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01x03 - Drop King

Posted: 04/20/15 15:40
by bunniefuu
Ballard tried to call home. We have her coordinates.

I'll go myself.

We k*lled U.S. soldiers.

Peter: Gentry told me Societele paid him to keep quiet.


A warrant for your arrest for the m*rder of Danny Gentry.

Peter: She got it all on a flash drive.


What happened to the email?

Try... I'm... get off!


[dramatic music]


Water, please.




[truck thuds]

[metallic tapping]

[speaks native language]

[speaks native language] _

Aslam! Aslam!

[speaks native language] _


[speaks native language] _





It's okay.

What were you thinking?

What were you thinking?

Why didn't you answer your phone?

You scared me to death.

I'm sorry.

But... they said they had proof she's alive.

An email.

Dolly, people make up all sorts of things, crazy, hurtful things.

What if they're telling the truth?


I don't know.

I do know it's freezing.

How about we go home and discuss it on the way?


No, I want to stay here.

These people are talking about Mom.

All right.

Let's spend the night in the city, and we'll do something special tomorrow, just you and me, okay?

Maya: Who was he?


That guy last night, outside the house.

An associate.

He was pestering me about a deal.

You were screaming at him.

You told him to stay away from your family.

Did you tell Mom?

There's nothing to tell.

So you lied.

I-I didn't lie to anyone.

Dad... what's going on?

I mean, first you get arrested...

That was a mistake.

And that guy Gentry?

They mistook me for someone else.

Why would they think you had anything to do with that?

Seriously, honey, honestly, look at me.

Do you think I would do something like that?

Do you?


[gavel pounds]

Evans: Mr. Walters, you've been charged with loitering, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest.

How do you plead?

Not guil...

Your honor, we...

Roger Birnham for the defendant, Your Honor.

Evans: Mr. Birnham.

Roger: A pleasure, Your Honor.

Mr. Walters pleads no contest.

He'll gladly pay the fine.

Excuse me, I didn't ask for him.

You want back in the cage?

Suspended sentence.

Misdemeanor fine of $500.

Pay the clerk on your way out. Who's next?

Let me guess.

Your dad says to tell you, "You're welcome."

Harrison: Why are you here?

I was worried about you.

I did some digging.

What is it?

Okay, you're not gonna be happy.

I spoke to a military contact.

Apparently, special ops soldiers don't carry cell phones, at least not on missions.


So the email allegedly sent by Odelle Ballard doesn't exist.

It never existed.

Bob made it up.

Why would he do that?

I don't know.

Maybe to get your attention?

Harrison, the guy's clearly nuts.

He wasted my time and yours.

I'm sorry.

Son of a bitch.

[ominous music]

Who died?

[speaks native language] _

Hey, where?

Where did she go?


No, no, no.



[men speaking indistinctly]

[speaks native language] _

[Odelle grunts]

[shouts in native language]

Confess your crimes.

My name is Odelle Ballard, Sergeant First Class of the United States Army, 913-84-0090.


[shouting angrily]

Now it's time for you to die.

[man shouts]

[men shouting]

You're welcome.

I don't know anything.

I disagree.

I believe you have information that is of value to me.

Your English is... is good.

I spent three years in your country, studied at the University of Michigan.

Go Blue.


See you a minute?

Everything all right?

I heard about the arrest last night.

Police barging into your home, handcuffing you in front of your children.

It sounds awful.

It was a mistake.

Somehow my driver's license and credit card got in the hands of the wrong people.

Reminds us all to be more careful.

Well, I'm glad that it's straightened out.

We need you on Sophia Tsaldari.

Baker wants that meeting.

I know.

I have a call in to the Greek ambassador.

It would be extremely beneficial for us, and for you.

I'm sorry?

You got off to a rough start with us, Peter.

Arranging that meeting will put you back on the right track.

I didn't realize I was on the wrong track.

[pounding on door]

Bob, open the door!

Bob, you open this door!

Go away.


Okay, okay, okay.

If I let you in, promise you won't hurt my mother.


Jeez, Bob, why would you even... I would...

I would never hurt your...

