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01x07 - Mercy Moment m*rder Measure

Posted: 05/19/14 08:50
by bunniefuu
Warden: No.



Tallmadge. No.

Samuel. Samuel Tallmadge.

Rebel officer, captured at Valcour Island.



Ah, Tallmadge.

Here he is.

Or was.

Died just before Christmas.

Dysentery, supposedly.

(Body splashes)

Thank you for visiting the Jersey.

Who was his bunkmate?


You know what I mean. The man he talked to the most.

How should I bloody know...

Go and find him now before I heave you over the side, eh?


Go on.

All right.

I spent three years on a bucket like this.

You make a friend fast or you die.

A ship like this brought me over.

They pitched so many bodies into the sea, the sharks would follow us like dogs waiting on table scraps.


We're the sharks now.

You remember that.

(Chains rattling)

All right. Come on.

Well, they say this is the man you want.

You knew Samuel Tallmadge?


Hey, what's your name?


Where are you from?

(Whispers) Setauket.


(Louder) Setauket.


Where the Tallmadge boys roam.

So, you and Sam were kindred or kin?

What's his name?

Jordan: Major.

I can tell you who this man be.

♪ Hush, hush ♪
♪ There's snakes in the garden ♪
♪ Soul for sale ♪
♪ Blood on the rise ♪
♪ Hush, hush ♪
♪ I can't wait anymore ♪
♪ Soul for sale ♪
♪ I can't wait anymore ♪

(Bird caws)

(Door creaks open)

(Rocking chair creaking)

(Creaking continues)


Hey, Woody.

You got any breakfast here?

Oh, you bastard.


All right.

What are you doing here? This is my home!

Aye, and a fine little home it is, albeit a bit lonely.

And you are aware that the soldier who is quartered here will be back soon.

Well, we'd better eat quick, then.

It's fine silver.

I'll get you a good price for it across the Sound, if you like.

Give me that. We're supposed to meet in the cove.

Yeah, and you're supposed to hang a petticoat.

When I'm ready with the intelligence. That was the plan.

When you're ready? It's been two months since you passed on that little morsel about sauerkraut.

I've been having trouble getting into the city without raising suspicions, all right?

It's not as easy for me as you'd think.

Caleb: No one thinks it is easy.

But this is about more than just you.

What's this?

That is your new Bible.

It's a code dictionary.

Makes sure that anything that you write can't be read by the enemy. In case of intercept.

Each word has its own number.

Ben chose the words he thought we'd use most.

Now, look.

Here, 722. That's you.

721 is Benny boy.

725, yours truly.

Yeah, but hang on a sec.

Look, 722 says here Samuel Culper.

Culpepper. Yeah?

That's your alias, all right?

It's the only name we use for you back at headquarters.

Woodhull does not exist.

Culpepper. Culpeh-per.


Peeper, Piper, Pepper.

I hate it.

Well, Washington picked that one.

And Ben picked Samuel on account of his brother.

Washing... Washington? General Washington?

That's right. Old 711 himself.

"Mercy, Moment, m*rder, Measure."

I'm not gonna remember all this.

That's why you keep the book hidden.

Now, when can I tell them you're heading back to British headquarters?

This draft note confirms that I gave half my hay to the King's Army on October 12th.

But Colonel Beecham will not accept it in exchange for new seed.

Hewlett: Nor should he.

Colonel Beecham is the land commissary.

That certificate is meant for Captain Dodd.

Richard: Dodd will convert that note, but you need to get Faro and Harborough to sign off.

Yes, but...

Next in line, please.

State your name and your case.

Anna Strong to seek parole for my husband, Selah Strong.

Richard: On what grounds do you seek parole?

It has been four months since he has been remanded to the Jersey and still no evidence has been brought forward against him.

We have several witness accounts of a petition naming your husband as delegate to an illegal body known as the New York Provincial Congress.

Counsel recommends no parole at this time.

Next in line!

Major, please. You are a man of honor. I beg you, listen.

Madam, you will address the magistrate.

Unless this so-called petition is produced, the charge against my husband is hearsay.

Richard: Selah Strong confessed to insurrection.

You forced him to confess so you could lay claim to our land and sell it off piece by piece to your friends.

Mrs. Strong.

(Quietly) You forget yourself.

Woman: Patriot princess. How the mighty have fallen.

Well, now I will charge her...


Let's continue, shall we?

Rogers: So, Selah Strong.

You knew Samuel Tallmadge very well?

All my life.

And his brother Benjamin?

