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04x17 - Hibernaculum

Posted: 04/11/15 09:22
by bunniefuu
Sean Renard. I'm Kenneth.

I'm here for one reason, and that's to get your child back for the family.


Unless you join forces with me, the king will mourn the loss of another son.


I need to get some of my stuff.

What, so you're just moving out?

I need a place to stay with somebody who understands me.

What happened?

Juliette's a Hexenbiest.


I want my life back, and if I don't get it, you better watch out.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪




Juliette: Where's Adalind?

How'd you get in here?

You gave me a key, remember?

I want it back.

What happened to you?

I met the new prince in town.

Is Adalind with him?


I'm gonna k*ll her.

Good idea.

She's at the Deluxe Hotel.

Careful, though. Kenneth is not Viktor.


What are you doing?

Finishing what we started.

Does that hurt?

[sharp intake of breath]


So will this.


[mellow guitar music plays]

[car rattles]

Knute: Ah, crap.

Damn it.


[foreboding music]

♪ ♪

Have you tried giving her a bit of honey?

It'll soothe her throat so she stops coughing.

Mom, I am not gonna give a five-year-old a shot of honey this late in the afternoon.

She's supposed to be taking a nap.

Just try it.

It worked for you.


Oh, just a second. Somebody's at the door.

Jenna: Are you expecting anyone?


Jenna: Well, don't just open the door.

I know.


My car broke down on the road.

I need help.

I'm freezing.

Jenna: Who is it?

There's a man at the door.

He says his car broke down.

Knute: Can I use your phone?

Please, I'm so cold.

Don't open the door, Mom.

But his car broke down.

Tell him that you will call a tow truck for him.

My daughter says I should call a tow truck for you.

Open the damn door!

Oh, my God.

Jenna: Mom, are you okay?

He got very angry when I told him what you said.

Where is he?

I think he's gone.

[door slams open]

Jenna, he's breaking into the house!

Mom, I'm calling 911.

Jenna: Get out of there right now.

[Esther screaming]

Jenna: Mom, are you there?





Jenna: Mom!


Jenna: Mom!

Mom, can you hear me?


Jenna: Mom, answer me.


Mom, answer me!


[tense music]

♪ ♪

Hank: What have we got?

Esther Blake, 71 years old, was on the phone with her daughter when someone broke into the house through the backdoor.

No attempt to be quiet.

Daughter heard the whole thing, called 911, rushed right out here.

Nick: So we've got a home invasion?

Wu: Yeah, except the house wasn't ransacked.

It looks like the only thing taken was the victim's vehicle, a Toyota Corolla.

I've got a BOLO out on that, but that's not the strange part.

Hank: Which is?

Wu: The body.

Is she frozen?


It doesn't feel that cold in here.

It's a balmy 72 according to the thermostat, which is working.

It's definitely not cool enough outside to do this.


The body's still cold.

You'd have to be exposed to freezing temperatures for hours to do something like this.

Her daughter called 911 two hours ago.

Looks like frostbite.

You usually get frostbite on your face, feet, and fingers.

I've never seen it on somebody's shoulders.

That looks like a bite.

So I'm thinking this is not the usual home invasion suspect we're looking for.

I think we better talk to the daughter.

Jenna Blake.

In the kitchen.

[foreboding music]

♪ ♪

Nick: Hi, Jenna I'm Detective Burkhardt.

This is Detective Griffin.

We are so sorry for your loss.

Hank: We need to ask you a few questions.

Was anyone else with your mother when she was att*cked?

No, my mom lived by herself.

My dad passed away five years ago.

I told her to sell the house.

It wasn't safe for her to be by herself.

But she was always so independent.

You were on the phone with your mother when the attack happened?


God, it was awful.

She said that there was a man at the door, that she didn't know him, that he said his car broke down, and that he needed help.

I told her not to let him in, but he broke into the house, and I told her to run to get away from him.


She was so scared.

I called 911 and...


Why would someone do this to her just to steal the car?

How could she die like this?


If you can think of anything else, please give us a call.


Well, if his car broke down, he'd need a new one.

Must have been in a hurry, otherwise why didn't he get a tow truck?

Hank: Maybe the car was stolen.

Either way, his car broke down. He had to walk.

Then his car must still be out there.

Unless he was just using it as an excuse to get into the house.

Well, he still had to come from somewhere.

Unless he was an alien, and his spaceship was parked out back.

You never know.

Check State Police.

See if they've located any other breakdowns within about five miles.

