01x20 - Under the Knife

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gotham". Aired: September 2014 to April 2019.*
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The origin story behind Commissioner James Gordon's rise to prominence in Gotham City in the years before Batman's arrival.
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01x20 - Under the Knife

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Gotham:


Bullock: The guys call him the Ogre.

He's a serial k*ller.

Whoever did this is a monster.

The blood of his next victim is on my hands.

If you don't drop it, that blood could be Lee's.

Because the Ogre retaliates against any cop who investigates and kills the people they love.

Bruce: The man who stabbed Alfred, he's in Gotham.

You need my help to find him.

Who sent you?

You want me to tell Bunderslaw that you're onto him?


(train clacking, bell clangs, ship's horn toots)

(car horns honk, siren wails in distance)


You look far from home.

Get away from him.

Or what?



Selina: Come on.

Did you go back?

Yeah. The cops are there.



What do you think?

He fell out of a five-story window. He's dead.

(voice breaks): Why'd you do it?

He told us what we wanted. He told us about Bunderslaw.

You didn't have to go and k*ll the guy!

Yes, I did! 'Cause the moment we'd left, he was gonna go tell his boss!

Who works for you, by the way.

He's the one who tried to k*ll me, who tried to k*ll your butler... who probably k*lled your parents.

I saved your life.

Besides... you wanted to do it, too.

You just didn't have the guts.


Just go home.

We still have to find out who Bunderslaw is and what he wants.

You mean you do.

You really think this is over? He's gonna come after us.

So what's next? Hmm?

His safe.


Every senior executive at Wayne Enterprises has a safe in their office.

A-Any secrets Bunderslaw has, that's where they'll be.

Key or combination?

Key. My dad had one.

He'll probably keep it on him, then.

Figure out a way to get me close, and I'll steal it.

Can you do that?

I think so.

And what happened tonight, you tell no one.

Not your buddy Detective Gordon, not your butler.

No one.

Punctures on test subject are consistent with those on the victim, indicating the k*ller was right-handed.


Where's Thompkins?

Detective Gordon, Dr. Thompkins said I was free to use this room. She's very nice.

She's not like the old medical examiner.

Ed, just tell me where she is.

No riddles.

Home. She went home.

Hope you find her.

(phone buzzes)

(glass breaks in distance)



Jim, is that you?




You're lucky I don't skin you.

Go on.

(dials phone)

(phone rings)

I... slow down.

Lee, please.

Start over.

This case you caught, the dead woman, she was m*rder*d by a serial k*ller?

Yes. Who's k*lled a dozen women, maybe more.

And Loeb gave you this on purpose?

He wants to hurt me.

And how am I in danger?

He murders the loved ones of any cop who investigates him.

It's how he's been able to get away with it so far.

Anyone who comes after him, he's k*lled someone they love and the investigation's been buried.

Bullock knows a cop...

Came home and found his wife.

Her throat had been cut.


That's why Loeb gave me the case.

Either I give up, like everyone else... and live, knowing I let a k*ller go free... or I keep on, and someone I love is k*lled.

You're not giving up, are you?

I can't.

That's why I need you to get out of Gotham right now.



You want to protect me? Find him.

I'm gonna stay here and do my job.

But I do like that you think of me as a loved one.

I do.

Love you.

And it only took a serial k*ller to get you to say that.




(door opens, closes)

This is it.

Home sweet, you know.

This is a great space.



Sort of a roommate.


She comes and goes.

Wayne Enterprises Charity Ball.

Didn't you know I'm a member of society?

I go every year.

Get my picture taken in a pretty dress.


Aren't you scared of my being here?

Should I be?

Are you dangerous?

I don't know... is your boyfriend gonna come home?

I never said I had a boyfriend.

I assumed a woman as beautiful as you...

You assumed I had a boyfriend and you assumed I would be the kind of woman who would cheat on him.

Well, I'm not.

And I don't have a boyfriend.

And if a bus hit me tomorrow, no one would care.

That change things?

Yes, actually, it does.

Make it more illicit?

Or would there be less chance of us getting attached...

One night and done.

Only that would happen anyway.

Because once you saw the real me, you would run screaming, like everyone else.

I have to say, you're not who I imagined you'd be.


You can let yourself out.

♪ Love, love ♪
♪ Love... ♪

♪ Love, love ♪
♪ Love... ♪

But you promised to dance with me.

And I will.


But first I have to finish with that gentleman.

Who knew running a nightclub was so much work?

My poor darling.

As I was saying, you and your crew are the best g*n and knife men in the city.

