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03x04 - The Glass House

Posted: 03/30/15 15:34
by bunniefuu
From astrology to celestial navigation, the cosmic map has guided us through all of life's journeys...

And even in the darkest night, the stars have ensured we will always be able to find our way home.

Let's go.

Interesting show, huh?

Uh... yeah.


Oh, hey, you forgot this.


You know, if you're interested in astronomy, you should check out the exhibit on the Butterfly Nebula.

You might want to try making friends with someone your own age.

I knew I didn't like this Toby kid.

She's 16, Peter, not three.

She's gonna go off to college soon.

We're going to have to let her go at some point.

I know, I know, just...

Not today.

[Door opens]

You're late.

Sorry, Toby and I couldn't find a good alley to have unprotected sex in.

Sophie, that's not funny.

You should have called.

With what?

The cell phone you won't let me have?

Or the payphones that don't exist anymore?

You could have borrowed someone else's phone.

Right, because that's not embarrassing.

"Hey, can I use your phone?

I'm not allowed to have one because my dad's paranoid."

Sophie, that's enough.

You're grounded.

One month.


You heard your father.


You know, if you want to treat me like a two-year-old, why don't you just have another baby?

[Running above, door slams]

Let's get those cameras out of there now.

Hey, hey.


I know I'm late, sorry.

Well, I'm not taking attendance.

I was just wrapping a thing up when you called.

Did you get it wrapped up?



No, not at all.

What do we got?

Size ten and a half.

Well, we've done more with less.

Oh, don't worry, we've got plenty.

Almost enough to make up a whole victim.



The head and the hands, they're still missing.



[Dog barks distantly]

There you are.

What have you got there?

Hopefully, these all belong to the same body.

I'll have to test the DNA to make sure.

This would be a lot easier if he had his name and address tattooed on his leg in case he lost it.

No tattoos. No distinguishing marks.

Vega: Someone did not want him identified.

So far, the cuts seem to be entirely postmortem.

Clean cuts, high velocity.

Power tool of some sort?

I'll have to get the pieces back to the lab and unwrap them before I can give you any definitive information.

[Cell phone chimes]

[All their cell phones ring]

Detective Vega.

Detective Flynn.

Damn it.

Keep her there.

Okay, we'll be right there.

A jogger just found a head and hands in Pacific Spirit Park.

Nice dress.


What are you doing in my backyard?

There must have been a misunderstanding.



Wayne is a carpenter.

I asked him to come and give us a quote to finish the deck.

Where did you find him?

I left a flyer in your mailbox.

You hired someone from a flyer?

I haven't hired anyone.

This wouldn't take long to finish.

It's already off to a great start.

Which is why I'll finish it.

Pete, you're bogged down with work.

This would be easier and way less stressful.

Plus, we might actually get to enjoy it this year.

How much?

Ballpark, a couple of grand.

But I can work up a quote, if you're interested.

I'll need references.

Of course.

It looks like the dog got ahold of this before the owner could pull him off it.

[Groans softly]

The head is in the bag.

I'm not a fan of any of this.

Oh, god, that's... hammer blows.

Yes, two strikes to the forehead.

The head and hands the same blood type?

Yes, and it matches the leg.

Looks like you've got a full set.



[Groaning] Ah, it's disgusting.

Should I take her to the vet?

Oh, I'm sure she'll be fine.

So, you were jogging through the park...

Molly ran off-trail.

When she came back, I didn't know what she had in her mouth until she dropped it.

I followed her to the hole where she dug up the parts.


You see anyone suspicious in the park this morning?

I saw a guy with a shovel.

Well, that would count. Can you describe him?

Uh, white dude.

He was wearing a safety vest.

I figured he was a park employee.



Maybe 40s?

Hair colour? Height? Weight?

Anything you can think of.

He was wearing a ballcap.

Maybe six feet?

I'm not good with size.


Here's my card.

If you think of anything else, please call me.

And you're free to go.


I take it you don't think our jogger is a suspect.

About as much as the garbage man.

She give you anything?

We are looking for a "white dude" in a safety vest and a ballcap.

Well, this case practically solves itself.

There's all kinds of green stuff growing in here.

Those are vegetables.

Are you doing another cleanse?

Why do you always assume I'm on a cleanse?

Why do you always eat vegetables?

Couple of hits to the head with a hammer does not seem like premeditated m*rder to me.

