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10x14 - The Putter in the Rough

Posted: 04/16/15 22:58
by bunniefuu

Figured you wouldn't pick up.

Who would take a call from Hollis Pepall, the least important man in the world?

Certainly not my wife.

But you know what?

I don't care anymore.

It's over.

This is on your head, bitch.

(gasps in horror)


Help! Help! Help! Help!

Brennan: Dad, you made plans with Christine.

You can't just
break them at the last minute.

I'm sorry, Tempe, this just came up.

I-I have to go out of town.

What came up, exactly?

It doesn't matter.

I'll be back in a couple of days.

That's not an answer, Dad.

It's the only answer I can give you right now.

You're doing it again.

What? What am I doing?

Keeping secrets from me, lying.

Are... are you in trouble again?


And when I do come back, I'll spend the whole weekend with Christine.

Just go, Dad.

I-I don't want you to be late for whatever it is you're hiding from me.

(cell phone rings)




Oh, okay. Right away.

I have to get Christine ready for day care and get to work.

No, I'll drive her.

No, don't bother.

Christine, you ready?


Ugh, I'm late.

We'd be on time if we didn't like each other so much.

Oh, I know.

Being in love is such a drag.

Hey, wait a minute.

We've got plenty of time.

Maybe we could...

Sorry, but that's not the right time.

That clock was my grandmother's.

I think that's why she was always late.

Oh, nice clock.

I know.

I was gonna take it in to get it cleaned.

I thought that might help.

But I love that thing.

(springs twang, something shatters)

Everything all right?

Yeah, uh, sure... you know, I'll tell you what--

I know a great clock... maker.

I can bring it in, get it cleaned for you.

You don't have to.

Oh, n-n-no, it-it's fine.

Uh, it was your grandmother's.

I know how much she meant to you.

I'm happy to do it.

You're the best.


Have a good day.

You're pretty quiet, what's going on?

It's Max.

What's wrong with Max?

Is he sick or something?


Nothing like that.

He just... he made plans with Christine, and now he's abandoning her.

Abandoning her?


Well, he's going out of town.

I'm sorry, am I missing something here?

Are you... you're mad at Max because he's going out of town?

Wait, so where's he going?

That's the thing.

When I asked, he refused to tell me.

Well, I guess that's a little unusual.

He's hiding something, Booth.

With Max, that's never good.

Okay, look, let's not jump to conclusions here.

I mean, Max has been on the straight and narrow for some time.

Then why won't he answer a simple question?

Look, you know what, it might not be as bad as you think, all right?

There could be a very innocent explanation for him taking off.



No. No, he's up to something.

I knew it, he's... it's no good.

Okay, look.

I can put a tracker on him, if that makes you feel better.

I-I'd like that.

Okay, fine.

You sure you want me to spy on him?

Absolutely, wasn't your offer sincere?

It was very sincere, I'm just asking, you know...

Hey, so we couldn't get to the remains from the lower floor, so I finally get to use my Superwinch.

Booth: Call the media-- bug boy uses a new toy.

Hey, I'm not gonna let your cold dark heart ruin my lucky day, all right?

Well, luck has nothing to do with it, Dr. Hodgins.

But I imagine there's an easier way to access the remains.

Wow, you guys are a couple of real downers.

But you're too late.



Watch out, he's dripping.

Oh, God, that really stinks.

Brennan: Big part of the frontal bone of the skull is missing.

Saroyan: Well, maybe it was done deliberately to obscure the victim's identity.

All idle speculation until we get the remains back to the lab.

Well, the birds definitely did their job on this guy.

Hodgins: Yeah, here.

Masks, everybody.

Bird droppings are extremely toxic.

Booth: What are you talking about?

You got to wear masks in order to look at bird poop?

Yeah, bird guano's been known to carry more than 60 transmittable diseases.

That's okay-- you can wear that little bird guano mask, I'll be over there in the poop-free zone, doing my thing.

Saroyan: The remains are in an active stage of decay.

Which means they've been here a while.

The slanted squamosal of the remaining frontal bones of the skull suggests male.

Mid-30s, according to the shape of the sternal rib ends.

Carcass has been deflated due to the feeding of dipteran larvae, and the Calliphoridae flies indicate the body's been here about seven or eight days.

Booth: Okay, everybody in a mask.

