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01x11 - Trust Fund

Posted: 03/30/15 15:36
by bunniefuu
Hey Dylan, it's me. I'm okay.

Veronica: You can stop looking, I got to him first.

You ever wanna see your dad again, get me $250,000 dollars.

Message me back when you have it.

Don't tell anyone.

Jared rule fifteen, one coat per hanger.

It's coat check, Jared, we got it.

Jared: This fundraiser is how Open Heart stays state of the art, it needs to be perfect.

So help me God if I see a tip cup.

Hey, hey, all your pacing is making me nervous!

I can't help it, my dad's alive!

He's okay, but he's clearly in trouble.

I still can't believe Veronica sent you a ransom video!

Well, she was trying to blackmail my dad, that failed, and now she's found another way to get her money.

Jared: Do you remember anything from the video?

Landmarks, or strange noises in the background?

Dylan: Easy CSI, it was a pagersnap.

Ten seconds, and then it deleted.

Are you're sure it's real?

I mean, all your phone says is some random numbers.

Hey, somebody needed to ask.

You gotta go to the police.

Dylan: I already did.

Mr. Malik, remove Mr. Silver from your team, he's not working the event.

Wes: Wait, what? I thought we were cool!

You're Dylan's boyfriend, you're a guest of the family tonight, son.

Wes: Well, I don't have a tux, or anything.

An easy fix, I'll call my tailor, we'll get you one made to measure.

Cinderella boy gets to go to the ball.

Relax, this won't have a happy ending.

Dylan: So that's it, you were willing to make my dad a m*rder suspect to help find him, now you're just giving up?!

Goodis: I'm not even supposed to be talking to you, Dylan!

This is over, I mean it.

It seems neither of us can keep out of trouble on this case.

Dylan: What about the ransom video, what am I supposed to do?

Pay it.

Pay it? That's your advice? You're a cop!

Goodis: Barely, your family made sure of that.

Look, kidnappers don't want to hurt people, they just want money.

Where the hell am I supposed to get a quarter million dollars?

Goodis: You're a resourceful girl, your family's got deep pockets, I'm sure you'll figure it out.

(Door lock clicks)

(Heartbeat thuds)

(Pop can hisses)

We better finish up before the ladies arrive.

Word of advice: Never get between Mrs. Blake, and her hairdresser.


Impressive, isn't it?

I'm sorry, I just I can't stop staring at it.

Oh, please!

It's an old master, it's priceless.

Much like my family.

Like Dylan.

She's here to get herself back on track, I'm concerned that she's losing focus.

Oh no, no, no, no, she's doing a really good job.

I've seen the reward posters, and I know about her investigation, is there anything I need to be concerned about?

No, I don't think so.

Edward: It's okay, you can tell me.

I wanna help her, what is it?

(Sighs) There's a ransom video.

Did you see it?

Wes: No.

Only Dylan did.

Well, just keep an eye on her.

I'm sure you know by now that there's a history of mental illness in our family.

I just want what's best for Dylan.

You're not the only one.

(London sighs)

Hud: Don't freak out.

London: What the hell?! Hud!

What? I was trying not to scare you, I literally said, "don't freak out."

Well I can't help it, okay?

My nerves have been a little touchy lately.

Hud: A little? Look at you, you're shaking!

London: It's the hallucinations.

I stress, and I start seeing things, and I see things, and I start stressing.

You know, I just wanna go get my hair done, and put my stupid ball gown on, and make it through tonight's fundraiser without an incident.

And at least Seth will be there.

Well, I won't be, somebody's gotta work around here.

(Seth coughs)

Oh, hello.

You look horrible, are you sick?

It's a light plague.

Don't worry, I'm gonna rally, and power through.

You look severely contagious.

Oh, no, no, London, I know my body, okay?

I'm fine, trust me.

We are gonna have a blast.


Oh, no, no, no! You need to go home, I can't get sick!

I am so sorry oh...

