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02x06 - Fog of w*r

Posted: 03/25/15 10:22
by bunniefuu

[Vehicle approaching]

[Country music plays indistinctly on radio]

Where you headed, little lady?

[Chuckling] Oh, my god. Thank you so much.

You're so sweet.

I had a flat a mile back, and my legs are k*lling me.

But anyway, uh, I'm looking to get to Laredo.

How far are you headed?

Not that far.

Look, um...

I promise...

I'll show you a good time.

Well, all right, get in.

[Song continues indistinctly]

Hey, wait! No!


♪ He's doin' all right when his ear is on the ground ♪

For everyone who beat the fog in to work today, a little tidbit from your resident yogi, Chavez... basic warrior pose.

Really? Has to have his shirt off?

I wish I didn't like that so much.

How about a tougher pose, there, yogi?

This seems rather easy.

Sure, how about warrior III?

Bend at the hips, making your back flat as a table.

Let's see how long you can hold that one, Mr. MMA.

Let's see how long you can hold these.

Oh, I walked right into this one, didn't I?

Namaste. [Chuckles]

Welcome to the night shift, Downward Doc.


12-year-old female caught in a flash flood.

Slammed into a rock.

Neck laceration, abdominal contusions.

B.P. 90/60.

Her name is Abby.

Abby, sweetie?

Sweetie, can you hear me?

Her GCS is 4-4-2. You're not gonna get much.

Okay, get ready to transfer.

Okay. Buckles off. Get rid of this blanket.

On my count. 1, 2, 3.


All right.

All right.

Guarding. Pelvis is unstable.

Surgical belly on exam.

Checking for cervical vertebrae.

Call X-ray. We need a lateral c-spine.

We have to make sure that her neck's not broken.

Drew: What else we got, Gwen?

The only other incoming we have is her older brother Blake, 17.

He dove into the water after her.

He's hypothermic.

Yeah, saw the blue lips. He needs oxygen.

80 tympanic. Pop around. Here we go.

Hey. Wow.

His organs are gonna shut down if we don't warm him up soon.

Kenny, we'll need the bair hugger.

All right, on my count. 1, 2, and 3.


You got this covered?

Got it.

Good. Brave kid.

Reckless kid.

Apparently went dirt-biking right when the flood hit.

Ragosa, we got two minors, both critical.

We need to track down their parents, and we're getting slammed.

Where's T.C. and Jordan?

Uh, they're still at the search-and-rescue lecture with Paul. Okay? They'll be back soon.

[Indistinct conversations]

Son of a bitch.

Tire's shredded, steering is broken.

We're not going anywhere.

You were driving too fast.

I knew I should have driven.

I wasn't driving too fast.

There's rocks in the road.

I didn't put the rocks in the road.

Hey, guys, guys.

We weren't the first to hit them.

Those look like fresh tire tracks.


Paul, you, uh, grab Jordan's med kit.

[Sighing] Yeah.

[Monitor beeping steadily]

That was fast.

"Be quick, don't hurry."

... John Wooden. Google him.

[Cellphone ringing]

It's coming from Abby.

God, it... it's her mom from work.

Talk to her. Tell her we need consent for surgery now.

How do I tell her? I... I don't even know what to say.

Just break it gently.

No parent wants to hear their kid's in the E.R.


Paul: It looks like they came off the turn and came over the embankment.


And the driver?


Not pretty.

Not gonna look. Not gonna look.

Well, I guess we should call it in, huh?

[Sighing] Yeah. Yeah.

[Muffled shouting in distance]

Hey, you hear that?


Tee, be careful.


It's okay. We're doctors.


No, no, no, no, no! Wait, wait! No!

No! No, wait! Whoa, whoa! Hey, no!

We can help you. We can help!

[Indistinct shouting]

All right.

T.C., look.

[Breathing heavily]



Man: Por favor!

It's okay.

[Speaking Spanish]

Four victims. Two of them are critical.

Okay, no ambulance and no chance of an airlift in this fog.


Okay, it would be probably best not to stay here.

All right, it's freezing cold.


We're on unstable ground.

Lo siento.

We need shelter now.

I think there was a store about a quarter mile back, just around the curve.

Okay, let's go there. All right, let's do it.

