02x01 - Trials of the Heart

Episode transcripts for the TV show "When Calls the Heart". Aired: January 2014 to present.*
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"When Calls the Heart" follows a young school teacher from a wealthy Eastern family, who migrates from the big city to teach school in a small coal mining town in the west.
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02x01 - Trials of the Heart

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on When Calls the Heart...

Abigail: There was a terrible expl*si*n in the mine.

You m*rder*d half the men in this town.

I'm Bill Avery. I'm a forensic investigator.

I'm here to build a case against the mining company.

Gowen: All you're gonna do is further hurt Abigail Stanton.

Abigail: He's married. With a child.

Elizabeth: It was the most enchanting evening of my entire life.

What will the next chapter bring?

Pleasure to meet you, Miss LeVeaux.

And what brings you here?

My fiance.

Rosemary: You barely know this Elizabeth Thatcher.

Jack: I hope, over time, you're gonna see that my heart is true.

This is where I belong.



[Carriage rumbling past]

Hi, Pockets!

Hey! It's teacher.

Oh, let's go ask her.


Good morning, Miss Thatcher!

Good morning, children.

Are you enjoying your break?

Overlapping: Yeah!

When do we get to go back to school?

Well, we have to build a church first.

When's that?

Soon. And then we'll have a new school.

Great! See you later.

All, overlapping: Bye!

[Kids laughing and chatting]


Ready for your riding lesson?

Of course. Why shouldn't I be?

Well, it's just that you... you seem a little queasy.

I meant happy.


Must be because of that kiss.

Oh. Did we kiss?

Gosh, I don't remember.

Well, I'd be happy to refresh your memory.

Um, maybe we should start my lesson now.

Sure, but can I just say...

That was the best kiss I've ever had.

All right, how many women have you kissed?

Not too many. Five maybe?

Did I say five? I meant...

Two. You and my mother.

You expect me to believe that?

All right, well, how exactly am I supposed to get up...


All right.

Now, how do I get him to move?

Just tap your heels gently against his sides.


No, no. I'm so sorry.

When I said "whoa," I didn't mean to stop, I was just surprised.

Elizabeth, he's smart, but you really can't hold a conversation with him.

Try it again.


Come on.

[Relieved sigh]

All right, how do I get him to slow down?

I said slow down.

I didn't say stop.

We can go as slow as you like.


Jack. Jack, look.


I'm worried, Jack.

This trial means everything to Abigail.

You think there's even a chance they'll clear Noah Stanton's name?

I'm not so sure anymore.

I thought it was good news when we lost Jedidiah Black, but the new judge makes the old coot look like a saint.

Do you know the new judge?

No. Not personally.

Best thing we can do is take it one day at a time.


And then Jack and I saw a couple of executives that the mining company must have sent for the trial.

They were talking to Gowen, and the judge was there, too.

[Sighs] Oh.

I don't know what's going to happen, but I'm glad we're finally going to have our day in court.

Well, I am sure that Bill Avery will have evidence strong enough to prove your case.

I'm not sure about anything when it comes to Bill Avery.

Have you spoken to him yet?

After seeing his wedding ring and that picture of his family?

I'll be interested to hear how he explains that.

You might want to do it before you're sitting next to him at the prosecutor's table.

Oh, this is the last thing I needed before the trial.

I know.

But the good news is, I hear that the attorney prosecuting the case is one of the best.

From your lips to God's ears.


Florence: Well, it's ironic, isn't it?

Well, we should be happy we finally have the money for our new church and school, and instead, we're all worried about this trial.

Florence, I've always found that the best way to wash away worry is through prayer.

Who are you all waiting for?

The prosecutor. The stage is late.

What do we even know about this Sam Madison?

We know he is willing to come out here and fight for us.

I dated a Sam Madison once.

Or was it Sam Mason?

[Rosemary chuckles]

Who can remember?

Maybe you should keep a list.

Well, that is a great idea.

I suppose it would start with Jack.

Too bad it won't end with him.

You never know.

Oh, look!

Too bad we lost Black.

Might've been tough, but at least he was fair.

I wish the same could be said for Parker.

Good morning, Abigail.

Is it?

