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04x19 - Sympathy for the De Vil

Posted: 04/20/15 05:53
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Once Upon A Time"...

David: The Author!

Mary Margaret: We know him, Emma.

Because of him, we were put on the path to causing Maleficent to lose her child.

Maleficent: She's alive.

Gold: In this world.

Zelena: Hello, sis.

Regina: Zelena.

Where's Robin? What have you done with him?

One phone call from me, and your beloved dies at the hands of your sister.

What do you want from me?

You are gonna write new happy endings.

You have made me a monster, but I won't let you do the same to Emma.

[ London - Past ]

(A little girl runs into the woods. Two dogs run after her till they stop her. A woman parks her car near the little girl and gets out.)

Madeline: Heel. That's far enough. Now be a good girl and come back home.

Cruella: I won't. You can't make me.

Madeline: As a matter of fact, I can... And now that your father's gone, we're going to make a few changes around the house, Cruella.

(Madeline brings her daughter to the attic.)

Madeline: This is where you'll be sleeping from now on.

Cruella: So you're just going to drop me off here? Like one of your dogs?

Madeline: This room must be your world now, until someday, you learn to do as I say.

[ Storybrooke ]

(Cruella drives her car. She is stopped by Maleficent.)

Cruella: Uhh!

Maleficent: We need to talk.

Cruella: Good thing I had my brakes serviced, darling. I do hate getting blood on the car.

Maleficent: There's still time for that. Tell me about Lily.

Cruella: Sorry. Who?

Maleficent: My daughter Lily. You told me she didn't survive the trip to this world. You lied.

Cruella: Perhaps I did. Um, but there's an explanation, of course. You see, um... I'm a really terrible person, and I left her in the woods to die.

Maleficent: You did what?

Cruella: Oh, don't be so flabbergasted. You know I'm not mother material. Ursula and I took that dragon egg she was in. Oh, the magic helped us stay young, you know. Wonderful thing.

(But the little brat...)

Maleficent: My daughter.

Cruella: Yes. Well...

Maleficent: You should know your death is going to last for days.

(Maleficent turns into a dragon. Cruella uses her power on her.)

Cruella: Oh, I was so hoping you'd do that. People always underestimate a girl in diamonds and furs, don't they? I mean, no one guessed what I was really after. Not Gold. Certainly not you. But now that the Author is here, today is the day that I get mine. Now be a good girl, lie down, and take a nap.

(The dragon falls asleep.)

(The Charming's family goes back home.)

Emma: You have to remember something else about the Author, some way to find him. Now think.

David: We told you everything we know.

Emma: Are we sure about that? Because secrets just keep coming out.

Mary Margaret: Okay. You're clearly still upset.

Emma: Yes, I am still upset. You were the ones who taught me there is always a right way. A heroic way. And what you did to Maleficent's child...

David: It was our only option to make sure you grew up... Good.

Emma: I'm sorry, but if it were me, no matter what, I would not harm a defenseless person.

Mary Margaret: And that right there... That goodness is exactly why we did what we did.

(It was worth it.)

(Regina comes in.)

Emma: Regina, where have you been?

Regina: In the middle of a very bad day. I'll tell you the whole story later, after I rescue Robin Hood.

Emma: Robin Hood? What the hell are you talking about?

Regina: I called that number you gave me, but Marian answered the phone, and I discovered... She's not really Marian at all.

David: So who is she?

Regina: Zelena.

David: The wicked witch?

Regina: I don't know how it's possible, but my sister has been masquerading as her this entire time. And she's in league with Gold. Robin's in danger, so I'm going to New York to find him and stop her.

Hook: And what about Gold? If they're working together, he's not just gonna let you waltz off and spoil his plans.

Regina: I wouldn't worry about Gold. I know exactly how to handle him.

(At Mr Gold's shop.)

Belle: Oh! Regina, I didn't, uh, didn't hear you come in.

Regina: Your ex-husband has done quite a number on me, Belle.

