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02x05 - Ghosts

Posted: 03/24/15 09:06
by bunniefuu
[Siren wails]

Food poisoning at a zombie run?

It's a 5K at night.

Runners get chased by zombies in costume.

Oh. I had a dream like that once.

[Chuckles] Well, now it's our nightmare.


Oh, oh!

Let me give you a hand there.

[Cellphone ringing]


So, when does TC move in?

He's not, okay?

We're taking it slow.


Last time you said that, you jumped him in an elevator.

Well, we were living in the moment, for a change.

[Cellphone vibrates]

Oh, excuse me.

This is Dr. Alexander.

Stop calling me.

Was that that prison creep again?


Guy drinks a bottle of shampoo on the way to court and he blames me for pumping his stomach.

Just let me call my friend in the Department of Corrections.

He'll reach out and make him stop.

No, because it's exactly what he wants, you know... attention.

And he's not gonna get it, all right?

He's got another ten years in there. I'm just gonna change my number again.

TC still doesn't know?


And I'm not gonna tell him, and neither are you, okay?

There's no point in getting him worked up about this.

You know how he gets... a tad overprotective. So ixnay.

[Loudspeaker beeps]

Dr. Callahan and Alister...

Oren? Uh, Oren Edwards?

Uh, that's me.

Hey. Um, I'm Dr. Cummings. How can I help?

Hey, doc.

I'm a welder at Ballard Refinery, and, uh, I hurt my thigh at the end of a shift.

I went home, but it got worse.

Got more sore.

Gotcha. Maybe it's a muscle pull. Okay.

Does that hurt?

Yeah, it's pretty tender.



I had a pipe burst on me, and, uh, my leg just caught a chunk of metal here.


As you can see...


... tried to stop the bleeding, but...


It's okay. No, no, no, no. We'll get somebody to take care of that, all right?

Not feeling so hot, as you can tell.

All right, well, we'll, uh, we'll get you fixed up, all right?

We'll get you an X-ray.


Oh, thanks.


Topher: TC, some guy hit a bunch of people at the zombie run starting line.

It's gonna be a bit messy.

Bastard came out of nowhere!

Hey, hey, hey, let us through.

Come on, we're doctors.

Out of the way, out of the way.

He came out of nowhere!

That guy just ran into 'em.

Man: He hit them!

Oh, his neck's snapped.

Laura: Help me!

Cord is gone.

Drew! Drew, take the woman over there. Myself and Gwen got the driver!

Excuse me.

Come on, man.

Man: Stop blocking the car.

Laura: Somebody help me!

I'm Dr. Alister. What's your name?

Laura Davis.



Pulse is thready.

Looks like heroin. Maybe he OD'd?

I can't feel my arm.

Laura, you're gonna be fine. But I need you to hold still, okay?

You may have a spinal injury after getting hit by the truck.

I-I didn't get hit.

I didn't.

Driver: Mikey?

He's lost a lot of blood. Where's the bleeder?

He's not an addict. He's a cop.

Whose film is this?

Paul's patient.

Radiology messed up the X-ray, so he...

Paul took him to CT yes.

Oh, that was fun.

You know, I can't believe I've been back in Texas for a year and I haven't ridden a horse until today.

Yeah, I couldn't tell, you know, 'cause you're a natural.

[Scoffs] Yeah, and you're a bad liar.

[Chuckles] Hey, hang on a second.

[Cellphone rings]

[Cellphone beeps]

Dr. Toussaint.


I got it?


Au revoir.

[Laughing] Yes!

I-I-I... I got a field surgery gig with Doctors Without Borders.

So, wait, y-y-you're leaving? I mean, you just got here.

I go to Haiti next week to start field training.

[Laughs] It's wild, huh?

[Laughing] Yeah, it's wild.

You know, I just...

I realized how much I missed being out in the field since I left the air force.

You know, it's where I belong.

Yeah. Yeah, I get it.

[Cellphone vibrates]

We got a spinal trauma coming in.


The... the X-ray's accurate?

I've seen film like this in Iraq...

Civilians hit by depleted uranium.

He's wearing a radiation badge.

Refineries use X-rays to fight pipe leaks.


Has he puked?

Uh, no, not that I kn...

[Geiger counter clicking]

What... what does that mean?

You've been exposed to a radioactive isotope, Mr. Edwards.


You mean like... like Spider-Man?

Not exactly. Come here.

[Sighing] Oh, what?

Did you touch him without gloves?

I, uh, I palpated his thigh.

Did you eat or drink anything after that?


You know, if... if he contaminated you with nuclear material, he might have exposed other people, too. How long was he in that waiting room?