[Horse whinnies]

[Door opens]

This is first time I've had a welcoming committee.

Usually, I'm met by a few g*ns and a Marshall.

Sorry to disappoint you. And you would be?

Madison. Samantha Madison.

You're the prosecutor?

In the flesh.

I don't mean to sound surprised, but...

I'm a woman. It's fine. I'm used to it.

Constable Jack Thornton.


I'm Bill Avery.

I'm the forensic expert on this case, and I must say, I am surprised.

I trust you'll recover.

I certainly won't.

Did you attend law school?

I even graduated.

Stanford. Class of 1910. Valedictorian.

I'm Abigail Stanton.

Welcome to Coal Valley.

A pleasure, Mrs. Stanton.

I read all your correspondence, and I want to assure you, and all the widows here, that, despite the fact I'm wearing a skirt, the case for the mining company is in capable hands.

Well, I'd prefer someone else's hands, thank you very much.

Duly noted, but, for now, it's in mine, and I'll use a fist, if need be.

Where can I find Judge Parker?

I believe he just checked into the saloon hotel.

Thank you.

If you'll excuse me, ladies.


Do you think she stands any chance against that pit bull on Gowen's payroll?

Honestly, I think he's gonna make a fool of her, and the rest of us.

Glad you could get here on such short notice, Judge.

I was quite surprised to hear about Jedidiah Black's sudden departure.

You didn't have anything to do with that, now, did you, Mr. Gowen?

Man got bit by a rattlesnake.

Yes. In his room.

An unfortunate situation.

[Knocking at door]

Judge Parker?

That would be me.

I'm Samantha Madison.

The prosecutor.

Oh. Pleasure to meet you.

This is Mr. Gowen and Counselor Gentry.



Miss Madison, have you ever tried a case before?

I've prosecuted a fair share, but this will be my first trial.


So how can I help you?

Well, considering you seem to be fraternizing with the defense...

Not fraternizing.

Defense requested a pre-trial consultation. That's all.

I see.

Well, I would like to ask for a continuance under the "Power of Courts Act," Section 173.

Well, I have a poker game this evening.

And as long as I'm winning, you can have the weekend.

A week would be better.

As I said... You have 48 hours.

Trial starts at 9:00 a.m., sharp.

Well, I will be ready.

Good day, gentlemen.

Good day.


Does she have much trial experience?

How could she? She's a woman.

Which means she has to be twice as good to have made it this far in a man's world.

Should we try to get someone else?

She's a prosecutor, appointed by the state!

Let's be realistic.

The chances of her winning this trial is slim to none.

You gave me a chance without knowing me.

Why not give her one?

Well, easy for you to say.

You didn't lose anybody in that mine.


Elizabeth is on our side.

You're right, Florence, I didn't.

But you entrusted me with your children, and I hope I'm teaching them to judge people based on who they are inside...

Not whether they're wearing pants or a skirt.

What you don't seem to understand is that this Madison woman could lose this trial for all of us!

She could win it, too!

And I plan to.

But I won't lie to you, ladies.

We have our work cut out for us.

Did you speak to Judge Parker?

I did, and I convinced him to give us a continuance for 48 hours.

I'm surprised... since everyone in town knows he's in Mr. Gowen's pocket.

[Sighs] We can't dwell on what we can't change.

I couldn't have said that better myself.

How can we help?

We need to develop a winning strategy, establish a solid fact pattern.

What I mean by that is I need you to tell me every little detail leading up to the expl*si*n.

Don't leave anything out.

I want to know everything you remember, no matter how small.

Well, would you like some coffee and pie?

[Chuckles] I do my best work over pie.

[Others laugh]

Oh, please. Join us.


How'd it go?

She likes pie!

She's very capable.

Well, that's good.

Abigail, you might want to take a piece of that pie to the judge.

He strikes me as a man who likes dessert.

Isn't that a bribe?

I'm sure he's seen bigger bribes than pie.

Oh, he can't be that bad!

He's the nephew of Isaac Parker, the hanging judge.

And the apple doesn't fall far from the tree?

Well, let's just say I have heard he has a unique interpretation of "justice."