Belle: Oh. I'm, uh... Sorry to hear that.

Regina: And now he wants me to work with him.

Belle: Uh, well, I'm sure that would be a mistake.

Regina: I know it is.

Belle: How can I help?

Regina: I'm glad you asked.

(At Mr Gold's cabin.)

Isaac: Well, this is certainly homey. Antlers are a nice touch. Makes me feel like Hemingway. Or maybe Thoreau. Name's Isaac, by the way.

Mr Gold: Do you always talk this much?

Isaac: Only when I'm nervous. And you still have my quill.

Mr Gold: Yeah. Well, for now, let's call it... My quill.

Isaac: You know, it's worthless without its ink.

Mr Gold: Oh, I'm aware, and I plan to obtain some very soon.

Isaac: Yeah. And just how are you gonna do that?

Mr Gold: Simple. Now you're here, I'm gonna turn the saviour dark.

Isaac: What will that accomplish?

Mr Gold: Once her heart has been blackened, everything I need shall fall into place. You'll see soon enough, when my associates return.

Isaac: Your associates seem to have a taste for fur. And perfume. Can't wait to meet them.

Mr Gold: Surely you must know them from your stories.

Isaac: Know of them, sure, but an author rarely gets...

Mr Gold: Be quiet. Don't say another word. Something's just come up. You stay here till I return.

Isaac: Until you return? But who's gonna...

(Mr Gold leaves.)

Isaac: Protect me?

(Into the woods, near the well.)

Belle: Rumplestiltskin. Rumple...

Mr Gold: Hello, Belle.

Belle: Hello.

Mr Gold: This is a curious place to meet.

Belle: Do you, uh, do you remember what you told me here the night of our vows? How I chased all the darkness out of you?

Mr Gold: Belle, look, I'm sorry for everything.

Belle: No. No apologies today. For once in my life, I just want the truth. Why are you here, Rumple? Are you... Are you trying to win me back?

Mr Gold: It's a bit more complicated than that.

(Mr Gold rips his heart. His heart is dark except a little red spot.)

Belle: Rumple?

Mr Gold: It seems that centuries of dark deeds do take their toll. And all that's left of it... Is this. And pretty soon, that will be gone, too.

Belle: Well... Will you die?

Mr Gold: In a manner of speaking, yes. I will lose any ability to love. And that goodness that you once saw inside of me... Well, that'll be gone forever. There's only one man who can reverse this process, and that's the Author. That's why I'm here in Storybrooke. I don't expect you to understand, of course.

Belle: But I... I-I do understand.

Mr Gold: You do?

Belle: Sometimes I worry... I worry I threw out the chipped teacup too soon.

(Mr Gold kisses Belle.)

Belle: You know what the problem is, though? Will is just such a better kisser than you are.

Mr Gold: W-what?

Belle: You're pathetic. Watching you come groveling back to me, it's like a dog begging for scraps.

Mr Gold: Why are you saying that? This isn't like you, Belle.

Regina: But it is so like me.

Mr Gold: Regina.

Regina: Now forget all this and run along home.

(Belle leaves.)

Mr Gold: You have no idea just how much I'm gonna make you suffer for this.

Regina: Oh, you're not gonna do a thing, unless you wanna see what happens when I take this heart and squeeze.

Mr Gold: Come on. We both know you don't have it in you.

Regina: Don't I?

Mr Gold: All right, all right. I believe you.

Regina: Good. So I'm headed to New York now. And if you breathe one word of this to Zelena, you won't be the only one who loses a heart.

(At Mr Gold's cabin.)

Cruella: Don't bother studying the greats, darling. You'll never be one of them... Hello, Isaac. Never thought you'd see me again, did you?

Isaac: I was certainly hoping not to.

Cruella: Then why don't you make this easy and give me back what you took?

Isaac: Can't do it. Sorry.

Cruella: With one whistle, I can send a hundred snarling dogs after you.

