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01x04 - Prayer of David

Posted: 03/27/15 02:06
by bunniefuu
announcer: Previously on Dig...

Emma Wilson's journal. I took it from her apartment.

"It's all about 19."

Chapter 19... "Tell the Israelites to bring a red heifer."


Peter: It's a cow.

These guys are dangerous.

Billingham: But his sojourn into the desert made him impure.

Oh, my God.

Billingham: So we had to move to an alternate plan.

Are you still with us?

I need to get out of here.

Charlie: Please don't call here anymore.


Thank you for calling me, Deputy Barry.

Billingham: Joshua, you ready to go home?

I told you she would fail.

Yussef: Only one more stone left to find.

The most difficult one. Now get the hell out of here.

You said that Holly was in the building.


Madame Ambassador?

Yussef Khalid did not enter this building.

You said you wanted to get away from anything that reminded you of her.

Solving this case is not gonna bring your daughter back.

[mysterious music]

I copied those articles and this is everything I have on Rabbi Lev, the Jerusalem Heritage Center.

All right.

I'm here until 7:00 a.m., if you need anything else.

That's great.

[cell phone vibrates]

It's not morning yet.

What? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Slow down.

Can't this wait?


Okay. Okay.


This better be important.

This whole thing's a lot bigger than the m*rder of one girl.

Bigger how?


No, no, no, no, no. Give me the short version.

All right, says here, in 1991, Rabbi Lev and a bunch of his radical followers were caught trying to blow up the Temple Mount.

Shin Bet uncovered the plot.

They arrested the six co-conspirators unloading expl*sives. But Rabbi Lev?

Taken in and questioned, never charged.

Well, those guys always keep their hands clean.

You talked to someone about the breastplate... who was it?

My uncle, Shimon. Why?

We need to speak to him.

No, no, no. It's 5:00 in the morning.

These guys are planning on rebuilding the Temple.

That's insane.

Anything happens to the Temple Mount, the Arab world will erupt.

They'd be starting World w*r III.


[boat horn blares]

[mysterious music]

[boat horn blares]

[boat horn blares]

My boy!

Welcome to Croatia!

I was worried I wouldn't recognize you, but you, my son, you are unmistakable.

Stepped out of the Talmud, did you, huh?

I am but humbled servant tasked with transporting you and your precious... unnamed cargo.

You don't know?

It is not for me to ask what it is or to question why it is important.

Climb in, my boy!

Shh... she will not bite, young man.

This my daughter, Elena.

I am not allowed to sit next to...

We are not married.

We can either marry you or we can make some exception, and we are not going to marry you.

Climb in, please. Please.

[slaps hood]



Let's sit over there. It's much more comfortable.

Ambassador, I know that there have been some problems in my office the last few weeks.

I assure you that I am going to take care of them.

Your problems have a name.

You have a blind spot.

I get it... he was your boss back in the States.


Agent Connelly taught me everything I know about law enforcement.

His behavior here has been erratic.

You have a deputy legal attache pulling his g*n in public, which makes Israeli officials unhappy, which makes Washington unhappy, which makes me unhappy.

I understand.

It's obvious to me that he's not working out.

I'm wondering why it's not obvious to you.

Are you asking me to fire him?

Women have to prove that they're tough enough for this job, Lynn.

They also have to be above reproach, personally.

Meaning what?

Meaning... you're not screwing him, are you?

Do yourself a favor. Do us all a favor.

Get him under control.

Or what?

Thank you for stopping in.

Ridell on phone: I just spoke to his immediate superior.

If she doesn't take care of the problem, I'll do it myself.

Now, where are you with the stone?

In process.

Time frame?

We'll have it by the end of the day.

[ominous music]



Thank you.

It's not going to happen.

The Jews have been talking about rebuilding the Temple since the Romans destroyed it.

Well, we believe the Jerusalem Heritage Center is collecting the stones for the breastplate.

So what? Even if they find all the stones, for this prophecy to come true, they'd need...

A red heifer without blemish, a high priest born of the lineage of the First High Priest, raised in isolation from birth without his feet touching the ground till his 13th year, yes.

I see you have done your homework.

Look, I know Lev.

He's crazy, but he's not insane.

And even if he was, no sane Israeli wants w*r over the Temple Mount.

And that's why the Israelis are safeguarding the Dome of the Rock from these extremist minorities.

