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03x06 - Fallen

Posted: 04/13/15 02:44
by bunniefuu
[Laughing derisively]

We have a front door, you know.

Where's the challenge in that?

I have been calling your cell all night.

I was studying.

So, if I decide to go all parental on you and search your bag, what am I going to find?

12 cans of spray paint.


Please tell me you weren't out bombing the neighbourhood.

Of course not. Do I like a newb?

Man, upstairs: Nina?

Did you find him?

Yeah, yeah!

He's been here the whole time!

What's he been doing?


Now that you are home, maybe you can start unpacking.

Uh, yeah, yeah.

I'm just still trying to feel out the feng shui of the place.

We've been here a whole week.

The clutter's driving Lance nuts.

I know this is a big change for you, but I need this to work.

I'll try to try.

And I'll see if I can convince Lance to let you paint one of your walls.

You pull that off, and I will never sneak out again.

No, I've never seen her before.


Thanks for meeting me so early.

That's it?

Yeah, that is it.

If you tell me who she is, I can dig around Neville's office, see if...

Absolutely not. Do not do that.

How can I marry Robert if his father paid to have someone m*rder*d?

I'll be in touch, okay?

I thought this was a hit and run.

Where's the body?



Betty: Okay, be gentle, not too fast.

That's my body, boys.

How is it that when I show up at a crime scene at 6:00 a.m., I look like I rolled out of bed, but you look like this?

I haven't been sleeping much anyway.



Body's all yours.

Thank you.



Looks to be in his mid-30s.

Multiple injuries.

Arms and legs broken.

Severe facial damage.

Any wallet or I.D.?


No I.D. In the pockets.

Well, let's hope his prints are in the system.

Is there any chance that he was hit somewhere else, and then placed here?

That's a grim thought, but doubtful, given his injuries.

To get hit where he was hanging, that would have to be a truck.




You all right?

Yeah, yeah, just a little light-headed, that's all.

Did you eat breakfast?

That's the most important meal of the day, my friend.

You say that about every meal.

They're all important.


A street artist hangs over the bridge to tag, and gets hit by something big.

Yeah, it wasn't a tag, though right?

He was doing a piece.

Huh, I wouldn't have pegged you a fan of this kind of stuff.

Love my art.

So, stencils and climbing gear...

Yeah, but no paint, nothing to carry it in.

Right, he must have had a bag.

What do you think, crime of opportunity?

Maybe they stole it after the hit and run?

I don't know.

I mean, no skid marks, right?

Whatever hit him didn't even try to stop.

Cargo heading to port, possibly.

I'll get Lucas on it.

You should eat something.

I will.

Let me give you a hand with that.

Oh, Brian, I'm sure you've got better things to do.

I just want you to be safe.

It's broad daylight.

It's a bad neighbourhood.

So, where are you parked?

I can take care of myself.

Okay, so the victim's prints are not in the system.

What did you say?

Where are you?

I'm over here.

You know you're actually moving further away.

Well, I'm just trying it out.

No match.

Well, that's weird, because street artists usually get popped at least once, unless he's new to the scene.

Yeah. Only one way to find out.

Let's talk to an expert.

Do you know an expert?

[Breathing steadily]

[Train whistle blares]



[Sweatshop Union's "Makeshift Kingdom" plays]

♪ Welcome to my makeshift kingdom ♪
♪ Spaceship injuns ♪
♪ inca, Maya, lakotah t'simshian ♪
♪ Africa rising Middle East churning... ♪

Hey, hey, stop, stop, stop, stop!

What the hell do you think you're doing?

You said I could paint the room.

Yeah, I said you could paint, not destroy the place.

Hey, guys, what's going...

Oh, Wes, it's beautiful.

I can't believe you thought I would agree to this.

You know Wes is an artist.

Do you have any idea what it's going to cost to clean up this mess?

Hey, whoa, it's not a mess.

Wes, I'm sorry, if Lance wants it gone...

Okay... I'll paint over it.

Oh, no, no, no.

I gotta get a professional to fix this.

I can paint a wall, Lance.

Sorry, Wes.

This piece went up at the pot underpass last night.

You recognize it?

It's classic Contagion.

Bold lines, metallics.

He's a king.

This king have a name?

I just told you, it's Contagion.

Yeah, but I mean, like a real name.

No one knows his real name.

The dude's like a midnight art ninja, guerilla-style. An enema.


I hope she meant "enigma."

I think she meant "enema."

What's the problem?

What time did you arrive at port this morning, sir?

