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01x06 - In Enemy Hands

Posted: 03/26/15 04:05
by bunniefuu
(plane engine)

(woman laughing)

(machine g*n fire)


We are up against a ruthless, relentless enemy.

(German speaking)


woman: Forget my name.

In Enemy Hands

(knocking in code)

(knocking in reverse code)

You're back?!

There were six guards at the factory.

Six! But there should only be two.

We got three. But one saw us and ran away.

They're hunting us down.

I spent hours watching that factory!

I need bandages. Fast!

Of course! Here, I have some sheets.

He's in so much pain.

I could run for help.

There's a nurse nearby!

No, no, no. We can't do that.

She's friendly. She knows how to keep her mouth shut.

Put him on the table.

I'm sorry...

Are you insane!?

He's a radio operator. He's our only way out.

And we need information from him.

Harry, keep breathing.

Go. Get the nurse.

He's still conscious. Barely.

He's lost a lot of blood.

Rip up those sheets.

I'll keep watch.

Harry? Harry, look at me.

Keep your eyes open for me, Harry.

Keep your eyes open, Harry.

Am I dying?

Why would you want to do that? Hey, hey!

Open! Open! You're fine. You're fine.

You've got to keep breathing.

Shut up. I said, Shut up!

Keep your mouth shut!


You saw what he did!

We need him.

Harry's bleeding from the neck there!

Yes, and I'm here with you, because you can't control your temper.

Take him downstairs.

Keep him out of sight.

Get up!

Get up!


Go with Neil and watch him.

We need the German alive.




Hey, that's enough!


21. 21 Uhr.

Nine pm.


Doesn't leave us much time.

Get up.

Harry! Stay with us!


Look at me!

Look right at me!

I'm trying.

(knocking in code)

Put your hand right here.

Our friend is wounded.

Then let's fix him up.

It's all right, help's here. Help's here.

You're doing great.

You're gonna be alright.

I promise.


It'll give him some colour back. I know you can't answer questions, but there's a few things I have to know.

What's he had for the pain?

Morphine, 10 minutes ago.

Knife wound, that I can see for myself. And this?


Busy night! Hold this for him.

Of course.

Um, he's lost a lot of blood.

You slowed his bleeding. That saved his life; good on you. And the plasma will stabilize him...


The blade.

It's close to his artery.

If it shifts, it could slice into it.

It has to come out.

There's no choice.

But removing it could sever the artery as well.

Do it.

Hey. Hey.

What's happening outside?

Patrols everywhere.

Keep watch.

Oh, that's convenient.

Then fix the taster.

This'll hurt. Even with the morphine.

But you have to lie still for me now, right, love?

You hear me?


Hold him tight.

You're OK.

Steady. (moaning in pain)




You're good...

(panting) Good.

And... no bleeding.

Scared the hell out of us, buddy.

You did well.

You'll have another scar to show the girls back home.

It's not like I did anything.

Just kind of lied here.

Thank you.

Happy to help.

Easy with a brave patient.


No, no, no, no. Hey! Hey, come back to me now! Open your eyes!

What's happening?

Come back for me!

Look at me! Open your eyes!

It's his artery?


His pulse is almost gone.

We're just talking a second ago.

It's the shock. His heart is shutting down.

Can't you help him!?

What's his name?


His real name.

It's Harry.

Harry? Harry, can you hear me?

Hey! Hey! Hey!

He's not breathing!

Oh my God.


There's no guarantees.

Harry, stay with me. You hold on now.

(groaning and moaning)

Hold on! Come on...

Come back for me Harry.

Stay with me.

Harry? Harry!

What's happening?

He may not have long.

The radio? He says it's bloody broken.

You fix it, right?

Hey! Let's just find out if he's telling the truth.

Maybe Alfred knows.

He has a pulse.

Look, his cheeks!

What's happening?

He's all right?

He's lucky is what he is. He had both feet in the grave.

Lucky Harry. Opens his eyes, sees a pretty nurse...

I know this model.

(Names a model ending in D-4)

Tapper is definitely broken.

Bloody hell.

Can you fix it?


