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01x01 - Gone Elvis

Posted: 04/06/15 06:55
by bunniefuu
[Footsteps pounding rapidly]

[Woman breathing heavily]

[Men shouting indistinctly, women screaming]


[Indistinct shouting]

Man down, man down!

I'm good, I'm good!

Sergeant Ballard, Captain needs you!

They're breaking away! Go!

[Woman breathing heavily]

[Speaking native language]

Do not touch me, ma'am.

Do not touch me. Do not touch me.

Keep your head down!

I got this.

In this one Can you tell her to sit...

[speaking foreign language]


[Speaking foreign language]

We got him?


We got Abdule Abbas.

Here in North Africa?

[Camera shutter clicking]

Oh, man, we're gonna be famous, just like team six.

How the hell did this happen?

Luck. Maybe we're just that good.

But we were looking for his wife.

Blake: Apparently, so was he.

O'Neil: Ballard!

Think I got something here.

Something to do with money, but it's in Arabic.

Take a look.


Odelle: That's why I love Al-Qaïda.

They keep such accurate records.


Hey, wait a minute.

Is that English?

That looks like a wire transfer from a bank in Riyad to a Sikasso bank in Mali.

He's looking for confirmation of receipt.

In English. And what the hell is SOC?

I don't know. Could be American.

Open the rest.

I can't. It's encrypted.

Worthington: Negative.

Sir, with all due respect, given our coordinates and the fact that we are not supposed to be in country, it is not safe for us to stand down.

Captain, those are your orders.

You need to stand down.

Captain Worthington, Colonel Glen here.

Glen: Congratulations, Rich, to you and your team.

This is big.

You know this is big, right?

Any casualties?

Thank you, sir. No, just a few walking wounded.

The medics got it covered.

We'll be fine, as long as we can gather and get out.

Glen: You want to get going. I don't blame you.

But orders came from up high.

Sir, we have sse capabilities right here...

From up high. Copy?

Intel's on their way.

They'll gather, get Abbas' body, and get out so we can get you home for a proper celebration.

Once again, congratulations.

[Phone beeps]


We're to stand down, not touch a thing.

We're gonna wait for Intel.

They're coming by rotary across the border.

Hopefully it won't be long.

You got to talk to Colonel Glen.

That was Glen.

So now what?

We wait.

[Indistinct radio chatter]

Peter: Subscribers get detailed information about every single vessel at sea in the whole world.

What's that?

Pierce intelligence group.

Did you know they can determine if a ship's manifest is accurate, depending on how deep it sits in the water?

[Dog barking] What's the point?

Investors pay big money for this intelligence.

Supply and demand patterns. Think about it.

70% of everything you will ever own was once on a ship.

So it's like insider trading.

Josh! Let the dog out!

First of all, it's not inside information.

It's available to everyone.

[Dog continues barking]

Secondly, if it were illegal, which it is not, my company wouldn't be investing hundreds of millions of dollars.

Woman on TV: Brutal weather continues...

Sounds grievously criminal to me, but what do I know?

Isabella's driving me to school.

Wait. Isabella's driving her?

Sarah: Whoa, hey! Eat something!

Thank you.

Hug good-bye?


What happened to the sweet little girl who worshipped her daddy?

She's a teenager.

Woman on TV: Currently under way in New York City, the G8, a strategic meeting...

You know, arguably...

You're doing more good working at Simons-Wachtel than you ever did as U.S. attorney.

Simons has a bad reputation.

Everyone knows it.

They hired you to change all that.

Eh, or at least give the impression.

Woman on TV: And record-breaking crowds have been disruptive to...

Hey! There's your office. Looks cool.

Woman on TV: And more importantly, unusually violent in nature.

Fantastic. Traffic's gonna be m*rder.

I got to get to work.

Josh, you should get going too, buddy.

You want me to take him?

Uh, I'll drive him.

I'm here with one of the protest organizers now, Harrison Walters.

Thanks for agreeing to talk with us, Harrison.

Thanks for coming down here to talk to us dirty hippies with our extreme views.

Can you comment on reports of v*olence springing from these protests?

Not really. I think the question completely distracts from the issue.

Harrison, Tania in the studio is wondering, are you related to Randall Walters?

He's my father. But that's got nothing...

Well, it's surprising to see someone like you down here.

Didn't you grow up on Manhattan's Upper East Side?

Not exactly part of the collapsing middle class, are you?



