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01x08 - Aha Shake Heartbreak

Posted: 04/16/15 17:25
by bunniefuu
Previously on Powers...

You took back your powers from me.

Didn't it feel good?

Don't you wanna feel like that again?

It's branding. You know, the connections between the words "Kaotic Chic" and the f*cked-up shit Powers do.

We're supposed to be talking about the launch of my foundation.

Whose mission is to transform young girls into leaders.

Why not bring Zora on as the foundation's first mentor?

You were right.

This is our movement.

We should do whatever we can to help it grow.

I'm really glad you said that.

Because, actually, I'm here already.

I feel a vast reservoir of power.

Sway. What a wonderful name.

And he shall have sway and dominion over all the world.

Allow me to introduce you to the effects of Sway.

The reward for anyone without powers is instant death.

What the f*ck have you done, man?

Don't you f*cking run away from this again!

I wouldn't dream of it.

All right.

Now, I know it's a little small, but it was the only available penthouse in the city.


I had a decorator pick that shit out.

Pretty nice, right?

Yeah, real nice, if you're into bullshit bourgeois knickknacks.


Look, man, I'm just curious.

How long are you planning on staying pissed at me?

Who says I'm pissed?

I mean, I like that.

Hey, you want it? It's yours.

I mean, shit, I can probably get them to send me a new one.

Probably even bigger.

Thanks. No.

All right, man.

Come on.

Check this out.

Come on, even Johnny Royalle has got to approve of this view.

Not bad.


Dude. You should move in here.

The f*ck are you talking about?

It's perfect.

It'll be like when we roomed together at the squat.

Only now, we've got all this shit.

Dude, think about it. The parties will be insane.

Only the coolest people will be there.

Movie stars, Powers and f*cking rock bands.

Nah, I can't.

Come on, Johnny. Why not? This will be perfect.

Look, if it's money you're worried about, I got you covered, all right?

I'm not your charity case.

What the hell is wrong with you, huh?

This is everything we've ever wanted, man!

It's not mine! Okay? It's yours. Your life.

I don't...

I don't know if I even want this anymore.

It's a long f*cking way down to that street.

160, 180 feet, easy.

Then it's a good thing you can fly.

And what if I don't?


I'm gonna fall, and you're gonna teleport me over there.

That's crazy. I mean, I can barely teleport two people, let alone two people falling in midair.

Johnny, "Only in extremity do you find your true limits."

This isn't extremity, this is a show.

It's all a f*cking show, Johnny.

Maybe it is, but that's not how I want to do it.

Fine, don't save me.

Hey, Johnny.


I know I can count on you, pal.



You stupid, f*cking idiot. Why didn't you fly?

You could have died.

Shit, we both could have died.

You f*cking did it, man.

Johnny f*cking Royalle, you did it, pal. I knew it.

I knew you could do it, man.

Come here.


You okay?

It's been a while since you've taken a ride with me.

Nice place.

You decorate it yourself?

I lost my taste for extravagances a long time ago.

Strip away the external to discover the eternal.

For someone who hates Wolfe so much, you're a regular compendium of his words.

What did he say to you, Johnny?

God damn it.


What did he say to you?

Jesus, Christian.

Try to think for a minute, you can't just charge through a wall to get to the next room.

Yeah, okay.

Okay, man, I...

I just...

Whenever I come here, I teleport with me a volume of air.

I don't usually remove it when I go, but I can.

f*ck you.

f*ck you and your sick tricks.

No tricks this time, old friend.

I need your help.

I need your help to k*ll Wolfe.

Allow me to explain.

"Only in extremity can you find your true limits."

You made this shit from Wolfe's blood?

I made it from components of his DNA that I teleported from his blood.

Oh, God.

You fall for his bullshit, again and again.

I didn't do this for him.

I did it for the Kidz.

The ones like our friends who couldn't save themselves from him.

Really, the Kidz? The Kidz you want to save?

They're dying.

They're turning up dead with your drug, Wolfe's blood, still in them.

It's not the Sway that's k*lling them.

They're trying to do things they don't have the discipline to achieve.

Oh, f*ck. Now you sound like him.

"Powers Complete requires discipline that equals potential."

You don't want to k*ll Wolfe.

You want to replace him.

You want to be Wolfe so bad, you stuck a f*cking needle into his brain and turned his blood into a drug.

And you took that drug to try and get your powers back.

I was there.

I saw you with your eyes all lit up.

The hell are you doing?

I know for sure now.

I have powers.

And, by way of powers, what exactly do you have?

I know you won't sh**t me if I run.

I know I'll chase the shit out of you.

Maybe I have super speed.

Maybe I'll sh**t you in the leg.

Maybe I'm bulletproof.

Your dad bulletproof?

How do you know about my dad?

Court family records.

Have a lot to say about how your dad treated you and your mom.

