03x19 - I Am The Apocalypse

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Chicago Fire". Aired: October 2012 to present.*
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Chicago Fire follows the lives of the firefighters and paramedics working for the Chicago Fire Department at the firehouse of Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 and Battalion 25.
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03x19 - I Am The Apocalypse

Post by bunniefuu »

I heard back from Dr. Bachman. I'm cleared for squad.

This job took Dad. It messed with your health, and you keep coming back for more.

Can we just put us on hold? Maybe then we can start new.

Yeah, I'd like that.

How's New York?


Just, uh, need a little breather.

What's the real reason?

What, I can't take a vacation?

Come back and hang with my little brother?

I'm glad that we reconnected.

The thing is, when I look at you, I see that guy, the one who shut me out.

Well, this guy is sorry.

[sirens wailing, horn honking]

[all coughing]

[radio chatter] [men shouting]

Hurry up!

Gas leak?


We use anhydrous ammonia as a refrigerant.

The line broke. You can't breathe in there.

All employees are accounted for, but Scooter and Brad are trapped on the roof.

Main, gonna need a level one hazmat response.

Casey, get your ladder up on the roof.

Masks on.

You heard him. Let's go.

Casey: We're about 8 feet short.

On it. Get the 10-foot down.


[expl*si*n booms]

Severide: Hey, Casey! You all right?

Casey: I'm awake now.

Hey, an ammonia expl*si*n like that produces very little fire.

We are gonna wait for hazmat to breach, boys.

It's too dangerous. Come on down.

Hey, Chief, we can get the workers on the roof.

At least let us do that.


Two minutes.

[overlapping shouting]

[workers coughing]

Hey, we got to get off this roof.

Otis, Herrmann, come help us get them down.

Herrmann: Copy that.

[siren wailing]

Nearest ambo's five minutes out.

Chief, victims are in respiratory distress.

We can load two or three into the squad.

We'll head to Chicago Med and help offload.

Okay. Mills, call ahead.

Tell them that their day is gonna be a whole hell of a lot busier.

Hey. Hi. Morning.


Jay. Will's brother.

It's nice to meet you.


When do you have to be at work?

Ten minutes ago?

It's your first day.

Uh, first and last, as it turns out.

Almond milk?

You don't have any regular milk in here?

You're joking.


I got to get back.

To what?

I thought the partners kicked you out of the practice.

They did, but... now, this may come as a shock to you... there are other practices in New York City.

Hey, how 'bout, for once, you see something all the way through.

Wow, you sound like the old man.

There it is.

I mean, that is why you're blowing back out of town, right?

What do you care?

Just give it a couple weeks.

At least.

You never know.

I got to go.

[sirens wailing]

Oh, Lord, here it comes.

Um, April?

We have at least 30 inhalation victims minutes out.

Who've inhaled what?

Chlorine? Skunk weed?


Ask next time.


Have you seen Dr. Tramble? Or the new guy?


[soft clanking]

When I took this job, I didn't know we did our own maintenance work.

Tramble: I have a theory.

Goodwin likes broken appliances 'cause it means we have to spend more money at the vending machines.

The great vending machine conspiracy.

You could get published in JAMA with that.

[refrigerator whirring]

Nice work.


I know who you are, Dr. Tramble.

Will Halstead.

I am, by the way.



Shared credit with three other doctors.

Published is published, April.

We're about to get slammed.

Anhydrous ammonia victims.

30 more coming.

Put them in 3.

Where to?

This one in 7.

What's going on?

Industrial ammonia leak.

30 plus are on their way here, and we're already full up with flu patients.

Round up as many O2 tanks as you can find.

Hey, can you help this guy?

Sharon Goodwin, Dr. Will Halstead.

Yeah, yeah. We met at the interview.

About that...

Yeah, I'm late for a meeting, Doctor.

Enjoy your first day.

That's what I wanted to talk to you... about.

I'm gonna run over to urgent care, discharge as many as I can to free up the space.

You start getting them sorted, and we'll go from worst to "I'm not gonna die today."



Hope you guys ate a big breakfast.