About 3:45 a.m.

Your route take you under the overpass?

Yeah, me and 10 other rigs.

Can you please step out of the vehicle?

We'll need to see your log book, and we'll need a blood test, too.

Look, instead of harassing me, why don't you go after those jokers who were on the overpass last night?

What, you saw someone on the bridge?

Yeah, two guys, they threw something at my truck.

Did you see what they threw?

No, I...

When I drove under, I heard the thud.

A thud, and you didn't stop?

I had to get to the port by 4:00.

I've had rocks, bowling balls, hell, one time a fool threw a watermelon at my truck.

Yeah, this isn't a watermelon.

Roy Biggs, you're under arrest.

For what?

We'll start with hit and run causing death and we'll see where we go from there.

No, no, no, this is a mistake.

Hey. Hey, hey, hey, no!

Ah! Come on.

Bad move, kid.

You go over another artist's tag, you're bound to get your ass kicked.

Yeah, I'm not dissing, and this isn't a tag.

It's a piece.

Are you saying you're tricky?


Not bad.


You got skills, kid.


This guy, on the other hand...

Look, if you're gonna spray gems, don't do them so low.

Otherwise, some jerk will go over them.


Uh, you're Contagion?

Hey, look, I love your stuff, man.

It's sick.

Are you working tonight? Can I watch?

If you can keep up.


Hey. So, the blood on Roy Biggs's truck matches your victim.

Oh, that's not good for Mr. Biggs.

No, it's not, and here's his tox screen.

Roy Biggs has shocking levels of caffeine in his blood.

So do I.

But no dr*gs. And he's sticking to his story that someone threw something at his truck.

What, like our victim?

Any luck with the I.D. Yet?


Based on the piece at the bridge, we think that the victim may be a street artist known as Contagion.

Yeah, we talked to youth services, and the constable running the graffiti unit, other street artists, nobody knows this guy's name.

But there is a website devoted to Contagion's artwork.

He posted that yesterday.


212 is New York's area code.

Yeah, he's planning to leave town.

Didn't get far, did he?

Hey, got the footage from Roy Biggs's dash cam.

That is not a good shot of the overpass.

And there's no footage of the impact itself, but...

[Dull thud]

Contagion must have fallen right on top of the container.

There's no way that Biggs could have stopped his rig in time.

He was right about one thing.

There is Contagion.

Yeah, but who's that?

Hey. How are the puzzles?

I was wondering what Contagion's completed design would've looked like, so I had tech mock up repos of the stencils from the overpass.

These are overlays.



This is advertising.

I talked to the city.

Contagion had permission to paint the overpass.

Newland falconer advertising paid for the permits.

Huh, so the famed rebel artist Contagion was a sell-out.

It's good.

It is.

But you want to be great.

Come on. Come with me.

Come on.

Come on...

Okay, check it out.

You see that, huh?



Pure heaven.

You going to waste a space like that with something that's "good"?

I'm guessing the answer is "no."

The answer is "hell, no," man.

You don't try something like that until you've got something to say.


My son is missing.

Sorry, lady, I haven't seen him around.

He's 14.

He's into graffiti.

He's been missing for two days.

Yeah, if I see him...

Thanks. My number's on the bottom.

So, Janet Wong is a guard at the remand centre.

Yeah, she was on duty the night that Derek Caster was k*lled.

We think she's the one who arranged his m*rder...

We? "We," as in you and Vega.

Yeah, unless it's a problem, in which case, it's just me.

We think Neville Montgomery paid her $50,000 to do it.

But you would never investigate Montgomery with anything less than definitive proof.

I would not.

Right, so what you're actually investigating then is how Caster ended up in a jail cell with a violent offender like Garvey.

Yes. Yes.

Vega and I are going to go rattle Janet Wong's cage, see how she reacts.

Keep me posted.

[Sighs heavily]

So, Mark is on board now, but he wants us to rebuild the investigation starting with Janet Wong.

That makes sense.

It's going to slow us down.

Well, if he's guilty, we'll get him.

It's not a question of "if," my friend.

Laura Grisholm, thanks for waiting.

Oh, my God.

I wonder if the agency is liable for this.

I've got to check Contagion's contract.

Make sure we're indemnified.

We're going to need to see a copy of that contract as well.

I'm very protective of my artists.

You know, the word "warrant," it gets thrown around so much.


Contagion's real name is Perry Doyle.

Our graffiti unit didn't have his name.

How did you track him down?

I didn't.

Perry came to me.

