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01x07 - Together We Stand...

Posted: 04/12/15 06:45
by bunniefuu
Previously on Good Witch...

It's official. We're gonna get hit with this storm after all.

I quit.

But I was going to...

Fire me?

I've been in a car accident.

What's wrong with him?

We're gonna need an ambulance.

At Grey House. Now!

(wind howling)

Where am I?

Grey House.

I don't understand.

Brian, we're trying to help you.

I need to go.

Yeah, we're working on it.

(groaning): Now...

No. Not now.

Honey, honey, lie down.

Where is the ambulance?


Martha? What are you doing?

AH! Waiting for my briefing. Waiting for my briefing.

You stayed here?


As commander-in-chief, I need to be here to lead my men to victory.

Alright, well, we're not invading a country.

We're just trying to help these people get through this winter storm.

And I am on the front lines, standing shoulder to shoulder with our men in... white?



I've called up all our volunteer snow plowers, and we don't have enough.

I mean, not nearly enough.

But you have to clear the roads.

But I'm clearing the roads so that our people can get through, not so that media can get here to interview you.

The people of Middleton are scared, trapped, their roads are impassible!

I need to do what I do best, which is get the message out there that I'm on the job and that everything is going to be fine. And for that to happen, I need the media here. So...

What can I do? I'm at your disposal.

You could call Mayor Blankenship, ask him if he can lend us his plows, his crews. We have so few.

Blairsville has so many.

The storm totally missed them.

It's all just sitting there! I mean, they're waiting to be called into action.

What can I do? I'm at your disposal.


I got hold of my Mom.


We're just supposed to stay put.

Should we tell him?

I don't even think he cares whether we're stuck or not.

I don't think he wants to go home.

It's really coming down.

It is.

You worried?



I can't shake this feeling that he's hurt and that he's going to get hurt even more.


I don't know.

Hey, he's a policeman.

He knows how to take care of himself.


Lay still. You don't want to hurt your back more.

I thought you left.

I wouldn't leave you.


Because I told you I wouldn't.

The power went out on the whole block.

(exhaling sharply) It is treacherous out there.

My car slid right down the driveway into the street.

Still no word from Brandon. Derek sent him out a while ago to get the kids.

The kids?

Yeah, they're still at the library, waiting.

So we can't drive Brian to the hospital?

Well, it's not going to do him or us any good to get stuck out there on the road.

And if we can't get out...

The ambulance can't get in. (grunting)

What? What's going on?

His blood pressure is low, really low. He's dizzy, light-headed, confused...

I think Brian's got a slow bleed in the abdomen.

I think it's his spleen.

But he would have had to have some trauma to the spleen to cause internal bleeding.

And he's hasn't. Has he?

They've been antiquing and sightseeing.

That wouldn't do it.

But you feel that's what it is?

Without tests, blood work, X-rays, it's not definitive, it's an educated guess At best.

It's more than that.

I wish it were, but it's not.

You can't feel your way into deciding if someone requires surgery.

I'm not saying you could or should.

What are you saying?

That just like your medical skills, your instincts have been honed over the years. They're there as a tool, to guide you.

I need a lab, a hospital, an ambulance Would be nice.

Trust yourself, Sam. I do.


Well, it goes without saying We need to keep both of them calm.

Us too.

(theme music playing)


No thanks, I'm not hungry.

(groaning) (sighing)


I don't need you disabled and dehydrated. (coughing)

Help's on the way.

I feel like you're a better liar than that.

Come on, put your back into it.

What do we do now?

Um... Wait for the fire department to arrive and hope they're all single?

(chuckling) (groaning)

Checking the weather?


Luckily it missed us here in Blairsville, But Middleton's being hammered.


I'd say you're spending the night.

I've got a hotel room, but I just want to get back there.

As soon as the roads clear I'm going to head home.

Girlfriend? (sighing)

Someday, maybe, yeah. She's a little g*n-shy.

Coming off a bad relationship?

No, a perfect marriage. She's a widow.

She lives in Middleton?


Owns Bell, Book and Candle.

Cassie Nightingale?

She's renting that building.

She has a long lease.

You and I know leases can be broken.

What I know is that that shop and that building is a part of her - and vice versa.

What I'm bringing you into here, you're not selling houses anymore.

It's about packaging an idea.

Dreams, possibilities.

This mall will change the face and the economic makeup of Blairsville forever.

There will be no time for girlfriends or wives or friends or family, And you're going to need help.

