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01x08 - True Colors

Posted: 04/20/15 04:40
by bunniefuu
Previously on Good Witch...

Brian's out of surgery, so he can leave the hospital tomorrow, but I'd put off travel for a few days.

I'm Frankie. I'm your new partner on this.

I just think some space right now is a good thing.

I'm late, but I'm hoping that my reservation is still good.

My ex-wife.


You cook?

All the time.



Well... ahem. I'm stuffed.

Thank you. I think I'll head back to Grey House I'm tired.

I don't see why you can't stay here.

I'm sure your mother would like her privacy.

And I'm gonna be right next door.

Dad, I never get to see Mom.

Can Mom stay here?

One night. Why not?

Come see me before you go to sleep, ok?

You got it, kiddo.


What game are you playing?

Ugh, Sam, I came here to visit Nick.

And it's not like I can hop in a cab and go across town, now that you've decided to move our son to the sticks.

Look, I have a first class open-ended ticket to Hong Kong, they're not expecting me until the end of the week, and that is the best I can do for an answer.

The end of the week?

This is a far cry from the upper West Side, Sam.

I like it here.

Do you?

Just spend some time with Nick and leave me alone, ok?

You are no fun.

Goodnight, Linda.

Goodnight, Sam.


(Door opening)


Hello there, Doctor.

Please, call me Sam.

If you insist.

I do.

Linda checked out of Grey House.

And in to my house. She used Nick. She is so...

... manipulative. And I say that with a certain sense of awe.

It's a gift.

Is everything alright?

Yeah, why?

You're kind of unflappable, but right now you look a little... flapped.

Um, Brian's ok and we left the hospital hours ago, but...

... my hands just stopped shaking.

And that's why I'm making tea.

They'd be shaking worse if you didn't live next door.

Well, it's a good thing I do, then.

It's just...

(Both):... Adrenaline.

Are you sure you're ok?

Yeah, I just... just got a chill.

You are cold.

This whole thing was...

... intense.

(Theme music playing)


Oh! I've heard a rumor.

Old Mr. Jenkins' mail-order bride?

What the Smith's really use to fertilize their lawn?


Sally Baker's husband's "business trip" to Vegas?

Apparently, with a good detective, what happens in Vegas does not stay in Vegas.

(Laughing): No. Java Shed.

That big coffee franchise.

I hear that they're looking to open a store in Middleton.

Well, that could be good for the town.

Not my part of the town!

I can't compete with them, they'd take all of my business.

But they have tai chi lattes and those delicious frozen coffee drinks my husband's a big fan.

Stop being disloyal and find out if there are any zoning applications pending.

I'll see what I can find.

Thanks. Ah, it's on the house.


You won't get that at Java Shed.

Actually, they have these reward punch cards after 10 visits, you get a free...

I'm gonna stop talking now.

(Door chimes tinkling) Hey, Cassie.


I brought breakfast.

Oh... I already ate.


13 years.

That's kind of an odd anniversary to celebrate, isn't it?

Not if 13 is your lucky number.

You are something else.

Ahem! Hi.

Hi, Mom.

Hi, honey.

Don't mind us, continue making out in front of everyone.

I left my purse here.

Did you?

I did.

Did you see the way she looked at me?

We surprised them.

I don't think that was a look of surprise.

She likes you.

But does she like us?

Ryan's been around a lot lately.

Yeah, he's a nice guy.

They make a cute couple, don't you think?

They're not really a couple.

Well... you never know.

Are you ok?


Sure. I just never really thought of my mom as part of a couple before.

(Door chimes tinkling)



I wasn't sure if I was in the right place.

Well, that depends on what you're looking for.

Well, I...

I was, um, looking for you.

Well, for your help, actually.

Then I guess you're in the right place.

Nick tells me that you were a huge help to them when they first moved in. He said they would have starved if it wasn't for you.


And it looks as though you and Sam have become fast friends.

Uh, neighbors.

Well Sam lived in the same building for 10 years in New York and I don't think he could have picked any of his neighbors out of a line up, so, heh...

Well, that was New York. This is Middleton.

Yes. Well, I wanted to thank you for being there for Nick.

Sam is... well, he's more of a weekend dad.

Oh, I wouldn't say that.

Oh, you couldn't say that.

You weren't married to him.

Either way, I want to let you know that I really appreciate all of your help.

So, you looking for anything in particular?

I am. I am looking for something for Nick.

Unfortunately, I missed his birthday, and I'm at a loss.



That's, uh... That's an odd choice.

Well, it spoke to me.


What did it say?

(Cassie speaking Chinese)

"Who wishes to fight must first count the cost."

I found this at the Shanghai night market the year I backpacked across China.

You've been to China?

I have, and I loved it.

Well, I'm about to go to battle myself.

I have a big takeover in Hong Kong.

You know, this is...

This is actually perfect.

It's special and unique, and considering my work in Hong Kong, it's really quite... appropriate.

So it speaks to you as well.

Yes it does.

Wrap it up.


I hear Sam's ex is in town.


What's she like?

Perfectly coiffed, great shoes, mean as a snake?

You might want to reserve judgment until you actually meet her.

Where's the fun in that?

Well, there's always two sides to a story.

And you're taking her side.

No, I'm taking neither side.

Their relationship is none of my business.

Again, where's the fun in that?

I really think we should give Linda the benefit of the doubt.

Well, she didn't come all the way to Middleton to look at the snow.

She's after something.

I don't think it's Sam.

Well, a little bird tells me that things are heating up for you in the romance department.