I, um... couple hours, maybe. Um, he dropped a bloody bandage.

I-I told housekeeping, though.

Oh, fantastic. Stay... stay here.


[Geiger counter clicking]

Son of a...

[Amplified] Attention.

This is Dr. Zia, ER Chief.

We have a lockdown in the ER.

Repeat... The ER is on lockdown.

Ye... no, we are shut to trauma. Isotope contamination.

No. No ER patients in the OR, okay? We'll have to decontaminate.

We are all hands on deck. We have to contain this contamination.

Please gear up, mop the bloody footprints from the waiting room so no one else gets exposed.

You got it. I'll get you the lead aprons, too.

And... and HazMat bags! Anything exposed to radioactive blood is live!

I got security on the doors.


Whoa! We're closed to trauma!

Radiation exposure. We heard.

We got two critical. This one's a cop. He'll never make it in time to County.

Jordan, Trauma One with TC.

Drew: Laura Davis... slurred speech, non-traumatic paralysis in the upper extremities, possible CVA. Needs a head CT stat.

Joey, Krista, Trauma Two. And avoid quarantine areas.

That's my patient.

Joey and Krista have her.

I need a resident to triage the parking lot. We're code green, okay?

No one in or out!

CT scan's 86'd because of the contamination.

Laura, I'm Dr. Chavez. How are you doing?

I'm scared. I'm really scared.

It's understandable, okay? We're going to figure this out. I see you're a runner?

[Slurring] I-I ran tr-track since middle school, and my dad coached.

He died at 40.

That's young.

Do you know what the cause of death was?

A berry an...

A berry aneurysm?

Huh? Is that it?

No response. BP is spiking.

All right, listen, I want a nitro drip when we land and ten of morphine.

We should push IV tPA. If it's a clot, tPA will dissolve it, stop her paralysis.

No, if it's a brain bleed, that'll k*ll her.

Her father died of a sub-arachnoid hemorrhage.

One, two, three.

Got her. All right.

All right.

But how can we tell without a head CT?

Got to look at the body. The body will tell you what you need to know if you look in the right place.

Spinal fluid... 'Cause it passes through the brain.

And even a few drops of blood or xanthochromia in the cerebrospinal fluid, it's a bleed.

That's my girl.

Dr. Chavez, we have a s*ab wound. We need a surgical consult.

All right. Krista, prep her for the spinal tap.

Let's get a portable chest and two units of O neg. Strip and flip.

[Monitor beeping]

Got b*llet wounds. Is he a vet?

Undercover cop. He got stabbed in a drug deal, crashed driving in.

He's got a deep wound by his shoulder blade. I dressed it in the field.

He's got a punctured lung. Let's get a chest tube started now.

Fluid's kicking in. He's starting to wake up.

Detective, I'm Dr. Callahan. You are in San Antonio Memorial Hospital.

You've been stabbed.

I don't want to go, Mikey.

Please, Mikey.

BP's crashing.

I don't wanna go... I don't wanna go...

No breath sounds on the right. Okay, where is that X-ray? He needs a chest tube now.

Must be seeing a ghost.

Well, he's lost a lot of blood. That can make the brain hallucinate.

That's, uh, one explanation.

I'm gonna make the intercostal incision.

You believe in ghosts, Dr. Chavez?

I believe we all have a soul that leaves our bodies when we die.

This cop's not dying tonight.

Where is everybody?

At a safe distance.

The isotope is still in our systems, which means we can infect other people with radiation through our saliva, sweat, urine.

[Sighs] Sorry about this, Doc.

It's, uh... it's "Paul," Oren.

You know, invisible things ar-are really dangerous in a hospital...

Bacteria, viruses.

Why didn't you report your injury at work?

You know, my old man worked there for 20 years, and he got me on part time to pay for this trip we're taking next month.

Guess I just didn't want to cause any trouble for him, you know?

Where you going?

We're gonna do some salmon fishing in Alaska, get this great view of Mount McKinley.

There's moose, and eagles.

It's badass. Yeah, you'd love it.

But, my dad got emphysema.

Welding gases from all those years have just burned up his lungs.

And we've been talking about this trip since I was a kid.

Now we're finally doing it.

Good for you.

[Sighs] Thanks.

All right, all done.

Hey, Doc... or Paul.

I'm gonna be okay, right?

Uh... We're... we're both gonna be just fine.

Joey: BP is coming up. That's nice work.

Yeah. This guy's got so many lives.

Somebody must be looking out for him.

Yeah, speaking of looking out, I'm gonna go check on Krista.

Oh, my God! Pete!

Officer, you cannot be in here.

