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02x20 - City Beneath The Sea

Posted: 04/28/15 02:29
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Originals"...

We take hope and the pack, and we leave town tonight.

This body is still linked to Davina and those children.

If I leave it and it dies, then Davina and the others die with it.

That child is rightfully mine.

You're not taking her.

Nightfall tomorrow will come all too soon.

In my plan to divide and conquer, you are the perfect kindling.

[Whoosh] Ugh!


Hayley: What happened?

Klaus made Aiden spy on us.

Instead, he told me everything. So you k*lled him.

So what if I did?

Rrgh! Uh!


Dahlia, voice-over: We define ourselves by our family.

For birth, we share their names, entrust them to protect that which we hold most dear.

[Hope coos]

We value them above all others...

And yet inevitably, we are forced apart.

Promises are made then left unkept.

Children in particular turn their backs on those who raised them seeking lives of their own.

The bond of family is not a bond forged by choice.

In fact, some would see family as a terrible burden.

And thus, Niklaus, you find yourself here with me.



What have you done to me?

Where is my daughter?

Get out of my head.

I'm not in your head.

You're in mine, and seeing as you lie daggered by your own beloved brother, you have no choice but to listen.

I have a proposition for you. Come along.

Klaus: Spare me the agonizing boredom and explain what it is you want.


Klaus: I've no use for demented dreamscapes.

Niklaus, listen.

[Men shouting]

[Women whimpering]

[Swords clanging]

[Men shouting]

Oh, no.

The vikings came while you were in the garden.

I'm scared, Dahlia. Don't be.

I'll protect us, Esther, but come what may, we must remain together always and forever.

Promise? Promise.


[Both hum]

No. Don't grab me! Aah aah aah! Aah!

Let her be!

Oh! Uh!

No. No. No! Aah!

No. Stop! Ah! Stop! Let me out!

Esther, no! No! Aah!

Let me go!

Let me guess.

The vikings slaughtered the entire village.

Esther and I were the only ones who survived.

We promised to stay together.

Yes, always and forever, a familiar promise, but then, you knew that.

I suppose you think that makes us kindreds.

Not exactly.

What I mean to show you is that we can be allies.

Freya: Hayley is gone.

You need to get her and the baby back here immediately.

When Dahlia has been defeated.

For now, they are safe.

Nowhere is safe from Dahlia, and we will have no chance of ending her without that baby.

What are you saying?

Dahlia is protected by a powerful magic.

We have collected items that represent her vulnerabilities... Sacred soil, the ash of a fallen viking, the blood of the witch who broke her heart.

Yours. Yes.

Now, I will use these ingredients to create a k*lling ground where Dahlia will be rendered mortal, but we need to lure her there, Elijah.

Are you suggesting that I position my niece as bait?

Oh, how wonderfully convenient to offer this strategy when Niklaus has been removed.

Klaus cannot be reasoned with.

You can't honestly believe that I would allow you to do this.

What I believe is, you will make the right choice for hope.

There is no other way to keep her from the miserable existence I endured, one of sl*very under a tyrant.

Of course, if Dahlia does die, you will also be free of that tyranny...

No more running, no more hiding.

So do not insult my intelligence by painting your actions as selfless.

If you will not bring Hayley back here, I will find hope myself, and, as I said, there is no other way.

Rebekah: I won't stand for this chauvinism.

It used to be called chivalry, and back then, you liked it just fine.

I'm not sitting out the fight in some musty club.

This musty club is the only place in the city where magic can't hurt you, and it has the best bourbon.

Elijah needs me.

Elijah can't worry about keeping you and hope safe.

We discussed it.

You'll have to k*ll me to keep me here.

Hey, look.

Thanks to Eva Sinclair, you are linked to 8 teenage witches, remember?

If you get hurt, so do they, including Davina.

I know you don't want that.


I can't live like a porcelain doll, and I have no clue how to undo the damn spell.

That's why he's here.


Could've just sent me a text.

Well, Marcel's in a very kidnappy mood this morning, but since you're here, unlink me.

I've got a thousand places I'd rather be.

Whoa, this kind of dark magic, mm, it's tricky.

All right. I can reverse-engineer Eva's work, but it's gonna take some time, and you're gonna have to do your own magic.

