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01x09 - Jehoshaphat

Posted: 05/01/15 03:22
by bunniefuu
Peter: Previously on Dig...

The temple treasures, the greatest discovery in archaeological history.

Get in!

Who the hell are you?

Peter, I followed them to Qumran.


man: The camera logs from the company back home...

Shows exactly what camera was down and for how long.

Lynn: So, if I follow the cameras...

man: You'll find where Yussef Khalid went that night.

Ridell: The legal attache is asking too many questions.

She needs to be taken off the field.

Do it quietly.

[animal bellows, g*nshots]


[eerie atmospheric music]


The b*llet missed his heart.

Peter, you're going to be okay.



[banging continues]



[breathing heavily]


[exhales deeply]

[shower running]

[beep, line trilling]

woman: Thank you for calling the United States Consulate in Jerusalem.

If you know your party's extension, you may dial it now.

[shower continues running]

[shower stops]

[mysterious music]

[stone scraping]

[door beeps]

[indistinct chatter]

[beep, line trilling]

Come on, Peter, why don't you answer the phone?

Where are you?

Okay, you were right about everything.

Yussef Khalid got into the consulate.

He went to see Ambassador Ridell.

I'm on a burner phone.

Call me as soon as you get this.

[elevator bell dings]




[groans, breathing heavily]

[gate squeaks]

[man intoning indistinctly]

Ah, shit.

[intoning continues]

Are you well enough to be standing?

I'm fine.

Who did this... The Order of Moriah?

Forces of Darkness.

And now they have the abomination.

The what?

The cow.

In the past, they were unable to find an unblemished red heifer, but now...

What changed?


Technology, cloning.

All right, so now they have their... cow.

What happens?

They will slaughter and burn her.

When they mix the ashes with the original ashes, the Torah says they can then rebuild the temple.

And that's why we have to stop them.



You think it's a coincidence that the b*llet struck you directly on that scar?

Everything happens for a reason.

You have a part to play.

And if you fulfill your role, you will bring healing to yourself and to the world.

Do you always talk like a self-help book, or is it especially for me?

Emma: Hey, you're up.

How you feeling?

An inch lower...

You okay?


Thank you for allowing me to be part of the burial.

In school, I studied the Dead Sea Scrolls, but... to see it here, with all these people, it's...

It's an incredible find.

We do not wish to be found.

Is that why you're keeping us here?

You're free to leave, but first, I want to show you something.

[man speaking Hebrew]

all: Amen.

Some of these caves reach all the way to Jerusalem.

They follow the trail of water that flows all the way to the Temple Mount.

Who else knows about this place?

No one as well as we do.

For thousands of years, we have used it as a refuge, a hideout, a means of escape.

So why are you telling us now?

Aren't you afraid I'm gonna give away your little secret?

You're part of this, Peter, and you will need to know these caves as well as we do in order to complete your mission.

My mission?


Why'd you want me to meet you here?

I need you to gather some information for me, and I need you to do it discreetly.


There's a plane arriving today that's a part of the Secretary of State's delegation.

There's a pastor on the plane, and he's carrying some sort of package.

I need to know who he is and what he's bringing in.

I need to know his name.

And all you know is that he is a pastor.

And that he arrives today.


I'll get the travel manifest.

Anybody coming in and out of Ben Gurion has to be listed.

Oh, and another thing...

I need to make sure that the ambassador doesn't know that I'm looking into this.

She needs deniability. It's my job to protect her.

Absolutely. Whatever you need.

[cell phone ringing]

I've been calling you all day. Where have you been?


We went to Qumran. You were MIA. Where the hell are you?

Found the detective in the Donaldson case.


You okay?

All right, listen, I need a doctor.

What? What kind of doctor?

The kind that can pull a b*llet out of my chest without notifying the authorities.

Golan: How far are you from Tel Aviv?

Peter: Maybe an hour.

Okay, go to 20 Dubnov Street, Apartment 1.