He's my husband. Pete Moreno. Is... is he... ?

He's fading in and out of consciousness.

He was stabbed. He lost a lot of blood.

But we placed a chest tube so he could breathe better.

He lied to me.

Said he was going to the gym, then went out on a bust without backup.

Next thing I know, I get a call he's here.

He's been talking to someone named Mikey.

Mike Bennett, his partner.

But... We lost him a few years ago in a sh**t.

They were like brothers.

[Voice breaking] Can I stay with him?

Of course.

I'm gonna update Topher.


[Cellphone vibrates]

[Cellphone beeps]

Gwen, that guy you know... call him.

His name's Cam Pollock? All right. I'm on it.

Yeah, well, the hospital's locked down, but it doesn't require require stitches anyways. Just go home, ice it, and wash it.

Hey, you miss the memo? Nobody in, nobody out.

Another OD I ran out of Narcan.

Lumber salesman. They found him on the yard with this... Bad "H."

All right, agonal breathing.

Blue lips, clammy skin, pupils are pinpoint.

Here comes the Narcan.


Hey, hey. Hey. Hey.

I got you.

Where am I?

Welcome to San Antonio Memorial. You, sir, just had a heroin overdose.

Uh, I slipped a disk last year...

I don't care why you took it.

Do not take any more. This dope is tainted. It will k*ll you.

Do you need a number to a rehab facility?

I... Messed up. Won't happen again.

All right, well, just stay here. We'll keep an eye on you, make sure you're okay.

We'll get you inside when it's safe. You've been unconscious for a while.

No, I'm... I'm good. Thanks, man.

You're not gonna call SAPD?

I'm a doctor, not a cop.

Everybody deals with pain in their own way. Some just not as well as others.

Yeah, I hear that.

Hey, so, that Nurse Kenny...


What's his deal? He banging that intern with the legs?

Well, aren't you the delicate, little flower.

Uh, yeah, they're involved.

For now.

I mean, a female doctor with a male nurse... You ever seen that work?

As a friend of them both, I'm surprised it's lasted this long.

It's good to know.

I didn't say anything.

[Chuckles] Yes, you did.

[Chuckles] Oh, hey. ER's locked down.

But my brother-in-law's in there.

I can get a message to his doctor.

He is a doctor.

TC Callahan.

And I need to see him right now. (Sighs)

We still have to remove the foreign body in patient zero.

Yeah, cesium's gnarly stuff.

NRC Hotline give you an antidote?

Prussian blue.

It's rare, our pharmacy doesn't stock it, and everybody's closed for the night.

Oh, try Fort Hood. They might have it.

Good idea.

Oh, how's, uh, the undercover cop?

He's hanging in there.

He lost his partner a few years back.

His wife's a cop, so Jordan's with her.

A little close to home, Tee. Maybe we should trade.

No, no. I-I'll get him through it.

[Cellphone vibrates]

Oh, it's Drew. All right.

[Cellphone beeps]

Drew, what's up?

Tee, there's a woman out here, tells me she's your sister-in-law, Annie.

Says you've been ignoring her phone calls.

Yeah. Um, put her on.

Hey, baby.

Hey, Annie. So, you're here... in my parking lot?

Atlanta sucks. I got a nursing job in San Diego.

Can I crash at your place?

We can hang out, catch up.


We-well, thank you for the heads-up, Annie.

I tried. You didn't answer. I thought you were dodging my calls.

No. Why would... why would I do that?

Um, yeah, sure, you can crash. Just, uh, there's a key above the...

Porch light?


Some things never change.

See you later.

[Cellphone beeps]

Topher: It's my job, Paul.

That little piece of cesium can k*ll everyone in this hospital.

Right... Look, you... you've trained me, Topher.

You know I can remove it. Besides, you have a wife, three kids.

You know, I've... I've got... Me, right?

So, look, I'm already exposed. Why put you at risk, too?

Because 60% of Oren's bone marrow is in his pelvis.

If you don't remove all the contamination, his T cells will die.

And then he will die an extremely painful death from infection in two weeks, not to mention if you mishandle the cesium, you'll turn this hospital into a nuclear wasteland.

So you better be sure.

[Monitor beeping, ventilator hissing]

How's she doing?

She's holding up.

You were gone for a while.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, I just had to talk to Topher about the radioactive guy.


[Cellphone vibrating]

You gonna get that?


[Vibrating continues]

Just my mother.

You okay?

You seem distracted.

Yeah. I just feel badly for her.

[Alarm beeping]

BP's dropping.

What's happening?

No new blood in the Thora-Seal.

Distended neck veins. It's not his lungs.

What does that mean?

