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01x09 - Level 13

Posted: 04/27/15 08:31
by bunniefuu
Previously on Powers...


Wolfe, sir.

You made a drug out of me, didn't you?

I am void that must be filled.

And you, you have given me a chance to fill that void.

You stupid f*cking idiot.

How many of them can I suck dry?

What did he say to you?

I need your help to k*ll Wolfe.

Allow me to explain.

You made this shit from Wolfe's blood?

And you took that drug to try and get your powers back.

I was there.

I saw you.

I have powers.

What exactly do you have?

You should be afraid of me.

Who's the one witness we have never been able to question?

Can I interrupt?

The kid with her.

Krispin, it's my old partner's kid.

They ran the GPS on his phone.

He's at the Temple Theater.

This is the Powers' world.

And 100% fake.


No, can somebody help?


Like old times.

You can count on it.


We can do it.

You take your powers back.

You k*ll him.

And I'll get us out.

Whenever I try to trace it back, work out who's to blame for what, who owns which dead bodies, I've never been able to get past blaming myself for all of it.

Which is just ego, you know?

It's like, I'm responsible for the weight of the world.

Now, I...

I can see now, whoever's to blame for not k*lling him, it's beside the point.

All the dead bodies belong to Wolfe.


I'm going to help Johnny Royalle, break into the Shaft and k*ll Wolfe, once and for all.

Why are you telling me this?

Because I need your help.

You don't even know what you're doing.

I do. I have a plan.

You've given me no choice, Walker.

I need your help.

You have invited me to join a conspiracy to commit first degree m*rder!

I have to report this. I should be arresting you.

Royalle did it first.


Royalle invited me to join a conspiracy to commit m*rder.

We got him. Yeah.

Jesus, shit, we got him.

You got him.

You got his ass, Walker.

We got him. We got him.


We just have to help him break into the Shaft to make it stick.

You still have a way with an entrance.

Says the man who rose from the dead.

I'm going to have to...

Oh Johnny, where's the trust?

In the past.

If you are wearing a wire, it's now useless.

Can we get down to business now?

My sense of urgency is no less than yours.

I'm trying to save the lives of over 100 innocents.

Yeah, none of whom would be in any danger if you hadn't given them all Sway.

Are we going to keep wasting time pointing the finger of blame at one another?

Look, Johnny, I want to save Calista and these kids as much as you.

I'm tired of being a cop.


I want to be able to help people again.

There are things I'm going to need.

Like what?

If I keep popping around that place, it's like I'm signing the crime.

With circumstantial evidence.

I want to be invisible.

You need to get new powers.

Can you handle it or not?

Okay, what else?

I'm going to need blueprints.

Complete and up to date.

You've been teleporting into his cell for months.

I need the plans.

Have you recorded any of your meetings?

No, he always teleports me to fry any electronics.

I could shield the recorder against that effect.

The recording isn't enough.

We need to catch him in the act.

No, if we catch him on tape...

No, Walker's right. Evidence isn't the issue.

Custody is the issue.

How do you arrest a teleporter?

You have to disable him like that.

Or he...


Yes, it's the only way to be sure.

Will that thing be ready? Can you sh**t him with it and...

It's single use.

If the timing isn't perfect, if he saw me...

It isn't even finished yet.

You need a drainer trap.

He can get caught in one step and zap, it's on.

The Drainer pod is self-contained, for transporting prisoners.

It won't project a beam unless I overload it.

What will that do?

Probably k*ll any Power caught in it.

Drain them forever, at the least.

We have a Drainer trap that Royalle is planning to walk right into.

Wolfe's cell.


No, Christian. No.


We have to find another way, Christian.

Harley. They need to understand why.

I'm sorry about this.

But the world as you know it is going to end soon.


We should have practiced more.

I'm good. I'll be fine.

Come on, this way.

No, no, it's this way.

Are you questioning my sense of direction?

Or is that where your friends have set the trap for me?

There is no trap.

And it's this way.

The system upgrade should be completed about the same time we finish repairs on level eight and nine.

Do you still have blind spots down there from Wolfe's escape?

We do.

That sounds dangerous.

It could be if anybody knew about them.


So this is the end of the blind zone.

Where's the panel?


Show Commander Cross and Detective Pilgrim how the repairs are going.

What now?

Well, if I go, I'm busted.

So, you can just...

My teleportation powers will blind the cameras.

How convenient.


Give me the widget.

Teleportation is instantaneous, Christian.

I know, so hurry up already.