So you'd rather talk about my father than the economic...


Stacey, we have to leave it there.

We have some breaking news. Tom?

Tom: Breaking news to tell you about this morning.

We just learned that Al-Qaïda leader and t*rror1st mastermind Abdule Abbas has been k*lled in Mali, North Africa, by what sources tell us was task force 24, a unit of the joint services operations command.

We have been reporting on Al-Qaïda's growing influence in the region, and now that someone as influential as Abbas was found and k*lled in Mali, it seems that these reports have been substantiated.

Those guys are Osela. Private military?

What the hell are they doing here?

No idea.

This is Captain Worthington. We have Osela on site.

Requesting verification...

What are you doing?

When I was in the green zone, an SUV full of Osela security accidentally rammed into our Humvee.

Now, they rammed into us.

They got out, they put g*ns to our heads, made us lay on our stomachs...

Come on!

Until they untangled their SUV, then they left.

I do not trust them.

I'm gonna need that.

Hell with that, it's mine.

That's his personal property.

Man: That you, Rich?

Frank majors.

We were in Fallujah together.

How you doing, Frank?

I didn't recognize you out of uniform Ah, different uniform. This one pays better.

Listen, you all did great. This is a big get.

But my orders are to take all evidence in this location, including anything you might have seen, pictures you've taken, souvenirs in your pocket, anything.

Orders from who, Frank?

Give us your name, son.

We'll return the camera as soon as we remove anything sensitive.

I hear right?

You people came in on horseback?

Didn't think we did that anymore.

We pulled it out of mothballs.

Eh, makes sense. I didn't see many roads flying in here, at least not in a direction you want to go.

Good to see you again, Rich.

Happy trails.

Move them out.

[Cheering, indistinct shouting]


Peter, holy crap.


What are you doing here?

The usual. Still with internal revenue.

How about you?

Yeah, I got shoved out of the U.S. attorney's office six months ago.

Yeah, that's right. I remember reading.

Some political nonsense.


We should get a drink.

I'm in town for two days on an investigation.

Yeah? Anybody good?

Ever hear of Societal Mining?


We're, uh...

Financing their merger.

You work for Simons-Wachtel?

Business intelligence... Just started a few weeks ago.

You going after Alex Baker?

Peter, you know I can't talk about that.

Well, how deep is the investigation?

We talking felony here?

Something may be coming down the pike.

I got to run.

Let's not see each other for another ten years.

What's happening is that we've lost our value as individuals!

[Folk music playing]

♪ ♪




So everybody's talking about it.



You didn't see it? Come on, my father...

Sorry, it's been so crazy.

There have been seven arrests already today.

I'm gonna catch it on the way to the office, okay?

[Smooches] Bye.


Ha ha ha! Awesome job, man!

It sucked.


I thought you were very impressive.

Uh, Harrison, this is Ruby.

She works for Time magazine.

If you have time, I'd love to interview you.

I'm doing a story on how the G8 summit reignited the occupy movement.

We were just about to grab lunch.

You want to join?

Uh, I can't.

I've got this thing.

Bring her tonight.

We're having a strategy meeting at my place.

We could talk then.

Sounds great.

Great. Cool. All right, see you.


Harrison Walters!

It's me, Bob Offer.

We met during the occupy movement?

Spent that night in jail together?


I saw you on FXN news, man.

And you're so right! You're so right!

Big media is a diversion, from everything.

I've been doing research.

The whole thing is like a cancer.

The corporations and how they...

You want to get those?

No, I got charts.

This one links the top 25...

Top 25 corporations in America, all the interlocks!

How many of the same people serve on the same board, and...

Bob? Bob, I got to go.

It's okay, I get it. Maybe. It's a little confusing.

Confusing? Which part?

I don't know, Bob. Maybe if you, uh...

Simplify, you know?

Start with one thing. Talk about that.

One thing?


Hey, that's good. One thing.

Okay, catch you later!

Peter: We need to know what the IRS is investigating.

So what's the plan?

I'll make some calls.

We're not the justice department.

No one's bending over backwards to give us Intel.

What do you suggest?

We get a few "no comments." Call it a day.

That's not good enough.

No one's expecting anything more.

I am.

All right. Come here, come here.

Joe: Jackie, will you excuse us?

All right, fine. You want info?

I got a friend, trash man.

Gets his hands dirty so I don't have to.

