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02x07 - Need to Know

Posted: 03/31/15 09:10
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Night Shift"...

Your stalker got paroled last week.


Scott: I saw your face.

You were terrified. You don't have to put on a front.

I'm not TC.

Thank you for being here, Scott.

Drew, I don't know who I am anymore.

I'm sorry. I can't do this.

Do what?

I'm moving out.

I'm not your boss anymore.

Drew: There's a woman out here, tells me she's your sister-in-law, Annie.

Hey, baby.

Thad and I had a bet who could talk to you first, and he beat me to it that day.

What if you'd won the bet?

I'll get the tab.


[Alarm ringing]

[Cellphone beeps]


Hey, Annie, you awake?




Annie?! Hey.


Okay Annie, come on.

Dispatcher: 911. What's your emergency?

I need an ambulance at 742 Kenmar Drive.

Female, 30, status post-fall with blunt head trauma.

Sir, could you please...

No, I'm a doctor. I need an ambulance here now, okay?

Hang on, Annie. Hang on.

[Alarm ringing]


[Alarm beeping]


Damn, dude.

You get the license plate of that truck that ran over you?

I'm not having this conversation right now.

Fine, but you better pound one of those rip it energy things you drink, or you, my friend, ain't making it through the shift.


Ah, I'm s...

What's his problem?

Ah, I think he's letting his buddies Jim beam and Jack Daniel's help him deal with the Rick breakup.

Ah. Poor guy.

Hey, um, have you seen TC?

Uh, don't think he's here yet, but check with Topher.

Okay, thanks.

Topher, um...

Yep have you seen Tee?

I just got off the phone with the paramedics. Gwen says they need a doctor out in the field.

There's a boy with a bad neck injury. He's stuck in a well.

Tell 'em to send Lassie.


Oh, you were serious.


Uh, Tee... TC's not in yet. Can... can you go?

Okay. Yeah, I'll go. Um, just tell Gwen I'm on my way.


Don't worry, honey, it'll be okay.

Hey, sweetie, what are you doing here?

She fell and hurt her wrist.

What? Let me see that.

Ow! That hurts.

Sorry, honey. What happened?

She was at a concert tonight, and...

The Lil Wayne one?

People just started pushing, and I fell and someone stepped on my hand.

I thought we said that...

Mom said I could go. It's fine, really.

Stephanie's mom went with us.

Stephanie's mom? The crazy one.

She's not crazy, she's my friend, and can we take care of your daughter's wrist, please?

Yes, but I'm not done with this.

Come on, come with me.

Paul. Hey, this is my daughter, Naomi.

Can we get her triaged and an X-ray on her wrist, please?

Sure thing. Come on.

Drew, Topher, hey! I need you.

Respiratory failure from head trauma.

Annie! What is she doing in town?

I'll explain later, okay, we're going straight to CT.

I saw her last night. She looked like trouble.

TC: Found her at the bottom of the stairs.

We had a few drinks last night.

She must've fallen.

Why don't you step out? I'll take over the case. You shouldn't be working on family.

I'm not leaving her.

I think you should.

I'm taking care of it, Topher. Gel.

There. What's that?

She's bleeding. Blood's pooling at the bottom of her spleen.

Okay, we got to get her to the OR.

Come on.

Nice work.

Thank you.

I see Joey taught you well.

He did.

Still have a lot to learn from you.

Sad to see him go.

Yeah, that's what I hear.

I'm just glad everybody up here's got something else to gossip about besides me.

TC: Hey!

Which one of the ORs is free?

Hey. What's going on?

Bleeding in her abdomen. A grade four splenic lac.

All right, we'll take her in OR Two.

I'm on it.

For the hundredth time, TC, you're not staffed as a surgeon at this hospital.

Scott, Scott, it's his sister-in-law.

Come on.

[Sighs] Well, if you really care about her, you'll let a surgeon handle it.

Let me take the lead. You're more than welcome to assist.

It's the right call.

Hey, hey.

Any sign of trouble, you call me, okay?

Of course.

Let's go.

[Siren wails]

Two patients. The mother went down to rescue the boy.