Well, I have to tell you, I've been to your little town and I've met your lovely wife, Anna.

Poor woman has been pining after ya, ain't that right, Jordan?

Yes, every week she asks the king's head man to release you.

You've got many friends who are very anxious to see your bondage end.

Friends who pay men like me to get men like you out of places like this.

So, what do you say, Mr. Strong?

Would you like to go home?

Mrs. Strong?

I'm closing up for the night.

Mr. DeJong asks I send the rum down to the cellar at 10:00.

No, that's fine.

I've come to deliver this, courtesy of Major Hewlett.

It came tonight via dispatch rider from New York.

A Major John Andre sent it for the child of his housemaid, who Major Hewlett remembered is in your care and asked me to bring...


I'm almost done folding, miss.

Look, it's a birthday gift from your mother.

Look what she made.

Mr. Baker.

Baker: Ahem.


(Door closes)

(Dishes clatter)

Anna, I need a word.

We're closed.

Tomorrow, then, all right? Somewhere private. Our tree or...

This is where I work now, at the tavern I was forced to sell to Maarten DeJong.

And tomorrow he expects me to work all day.

I'm going to New York to sell your crop.

The cauliflower, all of it.

(Cup clatters)


Are you saying this to hurt me?

(Quietly) It's to hurt them, all right?

Listen to me, I need... I need you to ride with me.

I need you to...

I need you to pose as...

Your wife?


So you can sell off the last of my husband's estate?

No, it's the only way into the city, all right?

I can't ask Mary.

Excuse me, Miss Anna?

I think this is for you.

Anna, what is this?

What is this?

Anna, I don't understand. What is this?

I told you, Abigail promised to keep an eye out in New York.

No, no, I mean I don't understand how is Simcoe still alive?

You told me that he was...


Caleb Brewster.

I am gonna k*ll him. That lying...

Caleb didn't lie to you, I did.

He and Ben took Simcoe c*ptive, but Simcoe got freed somehow.

And so you lied to me so that I would stay the course for the cause.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Come tomorrow, we'll both be.

(Seagulls squawking)

Captain Simcoe!

Welcome back to Setauket, Captain.

We're glad to have you.

Major Hewlett apologizes that he couldn't be here in person to greet you.

But he asks that you proceed to Whitehall and give your report.


Simcoe: I'm afraid so.

Whilst enduring t*rture at the hands of my rebel captors, I managed to wheedle out the fact that they hailed from Setauket itself.


By your leave,

I'd like to conduct an inquiry beginning with the family names of Tallmadge and Brewster.

Yes, very well.

But tread lightly.


The tactics which we employed on our first days here are no longer to be tolerated.

We must show these people that we are better than the rebels.

We must win the battle for their hearts and minds.

I intend to.

Believe me.


Mrs. Woodhull.

Mr. Baker.

Is... is my husband here?

Uh, no. I haven't... he's not.

Whose silver is this?

Uh, I believe...

I believe it was a gift for the household.

A gift? From whom?

Mrs. Strong.

She was here?

You saw her here?

With Mr. Woodhull?

I... at the Epiphany.

I came in one night.

They were here.

I'm sorry, I...

(Door closes)


Stupid man. Stupid.

Come here.

What did you say to distress Mrs. Woodhull?

Please tell me, Ensign Baker.

(Pub patrons chattering)


Don't scream, it's just me. It's Abe.


(Quietly) I thought you were Simcoe.

(Quietly) Has he come by yet?


Well, he will.

Tomorrow... tomorrow he will.

Soldiers at supper said they saw him.


He had to report to Hewlett first.

Abe, if Simcoe at all puts together a suspicion about what led to the ambush, maybe you should flee now while you still have a chance.


Leave Long Island? And do what? Go where?

I don't know.

What about my family?

What about you?


What about Mr. Culper?


(Thuds) More ale, please!

I have to go.


Anna, wait, wait. Listen.

I say we finish the job Caleb promised he'd do.

A simple note could lure him out at night.

And then a robbery on the road.

I have seen how an expl*sive can be used to set a trap.

Maybe if we... if we both work together, we can... we can do this.

Abraham, you've never k*lled anyone.

What else...

And you're not about to start now.


(Anna ascends stairs)


Are you too busy for a kiss good night?

No, no, no.

You're rescuing me from the drudgery of my ledgers.


Good night, my little soldier.


I do like it when you call me Father.

I think of you that way.

Anything I can do to improve your comfort while you're here?

Can you convince the major to grant Selah Strong a pardon?