He's not cheap, but he finds things.

Nothing illegal.

He's creative.

There's nothing to worry about.

Or we can forget the whole thing.

No, go ahead.

Let me know what you find out.


Worthington: We stirred up a hornets' nest today, boys.

Intel says we have a large Ansar Dine presence in front of us.

They're recommending we hold for the night.

Make yourselves comfortable.

Lannigan: They're not gonna use your picture, you moron.

You want a whole jihad coming down on your cr*cker ass?

I'm just saying, we're still gonna be famous, even if they don't know who we are.

That makes no sense whatso...

Hey, maybe I should get a publicist when I get home.

I'm telling you, some of that stuff we saw on the computer comes out...

It's gonna blow big.

We're gonna see it.

She got it all on a flash drive.

Got what?

In the middle of all this financial stuff in Arabic, we find a file in English.

Most of it was encrypted, but...

I saw a transfer for a hell of a lot of money from an American company called SOC.

Has anyone heard of it?

Sure it's not a target?

No, that's the thing, it was from them.

I mean, come on, why would an American company be sending money to Abbas?

You defied a direct order?

They were Osela.

Order didn't come from Osela. It came from Colonel Glen.

Yes, and I will make sure that he receives the information directly at the debrief.

Where you going?

Permission to pee, sir.


I got to report this!

Yes, sir.

Rowcroft. Over watch.

Sir, yes, sir.

I can do that.

In your face, mama!



I miss you, mama.

I miss you too.

[Thud in the distance]


[Man groaning in pain]


[Helicopter blades whirring]

[Man screaming]


[Grunting and gasping]

[Gasps] [g*nsh*t]



Move out.

[Indistinct shouting]

Peter: This is the entire IRS file.

Joe: My man never disappoints.

Looks like they have a BSA case against SOC and Alex Baker.

Corporate slush fund, structured payments going all over the place.

Whistle blower...

Was a woman in Tampa.

Look at this. Just this morning, a guy named Danny Gentry in eagle heights, Delaware...

Baker tried to pay off his mortgage, but he sent it back.

Why would he do that?

I don't know, but we got to find out.

Ah, there he is.

Peter, you know Alex Baker, chairman of SOC.

Joe, would you excuse us?

Sorry for the intrusion.

Just wanted to make sure we caught you.

Alex has some news.

Peter, I understand you have some concerns about the IRS investigation.

I just wanted you to be the first to know that they are dropping all charges against me and Societal.

Without an admission of guilt.

Societal is, of course, paying all back taxes, penalties, and fines.

And the reason for the slush fund?

Are confidential.

With all due respect, anything that could compromise Mr. Baker...

I have been married to the same woman for over 25 years.

I love her very much.

The woman in Tampa... Extortion?

Child support.

I'd appreciate your discretion.

As long as it doesn't affect the merger, we have no problem, do we?

What about the man in Delaware...



The IRS is satisfied, so we're satisfied.

[Breathing heavily]


[Men speaking native language]

Come on...

[Cell phone chimes]

[Whimpers, breathing heavily]

[Speaking native language]

[Grunts] Send.

[Cell phone chimes]

Ron: Come on, Dolly. We'll be late.

Need to change my shoes!

Why? What...

Those are fantastic.

They're too big!

We just bought them.

[Knock at door]


I'm so sorry.

[Man speaking native language, Odelle yelling]


[Shouting in foreign language]

Let me out! Aah! Aah!

Here you go, ma.

Aren't you gonna eat?

I'm not hungry.

Did you put the milk away?

When it sits out, it spoils!

I will.

What were you mumbling about?

Nothing. I... I was thinking.

Don't do it out loud. You sound crazy.

Would you stop already?

Why do you got to criticize everything I do?

It's... it's just... it...

It's very important that I keep the message simple, the one thing, so that people will listen.

Who's going to do that? You?

As a matter of fact, I ran into Harrison Walters this morning.

Do I know him?

Yeah, I told you about him.

He's a real free thinker.


His father is Randall Walters, the writer.

You two are friends?


And he was on FXN news today, so...

He's got access to the media, and he wants me to help him narrow things down, find the one thing that we can bring to them.

Woman on TV: WXME has breaking news.

Oh, quick, ma. Turn it up.

Every member of task force 24, the same unit that recently k*lled Al-Qaïda leader Abdule Abbas, were tragically ambushed and k*lled by the Islamic extremist group Ansar Dine in a predawn raid.