But we could use Harry's, except the electromagnet's frayed too.

Can we use Harry's electromagnet?

There wouldn't be enough wire.

He's supposed to make contact at 9:00.

Doesn't leave us much time.

Are you a nurse?

I am.


That's the morphine talking.

I've met you already.

Keep still.

Sh, sh.

I fought a German.

I can't remember, did we set the fire?

Sh, sh. We did what we came to do.

The electromagnet's missing.

We could improvise but we need wire.

Copper's rationed. Where would we even...

And in a town this size?

The munitions factory.

The stock room, second floor, I saw some.

Okay, I'll go back for it.

No, no, no.

We've been seen. None of us are safe out there.

I'll go. This is my fault.

My bad intelligence.


If they catch you, say that you're looting.

They won't hang you for that.

Fast as you can.

Now, assuming that we do get a working radio, we're gonna need a message to send. And I'm going to need you to take a look at his one-time pad, and make sure that he transmits what we tell him.

I'm sorry I hurt your friend.

He's brave.

I didn't see how young he was.

Not until too late.

So... you're spies then?

How about: "Factory sabotaged.

Two enemy agents seen"?

Hm, what about: "Three enemy agents, male, 40s to 50s in a dark-blue Peugeot"?

Specifics always sell better.

You should go into advertising.


Germans! Door to door.

How many?


Two. Two we can handle.

No, no, no.

Two on patrol. There's a truck at the end of the street.

We're gonna need to move him.

That's not wise!

No choice. Get him ready.

Harry, I'm sorry. You're gonna be fine.

Take him upstairs.

OK, c'mon! You have to get up.

Okay, in here. It's open.

Easy, easy, easy!


They're at the door.

Watch what you say, he's listening.

He understands every word.

(knocking) Öffnen Sie die Tür!

(more knocking) Coming!

Sofort aufmachen.

Make a sound and you're dead.


We need to step inside.

But it's so late and I'm not presentable.

We promise not to keep you long, Mademoiselle.

A routine check. There's been a disturbance.

Nothing serious I hope?

Nothing to worry about.

We have every soldier in the area hunting them down.

Come in!

Your papers?

Yes, of course.

Let me introduce myself. Obersturmführer Max Schmidt.

You are Aimee Rivard, twenty-nine years old, blonde hair, green eyes.

Now, tell me, in the last few hours have you seen anything out of the ordinary?




No, I wish I could help, but...

Any information at all might be useful.

You're sure?

No gossip? No whispers?

No, I'm sorry. You should ask my neighbors. They love to talk!

Whenever I get a... a run in my stocking, the whole world knows about it.

We're sorry for disturbing you, Mademoiselle.


Sehen Sie?


This is ridiculous. It's my house! There's nothing.

You won't find anything. You can look if you want, but...

(noise like a door opening)

Sh, sh, sh.

Don't worry,Liebling, it's me in trouble, not you.

Sorry I lied to you, sir.


Nein, nein.

I'm gonna go check on Harry.

They're gone.


What are we laughing at?

I don't know!

We're in a bathtub?

Yes we are.

Can you help me with him?


Am I too heavy?

No, you're fine.



You all right, Harry?

You're risking a lot helping us. Just wondering why.

What you lot do? I could ask the same question.

You didn't answer the question.

My husband was in the Resistance.

Like you.

He loved his country. Liberty, equality, brotherhood.

Also poetry, and chocolate.

You said: "was"...

He was caught. Dragged out of the house, and shot in the street.

I saw it happen.

There are deaths that have no meaning.

But not his.

Because I'll keep fighting.

Finish what he started.


Sorry, I didn't...

Sh. Sh.


No reason.

No reason.

What is it?


No, something.

Your voice... tastes different.

Tastes different how?

I'm sorry.
(door opening)

Is everyone all right? I saw the Germans! I hid in an alley...

Do you have the copper?

By the skin of my teeth.

(She laughs.)


Wire for the transmitter.

This has to happen fast.

You heard her. Move.

Could I have a little water?

Or some clothes? It's cold down here.

My younger sister, Katja.

I haven't seen her in two years.