She's not exactly a pro.

Well, she is exactly in the host body that's at the center of the link.

Besides, I've done my last bit of magic.

Now, I want to help the kids, but after that, I'm done, no more witch business.

Fine. Mm-hmm.

Get it done. I'll touch base later.

And when we're done, we're all done.

I'm not your witch for hire.


I left you a dozen messages.

Family crisis.

Have you spoken to Klaus?

Well, briefly.

Before I put him to sleep with a dagger, words were exchanged.

No. Elijah, Klaus didn't k*ll Aiden.

He just took the blame because of some insane dictator edict about making people fear him.

Nevertheless, had I left Niklaus standing, the very army protecting hope would have revolted.

But you can't just leave him like that while his daughter's in danger.

Please. Your feelings are clouding your judgment.

My feelings?

For my brother. I'm not a fool, Camille.

Although I valued our time together at the safe house, make no mistake.

I was in your head as much as you were in mine.

How long are you gonna leave him like that...

5 years, 10, a lifetime?

Till hope is safe.

Now I need your help.


Hayley: Elijah called.

Freya is doing a locator spell to find us.

We need to leave now.

Wait. You're burying Aiden here.

I can't keep carrying him around forever.

Just give me a minute to get him into the ground, and we'll get out of here.

You said that this is how wolves bury murderers and traitors.

I know that Aiden was answering to Klaus, but he was loyal to the pack in the end.

That's what got him k*lled, Jack.

You don't think I know that?

You think this is how I want to put Aiden to rest?

[Hope fussing]

I don't have a choice, Hayley.

You said it yourself. We got to go.

It's not right.

If we expect the wolves to put their lives on the line for hope, then they deserve to know that those lives matter to us.


[Exhales sharply]

We'll take Aiden down river, give him a true Crescent funeral.

Too much has been taken from our pack.

I won't let them lose this, too.

[Hope fusses]


What good's a jazz club with no bloody jazz?

Do you mind?

I'm trying to reverse a very complicated sacrifice, but then you whining about jazz is not helping me.

Elijah: I'm afraid we have more pressing concerns.

What's all this?

Cami: Dark objects, because, apparently, now I'm a dispensary.

It seems that Niklaus' distrust of Freya was not entirely misplaced.

Our sister wants to use hope to lure Dahlia into a trap.

And I assume you told her she's out of her lunatic mind.

I have another idea.

Hope is something of a beacon for this new terror, and now that she's been cloaked, perhaps we could use something else to ensnare Dahlia.

These enchanted objects should generate enough power to create a decoy of some kind.

Mr. Griffith, where do you think you're going?

I agreed to help Rebekah break her bond with them 8 kids.

When you want to get back to that, um, text me.

Right now, I need the best minds and the most formidable witches in this city.

Mr. Griffith, do you have any idea the danger my niece now faces?

I wish her well... I really do...

But I'm done with magic, and this ain't my fight.


Cami: Elijah, it's not worth it.

I'll call Davina. I'm sure she'd be happy to help.


Dahlia demanded hope by nightfall.

Time is of the essence.

You sure you want to do this?

What else am I gonna do?

I mean, it's not like I can call my family because, um, they suck.

I can't get revenge because Klaus is already in a coffin, and even if he wasn't, that's su1c1de.

So you tell me, Marcel, what else is there?

I have to leave. Oh, wait. Let me guess.

You, uh...

You need me to patrol the city for some witch.

No. No, Josh.

I'm not here to tell you what to do.

I'm just here.

We were gonna leave town.

I spent his last day saying good-bye to everybody but him.

Marcel, I...

I didn't even get to say good-bye.

Klaus: Charming.

This dismal hovel is where I endured the terrors of viking captivity for years.

[Door opens]

Aah! Aah!

Uh! No.



[Door closes]

I performed the dark magic they demanded so that Esther would be free of their violent abuse.

While she was out in the sun gathering herbs, I toiled in the gray of this room, but I never resented her.

We'd made a promise.

Is this your feeble attempt to garner sympathy?

To what end?

No ancient plight will ever justify your intention to enslave my daughter.

Oh, Niklaus, our plights are the same.

You've been with Mikael.

Heh, we were only talking.

No matter.

I have something to show you.