Put him down-- we got some blood over on the railing, and it's smeared.

Look at that.


Saroyan: There's also some passive spatter and some overlap on the smear.

Yeah, somebody had some trouble throwing this body over the rail.

Indicating it probably wasn't a su1c1de.

Oh, Dr. Hodgins, what are you doing?

Yeah, oh, just checking to make sure there are no more remains below.

Wh... That's not necessary.

Yeah, it's okay, I'm just gonna take a quick peek.

All right, take me back.

Be right back.


Oh, this is not fun.


Uh, okay, what's going on here?

Got a little problem here.

It's jammed.

Yeah, okay, well, I'm halfway down and dangling.

Yeah, we're working on it.

Did you hit the red button and flip the yellow switch?

Yes, I-I hit the red button and I-I flicked the switch.

Not so super now, huh, bug boy?

I'll tell you what.

Have a nice hang.

I got to go back to the lab.

Uh, he-he's my ride.

See ya.


Well, don't go.

Are you sure you're looking at the red button and not the blue one?

Technician: What was it again?

I thought you said blue.


I'll try it again.


♪ Bones 10x14 ♪
The Putter in the Rough
Original Air Date on April 16, 2015

♪ Main Title Theme ♪
The Crystal Method
♪ ♪

All right, I have neutralized the bird guano with a glycol disinfectant concentrate, so we should be good now.

It appears the bird guano has actually eaten away the bones.

You're right-- there's some serious osteo-compromise going on here.

Well, bird droppings are very corrosive because birds excrete both solid and liquid waste from the same orifice.

Ew, not another one of your disgusting creature lessons.

More importantly, if true, the bird guano needs to be removed immediately, or my bones will be destroyed.

Unfortunately, that can't happen until I finish my particulates sweep.

I've got some interesting exposed ligaments here.

There's a thickening of the ligaments surrounding the median nerve at the right wrist.

Bray: Carpal tunnel?

That would be my assumption.

I've got a nice sized piece of liver here that the predators overlooked.

I'll run a tox screen and see if I can find anything.

Take a look at this, Dr. Saroyan.

Saroyan: That looks like an entry wound.

Bray: A b*llet?

Probably from a r*fle.

It went in small through the back of the head.

And the exit wound split the skull, explaining the missing parts of the frontal bones, zygomatic and nasal bones.

I'm going out on a limb here and saying we just found cause of death.

Dr. Saroyan found evidence of beta blockers in the victim's liver.

He'd be kind of young to suffer from heart issues.

And he had carpal tunnel syndrome in his right hand.

Beta blockers, carpal tunnel.

Could be a contract k*ller.

Really? How do you jump to that?

Contract K*llers, you know, they often take beta blockers.

And the army sn*pers that I used to train with, you know, they used to take them to steady their hands.

And the carpal tunnel's from the repeated pressure on his thumb and trigger finger.

There, it wasn't so hard, now, was it?

What do you got there?

The, uh, contents of the victim's pockets.

Uh, got your cigarettes, condoms, a pencil.

And that looks like some kind of secret code.

Maybe the k*ller was after it?

Then why didn't he take it?

No cell phone?

Didn't find one on the body.

Searched the area, nothing.

So he didn't have one, or the k*ller took it.

You put a tracking device on Dr. Brennan's dad?

Just stay in your own lane.


Don't you think that it's odd that the victim didn't have a cell phone?

Why don't you call the service carriers and see if you get a phone number.


Take the condoms off my desk, please, too.

Hey, you almost finished?

Don't rush the chef when he's making a stew.

Hey, I found cannulated screws in the greater tuberosity of the left humerus.

Oh, I know, I saw those-- right here.

Yeah, it's a shame that screws don't have serial numbers.

We could have gotten an I.D.

Right, but tuberosity fractures are extremely rare.

I asked Angela to run through surgery logs at the local hospital, maybe get an I.D. that way.

You think that's enough for her to run anything?

Sure, I mean, she has sex and age from Dr. Brennan, and the remodeling shows that the fractures happened about ten years ago, which should be enough to narrow it down even more.

Yeah, that's true.

All right, here we go.

Last of the bones.

Can you grab that?


Hey, do you know anything about clocks?

Yeah, actually-- I took apart every clock in my parents' house when I was a kid.

Of course you did.

I got in big trouble for that, too.