[Monitor beeping steadily]

My sister... is she okay?

Drew: We don't know yet. She has been badly injured.

Breathe in for me.

I was supposed to watch her.

God, you can't let anything happen to her.

Listen, we are doing the very best that we can.

But we got to take care of you, too, okay?

Is this Abby's brother?

How's he doing?

Hypothermia, but he's warming up.


Drew: Yeah, his core temp is about 97.

He's looking good.


What's going on?

This kid is drowning. Intubate!

Wait a minute, sats are fine.

Drew! Right now!

Let's go! We don't have much time. Just do it!

[Monitor beeping rapidly]

Cricoid pressure.

Pulse ox is down to 87.

Let's go. Get it in.

His cords are slammed shut. I can't pass the tube.

Toph, he's choking to death.


Okay, sats down to 70.

Airway still closed. What is that?

Laryngeal nerve block. It'll paralyze the vocal cords.

Hopefully, we can open them up.

[Monitor beeping rapidly]

What happened to him?

It's called dry drowning.

His vocal cords are seizing up from being underwater.

Okay, let's go! Intubate.

Come on, Blake. Hang on for your sister.

Jordan: Paul, what have we got in the kit?

Paul: Uh, not much.

[Bells ring]

[Breathing heavily]

She's having trouble breathing.

Get me a bait hook, size 5.

Paul: Yeah, uh, what's it for?

A little front-line medicine.

Her tongue is blocking her airway, so we're gonna put the hook through her tongue and lip.

This should hold the tongue in place to keep her airway clear.

She may go into shock when you put the hook through.

Never been in a situation like this, I mean, not even close.

Have the Ambu bag ready.

No anesthetic. Lo siento.

[Whimpering loudly]

[Siren wails]

Hey, beautiful.


Hey, after the shift, I thought maybe we'd, uh...

Oh, just n... not here, okay? I... I got to get Joey.

Blake's sister is getting prepped for surgery.

Oh, yeah.

Well, how do you like working with Downward Doc?

I mean, he's actually really humble.

Last night, he spent two hours stitching kids up in the E.R.

Just because you guys got slammed.

Wait a minute. Us guys?

Anyway, I... I got to run.

Just... just let me know when the mom gets here, okay?


[Loud, indistinct rock music plays]


Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt.

Joey: Well, no worries.

[Music stops]

What did the C.T. show?

A grade 2 pelvic fracture, I think.

Take a look for yourself.

[Computer beeping]

[Sighing] Oh, no.

No, that's a grade 3.

Look, pelvis is broken from both sides.

That's nasty stuff.

How is she doing?

Just not well. Losing blood.


Just... Her blood pressure's...

Keep talking.

... barely holding a 90 systolic.

And I, uh, I think she has a ruptured bladder.

Okay, I need you to meet me in pre-op in 10 minutes.


All right? [Exhales]


Krista, you seem nervous.

A little.

I just... I just remember when I was 12 and sneaking out with my older brother.

This just isn't fair.

You need to put that out of your mind.


This little girl's life depends on us being focused...

In the present.


Now, let me see your game face.

Come on, you have a game face, right?

Okay, we'll... we'll work on the game face.

[Laughing] Okay.

[Telephone rings]

Woman over P.A.: Dr. Clegg, 9732. Dr. Clegg, 9732.

[Sighs] Boy is stable for now.

These two are pretty close.

Krista talked to the mother.

She's trying to get here as fast as she can.

Aw, good luck in this fog.

Oh, and, uh, we're gonna get slammed tonight.

Paul just called. He, T.C., and Jordan are out stranded with four crash victims...

Oh, man.

... which means you are now my new scut puppy.


Meaning, you do whatever I say.

All right? You're in the trenches now, boy.

[Chuckles] All right, now, lots of patients tonight.

Now, greet them, write down their pain level on a scale from 1 to 10, find...

Kenny. [Sighs]

I pretty much ran the E.R.

I think I can handle this.


There's your first customer.

Good evening, sir.

My name is Michael.

On a scale from 1 to 10, can you...



Nice to meet you.

Yeah, well, you definitely handled that.

[Crickets chirping]

Hola. Me llamo Jordan.



T.C.: Breath sounds aren't good. Keep bagging.

