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01x08 - Sisters of Dinah

Posted: 04/24/15 02:50
by bunniefuu
Previously on Dig...



Find her.


Yussef Khalid is in the building.


Madam Ambassador?

Yussef Khalid did not enter this building.

He wanted me to get your attention.


Somebody who knows you is giving them specific information.

I just arranged a meeting with Lynn.

Why? She'll arrest you.

No, I know her. She'll listen to me.

You were right. It was a setup.

And I made a new friend.

Who the hell are you?

I'm the guy saving your ass.

[calling out calf's name]

Peter: What did you find in the safety deposit box?

We were just about to watch it.

My name is John Donaldson.

The Order of the Moriah have been planning their ascension since the time of the Crusades.

Emma: Donaldson. Why do I know that name?

Three renowned professors of archaeology, John Donaldson, Ian Margrove, and Isaac Zohar.

Peter: They obviously found something the Order of Moriah wanted to keep hidden.


We gotta find this guy, Zohar.

This is our best-seller.

I'm gonna need more protection than that.

Peter: Just when I thought you were the only one I could trust.

Jesus Christ, Peter.

Like you said, you're my only friend, right?

What are you talking about?

I waited for you for over an hour last night.

You never showed up.

I went to the park at 9:00.

I didn't see you. I saw your welcoming committee.



You changed it to 10:00.

I never sent that.

Well, it's from your phone.

I never sent that.

Well, someone did.

Yeah, someone did. Someone's been playing me from the get-go on this case.

The night they ambushed the van and took Yussef Khalid, only an insider would have known the route.

When I chased him into the Consulate, he was there.

I know he was in the building. Someone let him in.

And you're here to tell me that someone is me?

Really? You think I'm behind all this?

I just know whoever's pulling the levers seems to know my comings and goings better than anyone else.

You are an assh*le, you know that?

There may not have been much between us, but come on.

I almost lost my job because of you.

The ambassador thinks I'm completely incompetent, the entire office is... if it was anyone other than you, they would have been gone long weeks ago.

This is the thanks I get? Screw you.


I've never given you one reason to not trust me.

Not last night, not in the van, not at the Consulate.

Not once in 20 years.

I'm an assh*le.

Yeah, you are.

Big one.

I'm sorry.

Now that we know I'm not the big, bad wolf... who is?

I've narrowed it down to three places that mention the word Dinah.

One in Bethlehem, two in Jerusalem.

Uh... underground garage.


Site would have been hit under construction.

Wait a minute...

Sisters of Dinah convent...

Before the Crusades, the Sisters of Dinah were known by the Latin name of their order...

Custos Secreta.

Keepers of Secrets.


[line ringing]

[click] This is Amanda Morgan.

I can't get to the phone right now.

Please leave a message. [beep]

Hi, Mom. It's me.

Uh... Sorry I haven't been the daughter you always wanted me to be.

You were right about why I left, you... you were right about it all.

I'm sorry I caused you so much pain.

If, um... [voice breaks] if I don't see you again, um...

I just want you to know I love you.

Please forgive me.


[mysterious music]

[man chanting in distance]

Peace is another matter, but they certainly do breakfast right in this country.

Israeli breakfast, please, and a cappuccino.

And for you, ma'am?

I'll have the same. Thank you.

I'm going to assume for the sake of argument that Peter has contacted you by now.

I got a text from him yesterday asking me to meet him at 9:00 p.m. last night, then I got another text pushing it till 10:00.

You believe that to be me.

Was it?


I was afraid you couldn't be impartial.

This is my operation. You went behind my back.

Because you disobeyed direct orders about contacting Agent Connelly.


I understand very well the situation that Peter has put us in.

But I still trust him.

Like it or not, he's a good agent with good instincts.

He's convinced that he's landed on something big that connects and ties together Emma Wilson, Yussef Khalid, and the missing stones.

He thinks the Jerusalem Heritage Center is a front for a much larger cause than simply remembering the long-lost Temple.

waiter: Cappuccino?

Thank you.

You're very welcome.


Interesting theory.

When we bring him in, I'd like to hear more about that.

Yesterday, he got away from us.

I'd like to know how.

All he said was that someone helped him get away in the nick of time.

[silverware clatters]

Did he say who?

Rabbi Lev. Good morning.

Or not so good, I'm afraid.

He said someone from my organization helped him?


And that he's very close to tying you to the m*rder of Emma Wilson.

We had absolutely nothing to do with the m*rder of that girl, so...

They are fishing.

They're trying to connect you and me.

Get off the phone, Ambassador.

All right, I said what you asked me to say.

I don't know if I should hope you're right or wrong about this, Peter.