He wanted to monetize his "Contagion" brand.

I see, well, we were under the impression that Perry specialized in free, anonymous art.

Perry had a head for marketing himself.

The mystique around "Contagion" drove up his value.

Were you or anyone from the ad agency on the overpass last night?


I'm his sole contact, and I was having drinks with a client.

What about anybody else?

Did he work with an assistant?

Perry insisted on working alone.

He said it was all part of Contagion's...



[Sighs wearily]


I had that fixed.

For safety purposes.

You're locking me in now?

Where are you going at this time of night anyway?

That's not an answer.

I'm going to hang out with my friends.

I think you're out to wreck private property.

It's not vandalism, it's art.

It's a crime, and you won't be a party to it while you're living in my house.

Yeah, and you're not my dad.

So pathetic.

[Roars in anger]

Uh, yeah, I'm trying to book a flight to New York on your website.

Yeah, it says I need a passport number.

What if I don't have a passport?


Okay, yeah, okay.

What if I don't have a driver's license?

Okay, yeah, thanks.


[Keys rattling in lock]

Thank you, sir. Appreciate that.

No way could Perry Doyle afford this place doing free street art.

[Popping and snapping]

[Popcorn crackling]


I'll take this side.

Clear here. Are you clear?


You know that's evidence.

No, the packaging is evidence.

The popcorn is delicious.

So, we've got paint, the mural permit.

That with some other stuff that Perry would have had on the overpass.

His landlord said that he lived alone.

So Perry's buddy meets him on the overpass takes his backpack, and comes back here to lay low?

Hmm, you know, hiding in the first place the cops would look, that's an interesting choice.

Maybe they figured that Contagion's anonymity would cover their tracks.

Maybe. Or maybe they didn't think at all, all right?

I mean, pushing someone off an overpass, that suggests, like, you know, crime of passion.

Yeah, our k*ller could be reactive, didn't have a plan.

Yup, I do not think we are dealing with a very sophisticated criminal.

Uh, one way to New York.

That'll be 556.

How far will this get me?




You're going to Seattle.

[Police radio squawks]

It leaves later tonight.

And then he confiscated all my cannons.

You can always get more paint.

The jerk won't even let me touch a pencil.

He's afraid I'll mark up his precious walls again.

The guy's an insecure d*ck.

What's your mom see in him?

I have no idea.

Yeah, you're pissed, I get it, but don't bitch about it.

Turn it into something.

And hey, no pressure.

But people are gonna expect a lot out of my protege.



Don't worry.

I got your back.



Hey, Betty, it's Vega.


You got a new security system?

Yeah, time for an upgrade.

I see.

Um, I wanted to check in on the identification?

The infamous Contagion and Perry Doyle are one in the same.

So, the dental records match.

They do.

Oh, and that's not all.

When I cleaned him up, I found some older abrasions on his face and knuckles.

That wasn't from the impact with the truck?

No, it had already started to heal.

I'd say that Perry got into quite a scrap sometime in the last two weeks.

It's all in my report.

You okay?

[Chuckles mirthlessly]

Everyone seems so concerned about that.

Just asking.

Yes, and Lucas is treating me like I'm made of glass.

Because he cares about you, Betty.

We all do.

Thank you, Oscar.

I'm fine.

Thank you.

Any time.


Forgot the report.

Digital forensics found a whole whack of videos on Perry Doyle's computer.

This one was shot three days ago.

So, why does an anonymous artist make videos, huh?

Oh, right. Hey.


Here, look at this.

Guy's a rebel, but he's a sell-out.

He insists on anonymity, but he films himself painting?

It's like he's two different people.

Hmm, this is shot hand-held.

Oh, yeah.

So maybe the blur on the bridge is his cameraman.


I picked up the prints from Perry's loft.

One set belongs to Perry Doyle, and then there's Laura Grisholm from the ad agency.

Oh, that's interesting.

One is an unknown source, and then one got a hit in the system.

Herman Castwell.


He had two charges in 2005, mischief and trespassing.

Both are related to graffiti.

Hmm, that sounds like partner material to me.

Yeah, I think we need to pick him up.

Listen, the shift change at the remand centre happens in a half an hour, so...

Uh... I think I'm going to track down Mr. Castwell.

Want to join me?


So, I'm going to go.

I'll go with you.

With me?


You sure?

You go alone, you're a cop with a grudge.

You go with me, it's a sanctioned investigation.
Herman Castwell?

Where you headed, Herman?


And I'm late, so...