I've been in France the whole w*r.

I hate this place.

I'm Rolf. Rolf Bauer.

You're Neil. Is that right?

Get back to work.

Germans use a tag for every relay.

"H H" for " Heil Hitler."

Anything incoming, they'll encrypt it.

We have his one-time pad.

Alfred's figured out the code.

Of course he has.

See if you can memorize his "fist," and how fast he is with the tapper, and irregularities What? Why are you looking at me like that?

I'm happy you're alive.

Wait, wait a second. He's gonna have a distress signal.

Any letter out of place, any extra letter in the relay, that's him signaling to the enemy, okay?

My fingers are numb.

Thank you.

Your friend, will he live?

I was at my desk when he came in.

I didn't go looking for a fight. I just...

When my knife hit him... the sound it made...

I feel sick about it.


You're close with him?

You k*lled 3 guards. I saw you.

Quick and... silent.

What does it feel like?

To be able to k*ll like that?

When it's a Boche it doesn't feel like anything.

I've got our message coded.

As soon as the radio's up, we'll get this to the Germans.

Send them on a false trail.

The main thing is their relay back. You've gotta see if you can find out where they're searching, look for a gap to get through.

How many roads out of here?

Marmonne, eleven ways out.

You know, mark the cross-streets. They'll have checkpoints too.


What happens to the German once we send this out?

Relay this message to your contacts.

Any distress signal and you're finished.

Your scars.

How did you get them?

I don't remember.

How about we stop fraternizing with the enemy?

It's gone through.

(reception signal) Incoming.

They've accepted your relay.

Two platoons deployed.

Roads closed are...

La Trinite, Quai de la Joliette, Beaulieu-sur-mer, Jeanne-Florian, Nantes.

No fever.


That means I can get you patched up.

For the pain.

This needs to come off.



I guess I'm gonna need a new shirt.

(laughing): You might, yeah!

Is the morphine working?



Yeah, yeah, it's fine.

Jeanne-Florian, Nantes, La Trinite, Abbeville, Beaulieu-sur-mer, Montaigne and Fleury.

(loud exhale) What?

Every road is blocked.

Check points are doubled.

There's no way out of Marmonne.

We're due in Paris in two days.

So we find a way out.

In a few days the Germans will ease off.

Look at the security.

They'll hunt us like dogs. Go door to door again.

We got lucky the first time.

I can get you to Paris.

You're going to k*ll me when you're done, I know how it works.

Or you could keep me with you, in your service.

You wanna be a double agent?

A German radio operator on our side?

What? He's our prisoner. He lied to us about speaking English...

Abbeville is a regular checkpoint.

The Captain there is notoriously stupid.

You could find a way to pull away his guards.

He'll say anything to save his own skin.

What do you know?

A fair bit about Boche like you.

The factory you sabotaged.

The workers, all women treated like slaves.

The year I've been there, what I've seen...

I stopped believing in this w*r a long time ago.

There's a lot more he could tell us, if he wanted to.

Is that true?

Your pencil?

Five platoons... repositioning near Rouen next week.

There are U-boats, here, moving south in the Mediterranean.

If it checks out.

Which we have no way of knowing if it will.

Yes, you don't.

But my transmission window is closing soon.

You have to decide: are you going to trust me... or not?

Tom, Alfred, let's get a relay ready.

Talk to him. Make sure he's for real.

I hope this is the worst the w*r gets for you, Harry.

It's already been worse?

You lost someone.

There was a woman... who died... because of us.

I have trouble forgetting, you know?

Alfred helped me.

Not to forget... just to get past stuff.

Sounds like a good friend to have.


It's what he's best at.

Being a friend?


Yeah, that too, but...

I mean his, uh... his memory.

That's why he's with us.

What about you?

What are you best at?

(silent snicker)

It was women?

At the factory building the bombs?

Jewish women.

Their rations are half the size of mine.

After three months, nothing's left.

Skin, bones. And after four months... they're dead.

They just bring new workers in.

They were starving and there wasn't a thing I could do.

If I tried to smuggle them food, the other officers, they... they would have reported me to the Gestapo.