Your hit on Councilman Klein...

A thing of beauty.

And I'm a fan, so...


What do you want?

For you to help me k*ll Don Maroni and all of his lieutenants.

You're having a laugh.

I'm fairly certain I'm not.

And Falcone's good with this?

He will be. When it's done.

Thank you.

No, thank you.

So you like being number two.

Falcone gives Victor Zsasz first dibs on every new contract.

You bring him the b*llet-riddled corpse of his enemy and all of that will change.

This is your chance to move up.

(wry chuckle)

You're a mad fella, aren't ya?

Fair enough.

Come by the bar tomorrow.

We'll talk details.

What's this about, Harvey?

Bullock: Have a seat.

This is my partner Jim Gordon.


Eight years ago, you investigated the m*rder of a woman named Julie Kemble.

That was a long time ago. It was the Ogre.

Julie Kemble was his first victim.

But you dropped the investigation, and because of that,

11 more women have been m*rder*d.

(chuckles) Seriously, guys, you know...


We also know the Ogre kills the loved ones of the cops that hunt him down.

That pattern started with you.

We think you found something that spooked him.

Your notes from the investigation.

The last page, something's been scratched out.

I want to know what.

He k*lled my wife.

I still got a daughter, Harvey.

Beth Tudor.

Katherine Wood.

Jessica Parker.

11 women.

Each one was someone's daughter.

It has to stop.

Yeah. I was doing background on the dead girl. Someone told me she was a nurse for a private medical clinic uptown.

It was on Grant and 80th.

Some cosmetic place.

We'll put cops on your daughter until this is done.

(camera clicks)

So you forgive me?


I'll see you tonight.


How's it hanging, Riddle Man?

Uh, it's hanging... fine.

(trembling sigh)

Mr. Nygma, did you need something?

Oh. Yes. Uh...

Detective Gordon wanted me to go through the forensic evidence of these old murders.


Are those bruises?


Did Officer Dougherty do that?

Um, he was... upset, and he didn't mean to.

I-I said some things I shouldn't have, and...

Miss Kringle, this is not right. He can't just...

Mr. Nygma, it is none of your concern.

Now, I-I need to get started on these files, so...


Should you be up?

Oh, thank you, Master Bruce. I feel...

I feel much better.

Can I get you anything?

Yes, actually. I've decided to attend the Wayne Enterprises Charity Ball tonight.

All the senior management will be there, and I think people should see that a Wayne is still at the head of the company.

I shall set your tux out for you.


Yes, Master Bruce.

Wh-When you were in the army... you had to k*ll people, right?


Yes, I did.

And it was necessary?

Oh, I see... so you overheard the conversation that Reggie and I had that was best left unsaid.

But in answer to your question, yes.

Yes, it was necessary.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I better go and find my good cufflinks, if we're stepping out.

No, but, uh, you're-you're still recovering.

What, I'm supposed to let you walk into that nest of vipers on your tod?

There'll be hundreds of people there, Alfred.

I won't be in any danger.

So you say. But you're not gonna go alone.

I won't be alone.

I've invited Selina Kyle.

Selina Kyle?

To the Wayne Enterprises Ball?

I see.

What do you see?

Nothing. I mean, you know... I mean, you're... a healthy young lad and she's a very pretty young girl with a penchant of wearing, well, a little too much leather.

Alfred, it's not like that.

Then what's it like?

Well... well, what if it is, huh?

What's wrong with that?

Absolutely nothing.

So, I will wait in the car outside, so you don't feel my watchful eye, but I will be close by, if there needs be.

That is the deal.


Could you call around and send some dresses and shoes to where she's staying?

This is the address.

It's a charity ball, Alfred.

I'll be fine.

Freaky, huh?

You wonder how they recognize themselves after.

Doc Thompkins is fine.

No one's gonna touch her at the precinct. Relax.

You do understand it's because of me that she's in danger.

Anything that happens is my fault.

You can't hold yourself responsible for the actions of a psychopath.

Sure, I can.

Detectives... I'm Dr. Cushman.

How can I help you?

We're looking into the m*rder of a woman named Julie Kemble.

She worked here about eight years ago.

Of course. Terrible thing.

Julie was a talented nurse.

But she'd only just started here when it happened.

She'd been recommended by one of our patients.

The patient's name?

(scoffs): Well, I'm afraid I can't give you that. Confidentiality.


You're gonna make us get a warrant?


"I specialize in fake boobs, but I got ethics.

I need a warrant."

We'll talk to Judge Harkness. I'm sure...

That car was in front of the precinct.

