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10x18 - Rock Creek Park

Posted: 03/26/15 16:42
by bunniefuu
Yeah, I just had lunch with my husband and I'm on my way home.

I have a lot to do before the meeting tonight.

Of course I'll be there, but I hope there's more on the agenda than the charity ball.

I don't want to debate which caterer to use for an hour.

[Laughs] I'd gladly vote for corn dogs if it ends the meeting sooner.

See you tonight.

And that was the last known sighting of Sophie Troy, at 2:37 p.m. on a surveillance video.

She was coming from having lunch with her husband, and she was going home using the congressional underground tunnels.

Ok, so it's 3 a.m. now.

She's been gone a little over 12 hours.

That doesn't qualify as a missing person yet.

The director's personally asked us to handle the case.

Her husband is Congressman Benjamin Troy, which makes her a VIP.

Well, the question is, who's the real target, Sophie or her husband?

I mean, is this an attempt to influence him?

Well, the Congressman isn't very high profile.

It's his first term, and he has views which have made him unpopular on both sides of the aisle.

Sophie's a healthcare lawyer on the D.C. museum board.

What was her schedule after lunch? Do you know?

Yeah. She was gonna go home, and then she had a foundation meeting at 7:00.

She didn't make either.

Then when she wasn't home by 12:30, the Congressman called family and friends before contacting Capitol police at 1:45.

We were notified a half an hour later.

Let's go back to her last sighting.

Do we have the surveillance footage from the other side of the stairwell?

Yeah. That would be the Library of Congress lobby and there's no sign of her.

It's like she vanished into thin air.

Guys, it is possible she just left of her own accord.

But we have to assume it's a kidnapping unless proven otherwise.

Well, we know she was on the phone before she disappeared.

We need to pull all her email and cell phone records.

The Congressman's here.

Have a seat, Congressman.

I've heard the statistics.

What do we have, 36 hours or something to save her?

In a homicide, the first 48 hours are the most critical, but in an abduction, every minute counts.

Oh, God.

We don't know for sure that there's been foul play.

No. No, no. I know my wife.

We just had our first anniversary a week ago.

She wouldn't just leave me, certainly not without getting the last word in.

Is there anyone who would want to hurt her?

No. No, no.

Sophie's a wonderful, sweet woman.

I, on the other hand, I'm not very well-liked in this town.

And who are your enemies?

Well, where do we begin?

We have the oil lobbies.

Uh, we have the NRA and PETA.

You have an equal opportunity offender.

Plus, then there's all the other oddballs who call, write letters, send emails.

My aides don't usually show them to me, though.

We'll need to see those.

Yeah, I'll have my office send them over.

And also let them know that we're on an information lockdown.

Our chances of solving this are better if the media doesn't get wind of it.

You know, I understand people being angry with me, but to take it out on my family, on Sophie...

Rest assured, you're our priority.

[Knock on door]

Excuse me.

The tech analysis from the video surveillance came back.

The footage from the Library of Congress where there's no sign of Sophie is an old video on a continuous loop.

Someone hacked the system?

It's run by the Metro P.D. it's outdated.

It wouldn't take a lot of brainpower to get in.

TV: I have just received confirmation authorities have been alerted and are treating this as a probable abduction.

Just to recap, Sophie Troy, wife of Congressman Benjamin Troy, has been missing since mid-afternoon yesterday.

At this time, authorities have not said when...

What's going on? Who leaked this?

I don't know.


The last call Sophie made was to a lawyer on vacation.

This is her voicemail.

Hi, Tania, it's Sophie, and I'm still out of town-- oops--sorry.

What are you doing?

Stop, let go of me!


♪ Criminal Minds 10x17 ♪
Breath Play
Original Air Date on March 11, 2015

♪ ♪

Reid: “The truth is rarely pure and never simple.”

Oscar Wilde.

Garcia: See that shadow on the wall?

It shifted as the sun went down, but now it's back.

The video was on a 6-hour loop before it repeated, which is why no one noticed it right away.

So this was organized and premeditated.

Ok, so even though this isn't the real footage, the lobby would have been crowded with tourists at the time.

How was she taken in broad daylight from a public place?

Ironically, it may have been easier to kidnap her in a crowd.

It's noisy, hard to see, people are distracted.