Recognize that guy?


That's fascinating, because we found your fingerprints all over his apartment, which typically means you were there as well, sir.

So maybe you want to actually look at the picture this time.

His name is Perry Doyle.


You're sure?

I'm a courier, man.

I see lots of people.

Go lots of places.

Perry Doyle was a tagger, too.

Maybe you've heard of his handle. Contagion?

I don't paint anymore.


Listen, I gotta get to work.

You're going to have to call in arrested.

[Car alarm chirps]

Now, that's a nice car.

Can I help you?

Well, you can start by telling me how you got a loan for a new car on a guard's salary.

I can't even get my bank to talk to me.

You're Janet Wong, aren't you?

I'm Detective Angie Flynn.

We met when I was here investigating the Derek Caster m*rder.

This is my sergeant, Mark Cross.

Oh, I bet it's got that new car smell, doesn't it?

What, did you win the lottery or something?

I gotta get home and cut the babysitter loose, so, if you could tell me what you want?

No, I'm just here saying hi.

Yeah, here to re-interview Mason Garvey.

Changed his testimony.

Now he says someone paid him to k*ll Derek Caster, you believe that?

Says what, some guard put him up to it.

Waste of an afternoon, if you ask me.

But that is a nice car, Janet.

Why did you have a suitcase, Herman?

Where were you going?


Why did you lie to us about being a street artist?

You know, maybe the same reason you lied to us about knowing Contagion.

Okay, yes, I know Perry Doyle.

He's a poser.

A trust fund snot who went to art school.

That would be the same art school you went to?

Perry never painted anything he didn't steal.

Right, well, we know he worked with an assistant, so maybe that was you.

No way would I work for Perry.

Contagion works alone.

Hmm, alone, together, what does it matter, right?

Like you said, Contagion is a fraud.

I never said that. I said he works alone.

Oh, come on.

You should have seen this tacky vodka ad that he was doing when he was k*lled.

You ask me, Contagion was overrated.

Oh, yeah, no, a complete sell-out...

Contagion is a great artist.

You know what, Perry Doyle isn't Contagion.

You are.

I want a lawyer.

Wes, what happened?


He got caught trespassing.

It's no big deal.

Vandalizing private property?

It was a small piece.

What happened to you?

Oh, he got into a fight with a security guard.

No, it wasn't a fight, it was just a scuffle.

It's not a big deal.


We'll talk about this later.

We can't be soft on him. He will walk all over us.

Yeah, don't let some jerk walk all over you, mom.

He's just having trouble adjusting.

Well, he's not the only one.

Honestly, I don't know how much more of this I can tolerate.

Are you really saying...

Something has got to give.

P.A. announcement: Will be departing from berth three in 10 minutes.

Hey, hey, hey!

[Switchblade clicks]

Whoa. Whoa...

Okay, easy, man, take it.

And the shoes.

Yeah, okay. Okay.



Hey, Herman.

I just came in to tell you, his rent-a-lawyer won't be here for a little while.

They say how long?

Couple of hours anyway.

I'm off in an hour. Is this going to have to wait till tomorrow morning?

Congratulations, Herman.

You get to spend the night in holding.

Listen, you sure you don't want to get this out of the way just now?

All you've got to do is tell us where you were Friday, 3:00 a.m.

We're not interested in arresting you for graffiti, Herman.

Granville and pacific. I did a big piece.

You can check.

Oh, we will. We'll do that.

Why were your fingerprints in Perry's loft?

Couple weeks ago, I start getting emails from some lady about a vodka campaign.

Then she starts talking to me like we're already working together.

I told her to get bent.

Then I saw an ad in my style.

You figured it was Perry.

No one else would have the balls to steal from me, man.

I see, so you went over to his loft to set him straight about etiquette.

What else was I supposed to do?

Well, almost anything other than as*ault.

Yeah, like, you could file a complaint, you know, with the police, for example.


Contagion has to remain anonymous.

Does he have to talk about himself in the third person?


No! Wes!


Stop. Hey, stop!

Stop it.

Come here!

Come here!

So, it turns out that fake mystique is expensive, too.

We know Perry Doyle wasn't the real Contagion.

The question is, did you?

Looks like a yes.

Yeah, that looks like, "uh-oh, my career might be over."

Hey, I'm the victim here.

Perry scammed me. When I realized...

I'd already told everyone I had Contagion.

If I had to admit the truth, my career would be over.

You could have fired him.

He did a great job on the first piece, and he gave me this sob story about needing money to support his kid.

