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01x02 - Oscar Mike

Posted: 04/14/15 02:13
by bunniefuu
O'Neil: Ballard, think I got something here.

She got it all on a flash drive.

The orders came from up high. Intel's on their way.

Ever hear of Societal Mining... SOC?

You're going after Alex Baker?

Peter: You talking felony here?

I found something, Harrison.

The one thing, like you said.

Bob: It's about those special ops forces that were k*lled.

The whole thing is a cover-up.

Danny Gentry?

The CEO gave you a direct order to fire on American soldiers?

I was only doing exactly what they told me to do.


They won't stop until they find me and they k*ll me.

Only men can go.

Odelle: I have to keep moving.

(Chanting, clapping)

(Drum bangs)

Man: Shh.

(Chanting, clapping fades)

(Horse whinnies)

(Man speaking Arabic)

(Men speaking urgently)

(Man speaking urgently)


Sarah: Peter?


Sarah: You all right?



Sarah: Peter, open the door.



What is it?

What happened?


It's okay.

Let's go back to bed, okay?

No, no, no, no. Wait, wait, wait.


Look at me. No, look at me.

I don't care what it is. You can tell me.

Just... tell me.

The drone pilot.


He's dead... because of... because of...

Because of me.


Maya: Josh, stop using my toothbrush.

I didn't touch your disgusting toothbrush.

Hey, morning. I'll get breakfast going.

You don't pay attention, that's why.

Mom, do I have to go to soccer?

Yes, but I need to pick you up at the late bus.

Why are you guys still in your pajamas?

Who wants eggs?

(TV blaring)

Can we have waffles instead?


Matt Lauer: And now to the ongoing debt crisis in Greece.

This morning, there appears to be some...

Turn it up.

Matt Lauer: Growing optimism that leaders will soon be able to secure a new bailout for that troubled country.

It's a deal that can't come soon enough for the people of Greece.

And later in the hour, the frontrunner for Greek prime minister, Sophia Tsaldari, will share with us her startling new vision for Greece.

I'd tap that.

Matt Lauer: It's a vision Shut up.

That could significantly affect the global Eco...

(TV turns off)

I was watching that.

Can we focus on breakfast, please?

Sophia Tsaldari is, like, amazing.

Maya: And she's in New York.

I totally want to meet her.

Dad, do you know anyone who can...

You look terrible.

Anna: Wow.

You look like crap.

Hey, don't do this.

Harrison: I told you, nothing happened.

I... I slept at Russell's.

Just take the bag, Harrison.

Harrison: You don't even want to hear me out?

You just want to throw everything away because you think something happened when it didn't?

All right, there was something that Russell and I were working on last night.

There's this guy, he's missing.

That's where I was, with Russell.

What do you mean, missing?

His name is Bob Offer.

I don't know.

I was supposed to meet him in the park by that crappy sculpture.

He said he had an email from that woman soldier, Odelle Ballard, that was sent after she was supposedly k*lled.

I mean, this could be big.

And now we can't find him anywhere.

I need your help.

When was the last time you saw him?

I spoke to him last night.

I was supposed to meet him this morning with that Time magazine reporter.


Turns out she doesn't work for Time.

I'm stunned.

Nothing happened.

Yeah, I'll talk to a few people in the Justice Project, see if your friend Bob is in the system.

So, we'll talk later?

It's our best chance.

Then we can leave?

Yes, by ourselves, to Bamako.

When we get there, I will leave you.

You will be on your own.

I know, you said that.

What will you do?

Who is he?


Colonel Stephen Glen.

Is he in your army?


(Boy speaks Arabic)

(Aslam speaks Arabic)


(Man speaking angrily)

(Crowd shouting)

You all right?

You hear anything else about her?

Just what the rest of the world is saying.

Joe: It's hype, propaganda.

She died with the rest of them.

I don't buy it.

I made another appointment with Ed Dixon at the U.S. Attorney's office.

I'm gonna give him everything we have on Societal.

