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03x04 - Unbreak-Able

Posted: 03/31/15 08:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on Bates Motel...

How do you expect me to have a relationship with you under the circumstances?

Norman never has to know I'm here.

Romero: A dead girl was found floating in the tidal flats early this morning.

I'm wondering if you're missing anyone from, uh, your little party.

Oh, Emma, this is Annika, room 4.

Nice to meet you.

Have you seen the girl in number 4 today?

Emma: I saw her car here.

When is the last time you saw her?

Last night. She was going somewhere in town.

Norman drove with her to show her where it was.

Norman went with her?

You're treating me like I k*lled this girl.

Just make up your mind!

I did not k*ll Annika!

I don't think that you k*lled anyone, Norman.

Don't lie to me!

Norman, answer me right now!



Norma: Annika?

Are you okay?

Oh... oh, God.

Use it.

Do something with it. It's important.

woman: 911, what is your emergency?

I'm at the Bates Motel, Highway 88.

Please send someone. I think she's dead.

[siren approaching]

[ominous music]


[siren wailing]

Where's Norma Bates?

She's in the office with the paramedics.

[device pumping] I'm fine.

You don't need to do that.

You passed out.

Well, a girl just died on me, but I'm... I'm fine.

[device hissing]

I'm fine.


Norman wasn't anywhere near her.

He was up in bed sleeping.

Okay, okay, Norma.

Just leave him alone. He's not feeling very well.

He doesn't need to see any of this.

Norman, Norman.

Did I do it?

Oh, shh.

It's okay.

Did I do it?

Don't talk.

Did I do it?

It's okay. Listen...

I need you to take a big breath right now, okay?

Did I do it?

Look at me.

Annika drove here after she'd already been shot.

Okay, I need you to calm down.

Step outside your body. Be calm.

Look at me. You have control over this.

Okay, everything is fine. You didn't do anything.

I just need you to stay calm. Go back inside the house.

There are a lot of police here. They're not going to understand.

What the hell?

Dylan, thank God. Thank God you're here.

You've got to help me.

We need to take him in the house.

He is very upset.

I don't want him to see any of this.

Please take him in the house.

Did I do it? Did I do it?

[ominous music]

[crackling electricity]

I was in the office closing up, and this car comes careening in.

Annika gets out of it.

She staggers over to me, falls in my arms.

I realize that she has been shot, so I call 911, and she dies before they arrive.

I know, it's crazy.

It doesn't make any sense.

You've never seen that car before?

Uh, no, no. You towed the car.

I don't know what that car was.

Can I possibly get out of these clothes?

What was wrong with Norman when he came down to the motel?

Wrong with him?

You mean the fact that he had a compassionate human reaction to one of our guests dying in our driveway?

You don't get to do this.

Do what?

Sit here in my house and suspect me and/or Norman and say stuff like that, not after everything.

Okay, I've told you all I know.

Do you not believe me?

Is there something else that you're looking for?

Chaos seems to swirl around you, and I'm not sure why.

And I want to believe you're telling me everything you know, but none of this makes any sense.

Why would this girl, after she's been shot, make the effort to drive here?


I-I don't know.


Maybe because it was close.

Maybe she just wanted to get to someone who could help her get to a hospital.

That's all I know.

I'm gonna go check on Norman, okay?

You can show yourself out.

What happened to him?

He had a bad episode.

I found him in the tub under the water.

Is she really dead?

Do you remember anything that happened when you were having a bath?

I think you blacked out again.


I'm, um... I'm, um... get out of these clothes. I want you to rest, okay?

I'll come back to check up on you, okay?

I blacked out, and then she was dead?

Norman, you had nothing to do with this.

You were nowhere near her when it happened.

I'll stay with him.

Thank you, Dylan.

I don't know what I would do without you.

I just feel so alone in all this.