Jim, wait up.

(starts engine)

(tires screeching)

(tires screeching)

(car horn blaring)

You sure about this?

It was him.

You saw his face?

No. I should've been looking for a tail.

It's obvious he tracks our investigations.

Bullock: Called in a description of the car and a partial plate, but I'm not too hopeful.

So what's the next move?

Gordon, you got a call. Says it's urgent.


Jason: Detective.

I didn't get a chance to say hello properly in the alley.

Listen to me...

Don't bother tracing this. I won't be long.

I'm giving you one chance to turn yourself in.

You make me come after you, and I will put you down.

Something tells me you've begun to buy your own press, Detective.

The hero cop who's gonna clean up Gotham.

The rising star of the GCPD.

I'll stop you, that's for damn sure.

No, Detective, you won't.

But keep on your present course, and I will k*ll someone you love.

This is your only warning.

(click, dial tone)

Bullock: Oh, no.

Tell me that wasn't him.

He's used to intimidating cops.

We have to show him we're not afraid.

And how do we do that?

You're okay with this? You're sure?

Yes. It's the right thing to do.

(cameras clicking)

I called you here today... because the people of Gotham deserve to know that there's a serial k*ller in their midst.

For years, he's k*lled with impunity, aided by a culture of silence and fear among the police.

That ends now.

We'll be providing the names and photos of all of the victims.

Please call with any information.

And to the man who committed these horrific crimes,

(on TV): your days of hiding are over.

I'm coming after you.

And I'm not gonna stop.


What are those for?

The Wayne Charity Ball.

It's boring but good for the gallery's business.

Well, I'll probably see you there.

(knocking on door)


I'm going with Bruce Wayne.

Wait, what?

Man: Hello. Delivery.

Selina: Oh.

Uh, over there.

Man: Thank you. Enjoy.

(man speaks indistinctly)

(door shuts)


Am I really supposed to wear these?

Okay... we have a lot of work to do.

Got it.

That was the doctor. Harkness sent over the warrant.

The dead girl came to the clinic by way of a Miss Constance van Groot.

Van Groot... that's one of Gotham's oldest families. Shipping.

Yeah. We thought the Ogre might be rich.

Could be the old lady had a son.

You got an address?

Right here.
Well, Butch, Connor and his crew are on board.

They hate Maroni even more than I...

Shut up. Maroni and his crew are here.

I couldn't turn 'em away.

No, of course. No matter.


She was already here.

Maroni: Is that my buddy Oswald?


Come here.

Oh, Oswald.

(Maroni chuckles)

There he is.

Mother, what are you doing?

I'm having a drink with Mr. Mar...


I told you... Sal.

With Sal.

But we shouldn't impose any longer...


No, you're not taking my Gertrud.

Oh, his Gertrud.

(Gertrud chuckles)

Sit. Join us.


Gertrud: Oswald, sit.

Sit, Oswald.

(knocking on door)


I'm Bruce Wayne.

Barbara Kean.


Selina never said you're who she's staying with.

Detective Gordon spoke of you.

Well, Selina can be a little guarded.

(chuckles) Yes, I know.

Stop talking about me.


You look very nice.

The shoes hurt.

Have fun.

Barbara: Look for me at the ball.

It was nice meeting you.

Think she's here?

(echoing): Miss Van Groot!


I need to say this is not exactly legal.

We're running out of time.

(clanking, man gasping)


Gordon: Over here.

(man grunts, gasps)


He's good.

Call it in. I'm gonna go check the rest of the house.

(weakly): He told me... but I was too slow.

(doors creaking)


Miss van Groot?

I'm a police officer.

Miss van Groot?


(distant): Gordon!


Jim Gordon, Constance van Groot.

(classical music playing, indistinct conversations)

(indistinct chatter, light laughter)

Everyone's staring at us.

Well, I am Bruce Wayne.

Well, I am.

Anyway, I don't see Bunderslaw anywhere.

He's probably not coming.

But he's on the guest list.

Just keep dancing.

And smile, maybe?

Name's Jacob Skolimski.

He's not talking, but near as we can tell he was the old lady's butler.

And you're thinking the Ogre's this guy's son, not the dead woman's?

Yeah, yeah. Coroner said the old bird's been dead for years.

My guess, Ogre k*lled her, daddy pretends she's still alive, so crazy serial k*ller son can keep living off her money.

He tried to k*ll himself. He knew you were closing in.

He has to be in contact with his son.

Bullock: Yeah.

Listen, Gordon's running pretty hot on this one, Cap.

Can you blame him?

