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01x22 - Postcards from the Edge

Posted: 04/21/15 00:14
by bunniefuu
Walter: My name is Walter O'Brien. I have the fourth highest IQ ever recorded: 197. Einstein's was 160. When I was 11, the FBI arrested me for hacking NASA to get their blueprints for my bedroom wall. Now I run a team of geniuses, tackling worldwide threats only we can solve. Toby's our behaviorist. Sylvester's a human calculator. Happy, a mechanical prodigy. Agent Cabe Gallo's our government handler. And Paige? Well, Paige isn't like us. She's normal and translates the world for us while we help her understand her genius son. Together, we are Scorpion.

♪ ♪

(engine revving)

I want Gallo out.

Then I'll resign.

Effective immediately.

I just don't want him to become you.

I don't think I can be here anymore.


Calling to order Scorpion 2.0.

Toby Curtis?


Sylvester Dodd?


And... Happy Quinn?

Whatever you're doing, stop it immediately.

I'm maintaining a sense of order in our chaos, filling a leadership vacuum.

You're highly unqualified.

Spend your time wisely.

Look for a new gig, like me.

Now, Walter did not say that this was the end of Scorpion.

He only said that he didn't need Cabe or Paige.

However implausible that is, maybe Scorpion will... persevere.

Happy: Run the numbers on that.

We lost a third of our personnel in one night.

We're back to where we were a year ago.

Broke, aimless, losers.

I was not "aimless""

I'm calling Walter again.

You've called him ten times.

He's not going to answer.

Paige, then.

She bailed on us.

Who needs her?

Then I'm calling Cabe.

Walter threw Cabe off the team.

No Cabe, no Paige-- the Scorpion you're thinking of does not exist anymore.

Accept it and pull the rip cord.

We're not going down without a fight.

Isn't this worth it?

Call Cabe. What do I care?

(phone ringing)

So, I got your new assignment.

Pomona airport?

You're on a desk, but you're in charge of all TSA.

If you get bored, you could strap on a blue uniform and work the luggage scanner.

Why do I get the sense you're enjoying this?

Scorpion's flameout freed up funding for certain pet projects, but this is all you're doing, Gallo.

You were always intimidated by them because they're smarter than you by a millionfold, save countless lives, and help countless more than you ever could.

Maybe Pomona's too good for you.

I'll never know.

You can take this assignment and shove it.

How the hell am I supposed to fix this team if no one's gonna pick up?

That was Megan.

Walter missed her weekly doctor's assessment.

He didn't even call.

She can't get ahold of him.

That's not great.

He's never missed an appointment before.

Megan thinks something could be very wrong, and so do I.

Or he's holed up in a bar somewhere throwing back tequila bombs rewriting the relativity theorem.

Walter doesn't drink.

Then he's throwing back milkshakes rewriting the relativity theorem.

Can I please have a little emotional escapism while we trace his phone?

On it.

(line ringing)

Recorded voice: Hi. This is Paige Dineen.

I can't come to the phone, but leave a detailed...

(phone line ringing)

Are you calling Walter again?

Hi, Walter. It's me again.

Can you call me back, please?

I promise my call will be efficient.

I just want to say good-bye.

(electronic chime)

(birds chirping)

Why won't he pick up?

Ralph, you've already left three messages.

Now pack. We're leaving soon.

I don't want to go.

It's two days.

And then it'll be forever.


(phone line ringing)

Recorded voice: This is Walter O'Brien.

Please leave a brief message.

Yeah, it's me this time. I can't believe... you're not returning Ralph's calls.

I always knew you had issues, Walter, but this is... way beneath you.

You are selfish, and you are being a jerk.


(phone ringing)

Glad you finally grew a pair.

Uh, it's Happy Quinn.

From the team you were formerly a part of.

Oh. Happy, I'm-I'm-I'm sorry, I thought it was...

I'm looking for Walter.


You know where he is?

Ralph has been trying to call him all morning.

Okay. Bye.

Happy. Come on.

Okay, I'm ready to go.

No, no. That will not fit in the bag-- it's not going.