This is potent sage soaked in serpent's blood.

It'll give us strength. We can get out of this place.

Esther, together, we can live forever.

Dahlia, stop.

I no longer wish to practice magic.

Magic has kept us alive.

And Mikael will protect me now, sister.

We plan to marry, have a family.

I am your family.

I'm your sister. We promised each other.

You'll always be my sister, Dahlia, but I wish for children of my own, and... I love him.

Stay, Esther. Let's sing our song.

But I don't remember that silly, little tune anymore, Dahlia.


[Door closes]



[Young Dahlia sniffles]

You really went all out cataloging all this stuff.

Have you diagnosed yourself with OCD yet?

Very funny. It's my family's legacy.

I guess I'm done pretending I can stay out of it.

Rebekah: Unless there's something in that ledger about mimicking a magical, tribrid baby, we're up the creek.

Oh, right.

Don't touch that.


What, exactly, are you up to?

It's a resurrection spell for Kol.

Remember him, the brother you swore to save?

I have every intention of...


When Kol was trying to find a way out of dying, he used representational magic.

He... he tried to transfer the curse into a clay doll, a golem.


She's right.

If we can find a way to replicate the baby's power source and transfer it into the doll, that's our decoy.

You used to run these woods when you were cursed to a wolf form?

Ran them before. I was an angry kid.

I was pissed we were exiled.

I was pissed at my parents, pissed you were gone.

Every kid with the wolf gene is angry.

I was a nightmare.

Triggering the curse actually settled me down.

Oh, not me. I got worse.

Of course, it was different.

When I triggered my curse, the Crescent curse kicked in.

So I was stuck as a wolf all month long.

One full moon, our Alpha didn't show up.

He was k*lled.

So I stepped up, protected these people, kept them safe, and that calmed me down, at least for a little while.

[Hope crying]

I need to stop and feed her.

There's a hideout about a half-mile south of here.

Grab some guys to watch your back.

I'll round up the rest, and we'll make a perimeter.

This bayou's our territory. We'll defend it.


So Esther was cruel.

You'll excuse my complete lack of surprise.

Seems it does run in the family.

She left me for one of the very men who slaughtered our village and stole us away.

My own sister abandoned me, just as your siblings have done, and, like you, I have been unjustly painted as the villain of the story.




If you have a deal to propose, then find my body and undagger me.

Oh, I have the means to undagger you.
I'm just not finished here.

I don't care about my mother.

What I have to show you next is not about your mother.

It's about your daughter, and if you have any chance to save her from what is to come, I suggest you listen.

Very cliche.

Tell me, did you inspire the witches of Grimm lore, enslaving a young girl in a hut on the edge of a dark forest?

I suppose you planned for this to be hope's fate.

I did not enslave Freya.

I kept her from those who abused our craft, demonized us, and, most importantly, I shielded her from herself.

Freya? Freya, Freya, where did you get the yarrow flower?

You cannot go past the stream.

It is too dangerous.

Then where shall I go, to the hovel or maybe your garden?

Oh, no. I'm not allowed to venture that far.

I might encounter another person, and you would not stand for that.

People are frightened of that which they do not understand.

They will only hate you.

I hate this place!

I want to see more than the same trees, the same hills, a face that isn't yours.

Freya, control it.

[Wind whistling]

Uh... uh...

Control yourself, Freya.

Uh, uh, uh...

Freya, focus.

[Birds squawking]


Sing with me. Calm your heart.


You sure it was completely out of control?

Firstborn witches in this bloodline possess devastating power.

You're saying this is what's to come for hope.

Hope will suffer far more than Freya.

Hope's magic will be tainted with your vampire blood as well as the aggressive wolf temperament.

Without the proper tutelage that only I can provide, hope's power will grow unchecked.

She will lash out at everyone, including you.

She'll devastate the city that you love, and then her terror will spread far beyond.

I, too, am a firstborn, so I was the only one to help save Freya from herself, just as I'm the only one who can save your daughter.

You've seen it, Klaus. You need me.


Miss him already?

Niklaus didn't k*ll Aiden.

So... who the hell did it, then?

Freya, Dahlia, any number of witches with the desire to turn me against my brother.


So, given that taking out enemies is sort of Klaus' forte, you thinking about pulling that dagger out?