Well, maybe a little dessert couldn't hurt.


So, Bill... how long do you figure to continue this charade?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Well, I believe you do.

And people will find out sooner or later.

It's a very small town.


Maybe we should do this another time.

What other time is there?

Abigail, I wouldn't...

Would you care to join us?

No, Your Honor.

And may I ask what you're doing here?


I believe it's quite clear.

And I'm quite certain it's illegal to fraternize with the defendant.

Well, I think it's also illegal for you to break into my office and steal company property.

You should have them arrested for burglary.

Judge: Calm down, Mr. Gowen.

He's just upset because he's losing.


You in or out?

I'm in.

I insist you stop playing.

You know, if you continue to interrupt this game, the judge here may find you in contempt of court.

This isn't a court, it's a saloon.

It's my court and, right now, my card game.

Then may I suggest you take three more cards?

Because you're not gonna win with a pair of twos.


Would you please escort this woman out?

She's right, Judge.

This looks like a clear violation of the ethics code.

You're hardly the right man to speak to ethics, now, are you, Bill?

Especially in front of Mrs. Stanton.

I was talking to the Judge, Gowen.

Yeah. You know he's not the gentleman you think he is?

I don't think you have room to talk about ethics either, Mr. Gowen.

You know, perhaps you should teach them both a lesson and have them spend the night in jail.

They don't leave, that's exactly what I'm gonna do.


You have something to say, young lady?

No one's going to jail today, Judge.


Have a lovely afternoon.


All right. Deal 'em up.

Oh! I really wanted to give that man a piece of my mind.

I suggest we don't give Parker any more reason to side with Gowen.

What he's doing is unethical!


Is there something wrong?

You tell me, Mr. Avery.

Oh, we're back to "Mr. Avery"?

What happened to "Bill?"

He's married, with a child.


Could I have a moment alone with you to explain?

I have some work to do at the jail.

I have some papers to grade.

Elizabeth, please stay.

Whatever you have to say to me, you can say it in front of Elizabeth.

Are you sure about that?

It's fine, Elizabeth. I have nothing to hide.

You saw the picture in my room?

And the wedding ring on your dresser.

I'm not married.

I was.

My son died two years ago.

I lost my wife a week later.

I'm... I'm so sorry.

Now may I have that moment alone?

I have customers waiting.

Don't worry about that, Abigail.

I can take care of the cafe myself.

If you need help at the cafe, Abigail, I'm more than happy to pitch in.

I'm a wonderful cook.

In fact, the biscuits at Del Monico's in New York are my recipe.

Of course they are!


Thank you!

I won't be long.

Oh! Take all the time you need!

I'm so sorry.

I feel terrible for the thoughts I've had about you.

Oh, don't!

They're probably half-true anyway.

The truth is, Abigail, I never thought I would have feelings for another woman again.

Until I met you.

So... are we all right again?

I suppose we are.


Well, I guess I should get back before Elizabeth burns down my kitchen.

I don't see any flames.

It has been a while since I've taken the afternoon off.


Pass me the salt, will you?

Oh, and flip your steak, otherwise it's gonna burn.

No, not like that.

I don't recall signing up to work for you.

Oh, am I being too bossy?

My apologies.

Thank you.

I just have such a way with cooking, and from what I hear, you, uh... don't.

Who told you that?

Oh, Jack may have mentioned it.

Jack has barely even tried my cooking.

Hah! Perhaps there's a reason for that.

[Inhales sharply]


You know, I'm really not that hungry after all.

Let's get you a table.

No! Not there. Here.

It's a much better view.

He doesn't need a view of Main Street...

He sees it all day, every day.

I'm just gonna get something and take it back to the jail.

You'll do no such thing!

My chicken-fried steak will not be eaten in that dirty jail.

Neither will mine!

You both made chicken-fried steak?

Well, I did.

I'm not sure Elizabeth's can be identified.

Although, Mr. Avery is a forensic expert.

[Fuming sigh]

I'm just gonna take a coffee, black. Thank you.


And your chicken-fried steak.

Coming right up.

Honestly, Elizabeth... don't you think you're being a bit selfish, insisting that he eat your steak when you know... mine is better?