Going where?

A little trip.

You're moving this quick?

No flies on you, girl.

Drew invited us to Portland for the weekend just to get a feel for the place, but we wouldn't move there till the end of the school year.


Bring a raincoat and a mosquito net.

Okay, you're obviously upset with me.

You come onto our team, mess up with Walt's head, and get us used to having that kid around, and then you up and leave.

We were all good before you came along.

I am doing it for the sake of my son.

And for the record, before I came along, you guys were a disaster.

You've wormed your way into Walt's head, and that is a big reason why he's MIA right now.

I don't need to listen to this.

Then don't!


His phone is cloaked, and his GPS is disabled.

Walter, you clever bastard.

You're k*lling us here.

You'll never find him that way.

Well, what do you care?

You're already looking for a new job.

We can track the car's onboard computer.

All we need is the VIN.

Elia... would have that.

Well, look who wants to help now.

Would you just admit that you're on board with trying to save Scorpion, the greatest thing that ever happened to any of us.

Guys... Elia's Playa Vista headquarters.


Toby: Ma'am, I know there's a policy.

Outside of family, Mr. Elia cannot be interrupted during a meeting.

But by saving his daughter, we became de facto family.

The notion is outlined in a Chinese proverb I doubt you're familiar with.

What I am familiar with is the number for security.

Sylvester: Okay.

We'll be sitting down now.

You think Walter isn't calling us back because he's preparing his exit strategy to come work here?

I mean... look at this place-- we can't compete.

It's not so great.

It is.

Multiple dedicated T-1 lines, state-of-the-art engineering, unlimited resources.

You know what this place doesn't have? Us.

Tobes and the Sly dog.

And that's what's gonna keep Walter at Scorpion where he belongs.

That guy is going down the hall on a hoverboard!

Hey. (snapping fingers) Don't look. Don't be seduced.

Happy should be in position by now.

(speaking Japanese)


What the hell?

I need that VIN number of the bribe on wheels you gave Walter O'Brien.

I'm in the middle of a meeting.

And I'm in the middle of your conference table.

You stuck your nose where it didn't belong, looking to break apart the only family some of us have ever known.

I was being friendly.

You were poaching our boss.

Now he's missing, and I'm not leaving without that VIN.

Onboard computer's pinging right here.

Do you see a car? I see no car.

Did Elia mislead us?

Maybe he doesn't want us to find him.


Happy: I'll call Walter again.

It's ringing.

(phone ringing in distance)

You hear that?

(ringing continues)

Hey, guys...

(phone continues ringing)

(ringing continues)

(ringing continues)

(ringing continues)

Sylvester: Aw, geez.

Happy: Okay, count of three, we yell his name.

On three, or two, three, then go?

Which is essentially four.

On three.

Okay, one, two...

All: Walter!


Others (calling): Walter!

(debris clattering)

Others: Walter!


(phone continues ringing)


Oh! Walter?

You're balanced on a cliff's edge.

One wrong move, and the car falls 300 feet.

Stay very, very still.

♪ Scorpion 1x22 ♪
Original Air Date on April 20, 2015

Toby: Police and rescue are on their way. How you holding up, Walter?

He doesn't sound good.

Tell the doctor where it hurts.

My left side.

What's it look like? Is it bruised or bleeding?

I can't move to see.

I'm pinned to the seat.

Pinned how? Something leaning on you, or...?

Or what?

Stay cool, Walt.

We'll have a visual on you in 30 seconds.

Birdroni lives.

It was gonna be your birthday present, but I wasn't done yet. I was gonna mount a camera...

We'll need one, but I have a solution.

Any duct tape in your truck?

(metallic creaking)

(Walter panting, drone whirring)

You really did a number on that car, O'Brien.

Yeah, well, I was doing fine until an untimely interface with Mother Nature.

(Walter groans)


This's what I was afraid of.

So, it's, um, good news?

Toby: Walter, you're impaled on what looks like a piece of metal from the guardrail.

So, it's excellent news then.

From the color of the blood and the position of the metal, your body has been able to clot off.