It's not your fault, okay? I have to go get an updo.



Helena: Dylan, you know the rules about your trust fund,
not a dime until you're 18, London didn't get hers 'til then.

Yeah, and between med school and long-term investments, it's pretty much gone.

What if I need it now, for a good cause?

Helena: Law school, real estate, works of art.

That's what it's for, when you're 18.

Jane, will you talk some sense into your daughter here?

What if I wanna donate my money?

To Open Heart, can I have it then?

Helena: You want to donate your entire trust fund to a hospital your family already owns?


This is obviously about Richard.

What is it, Dylan, what's going on?

I got a ransom video.


Helena: You can't be serious!


Dylan: I'm serious, I saw dad, he's okay, but...

Well, he's in trouble, Veronica has him.

London: Wait, why didn't you say something?

The video told me not to.

Jane: Can we see the video?

Dylan: No, it was a pagersnap, it disappeared.

Look, those numbers there, that's the account she used.

Helena: Well, that could be anyone!

It's Veronica!

She's not gonna use her real account for a ransom video!

You seriously don't believe me?

No, I wanna believe you, Dylan.

Okay look, we'll call the police.

Who? Goodis? You burned that bridge, he's not gonna help us.

Helena: Maybe you're suffering from a bit of exhaustion.

It might be an idea to see a professional.

Jane: Can you just stay out of it, Helena?!

You want me to see a psychiatrist?

I can't believe this, am I the only one who cares that my dad's in trouble?!


Dylan! Dylan!

(Rushed footsteps, door clicks open then shuts)

Helena: London, are you okay? Honey?


London, you're so upset.

It's okay, Nana's here, trust me.

Everything's gonna be okay.


Drink some water, everything'll be all right.

Dylan's gonna be okay.

(Traffic rumbles, siren wails)

(London sighs)

I'm not lying.

I don't think you are, I believe you.

You do?


It doesn't matter why, I just do.

So if we have to steal mom's jewelry, and pawn it for ransom money, let's do it.

Okay? Whatever it takes.

No, it's no use, mom buys cheap junk.

What about Nana? She has expensive jewelry.

Can you crack a safe?

(Small chuckle) That really wasn't my M.O.

I was more of a smash and grab kinda girl, and I had it down to an art form.

London: Yeah, I guess it won't matter anyway.

Nana will be wearing her most expensive stuff, and papa will be beside her all night long, and there's no way that we can actually...

Let's get our dresses on!

We need to get to the fundraiser.

You have a crazy look in your eye!

Dylan: That's because I have a crazy idea.

C'mon, get ready, we have a heist to plan, and we're gonna need a lot of help.


Dylan: I don't have your money yet, but I will.

Just please don't hurt my dad.

And dad, if you're seeing this, I love you, and I'm coming for you.

I guess it's show time.

(Jazzy rock music plays)

Dylan: Hey.


(Song ends)

(Audience cheers and applauds)

Helena: Let's hear it for gold complex!

(Audience cheers and applauds)

Good evening, everyone.

Thank you so much for coming.

On behalf of Edward and myself, Open Heart memorial, the board of directors, and the entire Blake family...

Dylan: Wow!

Everything good?

Yeah, just checking on the coat checkers.

Could you um, could you get me a virgin Martini?

I think the bartender will notice you before he notices me.

But can you just get it for me, though?

Are you trying to get rid of me?

No, I just want my boyfriend to get me a drink, what's the big deal?!

Wes: Are we fighting right now?

Can we not do this in front of everyone?

Oh, I'm sorry, am I embarrassing you?

We're gonna be back uh, a little later...

This is a crazy thing to fight about.

Don't call me crazy!

Your whole family is worried about you!

Yeah, thanks, mom.

Helena: Again, thank you so much for coming, and have a great evening!

(Audience cheers and applauds)

What was that all about?

I honestly don't know, this was just supposed to be just a fun night.