Isaac: You could, but you and I both know that even with all your magic, you don't have enough power to hurt me.

Cruella: I do hate it when you're right, darling. Though I do like this new shade of confidence. It's so... Masculine. Are you sure you can't help a girl out? For old time's sake?

Isaac: Not a chance.

Cruella: Well, then you will pay for what you did when you made me what I am.

Isaac: You know, idle threats don't make for good drama. But I do see one interesting story developing here.

Cruella: Really? And what's that?

Isaac: Rumplestiltskin. Has no idea that we know each other. Which means that... You lied to him. So from one old friend to another, you should probably be gone before he gets back.

Cruella: Oh, you always did know how to infuriate a girl, didn't you? Well, enjoy the upper hand while it's still on your wrist, because I think you'll find... There's more than one way to skin an Author.

[ London - Past ]

(Cruella is listening to the radio in her bedroom.)

Radio: And now a brand-new song straight from London's legendary Murray's Club, the toast of Beak Street.

(Her mother enters.)

Madeline: Cruella! Where did you get this?

Cruella: Plug that back in. You simply have to hear this song.

Madeline: You stole it, didn't you? Last time I let you out?

Cruella: Well, that's because I'm bored out of my mind! I-I've read every book in here a hundred times. And I wouldn't have to steal if you'd just let me leave this house just once.

Madeline: Out of the question. Stay here. And be quiet.

(Madeline opens her door.)

Madeline: Can I help you?

Isaac: I certainly hope so. I'm a newspaper writer. I travel all over, collecting interesting personal stories.

Madeline: None of those here, I'm afraid. Good night.

Isaac: Don't be modest. I heard you're the best dog trainer in London. You've been hired by princes and kings. All I'm asking for is two minutes.

(In the living room.)

Isaac: So tell me about this talent you have. I've heard the way you control your dogs, it's almost like magic.

Madeline: No magic, I'm afraid. Just hard work and routine.

Isaac: Well, that's dull. To be honest, I'm looking for stories with a bit more pizzazz. A great story always needs just a sprinkle of magic, you know? Something unexpected. Quite the portraits you've got there. Relatives?

Madeline: Husbands. I think it's time to go.

Isaac: Three husbands? Now that's out of ordinary. Tell me more. Are you a widow or a divorcée?

(Madeline takes Isaac's note book.)

Isaac: Oh! Hey.

Madeline: You've never been married, have you?

Isaac: Give that back. And, no.

Madeline: Of course you haven't. If you'd been married, you wouldn't ask those questions so callously.

Isaac: I'm sorry, okay? Can I have it...

Madeline: I'm guessing you've never even been in love.

Isaac: That is not your business.

(Madeline throws Isaac's note book through the opened door.)

Isaac: What....

Madeline: Maybe you should write your own story for once, instead of leeching off other people's pain.

Isaac: Nice to meet you, too, lady.

Cruella: Psst! Psst! I heard the whole thing. Are you really after a great story?

Isaac: Yes. Who are you?

Cruella: I'm a girl with a great story.

Isaac: All right. I'm all ears.

Cruella: I'm sorry. If you want to hear it, you're gonna have to get me out of here first.

[ Storybrooke ]

(Henry gets out of the school bus.)

Henry: Hey, Pongo. What are you doing here? You shouldn't be out here by yourself.

(Pongo runs, Henry follow it.)

Henry: Pongo! Pongo! Pongo! Okay. Come here, boy. Whoa. What's wrong? Calm down.

(Cruella parks her car.)

Cruella: Don't blame the dog, darling. He's simply following orders, and I told him to fetch.

Henry: What do you want?

Cruella: I want you to be a good boy and get in the car.

[ London - Past ]

(Cruella hears a noise and opens her window. She finds a key.)

(In the garden.)

Cruella: This is amazing. How did you do that?

Isaac: I have my methods.

Cruella: And this key? I mean, my mother never lets it out of her sight.