Best scenario, we keep it that way until we can get you to a hospital, but that means no movement, nada.

The wound is dangerous close to his spleen.

I thought we don't need the spleen.

We don't, but it's basically a giant sack of blood.

Never good to lose a giant sack of blood.

(Walter panting)

Walter, I know it hurts like hell.

You got to stay with me here.

No, I was just... I'm just running some numbers.

Okay, so, I-I'm perched on... (groans) ...about a 71% grade?

Give or take. I don't have my protractor.

I do-- 71.8.

All right, okay, so, given my precarious hold on the Cliffside, the extent of my injuries, the time needed for successful rescue...

Sylvester, would you put this at about a 97% chance of death?

You know, Walter, I've never put much faith in numbers.

(sirens blaring)

That's the police. I'll coordinate.

They need to know who they're dealing with here.

You don't handle authority well!

This is Paige's job.

Yeah, we don't need her.

Paige. Where's Paige?

Taking a little R&R.

(sirens blaring)

She's taking Ralph to Portland to see Drew.

I told her it was a stupid idea.

(tires squealing)

What the hell is this?! I said fire department and ambulance. Do you have any idea who's stuck down there?

All right, buddy, we're gonna need you to take a step back.

Whoa. I'm not your buddy, and if anybody's gonna be condescended to, it'll be you by me.

One of the great minds of this or any other lifetime-- and also my friend-- is clinging to life by a thread.

We are formulating a plan of rescue, and are gonna need every resource at our disposal.

The resources belong to trained rescue personnel that...

That don't have the brain power of me with a hangover and this guy when he's sleeping.

So, first thing we'll need, Officer, is a soil integrity report on that Cliffside so we can start working toward a solution.

Excuse me. Do you know what this badge means?

That you got "D"s in high school?

Actually, I have a better solution.

Don't get in the car. Sly!

Call Cabe!

Officer: Quiet down. Come on.

Track him down!

(indistinct radio transmission)

I'll admit, Paige would have handled this better.


(siren whoops)


Cabe, they're talking about sending a team down with grappling hooks.

Happy says this is going to disrupt the soil beneath the car and drop it like a hot potato.

They've shoved us aside.

They won't listen to us.

They're gonna k*ll him.

All right.

Who the hell's in charge of this operation?!

I am.

Wrong! I am. Cabe Gallo, Homeland.

Now, get my behaviorist and engineer out of that squad car and give my team some room.

That man down there is a government asset.


You heard the man. Move it!

Did you just flash your scuba certification?

Yeah. I don't work for Homeland anymore.

(indistinct radio transmission)

Oh, my God.


Sylvester: Yes. We thought it would be best to bring him in.

Yeah, I'm here, and you don't like it, you can yell at me later.

Consider it a date.

Our soil expert just confirmed what Ms. Quinn was saying.

Thank you very much.

Which kills us sending guys down to hook the chassis and winch the car.

A chopper extraction might be faster.

No, the rotor wash could upset the car's balance.

Call that a no go.

So, we're gonna send a team up from the canyon floor.

They'll approach from underneath, secure the vehicle from there without going near the support topsoil.

But nothing's guaranteed, and we're talking a half hour climb at least.


If I hold out that long.

I don't like that look.

Do I need to throw down a copy of The Power of Positive Thinking?

I want to see the equipment your team will be using, see if I can cut down the amount of time it'll take them to get to Walter.

Okay, Walt. Happy's on it.

We're gonna have a rescue team up to you very soon.

Yeah, really? Because from what I heard, it won't be that soon... or at all.

Guys, do you think, uh, you could reach out to... to Paige for me, um, get her and Ralph over here?

I've actually already reached out to them.

Her phone is powered off.

The last tower ping was near her apartment.

Look, there's gonna be plenty of time to talk to her once we get you back up here with us.

I'd really like to talk to her as soon as possible.

I'm getting a black and white sent to her home right now.

Thank you.

Go find this woman.

Cabe, uh...

Cabe, when I was 16 years old...

What I did with Baghdad was wrong.