Wu: You got it.


[phone rings]

Wu, what have you got?

The victim's vehicle was just spotted leaving a gas station about ten miles from her house, traveling west on Highway 2.

It looks like he stopped to refuel.

Tell officers not to move in.

Suspect is dangerous.

Have them set up a roadblock.

We'll intercept from here.

Meet us there.

On my way.

[fanciful classical music]

♪ ♪

[dramatic music]

man: It's time.

[chains rattling]

man: Without the shedding of blood, there shall be no atonement.

I love my wife and I always will.

That's what real purity is.

[roars, growls]

What's wrong?


What is it?

It's just time.



We never know how much we're gonna have.

Oh, okay.

Well, that's why we have to make sure we never take any of it for granted.

[intense music]

♪ ♪

[tires squealing]

♪ ♪

[police sirens wailing]

man: Suspect's car pulled a U-turn.

We are in pursuit.

♪ ♪

That's him.

Let's give him something to think about.

Nick: He thinks he's getting past us.

[police sirens wailing]

♪ ♪

[tires squealing]

♪ ♪

Hank: Stay with the car.

man: Yes, sir.

[intense foreboding music]

♪ ♪

[footsteps shuffling]

He's that way!

♪ ♪
♪ ♪

I don't hear him anymore.

He must have stopped.


[intense dramatic music]

♪ ♪


Stay down.

Did you see him woge?


What is it?

I have no idea.

Knute: Don't let him k*ll me.

[shivering] I'm cold.

Once I found out it was an early 1833 brass movement made by Chauncey Jerome, come on.

I mean, I had to take it on.

I couldn't let anyone else touch this one, not the least of which due to the fact that before 1830, almost all American shelf clocks had wooden works because brass was so expensive.

So, you now, this was a real find.

Oh, that wooden works part really got to you, didn't it?

Why don't you tell me what was really going on today when I came home.

I was just working on a clock, and I started thinking about, you know, how much time this clock had ticked its way through...

I mean, the Civil w*r and everything after that.

And I thought how important time is and it just keeps on ticking past.

And that's why you woged?

No, I was thinking about the whole Wesen Ryan deal...

And how close our clock came to stopping, you know?

I mean, we almost ran out of time.

But we didn't, and we're rewound now, and we have a whole lot more ticking and tocking to do.

Wow, you really took that clock metaphor and you ran with it.

I love you.

Knute Gunderson. 32 years old.

No criminal record. North Dakota driver's license.

Car registered in his name, 1997 Ford Explorer registered in Dickinson, North Dakota.

Guy's a long way from home.

I'll see if State Police have tagged his car yet.

So how does he freeze his victims?

Well, it's gonna be hard to charge him with that, but we've got him for the stolen car, home invasion, and as*ault.

He's not going anywhere.

I still want to know what we're dealing with.

Let's hit the books.

Hey, something happened to our suspect.

[intense music]

♪ ♪

He's dead. Cold as ice.

man: Looks like he froze to death.

How could that happen in here?

[cell phone pings]

Nick: Well...

State police just found Knute Gunderson's car three miles south of the victim's house.

Can't wait to see what the M.E. says.

[intense foreboding music]

♪ ♪





[dramatic music]

♪ ♪



No, no, no, no!

woman: Three wounds. Right upper, left lower.

[doctors, nurses speaking at once]

[heart monitor flat lining]

man: We're losing him.


♪ ♪




So Gunderson ditches the car, starts walking, finds the house.

At least we know where he is.

Knute ate a lot of fast food.

A long drive from North Dakota.

Looks like two of everything.

Make that three.

Got another cup and wrappers back here.

Got a receipt.

Three combo meals, three Buffalo wings, three apple pies.

Three bags in back.

This all can't be Knute.

You think there were two more with him?

Where'd they go?

They weren't with him.

Maybe they had a fight.

Knute could have k*lled them, dumped the bodies.

That'd be wishful thinking, because if he didn't, there would be another two out there like him.

And then we got a problem.

Kenneth: Burkhardt must be communicating with his mother somehow.

Rispoli: Everyone says they don't know where she is.

Well, that's probably true, but that doesn't mean they're not communicating, and she does know where he is.

But if she thinks something's wrong, she might come to him.

She might very well.

He is her son, and she did come to him for help when she had Adalind and the child.

I want to know how they're communicating, whether it be by phone, email, or pigeon.

I want his phones tapped and his email hacked.

Yes, sir.

Adalind: I have a problem.