We're gonna have to start doubling up bays and separate the flu patients from the gas victims.


Everyone, may I have your attention please?

Can I have your attention?

Listen up!

All right, we are going to have a very full day here.

And I understand none of you feel well, but we're gonna need help from you as well as patience.

If you're here because of the ammonia leak, I'm gonna need you on this side of the room when I say so.

If you're here because of the flu or something non-life-threatening, I'm gonna...

Sir, not yet, please. I need everyone...

If you thought Ebola was a nightmare, I am the apocalypse!

[people screaming]

Death to all Americans.

You're all dead in two weeks.

Allahu akbar!

[alarm blaring]


Casey, what the hell happened?

[electricity crackling]

[people coughing]

Dawson, you okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.

What'd he say?

The bomber?

Something about being worse than Ebola.

[people screaming]

Will: We need to lock down the ER.

No one in or out. Now.


Nobody leaves!

Chief, some guy just blew himself up.

Said what he has is worse than Ebola.

We need everyone brought back in that could be infected.

Boden: Lock it all down. No one in or out.

[people screaming]

Tony, Cruz, use the rigs.

Block off the exits.

Hey, hey, no one leaves!

I need you back inside.

No, no, no, no, no.

Stay right there!

Right there! Hey, stop.

Nobody leaves.

Hey. Hey!

I got him. I got him.


Hold on. Hold on. Stop. Stop.


Stop! I need you to turn around and go back inside.

[fire engine horn honks]

[fire engine horn honks]

[electricity crackling]

[alarm blaring]

Otis, find the extinguishers and get on that ceiling fire.

Mills, you and Brett okay?

All in one piece, Lieutenant.

Casey: Look for injuries.

[people clamoring, whimpering]

[fire extinguisher hissing]

Herrmann: We don't know what it is, all right?

If the doctor says we got to stay, we got to stay.

Hey, I'm sorry, but no one in or out until we know what we're dealing with.

Come on.

You heard him, all right?

Listen, please, just sit up against the wall and wait.

Tell the firefighters they can start bringing the stragglers back inside, including the firemen, and don't let anyone out.

Got it.


We need to set up a decontamination area.

Any bathroom with a shower.

Start getting people washed off.

Got it.

Hey, hey, over here!

It's Severide!

Hey, Kelly!

Kelly, you hear me?

It's a weak pulse.

Trauma to his back and chest.

He's got shrapnel from the grenade.

Let me see.

No. Black tag him.

He's gone.


The percentages are very low that he'll...

I don't give a damn about percentages.

No problem. Grab a gurney.

Chief, Severide took a hit from the expl*si*n.

Just seems pretty bad. Doc wanted to black tag him.

Okay. Keep me in the loop.

[sirens approaching]

One, two, three.

Will: Trauma bay four.

Get him on oxygen and start cutting off the jacket, but wait to uncover the wound.

I'll be right there.

All right.

Mills: Hey, you guys, I need the room.

Come on, come on.

[woman coughing]

Look at me right here. What's your name?

You know my name. I'm the one that helped you...

I know that I know your name.

I'm making sure that you know it.


All right.

You might have a mild concussion, April.

Can you sit here a moment till I can take a look at you?

Okay, April Layton Sexton, born November 22, 1982.

My fifth grade teacher was Mrs. Nagel.

My first pet was Bubbles.

We're good.

Okay, good. I'm gonna go help people now.



[electricity crackling]

Herrmann, there's another extinguisher by the doors.

[pounding on glass]

You can't come in, lady.

We got a situation.

Open these doors.

Hit the bricks.

You can't come in.

You need a surgeon in there.

I'm a surgeon, and you need a hazmat suit.

I'm gonna operate in a hazmat suit?

Open this door, New York.

Come on!

Firefighter, trauma bay four.

Do what you can.

Got it.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for stopping.

Now I'm gonna ask you for your patience, okay?


Excuse me, sir.

Everyone who was inside when the grenade went off needs to go back inside the ER.

I, uh... I wasn't inside.

I was... I was...

Taking a nap. Did you say grenade?

Yes. We are containing the area.

Can you go behind the designated area over there?