We got nothing. Gentry's dead.

Gentry was m*rder*d in broad daylight because of us.

The only other person that could tell us and the rest of the world what happened to those soldiers is Odelle Ballard.

If she's out there alive, I think we should know that, don't you?

I told you to bring her flowers.


Did you find any addresses for me?


There's no Bob Offer listed, but there are two Offers in Manhattan and one in Brooklyn.

Roslyn Offer.

It's got to be Brooklyn.

Will you send it to me?


All right.

#OdelleLives is going viral.

Let's release the email when we hit, like, half a million.

Great, you just got to find Bob.

Can you take my bag to your mom's?

Yeah, yeah, man.

She said you can't crash there anymore.

It's just something to do with us being pigs, and me not paying rent. It's just...

It's kind of, you know... it's...

It's me.

That's fine.

Thank you.


All right, yo, catch you later.

All right, bye.

Where'd you get the file?

Friend of a friend.

Why didn't the IRS pursue Baker?

He struck a deal.

Can't use it.

Peter: I know.

But Gentry told me Societal paid him to keep quiet about firing on our own troops.

Friendly fire conspiracy?

Like that football player.

What was his name?



Yeah, Tillman.

The way Gentry described it, it sounded purposeful.


Okay, why would Societal Mining want to k*ll American troops?

That's the million dollar question.

Yeah. And if it's true, it's huge.

But to go up against a behemoth like SOC, I'm gonna need more than a dead drone pilot and stolen IRS files.

What if I... poke around a little?

Find a disgruntled employee who knows something.

They're your client, Peter.

You got breach of confidentiality.

Good faith...

If I get you what you need, will you find me a place to land back here?

If this pans out, you can write your own ticket.

Good, 'cause I'm gonna be out of a job.

(Horns honking)

(Man shouting)

(Man shouting)

(Man shouting)

(Men speaking Arabic)

(Boy speaking Arabic)

(Man laughs)

(Men shouting)

(Speaking Arabic)

(Men speaking Arabic)


(Men shouting in Arabic)

(Speaking Arabic)

Harrison: Bob?

Are you home?

Is anyone here?

(Happy keyboard music)

♪ ♪

You're not Bob.


I'm... I'm sorry.

I-I didn't mean to wake you.

I'm a friend of Bob's.

I'm Harrison.


I know that name.

Is Bob here?

Oh... Ah...

You're that Harrison.

Bob always talks about you.

Do you know where he is?

Rose: Busy.

He's always busy, my Bob.

When was the last time that you saw him?

Let me think.

Are you okay?

Do you... Do you want me to make you something to eat?

I don't want to trouble you.

Bob will be home soon.

It's no trouble at all.

(Boy moaning)


(Men shouting, laughing)

What's so important about that?

It's all I've got.

There's a part that's encrypted.


(Men shouting)


(Men shouting)

Joe Scarborough: Colonel, we've heard the press briefings.

The bodies of these American heroes were recovered and are now being brought home.

And yet, the story behind the story, It's not going anywhere.

Odelle Ballard.

Can you tell us here and now whether the Pentagon's gonna provide proof of her death now that this infamous photo of her is taken after she is reportedly k*lled, is spreading like wildfire?

It's a cruel hoax, Joe.

As we've repeatedly said, all of the members of that special forces team were k*lled in the attack.

That includes Sergeant Ballard.


Stephen: She was my friend.

She made the ultimate sacrifice.

(TV clicks)

Man on TV: Here you go, Caillou.

Do you remember how to feed them?



Ron: You haven't watched that since you were four.

You know, it's all right for you to watch the news.

I get it.

I just want us to be able to talk about it.

People are saying Mom's alive.

People who don't even know her.

I know.

Why don't you believe them?

I want to, more than anything.

But, Dolly, they told us...


Your mom was so much better at this stuff.

Stop talking about her like she's dead.

She's not.

You know, this morning when I woke up, I almost forgot that she...