You have every right to be mad at me.

No, I was hurt and, uh... I overreacted.

I was, uh... emotional, and, uh, ineffective, and if I'd been logical, then I'd, uh...

I'd have realized the man who knew me when I was younger would never hurt me on purpose.

Thank you, Walter.

Cabe, you told me that when your daughter passed away, you'd visit her grave every Sunday?


Without fail.

The grass at her plot-- it was always, uh, green, healthy?

And the others were brown?

I hacked the sprinkler system.

I, uh, watered it twice a day. The others were... once, uh, a week.

I always thought that was the groundskeeper taking pity on me, 'cause I was there alone.

No, it was me.

15 years ago, you were so mad at me about Baghdad.

Why would you do that for me?

That's not the point.

The point is that I don't want there to be any more secrets between us.

Guys, we got a problem!

The engine.

Walter: Oh, yeah, yeah.

Yup, this is a problem.

(drone whirring)

Spin the drone around!


Happy: Uh, it's from the oil pan.

It must have been an electrical short caused by the accident.

If the flame gets to the gas t*nk, the whole car goes up.

Water cannon will blow the car right off that perch.

A fire retardant might be better.

No, you-you... you can't.

You can't control the weight distribution even with foam or gel.

Well, if we can't douse it, maybe we can prevent it from spreading to the gas t*nk.

Cabe: How?

I have no idea.

It was just a conceptual notion.

Fire can't burn without fuel.

Guys, we need to drain the oil.

We can't go down there and put you up on blocks.

You don't need blocks.

You have an ambulance and a fire truck.

Paige: Ralph, come on. Clock's ticking.

What's going on?

I'm not pleased with this plan.

Think of all the firsts.

Ride in a plane, see the Atlantic Ocean.

There's something wrong with Walter.

Why didn't he pick up?

Walter is... going through a lot right now, and it's best we leave him alone.

Just follow our own path, just for today.



(elevator bell dings)


Guys, not to pressure anyone, but a, uh, a status update on my, uh, proposed solution would certainly be comforting.

We're working on it.

Okay, aim it at the car.

I thought we said that that would knock the car off the hill.

Okay, just do it, and then, get me the jacket and the duct tape I need. Now!

(Walter groans)

I'm calculating we have seconds at best before this entire car is engulfed.

I got the dart!

Ten steel syringe needles-- best I could do.


Sylvester: Okay. You have a target surface area of eight square inches. You need to hit the pan low enough to ensure full drainage away from the car, or else, kaboom.

Guys, the heat is getting up to about 130 degrees, give or take.

We're gonna have enough force to penetrate the pan?

Standard PSI is 55,000, comparable to an M40A1 sn*per r*fle.

Sylvester: Your margin of error is 2.2 inches to the left, and two to the right.

A syringe dart shot out of a water hose, guys.

I just don't know.

Chief, I just don't care.

Fire in the hole, so to speak.

How we doing?

Ever hear of adding fuel to the fire?

We just did the opposite.

Nothing left to burn-- it'll be out in seconds.

The car's shifting.

It's the weight loss from the drained oil.

Uh, Walter, compensate for the weight.

Lean the seat back as far as you can.

Okay. Okay.
(low creaking)


(Walter gasps)



(groans loudly)

Yeah, that wasn't a scream of fear, that was pain.

What's going on down there?

Well, the good news is...

(grunts) with the shift in the car, I'm no longer impaled.

The bad news is there's a-a great degree of bright red blood just spewing out... my wound.

That sounds like an arterial bleeder.

That shard of guardrail must have been in the spleen.

The blood coagulated around it; now it's been ripped out.

How long does he have?

If he's really bleeding out, four minutes.

Toby: Walter, you got to get pressure against that wound to stem the bleeding.

(weakly): I am. It's not... it's not working.

He doesn't sound good.

Hey, Walter! Walter, listen to me!

You have to fight the urge to close your eyes.

Do not close your eyes.

Find Paige.

We're losing him.

You're the doctor. Do something!

Can't exactly cauterize the wound from here, Sylvester.

