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01x11 - The Devil's Mark

Posted: 04/19/15 00:35
by bunniefuu

They say I'm a witch.

Are you?

[Speaking Latin]

I think I can save his life.

I smell the vapors of hell on you.

My poor Jamie, trapped in a loveless marriage, forced to share his bed with a cold English bitch.

I've a lover.

Is it anyone I know?

It's Dougal MacKenzie.

She's carrying my child.

You'll leave this castle today.

You're exiling me?

And this one... he will accompany you.

I'd advise you to stay clear of Geillis Duncan.

With Arthur gone, there will be no one to protect her from her own reputation.

A letter has arrived for you, madam, from the village.

Geillis Duncan, you're under arrest for witchcraft.

Under whose orders?

Well, looky here, the other sorceress.

What on earth have I done?

Ye'll hear all about it at the trial.

♪ Sing me a song of a lass that is gone ♪
♪ Say, could that lass be I? ♪
♪ Merry of soul she sailed on a day ♪
♪ Over the sea to Skye ♪
♪ Billow and breeze ♪
♪ Islands and seas ♪
♪ Mountains of rain and sun ♪
♪ All that was good ♪
♪ All that was fair ♪
♪ All that was me is gone ♪
♪ Sing me a song of a lass that is gone ♪
♪ Say, could that lass be I? ♪
♪ Merry of soul she sailed on a day ♪
♪ Over the sea ♪
♪ To Skye ♪

[Both grunting]

[Both moaning]


Where the hell are we?

You heard the warden.

It's a thieves' hole.

Is there anyone else in here?

Earwigs, hornie-gollachs, rats the size of lyam-hounds.

You only have yerself to blame for this.

Are you saying this is my fault?

I'm the one that warned you to pack your belongings and flee.

Just as the wardens arrived at my door.

Perhaps it was you who sent them to me.

'Twas Laoghaire.

She arranged the letter to tell me to go to your house, and she was there watching us as the wardens took us out.

I kept your secrets, Claire.

You should have kept mine.

Jeanie told me where to find you in the woods.

If you didn't want to add fuel to the rumors, then you shouldn't have made it common knowledge that you were under the full moon, dancing naked and burning effigies.

So you think I'm a witch?

Of course not.

You may not have k*lled Dougal's wife, but you definitely k*lled Arthur, and it wasn't witchcraft.

It was old-fashioned poison.

Am I wrong?

[Thunder rumbling]

[Water dripping]

I started with white arsenic a few months ago.

Thought it would k*ll Arthur off before the child began to show.

And then you'd be free to marry Dougal.


It's a boy, ye ken?

He's kicking.

Food for the witches.


I need to talk to you!

There's been a mistake!

Is that right?

I'm Claire Fraser from... from Castle Leoch.

I'm married to James Fraser, nephew of the Laird.

And I'm King Arthur.

Surely King Arthur was more appealing than that slimy puddock.

We won't be here long.

Dougal will come for us.

No, he won't.

Yes, he will.

Jamie said that Dougal told Colum all about your affair and the baby.

Colum banished him, sent him to his wife's funeral and commanded that he stay away, and sent Jamie with him.

No one is coming, Geillis.

Share a bit of dinner?

I'm not hungry.

How long do they mean to keep us here?

Till the trial, of course.

They'll summon the examiners.

Lie near me.

It'll be warmer.

[Water dripping]

Crowd: They're going to burn the witches.

They're going to burn the witches.

They're going to burn the witches.

It's starting.

I suppose getting burned as a witch is better than freezing to death.

Make way.


I said move out!

[Crowd murmuring]

[Crowd gasping]


Make way!

They're coming! They're coming!

Is that what I think it is?

Well, it's not a maypole, Claire.


[Drums banging]

Make way for the accused.


[Crowd shouting]

Stating in evidence that the accused, one Geillis Duncan and one Claire Fraser, both standing before the church's court for the crime of witchcraft... [Crowd murmuring] did inflict pain, suffering, and death upon the citizens of Cranesmuir by their practice of the unholy arts.

There were no familiar faces in the crowd, none of my friends from Castle Leoch.

My knowledge of witch trials told me that the accused rarely walked free.

[Door opens]

Make way. Make way.

Please, I demand to be let into the proceedings.

And you are, sir?

My name is Edward Gowan, Your Honor, lawyer, former writer to the signet, Edinburgh.

Let him pass.