To release him from prison?

I can no longer be blind to the fact of Abraham's feelings for Anna Strong.

Was it true that they were engaged to be wed?

Who told you that?

Is it true?

Were they engaged before Abraham was obliged...

Abraham was not obliged.

He loves you.

Anna Strong was a childish infatuation.

You are his wife.

All wives want to be with their husbands.

Perhaps if Anna can be reunited with hers, then I can be with mine.

I know that there are legal and business concerns, but please... please just think on it, Father.

That's all I ask.
Simcoe: Evening, Woodhull!

Came by your home today to offer you an apology.

Now it seems I must retract it with vigor.

Captain Simcoe.


I thought you were...




Far from it, actually.

Time for redemption, Mr. Woodhull.

Wait, wait, wait.

No, wait, wait.


If you have a grievance with me, I suggest that we settle this lawfully with Major Hewlett, all right?

We'll settle it now.

(Yells, gasping)


You prefer to strike at the wound, don't you?

That explains why you forced yourself on her at Christmas.


When her spirits were low.




Mr. Woodhull! Mr. Woodhull!

Mr. Woodhull.

Apologies, Captain. Direct order from the major.

Your father's looking for you.

It's an emergency.

I have to bring Mr. Woodhull to the magistrate away... er, straightaway.


Isn't that what you'd call it?

He att*cked me first.

You all saw that.


Saw what, sir?

Caleb: There's something going on between those two.

I just don't know what.

You know, when I suggested that he take Anna to New York to get past the checkpoint, he got very upset.

Anyway, I suppose none of this is our concern.

They're my only two agents on Long Island.

If there's trouble between them, I want to know about it.

Well, how's about you jump on a whaleboat with me, Major?

Get your arse out of this woodpile?

(Sighs) I'd like to.

Washington needs me here. Compiling.

That and there's Sackett's homework... tradecraft, as he calls it.

I feel like I'm back in school again.

Yeah? See, this is exactly the reason why I've been careful to avoid success.



"Sir," he says.

I have an urgent report from the provost marshal.

He thought perhaps you'd like to see the latest prisoner exchange proposal.

Thank you, Corporal.

What is it?


It's Samuel. He's alive.

He's being released.

(Caleb laughs)

Sammy boy! Huh? Huh?

When do we go get him?

I... (Sighs) oh, I have to report to Washington tomorrow.

Oh, come on. He'll release you for this.

No, he won't.

He'd consider it special treatment.

There are other men's brothers on that list.

All right. Well, I'll pick him up.

Yeah, I'll go and get Samuel and then I'll bring him back straight here.

Actually, I'll get him drunk first.

No, I'll get him drunk and then I'll get him a screw.

Wait, Caleb.


Thank you.

Hey, what are brothers for, right?


Captain Simcoe.

Step forward.

Mr. Woodhull, what are you doing here?

The law requires it.

Hewlett: I had hoped my words to you had been clear... respect one's host.

Simcoe: I agree.

Then I learned from Ensign Baker that Mr. Woodhull had assaulted the virtue of a lady...

Mrs. Anna Strong.

I assume you divulged that, too.

It was...


What I saw between Mr. Woodhull and Mrs. Strong was entirely inappropriate, and I told him as much at the time.

But he did not r*pe her.

So far as I could tell, the dalliance was consensual.

He must've initiated it, then It was not against her wishes.

This is shameful.


Major, abuse of any kind is abhorrent to me, and when I heard of a lady in distress,

I leapt to her defense.

It now appears I may have been rash.


And if that is the case, I apologize sincerely to Mr. Woodhull.

It appears that neither is in the right or the wrong.

This has all been a terrible misunderstanding, Richard.

I'm sure we can agree to make an exception in this case as long as Abraham accepts the apology.

Now, shake on it.



Are you satisfied?

Neither am I... which is why I propose we settle this decisively.

What's between us cannot be settled.

Of course, it can.

With a duel.

A duel?

Between gentlemen.

Two pistols. Somewhere private.

Choose Baker as your second and I'll select the most discreet man I know.

Yeah, I know what a duel is.

Of course you do.

Or shall you run and tell Father?

Or shall you pretend to manhood?

(Whispers) You know I'll never stop.

I accept.

Apology accepted.

(Singing drunkenly)

Ale, please.

Captain Simcoe.

Let me fetch it.

(Singing continues)

(Breathing heavily)

Simcoe: I apologize, Mrs. Strong, for my tardiness.


I suppose it's too late to pick up my laundry?

