.


That's why you left me?

My grandfather had it.

But no one suffered more than my grandmother.

For over 20 years, she was his caretaker.

And it wasn't fair to her.

And it wouldn't have been fair to you.

And worse, it's... it's hereditary.

And I know how badly you wanted to have children.

I couldn't risk passing it on to them.

So there was never anyone else.

Tell me I did the right thing.

You're... you're happy, right?

You have a family of your own?

Everything's been great.


Now, you go over here.

And let's see what you're made of.

There's still two other visions...

Some soldier's dog tags and a bloody goblet.

Well, the dog tags could belong to the one-armed vet, Ben Fulsom.

We know he's linked to the senator.

Could he be connected to the prime minister, too?

The only way we could've known that was if he'd lived long enough for us to talk to him. Well, I can tell you this.

Ben Fulsom's funeral is later today.

You're not gonna believe this.

Here, take a look.

N... no, there must be some mistake.

You're gonna run it again.

I did.

Three times.

These results are accurate.

You mean to tell me that this rock has traces of every element known to man in it?

Yep, plus one more.

Vera: Element of unknown origin?

What? I told you this rock was special.

Show it to me again.


How... ?

Where's the rock?

I left it right here.

Okay, well, who else was in here?

I don't know who else was in here.

Seriously, Alan?

Excuse me.

Hey! Hey!



Hey! Stop!

Wait, no!

What the hell?

(door closes)

(van door closes, engine starts, tires screech)

Hey! Hey!

Hey, stop!

Stay with me.

You can't die, Vera.

She's not breathing.

Come on, Vera.


Alan, I'm right here.



Thank God.

What the hell is happening to you, Vera?

Thank God.

I must have just gotten knocked out.

Alan: No.

No, you stopped breathing.

That's the second time this week.

Second time?

Vera, you need to see a doctor.

Thank you both for your concern, but I'm fine, okay?

I got to go.

Where are you going?

Has she always been like this?

I think she's gotten worse.

Man: "And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Amen."

All: Amen. Yeah, that's the guy I saw in the senator's campaign ad.

Joshua: Everyone in this state loves Cindy Richards.

Especially veterans.

Good afternoon.

My name is Senator Cindy Richards.

Major Benjamin Fulsom was a patriot who served alongside my own son in Afghanistan.

Their unit worked hard to rebuild Afghanistan's infrastructure.

And in their memory, I'll continue that work with the help of the Afghan prime minister at tomorrow's energy summit in Austin.

These belonged to my own son.

And I promise to make sure that these brave soldiers' sacrifice will not be in vain.

Joshua: The dog tags.

You don't think she could be the First Horseman?

It's possible.

But it could also be Prime Minister Nazari.

We need to be sure.

I'm gonna go talk to her. Wait.

Even if you could get through her security, what would you say?

That you're an Angel of the Apocalypse, and you think she's the Horseman of w*r?

We'll find another way.

(man speaks Spanish)


(steady beeping)



Raul, you can't be here.

You got to go. Oh, God.

There's a remote detonator.

Where's Nadia?

She's safe.


I'm not gonna let you die.

Is he there?

I need you to look after Nadia for me.

Tell her that I love her.

You can tell her yourself.

Raul, look at me.

We've got a lot of water under the bridge between us.

I know you took the fall for me, and I forgive you for Gabriela.

But you got to get out of here.

You got to take care of my little girl.


Teach Nadia to be better than us.

I'm not gonna leave you!

Raul, if we both die, she'll have no one.




Sangre por sangre.


(footsteps running)

♪ ♪
♪ ♪

(heavy metal song playing)

What the...

Nice work.

Thank you, sir.

File this with the others.

If you ask me, we're about to kick a hornet's nest.

He's right.

We can't screw this up.

There's too much at stake for all of us.

I think the prime minister is about to commit a sin.

The imam said even his own people would curse him.

The visions clearly point to Senator Richards.

I think it's her.

What if it's neither?

I saw the Devil with the both of them.

Why didn't you tell us?

I didn't want to believe it, but I saw him shaking hands with both Senator Richards and Prime Minister Nazari.

How can it be both of them?

It can't.

The Devil must be trying to figure it out, just like we are.

Wouldn't he know who the Horsemen are?

Maybe not.

So you're saying we're in some kind of race with the Devil?

The energy summit's tomorrow night.

The prime minister and the senator will both be there.

Then so will we.

Alan: All right, we're here.

Now, who are we meeting again?

Not, uh, we, Alan.

Just me.

Are you serious right now?

You can't keep shutting me out, Vera.

I came to help.

And you are helping, okay?

We still need to figure out who stole that rock.

I just need you to trust me right now, please?

I'll call you later.

I promise.

Why do I always go for the crazy ones?

Rose: Wow, from the look on your face, I'm guessing you finally found your gift.

You couldn't have just told me what it was earlier?


You needed to discover how to spirit walk on your own.

It's not the only thing I discovered.

I know you think it's the Devil.

I don't really know what it is, but somehow that meteorite is connected to all of this.

And I'm gonna find out how.


What happened?

It... it's my fault that my brother's dead.

Raul, I'm so sorry.

El Jefe took Cesar, and the Devil made sure I showed up.

The Devil, he came to you?

I betrayed you, Rose.

I betrayed everyone.

I told him a... about us.

I told him about Joshua's visions.

I told him everything he wanted to know about our mission to stop the Apocalypse.

I failed us all.

No, it's all right.

He gave you no choice.

What matters is that we're together now.

(door opens)

Get away!






Woman: ♪ Amazing grace ♪
♪ How sweet the sound ♪
♪ That saved ♪
♪ A wretch ♪
♪ Like me ♪
♪ I once ♪
♪ Was lost ♪
♪ But now ♪
♪ I'm found ♪
♪ Was blind ♪
♪ But now ♪
♪ I see. ♪

(sirens wailing)

Peter Moore, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Sam Murphy.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

(indistinct radio transmissions)

(siren chirping)

Officer: Watch your head.