The boy's still down with a paramedic.

Said we needed a doctor. We got the mother out, but the boy can't be moved.

Jordan: Hi, I'm Dr. Alexander.

I'm fine. You have to get my son Malcolm out of there, okay?

Please just go!

Just go!


Let's get a dressing on this. I'm gonna check on the boy.


Gwen: What took you so long?

He has...



Okay, I need to get down there now.

Yes, ma'am...

All right. Ready? Go.

All right, Gwen, hold on.

I'm almost there.

Come on.

Come on.

All right, deep breaths.

Come on, take some deep breaths. You're okay.

Deep breaths.

There you go.

Okay, good. Good.

You're going to be okay.

Hi, Malcolm.

I'm Dr. Alexander.

We're gonna get you out of here, okay?

The hell were you thinking?

There are pockets of methane gas in wells like these.

Thought I'd be out faster.

He needed the mask more than I did.

Where's yours?

It's the last one. We have to alternate.

[Muffled] Where's my mom? Is she okay?

She's good.

She's up there waiting for you, buddy.

I didn't think he could be moved.

It's a good thing you waited.

I don't think his neck is fractured.

It's probably a locked facet.

He needs to see an orthopedist when we get to the ER.

To make sure there's no permanent spinal cord damage.

You ready?



Hey, we're all set. Bring him up.

Janine: Hang on, honey.

We're gonna get you out of there.

We're almost there. Hang on.

We'll be right down for you, doc.

Thumb up for me. Ah, when did this happen?

When Drake and Lil Wayne did "Love Me".

I love that song. Wait, did they do, uh...

Hey, Paul, can you just please take care of the wrist.

Yeah. All right.

I can't believe you let her go, Lydia.

We talked about this.

We did talk about it, but all her friends were going and I decided it was okay.

And... and look... look what happened.

Please, this could've happened anywhere.

Look at how happy she is. She had a great time.

Maybe you two need to have this conversation someplace else.

Come on. Out.

You're Mollie, right?


My dad told me you're a hard ass.

You got that right.


[Chuckles] Yeah.

Hey. Kenny.

Hey, I just wanted to talk to you.

I saw you kiss him.

It's not what it looked like.

What, you didn't have your tongue down Joey's throat?

'Cause that's... that's what it ... that's what it looked like.

Kenny ...

Look, I... I know we was just doing the casual thing, and I don't know, maybe... maybe I was making too much of it... but regardless, you know me.


I'd never disrespect you like that.

You know it.

[Siren wailing]

Hey Malcolm, your mom's in the car behind us and she's gonna meet us at the hospital.

Just want to check your eyes real quick.

All right, buddy, you're doing great.

There you go.


Yeah, he's ready.

And the morphine's in.

That should keep him sedated.

OK So, Mommy, you haven't told TC yet, huh?

No, I haven't told TC. I mean, [Sighs] I just took the test.

But when I get back to the hospital I'm going to find a quiet moment to talk to him...

I mean, not exactly something you just blurt out.



Is this a good thing?

Gwen, I am freaking out.

I mean, I always knew that I was gonna be a mother.

I just didn't picture it happening like this.

You know? We didn't exactly plan it.

But I'm also happy.

TC and I, we're not perfect, but we love each other.


All right, let's do this, then.

[Monitor beeping]

[Monitor beeping]



No, don't.

You're... you were intubated, so your throat is sore.

And you were in surgery.


Fell down the stairs, hurt your spleen.

Gave me quite a scare.

You're gonna be okay. Just go back to sleep.

I'll be right by your side.

Just because we're divorced doesn't mean you can undermine me, okay?

We're still supposed to make decisions together.

Yeah, like when you made the decision to quit your job.

That's different.

Yeah, that was way worse.

Cost our family 150 grand a year, and now I have to carry a significant burden.

What was I supposed to do? Be miserable?

[Scoffs] You were miserable for years.

That's because I was so unhappy.

When you have two kids, you make sacrifices.

Speaking of, did you pay the hotel for Naomi's quinceañera?

Yes. I already told you that, so please stop asking.