Don't talk about my mom.

Uh, Calista.

You should be afraid of me.


Mmm. Why is that?

I took Sway, and it didn't k*ll me.

I'm a Power. For real.

You push me far enough, that may be just what it takes to switch me on.

Not again.

Not again.

Oh, not again, not again, not again.

Oh, shit.

Oh, shit.

Not again.

Did you see before?

Did you see what happened?

It worked, Johnny.

I got my powers back from him.

They weren't yours.

No, they were.

I confirmed it with him and they were.

That's what he said, did he, when you visited him?

Yeah. Yeah.

Christ, Christian.

You fall for his bullshit, again and again and again.

Just like me.

No. No, dude. I flew.

I threw him through the floor.

Janice couldn't do it. Zora couldn't do it. I stopped him.

They weren't your powers, Christian.

Wolfe burned through all your powers like all the powers he absorbs.


What you felt was his power.

That's what you're angry for, even if you don't know it.

You're trying to steal Wolfe's powers.

And I'm the one who wants to be like him?

Got you.

What are you doing?

What are you doing?

Me? What are you doing?

Let go of me!

Do not even think about it.

I'm a Power!


Leave me the f*ck alone, or I'll k*ll you!

Well, I am Powers Division, and you just threatened a police officer with the use of powers.

Welcome to the big time.

He got us when we were young, Christian.

When we wanted so much.

We needed answers.

And he had them.

No, it was all lies, Johnny.

Him. The Kidz. Us.

We were all just grabbing for whatever we could get.

You know better than that.

It went wrong, but we were a family.

And you were my best friend.

My brother.

Yeah, well, if I was a brother, I was a shitty brother.


You helped me.

Even after everything changed, I could count on you.

The benefit concert is the perfect venue.

So, these are the candidates.

Pick a winner and set it up.

We want a classic hero-villain battle.

Will Janice go for this?

She will if she has any sense. I mean, come on.

Something like this will turn the Retro Girl Mentorship Foundation into a phenomenon before it even launches.

So, she's in?

Oh, hell, no. She hates this shit.

Look, just leave Janice to me.

Candace, this is it.

After this, Zora is at the top, and you're right there with her.

Done and done.

All right. I'll get it set up, and I'll make sure Zora's prepped.

Yeah. I'm not so sure about that.

I mean...

Zora's... She's already really high-strung.

She is. She's a little stiff.

You're saying don't tell Zora?

We need strong video to cement her rep.

If this ends up looking like community theater, she will never be an A-list star. No, it's gotta be real.

Craig, she has a right to know.

And we're supposed to be looking out for her best interests.

We are.

Come on.

You f*cked up your whole life trying to save Wolfe.

Hundreds of people are dead, and now you want to k*ll him?

He told me...

I don't want to hear his lies come out of your mouth.

If you want to k*ll him, f*cking teleport into his cell with a f*cking g*n, and sh**t him in the f*cking head.

I can't teleport out of the Drainer.

I don't want to sacrifice my freedom if I don't have to.

You don't have to.

They're going to drain him permanently anyway.

And what if it doesn't work?

What if the Drainer fails? You know that can happen.

Then he's still locked up.

And you get a chance to steal his powers.

Right, Christian?

You know what? I'm... Get me out of here.

Suffocate me, do whatever you want to do, because I'm done listening.

Nothing I can say?

There's nothing you can say.

All right, then.

Jesus Christ, Johnny.



f*ck, man. It's not f*cking funny. It's not funny.

It's pretty f*cking funny.


Oh, I'm too old for this shit.

I made Sway out of Wolfe, Christian.

And now he's connected to everyone who's ever taken it.

And he can suck their powers out from anywhere.

Jesus, Johnny. f*ck!

The Drainer fails, he can absorb hundreds of powers.

He will be unstoppable, and they will all die.

Including you and Calista.

I'm going to k*ll him with or without you.

If you want powers, your only chance is to go in there with me.

You've got 12 hours to decide if you're in.

If not, then I'm going to do as you say.

I'm going to teleport in there with a g*n and sh**t him in the f*cking head.

You can count on it.



So, tell me, how does this work?

Well, it suppresses the release of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters, while also increasing dopamine in the ventral striatum.

In other words, if it doesn't feel good, you're not doing it right.

Okay, now tell me how all of this works.

Not so different, actually.

It disrupts receptors, throws up roadblocks in the brain, confuses the body on a molecular level.

It can't really be that simple.

The most effective science is usually the most streamlined.

How does this affect moving forward?

If this technology is going to make a difference, it has to be able to go everywhere.

So, the new Drainer pod that's portable, and a single-use Drainer pulse w*apon, for now.

What are you afraid of, Harley?

Black Swan.

It's a predictive model of the destruction caused by Powers.

All the Powers in the world.

The inevitable chaos that comes with unsustainable complexity.