Again, all 12 special ops forces, American heroes, k*lled.

That's it! That right there, ma!

Yesterday those soldiers were heroes, and today they're dead.

And we're just supposed to believe it's a coincidence?

Woman: What else could it be?

It could be a million things, ma.

Could be a trillion.

But I'm gonna find the one thing.

What are you doing?

It's called hacking, ma.

Is that legal?


But if the government's doing what I think it's doing, it's justified.

[Sighs] There you are.

What's all this?

He's a UAV operator.


Danny Gentry lives in Delaware.

He flies UAVS out of Niger in North Africa.

He's a drone pilot.

Why would Alex Baker and Societal mining want to pay off a drone pilot?

And why would Gentry return the money?

Peter, maybe you should call someone...

Ed Dixon.

[Scoffs] I'm not giving this to Ed.

[Clears throat]


You have a really good job.

We just bought this house, put the kids in private school.

You're not a U.S. attorney anymore.

I know that.
Boy: Hello? Hello?


Hello? Hello? [Breathing heavily]

What's your name?


Aslam. That means "peace," right?

Oh, no, what... What are you reading, Aslam?

Oh. Harry Potter, prisoner of Azkaban.

I love that one.

Have you gotten to the part of the dementors yet?

Not scary. They're funny.

[Chuckles] Funny?


[Odelle repeating in foreign language]

Uh, Aslam!

Aslam, I'm, um...

I'm thirsty.

[Speaking foreign language]

Damn it.

You barely know this woman, and you invite her over?

Who the hell is she?

She writes for Time magazine.

And she wants to write about you?

Yeah, she liked what I said on FXN.


Is everything okay?

My girlfriend thinks I should ask you what your angle is.

I told you.

It's about how the G8 summit reinvigorated you guys.

My angle is you.

It's all of you.

Sounds good to me.

Whoa, check it out.

Turn it up, turn it up. That's me.

Man on TV: The identities of these heroes are being exploited by the protestors currently camped out on wall street.

A lightning rod has been sergeant Odelle Ballard, the only female on the special operations team.


[Woman screaming]

If you let me out, I can help. I have medicine in my pack.

No! My father is coming back soon.

I'm the guard.

Aslam, who is she?

Okay, okay. Fine.

Yeah, that's it, that's it, that's it.

Okay, you're looking for a small pouch with a red tag on it.

Okay, that's... that's it, yeah. That's it, that's it.

Now you're looking for a brown container marked "fentanyl."


Do you see it?

Good, that's it, that's it.

Now, she has to take two right away.

It's all right.

Tell her it's an opioid. It's a form of opium.

She must take two right away.

She took them.


It says "bacitracin." B-a-c...

Yeah, yeah, I found it.

Show me, show me.

Good. That's it, that's it.


Do you hear me?

What's happening?

[Speaking foreign language] Do you hear me?

Yeah, she's good now.

She's good?


Thank you.

You're welcome.

[Keys clacking]

[Keys clacking]

Oh, my god.

Ma, you got to see this!

It's a cover-up!

Ruby: I had fun tonight. It was a lot like college.


Oh, this is me.

[Cell phone rings] Oh.



No. Not sure who it is.

Answer it.


I found something, Harrison.

The one thing, like you said.

It's huge. We need to meet.

Bob, this is not a good time.

It's about those special ops forces that were k*lled in North Africa.

Only the whole thing is a cover-up!

I have proof! It's a lie!

Really, proof?


Sergeant Odelle Ballard sent an email to an officer at Africom 14 hours after she was reported dead by the U.S. military.

How'd you get her email?

I hacked her account.

You know what this means?

They're lying... The military, the feds.

Send it to me.

Over the Internet? No way!

Fine, okay, meet me at the park tomorrow morning.

10:00 A.M., your usual spot.

All right, I'll see you there.

Who's that?

This guy I know.

He found an email from one those special ops soldiers in Mali.

Says it proves she's still alive.

I'm supposed to meet him at the park tomorrow morning, check it out.

You're welcome to tag along if you want.

Yeah, it sounds interesting.


This is a bad idea.

[Knock at door]

Danny Gentry?

Who are you?

Peter Decker.

This is Joe Abrams. We work for Simons-Wachtel, an investment bank in New York City.

We're underwriting...

Listen, I told them already.

I don't want their money.