Ah, Ex... excuse me.

Um, the X-ray shows no fractures.

Just a sprain.

Oh, thank God.

D... do you want to step in?


Thank you.

You're welcome.

Good to go.

Can I stay? Hang out with Dad.

Yeah y... you you sure, honey? Huh?

It's not gonna be that much fun.

I'm gonna be pretty busy, too.

All right?

I think it's a great idea.

She should stay and see what her father really does.

Yeah, come on Dad, please? I'm not even tired.

Yes. Yes, of course.

Woman: Incoming!

[Siren wailing]

Cool, a patient.

Can I watch you work?

Ragosa: Uh, no.

No, that's... that's not my patient.

Maybe later, okay, honey?

Come on. Let's go to the break room and go hang out.

Drop her off in the morning and make sure she eats something.

I've been feeding her for 14 years. I think we'll be okay.

Got a bilateral locked facet from a deep fall in a well.

Never seen one of these before.

Well, here's your chance.


Are you okay?

Yeah, I just tweaked my ankle going down the well.

I'll be fine. I'll just put some ice on it.

Do not listen to her. She passed out from methane. She needs fluids and a blood-gas.

And Jordan needs the same test.

Yes, and I will get it.

Um, hey, Drew, can you take care of Mrs. Coury, please?

I am not leaving my son's side.


Okay, but you have to let us do our work.


Uh, Drew, can you page ortho, please?

No ortho tonight. Already called them on another case.

Okay, on three. One, two, three.

Are you worried about cervical subluxation?

W... what does that mean? It means we're gonna have to reduce his spine ourselves.

Paul, Drew, get me the Gardner-Wells tongs and some five-pound weights.

We're gonna have to snap his neck back into place.

Are you gonna knock me out?

Sorry, buddy, but we're gonna need you awake for this.

Don't worry. We're gonna numb you so you won't feel a thing, okay?

Oh, my God.

Where's my mom?

Your mom's right outside.

Malcolm, we're not gonna let anything bad happen to you, okay?

It's gonna be all right, I promise.

All right, ready, Drew? Good [Groans]

Hey, Toph.


Uh, my daughter is here tonight. I hope that's okay.

Yeah, of course.


See, the thing is, uh, [Clears throat] you know, with the whole job change and all, I may have insinuated that I do a bit more than a physician's assistant.

How much more?

Naomi: Dad, I'm bored.

When am I gonna see all the cool life-saving stuff you do?

S... so, anyway, Michael, um, about your patient.

Radiology called. The CT shows a small pneumo.

You think a Heimlich valve would do?


Yes, yes. If it's, uh, small and non-traumatic, that should work.


Uh, Naomi, stay out of people's hair.

I'm gonna go check on my patient, okay?


Thanks, Michael.

Okay, seriously, what's the grossest thing you've pulled out of somebody's butt?

Drew: We're in the bone.

Jordan: Okay, Malcolm, we're all set here.

You're gonna feel a little pressure when we add the weights, but we're gonna take things slow, okay?

Right start with 10?



Malcolm: Dr. Alexander?


I can't feel my legs.

Okay, can you move your toes for me?

I can't.

Lost his reflexes.

All right, so much for slow. Drew, help me pull.

Okay, on three. One, two, three.

[Neck cracks]


You all right, Malcolm?

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, it actually feels a lot better.

I can move my neck.

And the numbness?

Uh, it's still there, but not as bad.

Are we too late?

I don't know.

If he's lucky, his spinal cord is just contused and he'll regain function when the swelling goes down, but for now we're just gonna have to wait.

Why don't you guys get started on the halo?

And I'm gonna go get changed.

[Monitor beeping rapidly]

Wh... what is it? Ah, okay.


Annie. Scott!

I need a crash cart she's not breathing!

Is she bleeding again?

She was talking, she was fine.

I got to re-intubate her. A bag...

Is that Annie?


What happened?

She fell down the stairs this morning.

She was at your house?

Let's not do this now. Scott, hand me the laryngoscope.

Did you run a tox screen?


Give me a shot of naloxone.