If she was injected with a sedative, the kidnappers might just look like friends or family helping someone who was feeling ill.

We'll set up a trace phone, and I've already got agents looking into terrorism and organized crime connections.

I also need to know on what committees you sit and what pending bills might be influenced by your vote.

Right. I'm on the energy subcommittee.

There's a vote in two days to ban fracking on the Pacific Coast.

Where do you stand on the issue?

I'm for the ban, but I've been getting pressure from the oil companies to vote against it.

They're not the most subtle people in the world.

Do you think maybe they have something to do with this?

Well, just to be safe, I think you and your family should stay here in protective custody until we get a better handle on things.

Ok. It's just my brother and my mother.

They're in Georgetown.

They live together?

Paul just got out of rehab a couple of months ago.

He's staying with her till he gets back on his feet.

We'll arrange to have them picked up.

Agent Anderson, will you please show the Congressman where he can stay?

Sure. Congressman, right this way.

So, uh, we confirmed the Congressman was in his office all afternoon.

There was nothing unusual about his behavior.

And he's responding appropriately.

Yeah, Dave, what have you got?

We'll be right down.

Organized crime may have a lead on the case.

So who's the package?

Who cares? Dyadya just said it's someone important.

What's our piece of the action?

Maybe 5 grand.

[Speaking Russian]

Which translates into, “he'll call us, we just sit tight.”

These are low-level guys?

Foot soldiers in the the Mikhalov Bratva, a Russian crime ring that deals in illegal arms.

We intercepted a container of Stinger missiles about 6 months ago they were gonna ship to Syria.

Been trying to infiltrate the ring since then, figure out who the major players are.

Where is the wiretap?

In their apartment. This recording is from a week ago.

And you think it's connected to Sophie Troy?

Well, here's what we know.

These low-level guys often do freelance work to pad their income.

You need somebody for an unsavory job, this is who you call.


Yeah, pretty much.

This kidnapping they're talking about was gonna go down around now.

Well, probably not a coincidence.

According to Loker, our agent on site, they're still waiting for Dyadya, which means uncle, to call.

Any idea who uncle is?

No. We've been trying to I.D. him, but no luck so far.

I think we need to be on this.

You're welcome to join us as long as you don't jeopardize our case.


[Knocking on door]

Hi. Um, I'm looking for Loker.

[Chain being removed]


I'm Dorian Loker.

You must be from the BAU?

Yeah, I'm Spencer-- I don't really shake hands.

Great. So we're set up in here.

The apartment's directly across the courtyard.

The guys just left to get breakfast.

What do we know about them?

Roman Azarof and Taras Yudin work at a trucking company in Anacostia, but really it's just a front for the Russian mob.

Roman's bad news. He assaulted a shopkeeper with a chainsaw back in 2008.

Which one has the uncle that may have kidnapped Sophie Troy?

Taras. But uncle is a loose term.

As far as we know, Taras has no blood relatives in the U.S.

He's only been here two years.

It could be any older figure in this crime network.

[Speaking Russian]

[Speaking Russian]


There's a lot of down time in surveillance.

I hope you brought something to read.

“Great Expectations.”

You like Charles Dickens?

Believe it or not, I haven't read him before.

Figured it was high time to change that.

He's great that moment where Pip finally learns that Estella was always groomed to break men's hearts always---

Always trying-- I haven't gotten there yet.

Oh, well, I think you're gonna like that part.


I'm gonna go put on a fresh pot of coffee.


You ok?


Yeah, I'm just, uh...

I just wish I had walked Sophie to the street after lunch or called her a cab.

I could have stopped this somehow.

A lot of families feel that way after an abduction.

But in most cases it was an unforeseeable event.

My mother would say it happened because I wasn't a gentleman.

Well, try not to b*at yourself up too much.

Where's my son?

Hey, how long do you plan on holding us?


Not to be rude, but I got a life of my own.

I gotta be at the soup kitchen in an hour to volunteer.

We're not holding you. This is for your own safety, so I highly recommend that you stay.

And while you're here, you could just really help us out a lot by answering a few questions.

Oh, of course, anything you need. Right, Paul?

Hey, uh, could you tell me a little about Sophie and Benjamin?

What's their relationship like?

Oh, with Sophie and Benjamin it's true love.

They met and got married 8 months later.

In his eyes she can do no wrong.