(Boy moaning)

(Moaning continues)


(Moaning continues)

(Moaning continues, closer)




(Horns honking)

What's going on?

G8 protest.

These people sleep outside, never wash.

They should get job.

Man on TV: This arrival seems to be causing quite a commotion with Bowling Green.

Again, it's her entire motorcade stopping.

Just take a look.

We have the live images right here.

This is Sophia Tsaldari's motorcade.

Craig Woodhouse, let me start with you.

Who is Sophia Tsaldari?

And why is she causing such an uproar?

Craig: She's frustrating a lot of people, Thomas, not only in Europe but in the U.S. as well.

She's an extremely popular choice for Greek prime minister, riding high on this "Greece for the Greeks" platform.

(Crowd cheering)

Tsaldari: I am sorry, but it's so cold.

How are you?


Thank you so much.

Maya: Ms. Tsaldari.

Ms. Tsaldari!

I hope it gets better.

Ms. Tsaldari.

I hope it gets better.

I... You...

You're going to change the world.

I certainly hope so.


What's up?

Hey, hey, hey.

#OdelleLives is trending.

Over 200,000 new followers.

Really? That's great.

Let's see if we can get some old-media play as well.

I got a buddy who PAs at FXN.

All right, good.

Just need that email.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Still no Bob?

I'll find him.

Ron: Here's your work from school.

Everyone there says to tell you how sorry they are.

Remember Nancy Sullivan?

I got a call from her.

She's... her husband was with Mom.

Ron: They're inviting all the families over for dinner this evening, chance for everyone to get together, you know, connect.

I don't want to go.

Samantha will be there.

Probably Tenney's daughter.

I don't care. I'm not going.

That's up to you.

Ron: I think it's a good idea.

We're all going through this.

No, we're not.

No one's talking about the rest of them.

They're just talking about Mom.

It's all over the Internet.

I told you if there was any chance of that, they would tell us immediately.

Colonel Glen would be the first to know.

They make mistakes all the time.

She's alive.

How could you go to some dinner and pretend she's not?

I'm not pretending.

And I'm just... I need to...

Ron: I'm gonna go change.

You're okay here by yourself?

If it was you...

Mom wouldn't give up so fast.

(Speaks Arabic)



(Muffled shouting)



Odelle: Okay, enough.

Aslam, let go.

Aslam, let go.

(Odelle speaks Arabic)

(Bone cracks)


Joe: You'll hear from us in about a week, okay?

Just go down there, make a left.

Secretary will take care of you.

Joe, talk to that DoD guy, yet?

Yeah, he didn't know anything.

How'd it go with Dixon?

Eh, that was a long shot anyway, right?

He needs more.


Give me the merger files, personnel records, everything we got on Societal.

What, you didn't get the memo?

We're off Societal.

Yeah, all corporate intelligence.

What? Why?

Yeah, merger deal closed.

They're removing files from the building as we speak.

Anthony, right?

Peter Decker, corporate intelligence.

I need you to take a break for ten minutes.

I got to get these boxes down to the...

I know, I know.

I messed up.

I'm supposed to look through these documents for a deposition.

Five minutes, okay? Come on.

(Copier whirring)
(Cell phone rings)

Hey, Christine, what's up?

Christine: Peter, where are you?

McDonald wants to see you in his office.

He's with Baker.

As in chairman of SOC Baker.

Okay, tell him I'll be right there.

Doing any running this weekend?

Peter here is our resident marathoner.

Frank: Ran the New York City last November in, what, three hours?

Three hours, 17 minutes.

Takes a certain kind of determination and focus to accomplish a feat like that.

Frank: It's one of the reasons why I knew Peter would be an asset to our firm.

Think you'll find the time to run again this year?

Haven't given it much thought.

What'd you want to see me about?

Frank: That's why we like you, Peter.

Straight to the point.


I assume you're familiar with SOC's holdings in Greece.

Not specifically.

I remember it being substantial.

Somewhere in the neighborhood of $2 billion U.S.

So a Greek bankruptcy would affect us severely.