And what brings you here, sir?

Your Honors, as we're all aware, the Witchcraft Act of 1563 was repealed by the House of Lords in 1735.

I therefore submit that this entire trial is illegal.

[Crowd shouting]

This is an ad hoc proceeding under the administration of the church.

Oh, well, then.

I see that we have dispensed with British law, which pleases me greatly, but I am certain that you will not wish to dispense with our proud Scottish legal tradition.

We are still in Scotland, are we not?

[Crowd murmuring]

No one's disputing that, Mr. Gowan.

Yes, well, here in Scotland, an accused witch is entitled to a defense lawyer at trial, a benefit... a benefit sadly not offered to those in merry old England.

As I therefore would like to offer my services in support of the accused.

Oh, very well.

Take yer place.

[Crowd murmuring]

Let us now summon the first witness, Jeanie Hume.

I labored as housekeeper for Arthur and Geillis Duncan for nigh on five years, Your Honor.

And did you have occasion to witness any strange or unyirdlie goings-on during that tenure?

I can tell ye that it was many the women that come to the door seeking love charms, amulets, talismans, and the like.

And Mrs. Duncan was happy as Hogmanay to dispense them.

And did ye ever witness Mrs. Fraser in league with Mrs. Duncan?

Many times... in the fields gathering herbs and in the storeroom meddling potions.

[Crowd gasping]

Poor Mr. Duncan knew naught of any of it.

Jeanie was rigorous and detailed in her accusations.

For the better part of an hour, she built a convincing case against us.

It was dreadful, what befell that dear, sweet man.

On many occasion, I've heard Mrs. Duncan singing in the hall outside where Mr. Duncan was sleeping.

What kind of singing?

Ominous incantations, to be sure.


Would send the kittlins running from the house.

Animals have a nose for these things, ye ken?

All: Aye.

They sense evil.

So now we are to take the testimony of a cat?

[Laughter, gavel banging]

Mr. Gowan.

Isn't it the truth, Mrs. Hume, that you were unhappy in your position at the Duncans' residence?

I was quite content there.

Oh, so content that you inquired about a position at Castle Leoch, saying that you were underpaid and under-admired and where you referred to Mr. Duncan, and I quote, "as a flatulent, old scunner"... [Laughter] and his wife to be a "flibbertigibbet."


I don't recollect those were my exact words.

What we have here, Your Honors, is nothing more than the grumblings of a malcontented maidservant.

[Clears throat]

Take a seat.

[Crowd murmuring]

Let us summon the next witness, Robena Donaldson.


My man and I had an ailing child, born healthy, but it turned puny and weak.

We knew it was a fairy changeling.

We placed it in the fairy's seat in the hill and kept watch through the nicht, sirs, so as to recover our beloved bairn after the wee folk returned it.

But... but just before morning, we saw her.

She took the child in her vile embrace... and... and spoke strange spells over it.

When the sun rose, my guidman and I went to see.

And there we found the changeling child... dead on the hill... [Crowd gasps] and no sign of our own wee bairn.

It was her who done the wicked deed, sirs.

I know it in my bones!

[Crowd gasping]

I was on that hill that night, but I didn't harm your child!

I was trying to help him!

So you admit it.


I am a healer!

I am a healer!

I could not abandon a dying child!

I was trying to save it!

Shh. Do not further incriminate yourself.

Let me do my job.

You... you have my deepest sympathy on the loss of your beloved child.

But may I ask, if you were there, why did you not stop this woman from interfering with the work of the fairies?

I was afeared.


So isn't it true, then, that your fear and silence allowed her to contaminate the bairn so that when the fairies came... they could not complete the switch?

At least you can take comfort in knowing that it was the changeling child that died, and that your own child is healthy, living forever with the fairies.

Perhaps we should thank this woman... instead of condemning her.

Witness dismissed.

Ned's skill at turning an argument on its head started to show promise, but as I looked around the room at these good people, I wondered what made them so ready to watch us burn.

Regardless of the evidence, they only wanted one outcome.

Call the next witness, Alistair Duffie.

Have ye a charge to put to either of the women here?

Against Geillis Duncan, Yer Honor.

With my own eyes, I saw her standing in the battlements during a great storm.

I saw her call down the lightning with a flick of her hand.

Thunder roared as she laughed, her eyes red as flames... [Crowd gasps] with a look in them that would steal the soul from a man.