And one harsh word from her would just destroy him.

And if you ask her where they met, she'd say it was in a garden under a double rainbow with a unicorn.


And, uh, what do you think of their marriage?

I have no opinion.

It's between them and God.


Paul found a higher power in rehab.

He's finally free of his demons.

What's your relationship like with Sophie?

It was fine.

Honestly, I barely know her.

They told me you just got here.

Oh, Benjy. It's so terrible.

Thanks for coming, bro.

Yeah. Yeah, I wouldn't miss it.

What's the layout of their place?

Same as this one.

The satellite dish outside the window is actually one of our parabolic mikes.

They're back.

It's a woman.

It's their cleaning lady, Fana.

[Fana speaking African language]

She's speaking Yoruba.

It's a western Nigerian dialect.

She's talking to her mother.

Fana: Did you get the money that I sent?

Mother: Yes. We used it all to buy rice.

Fana: Ok. I'll try to send more when I can.

I have to go.


Roman: What the hell?

Why you have the curtains open?

Fana: So I could clean the windows.

But what did we told you?

Keep the damn curtains closed.

How hard is it to remember?

It won't happen again.

I have to go and switch the laundry.

Roman: She's an idiot.

Taras: Hey, I just got a text from Dyadya.

He says he'll need us soon.

We should be ready with a truck.

I gonna go down to the office.

You speak Yoruba?

I can get by.

This is really good coffee, by the way.

Coffee's a language in itself.

Who said that? Dickens?

Jackie Chan.

So the g*n lobbyists were dismissive of the Congressman, saying they don't waste their time with one-termers like Troy.

But anyway, even if they were involved, I highly doubt that they would outsource the job to the Russian mob.

What about the oil companies?

Pretty slimy, pun intended, but none of our sources say they were involved.

Well, considering how much oil comes out of Russia, they are the most likely candidates to have ties to the mob.

I'm interrupting, I know, but, sir, there's a reporter in the lobby.

She insists to speak to you.

She says she has critical information about this case.

You must be SSA Aaron Hotchner.

And you're Madison Young.

I come bearing gifts.

What is that?

The ransom message I received from the kidnappers at my office.

If you want the flash drive, I have a request.

You're interfering with a criminal investigation.

I'd like an exclusive interview with Congressman Troy.

I know he's here.

I'll leave that up to him.

My name is Sophie Troy.

If you--[Sobs]-- if you want my safe return, you will wire 20 million dollars to...

[Crying] to the bank account number at the end of this video.


Do not think to delay payment.

It will only make it worse for me.

Remember, now, 20 million by midnight or...

Oh, God.

20 million by midnight or I die.

Remember, now, 20 million by midnight or...

Oh, God.

20 million by midnight or I die.

The recording appears genuine.


The wire instructions are to a bank in Cyprus.

It's a big tax haven for the Russians.

Is there any reason why the Russian mob would want to hurt you?


Then someone hired them.

But who, exactly, is the 20-million-dollar question.

It could be anyone.

What does it matter now?

The important question is, where am I gonna get that kind of money?

Well let's not get ahead of ourselves. We have to stay rational.

Unless you can guarantee me that you're gonna rescue my wife by midnight, I'm not gonna risk losing her.

Benjy, we don't have 20 million dollars.

Yeah, I know that.

Who asks for that kind of money?

Someone who thinks people like Benjamin have the power to make anything happen.

They may have seen media reports on your campaign w*r chest.

Didn't you get a hefty donation last week?

What do you have now, 50 million?

But that's not my personal money.

They don't understand that.

We're dealing with someone who's not too sophisticated.

Yet this kidnapping was just the opposite.

It's not adding up.

Benjy, can't we borrow against your campaign fund?

No. No, that's illegal.

I--I don't know what to do anymore.

I do.

Morgan: This message is for the people who are holding Sophie Troy.

We have received your demands and we are taking them very seriously.

At this time, we want to ensure Sophie's well-being and are willing to fully cooperate with you.

But in order to do so, we must have proof of life and an open channel of communication.

You can reach us at any time by calling the FBI hotline.

Again, let me emphasize, our primary concern is the well-being of Sophie Troy.

We will do whatever it takes to ensure her safe return.

Thank you.

I know this must be a nightmare for you, Congressman.

Nightmare doesn't even begin to describe it.