Jordan, we just had drinks last night, okay?

She's not on anything.

She fell down the stairs, hurt her spleen.

You wanna make a bet?

Anesthesia cross reacted with whatever narcotics she had in her system.

Damn it, if I'd have known that...

I swear we just had drinks last night.

Hey. You okay?

What's happening?

What's Jordan doing here?

What am I doing here?

I just saved your life.


Excuse me.

You're cute.

What's your name?

Dr. Clemmens.

You should... you should sit back, try and relax, okay?

Give you some privacy.


[Jordan coughing]

[Toilet flushes]

Excuse me.


Just came in here 'cause I didn't want him to see me crying.


I was trying to be brave for him, you know?

Yeah. You two seem very close.

Yeah, we are. It's just me and him.


We were camping for the first time.

I don't know what I was thinking.

[Sighs] Is he gonna be okay?

We're gonna take a look at him in another hour.



You have kids?

Oh, my God. You're pregnant.


The retching and the hesitation right now.

It's the greatest.

Not the pregnant part. That sucks. But being a mom...

Your heart really does triple in size like the Grinch.

And it starts sooner than you think.

Those little buggers... they weasel their way right up here.

You have to stop calling me.

It was one time, and you know what?

I don't even remember his name, so let it go.

[Cellphone beeps]

So, Kenny's upset with me now, which really sucks.

Bu... but I'm sure he's already told you about what happened, right?

About you shoving your tongue down Joey's throat in front of him?

No, he failed to mention it.

Uh, sorry, that... that's not fair.

That's not actually how it happened.

And yet it happened.

Why are you being such a jerk?

I just... I just want to talk to you like you talk to me about Rick.

I'm done talking about Rick. He left me.

I've moved on.

Moved on to what?

You look like hell.

Look, I'm sorry about you and Kenny.

I'm sorry that Joey left.

I've got work to do.

I'm sure you do, too.



You okay?

Yeah, my, uh, stomach's a little queasy.

It's just, uh, bad sushi. I think.


Hey, did you know that Annie was in town?

First of all, you need some gum... at least two pieces.

And second of all, I didn't know about Annie till Tee brought her in.

He didn't tell you?


Well, he knows you two don't get along.

That's because she's a terrible influence on him.

No argument here. I mean, we've seen it before.

It happens every time, but she is his brother's widow, so just saying, the more you push...


See, this is why I need to get you on my team.

Okay? She knows how to manipulate him.

Look, I'm not trying to be a bitch here.

It's just...

I know.

I... it's just he's a pit bull when it comes to family, so let's just try to lead him in the right direction.

Okay. You're right.

I'm gonna brush my teeth.

Good idea.

I'm sorry. I'm just...

It's been really rough since Thad died.

Been four years, and I know I'm supposed to get over it by now, but...

... if only it was that easy.

So, I thought if I came to see you...

You could always come and see me.

Yeah, I know.

But last night, we started reminiscing about him, and...

I just started feeling things I didn't want to feel.

So I took something.

It was a one-time thing.

I just had some old pills in my purse.

Annie, if I hadn't found you when I did...

You can't do that.

Do you understand?

I won't. I swear.

I... I threw the rest of 'em out after I took 'em.


I'm really tired.

Can we talk later?


I'll check in with you later, okay?

You crazy?

You can't take a tight end in the first round of a fantasy draft.

[Scoffs] You do when it's Jimmy Graham.

Over Brees?


Correct me if I'm wrong here, but I think only one of us actually played football.

Players make the worst coaches.

Hear that. Mm-hmm.

Oh, so you're a coach now, too, huh?

I got you. I got you.

It feels good.

Want to do this one, too?

[Chuckles] Aren't you the bossy one?

'Sup, Jordan?

Hey Thank you.

What was that all about?

You seen that man's biceps?

Oh, really?

That's all it takes for you?

Well, I'm sure his abs are amazing, too.


I don't know, I've just been watching him this past month, and he's just so nice.

Guys who look like that are usually dicks.

Yeah, he's a real sweetheart, but, uh, I think he's seeing Krista.