The whole world is governed by unsustainable complexity.

The most we can hope for is to be safe in the moment.

Until the next hurricane or earthquake or the next Wolfe comes along and reminds us that we're not and we never have been in control.

I need to know this is going to work.

You're thinking about quitting.

I'm tired, Harley.

It's time.

That would be a bad idea.


No, that's not going to work.

Whoever it is, he has to look like a credible threat to Zora.

Be able to take some serious blows.

And he needs to be able to be booked today.

Hey, what are you doing?

Getting ready for work.

Boss called me. Another Power went down.

What is going on out there? Is it somebody I know?

Jump Striker? She's... was kind of new.

Used to hang around at the Division.

Wow. Hell of a way to start the day, huh?

Well, it's the job, you know, so...

What about you?


Just getting ready for the big show.

The benefit? That's tonight?



Do you ever wish you were somebody else?

You mean like Zora?

I'd rather die than be that young again.

No, just...

Someone who could get up right now, walk out that door and not come back.

Well, if you did that, at least you'd be free tonight.

Is that an invitation?


Yeah, if you want it to be, yes.

Yes, I do. I'd like that.

Just not tonight.

Because you're still you?

Well, somebody's got to be.

For now.

For now?

What if I did, Christian?

What if I walked up onto that stage tonight and said, "You want a hero? Here's your hero. Zora."

I'd be shocked.

You couldn't. You wouldn't.

We can't keep wanting the same things, Christian.

And it's okay to want change.


Yeah, sure.

Sure, we can't always stay the same.



Friday night. Dinner, your place.

Great. Yeah.


Yeah, I'll see you then!



I didn't know if you didn't hear me or if you were just ignoring me.

I was on the phone.

Okay. I might be late tonight.

Really late, if this thing that I have been trying to make happen actually, um, you know, happens.


Whatever you think about my job, it is the only thing that is keeping a roof over our heads right now.

And when Zora does well, hun, we do well.

I am doing this for us.


Okay, you know what?

There's some chicken tikka leftover in the fridge.

I'll see you tonight.

Olympia, Bug, Johnny Mace, Levitation Boy, five other Powerz Kidz, and Jump Striker.

Wolfe k*lled Mace in the Shaft, though.

When was the last time 10 Powers dropped in a couple weeks?

What do you think, Walker?

About what?

He thinks Royalle is k*lling off Powers, trying to take over the city.

That's cartoon bullshit, Adlard.

What are we waiting on?

Probable cause.

Nobody moved her?

Waiting on Dr. Death to give the okay.

The tags are obviously fresh.

You want I should put out an APB on Banksy?

No, I want you should remember what those punks tagged on our station.

We will pay your bail and our lawyers can make the charges go away in the end.

Thank you.

But I'll be honest, you'll probably do some time.

No, I'm not going back to the Shaft for some bogus publicity stunt.

Think of it as the first phase in the Red Hawk brand re-launch.

Now, how much money we talking?

Enough to tie up your financial loose ends for now.

You'd stage a rescue for me when I get out?

Maybe save some kids or something?

People love a redemption story, Danny.

After a lifetime of being the villain, you'd finally get to be the hero.

Can I think about this?

Maybe you're not up to it.

No, it's not that.

Danny, I need somebody who can step up and really deliver.

This girl is good.

So you have to be ready to bring it.

So look me in the eye and tell me that you can do that.

I can do it.



You little shits.

Stay tuned. There's more where that came from.

How do you spell "bludgeon"?



I don't know. It's got a "D" in there somewhere.

Zabriski, how do you make it rewind?

It's supposed to be a facial recognition mask.

Keeps the camera from making an ID, looks like a real face from a distance.

Just kids f*cking around.

Can this shit be fixed so I can see him?

Cancilarra would know. He's good with tech.

All right, what do you guys want to see next?

A pony?


Here we go.

She's a superstar.

She's just a kid herself.

Speaking of which...

Everything is set.



So, what does she know?

Yeah, you like that?


I'll sign these for you guys.

All right.

Is that a nose?

It's going to be a nose, okay?

Data recovery is more my thing, imagery is hard.

You look like shit.

Good morning.


Where have you been?

I need every deleted item off this phone.

How long is that gonna take?

Yeah, sure, let me just wave my magic wand over here.

As long as we're talking about one's whereabouts all damn day...

I was in an alley with Jump Striker, or what's left of her colorful remains.



We got 10 bodies, all connected to Sway.

I know. Adlard's starting a pool.

20-buck buy in? $50.

And they're all connected to Royalle.

Sure, circumstantially.

That's a big word.

Did you learn that in your personal morning today?

I'm just saying there's... We don't have evidence.

Since when do you need evidence to lay at the feet of Johnny Royalle's every felonious act?

We need evidence that the court will accept.