Come on, son, let's get some air.

Singers in band: ♪ When the light started out ♪
♪ they don't know what they heard ♪
♪ strike a match play it loud ♪
♪ give your love to the world ♪

London: (Sighs) You're late!

You were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago.

I've been in the parking lot trying to get this stupid tie.

I hate these things, I said I wanted to work!

Are you gonna be like this all night?!

Are you gonna help me with this thing, or what?

Hold this.

It's a clip on!

♪ Gonna let it burn burn burn ♪
♪ yeah, we gonna let it burn burn burn ♪

What are the sopranos doing here?

Oh, Donnie was so happy with his treatment, he wants to donate to say thank you.

Oh, so he's laundering mob money, then.

Donnie: Hey, Dr. Girlfriend, where's Sethy?

Oh, um... He's not here, he's sick.

Donnie: So, we've got a couple few minutes before we do this thing, right?

I need to eat.

(Laughs nervously)

Do what thing?

Um, uh...

London, you have exactly two seconds to tell me what's going on, or I walk!

Okay, all right, fine!

I need Donnie's help to move some stolen merchandise, and I need you to make sure I'm safe.

What merchandise?

(Door latch clicks)

How much do you think we're gonna get for it?

London and Donnie agreed on five percent.

That's the whole quarter mil.

Mikayla: And yet it only took me...

One afternoon to Photoshop a fake one.

Dylan: We should just sell them this one.

No, can't risk it, the texture's not real.

It'll fool the eye, but not the touch.

Wes: I'm sorry, I thought we were going out for air.

Yeah, the rooftop garden connects to my office.

Um... Huh! You know what?

I'm-I'm feeling a little warm, suddenly.

I... Have you ever had a panic attack?

Do you know what a panic attack feels like?

Sit down, take a deep breath.


(Sighs) There's an alarm.

If we move the frame, we'll trip it.

It's just, I hate fighting with Dylan so much, I mean...

Relax, focus on something else, anything.

Tell me about the ransom video.

Well, I mean, I didn't see it, but Dylan says she got it from that blonde woman.

And you believe her?

Mikayla: Wait, what are you doing, you just hacked up an old master!

That wasn't the plan! The plan was...

To get the painting, to get the money.

Mikayla: But this is supposed to be "Ocean's Eleven", not "Ocean's Twelve", and I worked really hard on the fake one!

Well, unless you can find a way to stick it in the frame, we gotta go like, now, Mikayla!


You said stick! Start chewing.

You have got to be kidding me!

I said, start chewing, bootch!


Wes: Well, I mean, I believe that she believes that she saw it, but she... I mean, she was kind of half asleep, and... well, she wouldn't make that up!

I'm I'm still uh, um...

I'm still having trouble breathing.

Edward: Wes, Wes!

Wes: Yeah?

Your heart knows how to beat, your lungs know how to breathe.

Thank you for listening, Dr. Blake.

Okay, see you back at the party.


Edward: Oh, and apologize to my granddaughter.

For what?

For whatever you did to upset her.

(Breathes heavily, elevator dings, (approaching footsteps)

And you said it wouldn't work.

Man, I hate fake fighting with you!

Well, that was a pretty impressive panic attack.

There was nothing fake about that, I thought you were getting busted for sure!

Thanks for looking out.

You kidding? I'm method, son!

And the award for best performance by an actor in a supporting role goes to...

Helena: Okay now, there's only 15 minutes left for the silent auction items, so, come on everybody...

Mikayla: Excuse me, excuse me, sorry, sorry, sorry.

Sorry. Walker, out!

Clock's ticking, let's get to the drop.

Cool, I'll just Jack us some fresh wheels, and we'll go meet at the rendezvous point.

What's happening now?!

London: Shut up, Hud!

Like I told your cousin Iggy, I don't date gangsters.

Easy, I don't wanna date you.

You're not exactly my type.

Well... why not?

Seth: What the hell are you doing here?

