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01x21 - Village Mode

Posted: 04/11/15 07:08
by bunniefuu
Another all-nighter?

Let's just call it an all-weeker.

'Cause I am weaker.


Good morning!

Is it?


I had a late night studying. I was up past 9:00.

Is that a fresh pot?

Yes, it is.

Now you can enjoy your O.J.

Ahhh. The smell of bacon.


God's most delicious alarm clock.

Morning, ama.

Ooh, it is a wonderful day.

And I bet there's Tequila missing.

I am so proud.

In four days, both my daughters will have paying jobs.

Well, she'll have to wait a little while to find out if she passes the bar, ama.

Ay. Can't you just let me love her?

Seriously, we really need to lock up that liquor cabinet.

Mmm! I smell bacon!

But I see books.

Felix, if Cris passes the bar, she can become a lawyer and afford her own place.

Ooh! And I could help her move in my new truck!


I never imagined I could love that truck any more.

Wait, Cris, I want you to pass, but not if it means you're gonna move out.

It would mean you get more bacon.

You bring up a good point.

Cris. Bacon.

Crispy bacon!

And on that note, I am backing up my bookmobile into the living room.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!


That is adorable!

Really? That... Doesn't annoy you?

It would have before, but not anymore.

I'm gonna enjoy this while it lasts.

I give it till dinner.

Hey, everybody, I just, uh, I just parked the old truck behind the new truck.

We got two trucks! [Laughs]

I am so happy for you.

She been drinking?



What is this?

Uh, noise-canceling headphones.

You know, so you can study in peace.

Alberto, that's really thoughtful.

Yeah, I just want you to live your dream, like I'm living mine.

Your dream was to lay floors with Felix?

Oh, come on, miss Natalia.

I get to work with family, you know, I get to build something that people walk on, and at my job, I get to listen to the radio all day.

No dress code. [Chuckles]


[Both laugh]

You know, I don't know if you guys have noticed this or not, but, uh, I'm happy all the time.

Hey! Just like ama!

Well, depending on traffic, I can be there in less than an hour.

[Sighs] It's work. They want me to come in early.

I have to do everything.

If it's that important, just tell me.

Okay, then.

Now I know.

Thank you.

[Cellphone beeps]

What's up?

I actually don't have to go in early.

Or at all.

Or ever.

You get to work from home.

That's my dream job.

I just got fired.


What happened? I thought you were getting promoted.

Well, I'm flattered that the person I trained got promoted.

It's okay. Everything's gonna be fine.

How is it gonna be fine?

You don't have a degree, your only skill is talking into a phone, and your best years are behind you.

Even that age you lie about is getting up there.

I think what ama is trying to say is... go get 'em!

Okay, here's another one.

"When is an oral contract within the statute of frauds enforceable under promissory estoppel?"

That's funny.

I asked my bus driver the same question.

And guess what... he didn't know it, either.


You know what's not funny?

You failing the bar.

Let's get serious and study.

I'm lucky... my mom flew in to help out this week, so all I have to do is study.

You know, my mom's being kind of supportive, too.

It scares the hell out of me.

I told my mom I had just finished studying torts, so she made me a strawberry torte to celebrate.

Kind of cute.

My mom made me a torta.

She ate it, but it's the thought that counts.

Will you guys stop goofing around?!

I'm trying to study here.


When did this become so important to you?

Since I discovered this.

Look. Yeah. I have a crow's toe.

I can no longer count on my beauty to get me through everything.

It's time to rely on my brain.


Maddie: You know what?

Maybe I should just wait and take the test in six months.

[Inhales sharply, sighs]

But then I'd be six months older.

It would be nice to have six more months to study.

Or six more months to sleep.

You know what... before we know it, we'll all be asleep... forever.

That sounds awesome.


No, come on, you guys. We're ready, okay?

We can face our fears and we can conquer them.

Yeah, well, if I face my fears, what will fear do to my face?


Trent: [Clears throat] You know, the firm gave you this week off so you could study.

[Groans] Okay!

That's what we're trying to do here, old man!


I know you're all stressed, and this may be the most difficult and important exam of your life... until... You reach 50, at least, and then there's some real bad ones.

You need to do whatever is necessary to pass the bar.

There aren't a whole bunch of jobs out there for lawyers these days, but as a rule, they're all going to lawyers.

You understand me?

I do.

You know what? I'm just gonna take the test in the fall.

Gee, Maddie, putting off something difficult... that doesn't sound like you.