Harrison: Bob! Open the door.

What's the matter with you?

Why would you think that I would hurt your mother?

Rose: Who's there?

Harrison, is that you?

Hi, Mrs. Offer.

Rose: Hi.

Harrison: Hey.

Nice to see you.

Ma, please, don't get involved.

What do you want?

That email from Odelle Ballard?

You lied. It's a fake.

Sure, okay, yeah, it was a fake.

I'm sorry.

Why are you afraid of me all of a sudden?

What happened?

I...I know who you are.

What are you talking about?

You didn't think I'd find it?

Harrison: "Who's Fighting Terrorism In Africa?"

What is this?

You don't know? Really?

No, Bob, I really don't know.

It's an article about military contractors.

Guess who's quoted as a source.

Colonel Stephen Glen.


The colonel that Odelle Ballard sent the email to.


Okay, but...

Look at the byline!

Harrison: Randall Walters.

My father knows Colonel Glen?

You didn't know?

Damn it, Bob, no!


I had no idea.

Okay, you didn't know.

That email was real, I swear.

Who told you it was a fake, your dad?

I'll be back, Bob.

My name is Odelle Ballard, Sergeant First Class of the United States Army,


00090, yes.

Yes, this conversation is starting to bore me.

Look at me.

You don't want me to get bored.


[both speak native language]_


They only think of one thing: vengeance.

Hamid can't even look at you without seeing red.

Me, I'm different.

I try to see the bigger picture.

I envision my country being... being liberated, from the French, from the Americans.

I think you can help me with that.

I don't help t*rrorists.

t*rror1st, yes.

You know, Muslims were heroes to you 30 years ago when we fought the Soviets.

When we overthrew Gaddafi, your senators called us freedom fighters.

Now we're t*rrorists.

Why am I not a soldier, like you, a patriot?

Tell me, how does it feel to lose your life for a government that has betrayed you?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Your government is feeding this story to the media.

Your entire unit was wiped out by Ansar Dine.

You and I both know that's a lie.

It was an American drone.

You survived by some miracle.

Your government knows it.

See the headline.

No survivors.

Why is that? Why are they lying?

Why do they insist that you're dead, Sergeant?

No one else...

No one else knows that I survived.

The world knows.

This picture was broadcast on Al Jazeera.

It's all over the Internet.

But they are saying... that's a lie too.

You have a husband... and a daughter.

They've been told that picture is a... is a fake, a cruel hoax.

Your family's planning your funeral right now.

No one's coming for you, Odelle.

I'm your only friend in the world right now.

So tell me, why would the Americans want to k*ll their own heroes?


[camel grunts]

All right, thanks.

Hey, Joe.


Did you speak to that colonel about Odelle Ballard yet?

Yeah, DoD says she's dead.

Her body's being flown back home as we speak.

Sorry, buddy.

Hey, maybe it's time you let this one go.

Huh? You look terrible.

Want to get a drink tonight at Trinity?

Those flowers arrive for Mrs. Gentry yet?

They did, and I'm sure she would have been touched had she actually been there, but she's in New York.

Her husband's body.

Know where she's staying?

Oh, come on, really?

Told me to send the flowers...

You're gonna start with her?

Dial the Gentry house in Delaware.

I told you, she's not there.

Hi, this is Peter Decker in New York City.

Who am I speaking with?

Denise, the babysitter.

Hi, Denise.

I'm supposed to be meeting with Mrs. Gentry right now, and I'm running late.

She asked me to meet her at her hotel, but I forgot to write it down.

Maybe you can give me the hotel name.

Ramada Inn, of course.

Is that downtown?

Midtown, right, thanks. Thanks, Denise, bye.

Wow, you should work this hard at your real job.

Thank you.

Can I have a spoon?

A spoon for the soup?

[speaks Arabic]

You speak Arabic.

[speaks Arabic]

This is an Ansar Dine safe house.

Hamid is here as my guest.

I invited him to avenge Abbas's death, but not before you tell me why your country wants you dead.

If you want to continue this conversation, we speak English.