Isaac: Do you wanna keep asking questions or do you wanna get out of here? I know a nice quiet spot we can talk.

Cruella: Well, I'd prefer somewhere loud.

Isaac: Loud? Why?

Cruella: I live in an attic, and my mother never allows me visitors or music or fun. I mean, she even ripped my favourite trumpet flowers out of the garden because she doesn't like the smell.

Isaac: All right, I get the picture. Wherever you wanna go, I can take you.

Cruella: That is your car?

Isaac: All four wheels.

(At Murray's.)

Cruella: This is just how I always imagined it. The music and the dances and... Gin. Ugh.

Isaac: You'll get used to the taste. Now from what I've seen so far, yours has all the makings of a classic Cinderella story. So tell me, why did she lock you up?

Cruella: Self-preservation. Mummy dear is afraid if I get out, I'll tell everyone her dirty little secret.

Isaac: What secret?

Cruella: Everyone believes that my father died of a heart attack, but I know the truth... Mother poisoned him.

Isaac: How do you know for sure?

Cruella: Any doubts I had were put to rest when husbands two and three were found belly-up.

Isaac: A Cinderella tale with a black widow twist. Now this is a great story.

Cruella: Oh, I love this song! Come on. Put your silly pen down and come and dance with me.

Isaac: Oh, no, no, no. I-I-I-I write stories. I don't... I don't dance in them. No.

Cruella: Come on. Oh!

Isaac: Your mother might be a murderess, but she's right about one thing. I spend too much time recording life and not enough time living it.

Cruella: Well, then tonight, let's live!

[ Storybrooke ]

(Regina is packing her stuff for her journey to New York.)

Emma: You sure going to New York is a good idea? You don't know what Zelena has planned. What if you're walking into a trap?

Regina: Robin's in trouble. I have no choice.

Emma: You don't have to go alone.

Regina: Don't worry about me. You have your hands full with the Author. I can handle one wicked sister.

Emma: Things are different in New York. Without your magic, y... Listen. If you won't take me with you, I want you to take this. I hope you don't have to use it, but... I want you to stay safe.

Regina: Thank you. So you're not... Angry with me for keeping your parents' secret?

Emma: It's between me and them. You were just trying to help.

Regina: It's Henry. Video message?

Emma: Must be a thing now. I got one, too.

(Mom, Mom, Cruella has me.)

Henry: If you ever wanna see me again, you have to do what she says.

Cruella: Hello, darlings! As you can see, I have your dreadful son. If you prefer him to remain in tact, you'll do exactly as I say... k*ll the Author. Then, ah, bring me his broken little body, or... Your boy will meet a very unhappy ending. Hmm?

(At Mr Gold's cabin.)

Isaac: Finally. The joy of getting lost in a good book just isn't the same. Not after it happens to you literally.

Mr Gold: Stop talking. We haven't much time, now that you and Cruella have been reunited at last.

Isaac: Cruella? No, I-I-I don't even...

Mr Gold: Enough. You both lied to me about your past, and now those lies are coming to the surface.

Isaac: I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me. I-I didn't think it was... Relevant.

Mr Gold: Oh, it's not only relevant, it is essential to my plans. Cruella is so desperate to see you dead, she just kidnapped the saviour's son.

Isaac: How do you know that?

Mr Gold: Well, you have your tools. I have mine. I watched as Cruella gave the saviour a rather morbid choice... Either you die... Or her son dies.

Isaac: Now hang on. You said you need me to get the saviour to go dark. This is how you plan to do it? By having her k*ll me?!

Mr Gold: Relax. If you died, uh, the mantle of "the Author" simply passes on, perhaps to someone less willing to help me. No, no. I need you alive.

Isaac: Then why work with Cruella, if she wants me dead?

Mr Gold: A person obsessed with vengeance is easy to manipulate. She thought I believed her happy ending was reconciling with her mother. But I knew she was after something else... Your death. Now I wanna know why. I wanna precisely what you wrote about her, the exact words.