I'm good.

Frankie is better. Best man in the Chicago office.

OK, I'll call Frankie.

No need. Frankie's going to meet you here tonight.

Flew in yesterday to go over numbers.

And if you can make Frankie happy, I'll be happy.

Well, then I better make Frankie happy.

What's with the internet?

It's alive!

Seriously, what are we supposed to do?

Well, we are in a library.



You know, people have been doing it for centuries.

Because they didn't have the internet.

OK. So Shakespeare wouldn't have written Romeo and Juliet

If he'd had the internet?

No, he would have written it, but everybody would have waited for it to be made into a movie And then streamed it.

OK, so until this storm passes... it looks like we're on our own.

It's going to be OK.

Are you kidding me?

This is not Lord of The Flies, it's an ice storm.

I just hope I don't die of boredom.

And then there were two.



We found the cruiser but no Brandon. There's blood on the door handle and tracks Leading away from the vehicle.

Oh, no!

If he's hurt and he took off for help, that means he's disoriented, he's roaming around in the cold.

He could freeze before we find him.

We have to find him!

We will.

Right now, we've got half the people in town without cell service, without power, alright?

The roads are practically impassable. We need to implement a temporary curfew.

People do not need to be on the roads tonight.

But number 3 on my 10-part emergency plan Says "make your way to a shelter."

I know, but you haven't allocated and identified which buildings to use as shelters.

If we tell people not to leave their homes and they have no heat...

If you tell people to go to shelters that don't exist and then they get stuck in the snow trying to get there...

Excuse me, I have to brief everyone.


Perhaps I should address the troops.


I'm the mayor.

I'm the chief.

Everyone! Guys.

I give you the Honorable Mayor Martha Tinsdale.

Thank you. Officers, staff, man I don't know standing in the back by the water cooler, lend me your ears; we have been hit by a gigantic winter storm and I am here to...


To introduce the Chief of Police, who has an update for you.

Alright, guys, here's the plan...

♪♪♪ (wind howling)

I don't understand.


Did Brian take a fall yesterday?


Was he in an accident before he came to Middleton?

No. What's going on?

I'm getting really worried. Is Brian going to be OK?

Yes, he is - but we need to keep an eye on him.


No cell service.

Me either. Landline?


The storm.

Yeah, well, Derek knows we need help.

He just doesn't know Brian's condition is getting worse.

Alright, what do you got?

Lip gloss, toothbrush, uh, four sticks of gum, a box of mints and... a candy bar. What about you?

Come on, what do you have?

20 bucks and an iPod.

No food?

No, I stayed with my dad last night.

My mom always does that stuff.

My dad and I, we eat a lot of bachelor steak.

"Bachelor steak"?

Cereal. No milk.

Yum. (chuckling)

Where do you think Nick is?

(sighing) Who knows.

But he'll be back... when he's hungry.

He can eat the mints.

No. We should save the mints.


One stick.


Here... (snapping)

I'm keeping the bigger piece.

Of course. As usual.

That's good. What is it?

I can't give you my chef secrets.


You don't want Sam and I to be together, do you?

You and Sam are fighting the natural order of things.

And Cassie and Ryan?

There's a lot of fighting the natural order of things around here.

You hired and fired me because you don't trust me.

Because you want to control me.

People often want to control the uncontrollable, like me.

I trust you.

You didn't even trust me to move some furniture or change the menu.

Why is that?

He's resting.

Sam's with him.

How are you holding up?

I've had better vacations.

You make plans and then...

And then life happens.


Brian's been under so much stress at work that I insisted we get away from the city, from everything, and... now look at us.

Lots of stress?

The only relief he gets is running.

Brian went running yesterday?

Mm. In the afternoon.

He came back early... it was getting cold already.

Excuse me.

He went running yesterday afternoon.

It was slick out even before the storm hit.

(together): He fell.

But he didn't tell Eve.

Stubborn, manly, ignored the pain I'm familiar with the type.

What are your instincts telling you?

A small tear. That's why the bleeding's so slow.

So he fell just hard enough to hurt his spleen.

Brian needs emergency surgery.

Oof, thanks. Well, I can start an IV, get some fluids in him. That'll buy us and him some time. I'm still not used to ordering supplies myself... those came to the house by mistake.

Lucky mistake.

Well, we're due a little good luck. We just gotta keep him stable until some help gets here.

Help is here.

More help.

What's going on?

You look very dashing in that fire blanket.