A little bird named Abigail?

I don't know how she does it, but she is so well informed.

And unlike some people, she's not stingy with the details.

Well, your bird is misinformed.

Mm-hmm. Ok, enough about you, back to me.

Have you heard anything about Java Shed coming to Middleton?

That big coffee house chain?


That's not very Middleton.

(Chuckling): What's that?

Happy belated birthday, darling.

Open it!

It's cool. What's it mean? ell, it...

"Who wishes to fight must first count the cost."

Where did that tag come from?

It was just in here.


Thanks Mom.

You're welcome. And that's not your only gift.



Hmm, what's this stuff?

Hello there.

(Both laughing)

You know, I gotta say: Ever since I was a kid, I love it when you do that.

Aw... so, Tara's coming tomorrow?

Yeah. I, uh...

I just hope...


"Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small and inflames the great."

I sense your love is definitely great.


What's this?

Tea, soap, perfume oil...

Cardamom spiced cookies.

These cookies brought Tara and I together.

Hmm, fate brought you together.

I think you gave fate a little push.

It seemed a lot easier then.


How did you and Dad do it?

Communication and compromise the keys to many things, but definitely my recipe for a magical, loving and happy marriage.



Where's Mom?

She had to run out. I told her I'd watch the store.


Ryan picked her up.



I'm sure Cassie won't be gone all the time.

What do you mean?

Well, you know, what happens when your girlfriends get boyfriends...

They kind of disappear.



Thank you.



Hey. Uh, can I tell him?


Tell me what?

We're going to Hong Kong!


She's taking me on her business trip. A whole month.

We leave at the end of the week.

Isn't that great?


Come on, Dad, why not?

Well, off the top of my head you're in school!

Hong Kong is halfway around the world. You don't speak Chinese.

It's just a month, we can Skype every day and I can learn Chinese.

And school?

Sam, travelling to Hong Kong is an educational experience.

How about the fact that nobody discussed this with me?

We wanted to surprise you.


Nick, I need to talk to your mother for a second... alone.

Don't let him change your mind.


Just wait in the car, ok?

Nick's doing well.

We both like it here. He doesn't need to go with you.

No, you like it here. He doesn't.

This isn't happening.

I have full custody of him. You can't take him to Hong Kong or New York or Blairsville without my written permission.


Then he is only going to resent you more than he already does.





Think it's... oh!

Oh... oh! Sorry.

Sorry. Let's try that again.

It's so good to see you.

It's so good to be back.


I don't understand.

It's your cheque from yesterday.

But you said that was on the house!

Well, that was before I found out that you were trying to run my "house" out of business.

Ah... well, you know, I really am very busy...

Yes, what with bringing in a major franchise which will probably put me out of business, I'm sure your day is jam-packed.

Don't you think you're overreacting?

The fact that you didn't tell me says that my reaction Is spot on.

It is a testament to the strength of your business and your managerial panache that I think you can handle a small franchise coming to town.

200 stores!

This is the kind of business that makes a town look like a city. Java Shed will attract other franchises and maybe even a Big Box store. I want that Big Box store.

You swore "to support and uphold the welfare of all citizens of Middleton, and to faithfully discharge the duties you were appointed to execute in a manner befitting the office of mayor."

You are using my oath of office against me... that is dirty pool.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

But it's like kryptonite!

That's because you still have a soul.

But no coffee franchise.

You can't have both.

Fine. I'll tell Java Shed no and give them a map to Blairsville.

Doesn't it feel good to do the right thing?




Hey, Sam.

Hey, you got a second?


She wants to take him to Hong Kong.

She didn't say a word to me.

She conspired with Nick and now I have to say no and then I look like the bad guy... again.

Looking like the bad guy fades.

What's important is you're not a bad guy.

Nick will figure that out. And you have full custody.

Oh, I can fight her, but...

But you're protecting Nick.

He doesn't know that Linda never fought me for him.

I wanted full custody and I would've gone to the mat with her, but she wanted the job in London more.

It would k*ll him to find out that his mother basically just walked away.

I can't allow that.

And if I end up in court with Linda, my lawyer will use that against her and I'll win the battle and lose the w*r.

I think I just have to weather the storm and she's going to do what she always does: Blow through and leave a big mess for me to clean up.

Is that right?


It's not right.

It's just Linda.

I found this on our nightstand.

I was looking through it the other day.

Oh, my hair is so long!


I like it better short.

Police regulations.

First vacation, remember?

I forgot to put on sunscreen.

Lobster woman.

(Both laughing)


This wasn't even that long ago...

It feels like forever.

I miss you.

Yeah, I miss you too.


It's weird, isn't it?

Yeah. It is.

Why? Why is that?

I haven't been here in a long time.

I'm sorry I haven't been able to get away.

Well, we're together now.


I hate to bring this up.


I'm sensing something.

Which is kind of odd, considering that's your thing.

Ever since the storm, it's like you're there but you're not there.

I'm all here.


Um, I was thinking that you might want to come over for dinner tomorrow night.

I can't. My parents are coming to town.

Oh. Well, next time.

Yeah. Well, why don't you just come with us. You and Grace.

No, we wouldn't want to intrude.

You can't intrude, because I'm inviting you. Come on, it'll be fun.

Or at least as much fun as dinner with my parents can be.



Hey, Grace, wait up!



How are you?

Uh... wow!

Sorry, I've never really seen you like this before... happy!

Yeah, I guess maybe you haven't.

Well, I like it.

You missed your mom.

Uh, yeah, but we're going to Hong Kong together.