Isaac: You wanna know? Here. Read it for yourself. I'm better on the page, anyway.

[ London - Past ]

(Cruella and Isaac are still dancing.)

Cruella: I wish, I wish this would never end. Well, thank you. This was a night I shan't forget.

(I-I-I can make it even more memorable.)

Isaac: There's something I wanna show you.

(Isaac and Cruella are now sit at a table.)

Cruella: A pen?

Isaac: It's more than that. It's the most important thing I have. It's... Special. See, there's something about me I haven't told you.

Cruella: Well, whatever it is, don't worry. I mean, I've told you all my secrets. You can tell me anything.

Isaac: Okay. The truth is, I don't go across the country collecting stories for the paper. The places I go... Well... They're a lot farther apart. I-I travel across realms. Realms of storytelling.

Cruella: What?

Isaac: This place right here is one of them. It... It exists out of time. Tell me, what year is it?

Cruella: Oh. Um... Oh, who bothers with such trivial things?

Isaac: Exactly. We're not in a time. We're in a realm of story. There are many... Some beautiful, some horrific, and some just plain magical.

Cruella: I think you've had too much gin.

Isaac: I know how it sounds, but that's not even the craziest part. This pen and ink are enchanted with magic. They're so powerful, I can do more than just write people's stories. I can change them.

Cruella: Are you really serious?

Isaac: I can prove it. Look.

(Isaac writes and a necklace appears around Cruella's neck.)

Cruella: That's impossible. That's some kind of trick.

Isaac: Is it? How about a pair of diamond earrings to match?

(Earings appears too.)

Cruella: That pen and ink really are magic.

Isaac: Careful. They have to be used together. There's no telling what would happen if that ink spilled.

Cruella: And you can write anything?

Isaac: Yes. Don't you see? I can use it to whisk us away to someplace where your mother and her dogs can never find us. We can be together.

Cruella: Oh. If only it were that simple.

Isaac: It can be. What if I gave you magic, so no matter where you were, you'd be safe?

Cruella: You'd do that for me?

Isaac: Watch me.

Cruella: Oh. I think I... I think I can feel it working.

Isaac: Let's leave now. We can get in my car and just drive. We won't stop until we're far, far away.

Cruella: No. I have to face my mother first. She needs to know that she no longer has power over me.

Isaac: I can take you.

Cruella: No. I... I'm afraid it's something I have to do alone. And because of you, I can. Meet you at the hotel? And promise me you won't run off with any other lucky girl.

Isaac: I promise. Here. Take my car to be sure. It's yours now.

(Cruella leaves.)

Isaac: Until then.

[ Storybrooke ]

(The Charming's family's loft.)

David: I recognize that trailhead marker. Cruella is holding Henry a couple of miles South of the toll bridge.

Hook: So what now?

Regina: Time to get our hands dirty and do whatever it takes to get him back.

David: You're not actually considering Cruella's demand to k*ll the Author?

Regina: Of course not. Even if we could find him, it wouldn't be half the fun of k*lling Cruella. Let's see how she likes being made into outerwear.

Mary Margaret: Regina!

Regina: What? It's Emma's heart we're trying to protect, not mine.

Emma: If we go in g*ns blazing, we risk hurting Henry. We have to find another way.

Hook: I've headed many rescue missions. It would be helpful to know the terrain more.

Emma: And where the Author is. If he's enemies with Cruella, maybe he knows the best way to defeat her.

Mary Margaret: Oh, we may be able to help with that.

David: We went back to the convent and found a flask that we gave him. He dropped it when he escaped. A locator spell might work on it.

Emma: Sounds like a perfect job for you two. I'll take Regina and Hook, and we'll scope out the area where Cruella's holed up with Henry.

Mary Margaret: Emma, I know you're still angry, but avoiding us is not going to help.

Emma: I'm not avoiding you. With Henry's life on the line, I need to be around people I trust, and right now, that's not you.

(Into the woods.)