Or can I?

Holy crap, am I smart.

Walter, I got an idea to fix your bleeding, but it won't work if you die before I can implement it.

So you have to stay conscious.

Wal-Walter, Walter, hey, hey, you have to stay awake so I can get a good look at your wound.

(car creaking quietly)


(continues panting)

(electrical crackle)


(labored breathing)

(electrical crackling)

(pained grunt)

You okay in there, son?

Just trying to stay awake.

Toby: Okay, hey, Walter, I can see the wound.

It is bad. You're gonna have to cauterize it, 'cause my arms are not nearly long enough.

Listen carefully. Find a thin piece of metal.


I see a pen.

Okay. Reach for it slowly.

(metallic creaking)


Oh, boy.

It's silver.

Oh, yeah, of course Elia would have a silver pen, rich jerk, but that's good.

'Cause silver conducts heat fast.

Now, press in the cigarette lighter.

(labored breathing)

You okay back there?

Huh? You want me to put that science CD in you like?

Sweetheart, I know you're upset...

It's not finished.

What isn't, sweetheart?

The rocket. Walter and I need to finish it, but you won't let us. (soft groan)

I'm gonna miss him.

I know.

Me, too.

Don't leave it there too long.

We need it to be hot, not glowing.

Yeah? All right.


That's perfect.

Walter, Walter, hey!

Keep those peepers popped, buddy.

Okay, now here's the rough par.

I can't watch this.

Okay, Walter, you need to press the pen into the wound past the rib cage.

When you feel the spleen...

How do I know it's the spleen? the pen will stop moving and you'll feel the pulses of the artery transmitted through the pen.

Oh, man.

When you feel the spleen touch the hot metal against the organ in short little bursts, it'll stop the bleeding, but it'll preserve the tissue.

You can do this, son.

(loud, pained grunting)


Cabe: Walter, no matter how bad it hurts, you got to stay still, or that car's gonna fall.

Walter (grunting): Toby... do you remember the '07... World Series of Poker when, uh, when... you made me go to Vegas with you?

How could I forget?

And you m-made me s-stay in that...

(chuckles): that crappy hotel room... off the Strip?

(pained grunt)

God, this hurts.

El Ranchorito. Wasn't that bad.

And you won that... gangster's bankroll in that... back-alley crap game?

(groans) He and his friends... chased after us with, (panting, laughing): uh... with crowbars for nine blocks?

We had to hitchhike... back to L.A.?

I remember every minute of it, Walt.

It was one of the best weekends of my life.

I need to take a look.

How much longer?

Can you move your hand away?



Yeah, the bleeding has stopped substantially.

Great work, pal, great work. Now... take a beat and catch your breath.

(quietly): Nice work, Doc.

The way he's telling the stories from back in the day, it's like he's almost at his own wake.

We got to get him out of there.

He might be giving up.

Okay. This is our gate.

Now we need to get you some yogurt and fruit, because I assume you'll find airplane food lacking in nutritional content.

What do you want from the newsstand, Discover or Smithsonian?


Which magazine do you want?

Newsman: The Cliffside rescue attempt on Mulholland Drive is underway to save Walter O'Brien, head of the genius problem-solving team known as Scorpion.

Oh, my God!

Come on!

(horn honking, tires squealing)

I can't find anything on the news!



I'm sorry.

Is Walter gonna be okay?

Yes. Of course he will be. I just need to call the guys.

Damn it, I left my bag at the airport!

Hold on, Ralph.

Copy that. Relaying the data now.

Those were my climbers.

Recent changes in the position of the car are forcing them to change their course.

They can't just go straight up.

They have to try to up and around.

How long?

Fire chief & Sylvester: 22 minutes minimum.

Walter might not have that long.

Thanks to him shifting around in there, the ground's moved under the car in a way that even the slightest change in weight distribution can upset the balance and he's a goner.

Walter: Well, that's good to know.

I'm sorry, pal-- I thought the phone was off.

That's okay.

Any luck finding Paige?

Uh, still nothing, buddy.

I called again-- not answering her phone.