You have sprinklers, so why do you have a fire blanket?

The sales guy looked like George Clooney.

Ugh, it is so cold in here!

I know.

We still don't have power.

Which means we don't have heat.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! You need to stay awake.

I'm just gonna close my eyes for a minute.


I'm cold and tired.

So am I, but you might have a concussion.

I should get back to the station.

You're not going anywhere and you're not gonna close your eyes.

(banging and rattling)



You're going to bust me for this?

That's public property.

I'm starved and I don't have any change.

Well, we have gum.

You missed a spot.


Upper right lip. Chocolate.

I'm guessing you two didn't have gum for dinner.

OK, fine.

We should've shared.

I can take care of myself.

(rattling) Oh!


I have to say, I would have expected such selfish behavior from him.

But you? Grace.

I have to say, I'm disappointed.

Hey Cassie, it's me.

It's, like, the fourth time I've called.

I tried calling Grey House but I keep getting a busy signal.

I hope you're OK. I'm getting a little worried.

Call me, please. I'm gonna head home as soon as it clears.

OK... bye.


Pardon me, are you Ryan?


I'm Frankie.


Ben sent me.

Mr. Jones. I'm here to help.

You're Jones' best man in Chicago.

I am. And since we've got some time, let's go over some figures from the mall project that just don't add up.


You've got something better to do?

It's just that it's late.

Yeah, well you need to realize that Ben doesn't keep regular hours, and neither do I.

That affects me how?

I'm your new partner on this.




I can't... I can't breathe.

OK, alright, Eve, we're going to do some breathing.

Brian's gonna die.

No. Sam's not going to let that happen, are you?


He's bleeding, he's...

Your baby needs you to stay calm and breathe.

I don't want to lose my husband.

Sam's one of the best trauma surgeons in the country.

He just moved here and he's taking care of Brian, OK?

How lucky is that? Brian's in very good hands.

Alright, now take a deep breath in.

(Cassie breathing deeply)

(breathing sharply)

You can do better than that. Come on.

Sam, why don't you show her how it's done?

(taking a deep breath)

Oh, look. See, he's even worse than you are!

OK, alright, come on, let's do this together, OK?

(breathing together)
Yes, thank you. Please keep me informed.

How's the situation at Grey House?

Still can't get them on the phone, but we've got every plow working to get through.

There was an accident on the interstate, so now all the Blairsville snow plow drivers have to take back roads to get to us. It's taking a while.

But thank you for calling the mayor of Blairsville.

Well, at least I didn't have to see Darrell and his smug face When I asked for his help.

How does that guy keep getting re-elected?

I... (phone ringing)

Mayor Tinsdale... Darrell!

I stand corrected; Mayor Blankenship. My apologies.



No, I... Yes, I know, it was very...

Well, I wouldn't call it "heroic", exactly.

Yes, I know that Blairsville is the fifth largest city in the state, but thank you for reminding me yet again.

(hanging up)

Looks like we're having phone trouble at city hall, too.

What if he calls back?

Aw, I feel like his line may be dropped all night.

Another casualty of the storm.

Eve, I'm cold.

I'm here. I'm here.


(quietly) He's getting worse.

I can't just stand here and watch him bleed to death.


For him to have any chance at all, I have to stop the bleeding.

And we need to get Eve's consent.

No. Absolutely not. How can you do surgery here?

I don't want to, but if I can just get in there and clamp off the leak, Stop the bleeding...

I don't want you to.



You are not operating on my husband here.

An ambulance will arrive.


Boy, I'm stuffed.

Chips, cookies, two candy bars, and I'm on my third soda.

You guys look hungry. How's the gum?


Not very filling.

I'm not going to beg.

(crunching chips) (smelling exaggeratedly)

So crunchy, so salty...

So... good.

OK, fine, I'll beg.


How much you got?


Money? Cash? Coins will also be accepted.


You're seriously going to take money from us?

Yeah. I was wrong, this is Lord of the Flies.

See, I do read. Pay up or starve.

It's not worth it, Grace.

(whispering) There's chocolate.

Can you break a 20?


Where's my change? You said you could break a 20.

I can, but I'm not going to.

I'm not gonna change my mind.

I know.

What would you do if it was your husband lying here?

I trust Sam.

With your life?


With my husband's life?


Well, in her defence, you told her to keep me awake.

You never mentioned keeping herself awake.

You look better.


And worse.

Excuse me?

Something's weighing heavily on you.