Ask for Itay. I'll make sure he knows you're coming.


[eerie music]

Okay, I got it.

One, two...


There we go, okay.


Well, I guess this is what happens when you make him mad, huh?


Golan... He shot you, right?

What? No.

What... Why? Does he sh**t a lot of people?

[laughs] Yeah.


Okay, you're okay.

How do you guys know each other, anyway?

We share parents.


I see it now.

He never mentioned you guys were brothers.

No? I got to go see a guy about a horse.


There was an accident at the equestrian center.

You're a veterinarian?

Golan didn't tell you?

No, must have slipped his mind.


I won't be back till tomorrow.

You are welcome to stay here and rest.


You all right?


It's just, so much has happened since I met you that night.

It's been so crazy.


I got kidnapped.

You got shot.

Yeah, the lengths that some people go to for their beliefs.

It's frightening.

To believe in something so much, you're willing to k*ll for it...

I almost admire that.

What do you believe in that much?

Love... maybe.

Here you go.

Flight manifests.

Air traffic control faxed them over from Ben Gurion.

They include all private and commercial landing in Israel tonight.

I, um, asked if there were any requests made for special arrangements regarding a package.

They said no.

Well, maybe it's underground.

Lynn, do you have a moment?

Of course.

I need you to check on the security of the catering staff for the Secretary of State's reception.

The catering staff.

I'm sure they're being looked after.

Are you sure about that?

Okay, I'll look into it right away.


You never know who you can trust.


This isn't, um... really about protecting the ambassador, is it?

You still in?

Of course.

[horse whinnies]

Corey Weintraub, pastor?


[mutters indistinctly]

Oh, hi, there.

My name is Liat.

I work for the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem.

I'm really sorry to trouble you again, but, you know, I think page three came out a little blurry.

Is there any chance you could resend that to me?

That'd be so super.

And, hey, could you not fax it?

Maybe you could just send it to


Got it. Thanks a lot.


Reverend Ted Billingham.

Hey, did you find anything?

Oh, no.

I have a catering staff to vet.

I'll see you soon.

[elevator bell dings]

Miss me?

Where's Peter?

I told you last time I saw you, I don't know.

He's fine.

Better you don't know.

I need you to give this to him.

It has to do with the case.

We should go to your office.

I'll tell you what I know.


woman on phone: Peter, are you okay?

I'm lost.

I think this time I've thrown away the compass.

You know, when I left the seminary, I never told you how...

I was full of shame and confusion and doubt.

Having a girlfriend in the first place was a pretty good hint you were ambivalent.


But when Vicki was born, and I held that new life in my arms... it all just... melted away.

I knew what God wanted for me.

She came to us for a reason.

She left for none.

I played Bible roulette.

What verse did you get?

"Do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though a strange thing happened to you. Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary, the devil, walks about like a lion, seeking whom to devour."

Wow. Simple stuff.

You might have picked the wrong day to lose that compass.

Guess who wrote it.


Of course he did.

[knock at door]

Hold on. Don't go.

Your girlfriend came to see me.

You still there? Hello?

[dial tone]

Where we going?

I'll tell you on the way. We don't have time.

Wait there.

[whispering] Are you out of your mind?

Keep it to yourself.

Keep it in your pants.

Come on, let's go.

I guess it's too late for that.


[jet whooshing]

Can't you just let it go?

Are you kidding? What were you thinking?

I wasn't thinking, obviously.

[Golan scoffs] Well, at least I don't sleep where I eat.

Well, except for this one suspect a couple years ago, but... it was... innocent.

We're still talking about me?

All right, here we go.

I'm just saying... it's not gonna end well with her.

You'll see.

I can't see who that is in the car.

Holy shit.

This thing is getting weirder by the minute.

Yeah. Let's go back to the car.

What do you mean she kissed his hand?

Oh, yeah, like he was the Pope or something.

Peter: They all got in a car together. We're following them now.

Okay, keep me posted.

And be careful. I got to go.