What do you think, crime of passion?

Except dismembering the remains and depositing them in separate locations... that feels methodical.

You watch enough TV, you can learn how to get rid of a body.

All right, so he wears a costume to get in and out of the park with minimal notice.

Or he stops in the park on the way to work.

Well, whichever it is, our k*ller has a strong stomach.

Our victim has a name...

Peter Glass.

Wait a minute, how are his prints in the system?

Background check for his employer, Fibersec.

They're digital security consultants.

One credit card, a mortgage, a stay-at-home wife, Olivia, teen daughter, Sophie, no social media presence.

Expense reports can wait a day.

Vega: We'll notify the wife.

You want to look into Fibersec?

I'm on it.

I'll join you.

[Knocking briskly]

Olivia Glass?

I'm Detective Oscar Vega.

This is my partner, Detective Angie Flynn.

Can we come in?


Did something happen to Peter?

Why would you say that?

He didn't come home last night.

I've been worried sick.

It's best if we come in.

He can't be dead!

We understand that you are angry.

We just, we need you to use that anger to help us figure out who did this.

When was the last time you spoke with Peter?

Last night.

He came home for dinner, and...

Um, he went back to the office around 8:00.

He said he had to work through the night for a deadline.

And what did you do with the rest of the night?

I would never hurt my husband.

We have to ask.

I had a glass of wine with my friend, Melissa.


She lives next door.

You had that wine here?

Yes. Here at home.

What do you do for a living, Mrs. Glass?

I'm a homemaker.


My daughter.

I need her here.

We can make arrangements for someone to pick her up.

I can do it.

I don't think it's a good idea for you to be driving right now.

She's at Pembrooke Secondary.

Hey, Mark. It's Angie.

According to Olivia, Peter pulled an all-nighter at Fibersec.

Can you look into that for me?

Okay, thanks.

Is everything okay?

Can I help you?

I'm a friend of Olivia's.

I saw the police car.

Melissa Dixon?


Detective Angie Flynn.

I'm afraid Peter Glass died last night.

Oh, my god.

Olivia says you were with her last night?

I came over for a glass of wine.

Around what time?

Around 9:00.

How long did you stay?

Only about an hour or so.

Would you say you and Olivia are close?


They moved in a year ago, but we didn't really start socializing until a few months ago.

What took so long?


You didn't get along with Peter?

Peter didn't get along with anyone.

New cities are always hard to adjust to.

Well, it's not completely new.

I grew up here.

Oh, well, welcome home.

Well, I hope I'm not getting charged for this.

Just taking a quick break.

He needed a glass of water.

There's a hose on the side of the house you can use.


I should get back to it. Thanks.

You two looked friendly. What were you talking about?

He asked me if we liked living here.

How does he know we just moved?

Because I told him, Peter.

It's called conversation. You should try it some time.

I don't want him in the house anymore.

Not everyone is out to get you.

Listen, it's me.

You and I need to talk.

No, no, no. No.

This time, it's different.

I found them.

Peter was one of our best white hats.

He specialized in penetration testing to ensure security for our clients' information systems.

How long has Peter worked for you?

Freelance for five years, but we wanted him full time.

Sounds like he's a star.

Perhaps that caused some animosity with another employee?

You'd need to communicate with people to create rivalries.

Peter wasn't a social type?

His nickname was "that guy."

His wife said he came back to the office last night, sometime after 8:00 P.M.?

No, he didn't.

I had security pull up his swipe-card details for you.

He left the office at 5:00 P.M.

He never returned.

Okay, can you email that to us?

Perhaps another employee let him in?

You're more than welcome to review the security footage from last night.

Tell me something, how was Peter as an employee?

I gave him his first formal reprimand about a month ago.

He ran a background check on his daughter's boyfriend.

Do you remember the boyfriend's name?

About a month ago, your dad ran a background check on a boy from your school, named Toby Burke.

Is he your boyfriend?

He's my ex.

You broke up?

About two weeks ago.

Dad found out that he was older than I said he was.

He wouldn't let us date anymore.

Sophie, you know your father had your best interests at heart.

I know.

Yeah, my dad did the same thing.

Dads are smart.

My dad used to...

Used to hate it when I would sneak out the window.

Sometimes, I'd climb out onto the roof to look at the stars.


Looks amazing.


Listen, I was thinking about having a barbecue this weekend.

