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01x10 - Del 10 (Part 10)

Posted: 04/26/15 02:11
by bunniefuu
You want me to find the silver?


It was a monster who took them all.

He calls himself Storm and is behind several killings of nonhumans.


Revenge, probably.

Gerda would do anything for Nicklas.

Go ahead!

Can you make a decision like that?


Nicklas is not your son, he is my half brother.


How did you get her to go along with it?

If you come back, I'll k*ll her.

What a story!

What happened with you and Esmeralda?

Whate she have done to you leave marks.

Call it a sixth sense.

It must be you, Tom!

You said something that made her escape.

That's it. Your assets goes to Nicklas at your death and Anette manages heritage as his trustee.

Paternity test, what of it?

Anette, it's perfectly fine if you have it.

But no one needs to know.

Promise to ensure that Nicklas have all the love and care he needs.

From someone who see him as their own.

You know that I will do that.

Give this to Nicklas after...

It explains everything to him.

But shouldnt you tell him yourself?

He would be heartbroken. Nicklas is very afraid to be left alone.

All right.

I must hurry back home.

Hey... Gerda.

Gerda? Gerda?

Call an ambulance, Pierre!

No ambulance...

You need to visit hospital.

No, I say!

Put that away.

I'm just a little tired.

No worries, Petra. We'll find her.

You think I want to stay here?

I must have permission to go.


I must quit now.

Will you?

This is Jacob Reisner, nationwide Crimea.

Tom Aronsson.

I will take over the investigation.

You must take step aside. I hope there will not be a problem.

No... I need to go to Stockholm.

My daughter is gone.

When did it happen? Of course you should go.

Is there any connection to this?

No, she went out for herself.

Is she reported missing?

Stockholm has gone out with a inquiry.

I want you available here.

You are most familiar with the case.

Wass is at least as familiar as...

Göran Wass can not be reached.

He comes when his wounded ego healed itself. I understand the dilemma, Aronsson but your duty towards the disappeared children are to be here in Silver Height.

First general review, then you and I. Then you can go. Got that?

Is that clear?

Sure, sure.

I'm really sorry.

Where the hell is Wass?

I need your help.

Silver Height is like a powder keg.

People are scared, angry and erratic.

I want the police out there to keed people calm, ready to regroup when necessary.

Our main priority is to find the children.

Well, may I help you with something?

I'm meeting Tom.

And you are...?

Eva Thörnblad.

Jacob Reisner. We need to talk.

You know what you should do. Good luck.

Sigvardsson and Aronsson, come here!

I want you to be in this.

Goran Wass took in Eva as a consultant, I understand?

That is correct. And I accepted it.

We do not need your help anymore.

Eva is invaluable to the investigation.

I agree with Tom.

You should revert to leave.

May I ask why?

You have put yourself and others in danger. You are a risk. Any problem?

Thank you.

Do Gerda do it for Nicklas sake? She risk children's lives if they blow it!

She has been fighting for her children for 30 years and moved the boundaries for his sake.

I risked Emma for Josefine.

You did not know what would happen.

I knew it was risky.

If something happens to Emma...

Let the police handle it. We have more than enough on Gerda to arrest her.

If she thinks she has the upper hand she does not hurt Josefine.

But if she gets squeezed...

She is desperate.

I dare not risk it.

I must do this alone.

All right.

You need it.

Tom, you may lose the job.

I do not care about the consequences. I go to Stockholm when they release me.

Wass? We have tried to reach you.

I had a meeting with Storm.

Are you okay?

Yes. And you?

Gerda has Josefine, and the company now stands on her.

She has found the silver.

She going to blow it.

Okay, meet me at Ylva.

Mom, are you sick?


Can you help me to clean up here?

I'm going away on a little errand.

It's all right, old man.

Take care of Josefine now.

Once upon a time was a king... who had three daughters...

Is this Storm?


We must fix you up.


Good that you came.

So you want to use Esmeralda?

She is very young.

Do you really think she's ready?

I hope so.

In case Storm gets away with the jordskott and realizes what he has... and that Muns is down there somewhere with all the kids...

I have to stop Storm.


If this is going south. Are you sure you can do this yourself?

Can you make it?


It had felt better if Tom was with you.

He has Ida to care for.

I can not ask him do it.

It should help, not taste good.