Then the wind rose up.

Her cloak flapped open around her, and she leapt into the sky and flew like a great winged bird.

[Crowd gasping, shouting]

[Gavel banging]


Oh, please, this is preposterous!

The accused will be silent.

We shall reconvene in the morning.


There's grave danger afoot.

What do you think are our prospects?

After today, I wager we stand a chance.

Did Colum send you to help me?

Oh, no.

In fact, he would not look favorably upon me being here.

Did he have something to do with my arrest?


Here, take this usquebaugh, water of life.

It'll keep you warm tonight.

Pass me that flask.


He's a q*eer fellow, isn't he, that Ned Gowan?

Well, he certainly seems optimistic.

You still don't understand, do you?

They mean to k*ll us.

Drink tonight, Claire... for tomorrow our ashes will be scattered to the four winds.

I am curious.

Was it Dougal you were after... or his position and money?

Oh, I had plenty of money.

I knew where Arthur kept the keys to his papers and notes.

Man wrote a fair hand.

It was easy enough to forge his signature.

I managed to divert near on 1,000 pounds over the last two years.

You stole his money? Why?

For Scotland.

What do you mean "for Scotland"?

I dream of our Bonny Prince Charlie, a Stuart king back on the throne.

You're a bloody Jacobite.


So it's politics that brought you and Dougal together.


He's the only man I ever met who could be my proper match.

You are aware that he's not exactly the most faithful man?

Do you think I mind?

He's got an eye for the lasses.

Colum fights for the MacKenzies.

Dougal fights for the MacKinnons, the MacPhersons, the Chisholms, the Camerons, all of the clans, all of Scotland.

The man's a lion.

God... you actually love the bastard.

Your words, not mine.

Though Colum ordered him to go... and off he went.

I'm so sorry, Geillis.

Don't be.

Don't you dare.

Come the rising, I shall know I helped.

Whatever happens with the examiners, I would do it all again.

I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.

Nicely put.

Isn't it just?

How about you?

Do you love him, your ginger-haired laddie, Jamie?

It's his name you cry out in your sleep.

[Birds chirping]


If you really are a witch, now would be a perfect time to use your powers.

Aye. Same to you, my friend.


A starling... you can always find them amongst the more common birds.

The plumage is iridescent.

Looks like a silly crow to me.

When I was a little girl, we used to go to Brighton in November.

They would all gather there, thousands of them... this massive flock.

A murmuration, it was called.

They'd be swooping and twirling in this kind of hypnotic cloud, in perfectly synchronized patterns.

What possesses them to do such a thing?

To protect each other from the falcons.

Safety in numbers.

[Man shouts indistinctly in the distance]

We're hardly a flock, you and I... although according to witnesses, I have been known to take wing.

Fraser... time to go.

Step aside.

Your hand, girl.


[Crowd chattering]

From Castle Leoch, Laoghaire MacKenzie.

She wasna Mrs. Fraser when we first became acquaint.

She was Mistress Beauchamp then.

Go on.

I came to her for a potion... [Crowd gasping] to open Jamie Fraser's heart to my own.

[Sniffles, crying softly]

I'm sorry. It's... it's painful to speak about.


I was the one, you see, who Jamie was meant to marry.

But she took the potion herself.

[Crowd murmuring]

Did you concoct such a potion?

It... it wasn't an actual potion.

I was just trying to help her.

[Crowd murmuring]

She hexed Jamie and turned him away from me.

She stole him.

This is nonsense.

I didn't hex anybody.


Clearly she's a jealous young lass with a broken heart.

Aye, my heart was broken.

And when I confronted her, she struck me.

[Crowd gasping]

Did you, in fact, strike this woman?

She put an ill wish under my bed and then tried to seduce my husband! He was the love of my life.

[Crowd shouting]

This girl is the reason that I'm here at all. She fabricated a note from Mrs. Duncan summoning me, alls the while knowing that the wardens were coming to make an arrest! These crocodile tears are just further evidence that she's trying to get me out of the way to get to my husband!

Cease your ramblings, Mrs. Fraser! You're an embarrassment to yourself!

Let's call the next witness...

His Reverence, Father Bain.

You good folk of Cranesmuir, I knew when I first set eyes on Claire Fraser that you had welcomed the Whore of Babylon into your midst... that you had allowed yourselves to be seduced from the path of righteousness by her beguiling sinfulness and wicked allurement.