You don't remember?

I feared we would never see you again.

I always knew I'd see you.

In fact, I could never have endured such ill treatment had I not clung onto the hope of one day resuming our close friendship we embarked upon.

I'm so relieved... to hear of your survival.

And... now that you've returned... there's something I've been meaning to discuss with you.


My husband's imprisonment has cost me Strong Manor, this tavern, and my status in the town.

And yet... there's something I cling to, as you did.

My honor.

And while I remain a married woman, I ask your help safeguarding it.


Tomorrow at dawn at the millpond, I intend to avenge it.

You no longer need to worry about unwelcome advances from inebriated farmers.

I'll see to that.




Mrs. Anna.

Luke, I can't find Abraham. Where is he?

I thought him home.

No, no one's home.

No one's answering the door and his horse is gone.

Did he say he was going anywhere?


He was sh**ting.

On that old scarecrow over there.

Taking sh*ts with some old rusty p*stol he had.

Don't think he hit it, though.

Maybe that's why he mad.


(Footsteps descending stairs)

Judge Woodhull, I'm sorry to barge in at this hour, but I desperately need your help.

It's taken care of.

It is?

After conferring with Major Hewlett, who is also sympathetic to your plight, we have agreed to pardon your husband on one condition.

That he signs an agreement not to challenge the attainder following his release.


Yes, yes, and you will make sure he signs it.

No, no, that's not why I'm here.

You need to get dressed. I'll explain on the way.

You'll explain it right now.

Your son has made a terrible mistake and unless you hurry, he's going to pay for it with his life.

Should you lose the coin toss, remember, it is not considered cowardly to turn aside to present your adversary with a smaller target.

That is perhaps the best way to think of the captain... as merely a target.

I know you must be concerned about k*lling a man for the first time today.

Let me reassure you. It's very unlikely to happen.

Well, there's a first for everything.


Baker: Agree to these conditions on your personal honor, before your respective seconds, before one another, and before God.

Get on with it, man.

The obverse side represents Mr. Woodhull.

The reverse his challenger, Captain Simcoe.

Soldier: Congratulations.

Mr. Woodhull, you will have the opportunity to draw first blood.

She's mine.

Baker: Commence.

One, two, three, four, five.



Fire, Mr. Woodhull.


My turn.

I want you to know, Woodhull, that whilst I've k*lled many such as you...


I shall treasure this particular encounter.

Of course, I may just decide to cr*pple you.

Richard: Abraham!

What do you think you're doing?

This doesn't concern you!

Do it.

Sir, I can't let you interfere.

Mr. Woodhull has had his shot.

This is an affair of honor.

Whose honor? Mine?

Because I assure you, it is not my honor that has been offended here.

It seems far more likely that it is your own honor... yours and yours, sirs, that is at stake here.

I am prepared to receive your fire.

Please, John.

As I told you, I'm a married woman before the law.

What happened at Christmas was a mistake... for which we were both at fault.

I swear, sir. There is nothing between us.

It is over.

We have both returned to our vows until fate determines otherwise.


No one knows what the future may bring.

But if you go through with this now, I don't know what our fate here can be.

(Anna breathing heavily)

I have satisfaction.

Abe: Reload, please.


Mr. Woodhull, you can stop now with your honor intact.

Just load the p*stol.

Mr. Woodhull...

Load the p*stol.

This is illegal!

Hold him! Hold him!

Abraham, come to your senses!

This is my battle.

I don't need your protection.

Protection? I will show you no mercy!

If by some miracle you succeed in wounding or k*lling this officer, I will personally prosecute you to the full extent of His Majesty's law!

(Cocks g*n)

Abraham, don't throw your life away.

If not for me, then for your wife, your son!

This is about more than you!

Hey, ain't Rangers supposed to range?

On the back of a horse, say?

Best if nobody hears us coming.

Especially our good friend, Benjamin Tallmadge.




We're off to New York to free Selah.

It seems possible that you could manage a smile.

After I convince him to sign away his property.

Is that why you're upset?

You should've k*lled Simcoe when you had the chance.

You were the one that was trying to talk me out of it.

That was to save you. Then Simcoe gave you an opening.

You heard my father. He would've prosecuted me.

(Scoffs) You can't tell a bluff when you hear it?

Your father would've done everything he could to protect you.

Simcoe made the challenge, so the blame would've fallen on him.


This is business we're about.

So let's get about it.

She's off to retrieve her husband and he's off to sell the rest of their crop.

Trust me, there's no love lost between those two.