Well, that's just your opinion.

[Scoffs with delight]

Well... if it's true what they say, that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, you could be accused of attempted m*rder.


That is a lot of food.

Well, you work so hard protecting the town.

Actually, I haven't done much all day.


I know I'm not the greatest cook.


I've never cooked at Del Monico's, or anywhere else, for that matter, but I did spend the last hour cooking over a hot stove, and we both know, that if you don't eat this... no one else will.

Except his dog, Rip.


Forced: Mm. Mm...

I'll keep this warm for you.

I'm sorry for interrupting.

Oh, not a problem, Ned.

Miss Thatcher, this telegram came for you, and I think it might be important.

It's from my father.

My mother's taken ill.

They want me home as soon as possible.


I was barely 18 when I met Noah.

So young to fall in love.

Not much older than my son, Peter, would've been right now.

Anyway, he asked me to marry him the same night that I met him.

What did you say?

No, of course.

Then somehow, two weeks later, we were standing in front of a preacher!

I guess my "no" wasn't very convincing.

What about you?

How did you propose to your wife?

Well, believe it or not, she proposed to me.


We had our differences, but she put up with me.

Well, I guess we were both lucky in love.

For a little while, anyway.

There's something to be said for second chances.




I'm going with you.

To Hamilton?

Yeah, I need to make sure you get there safely.

Are you sure?

Oh, positive.

Plus, I get a chance to catch up with my brother, so don't even think of giving me an argument.

I wasn't planning on it.

I'm so worried, Jack.


It's gonna be okay.

Don't worry. I'll look after things.

And keep an eye on Gowen.

I'll keep two eyes on him.

You'll be in my thoughts and my prayers.

I'll feel better once I'm there.

Take good care of her, Jack.

I will.

Driver: Hyah!

Abigail, Mr. Avery...

This is Joseph Sweeney.

He'll be testifying for us.

Thank you for coming all this way, Mr. Sweeney.

My conscience wouldn't allow me to do anything less.

I knew your husband and son.

They were fine men.

And completely innocent of all wrongdoing.

I agree.

Unfortunately, Mr. Sweeney is not in possession of our mine inspection report.

I've left my job with the Bureau of Mines.

Started up my own business.

Drill presses.

Haven't made a dime yet, but these things take time.

Mr. Sweeney, you do realize we're not going to be able to pay you for your testimony?

Oh. [Stammers]

Of course. [Chuckling]

But I can give you breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I'm sure you're hungry after your trip.

Well, I wouldn't turn down a meal.

Right this way.

As I recall, Noah contacted you directly, is that right?

Yes. About safety conditions in the mine.

He was concerned the ventilation system wasn't functioning properly.

That's exactly what Noah told me.

Do you remember what you said in your inspection report?

I found the system to be unsafe, and I recommended they suspend operation until it was fixed.

And you're prepared to testify to that in a court of law?

Even though the report Gowen has on record tells a different story?

That report is a blatant forgery.

I knew it.

I was hoping to have another witness to back up your testimony, but it didn't pan out.

So our case will depend on you.

You're all we've got.

It's the truth, and I'm happy to testify to it.

Thank you, Mr. Sweeney.

It's past time my husband was vindicated.



Tell me, Elizabeth.

What exactly did you pack in these?

Just the essentials.

Did the essentials include an anvil?

I would be more than happy to carry my own suitcases.

[Laughs] Really?



Be my guest.


All right, you've made your point.

I'm sure Father sent the car.

Elizabeth Thatcher!

Regina Allen! How are you?

I'm fine, but I heard about your mother.

I hope the poor dear is all right.

That's why I came as soon as I could.

Regina, this is Constable Jack Thornton.

Mm. Charmed.


Well, aren't you lucky to have such a handsome fellow to carry your luggage.

Oh, no, he's not here to carry my luggage...

[Whistle blasting]

That's my train!

Mother procured an introduction with an Austrian Count.

He has a castle!

With a huge moat.

It's so very good to see you, ma cherie.

[Blowing air kisses]

A bientot.

A bientot.

[Engine whistle blows]

A friend of yours?

That'd be stretching it.

Good, 'cause she judges a man by the size of his moat.