If for some reason she's able to watch this, is there anything you want to say to your wife?


Sophie, you're my entire world, and I want you to fight.. [Voice breaks]

And don't give up.

I want you to come back to me.

Oh...I can't.

I'm sorry, I can't do this.

Can you turn it off, please, I-- turn it off, please.

[Cell phone rings]


Hey, Garcia, what do you have?

Taras Yudin is a very horrible meanie.

What did he do?

In 2012 he was questioned in the brutal k*lling of a g*ng member's family in his hometown of Volga, but then there wasn't enough evidence, so the charges were dropped, and he left Russia.

Is there anyone else from his hometown in D.C.?

Someone must have helped him when he first arrived here.

It could be Dyadya.

Oh, it's hard to tell with all the disposable cell phones he uses, but keep looking will I.

All right, thank you so much, Garcia. Bye.

Something's going on.

Roman: Dyadya told you he'd get two million ransom?

Taras: Yeah.

Roman: That's not what I heard at the club.

I heard Dyadya's getting 20 million.

20 million. That's a lot of money.

Son of a bitch has been lying to you.

And what was he gonna give us, a measly 5 grand?

Taras: I don't believe it.

Roman: You don't believe it, talk to Ivan.

Who's Ivan?

A bartender at the local strip club.

We have a source down there.

Hotch, hey, the ransom changed.

It used to just be two million.

All right, Reid. Thank you.

Ok, if a call comes in, one of us is gonna answer.

We may ask you to speak, but what's most important is you'll have to stay calm.

I followed up with some oil execs.

It turns out those with stakes in Russian companies would benefit from a fracking ban because it would drive Russian oil prices back up.

I don't think they're involved.

[Telephone rings]


This is Agent Hotchner.

We have Sophie Troy.

Who is this?

You may call me Viktor.

Viktor, we need to know that Sophie is alive.


Sophie: Hello?

Sophie, this is Agent Hotchner with the FBI.

I'm here with your husband.

Sophie: Ben?

Sophie, are you ok?

I...think so.

[Whispering] Ask her something personal.

Uh, Sophie, you remember our first date.

Where did we go after dinner?

We went for a walk.

[Mouthing silently] Where?

Where did we go for a walk? What was the name of the park?

You have to help me. I think they're gonna k*ll me--

No, wait. Put her back on the phone.

You didn't let her answer the question.

I can't tell that it's her.



Sophie-- Tell the Congressman we're not children.

He and his family think to take advantage, but we won't be paid off with some pocket change.


We get a trace?

It's a long number. Overseas.


No, there's no way he would take her that far.

He rerouted the call.

Rock Creek Park.

We went to Rock Creek Park on our date.

That was her, all right.

It had to be her.

“Tell the Congressman we're not children. He and his family think to take advantage, but we won't be paid off with some pocket change.”

“Paid off with some pocket change.”

Maybe there was some prior arrangement.

We know from Spence that the ransom amount change.

Maybe a previous deal went south?

Meaning the Congressman or someone in his circle is hiding something.

It could be an inside job.

Are we being played here?

Viktor did say he and his family.

Maybe it's the brother, Paul.

The born again soup kitchen volunteer?

Who was a pill-popping drug addict 3 months ago.

Well, he's definitely uncomfortable around the Congressman, and he avoids making eye contact.
Hey, baby girl, what do you know about Paul Troy?


Hey, baby gir--

Oh, my God. What are you doing in here?

I was looking for you.

It's very messy.

Ok, chill, chill. You know I'm not worried about how you keep the Batcave.

You're here for information about Paul Troy.

He was arrested 6 months ago for embezzlement while he was working as a manager for a restaurant, but the charges were dropped. According to police records, he needed the money to pay back Russian drug dealers, but he had every intention of paying the restaurant back.

You are the best.


Thanks, mama.


We know at the time of your arrest you owed some Russian drug dealers money. How much?


Well, you must have paid it off, otherwise you'd be dead or laid up in a hospital somewhere.

I got a loan.

From who?

A friend.

Your brother?

No, I said a friend.

Which friend?

Look, I don't want him involved in this.

That's not your call right now.

I need a name.

Where were you yesterday at 2:30 p.m.?

Ok. Here's another scenario.

You still owe the drug dealers, but you told them how to get a much bigger payday.

