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01x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 04/19/15 21:11
by bunniefuu
Allow one's spirit to fulfil its potential. You know what it does? Sends you a bit trippy?

The girl from last night is out there in the water, tied up! She's dead!

I wasn't tripping, she was there! My daughter Aumea, she's safe and well.

Clearly, one of you must have been hallucinating.

You must lay your concerns to rest.

Those symbols - it's her tattoo. The girl I saw. You drew them, didn't you?

In the church, earlier, I saw her in that dress, looking back at me.

It's going to happen...everything I've seen is going to happen to her.

It just hasn't happened yet.

I've got to warn her. Tell her.

Tell her what? That you can see the future?

She's got to know.

Aumea? I'll handle this.

Aumea, wait. Aumea, look, I just need to speak to...

Hey, guys, chill, yeah? We don't want any trouble.

Then stop causing it.

You go anywhere near my sister - you freak her out with this bullshit story - you're the one who'll end up hurt.

Look, you've had your proof. So you take your little friend and your sick hallucinations and you leave.


(He speaks Maori)

Go Home.

Let's go.

So we are agreed it's insane, then?

Cos we can discuss it over as many beers as it takes, if that helps.

Yeah, good plan.

What the hell am I talking about?

Those symbols...they're the same ones that Maori drew on the beach - it is part of Aumea's tattoo.

You know, the imaginary one she's getting done next week.

OK, that's it - no more tavi shit, ever. Deal?


We like tourists. They have money.

They're not going to come here and spend it if you abuse them.

It wasn't that long ago we used to eat them.

Yes, good times. But let's pretend you've evolved like the rest of us. I want to know, Maui.

He was hitting on all the local girls. Lara included.

I was telling him to back off.

Was she starting to like it?

Like she'd ever cheat on me with some pasty-faced...

That's your prerogative, right?

No, she's different.

Oh, my God. He's in love?!

Is that why the pill farms are doing so badly?

If you need help, Maui, just ask.

There's no shame in that.

We actually met Aumea, it's all good. She's totally alive.

Smoking hot.

She's not that attractive.

I've seen her photo.

If she's up for a threesome, you can count me in.

What are you drawing?

Just a sketch.

Aumea's tattoo. Which she doesn't even have.

This is all down to that sodding tavi you gave him.

OK, I'm sorry. Dries gives me 10% for every tourist I bring him. And I need the cash.

Have you ever even tried the stuff?

Yeah, once. Just made me feel a bit horny.

Which is why Dries tags along, of course - so he can take full advantage of the situation.

At least he felt guilty enough to give me this job.

He owes you a favour too, now, from what I've heard.

Nothing happened. He had his pants on the whole time.

Yeah, or so he said.

Here, you go, Picasso.

Can you put it on ice? Last thing, I promise.

Thanks. Budge?

Mate. Just let it go.

I will. Once I've found out what it means.

Hi, erm, do you speak English?

I've just got this tattoo needs translating.

(He speaks Maori)

(He speaks Maori)

(He continues to speak Maori)

Where'd you get that? I drew it. I saw it on a girl's arm.

I was on a How do I explain this? I don't know.

(He speaks Maori)

He wants to know why you've come here? Insulting us in this way?

These marks are sacred.

You have no right to possess them!

Crap, I knew it.

(He speaks Maori)

You must leave. Now! But why? What does that mean? Mate, time to...

Just go! Quickly!

Budge, Budge. He knows something. Yes. How to slice and dice a tourist.

Keep going!

For Christ's sake, cover that tat up before it gets us both k*lled.

What's the matter? Nothing.

Remember the psycho trying to k*ll us? Let's move.

It's OK, mate, we're safe.

And I'd love to believe you, but if you really could see the future, we wouldn't have visited that homicidal tattooist in the first place. Explain this, then.

It was on her arm.

Next week's lottery numbers.

You give me those, Nostradamus, then I'll believe you.

I'm not saying I'm psychic.

I don't know what I'm seeing, but if the girl's going to die, I can't just walk away.

All right.

But when nothing happens, you book in for some deep therapy.

What, you think I'm crazy now? Guess where we're going next?

These are B-grade at best. No triple As at all?

We've had problems with bacteria.

What, he got too greedy, was that it? Overcrowded the lines?

He's learning from his mistakes.

You should never have retired.

What, and deny Maui his birthright?

Better that than he wastes it.

There's more at risk here than his ego, Dad, it's our livelihood.