Wow. Your dad's cool with it?

No, but I should get a say.


Is your mom married?

No, but her boyfriend Geoffrey tries to act like my stepdad.


He lives with her.

Is that weird for you?

Honestly... Yeah.

But you get used to it.

Why'd you ask?


Something going on with your mom?

I don't know.

I just don't want things to change between me and my mom.

Please, don't tell anybody that I said that.

Who am I going to tell?

Good point.



Mmm! Smells wonderful.


Thanks. It still has to simmer for a while.

Yeah, let it blend.


So, Ryan's parents are in town and, well, we thought maybe we could all go have dinner tomorrow night.


You know what, I have a test.

You don't have a test. But you can skip dinner.

Thanks, Mom.



Hey. I carried you for 9 months.

It took 20 hours of hard labor to give birth to you.

I have been there for you and with you since the day you opened your eyes.

I'm here, honey.

I'm not going anywhere.



Jones can't be serious.

My father's always serious.

He's wanted this property for a long time.

It just came on the market, so he swooped In and bought it.

This is not good.

Dad wants you on point for this project.

You have the inside track.

He already has a franchisee that wants to renovate and sign a five-year lease for double the rent.

Ok, I gotta talk to him.

He doesn't want to talk, he wants you to smooth things over with the tenant, get them out of the building press and drama-free.

He says you know the current tenant.


That's good.

No. It's not good.

I'm sure you'll figure something out.




Hi. Good to see you!

Good to see you too.

Where's Brandon?

Uh, he went into work.


Cassie, I, um...

You have a secret.

I do.

One you haven't shared.

I don't know how.

I'm... I'm afraid.

You face your fear, stand up to it and you take its power away.

What is it?

Well, your landlord definitely sold the building.

Can you go see him?

He moved to Arizona A few years ago.

Oh... you know, Cassie, This is more Ryan's thing.

He's in meetings all day, I haven't been able to reach him.

But your old lease will protect you. The new owner has to honour the terms under your old landlord.

My original lease expired.

So you're on a month-to-month.


And no guarantees from your old landlord?

A handshake and his word that I could stay there as long as I wanted.

And you can't take a handshake to court.

Never thought I'd have to.

Well, that doesn't leave you many options.

You either have to pay the increase in rent or the new owner can give you notice to move out.

You're quitting?


That's my two weeks' notice.


Relocating to be with my wife In San Francisco.

And she can't relocate here?

Her path was made up a long time ago.

Mine is new. One of us has to give, or... Our flame will go out.

You ok?

Yeah. It's just something Cassie said.

So Cassie's ok with you leaving Middleton?

Well, she's ok with me saving my marriage.

What is it?

You know, I was kind of grooming you to be my lieutenant.


Yeah, you know, I was your dad's and thought it was only right that, you know, someday you'd be mine.

But there's guys here with more time in and seniority than me.

Cassie and your father taught me that when it comes to people, you have to learn to trust your instincts.

You were the guy.




Can I borrow some tea?

Of course!

Sam is more of a coffee drinker.

I know.

Oh, you do?

Well, he's not big into tea.

He seems to be adjusting to his surroundings, though.

I guess you've heard about my plans.

Taking Nick to Hong Kong?

You must see what a marvelous opportunity this is.

Excuse me?

You've seen the benefits of an unorthodox education. You traveled, you moved around, it helped you, shaped you, made you who you are.

Well, all of our experiences, good or bad, make us who we are.

Exactly. And that's what I'm fighting for.

To give him more experiences in life.

Like the scroll says.

The scroll?

"Who wishes to fight must first count the cost."

I can't shy away from battles And I can't let Sam win. You helped me see that.

I didn't.

Oh, you did. Thank you.

I only wish that Sam could see things as clearly as you do.


So, I hear you're going for dinner with Ryan and Cassie.

I've... no, I'm not.

I get it.

What do you get?

As your mom starts to go out more, you start to feel like a third wheel.


But I'm here, ok?

Ooh... maxima and minima.

You know calculus?

I know a lot of things.

Y equals 13.

What are you up to?

What do you mean?


I'm helping her, and I'm not doing anything that you wouldn't do.

I find that hard to believe.

You have always found it hard to trust me.

Everything is gonna work out just the way it's supposed to.

Sam, you are only putting off the inevitable.

Soon he'll be able to choose who he wants to be with, and with every decision like this that you make, you are only pushing him closer to me.

Linda, we were married, we had a son, it wasn't all bad.

Don't do this to Nick.

Cassie thinks that Hong Kong is a great idea.

Cassie thinks Nick should go to Hong Kong?


Come on.

You seem nervous, Ryan.

I wonder why that is.

I'm sure she'll be here any minute.

I'm not so sure.

Excuse me?

This is Abigail, Cassie's cousin.

Pleasure to meet you both.

Pleasure, Abigail.

Enjoy your meal.



You have a big announcement?


You seem nervous.

No, I'm not.

No announcement?

No, Dad.

So why are we here?

Uh, to have dinner with your son.

Well, on the phone you seemed kind of excited and, well, I guess I thought you had some big news to share.

Uh... no. Just dinner.

Told you.... Told her.


Oh, um... can we talk later? I'm running late.

Did you tell Linda that you thought taking Nick to Hong Kong was a great idea?


Did you encourage her to fight me on this?


She says you did.

Consider the source.

I know. I know! This is what she does to me, she turns me inside out, makes me question all common sense.

You look great, by the way.

I'm interrupting.

I'm meeting Ryan And his parents.


I should go.

No, you should calm down before you go back over there.