None of my clothes fit.

Kenneth: Then you'll have to go shopping.

I'll send someone with you.

I can do that myself.

I'm sure you can, but you're not going to.

There's shops just around the corner.

I'll walk.

This is not a discussion.

Send someone with her.

[Jalmer shivering]

Hey, are you okay?

Please, I need help.

God, you're freezing.

You must be suffering from hypothermia.

What happened?

Jalmer: Car broke down.

Beth: It's okay, come on. I'm a nurse.

I'll get you to a hospital.

You're gonna be okay. The hospital's not that far.

Cold, so cold.

What are you doing?

I need you.

No, let go!


[intense dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

Adalind: That's cute.

♪ ♪

You think that would look good on me?

How would you know?

[intense dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[gargoyle crashing]

♪ ♪

[breathing heavily]

♪ ♪

Hank: "As I crossed the frozen tundra with my guide Akiak en route to Nordvagen, he told me about the Wesen I was looking for, describing it as a humanlike creature his people called an Amarok, fur-covered, whose breath he swore could chill its victims to death."

The Wesen we dealt wasn't covered in fur.

It had scales like a snake.

Hank: Then this isn't it.

Nick: I don't think this is it either.

A Fossagrim, lives in a waterfall, plays the fiddle.

I didn't see any fiddle in his car.

You know, Monroe once mentioned a cold-climate Wesen, a Gefrieren Geber.

I don't think we're looking for Santa.

No, but maybe he and Rosalee would know what kind of Wesen we're dealing with.

Worth a try.

We've got two more of whatever they hell they are out there.

Did you really order six boxes of Syrian Rue?

I did.

Not that I know what that is.


It's basically a Banisteriopsis with the same active alkaloids.

It flies off the shelves.

Well, can't argue with Banisteriopsis, as long as you can pronounce it.

Nick: Monroe, Rosalee?

Rosalee: In here, Nick.

Monroe: What's up, guys?

Nick: We've got a Wesen-related case we're working on.

You guys busy?

You're kidding, right?

Nick: Couldn't find anything in the books.

It's some kind of Wesen that freezes its victims.

Freezes? You mean, like, solid?

Just like a TV dinner.

That's a Varme... Varme-something.

Varme Tyv.

That's the one.

If I'm not mistaken, it's Norwegian for somebody who takes heat.

"Heat Thief."

That's right. Was he a scaly fella?


And snaky.

Mm, that's a Varme Tyv, naturally cold-blooded.

Winter is when they're most dangerous.

They can't generate their own body heat.

So in order to survive, they have to take it from other people, otherwise they, like, freeze to death.

Why don't they just make their way south for the winter?

It doesn't really work like that.

A Varme Tyv's physiology can only process human body heat.

Other sources of heat have no effect on them.

These guys could freeze to death sitting next to a campfire.

Ordinarily they're harmless.

They don't bother anybody unless they get, like, caught out in the cold.

Well, the one we found last night had his car break down.

He k*lled a woman, froze her to death.

Well, that must have been why.

I mean, if his car broke down, then he'd have to find heat, or die.

Her heat must not have been enough for him.

We locked him up last night, and he froze to death in his cell.

Ooh, that can't be easy to explain, can it?

Well, we still think there's two more out there.

They must have been heading to their hibernaculum.


Every winter, Varme Tyv hibernate.

They crawl into an enclosed space, collectively sharing their body heat.

So they can survive through the winter as a group.

Sort of like...

It's like an animal heat orgy.

And where would a hibernaculum be?

Anywhere off the beaten path.

Be right there.

Hibernaculum is usually somewhere secluded where they wouldn't be disturbed.

Kind of like bears in caves. We should go see who this is.

We'll be right back.

Rosalee: Hey.

Monroe: What's wrong?

Are you sick?

It's a side effect of me becoming Adalind and sleeping with Nick.

What side effects?

What are you talking about?

Juliette, talk to us.

I'm... I'm losing myself.

I need help.
[foreboding music]

♪ ♪

Nick: Juliette.

I didn't know you were here.

You told them?

No, I didn't.

You told Hank?

Well, yeah, he's my partner.

So what do you think, Hank?

What is going on?

Oh, my God.

Did you guys break up?

In a way.


Can someone just tell us what's happening right now?

Tell them.

If you don't, I will.

All right.

Hold on to your hats.


Oh, my God.

It's the new me.

There, it's done. Are you happy?

There's got to be something.

You always say that.

This time you're wrong. There's nothing anybody can do.