Oh, please. I heard she made out with Chavez.

It's open season, girl.

Hey, did you get your blood-gas and isotopes back yet?

I did.


And me and my little friend are a-okay.


And did you tell TC about little TC?

Not yet.

You know, I want to tell him, but now is not exactly the best time considering that Annie is here.

Oh, wow.

Oh, yeah. I just gave her a shot of Narcan.

She should keep that stuff in her purse.

Tell me about it.

Did you ever end up telling TC about all the stuff she did?


I mean, when TC came back from the w*r, she was the least of his problems.

It's true.


Malcolm's pressure's dropping.

Okay. Got to run, honey.

All right, see you later.

Yeah. Talk to you later.

[Monitor beeping rapidly]

Blood pressure and heart rate are both dropping. I don't get it.

That means he's going into neurogenic shock from the spinal injury.

What... what does that mean?

It means his spinal cord is more injured than we thought.

So now what?

Janine, we are going to do everything that we can for Malcolm, okay?


All right, let's place a central line and start a dopamine drip.

Come with me.


Here you go, Jocelyn.

Just make sure you check his vitals every two hours, okay?


Hey, stay away from him, you hear me?!

What the hell are you doing?! Get over here!

What are you doing?

Let him go.

What? You sure you don't want to take him out back and kick his ass?

Anytime, pal.

Huh? Oh, I wish you would.

Let him go!


What? Huh?

Let me take a look at that.

I got it. Just leave me alone.

You take a break!

Till you get your head straight.

So, you didn't want to tell me that Annie was here because you didn't want to hear me bitch about her.

Am I right?

Yeah, pretty much.

You guys got some Alpha female drama going on, so I figured that she could come and go, and then I'd tell you.

She didn't come and go, did she?


Look, Tee, you need to put down some boundaries, otherwise she's just gonna take advantage of you.

Look, Jordan, she's family.

I'm not just gonna push her away, all right?

That's not what I said.

We were reminiscing last night. It was nice. She got carried away.

It's not gonna happen again.

I don't even want to fight with you about this.

There's so many other things that I would rather talk to you about.

Like what?

Dr. Alexander, we need you in Trauma One.


[Janine grunts]

Ma... Malcolm's fine. It's his mom.

Help my mom, please.

It's burning and it hurts. Can you just get this off me?

Okay, okay.



Paul: Ooh! That looks bad.


Okay, let's get her into Trauma Two now.

Malcolm: What's going on?


Jordan: I need you to stay calm, Malcolm.

Don't move or you'll hurt yourself.

Okay, give her a dose of Zosyn and send this off for a wound culture, please.

TC: Necrotic tissue here... it's infected.

It needs to be debrided.

All right, I'll do it.

All right. You guys okay with this?

Yeah, thank you.

All right, we'll talk later.

Gwen: Hey.

I heard Annie's in town.


Am I gonna have to hear this from you, too? You and Jordan don't like her.

I get it. I'm... I'm tired of all this girl drama.

Girl drama?

This isn't girl drama, you jerk. Jordan has legitimate reasons.

Well, I've never heard any.

Yeah, because she never wanted to burden you.

But I don't have that problem.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about how you have no idea about all of Annie's crap that Jordan had to put up with while you were gone.

Annie was, and from the sounds of it, still is a mess.

She is an addict, TC.

No. That's not true.

Annie stole money from Jordan, she wrecked her car, all kinds of lying.

But Jordan helped her because she loves you.

Jordan even got her into rehab, but it never stuck.

So, why didn't she ever tell me?

She was trying to protect you.

You had enough on your plate.

But now is the time for you to deal with this and take the stress off of Jordan, especially now.

Especially now?

Just because this is your chance to be together.

You know? Don't screw it up.

There you are. I was just about to...

Son of a bitch!

Is that pee?

Uh, yeah, it's, uh...


So, what are you doing with pee?

You know what, honey?

There's something I need to tell you, and there's probably not a better time than when I'm soaked in a homeless man's urine.

I need to tell you about my job.

What do you mean, Dad? [Chuckling]

I'm technically not even a PA.

I exaggerated what I do.