Until I moved on to the furnace. (chuckles)

Uh, Andie's grandmother left her a clock, and I, uh...

I want to get it fixed for her.

Aw, so she can see how wonderful you are.

That's sweet.


The jewelers, they won't even open it for less than 500 bucks.

You know I can't afford that.

Yeah, no problem, brother. Bring it in.

Let's see what Father Time can do with it.

(chuckles) Hey.

I found the surgery.

It was done at St. Joe's ten years ago, and the victim is Troy Carter.

His brother Jake reported him missing last week.

Oh, God.

I don't believe this.

What happened?

He was shot, Jake.


No, Th... that crazy bastard.

I warned him.

Yeah, well, we know that your brother was a marksman.

What? Troy? No, no.

He used beta blockers and had carpal tunnel syndrome, which usually means... No.

That-that wasn't for sh**ting.

That was for golf.

Troy was a golfer.


Yeah, he-he took the beta blockers to improve his game.

It steadied his hand.

He was a pro.

I-I don't know if it was all legal.

Can't imagine the PGA would allow their players...

No, no, not the PGA.

Troy played mini golf.

Mini golf?

Like, get the ball in the clown's mouth golf?


He was obsessed with it.

He was starting to make a little money at it, too.

That's why he was thinking about quitting the business.

What business was that?

We have a landscaping business together.

It's A Green Green World Landscaping.

Just got a big contract, too, not that he cared.

There's money in mini golf?

Not as much as there is in landscaping.

You wouldn't believe how many times I told him that, but it was all about the glamour for him.

Glamour in mini golf.


Uh, any idea who might want to k*ll your brother?

Those mini golfers.

Troy was kicking their asses.

And-and they're all getting ready for the masters.

Mini golf has a masters?


The Mini Masters.

It's going on right now.

The purse is only two grand, but they spend all year bouncing balls off of windmills just to get a shot at it.

And where's this Mini Masters Tournament being played?

Sammy's Tropical Tiki on Route 7.

It's Troy's home course.

He could've won.

Booth: So I tracked Max to Ohio, then I lost him.

You know, he must have found the device.

Well, he's definitely up to something.

Ohio's where he lived before he went on the run.

I know, look, I'm pulling his records from Ohio and the records of anyone he was associated with there.

What could he be planning?

He doesn't need money; I have plenty of that.

Well, like you always say, just don't jump to conclusions.

Let's just concentrate on Troy Carter's m*rder and why anyone would devote their life to mini golf.

That's a good question.



(cheering continues)

So good to have you here.

See you again.

Good luck today, okay?

Have fun.

Oh, gosh.

Oh, Hunter!

Hey, great to see you.

Hey, man.

Good to see you, man.

Good luck today.

Thank you, appreciate it.

Take care, buddy.



Booth: You ever see anything like this before?

No, I...

There's a hallucinatory quality reminiscent of an experience I had taking ayahuasca once in the Andes.


But despite its obvious childishness, this sport does seem to have an abundance of serious adherents.

Oh, come on, you think any of these people take their game seriously enough to commit m*rder?

Man: Come on!

God! Aah!

I think you have your answer right there.

Damn it!


Damn it! Damn it!

Whoa! What the hell do you think you're doing, Eric?

Do you have any idea what a tiki god costs?

This is the only shot I've missed all day, Daddy.


It only takes one to lose.


Sorry, but you have to stand back over there with the spectators; there's a tournament going on.

Oh, no, I don't think so.

FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth.

This here is my partner, Dr. Temperance Brennan.


What happened? Did somebody k*ll somebody?

Yeah, Troy Carter.

Carter's dead?

Oh, my God, Troy's dead?

That's too bad.

Okay, I say that someone's dead, and that's all you got?

We just said it's sad.

Now move your ass.

I'm trying to make a shot here.

I'm sorry?

Yeah, can you move?

I can't believe Troy's dead. How-how did he die?

He was shot. In the head.

Oh, my God.

We loved Troy. Plus, Sammy and I put a lot into Troy's career.

How much? Time? Money?

Both. I mean, I've seen the best mini golfers come and go, but...


Sammy said Troy was gonna be the Jack Nicholson of mini golf.

Jack Nicklaus, honey.

Anyway, he was counting on Troy winning the Mini Masters this year.

Booth: Wait, okay, how much did that cost?


Like Sammy says, it was an investment.