Wait a minute, what kid?

He lied about that, too?


Sit down.

Do you have any idea how worried your mother and I have been?

Lance, it's...

Then you come back here to steal from me?

After everything I've done for you?

Yeah, yeah, you're a real prince, Lance.

Wesley, please!

The important thing is that Wes is back.

And we're all going to try a lot harder from now on.

Aren't we?

Hey, did you run down Herman's alibi?

Didn't have to. Booking puts him in at 6'1".

Judging by the height of the railing, he's a good six inches taller than the guy on the overpass.

Yeah, this guy is short, isn't he?

Angie: Janet Wong.

What did you do, you set up a meeting?


That's a bit of a surprise.

I felt sick about it.

But he was willing to pay so much.

And all I had to do was put Derek Caster in a cell with Garvey.

All we want is a name.

Hey, listen, Janet, I get it.

You're a single mom.

Working remand, that's not a big paycheque.

You saw an opportunity, you took it.

This lawyer, Henry Guenther.

Is that him?


How much did he pay you?

50,000 cash.

And how much did you promise Mason Garvey to k*ll Caster?


How did guenther pay you?

He left the money in his car, parked at a diner.

All I had to do was pick it up.

Are you and Angie still investigating Derek Caster's m*rder?

Well, Angie thinks that Neville Montgomery is dirty.

What do you think?

I think that Neville Montgomery is dirty.

I hope you have something solid on him.

Why's that?

We investigated Montgomery on two separate occasions when I was in financial crimes.

It didn't seem to matter what we had on him, he always had a plausible explanation.

Well, thank you, that's good to know.

You know, there is nothing in here that suggests that Perry Doyle had a kid.

Well, except for the gaming system...

Which is still on.

Our intruder did leave in a hurry.

All right, so Perry's online avatar on his gaming system was a generic "gner1c."

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

There was another player logged onto Perry's system, a "tricky224."


According to the company, the membership fee for tricky224's online account was paid for by a Nina Hillridge.


Nina Hillridge...

Two "I's"?



Nina Hillridge has a 14-year-old son, Wesley.

She reported him a runaway two days ago.

That's the same night Perry Doyle was k*lled.

[Sighs heavily]

So, what, you're just gonna keep me here?

Locked up like a prisoner?

Wes, we need to talk about what happened.

You don't want to hear anything I have to say.

Look, I know things have been difficult for you, but you're my number one guy.

You know that, right?

We can talk later.

And don't worry about Lance.

I'll calm him down.

Lance isn't the one I'm worried about.

Nina: I can't believe Wes is putting us through this.

Lance: It's because his dad left.

He's just testing his boundaries.

Nina: I know.

Lance: He's protecting himself from getting too attached.


Thank you.

Lance: I'm not going anywhere.

[Knock on door]

It's okay. I'll see who it is.

Can I help you?

Hi. I'm Detective Angie Flynn this is my partner Oscar Vega.

We'd like to ask you a few questions about your son. Wesley.

What did he do now?


Sweetie, these detectives have some questions for you.


Wish my kid was this neat.

Guess it's not true what they say about artists being messy, huh?

No, it's true.

The neatness is all Lance.

Is this about that misunderstanding three days ago?

Wes got caught painting graffiti.

But it won't be happening again.

Okay, well, we still have a few more questions.

So, why'd you run away?

A shrug isn't an answer.

Okay, um, hey, Lance, how about you and I go talk about this graffiti incident somewhere else?

Sure. You got this, babe?


Your mom says you ran away on Thursday.

Where did you go?

I slept on a park bench.

Which park?

I don't remember.

Well, I'm glad to see you made it home okay.

But maybe you're, uh, not planning on staying for long?

Oh, Wes...

So, this is the train yard where Wes was caught?

Yeah, graffiti is just the beginning.

Would you say Wes was prone to v*olence?

No. No, he's into the sneaky stuff.

Stealing, vandalism.

Small acts of rebellion.

Pathetic, right?

You must get tired of dealing with kids like him.

Actually, I don't.

Wes, do you know a man named Perry Doyle?

Maybe you know him as Contagion?

Uh, sure.

Yeah, everyone knows Contagion, but I never met him.

Well, Perry Doyle's loft was broken into a couple of days ago, and someone used your gaming handle on his console.

People can call themselves whatever they want.

I mean, that doesn't prove anything.


But this hoodie does.

See, we know this is Perry Doyle's.

We've got video footage of him wearing it.

A lot of people wear hoodies.