¿Y Carla, mi hermana?

How is she?

She's unconscious from shock, and we're helping her breathe.

Uh, ella no puede respirar.

But we're going to do everything that we can.

Vamos hacer todo que podamos.

¿Qué pasa?

Ana, you need to trust me.

Soy tu doctora.

What are you afraid of?

¿De quién tienes miedo?

His name is Hector.

Él es un coyote.

He took us... de nuestra familia en El Salvador.

He is an evil man.

[Breathing shakily]

If Hector lives, he k*ll us all.

[Soft music plays indistinctly]

Going to perform an exploratory laparotomy on Abby Maynor, age 12, to repair a ruptured bladder.

15 blade, please.

Not to me. Uh, to her.

Y... you want me to open?

You're here to learn.

Pfannenstiel incision, horizontal, across the pelvis.

[Monitor beeping steadily]


I don't know why I'm so nervous.

Because you're thinking about the girl, not the cut.

Breathe, Krista.

Now do what you're trained to do.

Nice and easy.


Jordan: Hey, Tee.

What's up? You look like you've seen a ghost.

What's wrong?

These people aren't immigrants.

They're victims of human trafficking...

Except this man.

According to Ana, he's the coyote, and he was gonna sell these people for sex, work.

I think he might be dangerous.

Paul: T.C., it's getting harder to bag.

I don't know what happened.

She was breathing normally a second ago.

Carla, ¿qué pasa?

Okay, she has a tension pneumothorax.

We have to relieve the pressure now, or she will die.

I'll check for a needle.


Don't bother, Paul.


What are you doing?


We need a bigger needle.

[Pole snaps]

A fishing rod?

What are you doing?

Paul, get back, shut up, and learn.

[Continues gasping]


Paul, bag her.

All right.

[Breathing heavily]

[Monitor beeping steadily]

Core temp?

Kenny: 92. He's warming up. Looking good.

So, Krista got ahold of their mom.

She was, uh, she was pretty upset.

Any word on the sister?

Not yet.

I gotcha.

I took my little sister out skateboarding one time.

She fell, cracked three teeth.

Felt like the worst brother in the entire world.

I could only imagine the guilt this poor kid's feeling...

Officer: What's wrong with him?

Topher: It's called dry drowning.

Could you let me work?

Okay, he's still not out of the woods.

Let's focus on this, shall we?

And how you missed this, Drew?

This can't happen again! You need to know the signs!

I was gonna ask you about it when we were done.

I looked it up. It's only 2% of all drownings.

I mean, how did you know?

What was your first case like?

Nothing to write home about. [Sighs]

Wasn't much different from this, unfortunately.

You okay, Topher?

Yeah, I... I'm fine.

[Pager buzzing]

I got my two top attendings stranded in the fog.

My pager's buzzing.

Can someone please see what they want?!

[Monitor beeping erratically]

This kid is still not getting enough oxygen!

What are you doing?

[Monitor beeping rapidly]

The B.P. is spiking... 190/120.

Damn it. We're too late.

Fluid's in his lungs. He's suffocating.

Topher: More suction, more suction.

Okay, nitropaste.

Systolic at 180. He's coming down.

Okay, still not good.

Why don't you guys go find out what's going on with T.C., Jordan, and Paul?

I'll check again.

Thanks, Kenny.

You bet.

Pupils equal and reactive. No focal deficits.

Neuro looks okay.

Tenemos que hacer algo.

We are...


Shh. Shh-shh.

He is afraid.

No cometas ninguna imprudencia.

O el coyote nos matará.

Um, no... no hablo mucho.

G... guys?

Paul, come here.

Take over bagging.

Poor kid is scared out of his mind.

So, what are you making?

A peritoneal tap.

Hector's losing blood internally, so I figured if we found the blood...

We can recycle it back into him.


Look at you. [Chuckles]

Wow. Stabbed, shot.

Great guy.

No blood.

"A" for effort.

Conjunctiva are pale.

If we don't get his blood volume up, he's got about 30 minutes to live.


H... hey, s... should we be worried?


Everything's fine.

Look, I need you to go to my car.

In the glove box, there's a bottle of contact-lens solution.

I... I'll explain later.



[Telephone rings]

Excuse me.