Until hope is safe, I would rather not unleash that Shakespearean rage.

Well, whoever did frame him for Aiden's death got us to take our biggest w*apon off the table, which means you're gonna have to think like him.

So the mikaelsons got you fetching their coffee now, huh?

It's brain fuel. They're struggling in there.

Things are catching fire that aren't supposed to.

They're going through dark objects like crazy.

Caffeine is my Hail Mary.

This is for Rebekah.

It's a spell that unlinks her to them kids.

It's got everything...

Diagrams, pronunciations.

It should be pretty straightforward, even for a baby witch.

You know, heh, wouldn't it be easier if you just did it?

I mean, a kid's life is at stake.

I'm carrying lattes.

You have a gift, and you're not using it.

Magic is not a gift, Cami.

In my experience, it's a loaded as*ault r*fle with a hair trigger, and I'm putting my g*n down.

I don't give a damn what you, Elijah, or the covens got to say about that.

"The covens"?

Josephine la rue.

She was our regent, chosen emissary for all our consecrated dead.

The ancestors speak through the regent.

With Josephine gone, the covens are a mess.

They need guidance. They got nothing.

They think they want me, but, like I said, I am done.

Look, Vincent. I get it.

I lost my uncle to a hex and my brother, um...


But even I understand that it's more complicated than that.

My friend Davina is trying to save someone she loved.

She believes in something bigger than herself, and that helps her.

What I'm trying to say is, magic in the right hands can be a good thing.

Just not my hands, not anymore.

Oh... wait.

They have a golem.

They keep using different binding agents.

We're desperate. Do you have any ideas?

Look. No powerful witch is gonna be fooled by a doll.

They need a heartbeat.

Eh, here. Hold this.

So after all that, Klaus wasn't even the one that k*lled Aiden.

Thought you'd want to know.

Why would he take the blame?

Because he's stubborn and irresponsible on top of being a bloodthirsty, murdering lunatic.

You doing ok?


Pack morale isn't exactly awesome right now.

Jackson's heartbroken.

Aiden was our friend.

You're a leader who cares for her people.

I get it.

Right now, you're a leader at w*r.

Now, you can either be their friend or their queen.

You can't be both. All right.

Those wolves, Jackson, they'd die for you.

Question is, are you gonna let them?

If the answer's yes, then you got to live with that.

We're out of time.

I've located Hayley, and I strongly advise, do not attempt to stand in my way.

Niklaus' paintings contain Mikael's ashes in the soil.

Go to the compound.

You cannot stop me from getting that baby.

You begin this spell. Prepare the b*ttlefield.

I'll bring hope to you.

Your daughter will need my guidance...

Just as Freya did.

I think I'll find someone less hostile to teach her.

Shouldn't be difficult.

Practically anyone would fit that criteria.

Will you be interviewing tutors while you lie desiccated?

How long, do you think, before Elijah and Rebekah release you?

How old will hope be?

So after twice failing to create a family of your own, now you wish to commandeer mine?

Not gonna happen, sweetheart.

Family? Family only ever brought me pain.

I want power.

I am owed hope's, and without it, I will slumber again within the year.

Freya turned on me because I denied her a basic need... The love of a parent.

That is why I need you, Niklaus, to remain her father.

Try to imagine this.

You will get to raise your daughter, and I will channel the magic that has been promised to me, and in so doing, I would help hope to hone her craft that you couldn't possibly comprehend.

With us by your side, no one would ever test you ever again, or you could lie there and pray that Elijah releases you before hope learns to call Jackson "daddy."

[Arrow releases]


Children... please.

Jackson: Huh... uh!

I'm here to see hope.

Not gonna happen.

One bite from us, there's venom in your veins.

Hard to find anything in these woods when your head's not right.


Aah! Uh!

Must we proceed with this nonsense?

From what I understand, you didn't exactly fare well against my brother.

There's a difference between you and Klaus.

See, you can't k*ll me.

You're waiting for the day I die so that you can take your immortal place beside Hayley, and if you k*ll me, you lose her for good.

She'll never forgive you.

And speak of the devil.


You shouldn't be here.

We have another plan. Rebekah and Davina found a way.