Too bad we don't have a Southernell (chuckles): two-slot pay phone circa 1991.

Happy: Stop it!

I know what you're doing-- you're talking about that pay phone I rigged for free calls when we first opened the garage 'cause we couldn't afford a phone.

Well, you sure fixed that for us, didn't you?

Okay, I'm not having it!

Okay? I will not let you eulogize a memory of you and me.

You have three geniuses up here putting their heads together.

We will figure this out, you will not die-- the situation is under control!


Sylvester, you're into bird-watching-- how much does a crow weigh?

Decent size: 1.2 pounds.


(crow caws)

One just landed on my hood.

(metallic creaking)

A pound of pressure on the lever at the greatest distance from the fulcrum can create enough force to start the beginning of a slide which results in gravitational pull.

Which results in car overboard.

If that bird flies off...

Walter dies.

Guys, the car's starting to tilt... ever so downward.

Copy that.

We're aware of the situation, and handling it.


How are we handling this?

Uh, the fire department's got a hook and ladder parked up around that bend.

It would never extend out far enough.

I know, but I saw construction work down the road from here.

I have an idea, and it works on the same principle!

Walter: Hey, if you fly off, the reverse torque from weight distribution will cause my death.

You don't really care about that, do you?

He's talking to the bird.

Not the best sign.

Newswoman: Rescue crews are at a loss of how to extract the man identified as one Walter O'Brien from the car before it completes its fall down the cliff.

With me is Tomas Kolbrenner, USC professor of structural engineering, who has studied photographs and video of the scene.

Mr. Kolbrenner, given the situation, what's the likelihood Come on, go faster! of a successful rescue?

(horn honks)

Kolbrenner: Well, I hate to morbid, Jackie, but I don't see a scenario where Mr. O'Brien makes it out alive.

Don't listen to them-- they don't know what Scorpion's capable of.


(crying): He's my friend.

Toby (over phone): How's Tweety doing? Staying put?

Walter: For now. We have a plan?

Uh, yeah, Happy left here like a bat out of hell, and you know her-- she says she's got an idea, she's got an idea.

(truck's horn blows)

What is that?

Her idea.

Cabe: You borrowed a crane from a construction site?

Not exactly.

You stole a crane from a construction site?


Uh, Walt, here's the plan.

I am going to hook Cabe up to the end of a crane, like a wrecking ball, and swing him out over the canyon to your car.

He'll connect you via safety line, and we'll pull you both back in.

Amazingly, not the craziest thing that we've ever done.

It's been a busy year.

Okay, Walter, you're gonna need to unlock the passenger-side door so Cabe can get to you.

But move with extreme caution as to, you know, not get k*lled.

Ugh, that is gonna hurt.

More than falling down the side of a cliff?

All right. Point taken.

Happy: Okay.

Now I got to fashion a harness for you to wear.

I'll get some Tech 12 cable from Search and Rescue.

Uh, Cabe.

The car falls when you're hooked to Walter and his body gets caught inside?

The hoist line snaps and you will go down with him.

Just get the harness ready.




(crow cawing)

Don't move, crow.

(moaning loudly)



What was that sound?

His collarbone.


Oh, no.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

You got to turn this around.

My-my friend is on that cliff!

Ma'am, there are no cars allowed past this point. I need you to turn it back around.

All right. Okay.

Okay, Ralph. Let's go.

Come on.

Come on, let's go.

Come on.

Come on, Ralph.

Okay, when we tell you to, open the car door.

The weight shift will cause the car to instantly fall.

But that won't matter because Cabe will have already hooked your safety line to him.

The car falls while you hang safely in the air with SuperGallo.

Walter: Okay. Yeah. I'm not going anywhere until I talk to Paige.

Ground underneath that car is getting more and more unstable.

That bird can amscray at any moment.

We have got to get this party started as soon as Happy is done rigging that harness.

Toby, there is a strong possibility that this thing does not work!

If so, then I need to talk to Paige and Ralph.

He's not gonna open that door until they get here.

No matter what.

How do you know?