Christen the new deck.

Will you come?

I appreciate the offer, but would Peter be okay with that?

You let me worry about Peter.

Yeah, that's Sophie's dad.

Came to my place, and he freaked out on me.

What do you think Peter was worked up over?

He told me to stay away from Sophie, which was totally weird since she dumped me, like, two weeks ago.

Sophie told us that her dad made her break up with you.

She lied to her parents about how old I was.

Maybe you and Sophie decided to keep seeing each other secretly?

No way.

Her dad was too intense.

And I think she met someone else anyway.


I was fine with it.

She was never allowed out and I was never allowed over.

Sounds like Mr. Glass liked to keep a close eye on his family.

Even Sophie's mom seemed scared of the guy.

Just going to the grocery store, she'd make sure to be back before he got home.


Where were you last night?

With a friend.

I need a name.

Jordan Dorter.


Look, am I in trouble for dating a younger girl?

Sophie and I just hit it off.

She thought I was mature.

Yeah, you know, I think, um, maturity grows when your concern for others outweighs concern for yourself.

What do you think?

So I'm not in trouble?

[Knock on door]

How about that one?


Ursa Minor.

Okay, your turn.

Uh... Lupus.

Come on, give me a hard one.

Lupus, right there.


Does she get this from you?

I think Sophie was born this way.

We're a rare breed, Wayne.

Peter, come and join us.

I think it's time we call it a night.

But the Orionids meteor shower is going to start any minute.

Time for bed.

Good night, Wayne.

Good night, Sophie.

Don't worry.

The Orionids won't peak till the end of the month.

I'll come up and say good night.

I should probably be going.

Thanks for a delicious meal.

Thank you for a beautiful deck.

Good night.

Good night.

You have a lovely family.

I never want to see you here again.

You scared me.

Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you.

No one was answering the door.

Wayne, what are you doing here?

I just heard the news on the radio.

I thought maybe you and Sophie might need some food.

I didn't know what to get.

That's really sweet.

Thank you.

Anyway, if you need anything...

I don't know what to do.

[Window opens]

Hey, Sophie.

If you need anything, just call.


I'm going to cut out later.

I got something I wanna take care of.

I'm sure "something" would prefer to be called by his name.

Henry Guenther.

Maria believes that Neville Montgomery ordered the hit on Derek Caster.

She gave me a recording of Montgomery arranging payment with Guenther.

I have that.

Yeah, I didn't ask.

Fair enough. What is that?

This is the deal that Fibersec made to Peter Glass.

It includes a hefty life insurance policy.

How hefty?


Toby Burke's alibi checks out.


You know who's got the weakest alibi is Olivia Glass.

Melissa Dixon's story only covers one hour.

That gives her plenty of time to k*ll her husband, dispose of the body.

What about their daughter?

Uh, well, she's not going to admit to anything in front of her mother, but she's sneaking out at night.

Meanwhile, Olivia describes her husband as the love of her life, and yet everyone else says that she was terrified of the man.

Yeah, she said Peter went back to work at 8:00 P.M.

So either Peter was lying to Olivia...

Or she's lying to us.

Yesterday you told our colleagues that Peter didn't get along with people.

How was he with Olivia?

He treated her the way he treated everyone, but she seemed immune to it.

Maybe she was just resigned to her circumstances?

No, if anything, I'd say she drank the kool-aid.

Sophie was the one who couldn't stand it.

No cell phone, strict curfew. Poor kid had no privacy.

She had to use the desktop in the kitchen.

Did you ever see Peter get physical with Olivia or Sophie?

Ever hear any arguments and fights?

No, Peter wasn't the physical type.

Still, it sounds suffocating.

Any chance Olivia found a way to relieve the pressure?

What, you mean, like, an affair? [Chuckling]

Oh, god, no.

But it would have done her a world of good.

And she had the perfect opportunity.

She'd hired this handyman to finish their sundeck, and who doesn't love a man who's good with his hands?

Did you happen to get his name?

I think I still have his flyer.

Can I hang onto this?


I'll get this to Oscar.

Is there a number where I can reach you if I need to talk?

I've just never known someone who was m*rder*d.

Our department can suggest a grief counsellor.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Hey, if you want to hang around and comfort the grieving neighbor, I've got an overdue budget report to do.

Wayne Hobbs?

Detectives Vega and Flynn.

We spoke on the phone?