We rattled the cage and we'll see what happens.

I'm gonna head back to the Consulate, see if I can't link Ridell and Yussef to the night of the reception.

Following another lead. I'll call you later.

Looks like Ambassador Ridell might have taken the bait.

I'll stake out the Heritage Center when we're done with Professor Zohar.

Now, the discovery of flasks of cinnamon might sound supremely unimpressive, but it didn't just make food taste better.

It established empires.

It changed global politics.

It was the tipping point in the balance of world power.


36 coins were just found at the base of the Temple Mount.

Does this confirm that the temple treasures might lie buried underneath?

So much for cinnamon, huh? [scattered chuckles]

[chuckling] That's all for today. Thank you very much.

Professor Zohar.

Well, Donaldson and I argued a lot, but I miss him terribly. He was a good friend.

Of course, he was an absolute romantic about archeology, convinced that he might be the one to find this mythic vault of riches under the Temple Mount.

You were quite disdainful of that type in class a few minutes ago.

Yeah, well, John was different. It was never about his reputation or claim to fame.

It was just about the truth.

What about Ian Margrove?

Well, what about him?

He was a douche bag, a dimwit, a greedy little treasure hunter with a fancy accent. Have a seat.

It was he who encouraged Donaldson to publish, promised that he would back his claims.

Now, this was 1988, and Donaldson's paper fed right into the intifada.

60 Israelis and over 100 Palestinians were k*lled.

What happened to him after that?

Oh, you are...


Agent Wilson.

Zohar: Well, he was ruined.

He never recovered.

He lost everything... job, grants.

Margrove ignored him.

He just hung him out to dry.

Of course, there was that horrible night.

What horrible night?

Well, I'm assuming you know about the fairy tale ending, no?

Well, he came home one night, drunk, broken, angry... slit his wife's throat, then his own in front of the children.

I don't suppose you ever saw any of the evidence he talked about.

He said he kept it locked in some secret room.

Uh... never mentioned where.

We saw that room. In the video.



Keep going. Fast-forward.

Stop there.

What's that?

Blow out the background.



That's something to go on.

Emma: I think that's Mishkanot Shananaim.

The red roofs... it's gotta be.

Yeah, yeah.

Okay, I'll stand by at the Heritage Center.

Peter: Let's print this out, see if we can find where it was shot from.


Morning, Sister.

My name is Professor Ian Margrove.

My colleague and I are from the Archeological Historical Society and the British Museum.

We're here to authenticate the Revenge of Dinah relief that I believe is housed in your basement.

We were not informed that anyone was coming.

I suppose that is why our Great Britain isn't so great anymore.

Very bad management.

[low conversations]

[door opens]

man: I don't know.

What does one pack for eternity?

Guess we'll find out soon.


[laughs] Hey, stranger!

What brings you to these parts?

Oh, you know, I miss my favorite poker buddy.


And a question about blind spots.

What would happen if I wanted to sneak into the Consulate without being seen?

You couldn't.

There are no blind spots. Cameras cover everything.

Why? What gives?

Well, last week at the reception when Yussef Khalid allegedly entered the building...

But didn't.

What if the counters were down?

But they weren't. Look...

[keys clacking]

What am I looking at?

Camera logs.

All the cameras were operating nonstop that night... see?

What if someone manually switched them off?

Didn't happen. Anything happens to the cameras, it appears on this log.

Also, just as a backup measure, private security company back home gets pinged right away if anything is shut off.


For the fun of it, could you call and ask them for the camera logs for that night?

Sure, sure. But they'll be identical.


This stays between us, right, Phil?

Yeah, yeah.



It's raw perspective.

This is from higher up somehow.

Let me see.

I don't know.

Maybe we're just not in the right place.

Hang on a second.

That's that yellow building right there.

So this is from... one of those windows up there.

[bell tolls]

Donaldson did say he was hiding in a place of God.

May I help you?

[bell continues tolling]

Rent is still paid every year on the same date, so we left it undisturbed.

Don't mind the spiders.

They don't bite.


[bell continues tolling]




Try and look for anything, uh...



Donaldson said the secret hides behind a relief.

Look how delicate these carvings are.

One of the more exquisite styling of bas-relief I have ever encountered.

All of this... you can almost feel his madness, his pain.


It can't all be crazy, though, can it?

Well, the messenger, maybe.

But not the message, unfortunately.

Well, well...

Seems Donaldson almost got it right.




You hear that?

[breeze howling lightly]


[trigger cocks]

It's over, Debbie.

I don't think so.

Drop the g*n.

I won't tell you again.

I'm gonna count to three... four is a b*llet in your...