[door opens, closes]

[exhales deeply]

[keys clacking]

[keys clacking] [computer beeps]

[keys clacking] [computer beeps]

[keys clacking] [computer beeps]

[keys clacking] [computer beeps]

[keys clacking] [computer beeps]

[bacon sizzling]

Norma: Hi, honey.

You want some bacon?


Why do you think Annika came back?

Do you think maybe she was coming back here to talk to me?

I mean, I'm really the only person she ever talked to here.

Well, it's not like I never spoke to her.

No, but I mean about anything important.

What did you talk to her about?

I think I talked to her a little bit about what a good mother you were, about how hard you were trying, how tough it had been for you since you moved here... and talked to her about how close we were.

Do you still like me?

[gentle music]

What kind of a silly question is that?

You just seem... different as of late, maybe because Dylan lives here now.

Things have changed between the two of you and between us.

It's... it's different.

No, Norman, I don't think anything is different or ever will be.


Excuse me.


Cou... do you mind?

Sorry. You look like you really know what you're doing on that, and maybe you won't know the answer to this, but my mother just died, and she had all her tax files on this.

And I have to deal with her estate, and there are financial issues, and she wasn't very sound near the end, and she changed all her passwords.

Yeah, okay.


[keys clacking]

[computer shuffling]

[computer beeps]

Your mom did this?


This is actually a really good program.

I can't override it. You need a password.


Thanks. That's helpful.



Got a couple updates on the Annika Johnson m*rder.

Yeah, what?

Coroner estimates she was shot about 20 minutes before she got to the Bates Motel.

She could have driven from almost anyplace in town.

Also, the car Annika Johnson drove to the motel last night, it's registered to the girl floating face-down in the tidal marsh.

[grunts softly]


[sighs] Thanks.

No problem.

You finally agreed to come into town.

Yeah, of course.

So how long you sticking around for?

Not really sure, you know?

Depends on the barn.

The weather might slow us down.

Oh, yeah, that's right.

I didn't think about that.

If it was just me and Dylan, we'd be up shit's creek.

[wistful string music]

[Jeep trunk door closes]

Gunner: Hey, man, you okay?


Let's go.

Let's go.

[engine turning over]

Emma: I'd feel totally prepared if this was just multiple choice, but I know there's gonna be an essay section.

"Talk about the Stamp Act and how it relates to a current political issue."


Are you thinking about Annika?

No, I... No, I wasn't.

It's all very sad... and not good for business.

You know, we've had no guests for days.

I'm just worried.

Maybe we should take a day off.

Isn't that every day lately?

I mean away from here.

Go on a picnic or a hike or something, remember what the world is like.

I think I'd like that.


[clears throat]

I hope you guys aren't doing that down in the office.

Of course not. I'm sorry, Norma.

Hey, this is my house.


[indistinct chatter over police radio]

[ominous music]

You called, Alex?

That girl that was missing, she's dead.

She was shot late last night, and I know she was here.

Do you want to take a look?

You're not gonna find anything.

I think you and I should be talking in a more formal setting, like an interrogation.

I've got two dead girls in two days, both with links to your club.

You don't have two dead girls.

You have two dead hookers.

And this is the town's club.

I'm just the elected president, just a wonderful, historical little tradition in our beloved White Pine Bay set up by our founding fathers.

Tell me something, Alex, this missing girl...

Did she have anything on her?

Such as?

I'll take that as a no.

That's a pretty incriminating question, Bob.

Don't jump to conclusions.

You're a little out of the loop these days.

I never took you for a computer nerd.

Oh, hi.

[chuckles] Well, I...

I-I'm not, really.

I'm just... I'm just looking at stuff, k*lling time.

In the computer-code section.

You just get more and more interesting.

I... [mumbles]

The truth is, I'm... yeah. I'm just...

I want to know what my son's been doing on the computer.

You know, you read these parent magazines that say you should monitor, and I don't.

I-I-I guess I've always trusted him.

And you have some reason to think you shouldn't lately?

Young men can be confusing.