Sophia Tsaldari is here in New York to meet with a select group of business leaders.

We're not on that list... yet.

Then I remembered you once said you were friendly with the Greek ambassador.

He was a school chum.

You want me to arrange a meeting for Societal?


It would mean a lot to us.


I'll see what I can do.

Frank: Thank you, Peter.

Harrison: You said you wanted to help.

This is how you can help, please.

Okay, yes.

Thank you.

You remember me?

Harrison, hey.

Excuse me.

Time magazine, huh?

So you lied to me.

You called them.

Who the hell are you?


You got me.

I'm a freelance reporter.

And sometimes I tell a little white lie to get people to talk to me.

And guess what, it worked.

You talked to me.

You know what, all I know is, you were the last person I saw with Bob Offer, and now he's missing.

Is that the guy with the email?

Yeah, and tonight about 200,000 people are expecting me to post it, and I have no idea where he is.

Is Bob the only one who has it?

Yeah, and he's not at home.

I've checked every precinct in Manhattan.

There's no sign of him anywhere.

So where the hell is he?

I have no idea.

Maybe he got arrested and refused a scan.

Retinal scan.

NYPD uses it to catalog all the G8 arrests.

I did a story on it.

Is Bob the kind of guy to refuse a scan?

Hey, wait.

Maya: She has this radiance about her.

It's like royalty or something.

I don't understand.

How did you even get into the city?

Caroline and I took the bus.

It was no big deal.

You cut class.

Maya: Mom, chill, okay?

It was Spanish, and this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

You can't just leave school.


You miss a test or anything?

Maya: We're watching Spanish soap operas, okay?

And besides, I learned so much more being down there than I did hanging out in class all day.

(Doorbell dings)

Expecting someone?


Peter Decker?

Yes, can I help you?

Mind stepping outside, sir.

What's this regarding?

We have a warrant for your arrest.


Detective: For the m*rder of Danny Gentry.

Hang on, wait a second.

This is a mistake.

Peter Decker, you're under arrest for m*rder.




What's happening?

You're making a mistake.


You're making a mistake.

Peter, what's happening?

You have the right to remain silent.

Where are you going? What is going on?

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

They have a search warrant.

Mom, where are they going?

This is about Gentry?

It's okay. Call Allan.

Dad, what's going on?

You can't take those things.

That's his personal computer.

(Indistinct shouting)


Where are you taking him?

Josh: Dad, what's happening?

Josh, it's okay.

Call Allan. I'll be fine, okay?

I'm fine.

(Indistinct radio chatter)


Why is she here?

It's Ruby. She helped me find you.

I've seen you. We've met before.

Yeah, she's the reporter.

She's okay.

Yeah, okay.

All right, is everything all right?

'Cause we've been looking for you.

I need to go home now.

Okay, but, Bob, Bob, listen to me.

The email from the woman soldier, all right, we need it right away, because we have this Twitter account with, like, 250,000 followers that are just waiting to get it.


It's still on your computer at home, right?

So we can hop in a cab, and we'll get you home.

We can get it.

(Phone ringing)



Harrison, where the hell are you?

The cops are clearing the plaza.

I don't know...

Listen, I know, I found Bob.

Russell: Good, okay, good.

Look, how soon can you get here?

Harrison: I have to go to Brooklyn first.

Like, an hour.

We don't have an hour.

By then, we will all be gone or in jail.

We need to release it now.

Russell: Harrison, we can't...

You know what?

Just hold on, hold on.


Go to the park.

Make sure you have a crowd, and I'll get Bob here back to Brooklyn.

No, uh-uh.

I'm good.

They gave me cab fare.

Okay, but, Bob, listen.

You get this is really important, right?

We need that email.

It's important, I'll send it.



Thank you.

I'll be there in five.

Okay, hurry up.

Somebody, I don't know who, is trying to implicate me in a crime that I would never commit.

Lieutenant Gentry was a friend.

Whoever k*lled him and tried to frame me did an amateurish job, at best.