Couldn't have done it without Lori here.

Most of the money came from her modeling career.


I'm s...

You're a model?

Why are you surprised, Booth? Uh... perfectly formed phalanges, the elegant metacarpals.

You're a hand model, aren't you?

(gasps): Oh, yes!

Oh, that was very good!

Oh, Sammy, this one here has got the gift.

Yes, she does have the gift.

So, did, um, Troy have any enemies?

Troy kind of kept to himself.

I mean, all my golfers knew him, but... he really wasn't close with any of them.

There is one guy who really seemed to have it in for Troy.

One guy?

Last year's Mini Masters champion, Winston Scruggs.

Come on, Winston's kind of a jerk, but he would never k*ll anyone.

Well, we'll determine that, okay? Thank you.

Where is he now?

Out on the course.


Ooh. Is this the clock?


Hey, it's not supposed to be in here, you know.

I know.. I didn't want to leave it in the locker room.

Andie said it's pretty rare. Valuable?

She says yes, very.


Let's take a look.

Uh, you know, I really got to finish up here first, man.

Yeah, yeah, sure, sure.

I'm just gonna take a quick peak to see what we're dealing with here.

You know, while you're here, I've got some bones that still have bird guano on them.

Might need to be run through the bath again.

Sure, sure.

Just put them to the side-- I'll take a look at 'em as soon as I finish up here.

I also found a tiny hemorrhagic stainon the zygomatic. The corrosive properties of the bird droppings seem to have etched the blood into the bone.

There are also striations on the right clavicle and right fifth sternal rib.

What, knife wounds?

Possibly, but they're postmortem.

Who would s*ab a dead person?

That's a good point; that doesn't make sense.

Hey, do you have your phone on you?

I got to get a quick picture of this so we can figure out how to put it back together.

Ah. Right.

Now, as soon as I take this back panel off, we will know what we are dealing with.


There we go.

♪ ♪

(people whooping)

Sammy: Scruggs was a pro golfer-- you know, real golf-- but he washed out, so he took up mini golf.

He was the top dog around here until Troy came along.

That's him right... right there.

All right, everybody, let's back off. Let's go.

Time out.

What the hell are you doing?

I'm lining up a shot here.

FBI. Special Agent Booth.

We have a few questions for you, Mr. Scruggs.


Yes, now.

What's that you have in your hand? Could I see that, please?

I... I. Yeah.

Thank you.

Wait a second-- this is the same code I saw in Troy's notebook.

Brennan: It's quite interesting.

It's like Newton's notes on basic physics.

This whole game's about physics, sweetheart.

You got to know every bounce, angle, pitch and lie on every hole of the course.

I could show you if you let me get back to it.

You can get back to it after you answer a few questions.

Excellent schematic of this hole.

Uh, that is my lie!

Brennan: Well, I believe the term is--

"one in the hole"!

No, Bones, it's a "hole in one."

Booth: Let's go. Over here.

Ow. I have some questions for you.

Scruggs: Why are you interrupting my game in the middle of the most important sporting event of my career?

Troy Carter was m*rder*d.

From my understanding, you two weren't exactly friends.

No, of course not-- we were rivals.


Yeah. I didn't k*ll him.

Well, with Troy out of the picture, it's your tournament to lose.

Sounds like a motive to me.

You don't own a r*fle, do you, Mr. Scruggs?

Scruggs: Yeah.

Booth: Yeah?

Scruggs: Everyone around here does.

Am I gonna need a warrant to look at yours?

I don't know.

You don't know?

Probably should talk to a lawyer before.




Blood. You wait here.

I'm going to the tiki hut.

(people cheer and laugh)

Sheesh! (groans)

Blood? Are you sure?

Of course you're sure.

And more blood, and what appears to be tiny bone chips, and possibly some brain matter.

So he was k*lled here.

Appears so.

Someone tried to clean this up who obviously wasn't trained in forensics.

All right, I'll get an FBI team out here and I'll call Cam.

No, no!

Booth, I want to bring the tiki hut back to the lab.

What?! No!

You can't take my tiki hut.

We're in the middle of a tournament here.

Ha-ha... if the lady wants the tiki hut back to the lab, the tiki hut's going back to the lab!

Rally it up!
Hey, what you got there?

Bone chips.

Most likely pieces of the frontal, glabella, zygomatic or nasal bones.