So can everybody.

What time's your next class?

You want to grab a coffee?

Yeah, I have a little time.


My son and I have always been really close, like, probably too close.

But we went through a lot together.

Norman and I always had each other.

But things just seem different now.

Different how?

I guess, um, I...

I just don't trust him that much anymore.

And, um, that makes me feel really lonely.


This is stupid.

I-I better get to class.

Uh... [chuckles]

It's not stupid.

Imagine what the world would be like if we could all just be honest about feeling hurt.

Instead, we've made it this big deal, feeling anything in public.

What's so bad about that?

Maybe because we'd go around crying all day.

[both laughing]

[bus drives off in distance]

[mysterious music]


What are you doing?

You're not gonna make me go get a warrant, are you?

No, but I'd like to know what you're looking for.

I'm looking for answers.

Well, have at it.


Did Annika Johnson have anything on her when she died?


Don't be a smart-ass.

I'm not being a smart-ass.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Did she seem like she was trying to get to her room to get something?


I... I don't know. It was hard to tell, you know.

She was weaving, and then she fell into me.

Well, where was she headed?

Like you said, I think she was heading for her room.

Okay, well, I'm gonna go make dinner.
Norma... Norma!


Why are you lying to me?

I'm not.

Why are you lying to me?

About what?

About what you're doing here.

I'm not lying.

I'm not revealing the whole truth.

That's my job...

To decide what and when to tell whom.

Well, you're very good at it.

Gold star, Sheriff.

You're making dinner?

No, I'm making some food to bring on a picnic tomorrow.

Aw, I'd love to go on a picnic with you tomorrow, but I've got class.

Not you and me. Emma and I are going.

[dishes banging]

Something wrong?

Just stop it, Norman.

Stop what?


Do we have Dijon mustard?

[fridge door slams, jar bangs]


I really don't know why you're so upset.

Because, Norman, what you're doing is wrong and it's stupid.

Oh, really?

Yeah, and it's not what you're thinking.

I don't care if you go on 1,000 picnics with Emma.

You better not be using that girl.

Why would I be using her?

Using her for what?

Norma: To get back at me.

Or... because you're annoyed because you think I like Dylan better than you or some childish nonsense that's in your head.

Oh, so it's all about you.

It's not possible that I just want to spend a day alone with this beautiful, intelligent, sexy young woman who has feelings for me?

You know you can't sleep with her, right?

It's not really any of your business, is it?

[laughing] Oh, it is my business, because you aren't thinking with your head right now.

Whatever the reason you're going on this romantic outing, you can't sleep with her.

She's ill, Norman.

You think she can have sex just like anyone?

You could k*ll her, Norman. You hurt that girl, I will kick your ass to the moon and back.

You cannot sleep with her.

You don't need to explain that to me.

[insects chirping]

[knock at door]


Can I talk to you for a minute?

Yeah, sure, Norma.

[door closes]

What's up?

When Annika died last night, before she died, she gave me something.

What's on it?

I don't know.

It's locked.

Did you tell Romero?

No, I haven't told anyone.

Not even Norman. I don't trust anyone.

I'm telling you.


What makes you think it was for you?

Because she pressed it into my hand, and she said, "Do something with it.

"Use it. It's important.

Use it for you and your son."

Sh... she knew Norman?

You know how Norman is.

Nutty women seem to open up to him.

I don't know what to do with it.

I think Romero's looking for it, because he was here this afternoon searching her room, and he asked me if I'd found anything.

I can't open it.

Maybe you could try.

Sure, Norma.

Okay, thanks, sweetie.

Just give it back to me when you're done.



Don't tell anyone else.

This could be really dangerous.

Norma: I know, I know.

That's why I don't want Norman to know.

Good night, Dylan.

[door closes]

[Emma laughs]


There's nothing more romantic than hypothermia.

I... maybe we picked the wrong day for a picnic.

It's never the wrong day for a picnic.