I'm ok.

No, you're not. Tea?

Your date?

It's not a date like that.

I can't do this to you.

Well, you're not doing it, I am. Sit.

Ryan will understand.

Linda is a master of twisting things to fit her agenda.

She's winning this fight.

Well, that's because you're playing her game.

She strikes me as a person who always has a reason for everything she does.

Find out the reason and you may find a solution to your problem.

She's normally so punctual.

Could be traffic.


I guess I do have some big news.

I told you. I told him.

Apparently she told me.

We want to help.

We do.


With the costs. I just...

... want to be involved.

It'll mean a lot to your mother.

To help me find an executive rental in Chicago?

Is that where the wedding's going to be?

What wedding?


(Laughing): Oh, right!

Oh, that's a good one, Mom.

Uh... you're not laughing.

Who am I marrying?


Why would you think that?

Well, you've know her for so long and you talk about her All the time.


Listen, my only big news is that I got a really great job offer in Chicago.

It's a really great opportunity, this job.

Oh, sure... (Chuckling)

That's great, Ryan.


Yeah, congratulations.


(Glasses clinking)

(Tea pouring)

What's up?

We need to talk.


I'm so afraid.

What are you afraid of?

Your reaction.

This is about us living so far apart?


So I quit my job.

I can be a police officer anywhere.

But England?

Why would I want to be in England?

That's where I'm going to be the next three years.

I got accepted to Cambridge for my doctorate.



In England.



But you accepted without talking to me about it?


I'm so sorry.



Cassie thought you might need some help With your homework.



Mm... don't you have any English homework?

I wish.

Can I...

Can I ask you a question about Mom?


Was it strange for you when Dad brought her home?


She wasn't your mom.

You know what I mean.

Well, actually, I think I brought her home to Dad.

But Dad would never have let anyone into our lives who wasn't really wonderful.

And I know Cassie will do the same when the time comes.


Mom was right.

I did need your help.

Well, thank goodness it wasn't for the math.

(Both laughing)


(Martha): Thank you.

You did it anyway?

What, what did I do?

Java Shed.

The franchise is coming, and to main street!

Not because of me. I told them to take their business elsewhere.

Well, someone is bringing that store here.

Well, it's not me. And anyway, there is no space on main street.

Well, that's enough tea and enough sympathy.

You're late for Ryan.

I called him, explained. I'm meeting him for a late dessert.

Hmm... his parents?

I'll meet them the next time they're in town.


Well, speaking of Ryan and your shop... I made some phone calls and I found the corporation that bought your building.

And I made an offer to buy it back.

You did?

But he won't budge.

(Sighing) Seems he's got big plans for your shop that don't include you.


It's hard to believe Ryan's involved.


Yeah, Jones is the buyer... you didn't know?

Ryan's Jones?


Yeah. One and the same.

He didn't tell you?

No, he didn't.

Oh... I'm sorry, Cassie, but you should know.

Yeah, now I do.

I don't think Dad's going to let me go.

Yes. Yes, just apply the whole balance. Thank you.

Listen, sweetheart, I want you to let me worry about your father, ok?

He stole you from me once, and I'm not going to let him do it again.



Hey. Um, a Stephanie called.

How many women do you have in this town anyway?

Nick, can I talk to your mother, please?

(Nick scoffing)

Nick. Nick, it's ok.

(Sam scoffing)

I understand you not wanting to talk about your girlfriends In front of him, but he knows.


She's a friend.

And you're not taking him to Hong Kong.

You're not taking him anywhere.

Sam, doesn't he have a say in who he lives with And where he wants to live?


He's a kid! We're supposed to be the adults.

We're supposed to tell him what to do, not the other way around.

Sam, he wants to come with me.

You need to leave. Tonight.

Before you cause any more trouble.

Nick doesn't want me leaving.

It's not his house.

It is.

And she's my mom.

Go back to your room.

No, Dad. You're not gonna bully Mom anymore.


You're not gonna win this time, Sam.

I'm not gonna let you win.

You've had me for long enough.

I want to be with her and she wants to be with me.

I know what you did, and you can't get away with it again.

What did you tell him?

The truth.

You don't get to steal me from her twice.

You should have just let him come to Hong Kong with me.

♪ You woke up next to me ♪
♪ and then we said goodbye ♪
♪ and now it's settled in ♪
♪ that something wasn't right ♪
♪ oh, but we're a long way ♪
♪ long way from there ♪
♪ and it's a cold case ♪
♪ cold case to bear ♪
♪ now I can only see you ♪
♪ in my rear view ♪
♪ so where did you go ♪
♪ where did you go ♪



Tell me it isn't true.

It's true.

Oh, no.

But I'm working on it, Steph.

If he moves that coffee chain into Cassie's shop, it's going to k*ll my business and break her heart.

I just found out about this. Give me some time.

And you didn't bother to tell me or Cassie?

I wanted to fix it first.

Well, is it fixed?

No. Jones is going to turn Bell, Book and Candle into a Java Shed.

This is going to affect the whole town. Look, if we wanted to live in Blairsville, we would. We are not a chain store kind of place!

I know.

Does Cassie know?

I think she knows.

I didn't steal you from your mother.

She and I agreed a long time ago that you would be better off with me full time.

Mom says differently.

(The man sighs.)

Just let me go.

What, to Hong Kong?

And back to New York.

I know you care about me, but you've had your time; It's Mom's turn now.

I do love you, and that's why my answer is no.

Not even to Hong Kong?

I'm sorry.

You aren't.