Yes, I... I have helped save a man's life.

I... I do work on patients, but for the most part, I do paperwork, draw blood, and sort urine samples.

So, you quit your job to do this?

I quit... I quit to become a doctor.

But after the test, you'll be a doctor, right?


Sort of.

I'll have my degree, but, uh, I'll still have an internship residency.

It'll be about four years before I become an actual doctor.

Four years? So, until then, you just clean up pee? well, that'll be all done after the test, but listen.

I have to tell you, I have been humbled by this job, even humiliated.

But I wouldn't trade it for one second.

Besides you and your brother, this is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I hope you learn from me that you should always, always follow your dreams.

Maybe you should've chosen a smaller dream.


[Monitor beeping]

Hey. Just came to change her dressing, but she's still asleep.




Jordan was really freaked out last night about this stalker guy.

Is there any news on him yet?

What are... what are you talking about?

I'm sorry, man. I... I assumed she had told you.

That stalker guy from... from a few years ago, he's out.

He slashed her tires.

[Monitor beeping rapidly]

She's getting tachy again.


She looks jaundiced.

Annie, can you hear me?

Yeah, she's definitely jaundiced.

Her liver's shutting down.

Annie, what else did you take?


Did you take any other pills, any other pain K*llers?

Hey, look at me. What else? We need to know.

What did you take? It could k*ll you.

Vicodin. I've been taking Vicodin the past few days.

Vicodin's got Tylenol in it, okay? Too much of that will k*ll your liver.

Give her 150 milligrams per kilogram of N-acetylcysteine.

Let's hope we're not too late.

Damn it, Annie.

You lied to me.

[Beeping continues]

Topher: Drew.

Drew! Hey, slow down.

I just got chewed out by HR over your little incident earlier.

Between that and going all Jon Jones on that guy last night, you're really racking up some negative points.

That guy was messing with Gwen, all right?

I... I don't want to hear any more about it.

I defended you, so get it together.

And for the rest of the shift, you're on cold and flu only.

Hey, Mollie, uh, are the results back from Mrs. Coury's wound culture?

Not yet.

All right, just let me know when they get in, okay?


Hey, Jordan. You got a second?


What's up?

Uh, just wanted to give you a heads up.

I didn't realize that you hadn't told TC about the stalker.

So, you told him?

Well, I didn't know that you hadn't. It just came up.

W... I haven't exactly had the time.

Uh, did he say anything?

He didn't seem happy about it.

Anyway, I'm sorry. I really didn't know.

It's okay.

Jordan! We need you.

It's already spreading, and her pressure's dropping.

[Monitor beeping]

Her subcutaneous tissue isn't oxygenating.

It's why she's getting septic.

Gas underneath the skin, blistering.

This is necrotizing fasciitis.

Flesh-eating bacteria. She needs to get up to surgery.

Let's wrap this leg and get her moving.


Let's get her prepped in OR Two and get scrubbed in.

You got this?


I'll keep you updated.

Thank you.

[Door closes]


Did the infection spread?


Nec-fasc, and I hope we got it in time.

Listen, Tee, about this whole stalker thing...

Yeah, I know, Scott told me all about it. It was a lot of fun.

I'm sorry.

Look, they caught the guy, okay?

And I called you last night to tell you about him, but you didn't answer your phone.

Scott ended up taking me home.

Scott took you home.

This just gets better and better.

Uh. He was doing me a favor.

Of course he was.


Well, uh, maybe if you weren't out drinking all night with Annie...

Right, Annie.

You know, Gwen had some really interesting things to tell me about you and her.

How come you never told me about you and Annie?

Because you and Thad were over there risking your lives, and the last thing either one of you needed was to be worrying about her.

But when you got home from that w*r, you were in no place to deal with that, or...

Man, or anything, for that matter.

And any time over the last four years or even tonight.

Tee, it was never the right time, okay? I wanted to protect you.

And you don't think that I'd want to know that my brother's wife was an addict?

Of course. I didn't know that she was back in our lives.

And had you told me that she was here, I would've told you.

Well,she's here now, and you don't turn your back on family.