Thinks Thompkins is the next victim.

Still, watch him.

Alvarez called.

Nothing on the son in the system.

We have to make him talk.

Make this simple.

Give us your son's name and address.

Jacob: Or what?

I'm not afraid of you.

Only because you don't know me.

Listen, I get wanting to protect your son, but how many more women is he gonna have to k*ll before you realize he needs to be locked up?

What are you talking about?

Don't play dumb with me. You were hiding a rotting corpse upstairs for years, but no, no, my son's an angel, he didn't m*rder close to a dozen women that we know of.

My son...

He made one mistake.


Anything else is lies.

So tell us the truth.

Hear, hear. Cheers.

Selina, what happened last night...

That can never happen again.

I told you I didn't have a choice.

I don't accept that.


I knew you wouldn't be able to handle it.

You're right. I did want to k*ll him.

Keep your voice down.

But there's a line, Selina.

And you can say I don't have guts, but the fact is I will never cross it.

I guess that's where we're different, then.

'Cause if I had to do it again, I would.

And it wouldn't bother me one bit.

That's Bunderslaw.


(clears throat)

Riddle Man.

Officer Dougherty, a word.

I can start a w*r or end one.

I can give you the strength of heroes or leave you powerless.

I might be snared with a glance, but no force can compel me to stay.

What am I?

Got me.


Miss Kringle has given hers to you.

And in return, you hurt her.

I saw the bruises.


And you cannot do that.

The next time you do that, I'll...

Whoa! Calm down.

You'll give yourself a girly fit.

Have you ever been with a woman?

(clicks tongue) Didn't think so.

They need a firm hand.

That goes double for Kringle.

Girl's got a tongue.

I won't let you hurt her.

(laughs) Oh, yeah?

What are you gonna do?

(clicks tongue)

That's what I thought.

Later, Riddle Man.

Care to dance?



It was not a place for a boy to grow up.

Miss van Groot kept herself sealed off from the world, but she doted on my son.

Treated him as her own. Still, I...

I didn't realize how deep it went.

This kid's own mom was out of the picture, so it seems he started thinking he was this van Groot woman's secret son.

Skolimski: I tried to tell him it wasn't true, but he had built this fantasy, and...

Miss van Groot led him on.

She was deranged. Cruel, even.

Bullock: So, about ten years ago, he confronts her, he demands that she acknowledge him, give him her last name, put him in the will.

She laughs at him, said it was all just a big joke.

So he kills her.

His dad feels guilty, helps him cover it up.

So the old woman rejects him, he kills her... bang, you got a serial k*ller with a "Mommy didn't love me" complex.

But there's a wrinkle.

I don't know where my son is.

He called me today, told me the police would be coming.

But I haven't seen him since the day he k*lled Miss van Groot.

My son is not a bad man.

Your son has been seducing and k*lling women for almost a decade.

(wheezing laughter)

Why is he laughing?

My son... seducing women?

Oh, let me show you my son... two pictures.

It's all I managed to save.

You've heard "a face only a mother could love"?

Well... his mother couldn't.

She left us after he was born.

(chuckling): Oh, yes... my son, the seducer.

Now you can see why it makes sense he scratched his face out of those pictures.

But that means this can't be the Ogre.

We're chasing the wrong guy.

Jim had an idea.

Judge Harkness's warrant was very specific.

I don't have to say anything.

Then nod.

Did you operate on this man?

I need to know what he looks like now.

Or the next woman he kills will be on your head.

Never, never, would he play with the other children.

You know, even then, he was too good for them.

And now, he is a respectable man of business...

My Oswald.

Well... this has been a delight.

But it's late.

One thing...

Gertrud, my love.


A question that's been bothering me.

Oh, no. Oh... no, no.

Is this an act?

(both laughing)

Are you pretending that he's just a nightclub owner?

Or are you really that stupid?


I don't understand. I...

Your son... Don Maroni, I am warning you!

Is a cold-blooded psychopath.

No, no, no, no, no...

I can't count how many men he's k*lled.

My own friend, Frankie Carbone, he stabbed him a dozen times.

What kind of person plunges a knife into someone over and over?

He is a filthy liar, Mother!

He's just angry because I played him for a fool!

(gasping): Oh! Oswald...

You know, don't you? Oh, I can see it.

(whimpering) Let go of her!

Did you catch him, one night, washing the blood from his hands?

When did you realize that you had given birth to a monster?

(shouts, sobs)

You are going to pay for this!


Or maybe this ends with me dumping your lifeless body into the river.

Either way, you and Momma Gertrud can stop pretending.