They kidnap your sister-in-law, your family will pay the ransom, no questions asked.

Look, that's insane.

Then where were you yesterday?

Has Paul been acting unusual lately?

Behaving erratically?

No. That's what he was like when he was on dr*gs.

These last two months, he's been an angel.

It's like having my little boy back.

Is he jealous of his brother?

My sons love each other.

Well, yeah, sure, but is he jealous?

I mean, I know I would be.

My brother's handsome, successful, married to a gorgeous woman, and I can't even hold down a job.

You want me to speak ill of Paul.

I won't.

He's had a hard life.

You know how he got that scar on his face?

A neighbor poured a pot of hot oil out of her kitchen window.

Didn't know Paul was playing with her cat underneath.

He was 5.

Yesterday I was with my friend Toby.

Toby. He give you the loan?


Toby's an escort.

So who paid off the drug dealers?

It was Ben.

All right? It was my brother.

You were right all along.

Why so reluctant to say it?

Were you embarrassed he had to bail you out yet again?

He didn't bail-- you think he's such a Saint, don't you?

He's got you all fooled, doesn't he?

The golden boy with his perfect face.

So why'd he pay?

You really want to know?

To shut me up about the intern he's been screwing.

[Cell phone beeping]

JJ, Hotch needs to see us.

Garcia found the actual origination point of the kidnapper's phone call.

Yes. It's an unleased warehouse near Rock Creek Park, address is on your phone.

Good luck.





What is that? What are they doing?

Making sure it's not an I.E.D.

Those are Sophie's.

I bought them for our anniversary.


Oh--oh, God.

I am magnificent, no doubt, but this is too easy.

They used a dozen layers of cover when they could have used thousands.

They wanted us to find them.

No witnesses saw anyone leaving the warehouse. Or at least they're not talking, not that I blame them.

I'm worried, Aaron. We got 4 hours until the deadline and no line of communication to the kidnappers.

Whatever the Congressman's involvement, the clock's ticking on Sophie.

Who's that?

The Congressman's intern.

Thank you. I can't tell you how much it means to me.

Take care.

I feel like I should be holding a telethon the way I'm asking strangers to donate money for Sophie's ransom.

Have a seat, Congressman. We need to ask you about an intern in your office, Michelle Golovin.

A former intern.

She no longer works for you?

Not for more than a year now.

Have the kidnappers called back yet?

Did you two stay in touch?

Maybe. I don't-- I don't remember.

A phone call or two at the most.

Actually, it was a little more than that.

29 calls in the last month alone, according to the phone records we pulled.

Ok. I can explain that.

Good. Because we were wondering whether you and Michelle had planned the kidnapping together.

He came over last night around 8:30.

He said his wife was at some stupid board meeting.

What did you do?

We...made love.

But he did seem more nervous than usual.

Yes, I had a relationship with her.

While Michelle was still your intern.

Again, mea culpa.

But I was single, we were both consenting adults, and this was before I met Sophie.

Believe me, after that I wasn't interested in anyone else.

He told me we'd be together soon.

He doesn't love Sophie, you know.

He only married her for his career.

Did he try to end things with you?

I broke it off with her the day after I met Sophie.

And how did she take it?

Not well.

She was very angry.

She was upset. She started to thr*aten su1c1de if I didn't call her or visit her regularly.

Visit her to have sex?

We made love whenever he came over.

And he kept all of this a secret from Sophie?


Maybe I should have told Sophie.

I was just talking to Michelle to calm her down.

It wasn't like we were still sleeping together.

Why did you go see her last night?

Because she threatened to swallow a bottle of painkillers if I didn't.

[Indistinct game announcer on TV]

Roman: Ah, where the hell have you been?

Fana: I went to the store.

You needed more detergent.

Well, you better start cleaning more.

I've been doing it.

This place is a pigsty.

What are we paying you for?

You smell like something. What is it?

Bleach probably.

No, no, it's more like perfumy.

It's like the woods or flowers or something.


But is good. I like.

Come, come and dance with me.

Stop it, please!


Come on.

Leave me alone!

You've been teasing me for months.

You little bitch. You think you're too good for me?

We should do something.

We can't.

He's b*ating her up.

You bust in there, you blow the entire case.

Yours and mine.

Think of the big picture.