So you went along with it.

There was this one girl... thirteen, fourteen... She tried to stop a guard from beating her mother.

So he soaked her in acid.

He poured a vat of it right over her head.

And I grabbed her and I carried her into a back room to get her out of sight.

You saved her?

I watched her die.

I gave her water, morphine, but...


I've been drinking to try to forget.

But it only helps until morning.

I love my country.

You understand?

I really wanted to fight for it.

But it's not fighting when there are grandmothers and girls who remind me of...

Your sister.

I saw your friends set fire to the factory, and I was happy.

So you see whose side I'm on?

I'm already a traitor.

Have you lost anyone in the w*r?

My mother, my sister.

They were in London.

The Blitz.

Fast deaths?

Their building caught fire.

Before that, I wasn't really at w*r.

I was doing my duty, fighting for my country, but my heart wasn't in it.

And then... after I learned how my family died, trapped in a burning building...

After that, k*lling was easy.

You know what I wish?

I wish this canteen had whisky in it.

Yeah, me too, mate.

So, this is us, on the coast.

We need a way southeast to Paris.

I don't want to interrupt.

Is he okay?

I just... came down to say, I hope you'll get him to a hospital after this.

At the very least, he needs bed rest.

We'll take good care of him.

I'll be sorry to see him go.

I think he's for real.

Tom. What do you have?

"Urgent. Saboteurs reported traveling east to Lille. Redeploy Abbeville Guard East Immediately."

That would leave the Abbeville checkpoint unmanned. So we might get through.

I'll translate it. You code it. Let's get it sent.

H, H... H.

He added an extra letter.

You betrayed us.

It was a mistake.

I'm exhausted!

An extra letter at the end of a transmission is a distress signal.

Radio silence. (loud exhale)

They're not confirming your relay.

My distress signal? It's not in my tag.

It's an error in the 16th letter of the transmission!

(reception signal)

Received... and understood.

Trust me. Trust me, there's nothing out of the ordinary! Trust me! Please!

Please trust me! This is a normal confirmation!

I swear to you! This is a normal confirmation!

It could have been a genuine mistake.

I've made mistakes like that.

But if he did just signal to his superiors, a direction-finding vehicle could be heading our way right now.

So we just head out into the street without an escape plan?

Neil, you've spent the most time with him.

Is he lying?

I don't know.

Let's head for the checkpoint at Abbeville.

Which is exactly where the patrols will be if it is a trap.

We don't have a choice.

Do we take him with us?

If he betrayed us, if he's not on our side, he'll have too many chances to give us up.

OK, but then, we leave him here, tie him up?

He's seen too much.


Go help with Harry.

We need this to be quiet.

Change his bandages twice a day.


Morphine every eight hours.

We probably won't see each other again.

My friend... he's been teaching me...

"If you can't stop remembering something bad, "you think of something good and just... feel it more."

Thank you.

You're here to k*ll me?


Can I have a drink first?

Or a cigarette?

No time.

Do it, then.

How fast will I go?

Couple of minutes.

There are worse ways.

I've seen them.

Is it strange if I say it was nice to meet you?

I'm glad it's you doing it... and not a stranger.

It's cruel to make me...



(moaning, breathing, groaning)

You betrayed us, didn't you? (panting)

You signaled to your friends?

Yes or no?

Yes or no?

Tell the truth.

(coughing) Everything you said was a lie?

Bloody yes or no!?





It looks deserted.

Or... if he betrayed us, this is exactly what an ambush would look like.

We're safe. Hit the gas.

(starts quietly sobbing)

(starts sobbing some more)

(hard sob)

(loud groan/scream)



Hey, hey!


You did nothing wrong.


Four men, one woman.

But it's the agent called Alfred you'll want to target.

He decodes on sight, draws detailed maps from memory.

Apparently he remembers everything he sees.

You've learned all this from... Harry?

This is better than I expected.

Your people will keep their side of the bargain.

We're not doing this for nothing.

Once this conflict is over, we'll send troops, force the English out of Ireland for good.

You'll have your free republic.

You don't seem pleased.

I liked him. Harry.