I can't let you go.

You can't stop me.

I'm still your father.

When I graduate from high school, I'm leaving, I'm not coming back.

So, what do you think?

I'm not sure.

I can't go to England.

Brandon, you were gonna move anyway.

It's too far.

And I can't leave Middleton. Not now.

I'm sorry, Tara.

I love you.
(Indistinct chatter)

I'm so sorry.

You knew?

Since this morning.

Why didn't you tell me?

I wanted to fix it first.

I've been on the phone with Jones all day.

I must have shown him 10 different buildings.


Java Shed wants your building.

And Jones wants Java Shed as a tenant.

Well, you still should have told me.

You're right.

Just give me a chance.

To do what?

To make this right.

You didn't make it wrong.

Then why do I feel so guilty?

Because you're a good guy.




Hey, Sam!


You were expecting me?

I was.

Last night, actually. Tea?


Ooh! Hot, hot!

Yeah. Hot tea is not meant to be "downed".

Well, I thought those relaxing, happy properties you always talk about with tea could be fast tracked.

It doesn't work that way.

I get that now.

So what's new with the shop? Does Ryan have a plan?

Ryan is trying to get Jones to see that I'd make a great tenant, and if Java Shed can be talked into a different location, then Jones would give me a lease.

I hope this doesn't sound too...

Why don't you just relocate?

It's not like it's sacred ground.

Your loyal customers will follow you wherever you are, and the new ones always seem to find you.

How's the new house guest?

Which means we're through talking about that.

No, it means that I want to know how the house guest is.

And I'm guessing that's why you burned your throat on my tea.


You have no idea.

So you're stuck between a rock and a...


(Cassie sighs.)

Alright. I'll see you later.




(Car starting up)

Martha Tinsdale. Thank you, Deb.

You're welcome.

(Phone ringing)

Oh dear!

Seriously, Martha!

I can't stop them. I tried. I have spoken to Mr. Jones and he refuses to entertain any offer. He wants that building.

Well, you've got to do something!

I can't just tell them to go away.

The property was for sale, he bought it.

And besides, Java Shed has already started all the necessary paperwork for the renovations and construction.

Not good enough!

I have done everything in my power or what is legally within my power. If I take one more step, then Java Shed and Mr. Jones will have a lawsuit, a winnable lawsuit.

I know that this is difficult for you to hear, but Java Shed is coming to Middleton, and nothing short of a miracle will stop it.




How go the real estate wars?

Ryan says he's making progress with Jones.


Look... (He sighs.)

I shouldn't have said anything about relocation.

It's obvious that you like where your shop is now.

Because it is sacred ground.


It's where Jake and I first connected.

It was magical.

It's where I finally found my roots, my purpose...

A home in Middleton.

You clearly loved Jake very much.

He was lucky to have you.

Everyday, when I open my front door for business, it's like he's still there.

What are you doing?

sh**ting hoops.

Um, no, you are slamming the ball against the backboard over and over again trying to drive me crazy.

And guess what? It worked.

So you can stop now.

Ok, so I'm a little off my game, alright?

Only if you're trying to get the ball in the hoop.

I hate this.


My parents.

I'm stuck between them and they really hate each other.

Dad wants me to stay here, and Mom wants me to go with her.

Well, what do you want?

I want to go to Hong Kong and back to New York.

No, you don't.

How would you know?

I just do.


Cambridge? What did you say?

I'd like my job back.


Cassie needs me here.

Yeah, I heard about the Bell, Book and Candle, and I can't even imagine Middleton without it.

So Cassie asked you to stay?

She didn't, and she wouldn't, but I have to be here for her and Grace whatever happens.

Ok, but...


Never mind.

No, go on, say it.

Tara needs you too, right?

I mean, everything is gonna get settled, right?

I mean, hopefully Cassie's shop stays right where it is, but this isn't gonna go on forever.

And once things are settled, you could go be with Tara in England.

That's true.

Tara is family.

So, is this really about Cassie?



I... I still cannot believe that you left New York for this.

I did. And I like it.

What do you really want?

Does it ever occur to you that I may want a chance to be a real mother to Nick?

A real mother wouldn't try to take a son from a father who's raised him his whole life.

She's one of the top custody lawyers in the country, and she thinks that I have a very strong case.

Full custody or not, Nick doesn't want to live with you.

And that's gonna carry a lot of weight with a judge.

If you do this, Nick's gonna get hurt.

I haven't filed yet.

I told my lawyer that I could get you to come around.

Whether Nick gets hurt or not is up to you, not me.


Thought we could drown our respective sorrows in tea and carbs.

Aw, you gave up your mid-afternoon latte?

Well, since Java Shed, I've decided to give up on "Java" all together.

So, Ryan is currently at the bistro rocking two cell phones.

Yeah, he's trying to get Jones to lease me back the space.

But to do that, he first needs to get the Java Shed people interested in a different location.

So, you and Ryan...

Is this Jones thing gonna be a...

Speed bump or a full stop?

I don't know. I...

I just don't know.

You're just not so sure?



(Indistinct conversations)

What are you up to, Ryan?

Trying to save Cassie's shop.

Isn't that kind of like setting a house on fire and then calling the fire department?

No, Abigail, it's nothing like that.

You brought Jones to Middleton.

Jones was interested in the Keating property. That's it.

After you called his office and sent a ton of e-mails.

Ever heard of Pandora's box?

I'm not the bad guy here.

Depends on who you ask.

You charged me for all my coffee refills?

And my water? Ah.

Boss's orders.

Ok, thanks.