When did this happen?

Sometime after we did what we did.

I made a mistake in coming here.

I don't know what I was thinking.

You all had a hand in this.

This is my fault, not theirs.

Don't blame them.

There's enough blame to go around.

You can fix this, Nick, right?

You can change this.

Like... like when you took Adalind's powers away.

That's not gonna work this time.

How do you know? Are you sure?

She met with a friend of Renard's who knows about this.

Juliette tried to undo it before she told me, and she can't.

This is unbelievable.

I mean, how are you two still even living together?

We're not.


Okay, well, I'm sure you both need time to...

Time is not gonna help this.

She's a Hexenbiest. I'm a Grimm.

[phone rings]

Wu, we're at the spice shop with Monroe and Rosalee.

You're on speaker.

Hey, a woman was att*cked on the highway.

She's okay, but the guy who att*cked her is not.

Got ourselves another frozen stiff.

Hank: You got a location?

Route 4, mile marker 17.

Okay, we're on our way.


I should probably go with you guys.

Nick, I'm gonna call Juliette.

We're not giving up.

Thanks, Rosalee.

[quietly] Oh, my God.

She's a freaking Hexenbiest?

Wu: Hey, female driver picked up a hitchhiker.

He looked sick like he needed help.

She was taking him to the hospital when he att*cked her.

Hi, Monroe.

Monroe: Sergeant.

Nick: Monroe knows a thing or two about the Varme Tyv.

Varme Tyv, is that what we're dealing with here?

We think.

Monroe: From what I know about Varme Tyv, they need body heat.

This is what happens when they don't get it.

Hank: They're really cold-blooded.

Nick: North Dakota license.

Just like Knute Gunderson.

This is Jalmer Gunderson.

Hank: I'm guessing brothers.

Unless they're married.

Nick: Whatever their relationship, Jalmer must have gotten out of Knute's car after it broke down and started hitchhiking.

Well, this makes two. There's still a third out there.

If they need body heat so bad, why would they split up?

I guess three of them couldn't generate enough heat outside, and one victim wouldn't sustain all three.

Plus, no one's gonna pick up three guys hitchhiking together.

So it's every Varme Tyv for himself.

All right, we'll check out the police department in Dickinson, North Dakota, see if any other Gundersons are licensed there.

Hank: We need to run Gunderson here in Portland.

If they're headed for a hibernaculum, there might be a relative here.

That makes sense.

It's Portland.


Jeez, buddy, I didn't think it was that cold out.

Where you want to go?


I'm gonna need an address.


You sure you're okay?


Seven Gundersons in the Portland area, from Beaverton to Troutdale.

Any one of them could be the hibernaculum.

Then we'll have to check them all.

You're not gonna believe this.

We got another frozen body.

Thank you.

Wu: Do you think this is the third Varme Tyv?

Hank: Let's look.

Monroe: Nope, but he sure looks like he got his heat stolen by one.

[phone rings]

Nick: Mitchell Gareth.

I have a business card with his name on it.

He was a cab driver at Bridgetown Cab.

Both of the others tried to steal cars.

So you think that this other guy stole a cab?

One way to find out.

Bridgetown Cab, this is Detective Griffin with the Portland PD.

I'm calling about one of your drivers, Mitchell Gareth.

Can you tell me his last pickup?

Last pickup was here.

Thank you.

Just got a call from Dickinson PD.

They have three Gundersons licensed in North Dakota.

The last known residence was a housing compound for shale oil workers.

Knute, Jalmer, and Sven... all brothers.

Sven's the only one with a record, all misdemeanor stuff.

Charged for a couple drunk and disorderlies, spent a couple nights in jail.

Booking sheet says he's got snake tattoos up and down his forearms.

Snakes, that's original.

They all headed west after their cars broke down.

Which of the Gundersons lives out west?

Well, of the seven addresses we have, only one is west of here, a farm belonging to Sundvik Gunderson on Lost Mill Road.

That's where we start.

Adalind: That was not an accident.

Kenneth: What makes you think that?

Because I saw her.

I saw Juliette across the street.

She made it fall.

You're sure?

Sure enough.

You need to k*ll her before she kills me.

Don't be stupid.

She helped Kelly Burkhardt take your child.

She might know how to get in touch with Nick's mother, and now that she's a Hexenbiest, there's no telling how this has affected her relationship with the Grimm.

I can't imagine it's good, which is probably why she's coming after you.

She blames you for what happened.

This could well turn out to our advantage.