Chief... it's Chief, right?

You see that gentleman right over there?

With the... with the blood on his face?

That expression?

That's what we call a target stare.

You know, the hands between his hips and his torso, leg cocked back at a 45-degree angle... that's a pretty surefire indication someone's about to get aggressive.

I just thought I'd let you know.

man: This is unbelievable. They can't keep us here.

Please, sir.

Yeah, who's in charge here?

I am. You need to go back inside.

This way, sir.

You can't do this!

I got the right to leave.

Boden: We have a containment situation, sir.

We got a t*rror1st attack here is what we got.

And we don't know what's coming next.

Now get the hell out of my way.


Look, you can't make us stay.

You don't have the authority.

Authority is the one thing I do have.

Now back inside.

You... you want to leave, man?

Yeah, you're damn right I do.

That's 'cause you're scared, right?

You're confused, right? You just want to take off.

I'm not scared.

I am.

I'm terrified, man. I wasn't even in there.

I got to tell you, I got a lot of respect for the way you're handling yourself right now.

I mean, frankly, as a fellow citizen, I'm proud of you.

And you know that all these... these nice folks, they're looking to you to do the right thing, right?

Am I gonna get to leave or not?

I wouldn't want to get everybody sick.

You want to get everybody sick?

Of course not.

Yeah, so... so you want to do the right thing.

That's great.

All I know is that if these men, they say that the best thing is for you to be inside, then that is... that's the best thing.

All right, man.

Mouch: Okay, everybody back inside, please.

Thank you.

He's not done.

Who the hell are you?

I'm Dr. Charles, the head of psychiatry.

I'll be around.

Come on in, folks.

Please have a seat against this wall.

Thank you.

Do we have an infectious disease specialist on the premises?

Diane Claman.

Good. Call her.

Tell her to get down here right now, full hazmat.

We got to know what we're dealing with.

[siren wails]

Tell me you're not in there.

I am.

Listen, the guy who blew himself up in here said he had something worse than Ebola.

What, like, he's spreading it with this?

Will: Yeah.

Every single one of us in here has been in contact with him.

Who was he?

No idea.

Do us all a favor and find out, would you?


His airway's clear. He's breathing.

Circulation's good. His name's Jim.

Can you hear me, Jim?


Is that... that's his rib, right?

That's someone's ulna.


Let's run an IV with antibiotics, and I need some gauze, tape, bandages, and a cast saw.

I'm on it.

I'll help.

What? A saw? What are you doing?

Will: Jim, I'm gonna need you to remain as still as you can.

[monitor beeping steadily]

Tramble: Damn it. His sats are dropping.

Start bagging while I dress the wound.

[automated voice] Check patient.

Shay: Kelly!

That we promise to be there for each other always, no matter what.

[automated voice] Check patient.

We need to intubate. Now.

Pushing 20 milligrams of etomidate.


I can't find the cords.

Brett: Come on. You got this.

Take a deep breath and pull straight up.

Check patient.

All right. I got it.

Check patient.

All right.

Brett: He's stabilizing.

Tramble: Okay, listen to me.

We got to get a chest tube in and make sure these other wounds didn't do more damage.

Whatever you say.

Look at us, patching up people with Band-Aids while their insides might be throwing in the white towel.

Yeah, well, there's nothing we can do about it now.


We do our jobs. We help these people.

Don't let the rest of it mess with your heads.

Yes, Lieutenant.

You got it.

I want to know what's going on exactly.

Fair enough.

I'm not gonna remove the bone from your chest.


I also got 5 milligrams of Midazolam if you need it.

Would you like a sedative, Jim?

I want this damn thing taken out.

Will: Believe it or not, you're fine for now.

If I remove that from your chest, that's when you're gonna be in trouble.

So I'm gonna cut down the bone so it doesn't move and damage your lung.

And then we'll wrap it and secure it, and you're gonna keep calm until I can get you to an OR.

No. No, no.

This came from the body of that lunatic.

Do you want to live, Jim?


There you go.

[saw buzzing]

Hey, Jim. Look at me, okay?

Right in the eyes.