[r*fle shot echoes]


Hurry, Josh. We don't have time.

Step aside, Sandra.

Don't think I won't sh**t you for his sake.

Josh, get your bag.

Debbie, please...


Doesn't feel good, does it?

Somebody who could save you... [whimpers] decides to let you die instead.


Open your eyes.


This place is rigged to burn.

Get out while you can.

Hey, Phil.

Got something for me?

Camera logs from the company back home.

They don't match?

They don't match.

You were right.

Someone manipulated the logs here.

What are the red lines?

Shows exactly what camera was down and for how long.

So if I follow the cameras...

You'll find where Yussef Khalid went that night.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

You all right?


Hold up.

There, take that.

Peter: Hey... look at this.

Look at these.

What are they?

Writing, symbols.

But can you read 'em?

Not really.

This one's Aramaic.

That's probably Canaanite.


Way older than this convent.

Looks like we're on the right track.

That symbol... we saw a few of those in tunnel seven, the closer we got to the Temple Mount.

Peter: We must be heading that way.


That's it.

We're in!


Ugh! Rats.

Peter: Shh.

[clattering continues]

[whispers] I don't think so.

Careful. Carefully.

It's stuck.

Just push through.

[rock clatters]

[prays under breath]

What in heaven's name?

Guards. Essenes.

Sealed inside the vault to protect the treasure in the afterlife.

Probably from right around the time of the first Crusade.

My God, is this really it?

Margrove: The temple treasures.

The greatest discovery in archeological history.

Ma'am, sure I can't be of assistance?

Oh, no, just... routine security check.

Camera three.

Six seconds.

Two, three, four.

Camera five.

Eight seconds.

One, two... three, four, five. [whispering] Six, seven, eight.

Camera seven.

27 seconds.

What did he do here?

[whispering] 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22...

Camera 13...

18 seconds.

37, 38, both out 19 seconds.

Yussef, where did you go?

[whispering] 19, 18...

Six, five...

Aw, shit.

The Ambassador.

All right, Josh.



Debbie, stop!

[alarm ringing]

[voices rising]


Billingham: No!



Why are they going there?

[truck doors open, close]

[engine turns]

Peter, you're not gonna believe where I am.

I followed them to Qumran.

I'll meet you here, bye.

[sheep bleating, bells jingling]

[murmurs greeting]

Peter: Golan, where the hell are you? Answer your phone.

Not a lot here.

What is this place?

A series of caves, uninhabited since the sixth century.

Why would Golan be coming here?

He was following some guys from the Heritage Center.

[man chanting]

[other men join in]

What the hell?

[calf lows]

[chanting continues]

[man speaking in Hebrew]

That's him! That's the guy who rescued me last night.

I'm gonna try Golan again.

[trigger cocks]

[elevator bell dings]

[keys jingling]

Rabbi Lev's people are in Qumran.

It'll get done. Don't worry.

For His glory.

[elevator bell dings]

I'll keep you posted.

[knock at door]

man: Madam Ambassador, you wanted to see me?

Ridell: Yes. Lynn Monahan came to see you today.

What did she want?

She was asking a lot of questions about the night of the reception.

Was she?

She wanted to know if there were blind spots in the security cameras.

And you told her what, exactly?

That, yes, there were.

Thank you, Phil.

[dialing phone]

The Legal Attache is asking too many questions.

No. I think she's going to keep looking until she finds something.

The Pastor's arriving tomorrow night with the package.

We can't have any distractions.

She needs to be taken off the field.

Do it quietly, but do it within the next 24 hours.

[hangs up]

[Debbie sighs]

We'll be safe here.

Grab some sleep.

You take the backseat. Go ahead.

It's been a long week for us, Josh.


The Lord has been testing us.


Looking up at those stars...

I see His beauty reflected back in all of creation.

Can't help but see a message.

The message that we're on the right path.

The path of righteousn...



[line ringing]

man: Josh?

It's done.

Can you come get me?

[calf lows]

Who are you people?

Shem: We are Essenes.

Where's my partner?

What did you do with him?

[calf lows]

Emma: The Essenes died out 2,000 years ago.

Shem: I assure you, we did not.

We have kept our existence a secret in order to survive.

Are you gonna k*ll us?

We're not K*llers. We are protectors.

Why did you save me the other night?

I couldn't let them k*ll you.

Peter: Who's "them"?


[shouting indistinctly]

[g*nf*re continues]

Give me my g*n! Untie me!



Keep your head down! I'll be back.

[g*nf*re continues]

[b*ll*ts ricochet]


No! You'll hit the heifer.

[g*nf*re stops]

[panting] Shit.





Ah, shit.