I'm sure you are, but I'm also sure that Rabbi Lev is collecting the stones, so where might he be looking?

Please. It's homemade... homemade.

The stones?


The stones were scattered to all four corners of the earth, hidden away for safekeeping.

Some say there is a passage in the w*r Tablet that describes the location of one of them.

w*r Tablet?

Doesn't ring a bell?

No, it doesn't ring a bell.

Written by the Essenes, an ancient religious sect who lived in the desert near the Dead Sea.

They called themselves the "Sons of Light."

Protecting the breastplate meant keeping the stones from ever being found.

They would die for this.

So where would we find this w*r Tablet?

[ominous music]

[horn blares]

Peter: So how is it you come from such a religious family and you end up... not?

You were in seminary. Why did you drop out?

[cell phone rings]


When can you be at the office?

Peter on phone: Not for a little while. I gotta go to the Israel Museum.

The museum, why?

Is that your girlfriend?


Peter: Uh, to look at the w*r scroll.

It might tell us the whereabouts of the stones from the high priest breastplate.

The stones? Peter... what does any of this have to do with Emma Wilson's m*rder?

I'll fill you in later.

Listen to me... the Ambassador has taken a personal interest in you and I can guarantee you it's not because she thinks you're cute.

That's funny.

Could have sworn I detected a little vibe going on.

Just a twinkle.

I need to show that you are under control.

You've got to dial it down, do you hear me?

Got you loud and clear. Dial it down.

[mysterious music] ♪

Excuse me, have you seen this woman around lately?

Sorry, never seen her.

I'm not sure if she looks exactly like this anymore.

It's been three years.

But then she called me out of the blue, and I just hung up on her.

I'm sorry, man, but I just haven't seen her.

But she looks happy here.

Yeah, I thought so too.


Sandra: You should eat, Debbie.

We're all praying for your full recovery.

We love you.

There is washroom in this station.

Elena, clothes, please.

It's okay, I don't need it.

Avram, you will draw too much attention, please.


[somber music]


[exhales sharply]

Charlie: Excuse me, ma'am?

I was wondering if I could ask you a question.

Have you seen this woman?

Oh, Lord.

You know her?

Yes, have you seen her?

Hell, yeah. She beat a woman senseless in our bathroom yesterday.

What? Who?

I don't know.

The one that was with her.

Left her unconscious on the floor.

She nearly broke her nose.

Do you know where she went?

I figured she went back to the compound.

What compound?

woman: Tad Billingham's. You know, the pastor. You've seen him on TV. He's got that big operation out there off of Route 7.

How do I get there?

There's a cutoff just after mile marker 19.

But I wouldn't go out there if I was you.

Something about those people ain't right.

I appreciate the warning. Thank you so much for your help.

Please drink. You need your strength.

I need your help. I need you to call my mother.

I haven't talked to her in a little while, but...

I'm pretty sure she'll come and get me.

You want to leave?

They're gonna k*ll me, Sandra.

That's ridiculous. We don't k*ll people.

They k*lled Josh.

I just saw Josh. He's fine.

Not that one. There's another Josh.

I don't know how they created another one.

What are you talking about?

You remember those big trucks that removed lab equipment a few years ago?

Something bad is happening here.

You need to drink.

Listen to me!

I'm telling the truth.

These people, they are not who they say they are.

They k*lled Josh, they're gonna k*ll me.

I know you're not involved in anything they're doing...

You know what, I'm not even supposed to be talking to you.

I just came to...

Please... please call my family!


We are your family.

Schneider: The w*r Tablet is not yet on display to the public.

The President of the United States was just here, and even he was not allowed to see it.

I called ahead.

The curator's meeting us at the vault.

He should be able to interpret something for you.
[ominous music] ♪


Oh, my God.

Who would do this?

I need you to stay right back here, sir, and keep calm.

This just happened.

The tablet's gone.

[tense music]

Gimme a boost.


[women screaming]

[mysterious music]

Hey, hey, hey.

[speaks in Hebrew]

[phone rings]

man on phone: What should we do, sir?

Welcome him in.

[door buzzer buzzes]


I'm looking for my friend, Debbie.


Debbie Morgan.

Oh, she's not here anymore. She was, but she left.

Really? Then you won't mind if I take a look around.

Debbie! Where's Debbie?