Do you know that I found three holes in the wall of this baby?

b*llet holes?

Well, too small to be b*ll*ts, but most likely fragments from the same b*llet.

The weird thing, though, is that they were equidistant from each other.

Is that unusual?


Very. Plus, whoever cleaned up took the b*llet fragments, so matching that golfer's r*fle to the crime, it's gonna be pretty tough.

You wanted to see me?

I was about to run DNA on the piece of tissue I found in the tiki hut when I noticed something interesting.

Take a look at this.

It's from the victim's eyebrow.

There appear to be stitches, so he was injured before he was k*lled.

Yes, but the stitches are ordinary thread-- no doctor did this.

Mr. Bray found remodeled fractures of the right two-through-four metacarpals and scaphoid.

This injury you found could be from the same fight.

Do you have any date range on the remodeling?

Ten days?

Well, that's in sync with the healing on the tissue.

And I also found this.

I found antibodies in Troy's blood from hepatitis B and yellow fever.

(phone ringing)

Oh, I have to get this.

Hi, Booth.

The Ohio State Police just picked up Max.


I knew it.

What-what is it this time?

(exhales) Grave robbing.

Why would he do something like that?

Must have been something to do with the guy that he, uh, dug up.

Real bad guy by the name of Marvin Barlow.

I'm not familiar with Barlow.

He was still on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted list.

We didn't even know he was dead until Max dug him up.

Well, how did Max know?

Well, that's gonna be the first thing they ask him when he gets here.

Max is coming back?

Well, of course.

I mean, Barlow was a federal fugitive. Right?

Max is right in the middle of all this.

Montenegro: I looked into the accounts on Troy's phone.

He was communicating with someone named Darla Simms.

Looked pretty steamy.

That's not good.

Not at all. Why?

He's a healthy male, he...

Yeah, a healthy 36-year-old male.

Darla Simms is only 18.


That's barely legal and totally creepy.

Darla was on the circuit.

She was a pro mini golfer like Troy.

She's managed by her father, who Booth said is super protective.

"Psycho" is how he put it.

(sighs) What the hell am I doing here?

Now, look, a man has been m*rder*d, Mr. Simms.

It happens.


But life goes on.

Why don't you tell that to the tiki god you just beat the crap out of?

I... I was frustrated.

All right?

I'm trying to make something of my daughter's life.

By playing mini golf?



Why am I here?

I had no motive to k*ll Troy.

Well, your 18-year-old daughter having sex with a 36-year-old man... that sounds like a motive to me.

I saw them flirting, but it never went further than that.

Darla tells me everything.

I think you know that it went a lot further.

Look, I get it.

I'm a parent.

My 18-year-old girl has sex with a 36-year-old man?

I'd want to k*ll him, too.

Maybe it was a mistake.


This guy comes along and he ruins everything that you taught your daughter.

All the training, just down the drain.

Huh? So you snapped.

No jury's gonna convict.

I know my rights.

I want a lawyer.

Aubrey: How pissed was your dad when he found out about you and Troy?

He never found out.

Sure about that?

Tough to keep it from him when he's looking over your shoulder.

I didn't even care if Daddy found out.

Sleeping with Troy... with someone that good with a putter...

Do you actually mean "putter"?



If you saw him play golf, it was pure magic.

He could've been the best mini golfer, like, ever.

Well, somebody worked Troy over pretty badly.

Did he ever say anything about that?

I was there.

We were at the Wonder Vista Motel.

Some guy burst in on us in bed.

He grabbed Troy and he dragged him outside.

Did you see the guy that did it?

The room was so dark and it all happened so fast, but I ran to the window and I saw this big guy stuffing Troy into his truck.

It wasn't Daddy.

Well, why didn't you tell anyone about it?

Who was I gonna tell?

My father?

Well, do you think you could describe the face you saw to one of our artists?


I want to do that.

Mini golf lost a legend.

And I lost...

Man, some of these pieces are bent.

Or rusted. They don't fit together; the escapement wheel doesn't seem to fit right.

It will. It will.

All we need is the lever, okay?

Look at this.

Together, they're the last wheel in the gear chain.

See that?

You know why I wanted to do this, don't you?


Yeah, I think so.

The cancer made you feel like you lost control and by fixing this clock, even if you can't fix yourself, it gives you the sense that you're in control over something.