Wait, wait. Told who?

Get your hand off of the door.

Mr. Gentry, Alex Baker tried to pay off your mortgage.

You refused.

Your house is in foreclosure.

Honey? Who is it?

Why would you do that?

Does it have anything to do with your job as a UAV operator In Africa?

Stay inside, Janine.

Danny, if Societal mining is trying to pay you, there's got to be a reason.

Let us help you.

Look, just stay the hell away from us.

[Door slams]

In case you change your mind!

[Engine turning over]

Janine: Okay?

Sophia, honey, you need your coat.

Mommy will be right back.

[Car beeping]

[Door closes, beeping stops]


Hey! Hey, you!

Hey, get back here!





Janine, where's Sophie?

Sophie, Sophie, are you okay?

Are you okay?

Who is that?

Are you okay?


What? What happened?

There was a man. There's some man.

Are you okay, honey? Look at mommy.

Are you okay?

Oh, my god.

What's going on?

I don't know.




[Odelle whispering] Aslam, Aslam...

Aslam, who's out there?


Man: Clear!

Aslam: Americans.

Odelle: Can you tell?


Aslam, what are they wearing?

Black or green? Can you tell?

Aslam, are they wearing black or green?

Yes, black.

Aslam, Aslam...

We have to go now!

Man: Clear!


[Child babbling]

Good morning.

Have you read the first?


But I've read this one many times.

Yeah, I've read them all with my daughter, Suzanne.

She's 12.

One call?

Just one to my...

To my daughter and my husband to let them know that I'm alive.


Aslam, one call, please.



You... you mean safe from me.


Yeah, and what about your father, Aslam?

Aren't you supposed to sell me to the Ansar Dine?

My father...

My father would've come by now.

No, you can't just leave me here.

The men who att*cked your village last night, they won't stop until they find me and they k*ll me.

My whole unit is gone.

My friends are gone.

I have to keep moving.

I can't.

Aslam, I have to keep mov...

I can't help you.

Only men can go.

Odelle, I'm sorry. Good luck.

Right, and when the Ansar Dine find me, what do you think I'm gonna tell them?

I am gonna tell them that it was you that helped me escape.

And I'm gonna tell them where you went.

[g*n cocks]

Because if you leave me here alone, you might as well pull the trigger.

No, it's a cover-up. This isn't the truth.

This woman's still alive. This sergeant's still alive.

It's a cover-up. The military... They're lying to us.

She's still alive. She's still alive.

Danny: We were operating drones in the tribal regions of Niger and Somalia from our base here in Delaware, targeting hostiles, which is why I wasn't surprised to get the call.

Islamic militants on horseback were making their way towards our second battalion in Algeria.

The thing is, they were in Mali.

We'd never sent armed reapers into Mali before.

I mean, a few of my buddies had flown unarmed predators to help the French with logistics, but, I mean, never anything with missiles...

Why are you suddenly so talkative?

Because they made it clear that they could get to us...

My family.

My little girl.

Well, what did they do?

They try to hurt her?

No. Not yet.

But I know they can.

Okay, so you were ordered to go after militants in Mali.

Then what?

Then it got... it got strange.

I mean, we had no Intel analyst.

I kept telling my C.O. that it didn't feel right.

But it didn't matter. He gave me a direct order.

Your C.O. gave you a direct order to fire on American soldiers?

Yeah, he did.

You think he knew who they were?

I don't know. I don't know what he knew at the time.

But after the fact, after the news came out...


So I waited. Nothing.

I waited some more. Still nothing.

So I went into my base commander's office, and I told him I wasn't gonna keep silent anymore.

Next thing I know, I'm put on paid leave.

How does Societal mining fit in?

Well, the next morning the bank calls me at my house.

Tells me someone paid off my mortgage.

I knew immediately what it was.

I knew it was blood money.

So I told them no.

I told them to send it back.

I mean, I'm not gonna get paid off.

We k*lled U.S. soldiers.

Look, I read about you on the Internet, Mr. Decker.

It said that you helped go after the big-time pharmaceuticals and the tobacco companies.

I figured I could count on you to help me with this.

I will.

But you'll tell them that it wasn't my fault, right?

I mean, I was only following an order.

I was only doing exactly what they told me to do.

I'm friends with the U.S. attorney.

I'll set up a meeting with you in New York.

You'll get to tell him that yourself.