Aww. Thanks, daddy.


[Cellphone vibrates]


[Sighs] Really, Cristela?

You know, Ben, studying for the bar must have been a lot easier when you did it and people didn't have cellphones, you know?

How old do you think I am?

I don't know.

Fifty... Nine?

Hey, sorry, you guys. I-I got to go.

But I... well, that's weird.

She's taking the test and she left, and you're not and you're still here.

Oh! Oh, my gosh! I can go! [Laughs]

Felix, you can go inside.

No one's gonna steal your new truck.

No, but someone is stealing my truck.

Natalia's convincing Daniela that we have to cut corners.

Which I can totally do in my new truck!

Wait... is this the family emergency you called me about?

I-I was studying!

Oh, yeah. How's that going?

Not good now!

Well, then, you know how I feel.

It's nuts in there.

Your mom sent me out here to dig a well so we wouldn't have to pay for water.

Oh! Ugh! She's in village mode.

She wanted to burn her chair to stay warm.

It's 90 degrees!

Village mode.

You need to get in there.

And do what?

And tell them that you're going to make everything all right, like you always do.

Calm down. Everything will be okay.

Look at that. It just comes to you.

So, I hear people are freaking out.

Didn't hear it from me.

Nobody's freaking out.


Uh, then why does it look like you're having a romantic dinner with Jesus?

In times like these, you need all the help you can get.

Ama's just looking for ways to save money.

Yes, like returning the truck and taking Izzy out of that gifted-and-talented program.

Yeah. And does Henry really need those new glasses?

Of course he does.

How is he gonna get a job if he can't see?

Wow. You have thought of everything.

I have thought of everything, Cristela.

I got you a job at the hair salon.

Ay, ama. I don't want to cut hair.

Good. They just want someone to sweep it.

The hair salon, ama?

They loved you that summer you worked there.

Of course they did. I'm great at everything I do.

But these short-term solutions aren't gonna help us out in the long run.

Daniela has no job.

If you don't do something to help this family right now, there will be no long run.

Why do I always have to be the one?

Felix is giving up his truck.

He's not happy about that.

Felix: No, he's not!

Either come in or don't listen!


If Felix and Alberto have two trucks, they can take more jobs.

Yeah, but that truck is $300 a month.

It'll pay for itself.


Six to eight months.

I-I'll be in the garage.

Okay. Fine.

We'll keep the truck one more month.

But I will need the $320 fee for your bar exam back right away.

No! Ama! She has to take the bar.

That's what she's been working so hard for.

Is this the only test they're ever gonna give?

No, ama. Good.

I was worried that they were picking all the lawyers for the rest of time on that one day.

They give it again in six months.

Good. You can take it then.

It will give you more time to prepare.

No, no, no.

I'll return the truck.

That makes no sense!

Whatever it takes to stop this!

Maddie's taking it in six months.


I guess I can, too.

Perfect. You can become a lawyer then.

Unless you are enjoying your new career at the salon.


Sweeping will give me time with my thoughts... which would be great if you weren't in them.

Fun fact... did you know there is a basketball court in the top floor of the supreme court building?

It's the highest court in the land. [Chuckles]
So, you are back.

Is everything okay?

Oh, yeah. Everything's fine.

And, Josh, I wanted to give you these to wish you good luck.

Wow. Thank you.

They're from a four-star yelp place.

I-I couldn't afford the five-star.

Cris, you, uh, you really didn't have to do this.

No, I wanted to, you know, since... You're the only one taking the test.

Wait... what?

My sister lost her job, and my family needs me to look out for them.

Who's looking out for you?

I don't know.


Cristela, I'm sorry about what's happening at home, but what does that have to do with you waiting to take the bar?

Well, my mom's panicking, and... and she says money's really tight right now and choices have to be made, so... I wait to take the test.

That's messed up.

I'm gonna go put these in the fridge.

He really doesn't have to do that.

They've been in the back of our pantry for three months.


Where were we?

Uh... All done here.

I'm not helping anybody who's taking the bar in six months.

Oh, no. I'm facing my fears.

Yeah. So I get a wrinkle. You know, it doesn't matter.

Daddy was right.

I always put off the hard stuff.

Not anymore.

Wow, Maddie. Look at you.

I'm impressed.


In that case, some of those cupcakes in the fridge are for you.

And they're fresh-baked.

Oh! Yummy!


So, Maddie's stepping up.

Looks like it.

I have to go.


I have to face my biggest fear.

