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01x04 - Del 4 (Part 4)

Posted: 03/15/15 07:54
by bunniefuu
Please note: this is a translation and requires more work.

I will do everything to find Josefine!

Yes, that's exactly what worries me.

Damn ...

I'm not even certain it was ... a human.

Björnlokans sap has the samу effect.

What could have caused this?

It's significant, that there are traces of a damage of the coccyx.

We have problems ...

I do not expect you to understand.

I also have a daughter.

Do you have any contact with your third brother?

Josefine ...

Good morning. Are you hungry?

Josefine ...

I made you a hot chocolate.



Hi there, Nicklas. What's up?

Hi ...

Can you come and help us with something?

Come on. It was so f*cking stupid last time.

Hi there, man.

Nicklas, why have you gone to the police and sang as a whore?

But it wasn't out fault!

Police said it, it wasn't out fault.

It was nothing.

You know what happens with people who snitch, huh?

Are you deaf now, your f*cking coward!

Oh, you can't speak either?

Don't you hear what we say, or what?

You are so stupid!



We have looked everywhere outside.

We didn't find any trace.

Window and door are untouched.

Are you sure, you locked them?

Pretty sure.

They have been locked all the time.

I'll take this to the station but I get no proper results until we send it to the SKL.

Since when a common break and entering is a case for national Crime Police?

What is it?

He has been here.

What did he mean by that?

You think that was the man in the pickup?

Who else would it be?

And what's in that bottle?

Bottle looks like the one from the hospital.

We'll see what the lab can say about it.

I want to know how he had got into the house.

Mmm! The hot chocolate.

Never too old for that, right?

No, it's ...

Yes ... have you checked rooms upstairs?

I would hear if someone was there.

Yes, yes. Right ...

But I think it's for the best to check it out, for safety's sake.

I've already checked.


When did it happen?

I'll be right there.


I can't take my daughter to a m*rder scene.

Wass's going to nursing home.

I need you there as second officer.

You know how important this is to me.

Come as soon as you can. Wass will decide whether you're needed there or not.

Okay, I'll be in 20 then.


Hi, sweetheart. Sorry, I'm late.

Oh, how I've missed you!

How's your train trip?

Shall we say goodbye to mom, then?

My train is in about 20 minutes.

Ida'll stay with me until then.

I have to go to work.

Are you going to bring her with you?!

Just a for a short while.

You can only think about yourself.

Not now, Petra.

Can we stop it ... for Ida's sake, please.


Take care, ok? See you in a few days and it would be just you and me again.

So. Come on, baby, let's go.

Tom ... She's here because of my good will.

One slightest mistake, and she goes home immediately.

What are you doing here? Go home.

Do you hear what I'm saying? Get out!

Dad, I'm so afraid.

Do not call me dad, I've said it many times.

Come here.

Gustaf! Are you leaving again?

Yes, I forgot something. It's nothing, I will be there shortly. Bye!

How many times should I say that you mustn't come here? Huh?

Doctor Koljonen.

Hey, it's Eva.

Hello, Eve. How are you?


Do you ...

How bad is girls' condition?

Why are you asking?

If we find her, can you do something?

She didn't respond to our treatment.

It just made her condition worse.

If you rescue het, as I see it, the only way is to remove the parasite surgically.

But it is very risky.

How risky?

That risky, I can't recommend it.

There must be some other way.

Even if there is, I'm afraid that we don't have enough time.

Even if you find her immediately.

When did my dad ask for your help for the first time?

My goodness, Nicklas, what happened?

He've just showed up at the farm.

Go in and get some rest, I will be with you soon.

He can't just show up like that.

He needs his dad sometimes, I can't help it.

Make sure he'll stop calling me Daddy! What if my wife hears it.

I'll take him hunting every month.

For the rest of time he's your problem, so you need to watch him better.

Gerda, it's better for us to keep things that way, otherwise things could come out.

There are a little of money now.

I'm going to meeting with Geo TBS tomorrow So please go at the office today, and clear as much as possible.

If there is anything, it should be done as soon as possible.

I'd hoped I'll be at home today ...

You'll be home after lunch. Okay?

Thank you.

It hurts so terribly.

I feel pain everywhere. Everywhere...

Huh? No, no ...

My throat is so swollen I can only eat baby food.

Puree. Yikes!

There is no changes, I'm not capable to drink anything.

They should be up there.

Secure the whole area, down to the hedge.

It is 12 March.

It's Saturday.

Blood pressure is around 95 and the temperature remains at the same level, unchanged.

I feel a little more alert now. A treatment I have now actually seems to help.