Well, I'm sure he'll prove himself.

Hm? I have every bit of confidence in him.

Thank God you're home.

The Reverend's arrived.

We're all waiting in the garden.

We can't just knock and say hi.

Why not? Her father said we were welcome here any time.

What if Maui answers the door?

Or worse.

Can't we just drink a few beers and figure out a plan B?

OK, you do that.

I'm going to go round the back, try see her that way.

I've got a breaking point, you know?

This is seriously demented.

And wrong. Not to mention illegal.

Like you've never cased out a house from the back before.

Warehouses, not houses.

And that was only cos my brothers made me.

I'm too easily led, that's my problem.

(He prays in Maori)

Bless us, O, Lord, your humble servants, who give thanks for the bounty you have provided here today.

May he be present at the table so that we may join in fellowship with thee, now and for evermore.

Ake, ake, ake, amine.


And we also give thanks for the safe return of Aumea.

May the journey she is about to embark upon be as blessed as the union from which she came.

Why would anyone want to k*ll her?

They wouldn't. It's you they'll come after.

No. Local. Girls - remember?

And I think we're sitting on an ants' nest.

Yeah, there we go!

Get off!

Uch! Little...


She's looking right at us.

Just stay completely still.

Are you OK?



I'd just forgotten how great the flowers look.

The tiare smell amazing!

Oh, beautiful. I won't be a sec.

What do we do? Run, right?


No, this is perfect.


Wait here.

No! No, no!

What the hell are you doing? Sneaking up like this?

We need to talk. I think you're in danger.

Look, I know it sounds weird, but let me give you this, see if it means anything to you.

Just take it and I'll go. We'll talk later.

Aumea? Who are you talking to?

Is someone there?

Sorry. I should have rung the doorbell.

I just wasn't sure what kind of reception I'd get.

Yeah, I'll show you what kind.

Someone's going to k*ll you.

They're going to drown you in that dress.

Get off him!

He was hiding here, stalking her. He needs locking up.

He's sick and he's dangerous.

Only God sees his soul.

These are not your judgements to make, Maui.

He's the one that needs locking up. That's as*ault, that is.


He's fine, no broken bones. That swelling will come down pretty fast.

I guess I'm more concerned about his, erm, mental state.

His troubles are ours.

We must help and guide him the best that we can.

Is that before or after you have us banged up for doing nothing at all?

No-one is being arrested.

Sergeant's here to escort you safely back to your hostel.

Not until I talk to Aumea. Where is she?

Out of your reach, papa'a!

She is aware of your story, Kyle.

She's demanding to know every little detail of your hallucination.

There's more to it than that.

In your own mind, perhaps.

This is why I must insist that you promise never to come here again.

Both of you.

But you are welcome still to our church, always.

My door remains open, Kyle.

And I urge you to come and see me soon, so that you can find that peace of mind you so clearly seek.

(He laughs)

Turn the lights off and get a few pics.

They can't kick the crap out of you and not pay for it.

Once we show these to a lawyer... I'm not taking them to court.

We won't have to.

That's how genius it is.

We'll give Maui the writ, say, "Bung us 50 grand and we'll call it quits."

I thought you only owed 15?

It's going up every week.

This will pay off my debts and give us enough money to keep travelling.

I'm thinking Rio next.


Let's party Latino-style.

There's better beaches here, man.

They're not Copacabana! Behave.

I'm not leaving this island.

We sue them for 50 grand, I don't think we'll want to stay.

I've got to talk to Aumea first, make sure everything's all right.

Mate, it's over.

Let's just cash in while we can and get out.

Not until I've spoken to her.

She...she's coming here to this hostel soon. I...I know it.

Is that another of your visions?

You've got to be sh1tting me.

You're not worried this guy's dangerous?

I mean he's been stalking you ever since you arrived.

It's a lot creepier than that. Come on.

Here's how this is going to work.

Lara's going to wait out here with Derek.

You go in and sit on the bed, then I'll come in and we'll talk but the door stays open the whole time.

I'm not going to hurt you. You know that.

No. I don't.

Actually my name's Pete.

Budge to my mates.

The whole Derek thing... No-one's interested.

Just stand over there.

Where did you get this?

I drew it. That's what I saw, on your arm.

When I... When you were tripping on tavi. When else? When before that?

It's my wedding tattoo.

Only me and my fiance know the design.

Not family, or friends.

Stay sitting!