We had some questions about Peter Glass.

Right, the sundeck.

Yeah, what was Peter like to work for?

The perfect customer.

He paid his bill on time and he didn't try to supervise.

What about his wife?

Mrs. Glass?

Nice lady.

Seemed lonely, though.

What makes you say that?

Ah, she...

Flirted with me.

But I'm spoken for.

Did Peter know his wife was attracted to you?

I didn't tell him.

What's with all the questions?

Did the Glasses file a complaint against me?

No, we just need to know where you were Thursday night.

Well, these don't sound routine at all.

Peter Glass died on Thursday night.

Oh, that's a shame.

I didn't see him.

I was writing up a job quote.


Can anybody verify that?

The waitress maybe?

I was at a bar all night.

I might have the receipt.

Here, that's it.

Oh, yeah.

You know, my dad, he'd freak out if he saw how you treated your tools.

He'd say, "a tool will treat you as well as you treat it."

He was like that. Anyway, if you think of anything else, give me a call.

Thank you, sir.
Your father really say that?


[Cell phone chimes]

But someone's dad did.

Betty wants to see us.

Your k*ller used a reciprocating saw to dismember Peter Glass.

[Saw rattling]

See, the striation patterns on the edge of the bone... oh, wait.

This is better.

See this?

Match the reciprocating action of the blade.


Well, I thought it was interesting.

Sorry, Bets', it is.

I'm just, I'm burning the candle at both ends.

Anyone I know?

No, not last night.

I mean, he didn't come over last night.

He isn't...

I'm just going to shut up.

You good?

Yeah, I'm good.

Wayne Hobbs had one of those.

Yes, you can get one of these at just about any hardware store in the city.

You can even order one online.

You're supposed to be making it easier for us.

Not in the slightest.

What about hesitation cuts?

Your k*ller had no problem dismembering this body.

This is an invasion of my privacy.

I would think you'd be more interested in helping us find your husband's k*ller.

I am.

Why did you lie to us about Peter going back to work the night he was m*rder*d?

I didn't lie. He told me that...

He never went back to Fibersec.

Where did he go?

I don't know.

I was hoping that you would tell us.

I don't know.

You're not helping yourself when you don't answer our questions.

Want to try again?

I want you to leave my house.

As soon as we're finished.

Lucas: Key logger.

Records every stroke on the computer's keyboard.

Did you know anything about this?

Uh, it's probably just from Peter's work.

Tech crime cracked the key logger.

They found instant message correspondence between "glassgirl6744" and "palebluedot99."

"I can't live in this house."

"Why can't he just vanish?"

"Sometimes, I wish he was dead."

"Meet me outside in 10 minutes."

That could be Olivia conspiring to have Peter k*lled.

Yeah. See if you can track down "palebluedot99."

Time to bring Olivia in.


Pack a change of clothes.

We're getting away from this chaos.

What about dad's funeral?

We'll deal with it later.

It's his funeral!

Why are you being so weird?

Just pack! We're leaving.

My mom is freaking out. She wants to leave town.


What are you doing here?

I told you to stay away from us!

You didn't think I'd find out what you two were up to?

Stay the hell away from her!



I didn't know who else to call.

I told you, anything you needed.

Come on.

[Doorbell rings]

[Doorbell ringing]

It's not a very good idea to run out back when the cops are at the front.

This is what I was talking about earlier.

You're not helping yourself.

Also, it's just rude.

[Child laughing]

It's beautiful here, isn't it?

Have you been here before?


How you doing?

I feel like...

Like I'm in a dream, and if I could just wake up, my dad would be alive.


I can't believe he's really gone.


When terrible things happen, you have to remember to look forward.

He didn't deserve to die.


I know what will cheer you up.

I do.

Come on.

Come on.

I told you, I was just going out to look for my daughter.

I don't know where she is.

Please, we've got to find her.

We have uniforms waiting for her at your house.

No, it's not enough.

I need to be out there.

Do you have reason to believe she's in danger?

My husband was m*rder*d, and you haven't caught his k*ller, so, yes, I think she's in danger.

Then help us.

We found messages on your desktop from an account called "glassgirl6744."

That's Sophie's account.

"I can't live in this house."

"Sometimes, I wish he was dead."

Sophie's a teenager.

Sometimes, her father and her didn't get along.

She didn't mean it.

But maybe the recipient of these messages took her seriously.