Wow. That's actually kind of beautiful, Hodgins.

But no.

I'm doing this because I broke the clock.

And Andie is gonna k*ll me if she finds out.

Well, if she does find out, you'd better go with the cancer story, man.

It's like a Get Out of Jail Free card for you.


We'll fix it. We'll fix it.

Grave robbing?

Even for you, Dad, that's a new low.

I didn't have any choice, baby.

Booth: Look, why, Max?

I mean, why'd you dig up Marvin Barlow?

I just had to make sure that it was Barlow.


Honey, there are things you don't need to know.

More secrets, more lies?

I don't know why I ever trusted you.

Oh, Tempe, don't... don't...

Max, you gotta give us something here.

I gave you Barlow.

Isn't that enough?

I mean, you didn't even know where he was until I dug him up.

Which is why I got the charges dropped.

And I appreciate that.

Brennan: But you're obviously still in the middle of something and you won't tell us what it is.

Since I have a daughter now, I have to protect her.

Listen, don't do this.

Brennan: What?

Dad, you're...

She's clearly not safe with you.

Just give me one...

Must've been some fight, Jake.

Excuse me?

The fight that you got into with your brother, Troy.

It was a nasty one.

How did you know about that?

There was a witness.

What, did you forget about her?

She gave us a description.

Turns out, a really good one, in fact.

He was an idiot.

I caught him in bed with a kid.

Darla Simms, yeah.

She's 18.

Like I said, a kid. And I knew what her father was like.

So you were protecting Troy.

He was my little brother, and I knew her father was a nutcase.

I dragged him out, but he tried to go back in.

That's when the fight started.

Well, we looked into the financials for your landscaping company.

Looks like Troy leaving was pretty bad for business there, wasn't it?

How'd you get this?

Court order's a wonderful thing.

You are in a fiscal free fall, Jake.

You lost a solid third of your customer base in the last six months-- since Troy started training for mini golf.

All business has its ups and downs.

We're just in a little bit of a slump.

You blamed him for ruining everything that you built up.

So what happened?

The fight get out of control?

He was my brother, for God's sake.

Just curious, uh... You, uh...

You own a r*fle, Jake?



Just didn't want that search warrant to go to waste.

We should really be focusing on the clavicle, the humerus and the rib.

Can't rush guano removal, my friend, so we might as well finish up with the clock while we wait.

All right-- moment of truth.

Okay, I mean, it should work, right?

The escapement and-and the stem gear, they all fit together the way that they should.

We've done everything right.

Well... why don't you wind it and see?


(clears throat)


Okay, maybe you should wind it some more.

That's how I broke it to begin with.


(crunch, rattle)


Man, I am so screwed. What am I supposed to tell Andie now?

Don't worry about it. I got you covered.


Well, this is our backup clock.

As soon as the clock exploded in the bone room, I figured we needed a plan B.

Where'd you get this?

Craigslist. Nine bucks.


So Andie's clock isn't worth anything?

I don't know, maybe nine bucks was a fortune when her grandmother bought it.

I can't swap clocks on her. I mean, Andie's grandmother's clock has all these little nicks on it.

Nine bucks or a million, it means a lot to her.

She'll notice.

I thought you might say that.

Then we take the inner mechanisms of this clock and we put it into her grandmother's clock.

Dude, you're a genius.

Yeah, I've heard that before.


Oh, and your bones are done.

See? Life is grand.

Not so grand for the victim-- these are b*llet wounds.

Montenegro: So these are the three b*llet holes that you found that were obscured by the corrosion from the bird guano.

One on the right clavicle, one on the right fifth sternal rib and a small nick on the right humerus.

Along with the head wound, that means the victim was shot four times.

Well, he was hit four times, but not necessarily by the same sh**t.

Based on the angles at which the b*ll*ts hit the bones, their trajectories come from four totally different angles.

Four sh**t?

Well, it appears that way.

Nothing about this case follows the laws of logic.

The injuries make no sense, Booth.

Okay, look, usually you're not this upset.

Maybe it's not about the case.

No, no. Look at these.

Do these b*llet hits make sense to you? I don't think so.

I really don't believe you're this upset over b*llet hits.

What else would it be?

Well, I don't know, maybe Max?

Ma... That's absurd, Booth.

That's already been resolved.