You want to k*ll Sophie Troy, or thousands of people if the m*ssile shipment gets out?

[Sounds of struggle]

Fana: Uhh! [Whimpering]

[Door opens]

Taras: What's going on?

Roman: Nothing.

She was getting smart with me, but, uh, she learned her lesson. Go.

Go! Clean yourself up.


You're right. Dyadya's getting 20 million.

Right now it's “he said, she said.”

Well, the Congressman didn't get where he is without having some skill manipulating the truth.

Well, the thr*at of su1c1de, especially after a break-up, if definitely a possibility.

I mean, I saw it happen with a friend of mine and his ex back in the day.

I found a smoking g*n.

Or at least the stuff that goes into the g*n to make it smoke.

Credit card receipts from the Congressman show he purchased a*mo for a handgun.

And then more smoke-- he sent that a*mo to a P.O. box registered in his name in Virginia.

Now, why would he do that?

Did you have your wife kidnapped?


No, what? Why are you saying this?

You purchased amm*nit*on for a handgun last month, and you had it shipped to a mailbox in Virginia.

Which means you likely own a handgun, although there isn't one registered to your name.

Yes, I have a handgun.

Which you bought illegally?

Well, I had to after being so staunchly pro g*n control.

You bought the g*n with the intent to m*rder your wife, and then you changed your plans and arranged to have her kidnapped instead.

No, I bought the g*n because I was-- because I am-- terrified of Michelle.

You know, just a couple months ago she threatened to come to my home to tell Sophie that we were having an affair and then she was gonna k*ll both of us in front of her.

He's scared of me?

He's lying.

He'll say anything to save his ass right now.

Those are interesting words to say about the man you love.

I love him. But I also know his weaknesses.

He's selfish. He thinks about himself first.

Like I have to be available for him whenever he wants.

Ohh, I know the type.

Probably won't even use protection, right?

Are you kidding?

That's my responsibility.

Look, despite what the Congressman is saying, I just want you to know that I believe you.

And if you'll agree to take a medical exam, we can prove that he had unprotected sex with you last night and is just lying to save himself.

Now you're looking at me like I'm dirt.

I'm just another scumbag politician, right?

I mean, I must be some sort of a depraved narcissist to do what I do.

Maybe I am.

Maybe I am.

It doesn't mean I would hurt my wife.

I love Sophie.


I don't care about my reputation anymore, all right?

Go ahead, smear my name if that's what you want to do.

I don't care.

Just find her.

[Telephone ringing]

Roman: Hello.

No, he can't talk right now. He's in the bathroom.

Who's this?

Ah, you're Dyadya.

No, I didn't know.


Yeah. I'll tell him.

Dyadya just called.

Oh, yeah?

What did he say?

He said he left two messages.

Wants to know why you haven't called him back yet.

I didn't get them.

Or maybe you did and just didn't tell me?

Seriously? Come on, now, you drunk.

Roman, it's me.

He wants us to meet him in an hour with a truck.

We're supposed to bring ski masks.

All right, let's go.


What the hell?

Are you spying on us?

Why are you hiding in the closet?

This isn't good.

She's categorically refusing a medical exam.

Which means the Congressman is probably telling the truth about the affair being over.

But it still doesn't exonerate him.

He bought a g*n because he was terrified of her, and yet he went to visit her the day his wife went missing.

Maybe Sophie found out about them and tried to expose him.

The problem is, if he's not behind the kidnapping, we don't have any other leads, an it's...

A little over a hour till the deadline.

And we don't have any way to contact the kidnappers.

Maybe we do.

Roman: How long you been in there, huh?

What did you hear?

Nothing, I swear.

Who do you work for?

I think they're just messing with her. They won't hurt her.

We don't know that.

[Cell phone rings]

Roman: Who is it?

Rossi, hold on.

Can't. Clock's ticking and you've got our best lead on the kidnappers.

Fana: There's no one.

Roman: You're a lying bitch.

It's the damn feds, isn't it?

Taras: She has to die.

[Sounds of struggle]

Fana: Oh, please, don't! [Crying]

Rossi: Reid, are you there?


Stop, stop. Listen.

Fana: Is he dead?

Taras: Yeah.

Reid, what's going on?

It's more complicated than we thought.

You go in there and arrest those guys right now.

Roman's dead. Just wait a minute.