I appreciate what you're trying to do, but you won't be able to come between me and Hamid and his Al-Qaeda brothers.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Did your friend tell you he's in bed with Americans?

Why does Hamid want to k*ll me so badly?

It's more than vengeance.

He doesn't want the truth to get out any more than my government does.

Uh-huh, what truth?

Al-Qaeda took millions of dollars from an American corporation, maybe more than one.

You know, female prisoners are far more clever than the men... far more.

That's very good.

It's an inventive story.

I was with the unit that captured Abbas.

I saw something I wasn't supposed to, documentation of wired funds from a U.S. corporation.

You really want to help your cause?

There it is.

Abbas is being funded by the very people you're fighting.

And you can prove this?

Yes, I can.

Good... good.

Because if you don't, I'll slit your throat myself.

[dramatic music]

Who the hell is that?

[speaks native language] _

[Speak french]

Oh, my baby.

In jail?

I can't even.

Are you all right?

Is he here?

Yes, yes.

He's in his office working, as usual.

[knock at door]


Diane: Harrison's here, Randall.


Your father and I were just talking about you coming home for a little while, just until you get settled.

Yes, you can occupy the backyard.

We could pitch a tent.

He's here, Randall.

Perhaps you could meet him halfway.


I need your help.

You wrote an article for New York Magazine three years ago about military contractors.


You quoted a Colonel Stephen Glen.

I need to talk to him.

Is this about that soldier again?

Look, something bad happened.

There's a cover-up.

I just... I just know it.

And that's the basis of your story?

You just know it?

Odelle Ballard is alive, and the military is lying about it.

I-I want to know why.

You're the only one who can help me.


Oh, for God's sakes, Randall.

Just say yes.

Mrs. Gentry.

Thank you for coming.

Here, have a seat.

You want something?

No? We're good.

How you holding up?

When I found out you were in New York, I thought...

What do you want from me, Mr. Decker?

I know you blame me for what happened to Danny.

But I want you to know I am doing everything possible to bring the people responsible for this to justice.

In order to do that, I need your help.

I'm sorry, I can't.

I'm not allowed. Bye.

What do you mean you can't? Hey.

Did something happen?

Have you been instructed not to talk to me?

By who? Societele?

I got a letter from the Air Force right after Danny was k*lled, saying he was being dismissed due to misconduct.

They said I was losing all of Danny's benefits.

Pension, medical.

Sophie's got asthma medicine.

Societele said they'd take care of us.

All I had to do was sign some papers.

A confidentiality agreement.

Do you have a copy?

Can I see it?

I know it's blood money, but what can I do?

How are we supposed to live?

It's okay.

You did what you needed to do.

I'll find another way to go after them.

Do right by Danny.

It's okay.

Is there something else?

I'll get you that agreement.


Your lying, wasting my time.

There is proof.

If you let them k*ll me, you'll never get it.

What is it? Tell me.

A flash drive.

My companion, a boy.

He was holding it for me on the truck.

Your men shot him.

They didn't tell you that?

They told Hamid when they brought me in.

Who's this boy that you trust with such evidence?

He was my friend.
Shakir Khan on TV: Our special guest.

Good evening.

Good evening.

Listen, I hate you so much.

Last time you were here, and I wanted to be like you, exactly the same.

I wanted your hairstyle.

I wanted your whatever-you're-wearing style.

I wanted you to...

Thank you.

Where am I?

Middle of nowhere, western Sahara.

No sign of life for miles, but the satellite signal is magnificent.

I don't understand this.

Luc: What, Shakir Khan?

It's hilarious.

[speaks french]

[speaks french]

[speaks french]

[speaks french]

How'd you get shot?

[speaks french]

They k*lled my family.

They took everything from us.

[speaks french]


Give it back.

Flash drive, huh?

What's on it?

It belongs to a friend of mine.

I have to return it to her.

Seems important.


Is it?

I have rich uncle in Bamako.

If you bring me there, he will pay you for your trouble.

A rich uncle, huh?

I'm sure he's handsome as well.

Lucky for you, I'm headed in that direction.

You can hitch a ride.

My computer is busted, so the first working computer we find, we take a look at this.