OK, I will, I'm sorry.

But don't you see?

You've just said that you're going to have this tattoo done.

In the future.

That means I'm right.

Every mark of this design is sacred.

It is to be done by a Ta'unga and revealed only on my wedding day.


Tattoo master.

You've been to his shack, you could've seen the design there.

No, Kyle showed him the design. He went mental.

Because it was a secret, right?

If it's something no-one was meant to see, why would he just leave it out?

Look, I'm scared too.

I don't understand it either, but it isn't a trick.

The first time I ever saw you and that tattoo, was when I drank the Avatavi.

And you saw me dead.


I'm sorry. But if I'm right...

You're not!

Then explain it another way.

This Ta'unga of yours - does he work with anyone else?

His son, why?

No other Maori?

An old guy, with a big centipede tattooed on his back?

He works for my family.

Then take me to him.

Cos that sacred design of yours isn't nearly as secret as you think.
Pastor, I like him.

A lot. And I don't want to keep spying on him.

Well, not...not spying but, um...

Did it help?

Bringing him to the church?

And the barbecue after?

He's not religious, I know that.

He is troubled.

He needs our aid.

Because of the visions?

Only he won't be having any more of those.

Orders from Maui.

Not yet. If they're visiting every farm, which they should, they won't stay for too long.

So that's a wedding tattoo?

The first person to see it should be my husband.

So does that mean I have to propose to you now?

(She laughs)

Only I'm still technically engaged myself.

It's over now.

Her choice. My fault.

Do you want kids?

One day.

Did he give you that?

My fiance? Yeah.

It's been in his family for generations.

It represents good luck.

Ever since the tavi, I keep hearing these things.

Statues, idols - they keep whispering.

Tiki also guards the entrance to Avaiki - the underworld.

Maybe what you can hear are the spirits.

So you starting to believe in me?

Budge, we've got to go!

He's called Potoru. He's one of our divers. Just wait here. I'll bring him out.

I'll go. Maui never lets me see this place. Potoru, right? Yeah.

I'll come with you.

That block.

We use them to anchor the oyster lines to the seabed. What about it?

That's what you were tied to underwater.

I've never seen one of those before either.

Why do you do that? I didn't touch anything, look!

I was just...I was looking.

I wanted to see how they felt.

I wasn't going to steal any of them.

No, that, that's not him.

My guy's centipede is huge. It goes all the way down the back.

He's old, has a big staff, walks around with this...

There's no-one with a tattoo like that.

Meitaki maata.

There is. He left symbols at the airport.

I thought you were joking.

I know every local on the island.

The guy you're describing - I'm sorry but he doesn't exist.

But...I've seen him.

He spoke to me in Maori. I couldn't understand but...

Have you seen him too?

What? You think I'm imagining him?

If it's just a hallucination... It wasn't.

You're real, aren't you?

I saw you. I just need to find him.

Fine. You do that and let us know.

Let's go.

It's cool. Hey, we'll find him, no problem.

Aumea, he's ill.

Best stay away from him, yeah?

What is it?


No! No more. No way.

What? What's happening?

There. In the sand - tavi.

He wants me to drink more.

Mate, there's nothing there.

Stop it. Stop it!

No way! No more!

Stop it!

Stop it!

Who? Who wants you to do this?

Him! The old Maori, he's there, look!

Hey, wait.

Where are you going? Kyle! There's no-one there!

(Music: Maori call and response)

(Speech inaudible)

(Music continues)

(Speech inaudible)

(Music continues)

(Music continues)

(Music continues)

(Music continues)

(Music fades out)

We should go out and look for him again.

And leave a note here, just in case.

Kyle. Oh, my God.


Don't you ever do that again, OK?

You scared the shit out of me.

God, your face is bad, huh?

Don't worry, we're going to make Maui pay for it.

Here you are.

He's making us pay, too.

We've been banned from the Blue Reef.

But don't worry, I'll keep you liquored up. Anything you want.


But what I really want is some more Avatavi.

I've got no choice.

I need to find out what's happening and the only way I can do that is through another vision.

You can't. I've already decided.

It doesn't matter. Maui's put the word out on that, too.

If Dries sells you any more tavi, he'll be strung up by his balls.

There's no way you can get some.

Not from anyone.

And thank Christ for that, if this is what it does to you.

You could always steal it.

I'm just saying. If you wanted to.

He doesn't! OK.

No, go on, Tyler. Tell me, please.