Regina: You're acting like a petulant child. Your parents did a bad thing. They apologized. Now get over it.

Emma: Forgive me if I don't take advice from the woman who held a grudge for half her life because a 10-year-old spilled a secret.

Hook: Swan, if you won't listen to Regina, perhaps you'll listen to me. You were able to forgive both of us all because you found it in your heart to see past it.

Emma: The difference is that you never held yourself as some paragon of virtue. Neither of you did. You were honest about who you were. My parents weren't. They said they were heroes.

Hook: Even heroes make mistakes, love.

Regina: You know, not long ago, your mother gave me some advice. She said I needed to believe I could still earn forgiveness, that I had a chance at grace. I didn't realize it then, but... She was talking about herself. Emma, she's been trying to make up for what she did for a long time.

Emma: If you two understand them so well, you forgive them. I...Can't. More important things to worry about right now, like saving Henry.

(Cruella is playing a game.)

Cruella: Blasted birds. I'll show you what angry looks like.

(Henry finds a piece of glass and cut his tie. Henry runs away. Pongo barks.)

Cruella: Pongo, sic! Ugh.

[ London - Past ]

(Somebody knocks on Isaac's hotel room, he opens the door.)

Isaac: Cruella!

Madeline: You. Where is she? Where is my daughter?

Isaac: I don't have to tell you anything.

Madeline: The dogs can smell her on you. Where's she gone? Why were you with her?!

Isaac: I was following your advice, living life instead of just writing about it. And now, thanks to Cruella, I won't ever be going back.

Madeline: You foolish boy. Stay. You should've gotten far away from her when you had the chance.

Isaac: Why? So your secret would remain buried? Yes, Cruella told me the truth about her father and the others, that you m*rder*d them.

Madeline: She really did a number on you, didn't she? You'd think a newspaper man would know a tall tale when he heard one, because I didn't k*ll anyone. Don't you understand? It was Cruella.

Isaac: You expect me to believe that that angel I danced with tonight is a k*ller?

Madeline: I didn't want to believe it either. She was always a troubled little girl. Her father and I had hopes she'd grow out of it. Until one night, he was having his tea in the parlour when I heard a thump. I raced in to find him dead on the floor from a heart attack. Cruella, the poor dear, was there, paralyzed with shock. After the doctor left, my first thoughts went to her, what effect seeing her father die would have on an already disturbed mind. So I went up to try and comfort her. I expected to find her crying, but she wasn't. Instead, I-I saw a hint of a smile on her face. I thought I was imagining things, but then I saw the trumpet flowers on the bedside table.

Isaac: Her favourite flowers. The ones you ripped out because you hated the smell.

Madeline: I ripped them out because they were poisonous. She poisoned him.

Isaac: You're lying. If what you're saying is true, you would've gone to the authorities.

Madeline: How could I? She was my daughter, and I blamed myself. I thought if I kept her close that I could somehow fix her. But there's no fixing her. She poisoned the next two husbands as well.

Isaac: Get out of here... Before I call the police.

Madeline: You don't have to believe me. Just stay away from Cruella. She takes the things you care about and she destroys them.

(Madeline leaves.)

Isaac: It's just a bucket of fiction, that's all.

(Isaac opens his pencil box, his pen is missing.)

(Madeline gets back home.)

Madeline: Cruella?

Cruella: Hello, mother. I've been waiting for you.

Madeline: Dogs!

Cruella: Oh, that's not going to work anymore.

(Cruella uses her magic on the dogs.)

Madeline: What did you do to them?

Cruella: I simply taught them a new command... k*ll.

(The dogs k*ll Madeline)

[ Storybrooke ]

(Henry runs away into the wood, Pong runs after him.)

Henry: Help me! Please! Help me! Help!

(Emma hears Henry screaming.)

Emma: It's Henry. Quick, it's coming from over there.

Hook: No, it's this way.

Regina: Has Cannon fire damaged your hearing? It clearly came from over there.