Taras: I should have k*lled him sooner, sweetheart.

Are they...

Yeah, I think so.

Taras: Get your things. We're leaving.

What about Dyadya?

His contact is pissed that he asked for more ransom, but she'll pay if the wife is dead.

We're supposed to pick up the body and dump it.

But listen to me.

We don't have to do any of this.

We can take the money, or we can run away.

Rossi, the unsub's a woman. I don't think we should arrest anyone yet.

They're leaving now. They might lead us to Sophie.

Reid said the unsub's a female.

Could be someone close to the Congressman.

Michelle doesn't have the sophistication to pull it off.

Since he fired her, all of his staffers have been male.

The Congressman said something odd about his mother.

I saw him earlier and he said his mother would say that Sophie was abducted because he wasn't a gentleman.

That's harsh.

Her opinion means a lot to him, or maybe he's scared of her?

It could be both.

What if this is like “The Manchurian Candidate”?

A domineering mother molds her candidate son into an unwitting assassin.

I ask myself that same question.

I mean, where did Benjy come from?

I know I gave birth to him.

I remember the 20 hours of labor.

But the rest-- it's--it's a cosmic gift.

I mean, where did Mozart come from?

Or Einstein or--

Ok, let's drop the earth mother act.

You went to Vassar, and you were voted most likely to run a Fortune 500 company, yet you never had a career after college.

I chose to stay home and raise my children.

You have a problem with that?

No, but it makes me wonder what happened to all that ambition.

It had to go somewhere.

I think you channeled it into your sons.

Especially Benjamin, after your older son had his accident.

You were smart enough to stay in the background, but you guided Benjamin's career.

Who knew the FBI had such active imaginations?

What happened? Did Benjamin step out of line?

Did he marry someone you didn't approve of?

Ben fell head over heels in love.

He met and married Sophie within a year.

Now, that's awfully fast.

I can't imagine you had a chance to properly vet and train her, so the solution was to get rid of her.

That's ridiculous.

You seemed genuinely surprised when you heard the ransom amount was $20 million.

Why is that?

Well, it's an awful lot, don't you think?

A lot more than two.

That was supposed to be their fee for getting rid of Sophie, but they changed the terms on you.

They heard about Benjamin's campaign w*r chest and thought they were being underpaid.

That is pure conjecture.

His approval rates were waning.

Something like this would create sympathy, boost his visibility.

Maybe this wasn't about your disliking Sophie.

This is just you being ruthlessly pragmatic.

Here's what's gonna happen.

We're gonna charge Benjamin with weapons possession and with the intent to m*rder his wife.

This is not just a minor sex scandal.

His career will be destroyed, and all your hard work grooming him will go down the drain.

Unless you want to call the kidnappers and end this now.

[Door being kicked down]


Hands in the air!

She's alive.

Oh, thank God.

Madison: Is there something you want to say to your wife?


Sophie, you're my entire world.

And I want you to fight and don't give up.

I want you to come back to me.


I can't.

That was the Congressman speaking to me in an exclusive interview yesterday afternoon, and this was him an hour ago.

I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the FBI, in particular the BAU, for bringing my Sophie back to me.

I am and I will be eternally grateful.

Call me a softie, but this whole thing is turning me into mush.

You know, according to online polls, his approval ratings are skyrocketing.

We may be looking at a future President of the United States.

He is a tall drink of water.

Speaking of pretty boys, where's Reid?

That should do it.

Hey, thanks for coming back to clean up.

You didn't have to.

No worries. I, um, I wanted to apologize for almost rushing in there to save the wrong girl, as it turns out.

You could have been right.

One of the hardest things about surveillance is not taking action.

You listen, you analyze, and then you force yourself to do nothing.

I imagine that's really hard.

Oh, and sorry also about ruining “Great Expectations” for you.

You just saved me about 20 hours.

Maybe you can summarize “Bleak House” for me, too.

[Speaking Russian]

[Door closes]

Everyone said it was a mistake to visit you.

I'm your mother, and I raised a good son, didn't I?

What you did to Sophie was unforgivable.

I'm sorry, Benjy.

But it worked.

Now what do I do?

♪ Cold lies the snow ♪
♪ and leaves turn to... ♪

First you need to...

[Voice fades]

♪ mmm mmm mmm ♪
♪ mmm mmm mmm ♪