Not to mention require, beyond my personal opinion.

Well, then, today you might want to buy into more than Adlard's pool, it being one of your luckier ones.

What? Who's the one witness we have never been able to question?

The one whose every road leads to Johnny f*cking Royalle.

It's not often we get to meet our heroes in real life, but these young women you see here, they are all with us tonight to share their story and to meet the woman who inspired them.

And whose foundation has reached out to them, to show them that we can all be heroes.

So please, put your hands together and help me welcome the founder of the Retro Girl Foundation, the one and only Retro Girl.

Thank you all so much for coming.

We live in a world of heroes.

And those girls you just saw, they will be the heroes of tomorrow, whether they have powers or not, and that is the mission of the Retro Girl Foundation.

I'm not going to say anything, so you might as well take me to a cell.

You are so f*cked, Calista.

I recently learned something really, really interesting about you.

You are 18 years of age.

Yeah, welcome to the wonderful world of the adult criminal justice system.

We are no longer two cops looking out for your best interests.

We're two cops looking to f*cking bust you.

Royalle's not coming.

I promise you, you are the furthest thing from his mind right now.

Just talk to us.

I didn't do anything wrong.

Just supposing the apple doesn't fall far from the tree...

Uh, Todd Davis Secor.

as*ault, as*ault, as*ault with intent to cause bodily harm, as*ault, as*ault, as*ault with intent to k*ll.

And the winner, voluntary manslaughter.

You can't hold me for shit my dad did.


We can help you.

We can keep you safe.

Could I, uh, have a word with you?

One sec.

Tonight, you're going to meet some of those incredible girls.


Excuse me, ladies, could you just give us a moment, please?

Thank you.

... An amazing young woman that I'm very proud to say is our foundation's first mentor.


I think there's something that you need to know.

She's going to introduce you after the third song.

Once you're up on stage...

I know, I know. You already told me. You told me.

Bright acts of valor might garner all the attention, but it's the unseen daily acts of courage that change the world.

Okay, I'm going to wait backstage.


I'll see you out there.


That you will both reach your greatest potential.

You're also gonna hear some pretty kickass music.



Just tell me that was a tactic.


To soften her up.

Get her to believe you're on her side.

Because you're not. All right?

You're not actually on her side.

Of course not. No.

So what was that white-knight daddy shit in there?

What? It's not daddy shit... I just...

You know, she's not her father, okay?


And I just thought maybe she could use some...

Can I interrupt?

Please, I'm begging you.

Oh, nice.

Hello, Calista. I am so happy right now.

f*ck me.

Walker, you're not happy? I could dance a jig.

Oh, God.


The kid with her, he's...

Krispin. It's my old partner's kid.

Oh, man.

We ran the GPS on his phone. He's at the Temple Theater.

We should go.

Yeah. What do we do with her?

I've got an idea.

So, put your hands together and give a very, very loud welcome to Alchemy!

How are you guys feeling out there?

No answer from Krispin's mom.

What do we think?

Retro Girl's benefit is at the Temple.

Lots of press, lots of Powers.

Good place to send a message.

♪ Come back, believe me ♪
♪ You're gonna wish you'd followed ♪
♪ Me to the ends of the Earth ♪
♪ And to the end of time ♪
♪ Like no one ever has, they try ♪
♪ And battle on the way ♪
♪ Light ♪
♪ Is racing by you faster than we like ♪
♪ That's right ♪
♪ But would you please at least ♪
♪ Give me a little smile ♪

Have you not heard anything I've said in the past year?

You want your foundation to be successful, right?

This will help.

He's not here for you, he's here for Zora.

Are you kidding me?

You are unbelievable.

I will stand aside, and I will let her have her moment, but you are fired.

Oh, come on.

You still need me.

Not if I don't play the game.

What, are you just gonna walk away?

Watch me.

Sorry, Mom.

Krisp... Krisp!

♪ Get on your knees ♪
♪ You want to make him... ♪

You think you're here to support a good cause?

I'm here to show you that in the world of Powers, there's no limit to their hypocrisy.

What the hell's going on?

This isn't a fundraiser, it's a scam.

Powers don't care about you or me.

Where's Retro Girl?

They only care about their image.

What the f*ck is this?

And how to sell it!

There's no real heroes.

Okay? There's no villains.

There's only the f*cking show!

This, this is the Powers' world.

Packaged, rehearsed, and 100% fake.

I am Red Hawk.




I'm here for you.

You can't hide.

Gotta give 'em what they want.


What the f*ck?


No, no!

That wasn't supposed to happen.

Can somebody help?

I didn't... I didn't mean to.

Why didn't you stop me?

This is Walker.

We're at the Temple Theater. We need backup now.


But he... he...

Show's over, Zora. Come on.

Come on, move out of the way. Come on, man.

Like old times.

Like old times.

You can count on it.