Is this a trial or a sermon?

I fell to my knees and prayed for God to curse her malevolence and wreak his mighty vengeance upon her body and soul.

[Crowd murmuring]

And God answered my prayers. He said to me... "you have made a prodigious mistake."

When young Tammas Baxter was seized by Beelzebub, I administered the last rites.

I abandoned hope.

Blinded by vanity, hubris, I rebuked Claire Fraser. But it was she who determined the boy was ill from ingesting poisoned flora, and Claire Fraser did what I could not... saved the boy's life.

Blessed congregation, hear my confession.

I failed Tammas Baxter, I failed you... and I failed God. I'm no longer worthy to serve the good and holy people of this parish. I beseech you... let me go.

Bear witness to her fiendish ploy.

It would take Satan himself to drive a man of God away.

[Crowd shouting]

She's a witch!

Burn her!


Burn her!

I have done nothing!

[Gavel banging]

Mrs. Fraser!

Father... this court forbids you to leave this parish.

[Chattering and pounding]

After heedful consideration...

Your Honors, a momentary recess.


Briefly, Mr. Gowan. Briefly.

[Crowd shouting]

Allow these ladies some privacy, please.

I'm afraid the climate has turned, and there is no coming back from it.

Well, what do we do?

We save one of you.

Neither one of us is a witch.

It doesn't matter what you are. It's what people think you are. And people thought you were a witch long before this English lass came into our midst. And let's be frank... you've practiced your murky trade for years. The only thing that ever stood between you and a pile of kindling was your husband, and he's dead.

Are you my lawyer or my judge, Mr. Gowan?

I've tried, Mrs. Duncan, but you're beyond saving, and you ken it.

So what is it you're saying, Ned?

I'm saying that if you claimed that Geillis Duncan bewitched you and renounce her...

"Renounce her"?


State that she tricked you and drew you into her evil web.

What if I don't?

They'll burn you both. I'll give you a moment to think about it. But you hasten, because this court awaits.

[Crowd shouting]

This is just... just too much.

No, wait. There... there has to be another way.

Why are you here?

What are you talking about? I was arrested. You...

No, why are you here in Scotland?

I was traveling from Oxfordshire.

No, you're lying. You've been lying all along.

Dougal knew it. Colum knew it too.

That's why he hasn't lifted a finger to help you.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

No more lies, Claire!

If I'm going to die, if I'm going to burn as a witch, I need to know I'm dying for something.

So tell me now.

And this time, I want the truth.

Why are you here?

[Door opens]

They're growing impatient.

We need a moment.

No, I don't think they're...

A moment!

It was an accident!

I swear to you, Geillis.

I'm not here for any reason.

I came, and it was... an accident.

An accident.

So you don't want to change things or... do anything at all, do you?

I just want to go home.

I don't even know if that's possible.


It's really all for nothing.

Geillis, I'm...

I'm afraid I cannot delay the court any longer.

What are you going to do?

Looks like I'm going to a f*cking barbecue.

Your Honors, Mrs. Fraser would like to address the court.

Mr. Gowan is mistaken.

I have nothing to say.

Are you mad?

Maybe I am.

We must rely on an injunction of the Lord.

Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

Thereby, we pronounce Geillis Duncan and Claire Fraser guilty... and do hereby condemn them to death!

Burn the witch! Burn them both!

[Crowd shouting]

Conduct the prisoners to the pyre, if you please.

The question you had before...

Wait! You cannot do this!

I forbid this!

I think it is possible.







This has nothing to do with witchcraft!

You're all murderers!

Your God will damn you all!

You're going to burn in hell!

You will not speak before this court in that manner, woman.

Strip her and skelp her!

No! Get off me, you bastard!

Get your bloody hands off me, you bloody bastard!

I shall dance upon your ashes.




[Crowd shouts]


[Crowd shouts]


[Crowd shouts]

Harder! Harder!

Claire! Let her go!


Sir, you have no place in the working of this court.

I swore an oath before the altar of God to protect this woman!

And if you're telling me you consider your authority to be greater than that of the Almighty, then I must inform you that I am not of that opinion myself.

The first man forward will be the first man down.


This woman is no witch.

But I am.

[Crowd gasps]

Geillis, no!

I confess... that I k*lled my husband, Arthur Duncan, by the means of witchcraft.

I took advantage of the ignorance of Claire Fraser, bewitching her for my purposes.