And you'd better hope it's worth something, my friend, or I'm putting that b*llet back where I found it.

[knock at door]

Hey, where were you?

Janine Gentry signed a confidentiality agreement We're screwed.

No, no, you're screwed.

You missed the Jeff Immelt meeting.

I told McDonald you were sick.

Societele is paying Gentry's widow $1/2 million.

Why would they pay her so much?

All right, look.

They're obviously terrible people, and they've done terrible things.

But you got to stop, okay?

I can't keep covering your ass.

[knock at door]

Mail room just brought this up.

Peter: Where'd it come from?

Some woman dropped it off.

Joe: What is all that?

Must be from Janine Gentry.

Looks like Danny kept a journal, about the drone attack, Societele.

Holy crap.

Flight logs.


He documented everything.

Too bad we can't use it.

Why not?

Well, how can we prove it's real?

Gentry's dead.

His wife's locked up by Societele.

No, she's not.

All she has to do is verify this stuff.

It doesn't breach confidentiality.

Joe, we got 'em.


We got 'em.

I got to get in touch with Ed Dixon.

Glen: Randall, so nice to see you.

Good to see you, Colonel.

Great to see you.

Thanks for taking the time.

Oh, no worries, no worries.

This is my son Harrison.

Good to meet you.

Pleasure, thank you.

So... what's the new story?

Actually it's my son's article.

Oh, journalist like the old man, huh?

Good for you.

So how can I help?

Well, it regards Sergeant Odelle Ballard.

Well, there have been conflicting reports, and I just... I wanted to hear it directly from you.

Is there any truth to the rumor that she's alive?

I thought you looked familiar.

I've seen you interviewed about this.

Harrison has it in his head that there's some grand conspiracy.

But before he goes any further, I thought he should get the truth from you.

I...hope you don't mind.

No, not at all.

I have kids of my own.

Let me put this simply, son.

Sergeant Ballard died serving her country.

Any reports to the contrary are false.

There was an email she sent to you after she was reportedly k*lled.

Sent to me? Absolutely not.

What if I were to tell you that we have a copy of this email?

I'd tell you it's a fake.

Well, we can verify it.


You people have no sense of decency.

Exploiting heroes, my friend, for your personal benefit.

Sergeant Ballard and her unit fought for your freedom.

They deserve respect, damn it!


I'm very sorry.

Harrison, I think you owe the Colonel an apology.

[speaks french]

Offends Allah, huh?

Come on, Allah wouldn't mind if you numb the pain.

Something tells me that whatever's on that jump drive might offend Allah too.

There's an Internet cafe just outside of town.

I say we take a peek.

Take me to my uncle's house.

I'm sure he has a very fast computer.


And where does this so-called uncle live?

At Club Cachette.

Do you know it?

Everyone knows it.

Your uncle a musician or something?

All I know is that he's very rich.

[speaks french]

[speaks french]

[speaks french]

[speaks french]

Aslam: Hey.

[speaks french]

[man shouting angrily]

Harrison: Sorry I embarrassed you, but... you could have backed me up a little.

You were right.


I've seen the Colonel handle incredibly difficult and politically sensitive questions without batting an eye.

He never lost his cool.

He was lying.

You were right, Son.

Okay, so... what do I do now?

You do nothing.

I'm not walking away from this.

Okay, but we do this my way.

I've got a source.

Let me talk to him.


Why are you so happy?

What, did you crush a competitor at work or something?

No, just made some progress on a deal.

How was the debate?

We kicked their asses.

Topic was "Global Warming: fact or fiction."

I rocked it with the extinction of the Monteverde toad.


[tires screech]


What's wrong with that guy?

[car bangs]


Peter: It's okay.

What's happening?

[engine grinding]

Come on!


It's okay, it's okay.

Peter: It's okay.

It's all right.

It's okay, they're gone.

They're gone.

It's okay. It's okay.

They know where we live?

It's okay.

We're gonna be okay.

I'm gonna get these guys.

Well, that's not your job anymore, Peter.

You're not a U.S. Attorney anymore.

The police?

The FBI?

They're not your friends.

They don't care.