Whoo-hoo! Whoa! Excuse me.

What are you doing up there?

Can't do that. You can't be up there.

I'm sorry. Can I do this?


Kenny: God.


Come on, sir, I need you to get down.

Wow. I can't un-see that.

Uh [Sighs] any more word on T.C. and the, uh...

Uh, still stranded, man.

Topher knows, and he ain't happy about it.

They're trying to get state rescue and police out there, but the fog is making it slow.

Michael Ragosa? Is there a Michael Ragosa here?

Uh, yes, yes, that's me.

I'll be right there.

That's the kids' mother. I better go.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You must be Mrs. Maynor.

Yes, I'm... I... I tried to get here as fast as I could, but traffic was backed up.

You want to see your kids.


Believe me, I completely understand.

I'm a father myself.

Blake is with Dr. Zia in Trauma 1.

Can I see him?

It's better for Blake if you just let the doctors work on him.

I did speak to Dr. Chavez, and you can see Abby in the O.R.

The O.R.?!


Believe me, she's in good hands. All right?

Follow me.

[Telephone ringing]

Gwen, where are we on the chopper to T.C. and Jordan?

I've been trying every channel, starting with the state police.

Why the police?

Paul said they're out there with a coyote and his victims.

Sounded really scared.

Yeah, well, it sounds pretty scary.

Worst part is, nothing's flying right now... not until conditions improve.

Well, with T.C.'s military experience, he's the perfect guy.

Dr. Chavez, this is Abby's mother.

Ah. Glad to help ease your mind.

Well, how is she?

Please, just tell me the truth.

She's doing great.

Look, this is Abby right here.

Do you see her?

Oh, my god!

She's peaceful, sedated.

My Abby?


I could let you go in and hold her hand for a moment...

... but I don't think you want to see her get operated on.


No, it's... it's too hard.

Look, why don't you go downstairs, have a cup of coffee, and try to relax?

In about 45 minutes to an hour, you'll be sitting in recovery with Abby.

I will?

I'm positive.

I've repaired hundreds of bladders, and all without a hitch.

We promise, Abby's gonna come out just fine.

Mrs. Maynor?

[Whimpers softly]


You do not act like most surgeons.

What, most surgeons are dicks?


Yeah. [Laughs]

I just think most surgeons forget what parents go through.

Jordan: Tee, I don't think he's gonna make it much longer.

I know. No blood.

We have nothing we can recycle into Hector's body.

It's a shame.


We don't get to pick our patients.

I know.

I know. You're right. I'm sorry.

But he's a scumbag.



No one's out on the road.

Fog's still bad, but I got the contact-lens solution.

Great, great. That's our saline.

It's not much, but it's all we've got to help Hector's blood volume.

Gonna mainline it.



¡No está respirando!

He's not breathing.

No pulse.

I... I don't get it. He was stable when I left.

Okay, Paul, move. I got this.

Paul, Paul, call Kenny back.

Tell him we need that airlift now.

And Ambu bag Carla, okay? Go.

He's not moving air.

Pupils are dilated.

[Monitor beeping steadily]

Joey: Go ahead, snip.

Good work.

Steady hands.

All right, I'm going to pull the stent.

You start pulling the laps.

[Monitor beeping erratically]

I need four units A-negative now.

Woman: Okay.

Clamps and suction.

Krista: I don't understand.

What's going on?

She's bleeding out.

God, it must be a burst artery.

It's filling up so fast.

B.P. is down to 80 systolic.

Just get that A-negative, stat.

Suction. Okay, it's definitely an artery.

Yeah, but which one?

I don't know, but we better find it.

We don't have much time.

Ok, pupilas are fixed and dilated.

It's been over 20 minutes. Jordan, I'm calling it.

Okay? I'm sorry.

[Sighs] Nothing we could have done.

[Crying] Oscar!



Ana, lo siento.


Lo siento.


T.C.: Come on. Let's mainline the contact-lens solution.

We need to raise his blood volume.

Did I do something wrong?

Did I miss something on the neuro?

Probably a brain bleed.

Even with surgery, he wouldn't have made it.

T.C., look.

No capillary refill.

Class 4 shock.

T.C.: Pushing saline now.