Yes, I understand.

Is it possible to meet the person responsible for the investigation?

Yes, yes, it's okay.

Great, thanks for that.

Next station:Silver Height.

Doctor Koljonen.

Hey, it's Eve.

You know what Protovastin is?

I found a can of it at Gerda's farm.

It is a medication that temporarily inhibits the development of cancer cells.

Gerda is dying.

This I can not go out with.

You know about the train to Stockholm?

One will go now. One goes after lunch.

We got a test report from SKL that is not connected to an open case.

It is signed by Wass, and I cant reach him.

Can this be correct?

Don't know.

Where are you going, Aronsson?

We're not done here. Tom!

Hello, Tom.

The sleeve Wass found when you shot is from Nicklas Gunnarsson's r*fle.

The only fingerprints on it belongs to Nicklas. He shot you.

Eve, can you hear me?

All right. Thank you.



You dont answer when I call.


How does it work?

Well, good.

Can you hurry up?

No, we are waiting for caps.

Is everything ready for blowing?

Yes, if nothing unexpected happens.

Let me know how it goes.

Hey, wait.

We switch off mobiles, for the sturgeon.

Tanke this. Just push and talk.

Good. Please let me know when everything is ready.

I checked your website, like you said.

Is all that true?

What do you think?

Esmeralda is one of them, huh?


I think we saw another one.

The water.

We thought we shot it, but... it was you, right?

In the fairy tale they are said to be immortal but they die, just like us.

But they are not like us, they are predators.

Monsters. Remember that.

I have no idea what to do.

You can do it. I know that.

What you ask of her is dangerous even for me, who know what Im doing.

We take him, otherwise he disappears.

Let him go away, then.

Something like this would expose her mind for tremendous stress.

She is not ready for it.

If you could do it, I had asked you.

But she is in communication with him.

And you know as well as I do that the connection goes both ways.

If she can find him, he can find her. It can k*ll her.

Storm is hurt. And if he finds her, so we are waiting for him here.

Esmeralda needed to escape him.

I care about her safety.

And mine, actually. There is not many left of us. I say no.

It's not just about Esmeralda.

Storm want to see everyone dead.

Aren't you supposed to ask me about what I want?

What you want me to do is dangerous, I understand that.

But as long as he's there, I will never feel safe.

So I have to do it here.

My son. My son!

00:22:42,502 --> 00:22:46,502

Did you come to collect your father?

Loved Juuso.

I missed you...


Storm, wake up. Storm.

Damn... Storm!

My bag, fast.

The jar...

What's this?

It's that or death.

Fasten me now.

Fasten me now!

And do not let go off me until I am calm again.

Hard. Harder!
Who is Juuso?

My son. You remind me of him.

If I were your father, I would have been proud.

Do you know if the Stockholm train arrived?

You have not seen a little girl?

Have Stockholm train arrived?

It has already gone.

Gone?! Damn!

Did you see if that girl went off?

Yes, but she is gone.

You did not see where?


Damn! Okay, thanks anyway.


Can you hear me?

Ida, where are you?

It's daddy.


Close your eyes.

How do you relax the entire body.

Breathe deeply.

Now try to get in contact with the feeling when you first met Storm.

Find the link you received when you possessed him. Concentrate.

Do not let anything take you away from your focus now.

Can I try one thing only?


You're on the top of the headlines...

00:28:00,252 --> 00:28:04,572

Jordskott... It does not help.

Give me more!

00:28:04,552 --> 00: Huh?

More. More!


It is completely dark. I see nothing.

Esmeralda! This is not your pain. It is his pain.

Where is he, Esmeralda?

I feel as if I should die...!

It does not help!

Jordskott does not help! I die!

Let go!

Mom, mom! Eva! Eva is here!

She... she had a g*n.

I thought she would k*ll me.


I tied her.

Good. Good.

Where is she?

She's in the barn.

Why did you come back?

Where is Josefine?

She's worse, she does not want to drink.

You have to let me see her.

As soon as I know that the silver is mine.

You can not blow it up!

I know you're dying. You do this so Nicklas can be good when you're gone. But does he know what you have done? Or what you intend to do?

He would understand.

Does he know that you m*rder*d his father?

John was never a father.

Maybe you got him to do it for you.

You tried to get him to m*rder me.

It was not Nicklas.

