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01x05 - Dog Show Days Are Over; One Bad Apple

Posted: 04/18/15 13:25
by bunniefuu


♪ Inspector... Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector... Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Go Go Gadget, Go! ♪
♪ Go Go Gadget, Go! ♪
♪ Inspector... Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Go Go Gadget, Go! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Aaah! ♪

Dr Claw: Sit!

Good, dog. Now, roll over!

Good, dog. Now, MEOW!


NO, MADcat!!! That was a test! Dogs don't "meow."

Aww. How could I stay mad at a face like that?

Who's a good dog in disguise?

Who's gonna brainwash all those dogs with their new goggles?

Is it you? Yes, yes it is!

Ahem! Sorry to interrupt, uh, whatever it is you're doing.

Actually, I'm not sure I wanna know.

Good, you're here.

You and MADcat are entering the Dog & Boney show.

The world's biggest dog show? You do know MADcat's a cat, right?

Of course MADcat's a cat, "cat" is in her name.

Does my claw look like an idiot?!

I honestly have no idea how to answer that.

First, MADcat will hypnotize all the dogs in the show.


So she can take first prize, of course.

Why exactly?

Because then she will get on TV and hypnotize all the other dogs watching!

Again, why exactly?


Because then you and MADcat will lead all the dogs to a remote farm I recently purchased!


Why do you hate dogs again... Oh right, allergies.

Precisely! Allergies! Just allergies and nothing else.






And my plan will stop those furry four legged fiends from ever stealing my candy ... uh, making me sneeze ... again!

Oh, can we turn them into a dog army?


Ugh, never mind... you really have the worst plans.

Come on, furball, let's go hypnotize some hounds.


Go for it Uncle Gadget!

I got it, I got it!


Chief Quimby!



What are you doing here?

Woof-woof! Mission.

We have reason to believe Dr. Claw is planning to take over the Ultimate Grand Supreme Championship Dog & Boney Show.

The UGSCD&B? That's the World Series of dog shows!

I always pegged him for a cat person.

Gadget, you'll pose as a judge to unearth Claw's plan.

Not a problem! I graduated Top Dog from Dog Judge U.

Penny, as part of your agent training, you and Brain will go undercover as owner and contestant. [WHINES]

Brain entering the contest?

I'm not sure he'll "fit in" with the other...

[WHISPERS:] ...dogs.


Brain loves being a dog, don't you Brain! Watch!

Brain, fetch!




Oh no.




Brace yourself, Brain, the world of dog shows can be pretty cut-throat.

Don't worry, Uncle Gadget, Brain can handle anything!

Including wearing a leash.




Do you smell that, Brain?

The scent of Grade A Dog Talent!

But don't let their incredible skill set get you down... every dog gets a ribbon for participating.

Well, I've got some judging to do. Go Go Gadget binoculars!

What kind of judge's uniform is that?

And why is he giving that dog a massage?

That's favoritism! The number one no-no in judging!

Hello there. I'm Inspector... no, I'm Judge Gadget!

Excuse me while I peruse this canine contestant.

Go Go Gadget magnifying glass!

Aw, cheer up, Brain.

If you can diffuse a b*mb in under 30 seconds, you can balance a silly ball on your nose.

Time to do your magic, cotton kitty.


Well, what do you know, it works!

There. Aw, you look amazing!

Just think of this as any other mission.



Weird. I only ever sneeze around cats.

And a cat would never come to a dog show, right?


Hmm. Interesting. Very interesting.

Excellent nostril depth.

Ah! Well, you're a... a... a unique looking breed, aren't you?


And now for the high jump. Go Go Gadget doggie treat.




Hm, still no sign of any MAD activity. Or Talon.

That's strange, so many dogs moving exactly the same. Hm.

All right. First batch of canines captured.

Okay poodle king, let's go get another batch before it's time for you to go win that contest.

[GASP] Talon?!

Uh, hi Penny!


We need a dog with star power. We'll search high and low, but mostly low because they're closer to the ground.

Nine for risk taking, two for likeability.


What are you doing here?

Uh, I'm starting a make-your-own-pizza bar.

What does it look like I'm doing? I'm in the dog show!

Yeah? You and what dog?


Ew! Are you allergic to good looks or something?

Nope. Just cats.

A cat?



Here? [CHUCKLES] What? Have you met my dog?

That's your, uh, unique-looking dog?

Yeah, that's right.

Hey, I've got an idea, how about my dog versus your dog?

You're on! You, me, the obstacle course.

What about the dogs?

Oh course them too.

Because this is a competition between them. Not us.

Ha! You're on. Me against you.

I mean, my dog against your dog.

Please, do you ... hey! Wait up!


Are you ready to do this Penny?

I'm always ready.

Okay three, two ... go!


As I was saying, "Wow Factor" is hard to pinpoint.

And further to that, dogs always...

All right fuzzball, do your thing.

Ready to act like a dog? [GRUMBLES]

You won't find it til it hits you right in the...

Bow-wowzers! a Himalayan cotton-ball canine?!

I thought this breed became extinct in the 18th century!

I must have a closer look.

Go Go Gadget rocket skates!

Whoa! Whoa!

Had enough?




Huh... Ahh!


Stop! I haven't judged you yet!

MADcat?! No wonder I've been sneezing. But why?

It's an autoimmune response, but that's not important right now.

MADcat's gonna win the show, get on TV and use her goggles to brain-wash all the dogs in the world to run away to a farm so Uncle Claw never has to see them again!

Then I'm gonna secretly train them to be my mighty MAD Dog Army and Uncle Claw will finally realize I'm a genius!

You gotta win first.



Fire and fur don't mix! I'd better put this out.

Go Go Gadget fire extinguisher!


Whoa! Whoa!










Ha! I win Penny. In your face!