'Cause the last thing Walter O'Brien wants to do before he dies is state facts, and the fact he's tried to tell us, in his own way, is that he loves us.

So why do you think he wants Paige here so badly?

(crow caws)

So I'm gonna feed the line through the window and you're gonna hook it around your waist.

Cabe, if this thing doesn't work, then you need to tell her.

Tell Paige what, son?

Tell her that I...

Toby: Oh, no!

Bird's on the move! Move!

He flies off, it's all over.

Happy, how much longer?

I'm not ready!

Well, get ready.

Happy, we got to get going.

I only have one line. You need two.

Not an option. Get me out there now.

Is this it, pal? You're gonna fly off?

Well, you do what you got to do, but... (caws) if you could just stay put for a little bit longer, I'd-I'd really appreciate it.

The proximal half of the bird's wings are flexing.

It's preparing to fly. And if I've picked up on that, so has Walter.

Come on!

(grunts) Walter!


Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Walter. (panting)

Paige, I just want you to know...



Open the damn door!

(grunting loudly)




(grunting loudly)



I won't let go if you won't.






I don't feel so well.

Woman (over P.A.): Radiology, 135. Radiology, 135.

Hey. He awake yet?

Not yet.

You brought balloons.

Everybody likes balloons.

What's he gonna do? Knock 'em around the room with his broken ribs and punctured spleen?

Hey, everybody.

If you're here about your car, it's wrecked.

Don't care about the car.

Just checking on Walter.

I'm sorry. This is family only.


Will you at least let him know that I stopped by?

And if there's anything that he needs...

You'll be right there to try and steal him away again?

After what I saw unfold on TV today, breaking up a family like this, that would be criminal.

Please just keep me posted as to how he's doing.

But if you would all like to come work with me, I'd be crazy not to have a group like you working for my think t*nk.

Food for thought?



No way.

Scorpion appreciates the offer, but, um, we're not corporate material. We're a team.

We work out of a garage, not a t*nk.

And we work alone.

Fair enough.

Um, what's this "we" stuff, pilgrim?

Yeah. What about Maine?

Uh, I don't know, Ralphy.

What about Maine?

It's cold and wet.


Is this the O'Brien party?

What gave it away? Was it the balloons?

Hi. How's he doing?

He's weak and tired but stable. He's gonna be okay.

Can we see him?

It's way past visitation, so it'll have to be quick. Follow me.


Hey, guys.

Hey yourself, Mario Andretti.

The sawbones patch you up okay?

Yeah, I've felt better. But... never better.

If that makes sense.

Doesn't. But you've had a head injury.


Hey, you brought balloons.

Thank you.


Sly, do you remember that time that... we filled that balloon with tapioca and then we took that catapult...

Walter, you don't need to take me down memory lane.

But thanks.

I love you, too.

(chuckling): Hey. Hey, pal.

It's good to see you.

It's good to see you, too.

Doctor: Okay.

It's morphine time, which means he's gonna be out like a light in about a minute.

It's time for good-byes.

All right.

We will see you back at work when you're all better, okay?

Back to work?

Yeah. Back at work.

(grunts, mumbles)

That put a smile on his face.

That and the dr*gs.


Okay. I'm gonna go see Megan.

She's worried sick about her brother.

I'm gonna hit the Epsom salts.

Swinging off a crane does a number on your back.

I... I think might hang back for a bit in case Walter needs anything.

He's doped-up like a Tijuana drug mule.

Just in case.

Happy, would you mind keeping an eye on Ralph for a few hours?

Not if he doesn't mind getting his butt kicked in Constructo-Battle.

You want to babysit with me?

Of course I would.

Hey, be good. They've had a long day, okay?

(quietly): Thanks for not making me leave them.

Uh, is it all right if I stay for a while?

Sure. But he's down for the count.

He won't be awake for hours.


(rhythmic beeping)

Thought for a moment today I'd seen you for the last time.

It really bothered me that if that had happened, our final memory together would've been... a fight.

I'm really glad that wasn't the case.

Because... Because I really care about you, Walter.