I know. I'm sorry.

You can't protect us anymore.

You can't protect yourself.

Sarah: You have to stop. Now.

I'll give notice tomorrow.


[lively percussive music]

[knocks on door]

man: Diallo?

Did you forget your cigarettes again?

[both speak native language]_



[speaks french]


Thanks for meeting me.

What do you have on Ballard?

You can't.

It's too hot.

Goes too high.

How high?

White House?

Source tells me Ballard's alive and on the run.

I want to know why.

It'll all go away soon enough.

The hell it will.

You know me better than that.

Randall, don't be stupid.

Well, that's the luxury of reaching my age.

I don't care if anybody thinks I'm being stupid.

Let him know as soon as he comes...

Oh, hold on a minute.

Hi, Peter...

Hey, man.

They took it all.

Gentry's journal... his notes.



How did that happen?

Why don't you tell me?

My daughter was in the car, Joe!

Wait a minute.

You think I had something to do with this?

Three people knew I had that journal in the car last night.

Janine Gentry, Ed Dixon, who I've known for 15 years, and you.

Peter, I would never do that, man.

That DoD contact, the one who told you Ballard was dead, I spoke to him.

You never called.

Okay, well, it was an absurd request.

Oh, don't. Don't.

Yeah, the Pentagon, the White House...


They were all saying the same thing, man.

Sorry to interrupt.

The Greek ambassador is on line one.

Do you mind?

Peter, come on.

Shut the door.


Nick: Good news, Peter.

Tsaldari agreed to a meeting.


I'll tell them to arrange...

Nick: Not with Societele.

She wants a meeting with you.

Just you.

[somber music]

Hello, Peter.

I wanted you to meet with Societele.

This isn't a social call.

I know that.

Thank you.

It's okay.

Did I ever tell you the first time I saw your face?

It was on television 12 years ago.

My father was dying a horrible death, of lung cancer.

I remember seeing you lead the charge against big tobacco.


I knew in that moment that you were a man of determination and integrity.

Thank you, but I...

I want to show you something.

It's a matter that involves your client Societele, financial dealings that I find disturbing.

I was hoping to pique your interest.

Let me know what you think.

I'll be in touch.

[men speaking Arabic]

No, no!

No! No!

[man shouting]

Odelle: No!

You're giving the Americans what they want.

You'll never know the truth unless you stop this.

[men shouting]

Stop this.

[crying] Stop this.

[men speaking Arabic]

[man speaking Arabic]


[man groaning]

[speaks Arabic]

Omar: Congratulations, you've convinced me your value is greater to me alive than dead.

Hold this up so I can see the date.

Omar: What is your name?

Odelle Ballard, Sergeant First Class of the United States Army, 913-84-0090.

And today's date?

Is this tod...

March 20th, 2015.

Anything else you'd like to say?

I want my family to know that I'm alive... and I love them very, very much.


What are you doing?

Al Jazeera.

It will take my messenger until tomorrow to get to their office in Abuja.

By tomorrow evening, this video of yours will be all over the news.

Does your husband watch the news?

Within hours, it will be on the Internet, which will be very unfortunate for your government, but very good for Ansar Dine.

[men speaking indistinctly]

[both speak native language]_

[ominous music]

One last look, then you head home, all right?

Ron: No one's here anymore.

We should probably go.


It's you.

You're the one who said my mother is alive.

Your mother?

I'm Suzanne Ballard.

Odelle is my mom.

They say she's dead, but I know they're wrong, and so do you.


No, it's okay.

He's the one I was telling you about.

The one with the email.

Show him the email.


He doesn't believe it's true.

Just tell him you have it.

I mean, I... I do.

I mean, it does exist, sir.

Why are you doing this?

Why are you torturing us?

Come on, let's go.


I just need to know one thing.

Do you believe my mother is alive?

Yeah, I do.

So do I.


You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Are you sure?

Yeah, I'm sure.

You want to order room service, Randall?

[loading g*n]

Sergeant First Class of the United States Army,


And today's date ?

Is it today's...


March, 20th, 2015

Anything else you'd like to say?

I want my family to know that I'm alive...