Bye, Ryan.

I thought that I would help with dinner.

Oh, well, I never turn down help.

Something tells me that you're not here just to help make a salad.

Why can't Bell, Book stay where it is?

It's not my building.

Why can't you buy it?

Can't afford it.

Why does everything have to change?

Losing Dad, Brandon moving away, the Bell, Book...

Why can't things stay the same, Mom?

Oh, honey, change is a part of life.

Bad part.


So, you're looking to avoid pain, to avoid the unpleasant and unhappy things in life?

(She scoffs.)


It's completely understandable and completely unrealistic.

(Both chuckling)

So you're saying that stuff like this is just gonna...

Keep on happening to me?

To all of us.

But we aren't defined by what happens to us we are defined by how we react to what happens to us.

Like the shop?




What aren't you telling me?

Jones won't budge on the rent, so in order to stay, I'd have to pay double.



How are ya?

Tired of looking at real estate. Spent the afternoon looking At commercial space.

You didn't want to move, What changed?

Ryan got Jones to offer me a lease, but he knows I can't afford to pay double the rent.

Basically an empty gesture.

(Sam scoffs.)

(Cassie sighs.)

Feelings and emotions aside, whether I want to or not, I have to keep the shop going... it's how I pay the bills. Single mom...

Hey, there's an empty space a couple of blocks from us.

Yeah. Half the square footage, twice the price, no charm.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Practically sells itself.

Ha! Practically.

I've got a short day tomorrow, if you want some company?


Great. We can look at overpriced commercial real estate for you, and I can tell you how my ex is gonna sue me for custody of Nick.

Ok, fun.





(Indistinct conversation)

You know, in battle, the troops have to follow the general...


I wouldn't follow you into the bathroom, let alone battle.



Java Shed hasn't even broken ground yet and look at you.

I just... feel so defeated.

You look defeated, too.

It's not a good look for you.

You're not defeated, you're frozen in fear.

"It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles."

It's some w*r book Cassie is reading right now.

I have no idea why.


(Amused exclamation)

Keep an eye on the bistro, ok?

Where are you going?

To get to know my enemies.

(Door chime ringing)

Brandon told me. I had no idea. You just told me it was a notice from your landlord. I'm so sorry.

Me too.

Here you are trying to help me and you might lose your store.

So, um, what did Brandon say about England?

He didn't tell you?

He's not sure he wants to go.

He wants to protect you, too.

I'm ok.

I'll be ok.

Aw... are those... ?

Oh yeah.

Brandon's skates from when he was in grade school.

He still loves hockey.

With the shop's anniversary, I'm finding all sorts of things.

Tomorrow is the ice rink's equipment drive, and I was thinking about donating them.

I could drop them by for you if you'd like.

I'd like that very much.


(Grace sighs.)

You're breaking up?

Living apart.

But you love Tara.

But I love my family too.



Got what I wanted...

But now I'm not so sure I want it anymore.

What do you mean?

I want you to stay...

But both of you.

Tara too.

She's part of the family and I don't want part of our family an ocean away.

I know. But she's got a once-in-a-lifetime thing at Cambridge, and I can't ask her to stay here.

I could.

No, I don't want her to stay because she's being pressured into it.

This whole thing with Bell, Book has me feeling so helpless.

Hey, we all feel helpless.



Sam, my attorney wants to know who's gonna be representing you. Look, let's not delay this.

I don't have any representation...

Because I'm not gonna fight you.

Excuse me?

You have a second chance with Nick... don't mess it up.

So you're just... You're just handing him over?

I thought maybe I'd try winning by not fighting, this time. That way, Nick wins.

I'm going to honour what he wants, which is to live with you.



Well, I just...

Wanted to let you know that I'm going to...

Hey, what's wrong? Oh, no.

I'm gonna lose my Bell, Book.

No, you don't know.

I can't afford a new store because the rents are so high.

And even if they weren't high, there's nothing available On main street.

Oh, Cassie...

Ryan's going to Chicago to, uh...

Have a face-to-face meeting with Jones... one last try to get him to give me my space back at my old rent.

Looks like my anniversary celebration is gonna end up being a going-out-of-business sale.



Bye, Mom!

Hey, where are you going?

Hmm... I can't say.

But what I can say is that I won't be doing anything that I ever need to be punished for.


Have a little faith, Mom.

Hi, Brandon! Bye, Brandon!

Teenagers... Don't like their mood?

Just wait an hour.

So Tara tells me you're staying.

I am. And she's ok with it.

Because she loves you.

I love her.

So because of me, two people who love each other very much can't be together?

I don't feel very good about that.

Go. I'll be fine.

It's not about you.

It is, but it's about me and...

The promise you made to your father?


He wouldn't want this, and I don't either.

Well, I don't agree with you, and I'm staying whether you like it or not, and whether you approve or not.

I love you, Cassie.

I love you too, Brandon.

Brandon, could you do me a favour?

Name it.

The ice rink is having their equipment drive today, and I made a big batch of my hot cocoa for their volunteers...

Well, it's my day off, I can bring it right over.


With everything you're going through, you can still think about other people.



Could I have a menu, please?

You're not here for the food.

Sadly, I am.

There aren't a lot of restaurant choices in Middleton. here are always choices... the trick is picking the right one.

Ah... well, this place is pretty much it.

I wasn't talking about the bistro.

What were you talking about?

Who are you?

I'm Abigail. I'm Cassie Nightingale's cousin.

Ok... listen, could I just have a cup of coffee?

How's Geoffrey?

Excuse me?