You're doing great, Jim. You're doing great.

Will: All right.

Hey, you did great.

Okay, here we go. Lean forward.

There you go. We're almost done.

There it is. Good job.

Keep an eye on him?


Of course.

Can you toss a sheet on that for me?


No adhesion between the lung and chest wall.


woman: All right, calm down.

Hey, what's your name, sweetheart?


Oh, that's a beautiful name.

You know, I had an Aunt Ruby.

She made these pancakes stuffed with blueberry jam.

I still dream about them.

She would make this special batter, some family recipe.

Then she'd cook 'em up and then make a little cut in the side and inject the blueberry jam with a special straw.

Aw, God, this is the last one.

Again, we have word of an event...

I was just outside, sir.

I'm telling you, that is not the case.

There's still people in the street that need to be moved because we can't confirm or deny a damn thing right now.

For now, but there's a fire in the ceiling that apparently needs controlling.

Halstead's giving the Tower a boot in the ass as we speak, so we expect more support shortly.

More cruisers is exactly what I'm asking for, along with the b*mb squad and the Joint t*rror1st Task Force in case this guy wasn't working alone.

CFD was able to contain the victims in the ER, but Ebola was mentioned.

No one knows yet exactly what we're dealing with, Sarge.

No lie, lady. That suit makes me nervous.

Diane Claman.

I'm glad you're here, Diane. Well, I mean...

Just show me where he did it.
Otis: Excuse me.

What is it?

[whispering] Electrical fire might be spreading.

It's up above the sprinklers.

This could get ugly real fast.

Well, we're out of fire extinguishers.

We got nothing to fight a fire with.

I know.

Grab that cart.

[flames crackling]

Electrical system is burning.

This place is gonna be filled with smoke in about five minutes.


Situation here has just gone from bad to worse.

What is it, Casey?

Electrical fire in the ceiling.

We're out of extinguishers.

Okay, gonna need to get some CO2 extinguishers inside.

Absolutely not, Wallace.

Anyone who goes in there will be exposed to the contagion.

That's not something I can authorize.

I understand that, Sharon, but I've got to give my men a fighting chance.

I'll do it.

I'm in.

Let's go.

I'll go in.

I'll go.

I can't fight that.

Rice. Cruz.


[overlapping chatter]

April: Let's go to the back of the room.

Room service.

This way.

I want one ladder here under this vent.

I want one ladder here.

Rice, use that table on that side.

Got it.


Casey, how we doing with that fire?

Casey: Beating it down, Chief.

Making some headway, I think.

If those poor people inside weren't panicked before...


Got it.

They're doing their jobs. The firefighters are on it.

Someone! Can someone help us please?

Someone, please!

Please, please.

You must let us in.

I'm sorry.

We've had an accident here at the hospital, and we've quarantined off the ER.

Our son Aleem.

He left a note apologizing for not being honest with us, that he was going to the ER to finish his quest.

His quest?

Oh, God. Is he alive?

Oh. Oh, no.



It's all right, officers.

Goodwin: Come in. Come in, please.

I think the police may want to speak with you.

What did he do?

This way.


All clear.

I think that's it, Lieutenant.

Fire's out.

All clear!

[people coughing]

Fire's out, Chief.

How's that smoke situation?

Hazy but manageable.

Guess we're all in it now, huh?

Boden: How's Severide?

Still unconscious.

We don't know.


You keep me posted.

Casey: Will do, Chief.



The parents of...

Hi. Please have a seat.


Is there anything you can tell us?

He was a smart boy.

Always nice, helpful.

This country has given our family so much.

How could this have happened?

He claimed to be infected with something similar to Ebola.


From his work.

What do you mean, "from his work"?

He was working at BHO Labs.

They study infectious diseases.

Good Lord.

We got to get somebody down there right now.

I'm on it.

Antonio, where you at?

What else can you tell me?

Jay: Anything about who he might have been involved with, planned this with?

You need anything, lady?

A time machine?

You and me both.

When will you know whether or not we're infected?

I'm running simultaneous molecular profiles, cellular evals, and blood panels.