Not that better, but I feel at least not worse.

Magnus technical.

Hello. Eva Thörnblad.

Have you got results of the bottles' content?

No, it should take a few days.

Please let me know when you learn something.


I don't want to worry you , but the bottle from this morning caused skin burns.

The black liquor ...?

There is something else.

The bottle must've been in contact with something. I burned my skin a lot.

Do you feel anything?

Red rash, blisters or so?

I think I know what is it.

Yes, the place is full of policemen.

Excuse me, where is his room?

At the end of the hallway here.

Okay, thank you very much.

Mom just have to go for a little while. Okay?

I will be back soon.

Excuse me, but your colleagues are here now.

Oh well.

There had been something on the wall.

Yes, it had.

Do you remember, what it was?

It was a family photo, I think, by Ebbe and his brothers.

You shouldn't have....

Sture, my name is Ylva.

Oh, is that you? What do you want?

I've talked to your brother, Ebbe.

He asked me to warn you.

Do you recognize him?

No, unfortunately not. He was on TV, eh?

Do you think it's him?

Eva. It is Magnus.

Did you learn something?

It clearly is phytogenic and I don't know anything else that corrosive. It must be cow parsnip.

What do you want?

Gerda, you know why we are here.

Nicklas must come with us.


After what happened at the station there is nothing we can do.

He doesn't like when he gets locked ...

Moreover, it doesn't look good that you didn't report this by yourself.

They want to keep him under observation until further notice.

You know exactly what they will do with him!

Of course we'll do everything we can, to get Nicklas home soon, but ...

Gerda, I'm terribly sorry.

Mom ... no, I will not!

Wait a minute. Calm down.

I don't want to.

You must go with them, but I'll pick you up soon.

Promise me you won't do anything stupid.

Don't fight, don't hurt anyone even if you get scared.

Can you promise me that?

You must be brave, for my sake.

There is no danger.

Everything will be good, it will be good.

Man. Age: Unknown. Probable сause of death: g*nsh*t wound to the torso.

My opinion: r*fle.

Caliber: approximately 2 to 2.10.

I said approximately because the head, hands and feet are missing.

Straight, sharp cuts are in all over the body.

Turbine blades?

I have "tool marks" on all cracks. Straight, parallel grooves.

Preliminary assessment: all marks from powered saw.

I start the autopsy.
What the hell are you?

Don't tell your mom, she doesn't like if you drink soda.

You're painting something nice.

Very good.

Yes, Tom Aronsson.

What body?

Yes, it's me you're talking to.

How so it appear "strange", what do you mean?

Oh well. I'm on strict schedule.

Fill in the report, and I'll read it.

Is it? Well, I'll send someone over.

Someone at nursing home must have tipped the press. I had to make my way in here.

Is it ...?

Ida, my daughter.

Oh well. Hello.

Should we say hello to uncle Goran?

Hello. Goran.

Can we talk outside?

Yes. Daddy will be right back, honey.

A senile man in his 80s, Ebbe, was found with his throat cut open.

Similar as Jeppesen.

Yes. No one has seen or heard anything.

The man in the pickup ...

No relatives, no friends.

Way are you not at home?

Sigvardsson said, you'll decide.

Oh well. It would be a lie to say that you are not needed there, but you can now.

You'll just have to pass this pack.

The fourth victim was a 80-year old man, but the police has no comments about a possible connection with other killings in Silver Height.

An identikit on the suspected perpetrator was released yesterday.

Police asking the public for any hints ...

How much we have before this all will lead to us?

It can't continue any futher.

Leave alone our project in port, Thörnblad Cellulose will go down.

We've put everything on it. We can't have a k*ller on our payroll.

He is not on anyone's payroll.

Nothing connects him to us.

Oh, yea? Where is he now?

Yes, maybe it wasn't that good of a choice, but ...

He needed some place to go.

We have to get rid of him.

The faster it happen, the better.

But what about Anton then?

We must organize that , so we won't become accomplices of murders.

We can't go to the police.

We must ensure that he does what he should. Treat him if needed.

Do you seriously think, that our threats can bother him?

He cut enough throats, and we can be next.

I thought you said that you had talked to him?

I had. I thought he understood, but I was obviously wrong.

Dagger's right.

He has gone too far, a risk is great.

We must get rid of him, simply way. Who's voting?



Mm, that's fine.

I'll hold them back.

Thank you.

Take care of your dad. Goodbye.


Well, the coroner wants someone come and watch the autopsy of the body from the treatment plant.

Yes, I'll take care of it. Go now.