Your boyfriend. He come with you?

Wait a second, how do you know... the thing I love about social media and anyone over the age of 14 is they don't know how to use the privacy settings.

Now I know all your secrets.

That's on the house.


So, you're really ok with me going with Mom?

(Sam sighs.)

Yeah, if that's what you want.

Why didn't you fight her? Why'd you give in?

(Amused exclamation)

"He who wishes to fight must first count the cost."

The scroll...

I counted the cost of a prolonged fight with your mother, and the price is just too high for you to pay.

All I've ever wanted was for you to be happy.

So, that's why you aren't fighting Mom?


Why I do everything.

(Sniffle) Nick, I...

I love you.

And I want things to go smoothly for you with your mother and Geoffrey.

You don't have to go.

I do.

No, you don't.

Mom needs me.



Hey. Courtesy of the Bell, Book and Candle.

Freshly made by Cassie this morning, so...

Here you go.


What's going on?

I was just dropping off something for Cassie.

For Cassie.

(Tara laughing) You too?


A lot of good memories here, huh?

You remember?

Our first kiss? Yeah, I remember.

It was easy back then.

Easy? Please.

I wanted to kiss you the moment I met you, but I had to wait until I brought you here, under the ruse of friendship.

(Tara chuckling and shivering)

Oh. Thank you.


(Tara shivering)

That smell...

It's cardamom.

Cassie's hot cocoa.

That spice Brought us together.

And now our careers and responsibilities are driving us apart.

So what do we do?

(Tara sighs.)

Hey, boss.

I went, I saw and I know I will conquer.

Java Shed?

Yesterday, I drove to Blairsville.

And, well, their sales people are rude, they don't know the difference between an iced Americano and an iced coffee, they rely on self-bussing for clean-up.

And their bathrooms... well, they'll change you and not in a good way.

So, what you're saying is... ?

I can take them.

Java Shed is big and impersonal, and I am small and...

Well, personal.

I wish I thought to tell you that.

There's a method to your...


I was gonna say madness.

Oh. (Door closing)

Hi, Sam.


So I met the ex.

Hmm... Linda.

I get why she's the ex.

(Sam laughing)




She's interesting.

I've never known her to be a big talker.

I never rely on just what someone tells me about themselves.

Are you saying you "vet" people?

And don't think I didn't Google you.

Stephanie realized she has something Java Shed doesn't.

Hmm! Which is?


And it's not shareholders who make the decisions, I do.

The personal touch. Nice.

I don't think we've officially met.

I'm Stephanie... I own the bistro.

I need a refill.

Coffee black.

Yes, well, I will gladly fetch your coffee, but I just wanted to tell you that I'm not going anywhere. This place isn't an investment, it isn't a franchise.

It's me.

Ok. Thanks.

Coffee black.

You are a charmer, aren't you?

Get Mr. Jones a black coffee, please.

I don't trust myself not to drop it in his lap.

I could do that.

Accidents happen. Every day.

Thanks but no.

I'll take that coffee to go.

With pleasure. Thank you.

And, oh, please remember to never come back. Bye-bye.

What did you do, Elliott?

Bank called?

The bank? No. The Java Shed people did.


They're pulling out... looking at a different city, different developer.

What did you do?

I did the right thing...

And it felt really good. Hm!

You're fired.

You should check your e-mail, because I sent my resignation an hour ago.

That felt really good too. Haha!

(Door opening and closing)


So what do you think?

I wish I'd thought of it myself.

Ah, good.

We'll have to work fast.

And we'll need help.

Lots of it.

Well then, let's get cracking.

(Tara laughing)

♪ I've been waiting for a guy like you ♪
♪ you've been waiting to be my guy too ♪
♪ I'll go to Paris ♪
♪ see the lovers in the park ♪
♪ try California, walk the beaches ♪
♪ in the dark ♪

I forgot how much...

You love to skate?


How much I love you.

We're a great team.

It's about time we start acting like it.

♪ I've been waiting for a guy like you ♪

(Knocking on window)

(Door chime ringing)

Stop the presses.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Not anymore.

I can stay?

Just the way it should be.

Wait. How did you do that?

You want me to tell you how I worked my magic?


Your old landlord.


He's a nice guy by the way.

You talked to him?

Yeah. The second I found out that Jones doesn't actually own This building yet.

But Jones said escrow closed.

I know. He lied to you.

See, Bill told me that he only agreed to sell to Jones if Jones would made sure that you and Bell, Book and Candle could stay indefinitely.

And worse, he went to Bill and he told Bill that you had asked to relocate. The deal is dead.



Now, Bill is gonna sell the building eventually, but not to Jones. And before he does, he's gonna sign a long-term lease with you.


Meaning that you can stay as long as you want to stay.


Ho! Ho! Wow!

Ha! Ha! (Cassie sighs in relief.)

And better than that, that lease will have to be honoured by anybody else who buys the building.

Bill thinks that some things are worth more than money.

And he said to say hi.

(Cassie laughing)


(Ryan laughing)

And just to make sure that you and he are both taken care of, he hired a new agent to handle the sale of the building.


Haha! You did it!

You did it, you saved the shop.

Actually, I didn't save the shop.

I don't understand.

Well, it wasn't my magic that saved Bell, Book and Candle, it was yours.

You helped Bill a long time ago.

His granddaughter...


She was very troubled.

And you gave her a job at your shop one summer.

I did.

And now she's doing really well. She's a doctor.


He never forgot...

And he never raised the rent.

So, it was you.

All your good works just coming back to help you out when you need it the most.