H... how can I help?

We got this, Paul.

Okay, I'm gonna get an E.T.A. on the chopper.

[Door opens]

Krista: This isn't good. There's just too much blood.

Joey: This angio was inconclusive.

Now, focus, Krista.


No mistakes.

All I can think about is that poor mom losing her little girl.

In any other room in the world, that's called compassion.

Not in the O.R.

It's just bad juju, and it's distracting.


[Suction gurgling]

There it is. There's our bleeder.

The artery.

You see it?


Okay, that's the corona mortis, or the crown of death.

It's an artery only 15% of patients have.

It must have been severed by the broken pelvis.

Should have known.


B.P. down to 70/35.

Okay, let's just hope we can save her in time.

Come on, Abby.

[Sighing] Okay.

Here's the deal. Chopper's not coming for another 20 minutes, maybe longer.

All right, well, Hector needs blood.

It has to come from one of us.

A little b*ttlefield medicine called the white-tile test.

It came in handy in Kandahar once.

Putting a drop of our blood on top of one of these four drops of Hector's blood and find out if any of us are a match.

[Crickets chirping]

You help him?

No sabe lo que es capaz de hacer.

Es un demonio. Nunca.

All right.


I'm gonna take that as a "no."


We're not really gonna do this?

Do you see any other way to save him?

Paul: I want to be the match.

I want to do at least one thing right today.

I'm not sure this is the right thing, Paul.

Paul: What do you mean?

T.C., wh... what does she mean?

Anyway, Paul, let me tell you about my first ride-along.

The call was this raging, five-alarm fire.

I'm thinking, "oh my god."

I'm supposed to be a new intern on a freakin' ride-along, and then, all of a sudden, they tell me that I'm the senior medical officer on scene.


So, he breaks the glass and he walks in.

T.C. doesn't always think ahead.

Sorry, who... who is telling this story?

He actually walked right into a fire.


I mean, really, Paul, how stupid is that?

It sounds like T.C. to me.

Uh, I... I mean, not... not the stupid part.

I... I meant the...

Time is up on the test.


Would you look at that?

Looks like mine is the only one still wet.

Wet means a match.

I'm a winner.

Paul, let's do this.


Drew: So, the fog can't be helped, but police say they can get a chopper out to T.C. and them in 20 minutes.

They're still stuck out there?! This is getting ridiculous.

But we got good news on the home front with Blake here.

Pulse ox is up, pressure's down, so it looks like we're winning the w*r.


Just tell them what you know, okay?

Tell them. Just tell them.

You got him breathing. Good job.

Just be outside in case we need you.



[Water splashing]

[Sobbing intensifies]

[Sobbing echoing]

Topher, I said he's getting better.

And I say he's not.

Anything can still happen... pneumo, arrhythmia, infection.

I think you'd be more cautious since you missed this originally.

How many more times am I gonna have to hear that?

I know I missed it.

I bet you missed your first case, too, which is probably why you won't tell me about it.

It seems to be working.

Pulse rate is holding at 120.

You are un héroe, ¿no?

Will you tell her I'm just doing my job.

He's very stubborn.

Como un burro.

Tee, listen to me.

This isn't Kandahar.

You don't have to take the same risks here.

If we just wait, then we can...

Then Hector will bleed out and die.

Look, the oath says, "do no harm."

I didn't write it, but I took it.

The oath also says, "I must not play at god."


Look, some cases, you fight for.

And some cases, you just have to let go.

Okay, Jordan, the helicopter will be here in 10 minutes.

They'll have some fresh blood for Hector, and then I'll let go.


[Cellphone rings]

Kenny? Tell me something good.

I wish I had better news. The fog is still heavy.

They've grounded every flight for three counties.

Well, what about a medevac from the base?

Right, right, I'm working on it.

But it's gonna take time, and they're saying about an hour.

Sorry, Jordan.

Okay. [Beep]

It's not gonna be 10 minutes. It's gonna be an hour.

I'm cutting your line.

No. No.

No one's coming anytime soon.

T.C., if you lose over 2 liters of blood, you'll die.

That's... that's in less than an hour.

Well [Sighs] then, we... we better think of something else, 'cause I'm... I'm not cutting this line.

Where are they?