If this is a trap, it better be a very fast one indeed, to keep me from popping back here and taking your head off.

Like Bug?

I never said that.

Level nine is still a mess.

But repairs on eight have reached segment four in the outer ring.

Segment four?

Yes, sir.

The crew was able to move ahead of schedule today.

Details on your desktop.

Okay. You ready?


That looks like a teleport pulse.

I see it.

Is Wolfe secure?

Wolfe's cell, now.

Okay. Show me segment four again.


Cycle all cameras, all levels.

When I say the Black Swan can destroy the world, I'm not being metaphorical.

It's only a matter of time, and very little time, before a Power of that scale manifests.

It may already be here.

Like Wolfe?

He's the frontrunner.

I will not let Royalle near him.

It's too dangerous.


You know what Sway is?

It's Wolfe.

That's what he was doing here.

He was taking Wolfe's blood and turning his DNA into a drug, and giving it to Kidz.

How would we start?

I need to make him think that he can trust me.


I promised him that I could get blueprints to this place.

Holy Christ. Why didn't you just promise my leg?

He didn't ask for it.

Guys, come on, come on.

It could work.

Yes. Just... Deena. Just the four of us.

Too many possible leaks if your whole staff knows.

I wouldn't want anyone implicated in something so extra-legal.

Okay. Well, look at this.

These are the three unrepaired blind segments.

And this is Wolfe's cell.

So these segments won't be fully repaired for at least a week.

So we teleport into the blind segments.

Then what? How do we move around?

All the levels are almost identical.

So we patch this into the surveillance system.

It'll hack into the cameras, and then the screens that are supposed to be showing levels eight and nine will actually be showing level seven.


My teleport pulse will fry it.

No, because Triphammer shielded this against that.


I told him it was for you, Johnny.

I had to. I told him, Cross and my partner that I'm helping you break into the Shaft to k*ll Wolfe.

I had to. Okay?

We can't do this without their help.

And they'll only help me if they think this is all an elaborate plan to catch you.

But of course, it's not.

Johnny, do you ever wonder what the world would be like if it hadn't all gone wrong?

If we had k*lled him back then, man, if I hadn't lost my powers, you think the world would be a better place?

I say it would be.

Your ego, Christian, is dumbfounding.

Tell me what else your compatriots are going to do to ease our passage.

My uncle got me this job.

Family is a wonderful thing.

Wolfe k*lled him when he got loose.

assh*le storage.

If you're ever looking for a place to stay.

Five minutes.

I'll give you some privacy.


Why haven't you got me out?

I can't.

I'm stuck inside myself.

I can't get out. The walls are too close.

Simons, I need someone I can trust.

You could always trust me.

I know.

That's why I need you to stay in here.


It's the way it's got to be.

It's gold-plated bullshit.

It's in order.

How much longer is my client expected to wait?



I'd appreciate it, Detective Pilgrim, if you'd stop breaking into my club and harassing young innocents like Ms. Secor.


Saucer eyes here has been everywhere she shouldn't be since the day I got here.

Dead body? There she is.

Powers gangster comes back from the dead. There she is.

Power gets her throat slit. There she f*cking is.

And yet, other than a trumped up threat to use Powers, you've failed to charge her with anything.

I can't do this.

Well, that went perfectly. What the hell was that?

I was playing my part.

Your part was to let Calista out.


My part is to play the detective that thinks this is bullshit.

This is how we get Royalle. This is what we agreed.

So the kid gets out because he wants it?


Well, what else does he get?

I don't know.

When does all the shit that he wants get to be too much?

Deena, it's worth it to bust him.

It's getting more f*cked up by the minute.

I don't know who it is I'm supposed to be trusting here.

We're partners.

We're supposed to be trusting each other.

Or so you keep telling me.

Death is always senseless.

There is no meaning in the end of life.

Meaning, comfort comes from beyond death's threshold.

And it is this blankness, this vast impossibility of understanding, that causes so much confusion and grief in those of us who are left behind.

This is your fault.

If you did your job, she'd still be alive.

This was a bad idea.

You wanted to come.

If you want to leave...

Hey, Krisp.



I want to try and talk to him.

What was that about, man?

You know...

We put Red Hawk down the Shaft.

He's never gonna see daylight again.

And the others?

The others?

Zora and Retro Girl.

They should be in the Shaft right next to him.

Krispin... It was a publicity stunt. It was a game.

She died because they were f*cking around.

Look, there will be an investigation.