What was your business with Lieutenant Gentry, again?

Research, it's confidential.

It's okay?

It's okay.

I was so scared.

The kids are here.

I'm okay.

I'm okay, hey.

It was a mistake, okay?

Okay, all right.

Male activist: Hold on now, hold on.

There to screwing our planing.

We know the truth!

Did you get the email? I put Bob in a cab.

He promised to send it as soon as he gets home.

Hey, Mark Greenbarg, FXN.

Let's get you mic'd up, follow me.

They want you on camera as you send the tweet.

All right, we're gonna set up on the steps.

He send it yet?

No, I...

How long does it take to get to Brooklyn?


Did you eat something?

Male reporter: #OdelleLives is now the most trending topic on Twitter.

And the idea that there's been some type of government cover-up about these brave soldiers has really caught fire among the protesters.

We are gonna carry that announcement for you live, right here from Bowling Green Park.

(Siren wailing)

Look, NYPD is moving in at 9:00 sharp.

So if you want to do this, we got to do it now.

I just need to make a call.

(Activist shouting)

(Crowd cheering)

(Cell phone ringing)

Bob: Hello?

Bob, what the hell are you doing?

Bob: I just sent it. Check your phone.

We got it.

We got it, we got it.

We got it.

Are you all ready to hear this?

We have the truth.


(Horse snorts, whinnies)

(Crowd quiets)

This movement...

Our movement...


If nothing else, is about finding and telling the truth.


We all know the story of the brave soldiers of Task Force 24, and their tragic end.

Oh, but we also know that that story is a lie!


Now we have proof of this lie!


An email sent by Sergeant Ballard 14 hours after the alleged attack happened, proving she is still alive!


And it's time that we shared that proof with the world.


Right now!

Crowd: Right now!

Right now!

Crowd: Right now!

Right now!

Crowd: Right now!

Right now!

Crowd: Right now!


You all read this with me.



(Phones beeping, dinging)

(Happy keyboard music)

(Crowd groaning)

♪ ♪

(Crowd jeering)

Officer: Attention, the park is now closed to the general public.

Failure to disperse is a violation of New York penal code 678.1 subsection B.

Those who remain will be arrested.

(Crowd shouting)

It's just a mistake, trust us!

We will figure out.

Everybody stay calm, stay calm.

We'll figure this out, come on.

(Crowd shouting)


(Crowd growing unruly)



(Men speaking Arabic)


(Speaking Arabic)

I am an American soldier!

(Shouts in Arabic)

(Men shouting)

You going for a run?


I need to clear my head.

It was a misunderstanding, that's all.

They tried to frame you for m*rder.

And who was it?

Societal? Alex Baker?



Allan called.

Those files I copied from Societal, they're gone.


Police said they went missing.

So, what, they control the police now too?

No, they paid someone off.

It was a warning shot.

They're afraid of me rocking the boat.

Sarah: They're afraid?

What about us?

Peter, I'm still shaking from before.

I know.

I know.

Peter: If it ever gets too close to you or the kids, threatens you in any way, I'll stop, done, okay?

Okay, but what about you?

I'm going for a run.

(Car starts)


(Car starts)

Keep away from me, my family!

Stay the hell away!

(Men shouting)

(Speaks Arabic)



(Men shouting)


(Odelle shouting in Arabic)



(Phone ringing)


Bob, what the hell?

What happened to the email?

Just stop yelling at me.

Harrison: Okay, okay.

But you have it, right?


Bob: I have it.

All right, well, listen to me.

I need it now, so just send it to me.

I'll stay on the phone with you.

I'm sorry.


Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the park.

Just give me... Bob, are you there?

Sir, I'm asking you.

I'm trying... Get off!

I'm... I'm leaving. I'm leaving!

Everything okay?

Yeah, Ma.

It will be.



(Stones clack)

(Men shouting)





(Men shouting)

(Men shouting)


(Man shouting)


♪ ♪ ♪ ♪