Na-na-na-na-na. I'm better than you.


Why aren't you upset? You lost!

Did I?




Winning isn't everything, Talon.

Goodbye my Himalayan beauty!

[SIGHS] It's not every day you get to see such a rare and exotic breed.

Gadget, nice work saving the dog show!


There, there, my wittwe fuzzy wuzzy, you're still the best.

Uncle Claw? A little help here please!

Begin the experiment! Now!




It worked! [LAUGHS]

Everyone at the evil farmers market thought I was mad!

And they were right, of course!

The ultimate in mutant apple technology!

Soon I will transform the world's fruits into monsters.

They will eat, and no longer be eaten!

Operation Mutant Apple Begins!




Talon! Get in there, and continue the experiment.



Me? No way I'm going in there with that thing.



Wow, Uncle Gadget. You've been to some incredible places.

Yes, indeed, Penny.

That's one of the benefits of being an agent; you get to travel all over the world and see some amazing sights.

Like China?

Yes! China!

Except there was this enormous wall in the way.

It completely blocked my view of everything!

Inspector Gadget... Penny... we've received some alarming reports that Dr. Claw is dabbling in the bio-mutation game.

Our spies inside MAD uploaded this footage...

Wowsers! That's a pretty big flu-shot, Chief.

This secret footage hacked from a MAD website shows a MAD laboratory where they appear to be creating some sort of genetic-mutant modification serum.

This can only mean Dr. Claw is up to something diabolical.

We're on it Chief. Let's go, Penny.

Those mutant apples are in the bag.



Penny This is so great!

I wonder what amazing location we're heading to.

I can't wait to see incredible sights.

Amazing things I've never seen before.

What about you, Brain?


You'll see Penny! It's going to be completely amazing.

Go Go Gadget-mobile!


So, we're not... flying anywhere?


An apple orchard? Why would MAD choose this place?

Where's the intrigue?! Where's the mysterious locale?

Where's the danger?

Where are the colourful local characters?

Greetings Apple Dappler! I'm Mac MacIntosh!

Can I offer you a free juice sample?

You had me at "Greetings!"


Ah! Mmmm! A hint of ginger!


Uh, Uncle Gadget, are you sure this is the right place for our mission?

Of course it is, Penny.

But sometimes you have to be patient and count on your watchful eye to spot any signs of danger.

As long as you're watchful, nothing can surprise you!



Brain, you go help Uncle Gadget.

I'll look around and see if there's anything really going on here.







We have a worm in the apple... a worm in the apple... over.

What are you talking about?

"A worm." It's code.

It's not really a worm. It's Gadget!

He's here!

Gadget. Gah! Standby for phase two.

Gah! Get in get in get in! [SCREAM]

Talon. Gadget is there. How is the experiment progressing?

Seriously Uncle C, this place creeps me out.


Well, you're not leaving until this is done.

I wish to see the results tested on Gadget.

[YAWN] What I wouldn't give for a pit of poisonous snakes or anything exciti...

Wait a sec. Whatta we have here?




Easy as pie. And I won't specify what kind.

Now, to see what's inside...

Wowzers! Thank you kind stranger... say... you look kind of familiar.

Ah! There you are!

You're missing the tour. Please have some more juice.

Wow! Thanks Mac MacIntosh.

Allow me to help pick up these apples.

Go Go Gadget apple scoop.




Mac Macintosh?! Mascot down!



That apple looks just like a person.


I got you Mac! Go Go Gadget net!




You'll be okay as long as you don't hit that tree!







There really is something going on here!

Wow! Now THAT is something I've never seen before.


Ew, gross!

Hi, pretty Penny.


Hah! Have an apple, Penny.

What are you doing, Talon?

[SIGH] My uncle has created this evil Mutant Apple army to unleash their "tart rage" on the world, creating chaos and general destruction.

That's actually pretty evil!

I know. Cool, right?

C'mon Talon. Do you really want to do this?

No, But Uncle Claw won't let me leave here if I don't.

Anyhoo, sorry Pen, but remember, a Mutant Apple a day keeps Dr. Claw happy!


[SLURP] Ah... that's better.

Nothing like a much-needed drink after a little exercise.

It's always important to stay hydrated.

Ah! I see you're enjoying samples from out private reserves!

Mmmm! Now that's some super sampling!....

And now I need...

...the little inspector's room! Stat!




Come in, Brain!

Remember what I said about wanting to see things I've never seen before?

I might want to take that back.

It's a trap, Dr. Claw is creating monsters!

And they're out of control!

Whatever you do, don't let Uncle Gadget come in the barn!


The bathroom is right through here, sir.


Surely one of these doors must lead to the little inspector's room.

It's very irresponsible to serve so many drinks and not provide a bathroom.












My Go Go Gadget rubber seal is not going to hold much longer!!!


Agh! Still trapped.

There's got to be a way out of here. After all... Talon made it out...

What are you still doing here?

What? Have you found an escape route?

You're not very good at this villain thing, are you.

We'll see about that.

Come and get it!

Fresh Penny, right here! Dinner time!




Oh no way!


[SIGHS] Just what I needed.

'Scuse me! Gotta fly!





Now where did everybody go?

Brain, Talon and the monster apples are heading your way.

We can't let them leave this lab!


Aaah!! How do I get out of here!?




Help! Help!

Thanks Mac... Yes you did help me. See ya!


Ah, Penny! Where have you been?

You've missed all the amazing juice samples.

Fortunately I know where to get more.

Uncle Gadget, wait!

What a mess!

Hey! Heeelp!

Incompetence! All my precious mutant apples... destroyed!

Yeah but on the bright side, I brought you the last bottle of MAD apple juice.


Hmmm... you know, that's actually not bad. Oh well... next time, Gadget... next time!