[laughs] I'm not... I'm not giving up.


Hey, come on, maybe we can duck in there and warm up a bit.

What if someone lives in there?

It doesn't look like it.

We'll find out, at any rate.

[Emma grunting, clears throat]


You okay?





Oh, this is fantastic.

It's a bit warmer in here.

But we can build a fire. Then it'll be perfect.

What if it's smoky?

Is that okay for your lungs?

Yeah, it should be fine.

Go close the window.

So you were friends with Lindsay and Annika?


I mean, not best friends, but I've seen them the last few years at those parties.

The Arcanum Club?

So you know Bob Paris?


Did you know that Annika and Lindsay are dead?


They were both m*rder*d.

Did you have any contact with either of them since you saw them last year?

Lindsay was seeing Bob Paris.

Seeing, as in they had a relationship?

He took a liking to her.

He started flying her up every weekend.

She was making a lot of money.

And one time she asked me if I would have a three-way with her and him.

But I couldn't.

It was my sister's birthday that weekend.

Do you have any reason to believe that Bob Paris would want her dead?

Maybe... maybe she knew too much?

I honestly doubt that guy gives a damn who knows what about his sex habits.

But I think Lindsay started to get a taste for a lifestyle she couldn't afford.

She started resenting him.

Maybe she had feelings for him that weren't reciprocated.

I just got the feeling she was pissed.

Just out of curiosity, you know who took your place in that three-way?

I'm pretty sure she said Annika Johnson stepped in.

You warm enough?

I am.

Brought enough oxygen?

Yes, of course.

[pop music playing]

Do your lungs hurt when you can't breathe?

More of a-a panicky feeling than a pain, like someone's holding you underwater.

Well, that doesn't sound good.

I'm not worried.

I'm... I'm happy.

When you're happy, you feel immortal.

But nonetheless, you aren't.

I mean, no matter what you feel like...

I'm not thinking about that today.

Today I'm living.

Get on board, Bates.

I think we should stop.

I don't want to hurt you.

What is with you?

My mother says that I shouldn't have sex with you, that you shouldn't have sex.

It could k*ll you.

What's wrong?

Are you joking?

That is totally insulting.

I have lived with this illness every day of my life, 24-7.

I think I know my own limitations.

I think I've earned the right to make my own decisions, not take direction from two people who wouldn't know their ass from a handbag if they had a head cold.

I didn't think your mother was coming on this date with us.

[door slams]

[vehicle approaching]

Did you go to town?

Gunner says you went with him.

Gunner couldn't haul that thing up here by himself.

Could you stop that for a sec?

What do you want from me?

It was a two-man job. You weren't here.

What if Norma had seen you?

Look, what if she had, okay?

I'm a human being. Is that a crime?

She's the one who won't talk to me.

She's the one being irrational.

I don't think it's irrational to not want to talk to the guy who r*ped her.

Look, you don't understand, Dylan.

You never will!

I'm helping you out.

Maybe you haven't noticed, but you need me out here.

You don't know what you're doing.

I think I do.

If I didn't come out here and come along, you'd have been standing in a pile of collapsed lumber!

No one asked you to come here, okay?

No one's making you do this.

Then why don't you tell me to leave?

Tell me to leave!

Caleb. Caleb.



Rela... relax. I'm fine.

[grunts] I'm fine.

I'm fine.

You're fine?


You're bleeding.

We need to get you to a hospital, man.

No, no, no, no, no.

You need stitches.

No hospital.


I can't. I...

I got a warrant. [sniffs]

You're wanted?

Come on, we need to get you sewn up, man.

You're bleeding like shit.

Please, no hospital.


I'm not.

I'm gonna do it.

Come on.

Come on. [grunts]

Come on, let's go.

You ready?

Just do it.

[winces, groans]

Was it really like she said it was?

Yeah, it was.

Maybe not exactly.

I mean, we're so close, her and me.

We were all we had.