Place is looking good.

(door opens)

Shh, shh...


(door closes)

The other night, when you saw my invitation, why didn't you tell me you were coming?

I wasn't.

I didn't get invited.

Oh, so you're crashing.

Oh, no, I'm... on the list.

It's amazing what a $10,000 donation will do.

You donated $10,000 to this?


I was hoping that would be apparent.

And what if I decided not to come?

Well, then, I'd have been making a generous donation to charity, and I would've been very... disappointed.

The way things ended last night, it was my fault.

But I felt something.

I couldn't let it slip away.

Well, that's very sweet, but...

You said that when people see the real you, they run screaming.

Someone said the same thing to me once, that no one would ever love me.


The woman I thought was my mother.


I know what it's like... to be one person on the inside, and have the world see another.

I lived like that.

And it almost destroyed me. I can see it destroying you.

I don't want to dance anymore.

The person that I am now, I created.

I brought him into being.

I can do the same for you.

Aren't you tired of playing games?

Of hiding?


(laughing) Good-bye.

See you soon.

Hello. I'm Bruce Wayne.

Sid Bunderslaw.

(quiet click)

Bruce: I'm going around, trying to get to know everybody who works for the company.

You do work for Wayne Enterprises, don't you?

I do.

I'm the Director of Physical Operations.

Which, I'm afraid, is a bit dull.

There are many much more interesting people here.

Ah, yes, well, I'm sure I'll get to meet everyone, eventually.

If you'll forgive me, Bruce, I have an early flight tomorrow.

It's been a pleasure.

It was, um... it was nice meeting you.

Selina: Sorry.

(Bruce sighs)

See? Nothin' to it.

What is it?


(siren wails in distance)

Stop right there, buster!

(car door opens)

Riddle Man?

What the hell are you doing, creeping around here?

You need to leave Miss Kringle alone.


I'm not gonna let you hurt her.

Ever again.

I think you need to leave Gotham... tonight.


I get it now.

You got a thing for my girl.

That's too funny.

Don't take this personal.

(yells in pain)

Aw... (scoffing laugh)

You want some more?

Upsi-daisy... oh!

Oh, dear.



(train clacking)

Riddle Man...

Oh, dear.

Oh, dear.

Oh, no.

(gasping, laughing)

Oh, dear.



Oh, dear.

Oh, dear...


Feeling better?

I made tea. (laughs)

I'm afraid you had... well... (laughs) a little too much to drink.

Mr. Maroni, he... he has a strange sense of humor...


I am not some bumpkin from the country, with hay in my brains!


I am your mother... and I will love you, no matter what.

But lie to me now... you will break my heart.

Oswald... have you done things... you should not?



I'm a nightclub owner.

That's all.

(shuddering breaths)


(shuddering breaths)

I'm tired now.

I'm tired.

(crying quietly)


(knocking on door)

(Oswald sniffles, knocking continues)

Yeah, I got a delivery for Gertrud, from Sal.

Tip's not included.

You tell Sal it's over.

The g*ns are bought.

The k*lling room is waiting.

He doesn't know it, but he's a dead man.

On second thought...

I'll tell him myself.

(delivery man groans)


Gertrud: O-Oswald?

Who was that?

It's Mr. Yatsko, from next door.

He needs help taking out some trash.

You, you... please, you help him, then.

(broken glass clinking)

Jason van Groot?

His real name is Jason Skolimski.

He used the old woman's name when he went to the clinic.

But there's no Jason van Groot or Skolimski in Gotham.

The guy's a ghost.

So, the old woman rejects him, he goes to the doctor, gets himself a pretty new face.

That's where he runs into the nurse.

And we're off to the races.

I don't suppose you got a picture.

Missing from the file. No surprise there.

But the good doctor was kind enough to do a sketch.

It's been ten years since he last saw him, but at least it's a start.

So we have his real name, but not what alias he's using, or what he looks like beyond a decade-old sketch.

Did he say anything else on the phone today?

Anything we might've missed?

Gordon: Nah, just warned me to back off.

Told me not to believe my own press as the rising star of the GCPD.

What is it?

The paper that said that...

They ran an old photo of me, from a charity gala.

I wasn't alone.

(pounding on door)

Gordon (muffled): Barbara!

Is Barbara here?

No. Why?

Where is she?

When's the last time you saw her? At the Wayne Ball.

She left with some guy.

Was this the guy?

It's kind of a crappy drawing.

(firmly): Was this the guy?

Yeah, I think so.

Why? Who is he?

What's through there?

See for yourself.
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