I hate being stuck in here when I know I'm needed out there.

That's not what's really got you worried.

How's your wife?


She's away working on her PHD, right?


So, I've got back-to-back appointments with local retailers who are very interested in space in the mall.

Great. Let me vet them.

I already made the appointments.

But I need to approve them.

Says who?


Frankie, I didn't ask for help.

No, I was sent here by your boss.

My partner.

I think he'd disagree with that.

The way that I like to work with all my clients is that I respectfully steer them In the right direction.


Ben doesn't like to be steered, and neither do I.

He'll never know.

I'll tell him.


Because when it comes to business, I tell my father everything.

Your father?

It's still coming down.


Thank you, Captain Obvious.

What's wrong?

I'm stuck in a library with you two and no internet.

No, it's something else.

It's not.

You were in a much better mood a couple days ago.

How could you tell?


So what happened?


You're lying.


You're just...

Your mom.

I heard that she was coming. But she's not, is she?

And that's why you don't seem to care if you're going home.

Man, that stinks.

I'm not you.

I'm just trying...

Just leave me alone, OK?

Brr! Ooh, it's cold!

Hello? Come in? Anyone?

I'm here.

Hi, honey.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to walk from our home to here? It's practically a whiteout.

Well, Sam did say you need to do more cardio.

I don't think he meant in a blizzard.

Why am I here?

I need you, Tom.

For the photo op?

No, no. I need you. Here, with me.

You're nervous?

It's the first big test of my leadership abilities.

And you're doing great.

Oh, you have to say that Because you're married to me.

I'm saying it because it's true.

You are a born leader and this town is lucky to have you at the helm.


Follow me.

Where are we going?

To the lost and found.

And let's hope somebody lost a suit, preferably blue.


Because eventually the cameras will be here and I need you looking like the man I married, not the man I passed hitch-hiking on the interstate.

Is there any other way?

Yes. An ambulance gets him to the hospital and we do the surgery there, but I'm afraid he's losing too much blood.

(voice breaking) I don't want him to die.

If we wait much longer, there's a point of no return for the body.

Do what you have to.

Both of you.

I don't know what I'm going to find when I open him up.

Hopefully I can cap off the bleeder with a clamp and they somehow get an ambulance here and get him to the hospital.

It'll buy him some time, but not a lot.

I'm going to need you.

I'm here.

You are, aren't you?

Well, he can't afford to lose any more blood.

Well, you're doing what you need to do to save his life.

If I haven't said it yet, thanks.


For everything that you've done so far, and what you're about to do. I'm glad you're here.



They're here.

(siren wailing)

An ambulance is here!

It's OK.

(sighing) It is.

Do you want to ride with us, Dr. Radford?

Yeah, I talked to the hospital administrator, he knows I'm coming to do the surgery.

Roger that. Let's go.

You heard him. Let's go.


How we doing?

(sirens wailing)

Roads cleared?

The main ones.


The ambulance just radioed that they are at the hospital and her guest is in surgery.

I suppose I'll have to thank Darrell in my speech.

You need to get out here!

Just need a moment.

Martha Lorraine Tinsdale! Get out here.

Now. (people clamouring)

I'll get to all your questions, but the main point here to be made is that we're going to be alright.

Blairsville, being the better-prepared city, we're here to help our less-fortunate neighbor sister city.

We have loaned the snowplows and the crew necessary to clear these streets and to aid in getting a very sick man to hospital.

We're not through this storm just yet, but together we'll get there.

I was only able to make it in myself today because of my MRAP... my Mine Resistant Ambush-Protected vehicle.

Picked it up for a song at a m*llitary auction...

We're going to be alright. Blairsville, being the larger, and, well, better-protected city, we're here to help our less fortunate neighbours...

(P.A): Janet to the nursing station, Janet, nursing station.

Dr. Carey to obstetrics, Dr. Carey, obstetrics.

So, Brian's out of surgery.

Oh, thank God!

They're giving him a transfusion to get his blood and platelets up, but after that he'll be in recovery.

So he did injure his spleen?

No - once I got in there, I was able to run some tests.

Turns out it was hemolytic anemia. That's, um, abnormal breakdown of the red blood cells.

It causes the spleen to bleed.

When can he leave?

I was able to do a laparoscopic procedure, so he can leave the hospital tomorrow, but I'd put off travel for a few days.

Do you have room?


Can I see him?

Yeah, the nurse is waiting to take you back.

Thank you... thanks, both of you.