We were like two kids raising ourselves.

[pensive music]

So we spent all of our time together.

It just happened.

You know, she was more than a sister to me.

I mean, she was my whole world, my whole life.

I mean, I loved her.

You can't help who you love.

But your mom... she was smarter than me, you know.

She... she figured shit out.

One day she came home and said it was bad, you know, that we couldn't anymore.

And the way she looked at me, I couldn't breathe.

You know, I loved her more than anything, and I just...

[stifled cry] I just couldn't let her go.

I hate myself for it.

I know I don't deserve it, but I wish I could say I'm sorry.

That's all I want.

She doesn't have to forgive me.

I just want to tell her I'm sorry... before I never have another chance.

There's something here that belongs to us.

Put your hands out in front of you.


Don't start something you're not gonna be able to finish.

[g*n cocks]

He pops me...

I still get the shot off.

Dylan: You're dead.

I'm done.

We're leaving.

That house up there...

Looks like a lot of rooms, good places to hide things... front and back entrance.

Here's a fact.

If I see either one of you here ever again...

I'll k*ll you.


But you're not always here.

[computer beeps]

[door closes]

[footsteps approaching]

Norma, some guy was just searching the office.

He said that we had something that wasn't ours.

What? Now?

We need to get rid of that flash drive.

We should call Romero. I got the guy's license plate.

No, we've had too many cops.

No, it's probably her pimp or whatever.

You scared him off, right?

Well, yeah, but...

What are you two talking about?



Don't you have an essay to write?

Yeah, but all the secretive, agitated whispering...

It was a little distracting.

What's going on?

We were just talking.

Dylan, what were you just talking about?

Look, don't worry about it, Norman.

I obviously have a right to know what goes on in my own house...

Oh, for God sakes, Norman, you're acting like a child.

Stop it.


[door slams]

Give it to me.

The last thing she did was give this to me.

She died making this gesture. I can't.

You don't even know what it is.

Well, what if it's something incredible?

What if it's something that can save us?

Please don't make me give it up.

I'll hide it at the farm, okay?

But I'm not letting it stay in this house.

I don't want anything to happen to you.

Where are you going?

Uh, to the farm. I left something.

What aren't you telling me?

Why are you lying to me?

What's going on?

Norman, stay the hell out of it, okay?

It doesn't concern you.

[door closes]

Hey, what's wrong?

What are you doing here so late?

I was just, uh...

I was messing with the timer earlier, and I forgot to reset it.

You could have called me or Gunner.

Yeah, but, um... Gunner's out.

And, you know, you've been through enough today, so I figured maybe you were sleeping.


You doing okay?

Yeah, I'm all right.

You know, thanks for letting me carry on today.

I know it's got to... it's got to be tough on you.

I'm gonna, um...

Yeah, all right.

[door latch clicks loudly]

Hey, get some rest.

What the hell's going on here, Dylan?

[ominous music]

Does Mom know he's here?

Is this what you two have been whispering about?

Is she allowing this?

No, we...

We've been talking about you.

We're concerned about you...

About your state of mind.

Well, I'm not the one harboring my mother's r*pist.

Look, we don't want any trouble.

Oh, you don't want any trouble from me?

That's funny, like I'm the outsider and you're not.

We'll see who's on the outside.


Norman, you better not tell her.

Go to hell, Dylan!


Damn it, Norman, stop!

Norman, stop!

You're not gonna tell her.

You're not gonna tell her!

You're not gonna tell her!

Get up!

Get the hell off me, Caleb!

You can't tell her, you understand me?

He r*ped her!

If you tell her, you'll be sorry the rest of your life.

What are you gonna do, huh... k*ll me?

Please, Norman.

Everything I've built with Mom, it'll... it'll all be destroyed.

You've already destroyed it.

You betrayed Mother, and she needs to know.

I didn't know what to do.

Norman, please.

[engine turning over]

[dramatic music]

I'm sorry.