Are you mad at me?


I'm not mad at you.

I was worried 'cause you could've died.

[Sighs] I bet Jordan would've loved that.

From what I hear, she's helped you quite a bit over the years.

She told you that?

No. Actually, she didn't.

She knows how to keep a secret.

So, I think you should rethink how you feel about her.

Look, you need help.

So I want you to go to rehab.

Been there, done that.

It's just a bunch of pathetic people talking about their problems.

I don't have a problem, TC, believe me.

Sure. But I want you to go, for me.

So that I know you're okay.

[Sighs] Fine.

I'll look into it when I get to San Diego.

No, I want you to go here so I can help.

There's a place in San Antonio.

And when you've recovered, I'm gonna take you.

Fine. [Sighs]

I'll go.

You know I love you, right?

You're, like, the only family I have left.

Let's take a look.


Well, doesn't seem like anything serious.

It's probably just a virus.

How's the other guy look?

I'll write you a prescription for a strong cough medicine.

That's it?

Thanks, doc.


For me?

Sorry, honey, it's for TC.

You still haven't told him?


Still trying.

But hey, he knows about the stalker now, so that's one less thing I have to tell him about.

That's something.

Okay, so here's a week's worth of antibiotics just to be safe.

Thank you.

And, uh, X-ray's open now if you want to double check that ankle.

You might have to carry me.



I'm out of here.

Yeah, not a problem.

Thank you.

Here we go.

All righty.


Working out.

Feel that tri, huh?

[Chuckling] Yeah.

I'm working on that right tri, you know?

Looks good to me.


[Voice breaking] So, I have no choice?

Krista: We did everything we could in surgery, but the infection is just spreading up your leg.

We need to amputate, or you could lose more than just your leg.

But this, it was just a cut.

This is crazy. It was just a cut.

Krista: I'm sorry. I know this is a lot to process in a short period of time.

What about Malcolm? Malcolm have it?

He was down there with me.

He's okay. We checked him out.

Just bad luck on your part.

It's better me than him.

I'm really scared.

I'm just a single mom.

I'll never be able to take care of him with one leg.

I know it feels like that right now, but that's not true.


My little sister was a figure skater.

She was amazing.

She loved being on the ice.

She lost a foot in a car accident when she was 16 years old.

Thought she'd never be able to skate again.

But guess where she is today?

She's a princess in a Disney on Ice show.

It is amazing what they can do with prosthetics.

Your life is hardly over because of this.



We're gonna bring you back in and put you under.

You ready?

Like you said, I have no choice, right?


I... I'm so sorry about your sister.

[Chuckles] My sister lives in Duluth.

She's divorced with two kids.

She's a blood-sucking attorney.

Never skated a day in her life.

It's important to try and put patients at ease before a major surgery.

It's a nice story. Always works.

I'll put down the deposit on the first month's rent.

She won't be moving in for at least another month, but I just wanted to check if there was availability nearby.

Okay, great, cool.

Call me back. Good news, Annie.

[Cellphone beeps]

You have one job here.

How can a patient walk right out the front door of the ER?

I'm sorry, Dr. Callahan. I'll check the video footage immediately.


Okay, I'll call the police and see if they can keep an eye out.

No, no, she can't have gotten very far away. I'm gonna go look for her myself.

Okay, well, you want me to go with you?

No, can you stay here in case she comes back?


And Jordan, thank you for trying to care for her back then.

M... means a lot.

When is this shift over?

Oh, in about an hour.

We'll go get some breakfast.

You go get breakfast.

I'm going to bed.



I need some help here!


I... can't... I... can't...

[Strained] I can't breathe.

I can't hear any breaths on the right side. He has a collapsed lung.

Go find a doctor. He needs a chest tube.

I'm losing pulse here!

Oh, my God!

Woman on PA: Paging Dr. Zia and Alexander.

Paging Dr. Zia and Alexander, stat.


[Coughs] What happened?

He had a pneumo. I released the air.

Let's get him in a room.

Can you set the Pleur-evac to 20, please.

Good air movement.

Nice catch, Michael.