Maybe you should just give him a call and just, uh, try to work things out.

No, he's not answering his phone, Booth, and his car isn't at his apartment, so talking isn't an option, is it?

Right, I understand, you're right.

Got it.

Well, look at this file.

Wendell found three more b*llet wounds suggesting multiple sh**t and Hodgins found what appeared to be three b*llet holes inside the tiki hut, but they're too small to be from b*ll*ts.

Probably from fragments.

Well, that could be the work of one sh**t.


These b*ll*ts hit from three different angles.

Could be a multiple impact b*llet.

What's that?

New type of a*mo.

The Bureau just sent us this video. Watch.

Aubrey: Note that when the multiple impact b*llet exits the barrel of the g*n it splits into three separate smaller projectiles held together by Kevlar strands.


I made a little reenactment to explain how Troy was k*lled.

The k*ller confronted Troy on the mini golf course, sh**ting him in the chest.

Bray: Causing the clavicle, sternal rib and humerus wounds.

Which would have been survivable.

Right, so my theory is that the k*ller shot him in the chest, and then Troy ran to the tiki hut and hid inside.

So the k*ller pursued him to finish the job.


The k*ller found him and shot him in the head while Troy was on the inside looking out.

And the striations on the bones?

Caused when the k*ller pulled on the Kevlar straps to release the b*ll*ts.

This type of a*mo is pretty new.

We should be able to find out who bought it.

Security cameras at Angelo's g*n and Sport show the owner of the mini golf place buying the a*mo.

Wait a second.

Why would Sammy Tucker k*ll him?

Okay, Troy was his meal ticket.

No, Troy was gonna be his own meal ticket. Check this out.

Troy was planning a trip to South Africa.

Angela found that Troy applied for an expedited passport just two weeks before his m*rder.

The yellow fever antibodies that Cam found are from vaccinations.

Why was he going to South Africa?

There's a world championship mini golf tournament in Johannesburg this month.

The purse is big-- 20 grand.

You all right?

I just need one of them back scratchers. That's all.

Means, motive and opportunity.

I love that.

Why am I here?

Why were you guys searching my house?

Shut up and sit down, will you?

We're looking for a m*rder w*apon.

Sort of our thing.

m*rder w*apon?

I didn't k*ll anybody.

What are you talking about?

We also found your special a*mo.

See, our lab connected it to the wounds on the victim.

(chuckles) I can't be the only one in the state who bought that a*mo.

No, but you're the only suspect in Troy's m*rder who bought it.

Why would I k*ll Troy?

He was my friend.

Your boy Troy was about to bail on you.

What? No.

Troy and I were tight.

Troy got his sh*ts, applied for a passport and a visitor's visa to play mini golf in Johannesburg, South Africa.

That is a beautiful course, by the way.

Fourth hole got a waterfall.

Enough with the waterfalls, okay?


All that time and money you invested into Troy, and your buddy was gonna just leave you high and dry.

No. You got it all wrong.

I was going to South Africa with him.

I was paying for the whole trip.

We got it all wrong?

I'm sorry.

Can you prove that?


I got receipts for everything.

Troy was my best friend.

I wish it was me that got shot instead of him.

Did you test the hemorrhagic stain on the zygomatic?

Test it? It was etched into the bone by the bird guano.

So you just assumed it was blood?

What else could it be?

That's not an answer, Mr. Bray.

That's an assumption.

I'm sorry.

I-I should have tested it.

Mr. Bray, I understand that fixing your new girlfriend's clock may be a great way to impress her, but here, your job is to impress me.

A pretty small sample.

I gave half of it to Dr. Saroyan so she could run DNA.

Hodgins: Well, whatever it was etched pretty deep into the bone by the bird guano.

I'm gonna need to break this down to determine the chemical content.

What's that?

This? This is my new particle size distribution analyzer.

Cam bought it for me.

She just doesn't know it yet.

(chuckles) All right, here we go.

Nitrocellulose, butyl acetate, dibutyl phthalate, camphor, Red No. 7 and Red No. 34.

Not blood. I don't blame Dr. B if she fires me.

No, it's red nail polish.

That little piece of bone you gave me was most likely a human nail, judging from the keratin content.

I'm running the DNA right now.

Well, that makes sense, based on the nail polish we just found in the sample.


That looks very expensive.

Did I buy it?

Yes! Yes, you did.