(She sighs)

Dries keeps it in his place near the beach.

He can't keep it at the bar cos of Peckham.

And, erm...well, Dries is working tonight, so am I, I could make sure he sticks around.


Let's do this.




Why would you do that?

When you know what that stuff does to him?

Maybe it'll help.

Or send him over the edge completely.

(She sighs)

You don't have to come.

If you're willing to get your head kicked in for this, I can't just stand by and watch, can I?

You mad bastard.

Come on, then.

I know everyone's right, that Kyle's ill and he needs help, but how do you think he saw those things?

You think he's psychic?

His tattoo says he is.

Part of his design, the Ta'unga said it's a shamanic symbol.

And other marks that claim heritage to this island.

That cannot be.

They are marks that Kyle chose, designed himself, because they "looked good".

Those were his words. It's a coincidence. Nothing more.

The Ta'unga said it was an insult.

Well, that, too.

They wear our culture as fashion statements, they drink our tavi for fun. It's no wonder Maui gets so upset.

Maui drinks tavi the same way.

Well, if Maui pictured you dead, I would ban his supply, too.

I'd hate to imagine what Kyle might see next.

At least that I can control.

The day's harvest, another disaster.

Look, don't worry, this is not going to affect your wedding in any way.

I have enough put by.

Dad. You think a father doesn't worry about these things?

I'd be more worried about how Maui is paying for everything.

He's buying new equipment, laid no-one off, yet the books say we're breaking even.

He's hiding the debt somehow.

But where?

Well, how else are we going to get in?

Unless he gave you a key when you slept together.

That's funny.

And brainless.

Just give me a leg-up.

Come on, before I bottle it.


What's the hold-up?

Let me in, Budge.

What are you doing?

(Door opens)

Jesus, give me a heart attack, why don't you?

How'd you get in?

The back door was open the whole time. Ha...

Did you just tip that away?

No, I was checking them.

It's still wet.

This is water.

There's not even any dregs.

(Tray hits floor)

Look, I'm sorry, but... Is that why you came along?

You didn't come along to back me up... you came along to get rid of it, so I couldn't...

I needed it!

After what it's done to you, mate, that's the last thing you need.

Don't call me mate. You ain't a sodding mate, Budge.

I've just saved your sanity.

You're cracking up, mate. Can't you see that?

I can't see anything now, can I?

You've made sure of that.

We need to get off this island, leave this shit and clear out, go back to the way things were.



This is what it does to you... and you want to take more?

It's me.

Get a profile check on a Peter Griffiths.

(Background chatter)


So, how'd it go?

Good... cos it didn't happen.

He didn't get it.


..talked him out of it.


It was a really stupid idea.


So where is he now?

I don't know. Back at the hostel, probably.

It got a bit heated, but...

I did the right thing.


I'll...I'll come over after my shift.

I'll keep my earplugs in.


Like you don't know I can hear!

(She laughs)

Your brother beat me up for doing that.

He's not here as well, is he?

You're still breathing, aren't you?

No bodyguard at all?

That's progress.

That's why I've brought this.

To progress things.

Maui uses it at parties.

The irony appealed.

It's your choice.

If you don't want to take it... Maybe this time I'll see who did it.

And why.

I'll settle for who. Tell me that and I can figure out why for myself.

That's if I believed there was anything in this, of course.

Stay with me.


It doesn't help me think you're sane.

I'll meet with you tomorrow.

Kopeka Cave.

What if nothing happens?

I'm praying it doesn't.

Aren't you?

Maori: 'Inu.'


You're not real. You're not even there.

If you're real, take my hand.

Take it.

My name is Matikutu.

I lived and died on this island 183 years ago.

I had many children, whose children had children, but none is more precious to me now than Aumea.

I have seen her death.

But you will prevent it.

Now drink.

All of it.

Maori: Tukua the vaeru kia rer ki tona anoano.

"Allow one's spirit to fulfil its potential."


This will give me answers?




Matikutu: 'Allow the visions to come to you.'

'The idols, they're whispering! They're all I can hear.

'They're trying to tell me something.'

Stop whispering! Tell me what you're saying!

Calcott: 'It is the spirit rather than the body that we must target.'

'OK, I took them, but you can have them back. It was a split-second decision. I owe someone a lot of money back home.'

'You're meeting Kyle again. I'm not scared of him.'

'I promise I won't let anything happen to you.'

What are you doing?

(Music: Maori call and response)