Not with orange paint all over the shoulder.

You want to change your story, Wes, now is a good time.

Okay, uh...

Yeah, yeah, I do know Perry.

But he gave me that hoodie.


I don't know.

I haven't seen him in a couple of weeks.

A couple weeks.

See, we know Perry Doyle was wearing this in a video he made four days ago.

I'm going to need to arrest him for breaking and entering.

Keeping and wearing someone's hoodie, that's a sign of affection.

So, why would Wes k*ll somebody he cared about?

Maybe he didn't mean to.

Right, Wes knocks Perry off the overpass, he panics, runs away from home.

An accident.

Well, I could see why a teenager would freak out and run away from home after something like that, but he was reported missing on Thursday afternoon.

That's before Perry Doyle was k*lled.

Okay, so the trigger incident happened earlier.

When was he busted for graffiti? When did that happen?

Wednesday night, he had a run-in with the security guard.

Wednesday night.

Yeah, that's him.

Caught him tagging a passenger car out back.

Damn kid hit us twice before I nabbed him.

He tagged two trains?

Not exactly.


Perry Doyle.

That's Perry's tag.

Wes, we need you to stop lying to us.

I'm not lying.

You lied about not seeing Perry in weeks.

You were there, on the overpass, the night he died.

That's you there, isn't it, Wes?

Nina: That could be anyone.

Listen, if you went there intending to k*ll him, that's first degree.

But we don't think that's what happened.

We need you to tell us what happened.

It's obvious that things were rough between you and Lance.

You idolized Contagion, didn't you?

He was your hero.


Someone that you wanted to be like.

Drop it!


Help! Perry!




Perry, help!

At the train station, he used his own name, gner1c.

Did you know that?

Perry was happy to impersonate other artists for the money.

But if he was going to hit a tough spot like that?

Perry wasn't your hero after all, and I think you found that out the hard way.

Hey, take me with you.


After I got caught last night, everything blew up at home. I wanna go with you.

I'm not going anywhere.

Your website says you're going to New York.

I saw your post.

Oh, uh, right.

No, that's an old post.

You just posted it this afternoon, so...

You're not Contagion.

Oh, my God, it's true, isn't it?

You're not Contagion.

You lied to me.

Dude, dude, dude, calm down, kid, all right?

I never said I was Contagion.

You used his tag. You lied!

Yeah, okay.


Get lost, kid.

I got work to do.

Was any of it true?

Any of it?

Aw, whoa, wait, what, are you going to cry now?


You're so pathetic.


Is that why you pushed him?

Or was it because he let you take the fall?

Maybe things were tense at home?

Maybe Lance got angry?


Not Lance.

What has gotten into you?

You know how Lance feels about graffiti.

Now ask me if I care.

I don't even know who you are.

I could say the same thing about you, mom.

I have always put you first.


This is the one time I need you to think of someone before yourself.

I am. He's not good enough for you.

That is not your decision to make!

I can't lose him.

Do you know how desperate you look?

Dying to hang onto some jerk because you're terrified of being alone?


You want me gone? I'm gone.

Oh, God, this is my fault.

I'm sorry, mom.

I wish I could take it back.

What happens now?

Hey, hold up when we get out there.


You can't go with him.

And if he were my son, this is the lawyer I would call.

You can say goodbye to him now.

Thank you.

That one breaks my heart.


Henry guenther's agreed to come in.

He did?


I don't know, I think you should hold off a little longer.

Maybe dig a little deeper.

I want to see how he responds to the allegations.


[Scoffs] How entertaining.

Janet Wong confessed.

She said you paid her $50,000 to arrange the m*rder of Derek Caster.

And why would I do something so heinous?

Because Neville Montgomery ordered you to.

That money was stolen from my car.

What was the money for?

Stud fees, for Neville's horses.

And this time, it just happened to get stolen?

If you don't believe me, check the police report.

I have the file number.

I have Montgomery and Guenther on tape, arranging a pay-out...

Which he claims are stud fees.

You don't believe that.

It's not what I believe, Angie.

It is what the evidence supports...


And the evidence supports Guenther's story.

So, Montgomery just gets away with m*rder?

Yeah, he does.

We need to talk.

Yes. We do.

Body is frozen solid.

He is not a one woman kind of man.

I want to spend the rest of my life with you.


We can't rule jealousy out as a motive.

We're missing something.

Tell me the truth.

It's only a matter of time my friend.

Chris Klein guest stars how could you do this to me?

Put the knife down.

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