No, three Powers k*lled my mom.

The only difference between them is that Zora and Retro Girl look a lot better on camera than Red Hawk does.

No, no. It's more complicated than that.

The world is more complicated than that, Krispin.

Come on, you know that.

Look, uh... We need to talk, man.

This Kaotic Chic, whatever that is...

It's not going away.

You're implicated in a m*rder.

I'm trying to make things better.

You want to make this better?


Well, you go into the Shaft, and you put a b*llet in Red Hawk's eye.

Then it will be better.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry, Krispin. I'm so sorry.

You're not alone, okay? I'm here.


What the f*ck?

You brought a f*cking Power to my mom's funeral?

He's my friend. I didn't want to come alone, so...

Get the f*ck away from me.


Get the f*ck away!


Jesus. What are you doing here?

It was important to her.

I didn't come here to piss you off.

I want you to choose.

What are we doing, Johnny?

Saving her life.

Protecting his.

You need to calm down a little bit. No.

Heroes at last.

Does it always feel this good?

There's no in-between.

How would I know?


May I?

Yes, please, come in.

Come in. Welcome.

Thank you.

Not much redecorating in the past eight years, I see.

Yeah. Well, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.


Is that your new philosophy, is it?

It could be.

It's just I have a talent for breaking shit, so...

You're not the only one. Obviously.

I went to the funeral.

How's her son?


You're not...

The reason she died, okay?

As soon as I discovered what they were doing, I should have shut them down.

There was no reason to think that it would all go sideways, Janice.

It wouldn't have if Red Hawk hadn't been on Sway.

If you want someone to blame, we know who it is.

You did your job.

You saved Red Hawk, and you kept Zora from ruining her life.

Why didn't you call?

It's only been a couple days.

It was eight years, Christian.

You lost your powers and you hid from me.

Jesus, Janice.

No small talk.

What was I going to say?

What did we have to talk about?

Once I lost my powers, what did we have to talk about?


Like we always did.

I didn't want you to see me like this.

Okay? I didn't want to be this with you.

I didn't want you because you had powers.

I just wanted you.

I've been playing you guys for a chance to get my powers back.

f*cking knew it.

I f*cking knew it.

You never change.

Well, hear me out. Hear me out, okay?

I caught Wolfe.


I caught him. Not Zora, not Retro Girl.

Christian, I was there.

Listen to me. I took Sway.

And somehow, I don't know how, it strengthened my connection to Wolfe.

And I got my powers back long enough to lock him up.

What, you got your powers back? Do you have them?

I don't have them now.

They got sucked back when the drainer came on.

Anyway, the point is...

Royalle knows.

I told him that I'm playing you guys.

Which is the only reason why he trusts me.

How do we even keep it straight?

Why don't you tell me why we ought to trust you?

Everyone who took Sway is at risk.

If Wolfe gets out, he will drain them all, and k*ll them, no matter where they are.

We need to bust Royalle before he fucks this up again.

Before or after he kills Wolfe?

Now, listen, Christian just described the perfect Black Swan scenario.

Now, are we just supposed to ignore that?

No. If we let Royalle k*ll Wolfe, then we remove two threats at once.

That's f*cking m*rder.

It's m*rder.

Yes. Technically, technically.

We need to drain Wolfe.

We need the effective and permanent threat of the drainer, to quell disruptive Powers.

We bust Royalle and drain Wolfe.

That is the plan.

The only plan.

He's right. Royalle murdering Wolfe is another signal that we're not in control.

We're not in control.

Wait, I have a question.

What about your powers?

I have to let them go. Bullshit.

It's too risky to go for them.

I only had them temporarily.

I'm a cop now.

Doing cop shit, and I want to bust Royalle before anybody else dies.

I don't know, man.

Come on.

Thank you.

The plan will work. You just have to trust me.

Uh, this back room shit, it sickens me on a cellular level.

Look, we tried it your way. It didn't work.

If we want him, he has to think that he's one step ahead.

We can't play by the rules.

The only difference between us and the Powers is that we have to play by the rules.

And this plan breaks so many of them, no one can know about it?

That speaks volumes so loud, I'm f*cking deaf.

So then what are you even doing here?

Because I don't believe you pretend to do good so you can get away with f*cked up shit, Walker.

You want to do the right thing so bad, you don't know how to stop from jumping off a building.

And I'm your partner.

If I don't have your back, no one does.

Thank you.

I won't let you down.

You wanted to be invisible, you're invisible.