If we can replicate hope's magic, we can lure Dahlia into a trap, after which, I'll k*ll her myself.

All we need is a vial of hope's blood.

I'll give you her blood.

I'm trusting you, Elijah.

The moment our home is safe, you can return hope to where she belongs...

With family.

By all means, think it over, though know this.

I shall not ask twice.

In my experience, an offer from a malevolent witch always comes with a catch.

What's yours?

Hope is all Hayley will ever have.

She will fight us. She will not relent.

In order for us to succeed and live in peace, Hayley will have to be eliminated.

You would have me rob my daughter of her mother so she will grow to hate me.

When she grows, you can tell her whatever story you like, but in the end, the truth is, you will have made the right choice for her.




[Labored breathing]






[Door opens]

The pack's gathering for the funeral.

They're just waiting on one more.

You, Aiden, and Ollie yeah. We were like brothers, always looking out for each other.

Hayley, before you came to New Orleans, our pack chose me not just to lead them, but to stand for them.

We've lost too many to the Mikaelsons this year, and Elijah wants you to go back to their family when this is all over...

But I can't live under Klaus' roof and be the Alpha this pack deserves.

What are you saying, Jack?

I love you and hope, and I will honor our vows always, but I need to know who your family is.

If you want to go back to the mikaelsons', I can't go with you.

If they really are your family, then I got to protect my own.

I'll give you some time to think.

I don't need time, Jack.

I spent my whole life searching for family, and I found you and the pack.

We need to do right by them...

Starting with Aiden.


I told Josh where he could find us.

Let him through.



Once the spell is set, Dahlia won't be able to enter without being rendered mortal.

Where's the child, Elijah?

If we use her power to lure Dahlia, swear to me that hope will come to no harm.

Dahlia won't get close enough to hurt hope.

She won't be able to hurt any child ever again.


I do hope that is true.

You are now the bait.

What did you do to me?

Hope's blood is now in you.

Therefore, Dahlia will now be hunting you.

All we needed was a beating heart, and though I question the purity of your heart's intent, I hear it beating just fine.

No. If Dahlia senses a ruse...

Rebekah assures me that this will work, and I trust her far more than I trust you.

I am not your enemy, Elijah.

We shall see.

Proceed with your preparations.


Vincent: I ain't seen a spell like that in a long time.

It's pretty brave for someone so young, even a harvest girl.

What are you doing here?

Ha ha!

Well, I mean, that's a loaded question for me, but you seem to be exactly where you supposed to be.

Are you sure you can do this on your own?

Don't remember asking for help.

Heh. No. You didn't.

I'm asking for yours.

Davina, the covens need a leader, and they want to bestow that title unto me.

I'm not into that. They're getting pushy.

So I'm inclined to present them with an alternative... Someone who's got faith, someone... someone who'll use the craft to help people... and from what I hear, you seem to fit that description pretty well.

I walked away from my coven.

I'm talking about a direct connection to the ancestors from all 9 of the covens.

I'm talking about voodoo, hoodoo, sacrificial magic, representational magic.

I'm talking about necromancing.


See, that's a whole lot of power, huh, and you're gonna need a hell of a lot more than this here rock if you ever want to get your boyfriend back.

I never thought much about the whole immortality part of being a vampire.

Suddenly, forever feels like a really long time.


Hayley, voice-over: Elijah, I'm calling to say good-bye.

Hope and I, we can't be part of your family anymore.

All hope's life, her family has tried to destroy her.

That can't be my little girl's story.

Family is supposed to love you.

Even if she is free of Dahlia's firstborn curse, hope would still be Klaus' daughter.

She'd inherit 1,000 years of enemies, all his anger and rage.

I don't want hope to be a Mikaelson.

All the pain that comes with that name, she doesn't deserve that.

Elijah, good-bye.


She's right, Elijah.

I knew you were the smartest of your siblings.

No brute viking blood in those veins.

I'm glad to see you made the right decision.

I never cared for Hayley, but you should know, the rest of my family will stand against us in defense of her.

We will have to go through them.

Are you prepared for that?

They have more than earned everything that is to come.

We need to hurry.

Even now, Hayley is attempting to flee with my child.

Hmm, don't worry.

She won't get far tonight.


[Hope crying]



[Hope crying]