Bigger than the bar exam?

[Chuckles] Yep.

And meaner.

I can't hear you!

Oh, I know.

I was just mouthing the words, being a dork.

And you're still doing it.

Alberto, leave her alone.

She has to study... so she can get a job.

She's 11!

So was the mayor of my village.

[Doorbell rings]

Oh, it's okay. I don't live here. I'll get it.

Hi. Ahhh.

Is Natalia home?

Oh. Good. You finally gave up on Cristela.

Miss Natalia, it's for you.


Josh from work.

What can I do for you?

So, uh, we're gonna have a conversation, and, um, it's gonna be uncomfortable for both of us.


Are you sure you want to do this?


But could you put down the knitting needles first?

So, I'd like to ask you a favor.

Oh, I don't know if Cristela told you, but I don't enjoy doing those.

Well, then I'm not asking you a favor.

I'm telling you a favor.

You know what I mean.

No, I do not.

You've been getting in the way of Cristela becoming a lawyer, and I'm here to make it stop.

Does anybody know you are here, Josh?


Oh, thank God. A witness.

What are you doing here?

Being disrespectful to your mother.


Carry on.

I just... I'm sorry, but I-I just think it's crazy that you're not gonna take the bar.

I mean, who knows if in six months, something else won't happen to stop you from taking it?


Then I won't take it.

I mean, I don't have to become a lawyer.


Mm. Mm.


I mean, I would have just wasted 6 years of law school, not 10.

10 is bad.

Well, wasting 6 is bad.

Shh, shh, shh. I-I'm arguing with Josh.

I mean, it just seems like you're giving up the chance at a lawyer's salary for, like, $320, Cris.

But what's important now is that we save money, not the... thousands of dollars I could make in a couple months.

Thousands of dollars?! Mm-hmm.

That sounds like thousands of dollars.

It is!

But that doesn't matter right now, because...


We need those 320 dollars to make the truck payment.

Okay, okay.

I see what you two are doing.

You're playacting... to trick a sweet, sweet, old woman.

Now who's playacting?

And it won't work.

Okay. I'm done.

Y-you're in village mode?

Well, I'm about to go village on you.

What is this "village mode"?

Felix is not getting rid of his truck, Izzy is not leaving the gifted-and-talented program, and I am taking the bar exam!

Yeah! You heard her!

I'll let you guys figure it out.

Tut-tut-tut! You are not going anywhere!

You're my ride.

Ama, this is not about survival anymore.

You're not in your village. You survived. You're here.

Now shut up and enjoy this great country that you brought us to and watch your daughter succeed!


You are not afraid of anything, Cristela.

You are my daughter.

And you are going to take that test.

And if you fail, I will run you over with the truck myself!

[Exhales sharply]

Well, I guess I told her.


Yes, you did.

Thank you for that, Josh.

Oh. You're welcome.


I got to say, you were very impressive.

Mm. Just lawyering.


So, should we, um... get back to studying?



You confronted ama. [Chuckles]

[Chuckling] You are really brave.


You know... she k*lled a man.


No, no, no. She did not.

I haven't met my father. Just sayin'.

Maybe I could go back to school.

Oh, yes. That's what this family needs.

More grown-ups in school.

So? How'd it go?

We won't find out for a while, but... but I'm pretty confident.

Not over-confident, not under-confident.

Just say "good" or "bad."

I think I did pretty good!

Well, what should I tell the hair salon?

Tell them if they ever get sued, I'll represent them.

And I've seen their haircuts. Ay. They need to be sued.

Well, I am very glad your test is done.

Now we can get back to surviving.

Were we dead there for a second?


First, we must stop using the stove.

Open fires only.

And to save money, we will cut the cable.

If you want drama, read the Bible.

If you want comedy, you're an idiot!

You should be looking for work!


You know, if we got rid of her, that would be one less mouth to feed.

But I'll still be here.

You all right?

I am now.


Refresh. Refresh.

Refresh. Refresh.


That won't make the test results post faster.

It's like hitting the elevator button.

That works 4% of the time.

No, it doesn't!

Why'd you stop hitting "refresh"?

You said it doesn't work.

I don't know what I'm talking about!

Hey, you guys, I can't have your nervousness stressing me out.

If I just hold my face like this for the rest of my life, I'll be happy.

[Computer chimes]

That's it. They're, uh, they're posted.


I've been waiting for this moment for six years.

I don't know if I can look.

Wait... really?

Ah, no. I can look.

Please, please, please.