From the cameras anyway.

Just don't let anyone see you.

Yeah, invaluable advice indeed.

Excuse me a moment.


What the f*ck?


As much as you can cause.


Trusting you was never in doubt.

Is Calista okay?

She is.

Then the family is intact.

What the f*ck were you doing?

I gave your friends something to think about, in case they're not as gullible as you believe.


Level nine awaits.

Shit, they're on level seven.

They're on level two.

I've got them on level three.

Level six has been breached.

Suppression units deploy to all levels.


We have got to get down to level nine, now.

We are about to be blown.

Sir, we have reports of Simons on all levels, but look...

They've hacked all the cameras.

I'll initiate shutdown protocol.

We will handle level nine.

Keep level 13 secure.

All units, level 13 protocols are in place.


What the f*ck?

What did you do to them?

I took care of it.

You teleported them all away?

Look, you let me handle the details.

You just focus on getting what you want.

That's where you excel.

This is what I've been able to come up with so far but I think it will do just what we need.

This is the Master Drainer control panel.

Royalle will not enter the cell unless this has been deactivated.

But it's just a prop.

Pull out all the wires you like.


Don't drop this.

So, pull out some wires...

The door opens, green light goes out.

Yeah, we walk in, press the button.

Door closes. Green light comes on.


By which time, we'll be on level nine.

Right outside the door.

But it has to happen fast. No time for Royalle to think.

And Wolfe's going to be heavily sedated.

But once that green light turns off, he'll begin to wake almost immediately.

Click-click. Get the Drainer back on.

Sure. Click-click.

Anything you want to do in there?


Don't move. Face the wall!


Support unit incoming.

Oh shit. What's he...

You k*lled me.

And now he's helped free you.

I cleared the level. Guards incapacitated.

Get yourself together.

We'll pick you up when we're finished.

Nothing to stop us now.

Think that's going to keep me locked in?

Simons was not part of the plan.

Oh, he was.

I just didn't tell you about it.

I trusted you.

And I you.

But I'm not sure your friends share that same faith.

I released Simons to give them something unexpected to deal with.

Do you trust me?

It's now or never.

We walk in together, or I go in alone.


Go ahead.

Go in there.

sh**t him in the head.

Watch his brains splatter.

Go on.

I knew it. f*ck.

Give me the g*n.


I'm not going to go in there and have you hesitate.

Give me the g*n. I'll do it.

We're running out of time, Johnny.

I can do it. Give me the g*n.

When he got loose, I had my hand on his throat.

I couldn't do it.

I can do it for both of us.

Come on.


He wasn't supposed to lock the door.

If he goes for his powers...

If he goes for his powers, we stick with the plan.

No, he won't. There's too much at risk.



So do it!

My affairs are in order.

Look after Calista.

Get on your knees.

Put your hands on your head. You're under arrest, Johnny.


There's still time.

You can still k*ll him, Christian.

Before they get here.

Blame it on me.

I don't care anymore.

You can be the hero again.

I was never a hero.

I was a Power.

No, Christian, there's no time. k*ll him!

Here we go, old man.

Here we go.

What the f*ck?


What the hell did you... what did you do?

Covered your back.

I wasn't going to let you go off the roof this time.

Where's Wolfe? What did you do?

We have Wolfe in hand.


Level 13 status?

Level 13 is secure.

Wolfe is secure.

Prepare for transfer to level nine. Support unit on its way.

Wait. Level 13?

We couldn't leave him in here, Walker.

We couldn't trust you.

Let's get this battery hooked up.

Is this why Johnny's here?

I'm why Johnny's here.

Johnny can k*ll 20 birds with one stone.

Hey, level 13, get the news. Johnny Royalle is in custody.

I repeat, Johnny Royalle is in custody.

Level 13?

Level 13, do you read?

Yeah, we read.

Everything is secure down here.


What are we going to do?

What the f*ck you doing?

I'm afraid.


They caught Johnny.

Did they?

You're free.

Now, help me get him out.

But I have a question.

Why do you smell like me?

I don't wanna die alone.

You are not alone.

Take Wolfe back to his cell.

Stick Royalle in a pod until I have a cell ready for him.

I did what I said I would do.

We saved your ass from making another huge mistake.

I'd rather not have blood on myself anymore.

Mine or yours.

Gracious of you.


I could k*ll you.

Finally lick the plate clean.

But there doesn't seem to be anything left to lick.

Christian, get Johnny.

I want to talk to you boys.

We're going to have words.