And I am very grateful.

I'm sure the prosecutor will be, as well.

Booth: Lori, there were only three people at the miniature golf the night that Troy Carter was m*rder*d.

It was your husband, Troy and you.

You can't make me testify against my husband.

There's some law about that, isn't there?

Look, your husband didn't k*ll Troy Carter.

You did.

That's ridiculous.

A piece of nail was found on the victim.

DNA tests confirm that it came from you.

You thought you were being smart by pulling off those Kevlar straps from the victim, but, uh, that's how you cut your nail.

Why'd you do it, Lori?

I should have come clean.

I know.

It was self-defense.

He att*cked you?

He att*cked my life.

That's the same thing, right?

He took Sammy from me.

They spent every minute together.

I was just a couple of beautiful hands that could pay the bills.

So, when they came home that night, drunk, and told me they were going to Africa...

When Sammy passed out, I took his g*n and...

I'm a family-values person.

I was saving my marriage.

That's self-defense, isn't it?

Is she serious?

That's not self-defense, Lori.


k*lling Troy is m*rder.

But Sammy would be lost without me now.

Can I just get community service or something?

♪ So let me turn the page ♪
♪ Inside out ♪
♪ When nights begin again ♪
♪ You seem to be yourself ♪
♪ You seem to be ♪
♪ Yourself ♪
♪ And I'll be all right ♪
♪ I might as well see light ♪
♪ I'll be all right... ♪

Hey. Sorry I'm late.

Hey. No worries.

(chuckles) Ooh.


Oh, you got it back.

Doesn't look like they cleaned it.

Uh... no.

Andie, I have a confession to make.

Um, I was winding your clock this morning, and... I broke it.

Oh, Wendell, no...

I'm sorry. I-I really am.

But-but it's okay.

I fixed it.

Um, well, Hodgins and I did.

But you didn't break it.

That clock never worked.

It didn't even work when Grandma was alive.



After Grandpa died, it stopped working.

She thought it was a sign, so she never got it fixed.

You must have freaked.

Mm. Yeah.

(laughs) Aw. (laughs)

(sighs) Well, it works now. I hope that's okay. (chuckles)

If not, I can always break it for real.

It's perfect.

You know what that means, don't you?

That I should quit my job and become a clocksmith?

(chuckles) No.

It means that this is our clock now.

It's marking our time together.

Wendell and Andie time.

♪ And I'll be all right ♪
♪ I might as well see light ♪
♪ Might as well see light ♪
♪ Anyway... ♪

Oh, Bones. Wow, that smells good. What are we eating?


I hope leftovers are okay.

Christine wanted the l...

(sighs) Why are you here?

Well, because I... can talk to you now.

Because now you've had time to construct a new lie?

Come on. Just give him a chance. That's all.

I did. I tried to call.

I stopped over, and he'd already disappeared again.

I had to go back to Ohio. Had to go and take something from the, uh, evidence locker in the coroner's office.

Oh, so you went back to steal something?

No. No. Retrieve.

What is this?

I remember this ring.

I lost it when I was little.

You didn't lose it.

Barlow took it off you when you were asleep.

Showed it to me the next day, said it was proof he could k*ll you any time he wanted unless I did whatever he said.

What kind of psycho sneaks into a kid's room like that to make a point?

Well, you don't get on the Ten Most Wanted list for nothing.

That's why I couldn't tell you about this.

So... when you left us, that's why?


Yes. But 12 years ago, he disappeared, so I came back.

But I was always looking over my shoulder to make sure that your family was safe.

I wish it still fit.

I loved this ring.

Tempe, I know that you can't forgive me.

But I am so sorry.

Christine: Grandpa!

Oh. Hey, beautiful.

Are you going to have dinner with us?

Of course, sweetheart. And look, Grandpa brought you a present.

Thank you, Grandpa.

I love it.

I think the lasagna is burning.

Uh, I'll get it, I'll get it...

You guys go sit down, you go relax. I...

I'll take care of the, uh...


Can we play Ready Set Fun?

Okay, but I am Tom Foolery.

Better be careful. Your mom gets really mad when she loses.

Brennan: That's not true.

You cheated last time.

Frankie Fireworks doesn't cheat.

Wendy Whoopee does.

No. The rules clearly state that if you land on a star and you're sweet as sugar, you can...

Just play.