Wonderful, thank you. Come, honey.

Yes, hello.

Just a moment. I will be there int fifteen minutes. Awesome. Hello.

Yes, questions?

What happened at the nursing home?

You can go home and draw a little.

Have you got any leads?

Yes. Further, I prefer not to say.

And Tom Aronsson?

If it was him ...?

No, but where is he?

I do not know.

There are so many people here right now, so that ...

Why are you don't make a statment?

No one has seen or heard anything.

Tom Aronsson? Swedish Radio here.

What happened at the nursing home?

Do you see any connection?

Was it m*rder?

You lead investigation, how's it going?

Let me go!

Come here now. Max, take it easy.

Nicklas ...


Mommy will take you home soon.

I'm going to, my love.

Soon, soon, soon.

You see I do not think I have authority.

It was an accident.

But why did he end up at the police station?

He went there himself.

And where did he get the g*n?

The guys had it.

Someone could've die.

Have you given him his medications?

No, he's not good when he takes them.

They were a part of the agreement.

I understand that you, as a single mother, can not take care of him.

I take excellent care of him!

But Nicklas need constant supervision, and he can get it right here.

He's doing great at home.

We gave you a chance. Now we know.

What do you know?

You have no idea how to care for sensitive people.

If you can not take care of him full-time, it is better that he is here.

You are pure evil!

That's it.

You have to eat.

Hello ...

Hey, are you Ida?

The press was all around my home.

I did not want to expose Ida for that.

This was the only place I think about to come. I did not know about ...

Ehm ... absolutely. Come in.

Thank you.

Come on.

I want you to leave Silver Height.

We brought you here to find Anton and destroy those who took him.

Which is exactly what I do.

No. You k*lled innocent people.

I want you out of here.

Is that what you think I do?

k*ll innocent people? Come on.

They are neither innocent or people.

You know the one who made Anton not human.

But neither you nor I knew that the entire Silver Height is crawling with predators.

Many of them look just like us.

But they are not like us.

They are animals. Monster.

Do you mean that he is on the retirement home and the taxi driver was ...?

They cut them off to blend in.

They are everywhere, hiding among us.

It can be anyone and we'll never know.

How do you know about all of this?

This mark was given me ten years ago, and it will never heal.

Do you understand now how dangerous it is, what we are fighting against, and what I have to do?

They have taken Anton.

I'll find him, if I'll k*ll everyone of them.

Do you have a connection between old man, Tore Hager and taxi driver?

We haven't found anything yet, but all of it points towards the man in the pickup.

And no one saw him geting in?

Well, no, but it's not exactly Fort Knox ...

How are you?

It probably wasn't him in the pickup.

He could have come to finish what he started on the ferry.

May be we should send a car here to watch outside just for case?

Press probably start wondering why you are sitting outside in a car for all day?

Thank you anyway.

You and dad, huh?

It's looks just like you.

Only her pen put on me a few extra pounds.

She has never spoken?

No one believes me when I tell them, but she has actually spoken, once.

It was when my mom had just passed away.

She looked at me then and said:

"Don't be sorry, Dad."

I think she can talk, but choose not to.

I wish that her mother didn't take her from me. Ida wants to be with me, - But it is difficult to prove when she says nothing.

I'm sorry but ...

Josefine's father and you, have you ...?

No. He has a new family.

I tried to get him and her together, but there had been obstacles.

Oh, it's Sigvardsson. I have to...

It's Tom.

Yes, the press just moved somewhere else.

All right. So it is no one left there now? No ...

Yes, that's good to know.

See you tomorrow.

Many thanks for your help. Bye The coast is clear, vultures have flown away.

Hope they will stay away.

What do you say, darling, should we go home?

Thanks for letting us stay.

Of course.

Shall we say goodbye to Aunt Eva, then?


It was nice to meet you, Ida.

Okay, should we go? Bye.


Josefine ...

What are you doing?

Why are you doing that?

I've never seen anything like it.

There's nothing unusual in it - bodies in water become spongy?

It is true, but there is something entirely different.

Hello. I've forgot the keys.

The fourth victim was a 80-year old man, but the police has no comments about a possible connection between previous killings in Silver Height.

An identikit of the suspected perpetrator was released yesterday, Police have asked the public to give any information which can lead to the perpetrator.

Easy, easy.

Don't rush.

Is it good?



You should leave us alone, you hear it!

Heal wounds of soil Splash crown of a tree Spruce, fir and pine Make stronger the resin The most beautiful crystal Back in stillness written in blood Everything has meaning deep under the soil