Who's "palebluedot99?"

I... I have no idea.

[Knock on door]



We tracked down "palebluedot99's" computer.

It belongs to Wayne Hobbs.

You try him?

He didn't answer his cell.

Well, we gotta track him down.

You need to tell us everything you know about Wayne Hobbs right now.

I don't know anything.

You don't know anything?

"Wayne Hobbs is palebluedot99," and Sophie sent him messages on a regular basis.

This ice cream truck has been around since I was a kid.

Best ice cream in the city.

No thanks.

You sure?

I guarantee this will be your favorite.

I'm really not hungry, but thanks for trying to take my mind off things. I should go home. My mom is probably freaking out.

Well, I'll text her and tell her you're with me.

No, she'll freak.

I'm ready to go back.

Maybe in a little bit.

I can just take the bus.

No, no, I'll drive you, I'll drive you...

No, I don't mind.


No, no, no, no. Stay, stay! Please!

Stop it! Let me go! Let me go! Help! Help!

How many times do I have to tell you?

Wayne Hobbs built our deck, that's it.

No, that's not it.

Sophie was sneaking out to meet him.


[Tentative knock on door]

Detectives, a word?

We'll be back.

Someone spotted a man dragging a teenager into a black truck.

The girl dropped her bag.

It belongs to Sophie Glass.

The deputy chief has issued an Amber alert for Sophie Glass.

Her photo has gone wide, as well as a picture of our suspect, Wayne Hobbs.

Sophie has been with Wayne for almost two hours.

Most abducted children are k*lled within the first three.

We have to find her fast.

This is still an ongoing homicide investigation, Detective Vega is your primary.

Any leads, you take them to him.

We are executing a search warrant on Wayne Hobbs's residence.

I need the rest of you digging into his life.

All right, let's move.

News report plays: Police have issued an Amber alert for 16-year-old Sophie Gl...

Are you going to k*ll me?

I would never hurt you.

[Cell phone chimes]


Help! Help me, please!

No, she's fine, but the plan has changed.

We're in a black truck...

Let her go? Are you insane?

Call the police!

You want this just as much as I do!

Please, I need you to do something...

You know where to meet.

Cassidy, that was very rude.



All clear.

All right, you guys, you've got to get out.

We've got to get forensics to sweep this room for DNA.



Look at this.

That's Sophie.

Yeah, he targeted her.

What is this?

Well, he's got a type.

Let's get these names to Lucas right away.

We've got to find these girls.

[Cell phone rings]

Detective Flynn.

They found his truck.

So, this would be the downside of an Amber alert.

The bad guy finds out we're looking for him.


Flynn: Broken glass, stolen car.

[Sirens approaching]

Got it, thanks.

So, forensics confirmed Peter's DNA in Wayne's shop.

Blood splattered all over the wall and floors.

The girls are all safe and accounted for.

They all recognized Wayne from his photo, but they all knew him by different last names.

So Hobbs is an alias.

Except he's in the system.

You can't get a driver's license with an alias.

So he's legally changing his name.

How old are the girls?


All of them?

All of them.

Okay, so they're born in 1999.

As in "palebluedot99."

There's five of them.

They're all 16.

They're all born in 1999.

What does this have to do with Sophie?

We've got a lead on the car Wayne stole from Fourth and Yew.

You're looking for a light blue, two-door T-top.

And where's the ice cream truck?

Fourth and Trimble.

Yeah, we got checkpoints at all the bridges. He's not getting out of town.


He's not trying to run.

You k*lled my dad, didn't you?

We're stopping. I don't want any trouble, okay?


Please. Please, just let me go.

It's going to be okay, honey.

Don't! Don't! Don't!

Don't do that.

It's going to be okay.

Let's go.

Please, don't hurt me...

How do you want to handle this?

Very carefully.

That's a good plan.

Wayne m*rder*d a man to take Sophie.

Who knows what he does to keep her?



Wayne and Sophie were spotted heading into the theatre.

Witness says he's got a knife.

[Sighs heavily]

Well, they go in there, this doesn't end well.

And Sophie's right in the crossfire.

We gotta get in there.

Okay, I can slow ERT down, but you won't have long.

We need Wayne's wife.

We were right here.

You were there, and I was sitting beside you.

Do you remember?

Please, Wayne, just let me go.

Sophie, you have to focus.

You have to remember.


Wayne Little?