I screwed up...



I found another page that the airport faxed me.

It was on my desk, which means I didn't give it to you.

And it's a pastor.


According to this, he's already landed, so we missed him.

Well, can't you call Peter?

I mean, if he hurries, he can still tail the pastor and the kid.


Yeah, maybe so.

Peter's not answering my calls, but... maybe I can get in touch with Golan.

Uh, good work.


Peter, Liat is dirty.

I never told her the package was a kid.

[suspenseful music]

[door clicks]

Help me clean up this mess.

[suspenseful music]

Shh, shh.

[cell phone ringing]


[crate opens]

It's undetectable.

I see.

Pastor Billingham.


We have a problem.

What kind of problem?

The FBI knows we're here.

That changes nothing.

Two days from now, the FBI won't exist.

Nothing in this world will exist.

We keep our eyes on the prize.

First, Jehoshaphat... then Armageddon.

Let's go.

We got to stop them.

No, no, wait, wait, wait, wait.

We've got to see what they're planning.

But we got them all in one place.

We don't know who else is involved.

We wait.

No, no, no! They're getting away!

Come on!

We lost them.

Jehoshaphat, Jehoshaphat... I heard that word.

The Donaldson kid... He was obsessing over it.

What are you talking about?

Come on, let's go.

Peter: "I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat, for there I will sit to judge all the nations on every side."

Book of Job, Chapter 3.

We're supposedly one day away from that?

Let's hope the Donaldson kid tells us something more.

Great. The fate of the world comes down to a lunatic.

[cell phone vibrating]


Hey, it's me.

You left without saying anything.

I just didn't want to wake you, that's all.

About earlier, um... do you want to talk about it, maybe, when you get back or...?

I think Donaldson has a lot more to do with this than we thought, so I'm gonna go see his son in the psychiatric hospital, and then I'll be back in a couple hours.

You stay safe.

We'll talk about everything.

I'll see you soon.

Yeah, okay.

[phone beeps]




Hi, I don't know if you remember me.

I remember... Gregory Donaldson.

I need to see him, please.

You can't. It's after visiting hours.

And even during visiting hours, Gregory can only see preapproved visitors.

I can ask the doctor.

Do that, please.

But he's not here tonight.

He'll be in with the morning shift.

Well, can't you make an exception?

[door closes]

[whispering] Come on, old man.

[whispering] Where is he?

Guess we came to the right place.


Gregory, it's Peter Connelly.

Do you remember me?

He's drugged out of his mind.

Hold on.


Peter: Hey, hey, where you going?

[cell phone vibrating]


Agent Connelly.

This is Ian Margrove.

I'm sorry to call so late.

How can I help you?

Can you meet me?

I need to talk to you.

I wasn't forthcoming on previous encounters, but now I fear...

I'm right in the middle of something.

Something terrible is about to happen, something I enabled.

But now I'm having second thoughts.

What? What's about to happen?

Not on the phone.

Got it.

It's gonna have to wait a few minutes.

Margrove: It can't.

Meet me at the dig site right now, at the entrance to tunnel 7.

Who was that?


He says he has something urgent to tell me.

Okay, first things first. Help me with him.

Turn him on his side.

[both grunting]

This is a terrible way to introduce myself.

Here's to preventing Armageddon.

What are you giving him?


It counteracts the effects of antipsychotic dr*gs.

Might help Donaldson back to his senses long enough to say something useful.

How do you know all that?

Don't ask.

It's gonna take about half an hour to take effect.

If you want, you can go.

All right, I'll call you when I talk to Margrove.

You let me know the second he starts talking.


[muffled shouting]

[hammer clangs]


[suspenseful music]

[soft clatter]

Who are you?

[speaking Hebrew]

God damn it, Peter, where are you?

I know everything.

He talked.

I have the answer.

You're not gonna believe this.

Call me back right away.

If what he told me is right, I think you're in great danger.

And you...


[eerie music]


[eerie atmospheric music]