[Women chanting in native language]

♪ ♪

[Women ululating]

This is not a joke.

If they catch you, you will be stoned.



Sidi yahya.

Talk as little as possible.

Your accent is not good.

And here...

One call...

To your family.

Only one.

Thank you.

[Cell phone beeping]

[Line trilling]

Ooh. [Exhales sharply]

[Breathing heavily]

Glen: She's one of three that we couldn't recover.

No body, no dog tags, anything?

It just makes it that much harder.

I know.

[Line trilling]

No, they're not answering.

And, um, the machine's not picking up.

Machine's not...

[cell phone beeping] I just wanted, um...

I just wanted to let them know that I'm alive...

At least that.

[Camera shutter clicks]

[Cell phone beeps]

Now they will know.

Where did you send that?

Al Jazeera.

After that...


Majors: Tell him we only want the woman.

[Man speaking native language]

Tell him we won't hurt his son if he tells us where his son took the woman.

We'll leave this godforsaken hellhole and let him and his merry band of t*rrorists live in peace.

Man: Sir.

[Speaking native language]


Okay. I got it.

[Speaking native language]

Man: Excuse me, sir. What the hell?

[g*n cocks]

Ballard tried to call home. We have her coordinates.

She's in Kidal region.

I'll go myself.

Peter: Danny.

[Tires squealing]


Hey, Danny, breathe.

Breathe! Get a... call an ambulance!

I'm calling!


No, no!

Hey, hey, man.

Hey, man, what's up?

Sorry, have you seen Bob?

He's usually here.

Bob who?

I was supposed to meet him the guy...

I'm sorry, man.

Come on. [Cell phones chiming]

Hey, look at this. Look at this.

Hey, look at this.

Look, she's alive.

Russell: Harrison.


Did you see this?

What's going on?

Dude, check your phone, man.

Check your phone.

[Folk music playing]

♪ ♪

[Cell phone chimes]

♪ ♪

Bob: Ladies and gentlemen, the beep.

Bob, it's Harrison.

Listen, I just saw a picture of that woman soldier, your woman soldier.

I mean, you were right.

So we have to talk right away. Where are you?

You were supposed to meet me at the park, all right?

So call me, please.

It's... Russell, are you sure haven't seen Bob?

I mean...

Dude, I don't know a Bob, man.

Woman:Time magazine.

Hello? Hello?

This is crazy, huh?

May I help you?


I'm looking for one of your reporters.

Ruby Simms? She was, uh...

She was doing a story on the G8 protest.

Woman: I'm sorry.

No one by that name works here.

What are you talking about?

Of course she works there.

Woman: Sorry, sir.

♪ ♪


Hey. Hey, have you seen Bob?

Bob, he's this real skinny guy, kind of scrawny.

Have... sorry. Have you seen Bob Offer?

Real, real skinny, crazy eyes...

♪ ♪

We don't know what to believe.

Glen: I'm sorry, Ron.

It's propaganda put out by Al Jazeera.

This kind of thing happens all the time.

Ron: But you haven't found her.

Look, I'll come by later to talk, okay?

Man on TV: Al Jazeera refuses to reveal the source of the photo, but the image has been disseminated widely, going viral, igniting passions in social media, both here at home and across the globe.

Protestors at the G8 summit in New York have eschewed the Pentagon's explanation of the photo and have instead capitalized on its existence as a new rallying cry...

You okay?

You look pale.

Is it that thing at work?

What thing?

More deceptively un-criminal criminal behavior?


Eat your dinner.

Dad, I was kidding.

Josh: Uh, you guys see the news about that soldier?

Oh, yeah, yeah, that special ops soldier who k*lled Abdule Abbas.

Yeah, they're saying she's still alive.

It's literally all over the Internet. Check it out.

The fact that CNN, NBC, and everyone else, including the white house, say it's a fake...

Josh, use your napkin.

Do they know where she is?

Peter, it's propaganda.

That poor family. I mean, it's just... it's cruel.

[Clears throat]

Excuse me.

[Women speaking native language]

[Line trilling]

Joe: Hello?

Did you see it?

Joe, if this woman is alive...

That's an enormous "if."

She's the only one that knows the truth.

We got to find her.

My god, what they've done.

His name is Bob Offer.

[Line trilling]


Hey, it's me.

I just got off with Decker.

He's not giving up.

He's got friends with resources.

Could be a problem going forward.

I'll handle it.