Henry: No! No! Help me, please!

Emma: Split up. Go!

(On Regina's side.)

Henry: Somebody!

Regina: Henry?! Help me! Please!

Regina: No.

(Regina finds a shell.)

Henry: Help me, please!

(On Hook's side.)

Hook: Henry?!

Henry: Somebody! Help me!

Hook: Magic.

(Henry runs to a cliff.)

Henry: Help me! Please, somebody... Pongo...

Cruella: Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? You shouldn't have run.

(Emma comes.)

Emma: Henry!

Henry: Mom!

Emma: Let him go!

Cruella: I'm afraid not. Come any closer, and he dies.

[ London - Past ]

(Cruella sews in her attic. Isaac enters.)

Isaac: Cruella? I've been looking everywhere for you. Where's your mother? Cruella!

Cruella: Well, thanks to you, she's dead, darling. Oh, you should've seen the look on her face when her beloved dogs turned on her. It's a memory I shall truly cherish.

Isaac: No. No.

Cruella: Oh, you needn't fear the dogs anymore. They're with mother now.

Isaac: How could you do this? I thought you cared about me.

Cruella: Well, that was the idea, darling. You were... What is the phrase? A means to an end.

Isaac: Why?

Cruella: That's the question on everybody's mind, isn't it? I wish I had an answer. Some people struggle not to be drawn into the darkness. Ever since I was a little girl, I've said, "why not splash in... And have fun?"

(Isaac gets back his pen to write. Cruella tries to stop him but ink spreads on her.)

Cruella: Aah! Aah! Drop that, you horrid little scribbler! You can't get it done in real life, so you scratch it out like a rat scrabbling in filth!

(Cruella takes a g*n and tries to k*ll Isaac but fails.)

Cruella: Why can't I pull the trigger? What did you do?!

Isaac: I learned a lesson from you. Take what a person loves... And destroy it.

Cruella: You fool. You damned insane fool! I'm not done! I'm not done at all!

[ Storybrooke ]

(Mary Margaret and David enters in Mr Gold's cabin.)

Isaac: Oh! Don't come any closer! Stay back!

David: We're not gonna hurt you.

Mary Margaret: We just want some information.

Isaac: Unh-unh. I want some guarantees, because if I tell you everything, you just might k*ll the messenger.

Mary Margaret: You're safe. Trust us.

Isaac: Trust you? I've seen what you'll do to protect your daughter.

David: Uhh!

(David catches Isaac.)

Isaac: Aah! Ow! Hey! You said you wouldn't h...

David: What have you done with Emma?

Isaac: Nothing. I was just trying to protect the world from Cruella. I had no idea that Gold would use her like this. Even I couldn't see the end to the story.

Mary Margaret: What are you talking about? How does the story end?

Isaac: With the saviour... Turning dark.

(Isaac gives David a piece of paper.)

Mary Margaret: What is that?

Isaac: Something I wrote. The truth.

David: "Cruella De Vil can no longer take away the life of another."

Isaac: Do you see now? Henry's in no danger.

Mary Margaret: Cruella can't k*ll anyone. She's defenseless.

David: Emma doesn't know, which means Gold wants her to...

Mary Margaret: We have to stop this.

(They leaves.)

(At the top of the cliff.)

Cruella: One small dead Author. That's all I asked. Simple revenge, and you failed utterly.

Emma: Put the g*n down, Cruella.

Henry: Mom.

Emma: It's gonna be okay, Henry.

Cruella: I'll do it, saviour. Believe me, I will.

(Emma threats Cruella.)

Cruella: Put your hands down, saviour. We both know you're bluffing.

Emma: That's my son.

Cruella: And you're a hero, and heroes don't k*ll.

(Emma pushes Cruella away, she falls and dies.)

Cruella: Aah!

Emma: Henry?

Henry: Mom.

(Emma hugs Henry. Mary Margaret and David arrives.)

David: No, no.

Mary Margaret: Emma?