Also trying to cross match the over 250 infectious diseases this guy might have been carrying.

Sounds like a needle in a haystack.

Who's this?

My son. Wayne.

How old is he?

He's supposed to be 28, but he's going on 14.


Well, he'll grow out of it.

I want to see my family.

You're gonna see them again.

Hey. Any news on Severide?

Oh, come on.

What is it?

The shrapnel between his ribs.

I can't... I can't get the angle to grip it.

I need rib spreaders.

Go find me a thoracotomy tray.

Hey, you guys are doing great.

I'm working on getting some food and water in here.


man: Hey, fireman.

What's the latest?

Everyone's doing all they can.

What the hell does that mean?

No one is telling us anything!


You're not helping.

So sit your ass down and quit being disruptive.



I'm walking out of here.

You're gonna have to go through me.



5 milligrams of Midazolam.

He'll be out in a minute.

All right, there you go. That's right.

Close your eyes. Mm-hmm, take a little nap.


I need a thoracotomy tray.

What do you got?

Not good.

We need to patch in your brother.


He was working with Marburg.

He injected himself with it.

What's Marburg?

It's a viral hemorrhagic fever.

The Soviets developed it as a biological w*apon.

Ask them which strain of the Marburg virus.

Yeah, which strain?



All right.

Okay, so now I just have to see if he was past the incubation period and actually infectious.

And if he was past the incubation period?

It means Aleem was a walking biological w*apon.

Here it is.

I need another set of hands.

Tell me what to do.

Okay, when I say so, turn this and spread it open slowly.



[monitor beeping steadily]


All right, that's good.

Oh, damn it.

I lost it again.

Sats are dropping. 78%.

Brett, I need you to take down the balloon on the ET tube and push it into his right mainstem.

Mills: But then it won't ventilate his left lung.

Then I'm gonna cut the inferior pulmonary ligament and move his lung out of the way.

Ready? Now.


One more piece...

[sighs] Got it.

Arterial bleeder.


The shrapnel hit the intercostal artery.

Hold this.

All right.

I need a suture.

Brett: Heart rate normalizing.

Vitals are stable.

I love being wrong.

Casey: Severide's stable, Chief.

Hey, you.


I need some blood.

Okay. You good?

Aleem left a social media manifesto to a series of what I would call inflammatory websites.

Now, he posted links to articles on Abu Ghraib, um, Paris sh**t, Australia.

Definitely wanted the world to know his footprints.

So why the hospital? Why this?

Lone wolves crave spectacle.

To quote one of his tweets, "I will turn where Americans go to be cured into a dying ground."


He knew it would be newsworthy.

He was right.

[camera shutters snapping]

[reporters shouting]

What's this for?

In about 30 seconds, we'll know if you're all gonna die.

[indistinct chatter]

What is it?

Not contagious.

Influenza A tested positive, but the Marburg virus didn't have time to incubate.

Whatever he had in his body died with him.

[cheers and applause]

Open up the ER.

On it.

Hey, Chief. All clear.

Not contagious.

We're opening up the ER.

[cheers and applause]

All right, let's pull that out and get you home, partner.

What do you say?

There you go.

Thank you.

[woman sighs]


[indistinct chatter]

When are you gonna hear about your placement?

I don't know. Soon, I've been told.

Well, I'm gonna miss you stinking up the front seat.

Well, that should explain your liberal use of that cheap perfume.


[indistinct chatter]

All right, Detectives.

There's only one detective here.

I'm a patrolman, but, you know, equally as important.

All right. Well, cheers.

Nice to meet you.

We're in the same unit.


[clears throat] [glass clinking]

Just a quick word.

Wanna take a moment and let you all get back to the fine cocktails that they serve here at Molly's.

Keep talking, Chief.


To the good people at Chicago Med.

You made us proud today.

And we are very grateful for the service that you do for us and for the city.

It's not said enough.

Thank you, Chief.

We want you all to know that every time those doors crash open, there are good people, strong people, people at the top of their game ready on the other side.

Hear, hear.

all: Hear, hear.

This is... this is just a reaction to the stress of the day.


You scared me.

I don't remember any of it.



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