(both taking deep sighs)



I'm fine.

It's just my back... I slipped.

I got you covered.


Eric is on his way to the library.

I slid off the road and banged my head.

Do you need stitches?

No. Abigail took care of me.

But you were together? How?

I walked away from my cruiser and somehow ended up at the Bistro.

Um... Let's take a look.

And... you were at the Bistro?

I told you, I forgot something.


Anybody want a ride home?

Get me out of here.

(Anthony): Hey.


Where's Brandon? Is he OK?

He had an accident but he's fine.

He's at the hospital.

Take me there.

That's not a good idea.

What aren't you telling me?

Look, they're gonna check him out and they're gonna bring him back down to the station.

OK, so you take them home and then you take me to the station.

(sighing) Let's go.


Well, look at you!

It's the miracle of modern medicine.


I'm supposed to stay off my feet for a few days, go see Sam and get checked out before I come back to work.

As per doctor's orders, I'm going to be leaving early and coming in late.

No you won't.

But this is a good start.

This is gonna be fun.

For which one of us?



I'm OK. Just a little car accident, bumped my head. I'm as good as new.

I tried to call. If I had called Earlier or if I had...

If you were with me when it happened? What, you could have stopped the accident?


Look, there's risk in my job, but there's risk in life.

It's not your responsibility to keep me safe and it wasn't your responsibility to keep Dad safe.

We have to live our lives, Grace. We have to...

You have to live yours, and you have to trust me to live mine.

I just don't want you to get hurt.

Hey. I'm gonna be fine.

I promise.

There are lots of ways to be hurt, Brandon.

(cell phone ringing)




Table for two, please.

I'll see if I can squeeze you in.


I'll see if I can squeeze you in. You, off your feet.

You're back.

I am.

So, I hear you and Cassie make a good team.

Well, we did last night.

He's gonna be OK, Brian?

Yeah. He's gonna be fine.

I've been looking for you!


Oh, Cassie, are you all right?

Yes. I'm fine!

It's polite to reciprocate and ask how others are.

This is about Mayor Blankenship's news conference.

I saw it in the waiting room at the hospital.

That was supposed to be my press conference. I have watched snow and sleet and rain and everything else hit Blairsville and miss us; I have endured years of watching that windbag of a man steal the spotlight.

This was my moment, my... My big moment, and now, "Poof!" It's gone.

Martha, you did so much more than speak to the press.

You cleared the roads, you kept people safe, you worked with Derek and his staff.

Now that is what people will remember and that is what makes you a great leader.

Even though it took place here in Middleton, that was Darrell's press conference, not your own.

I think you'll find that when you're ready to talk, your audience will be anxiously awaiting to hear what you have to share.



Oh, you got me pie!

I did.

And tea?

I did.

Thank you.

Thank you.

That was an interesting evening together.

Certainly not your average Saturday night.

I'm glad I was here.

Me too.

I'm just glad I could help him.

You may not be done helping people.

(polite applause)

Thank you.

As you all know, Middleton was hit with its worst storm in 20 years, and I wanted to let everyone know what we were doing to ensure the safety of all of our citizens and to give you an update on the man rushed to hospital who underwent emergency surgery.

But first, I would like to thank some people: Middleton's newest resident, Dr. Sam Radford...


Our chief of police, Derek Sanders... (applause)

And, of course, Mayor Blankenship and the good people of Blairsville for their thoughts, their prayers... and their snowplows.

(chuckling) (laughter and applause)

(Sam) Is it wrong that I enjoyed that, The rush of emergency surgery?

Mm, you miss it?

I can't lie, it's why I become a doctor.

You look very at home in a hospital.

I thrive in chaos. (both chuckling)

That can't be good.

It was good for Brian.

Well, you helped.


Our first medical coproduction.

(Cassie laughing)

The meeting of feelings and facts.

And trust.

Lots of that.

So, I have to ask: why...

Why not take a job in a town that has a hospital so you can do this work that you obviously love?

Well, I'm a single dad.

In New York I had housekeepers and doormen and it was just time to put my son first.

Running an ER, working in a hospital, it's not exactly family-friendly...

Not Nick-friendly.

Something had to give. Turns out that something was me.


I thought you'd never ask.




The door was open but no one was here.

I'm late, but I'm hoping that my reservation is still good.

This is Grey House?


Linda Wallace.

My ex-wife.

Hello, Sam.

[upbeat music, drumming]

♪ ♪


[beeping stops]