Sethy! London said you were sick.

You talked to London?

Ish. Don't worry.

You gotta go, all right?

Dr. Princess and I are having a conversation.

You and I are about to have a different one.

(London breathes nervously)

London: Thanks.

This is pretty tense, huh?

Yeah, don't worry, I'll make sure you don't get got.

(Sighs heavily)

Whoa, what is taking Donnie so long?!

Seth: He's not coming.

Donnie told me what you're doing, and you're not doing it.

You're lucky I'm basically numb from this cold medicine I took, or I'd be losing my mind right now!


Hud: Hey, calm down! Give it back to her.

Seth: I don't even know why you're here!

London: Hud, Hud, just...

Yeah, me either.

I'm going back to work.

I can't believe you'd go behind my back like this!

I didn't have a choice, I knew you'd try and stop me!

It's for my dad.

Seth: London, once my family gets their hooks in you, you're done, I'm not letting you get involved with them!

I'm sorry, you're not letting me?!

What are you gonna do about it?

Band: ♪ Keep dreamin', keep dreamin' ♪
♪ keep on, keep believing ♪
♪ we are the kings and queens of hearts that break ♪
♪ we may fall in between the cracks ♪
♪ living life like it's just a game of Blackjack ♪
♪ I don't know how but we always find our way back ♪
♪ looking back when I was just a little girl ♪
♪ with a big dream living in a lonely world ♪
♪ it seems life is impossible ♪
♪ so believe that you're unstoppable ♪

London: Hey!

The deal's off, Seth took the painting.

What do you mean he took the painting, why did you let him take the painting, London?!

I didn't let him, I just I couldn't stop him!

What the hell?!

Hey, easy, easy! People are looking.

No, I don't care, where was Hud?!

He left, I'm sorry, I screwed up.

Unscrew it, London, we can't give up!

You said this would work!

Hey, we tried, we tried.

Dylan: No! No! No!

Mikayla: Chill! Chill out, Dylan!

Dylan: No!

(Band stops playing, shocked murmurs from audience)

(Dylan breathes heavily)


Jane: Dylan! Come on.

London: Dylan, stop!

Dylan: No, you don't understand!

Helena: What's going on?!

Edward: Calm down! Calm down, and we'll talk!

Dylan: Dad's as good as dead, I'm never gonna see him again, he's gone forever!

Dr. K.: It's okay, it's a family matter.

You are not family!

I never should've involved any body in this!

I never should've said anything about the ransom!

Edward: There is no ransom, Dylan!

There's no kidnapping video.

Your boyfriend told me you dreamt the whole thing.

No, no, I didn't I said you were half asleep, not sleeping, I...

(Dylan sobs)

Dylan, this is not your fault, this is my fault.

I encouraged this.

I didn't see the effect it was having on you.

Maybe you just need a fresh start.

I made it all up.

You what?

It's true, there's no kidnapping, no ransom video, I made it all up.

Helena: Oh no, just like her father.

Wes: No, no, no, no, Dylan!

You have to tell, okay? You have to tell them!

Dr. K.: Jane, you can't ignore this anymore.

You need to do something here.

(Dylan sobs)


(London hyperventilates)

I can't... I can't... I can't...

Hud: Whoa.

I can't (Gasps)

Hud: Whoa, hey!

(Voices yell distantly)

Richard: I'm here!

Helena: London, London...

Honey... you're so upset.

It's okay, Nana's here. Trust me.

Everything's gonna be okay.


(Rapid heavy breathing)

What is it? What did you see?

My memories, they're...

They're all connected.

(Bag thuds) What's this?

I said I wasn't gonna let you get involved with my family.


Jane: It's just for a few days, okay?

I'll check on you.

I love you.

It's a nice, quiet room.

No distractions.

Sweetie, I have to take your phone.



I don't wanna lose her, too!

Dr. K.: You won't.

Dylan just needs a fresh start.

A new plan.