That's your real name, isn't it?

Who's that?

I'm Detective Flynn.


You remember me?

I just want to talk, Wayne.

I just want to sort this out.

Get out!

Please, please, don't leave me.

Everything's going to be okay.

I know you love her, Wayne.

That's why you've got to let her go, before something bad happens.

I can't.

I just found her.

I know.

Did Peter know who you were?

You stay the hell away from her!

You stay away from my daughter!

How did Sophie get that scar under her lip?

She fell.



Tell me.

A father would know.

She slipped out of her high chair.

Clipped her chin on the kitchen table during breakfast.

She cried in my lap the entire way to the hospital.

She's my daughter.

You took my girl!

We looked up your case, Wayne.

Three-year-old Cassidy Little, abducted from the planetarium.

Broke my heart.

That sketch of Sophie in your note-book, that was an age-progression of your daughter, wasn't it?

That's how you knew who to look for.

[Sophie crying]

Again, again!

[Chuckling] All right.

But we've got to get another ticket, okay?

Let's go.

Hey, what was your favourite part?

I like when the Earth gets really big.

It's so cool.

My cozy!

I'll get it. You wait right here.




Has anyone seen a little girl?

Brown hair? Blue dress? She was right here.


René, this is Detective Vega.

Thank you for coming down.

Is the girl all right?

For now.

We need to make sure it stays that way.

This isn't the first time this has happened.

No, but this is the first time he's done anything like this.

We want this to end peacefully, René, so we appreciate your help. Thank you.

I can't imagine what you went through all of these years, Wayne.

I knew I'd find her.

It was only a matter of time.

And all your hard work paid off.

Look at that.

How did you find her?

She found me.


Sophie, let's go!

[Chatting and laughing]

Come on...

I liked it, it was fun.

It was okay, I guess.

[Door opens]

It's okay, it's all right. It's all right.

It's just my partner, it's okay.

He's got someone you want to see.




Look at her.

I never stopped looking.

I never gave up.

Wayne, look at her.

She's scared.

Honey, you need to let her go.

Oscar, ERT is moving into position.

[Quietly] Not yet.

You're out of time.


Let me see her.

[Sobbing] Help me.


You did it.

Now let her go.

Come here, sweetie, this way.

Come to me, sweetie.

Okay, I need you to put the knife down, Wayne.

Okay, this way. Let's go.

Officer: Clearing the hostages now.

Toss the knife away.

Get down on your knees.

Officer: Clearing.

Nice and easy, sir, nice and easy.

Thank you, Wayne.

Officer: Target secure.

[Sighs heavily]

Do you think what Wayne said was true?

I don't know.

But there are tests you can do to confirm it.

Can I talk to her?


If you want to.

I can take you over.

Thank you.

I'm just glad to know you're all right.

I'll leave you alone.

What... what's that?

This used to be my daughter's.



We want to test your DNA against your daughter's.

Or you could save us the hassle, and you could confess to the abduction of Cassidy Little.

Well, that's okay.

We can wait.

Big risk you took out there today.

Hell of a team.

And they need a leader, which is why I won't accept your request for a transfer.


No, I need to get back out there, get my hands dirty.

You know, once upon a time, I actually caught bad guys.

You still catch bad guys.

Not from behind this desk.


Keep getting your hands dirty, but, uh, never hand a budget in late again.

So, this is the new place.

Wow, that is a beautiful view.

I like it.


Nice job today.

Well, thanks. It was a team effort.



You were fearless.


Well, I have never worked so well with anybody else.


What... what is that?



I paid you a compliment.

Thank you for the compliment, I appreciate that.

Hey, uh, you want to tell me about this Neville Montgomery case you don't want to seem to let go of?

You sure?

No, but, you know, talk me through it anyway.

Well, he's a bad guy, and I want to get him.

I figured.

This is the recording between Montgomery and his lawyer...

If she wants 50,000, pay her 50,000.

As far as I'm concerned, it's money well spent.


So, you've been following his lawyer ever since to see if he'll make the drop-off?

Whenever possible.

God, the guy goes to so many diners.

Watching lawyers pick at salads is depressing.

So you don't even know if he's made the drop?

No, or if there is one.

Okay, well, what if you were there, but your eyes were on the wrong target?


I mean, if you were at the restaurant with him...

Oh, you mean, he could have left the cash in the car.

Can't be in two places at once.