The chopper will get here in time.

I'll be fine.

[Grunting] Paul, help me lift my legs up by my head.

Should, uh, keep the blood closer to my heart.

[Grunts] Buy us some more time.


Hey, look at me. Look at me.


I love you.

Okay, I love you so much, but you are k*lling yourself.

I'm just trying to save his life.

I know.

Hey, if you were out here alone with this man, would you just let him die?

I'd do everything I could.

There you go.

Chopper's out to T.C. and Jordan.

Hey, don't k*ll the messenger, but the mom's out in the hallway.

Joey let her see Abby.

She wants to see Blake.

He did that?

He wanted to calm her down.

She just got pretty scared about her daughter up in the O.R., so...

If you got any good news...

I'm not here to make people feel good.

I'm here to save them.

Topher, I'm...

I'm just trying to help the mom, okay?

Can't just bite my head off.

Okay, you are the P.A.

I am the chief attending.

I can do whatever I want.


I don't know what the hell is wrong with you or why you're acting so odd tonight, but you can imagine what she's going through, so let her see her son for one damn minute.

I'm sorry. I just...

Of course, send her in.


Rebecca, this is, uh, Dr. Zia.

I'll leave you two alone.

Michael says you've been working on Blake for hours.

He's not talking yet.


Uh, stable.

I meant, stable.

When I left for work, Blake told me they'd stay home and watch cartoons.

If I'd stayed for two more minutes, I would have seen them leave.

You can't control everything.

Sometimes bad things just happen.

Excuse me. S... stay as long as you like.

W... was he Taliban?

Did you get what you needed?


Not sure.

[Crickets chirping]

Ana: Why save him?

He is un monstro.

Porque el es un doctor.

It's his job.

You're fading.

The second you go out, I am pulling that line.

Oh, no, no, I'm... I'm good.

I'm good.

Paul, um, the story. Where was I?

Uh, you were... you were at the fire.


Um, you broke the window and... and went in.


What happened when you got in there?

No idea.

I blacked out.


I was messed up pretty bad.

Smoke. Whew.

So, I came to in a... in a tent, next to the guy who I tried to save.

And I was worse off than he was.


The guy I tried to save... he ended up dragging me out.

No way.

Sad, but true.

Um [Sighs] that's not the best part. [Chuckles]

What was the best part?

In the tent [Sighs] standing above us, bringing me back to life was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.


I was cold.

Uh, and she had this little pink sweater, and she gave it to me... this... this really nice, small, pink sweater.

I was like...

Do you, uh, still have that pink sweater, Jordan?


Pulse is up. We're losing him.

Jordan: Come on, Tee, stay with me.



Tee, can you hear me?

Your pulse is weak, but you're gonna be okay.

No, no, don't.

Don't move. Shh, shh, shh, shh.

Hector's crashing!

Okay, I'll start CPR.

Paul, a little help.

Yeah, uh, coming, coming. Uh...

Hey, try this.

Cough medicine... pseudoephedrine, should work like adrenaline and start his heart up again.

Let's give it a try.

I need some attending signatures...

Then I'll be on my way.

Yeah, sure.

[Pen scratching paper]

H... hey, um...


I'm... I'm sorry I was a d*ck.

Sorry you were, too.

Look, if you need to talk, get something off your chest, I'm here.

[Voice breaking] I... I'm a good person.


I know that.

You... you ever do anything back there that you weren't so proud of?

More than once.

We stayed in our lane, we did what we were told.

Maybe we shouldn't have.

Too easy to say from here.

It's not so easy over there. Different rules.

I... I... I just don't know if I did the right thing.


Did they get what they needed?


Did they get what they needed?

I guess I'll never know.


It'll be a few months before she's fully mobile, but she's fine.

We are so lucky. I can't thank you enough.

It's our pleasure. [Chuckles]



Ooh, that was intense.

Yeah. I'm just glad she's okay.

You really don't sweat it, do you?

It's all in the breathing.

[Sighing] Oh.


Look, once upon a time, I was wound up tighter than you or anybody else I know.

I am not that uptight.

[Laughs] Yeah.

Okay. Okay, whatever.

So... so, what worked for you?

Zen? Yoga?

Yeah, they helped.

They weren't the catalyst.