And Jones?

Ah, I quit.

I definitely don't want to be working with a guy like that.

This... this is where I want to live.

With you.

I think we have a start of something really special, and I would like to see where it goes.

This is where you should say something.

Oh... I'm just not ready for this.


It's not you.

It's just... I'm not ready to move on with anyone.

Cassie... is there someone else?


Jake maybe?

Yeah, I guess he'll always be there.

You know what keeps me going and...

And gets me through the toughest times is the fact that I know he's there.


Don't forget about me.

I'm not going anywhere.

Me either.

Here. And here.


I don't take bribes. How much is in here?

For all the overcharging I've been doing since I found out Java Shed's coming to town.

Oh, well, are you perhaps trying to apologize for your appalling behaviour towards me?


Yes, I felt very... appalled.

Ok. Take the box, take the cash, and take the apology.


Hmm... no chocolate croissants?

Let's not push it.


(Martha giggling)


He doesn't want to go.

And I know why.

He loves me, Sam.

And that's why he feels like he has to go... to take care of you.

You two broke up months ago.

Geoffrey changed his status on your social-media accounts.

Right about the time you started texting and e-mailing Nick.

Ok, this is... it's not Nick's job to fill a void in your life.




There's a reason I have full custody, and it still holds: He's better off with me.

And deep down you know that.

I recalculated the cost to Nick if I don't fight you on this...

And it's too high for him.

You can't keep him from me.

Never have.

Never would.

I want you to "know" him too.


Hey, he loves you.

You're his mother.

Come on, Linda...

Do the right thing.


Kind of dressy for a celebratory dinner out.

Ah... it felt like the right thing to wear.

Well, now I've gotta go home and change.

No, you look great!

Why don't you tell me that I just have a nice personality.





Ryan told me about the store and the landlord.


You know, when you think about it, it's amazing how many people you've touched.

I love what I do.

Well, hey. What's up?

Nick and I have said our goodbyes.

He's back at the house. I have a car waiting.

Well, by all means, don't let me hold you up.

I wanted to let you know that I'm gonna take you up on your offer to spend more time with our son.

Oh, great! That'll make Nick really happy.

(Laughing): Yes, but will it make you happy?

I think for the sake of Nick, we can get along for a weekend here or there.

I'm relocating to Middleton.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Right...


When I get back from China, I'm gonna look for a house here in Middleton. I've already spoken with a real estate agent, Sam.

You can't be serious?

You asked me to do this.

No, I didn't!

You did.

Thank you.

You're welcome.


Good night, Sam.


I've always hated that tie.

I know. That's why I like it.

(Linda laughs.)

Just a quick. Quick stop. I just have to pick something up.

I forgot something here earlier.

At my shop?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

(Door chime ringing)

(Crowd): Surprise!

(People cheering)

(Laughing): What?

This isn't dinner.

No, it's better. Haha!

I got ahold of your mailing list.

And I sent out an e-mail blast.

And everybody showed up.

And I got a new dress.

And I... well, I thought it was a wonderful idea.

(People laughing)

She did.

So... ?

Mom... these are some of the people that have been touched by you and Bell, Book.

Thank you. Oh, wow.

You're welcome, Mom.

(Grace giggling)

(Cassie): Thank you.

(Abigail): You're welcome.

(People talking and laughing)


Awww, thank you, Susan.

You're welcome, Cassie.

(Cassie): Nice to see you again.

Thank you.


Your cheeks look a little flushed from the cold.

(Tara laughing)

Enjoy your day at the rink?

We did. Thank you.

So, I get to keep my shop, Brandon, you don't have to stay. Grace and I will be ok.

I never had to stay, Cassie I wanted to.

And I want to as well.

And the best part is we came to that decision together.

Thanks, Cassie.

Nice turnout.

Yeah. Thanks for coming.

Nah... you know, Nick really loves that scroll that you gave him.

Yeah. It had special meaning for me when I was just a little older than he is now.


I was a little lost then.


Yes, me.

(Both chuckling)


I'm here if you need me.

I know that.

Everything is perfect. Thank you so much.



You did all this?

We all did it?

You're growing up so fast.


Your dad would be very proud.

He's proud of both of us.

I'll be right back.

I love you.

I love you.



I heard Hong Kong and New York aren't happening.

Ever gonna tell me how you know stuff before it happens?

Hmm! Yeah, probably not.

(Both chuckling)

I do know that you're happy.



You're not pounding basketballs into the backboard.

(Both laughing)



You're back. We almost lost you.

I'm sorry about Java Shed, I know you had big plans for Middleton.

I will get my big-box store or my name's not Martha Lorraine Tinsdale.

See? You do like my tea.

Hmmm... can I be honest?

Uh, yes.

Your tea tastes like tree bark.

You eat a lot of tree bark, do you?

(Cassie laughing)

Well... was that too honest?

A little bit. Oh, excuse me.


Hey. Hi, so good to see you.

Glad you made it.


You don't have to help.


Nick got a ride home with Brandon and you can't do All this by yourself.

I told everyone to leave.

I don't listen so well.

Yeah, I get that about you.




I just can't believe what everybody did.

You're very popular around here.

(James Blunt) ♪ you're beautiful ♪

Hey, we had the teary hug earlier, Let's have the celebratory hug.


No more tears.

Oh, Sam...

No more crying.

♪ there must be an angel ♪
♪ with a smile on her face ♪
♪ when she thought up that I should be with you ♪
♪ but it's time to face the truth ♪
♪ I will never be with you ♪

See you next season !