I saw you with the r*fle.

You could barely lift it.

Nicklas shot me when you took Josefine.

What do you mean? Shot you?

His imprint is on the case that came from his r*fle.

It is not true.

Enough to question him.

How quickly will he admit, you think?

Cancel the blow and Ill make sure that no one else finds out about it.

What happens if you destroy the place that means the most to the one who took the children?



I'm sorry that I hurt you.

I'll find the one that took the children. Now.

Can not hide anymore...

Jordskott does not help, she said.

If Storm has one and learn to handle it, he can become unstoppable.

I can't expose her to that again. There have to be other ways.

Now her help is even more important.

But now she is even more vulnerable.

Can't we wait a moment?

We can't take that risk. Not now.

And it burns inside you brings you to life Not into a quiet world Stuck in your head Stuck in your head...


I found him, I know where he is now. There is little time...



When you found Josefine at Eva, what were you doing there anyway?

It was like I said, I was just there and spied.

The door was open and she just came out with the book.

You did nothing more?

One must not lie, Nicklas, You know that.

Did you sh**t Eva?


How could you do that?

You dont like Eva!

So I took the g*n and shot her!

To fix everything.

It's not your fault, Nicklas.

Will I go to jail?

No, but you must help me give Eva a syringe so that she falls asleep.

It will be good.


Where are the children?

Answer me!

I know you know who's taken the kids.

You damned witch!

See what you've done to me.

You have made me into a monster!

Go in. Go in, I say.

Release him!

I'll tell you, just releasing him.

So, tell me now.

Where are the children?




I- m here, Dad.



You must help Josefine!

You must help Josefine! Come on!

Honey, Mommy's here now.

You must take your medicine now, okay?

Here. You must drink, Josefine.

Drink, Josefine!

You need to drink, please.

Will she die?

You think very much about her, huh?

It is enough because you are her uncle.

We have the same father.

Johan Thörnblad.

I'm your big sister, Nicklas.

You lie! My dad called Gustaf William Borén.

It's your mother who has lied to you. Your father was John Thörnblad.

She k*lled him and now more people is likely to be hurt.

She going to blow the woods where the children are. Innocent children can die.

She would never do something nasty.

She does it for you.

She is sick.

She is very sick.

She will die, Nicklas.

Why can you say that?

One must not say such awful things!


Ida! My girl.

And all the kids...

My God, how have you ended up here?

Nicklas, there is someone that can help Josefine, you understand?

Make sure she gets well!

Eva? Eva, can you hear me?

I have found the children.

We are in the caves.

If they blow it now, we all die.

Do you hear me, Eva?

My name is Tom, Im from the police.

Now we will go home to your parents.

Hold on to each other. Ida, show the way.

Good. Great.

Stick together. Good, so.



Warning signal Do you hear that?


We are ready to blow it up now.

Do it.

I keep the line open.

So. We must hurry.


Is it true? Will you die?


But you need not to be afraid, it will be much better.

I want you to be free and never end up in that place.

We hurry, so Mom and Dad will not be worried.

Wait here.

Was it this way?

You k*lled my real dad...


How could you? How could you?

One must not lie, you know it!

Dammit! What the hell...

Which tunnel was it?

We sit here and wait.

Dont blow. Children will die. Then I'd rather sit at that place.

But how do you do without me?

Hold each other's hands.

Close. Great so.

Eva will help me.

I rescued Eva.

I love you more than anything.

I'll be fine.



There, there...

Holmström! Hello, are you there?

Holmström? Holmström?


Stop! Can you hear me?

You must cancel.

Yes, yes, we cancel.

Long beep! Long beep!


Why didnt you say something?

Why didnt you tell me that you are going to die?

Then I had taken care of you like you always taken care of me.

Then you hadnt need to do all this stupid.

I've done wrong, I should have trusted you.

You're doing much better than I thought.

Can you forgive me?

I love you.

And I love you.

Yes, Wass is quite unhealthy.

I've put him on a plane to Canada, so they can take a look.

I keep an eye on Thörnblad meanwhile.

Come on.


Do not cry, Mom.

I'm not afraid anymore.

I want to be in the woods.

I know that you did everything you could for me.

I will always be with you.

I love you, but you must let me go now, Mom.

What is it, honey?

So, dear. So.


So, dear.

Now you rest.