So, what?

I mean, like, stop playing coy.

When I know you better.

Oh, come on!

You've been digging into me this entire shift.

And you can't tell me?



I lost my son to cancer.

Yeah, it was before I went to Iraq.

He was 9.

We did everything... you know, surgeries, chemo.

I saw the limitations of Western medicine, of myself, and I... I started exploring new ways of thought, new ways of living, realized that there's so much we can do before we get sick.

You know, I've... anyway, I'm... I'm rambling.

Oh, no, I'm so sorry.

I had no idea. I'm...

I'm sorry.

It's... I shouldn't have dumped that on you.

No, no.

Um, look, I don't tell very many people, so if you could just...

Of course.


I'll see you around.



[Helicopter blades whirring]

Come on. Come on.

I got a pulse.

Paul, your hail mary might have just saved him.

Now let's get him on that chopper.

Hey. Hey, Carla's awake.


It's okay. I got you. Hey, I got you, okay?

All right.

What the holy hell?

Long story.

Always is.

All right, three to transport, all in critical.

We need hep-lock, saline, oxygen at the ready.

It's okay.

Don't touch it.

Let's get o-neg going on these two.

Leave the hook alone.

T.C. first.


Damn it!

Hook's out. A little help here?

I'm on it.

Ana is the coyote.

Don't move. We're gonna... we're gonna help you breathe, okay?

Jordan: Hold on a sec, hold on a second.

What did you just say?

Ana is the coyote.

She lied.

She's the bad one, not Hector.

She took us, threatened our family.

[Country music plays indistinctly on radio]

She was going to sell us.

Ana is very bad. Ana is cartel.

Man: Hey, wait! No!



[Truck door closes]

Gwen: Police found a guy shot in the head near the bait shop.

According to the FBI, your Ana fit the description of a woman who's a trafficker.

Cops found a track mark on Oscar and a syringe outside the bait shop.

Tested positive for heroin.

Ana must have injected him when I went outside.

Wow. I...

Paul, I am so sorry for doubting you.

No problem. I, uh, I doubted myself.

Anyways, we're lucky.

Cops say Ana is wanted in four states.

For human trafficking and m*rder.

My god.

I think I'm gonna check on Carla and Hector again.

They're stable, and Unicef is helping track down their family.

Um, T.C. doing all right?

Yeah, he's gonna be fine.



Catch you later.


That's quite a chance T.C. took out there.

[Chuckling] So glad he's changed.

Gwen, he has changed.


Maybe not 100%, but he's trying.

Trying for what?

Hey, my job is to protect you, not him, okay?

Got it.


♪ with a thousand tries, you'll understand ♪
♪ and kick the can ♪
♪ fools waste time ♪
♪ as moons chased light ♪

Jordan: Hey.


♪ With a heavy heart, you know what's next ♪
♪ with steady hands ♪

Tee, you really scared me tonight.

[Sighing] Aw. I'm alive.

[Ball clacks]

Look, if we're gonna do this, there's a hell of a lot that we need to figure out.

♪ In words you've penned ♪


Like how we're gonna work together now that we're together.

I can't focus on my job if I'm worried about you.

T.C. and Jordan are not the same as Dr. Callahan and Dr. Alexander, so we need to find the line.

We'll find it.

♪ Just kick the can ♪

We found it before.

We were residents, okay?



We're adults now. It's different.

Come on, Gwen.

Bring Jordan back, please.

I'm just saying that you can be...

And I'm just saying that I would still do anything for you And that you are still so gullible.

Oh, yeah?

You're just annoyed because you bought Ana's story...


Hook, line, and sinker.

How about you shut up?


♪ You can't pretend ♪
♪ wouldn't you like to love? ♪

[Pool cue thuds]


T... that is so not how you play bumper pool.


Woman: Okay.

Get a room.

So, I heard some idiot gave away half his blood.

Ragosa: T.C., you ever read "The Giving Tree"?

Doesn't end well.

You, uh, you hear anything?

Not a thing.

Let's, uh, get a room. Yeah.

Get a room.

Yeah. Come on. Hyah!


Drew: The storage room is open, y'alls.

There's a locker room that's not always occupied.

Let's go.

Let's pretend this table was not touched.