What, her k*lling me?

Calm down.

No one's going to k*ll you... unless you keep shouting.


Wu: [whispering] A lot of cars.

Maybe they're having a party.

Well, that could be awkward.

Nick: Pretty dark for a party, don't you think?

Hank: I don't see the stolen cab.

Monroe: Well, if it's a party, maybe he wasn't invited.

We still need to check.

If he's in there, we're bringing him out.

Right, but if this is the hibernaculum, we got to be careful.

There could be, like, four or five of them in there.

We could handle that.

Only one of them's guilty of m*rder.

Hey, this way.

[foreboding music]

♪ ♪

Wu: Okay, sure doesn't look like anybody's home.

Monroe: I don't smell anything.

Do you think we should knock?

Do you?

Hank: He's still a m*rder suspect.

I think the answer's no.

[glass shatters]

♪ ♪

Whoa, you feel that?

Hank: It's like walking into a freezer.

Yeah, I've heard of winterizing a place, but this is ridiculous.

It's colder in here than it is outside.

I thought they were supposed to be looking for warmth.

Okay, if this is the hibernaculum, where is everybody?

Monroe: Look, I've only heard stories about hibernacula.

I've never been inside one, okay, so don't ask me.

Wait, wait, wait. Do you feel that?

Monroe: Yeah, it's getting warmer.

♪ ♪

And warmer.

Wait, I think the heat's coming from the floor.

Over here. It's really warm over here.

It's stuck.

I got a trapdoor.

Monroe: Easy, easy.


Monroe: That is really hot down there.

Wait a minute, if this is the hibernaculum, what are they doing down there?


[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[Nick exhales]

It's like a sauna down here.

What the hell is that?

There's a lot more than four or five down here.

I think we found the hibernaculum.

Nick: Are you kidding?

They're in a deep sleep, right?

Pretty deep, as far as I know.

We've got to find Sven and get out of here.

You know how you're never supposed to wake a sleeping bear?

A pile of sleeping Varme Tyv could be way worse.

Then we better be careful who we wake up.

[whispering] Hey, I think this is Sven.

He's got the tattoos.

Yeah, but he's got two... make that three... people on top of him.

We're just gotta be careful. Move slow.

♪ ♪

Hank: All right, get her.

And you get him.

Nick: Let me get her.

Hank: I'll move his arm.

Um, guys.




man: Hey. Hey.

Okay, get back.


Hank: Uh, okay, now what?

Nick: I don't know. There are too many of them.

There's people down here.

Hank: All right, everybody just stay calm.

We're the police. We're only here for Sven.

man: Get them.

Nick: Go, go. Up the stairs, go.

man: No one can know we're here.

Nick: Come on, come on, come on.

We've got to rethink this.

We're not gonna be able to keep them down there.

We have to get back to the cars.

Are we just gonna let them loose?

I don't think we have a chance now.

Three, two, one, go!

[intense dramatic music]

♪ ♪

man: They went outside.

woman: Don't let them get away.

♪ ♪

We'll never make it to the cars.

Hank: To the barn.

man: Over here!

woman: It's cold out here.

man: Don't let them... get them, get them!

Stop them!


man: Oh, my God.

man: Don't let them get away.

woman: Got to catch them.

There's the stolen cab.

Help! Block the door!

I'm calling for backup.

They'll never get here in time.

There's a hell of a lot of them coming this way.

Get the shovel!


Everybody, get ready.

[wood clattering]

Get the door.

[wood clatters]

[men grunting]

They're in.


[both growling]

[all grunting]



[all yelling at once]


[Varme Tyv shivering]

So cold. So cold.

Monroe: Nick, Hank, get over here.

Wu: What's happening?

They're freezing.

How do we explain this one?

I don't think we can.

So what do we do?

We've got to put them back.

All of them?

They're innocent. We can't just let them die.

Monroe: Okay.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Wu: [whispering] You think they'll survive?

Hank: I hope.

Nick: Let's get it closed back up.

Monroe: [whispering] Quietly, quietly.

We were never here.

Ah, probably better that way.

Hey, wait a minute.

What happened to Sven?

Frozen solid in the barn.

Yeah, he was never here either.

Otherwise they're gonna find everyone else.

So what are we gonna do with him?

[gentle percussive music]

♪ ♪

woman: Taxi!

Excuse me, are you on duty?


The misfortune of our family is already passing to you.

I'm so sorry.

I know you loved Juliette, but you have to end it and never see her again.