Regina is one of the Philadelphia Allens.

Very upper-crust.

Her family's been around forever.

Like the plague.


[Horn blares]

There's the car! Come on, Jack.




[Engine rumbling in distance]

Do you guys hear that?

What is it?

Hey, guys, get over here.


[Engine roaring]

[Townsfolk murmuring]

[Engine idling]


[Revs throttle]

[Shuts bike down]

Well, I've never seen a vehicle like this one.

Well, that's funny.

You're not looking at the vehicle.

I have excellent peripheral vision.


And what... [Giggles]

Do you call it?

It's called a "motorcycle."

It looks fast.

Well, it is.

And dangerous?

Mm. Can be.

What brings you to Coal Valley?

Oh, I don't know.

Little of this, little of that.

A man of mystery.


I like it.

Well, I'll keep that in mind.


[Engine rumbles off]

[Giggles] You're here!

Ahh! Julie!

And Jack, dear. So good to see you.

You, too, Julie.

How's Mother? I've been so worried.

She's better today.

But she's still having fainting spells.

I didn't know.

You might, if you visited more often.


You know I'd come home more often if I could.

Jack, this is my sister, Viola.

Nice to meet you, Miss Thatcher.

So this is the Mountie we've heard so much about?

Oh, he's much more than that!

Well, you did kiss!

Julie! I wrote to you in confidence.

Apparently, it's more than teaching school that's keeping you away.


My three daughters all together.

[He chuckles]

A sight for sore eyes.


I'm so happy to see you.

I hear Mother's doing better?

She'll do much better now that you're here.

Father, this is Jack. Constable Jack Thornton.

Good to put a face to the name.

I'm indebted to you for escorting my daughter home.

Glad to be of service, sir.

Jack, we're having a dinner party tomorrow night, and you simply must come.

Julie, don't put him on the spot.

I'm sure the Constable has other things to do.

I'm sure Jack could spare a few hours.

I-I wouldn't want to impose.

It's no imposition.

Well... then I suppose it's settled.

Come along, girls.

I'll catch up in a minute.

Well, at least it doesn't have a moat.


Doesn't have a guillotine either!

I'm guessing the rack's in the basement?

Mm. Mm-hmm.


Why don't I meet you in town?

We can see some of the city together.

Well, are you sure you won't be missed?

It's a pretty big house.


[Both chuckle]


Mother, you have no idea how worried I've been.

I'll be fine, darling.

I don't want you worrying about me.

I want you to have a good time with your sisters while you're here.

Well, what does Dr. Clement say?

He says your mother has a weak heart.

It's important that nothing upset her right now.

Maybe we should cancel the dinner party.


We must celebrate your return home.

It's just a few old family friends.

And Viola's new beau, Sir Lionel.


You didn't tell me!

You didn't ask.

Sir Lionel is from London.

He's a Duke.

His uncle is Grand Duke Andrew Gray, and his great-uncle is an Earl.


I'm sure you'll want to shop for something new to wear to the party.

That won't be necessary.

This isn't the Wild West, Elizabeth.

We do still dress for dinner here.

Oh, wait until you see the new gowns at Salon de Mode.

The organzas are pure heaven!

Well, I suppose it might be nice to have something new.

And perhaps a little fancy.

Oh, good! It'll be just like old times!


Mother seems to be in good spirits.

Because you're here.

But it isn't easy taking care of her.

Well, I wish I could be home more often, but I have school to teach.

Books and education.

It's a wonderful way to escape.

It isn't an escape.

I love what I do.

I'm sure you do, but when I get married, who's going to look after Mother?

Well, I will!

You can barely look after yourself.

And with Father traveling so much, what will happen if her condition worsens?

Let's not think the worst.

Viola can be so tedious.

Some of what she said was true.

No, it's not!

Let's be fair.

It is a great deal of responsibility.

Don't let it bother you.

She lives to lord it over us.

Is Sir Lionel really serious about her?

Well, he's serious about her bank account, and she's in love with his title.

A match made in heaven.

[Both laughing]


I'm never gonna get used to waiters wearing tuxedos.

It's called white-glove service, Jack.