What happened?

Wasn't this your patient?

Yeah, he had a cough.

Yeah, from a collapsed lung.

Did you get an X-ray or even listen to him?

You got this?


Drew, follow me. Now.

See that? Your dad is a total badass.


What the hell is going on?

Sorry, I missed it.

It's easy to miss, but you usually catch these things.

It won't happen again.

Drew, I'm talking to you as your friend, not your boss.

Come on, tell me.

Just having trouble with the Rick stuff.

Burning the candle pretty hard at both ends just trying to forget about it.

The guy that was here...

I slept with his boyfriend last night.

So, he was pissed.

You don't... have to tell me the details, but that stuff cannot happen here.

I know.

This isn't who you are.

I mean, not just tonight, but...

Going out and this getting crazy stuff.

You're a homebody.

I know.

You know, one day you're gonna find a guy.

It probably won't be in a bar at 4:00 A.M.

I just did everything right with Rick...

... I thought.

I cared for him. I was patient.

There was nothing else I could've done to make that work, and he still left me.

He's gone.

Doesn't return my phone calls or my e-mails.

That's not fair.

It's not the way this was supposed to work out.

I'm sorry, man.


Look, I... I can't offer you the love of a good man, but, [Chuckles, sniffles]

But... why... why don't you come over for dinner tonight?

Janet can cook, we can watch the game, you can see the twins.

It's been awhile since we've hung out.

Mm-hmm. Yeah. All right.

Sounds good. Thanks.

You know, may... maybe, maybe you should stop at Whataburger and pick us up some food.

Janet is a r... really bad cook.


You... you did not hear that from me.


Well, the post-op imaging looks good.

Looks like we stopped the infection.

I'm sorry we couldn't save your leg.

I'm just thankful I'm alive.

Hey, thought you might like a roommate.

My baby. [Chuckles]

He hates when I call him that.



How you doing?

I'm fine. I'm just, um...


I never want to go camping again.

It's a deal.

Jordan: Well, you'll be glad to know that he is going to make a full recovery.

The answer to my prayers.

Thank you, doctors.

Thank you.

I love you.

Love you, too.

You saved that guy's life, didn't you?


Right place at the right time, I guess.

[Chuckles] Totally get it now.

Get what?

Why you want to do what you want to do.

Seeing you jump in to help that guy, must make you feel like you can do anything.

I'm happy you're not miserable anymore, Dad.

You're gonna make a great doctor.

You think?


Totally worth getting peed on.


I was not peed on.


I spilled a pee sample.

Well, have you ever been peed on?


About a million times by you as a baby.


Come here.

Ooh, tough break.

Looks like a displaced and angulated ankle fracture.

Are you serious?

No, I'm just messing with you. [Chuckles]


You're looking good.

Let me know if you ever need help picking your fantasy team.

How about right now?


Shift's over.

I'm not doing anything.

And apparently, I can use some fantasy football tips.

That is not a lie.


I'll teach you about this game.

Oh, you're gonna teach me about this game?

Yeah. [Laughs]

Know what you're talking about.

Where'd you like to eat?

I want some pancakes.


I want some grits, too, actually.

[Laughs] Lord, here we go. What did I sign up for?

What's wrong with grits?

What did I sign up for?

You don't like grits?


I love grits.

♪ Why is every cover ♪

♪ That hides their wreck below ♪


So, can an a-hole buy you breakfast to make up for being a jerk earlier?

Better be pretty good breakfast.

It is. It's this great, little place.

99 cents, all you can eat.

You had me at a-hole.

[Both chuckle]

♪ When you know I'm a liar ♪
♪ When you gonna want a little more ♪

Well, she took everything.

Sorry, Jordan. Guess you were right.

She cleaned me out.

Don't apologize.

I didn't see it coming, you know?

Try to do your best for someone.

♪ 'Cause it's just got burned ♪

I'm pregnant.

♪ Cannot shaken ♪

I'm pregnant.

[Both chuckle]

♪ 'Cause it's all the earth ♪
♪ And the water's wasted ♪
♪ The wind is blowing down ♪