She neither took part in nor had knowledge of my dealings, nor does she serve my master.

See here?

I bear the mark of the Devil.

[Crowd gasping]

What the villagers saw as evidence of evil was actually the scar of a smallpox vaccination.

And it hit me like a bolt of lightning.

Geillis was from the future, from 1968.


Come here. Come now.

I am the mistress of Satan.

I carry his child.

Burn her!


I have lain with Beelzebub in the darkest hours.

I pledged my soul to him forevermore.

[Gavel banging]



[Crowd shouting]

Cover the witch! Cover her up!

I will have the child of Satan.

He will damn you all.

Cover her up.


She's with child!

[Gavel banging]

[Drum banging]

We have to leave now, Claire. We have to go.



The cuts... they're not deep.

I think you'll not be... be marked.

Claire, I know there are things you dinna wish to tell me... but I've one thing to ask ye... honesty.

When you do tell me something, let it be the truth.

And I promise you the same.

I agree.

Now, there's one thing I must ask ye for your own safety as well as mine.

Are you... a witch?

Are you serious?

I've often seen that scar on your arm and thought nothing of it... until I saw the same on Geillis Duncan today.

She called it the Devil's mark, so...

I'm not a witch.

But after you hear the truth, then maybe you'll think otherwise.

I've never had smallpox.

I can walk through a room of dying men and never catch it.

I can nurse the sick, but the sickness cannot touch me.

This mark is... is called a vaccine, and you've never heard of it.

No one here has.

But it prevents me from contracting the disease.

I know about Jack Randall because...

I was told about him.

I know the day he was born, and I know the day he will die, and I know that he works for the Duke of Sandringham because my husband told me about it.

I know about the Bonny Prince and the Jacobites and their doomed cause.

I know what's going to happen to the Scots.

I know all of this because... because...

I'm from the future.

I was born on October the 20th in the year 1918.

That's 200 years from now.

Do you hear me?

Do you hear me?

I hear you.

You think I'm raving mad, don't you?


No, I believe ye, Sassenach.


I dinna understand it a bit, not yet.

But I trust you.

I trust your word, your heart.

And I trust there is a truth between us.

So... whatever you tell me...

I will believe ye.

Can you tell me more?

I was a combat nurse in the British army.

Before we left the church, she said to me, "1968."

I told him everything.

The whole story came pouring out of me like a cataract of water over a broken dam.

Tell me again about the, uh... the stones.

I didn't realize how badly I needed to tell someone, anyone, until that moment.

The Scots never had a chance.

He listened.

Thousands were k*lled at Culloden.

He didn't understand it all, but he listened.

So, when I left you in the glade and went to meet Horrocks and you ran away... you were trying to get back... back to the stones and back... to your husband.


And I beat you for it.

I'm so very... very sorry.


You couldn't have known.



[Speaking Gaelic]

Rest now.

No one will harm ye.

I'm here.

Do you really believe me?


I believe you, Sassenach.

Although it would have been a good deal easier if you'd only been a witch.



Over the next several days, we rode hard.

We were both determined to leave the castle and the trial far behind us, hopeful the distance would overshadow the questions that remained unanswered.

And in front of the main house...

Jamie spoke repeatedly of Lallybroch, detailing the life we'd have together, the life he'd always imagined.

I tried to listen.

I tried to invest in Lallybroch as my home.

I tried to imagine a life for us both, but I felt adrift, anchorless in a running sea.

[Breathing deeply]

[Moans softly]

[Gasps, moans]

I want you inside me.



[Speaking Gaelic].

I want to watch you.


So... Sassenach... are you ready to go home?


Take a look.

It's what you wanted.


What you've always wanted... to go home.


Is this your place?

This is it.

This the one?


So... what did you do last time?

I really didn't do anything.

I heard this buzzing sound, and... and I just... [Deep humming] touched the stone...


I'm sorry, lass.

I stopped you.

I shouldna have done so.

I just...

Wasna ready.

I know.

Well, there's no use in waiting.

I must part with ye now.

That's why we're here.

It's your own time on the other side of that stone.

You've a home there, a place, the things you're used to...

And Frank.


There's nothing for you on this side... nothing save v*olence and danger.

Now, go.

I'll stay at the camp until nightfall... to make sure that you're safe.

Good-bye, Sassenach.



[Deep humming]

On your feet, soldier.

Take me home to Lallybroch.