At Abigail's, the food is great. And nobody's wearing gloves.

At least admit it was delicious.

Salisbury steak?

It's just a fancy name for hamburger.

Well, it does come with a sauce.

Speaking of fancy, can you picture Rip with a haircut like that?

Life in a big city does take some getting used to, but I got used to life in Coal Valley, and now I'm completely at home there.


You still don't know how to ride a horse.

It's a good thing I have such a good teacher, then.

I don't know.

You might not be able to afford him.


Could cost you another kiss.

Consider it a downpayment.


[Murmuring and shuffling]

Bailiff: All rise.

Be seated.

[Gavel clacking]

Court is in session.

Miss Madison, your opening statement.

Your Honor, this tragedy could have been prevented.

Had it, the women in this courtroom would have husbands, fathers and sons.

Instead, they sit here alone, hoping for some small sliver of justice.

I will prove to you today that the Pacific Northwest Mining Company knew that the conditions in that mine were unsafe.

They knew, because Noah Stanton warned them.

And they didn't care.

All they cared about was removing as much coal as they could to make as much money as they could.


Your Honor.

May I first say that it is my greatest pleasure to stand here before you in this courtroom?


Now, tell me everything I've missed in Coal Valley.

Oh, the mining company is on trial.

We'll get to that later. I want to know about Jack!

You already know more than you should.

Well, I'm your favorite sister.

You're supposed to tell me everything.

[Elizabeth chuckles]

Well... when we're together, it's like everything in the whole world just fades away, and it's just the two of us.

Well, is it love?

It could be.

Has he said it?


Have you?

Of course not!

Oh, it must be so wonderful to be in love.



I must say... frontier life suits you.

It's so wonderful to see you again.

You as well.

Charles came to drop off some paperwork, but he may have had an ulterior motive.


Guilty as charged.

I never pass up a chance to see Elizabeth.

I-It's been far too long.

When was the last time we saw each other?

Well, as I recall, since I was your escort at Julie's debutante ball.

No! Was it really that long ago?

I dare say we have a great deal to catch up on.

Beginning with how Father managed to corral you into working for him.

I'd hardly say corralled.

He's given me a wonderful opportunity, for which I am very grateful.

As am I.

He's been a valuable addition to the company.

Charles, I hope you'll be joining us for dinner this evening?

Oh, I wouldn't miss it.

Oh, wonderful!

Elizabeth, why don't you take Charles out to the garden?

I know he hasn't seen it in a long time.

Oh, I'm sure Charles isn't interested in flowers, Mother.

On the contrary.

I'm very interested.

All right.

[Background chatter]


Hello, Tom.


Almost didn't recognize you without your band uniform on.

I see you haven't lost that quick wit of yours.

[Starts laughing]

[Joins in]

Little brother!

I thought you were busy playing cops-and-robbers in some mining town out west?

No, I took some time off to escort Elizabeth Thatcher home to visit her family.

Oh! Lucky you.

The Thatchers are basically royalty around here.

They're just people, like me and you.

Except they're richer than Midas.

I hear even their butler has a butler.

Very funny.

Let me look at you.

You've grown since I've seen you.

Maybe the hair on my head.

It's been so long since you seen me, you forgot what I look like.


Well, I'm glad you're here. What are you drinking?

[Exhales deeply]


[Claps hands] Bartender!

Whiskey for my brother.

So, how did you know where to find me?

The boys at the regional office told me they've been keeping an eye on you.

Said you've been giving them some trouble.

Want to tell me about it?

Your Honor, this document from the Bureau of Mines, signed by Joseph Sweeney, who is here today, proved that the mine was safe and the ventilation system was working.

We believe it was Noah Stanton who failed to activate the system on that fateful day.

That document was forged, which I'll prove by calling my first witness.

Mr. Sweeney?

Finally. The moment of truth.

His personal testimony's gonna carry a lot more weight than that phony piece of paper.

Mr. Sweeney, is it true you performed an inspection of the mine at the request of Noah Stanton, who believed the ventilation system in the mine was faulty?

I did.

I see.

And could you please tell the court what that inspection revealed?

I reported that Mr. Stanton was wrong.
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