Can I help you, my friend?

Yeah, you can tell me where Debbie is.

And you are?

Charlie, I'm her friend.

Hi, Charlie, I'm Tad Billingham.

I run this global outreach and spiritual retreat.

This is Faye. You've met Tina.

I came to take her home.

I wish she were still here.

Maybe you could help her in ways we clearly could not.

She came to us in need, fighting a drug addiction, in very poor physical health, and spiritually lost.

She lived with us for 2 1/2, 3 years?

But a few days ago, she just left.

Is that right?


You got a problem with me seeing for myself?

Go right ahead.

Charlie: Debbie?


It's me, Charlie!

Debbie, you here?


Have you seen Debbie?


She's not here, son.

I don't believe you.


Hello, I'm in here!

Help! Help! Help! I'm in here!

Help, help, help!

Open this g*dd*mn door.

Can you hear me? I'm in here!

[keypad tones beeping]

Truth is, she started using again.

She smuggled the dr*gs in somehow.

An addict can be very resourceful.

She broke our hearts too.

Whoa. Wha... what are you...

Dinner is almost ready.

I brought you blankets for later.

It gets cold here at night.

Okay, I-I'll be there soon.

How old are you?

19. Why?

I've never seen a... Jew before.

Not like you.

Please, okay, just... just go before...

I will see you at dinner? Yes?

[soft music]

[mysterious music]

I don't understand. What am I looking at?

The tablet was kept in a velvet-lined box.

The copper letters were etched in so deep, they left a ridge in the back.

So we scanned the velvet. Does it tell us anything?

Could be a hidden code.

Most likely a word or letter game.

There would be the key.

Key? What would that look like?

Could be a list of words or scripture that speaks to one passage, a map that points to what's significant.

Maybe something like this?

Maybe, yeah.

That's the same size.


Peter: Can you read it?

[speaks Hebrew]


It makes no sense.

Useless garbage!

That's what you have brought me!

We're missing something, something about how to use it.

The Essenes hated the priests of the Temple.

They considered them corrupt, so they abandoned Jerusalem to Qumran, where they wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Go on.

But unlike the other scrolls, they didn't make it out of Papyrus.

They were very gifted metal workers.

[mysterious music]

Which is three-dimensional.

Peter: They were gifted metal workers.

Why would they make the letters that deep?


They were more interested in what was in the back than the front.

[speaks Hebrew]

What does that mean?

Each letter in the Hebrew language corresponds with a number.

These numbers lead us to...

[speaks Hebrew]

Psalm 17:8.

[speaks Hebrew]

The Prayer of David.

"Keep me as the apple of your eye, hide me under the shadow of your wings."

What the hell does that mean?

Golan: I mean, David wanted to hide in God's eye.

How does that help us?

Peter: The Prayer of David is depicted in three mosaics across the world... Rome, Istanbul, and Israel.

Where in Israel?



Also known by it's Greek name, Armageddon.


[indistinct chatter in distance]

[overlapping chatter]

Eat, it's good. I made kosher for you.

Huh? Avram.

[overlapping chatter]

[all rhythmically clapping]

[folk music plays]

Avram, Avram.

[overlapping chatter continues]

Hand. Up.

Jump, jump, Avram.

Laura: Up, up, up, up.

[somber music]

It is with heavy hearts that we come here today, Debbie.

And yet, it is with hope and faith that we offer you a chance at salvation.

[speaking foreign language]

[continues speaking foreign language]

Repent your sins and you may be forgiven.

[speaks in foreign language]

You saved me. You held me.

You fed me.

Cared for me.

While I got clean.

You saved my life.

And then you used me, made me an accessory to m*rder.

You k*lled the boy I helped raise.

That is enough!

You pervert the word of God. You are hypocrites.

And murderers.

Beg for forgiveness!

You're the ones who need to be forgiven, not me.

You need to repent your sins.

Or God will strike you down.

[speaking foreign language]

[continues speaking foreign language]

It's a mosaic, just like this.

Oh, up there... Roman bathhouse.


This way.


[speaks Hebrew]

There he is!

Get in the car!

I'm getting the car!


There he is!

Ah, come on. Ugh!

Peter: Ah, shit!

[speaking foreign language]

[speaking foreign language]

Divine God's will.

Speak to us, Joshua.

What sayeth the Lord?