Muffled heart sounds and a rub.

Okay, there's blood pooling around the heart, and we need to drain it.

Denise... I need you to step out, please. Out.

Prep for bedside ultrasound.

Hand me a spinal needle.

Okay. I'm ready.


You're in.

[Beeping continues]

Ah, damn it. His blood's clotted. It's too thick for the needle.

Pressure's dropping.


You're gonna do a pericardial window?

We have to remove the clot. We can't go upstairs. We do it here, or he dies.

[Rapid beeping]


You want to feel for the L4-L5 intervertebral space.

Go slowly till you feel a pop.

All right, you're good, Krista. Trust it.

[Gasps] I think I got it.

All right, cool. Now remove the stylet.

Let the tube fill with clear fluid.



Damn it. Did... did I hit an artery? I jus...

No, no, she ruptured a cerebral aneurysm.

Tell radiology we're on the way, all right?

I need a coil embolization, stat. Okay, we got to stop this bleeding in her brain.


Topher: Remove the cesium intact, or you'll increase his exposure.

Got it.

That? That's it? That little thing? That's my kryptonite?

That is it.


Okay, I, uh, will be right back. Okay.

These guys are from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. They'll take it from here.

Thank you, gentlemen.

[Exhales] Piece of cake.

What's, uh, what's next?

Well, next is the hard part...

Cutting away the exposed tissue in Oren's thigh.

It's messy, so watch for further contamination from blood or needle sticks. Okay.

One mistake, and you could end up as sick as he is.

We've had our ups and downs, you know, since Mikey died.

Pete still blames himself.

It's why he has to save people.

Always puts himself last.

Yeah, I know someone like that.

Everybody warned me.

But I thought he'd changed.

Guess I was kidding myself.

Not that it's any of my business, but the hardest part is realizing that their recovery is about them, not about you.

I really do love him.


I get it.

Oren: Ugggh.

I can't look. It makes me dizzy.

Well, you're doing great, Oren.

Nice work, Paul.

Excellent, excellent touch. Your dad would be proud.

Ohhh. Your dad some big-shot Doc?

Uh, just one of the top neurosurgeons in the country, but, you know, no pressure.

Just like being Superman's kid.

Oh, that must suck. If you don't mind me asking.

Why did you become a doctor, then?

I don't know.

Just what we... we do in my family.

You know, me and my brothers, my sister.

Well, maybe you can be Superman somewhere else, like the ocean.

Well, that would make me Aquaman, so...

That's right. [Chuckling] That's right.

[Groans] Well, Aquaman still fights bad guys.

And he gets to, like, talk to whales and dolphins and stuff.

Good point.

How about you?

Yeah, I, uh, I partied a lot. I partied my way out of college. [Chuckles]

But, uh, my dad was okay. You know, he said you got to screw up to know what you want to do. I took that advice, and now I'm thinking about going to, like, a culinary arts institute, you know?

Your dad sounds like a cool guy.

Yeah. Well, my mom split when I was 4, and, uh, now I tell everybody that I feel like I won the dad lottery. And it's true. I did.

I wouldn't trade my life with anybody else.

You know about me and Krista?

What? Hooking up?

[Laughing] Come on, man. It's a hospital.

You can't hide that.

Yeah, I like her.

I do.

You know, we, uh...

We started out just having fun, but now it seems like ... like she doesn't want to take things to the next level.

Well, maybe she doesn't want anything serious.

Wants to focus on her career. Career is important.

Let me tell you something. My dad worked in construction, and I promised him and myself that I was never gonna work with my hands.


Now your broke ass is mopping floors, slinging trash.


You're right, Kenny.

But one day, I am gonna be a Doc, which makes all this crap worth it.

What you have to ask yourself is what makes it all worth it for you.

Are you just gonna be the "good time Charlie" of the ER, or are you really gonna make something of your life?

Thought we were talking about Krista.

Yeah. It's all tied in.

If you're this frustrated with your life at 30, you're really gonna be pissed off at 40.

Anyway, good luck with Krista.

Oh, and if she ever needs a replacement... [Clicks tongue]

[Chuckles] Man, she'd crush you like a damn bug.

Ooh, yeah! What a way to go out, though.



Will she recover?

We won't know until she wakes up.

But she's lucky.

Usually a bleed-out like that is found on autopsy.

Thanks to your excellent diagnosis, we got her in time.

Yeah, which I wouldn't have made without you.

Unless you had field experience.

You know, TC, Drew, Topher, myself...

We don't need machines to be good doctors.

We trust our instincts.

I'm not exactly army material.

You should do Doctors Without Borders when you're done with your residency.

It'd be the best thing for your career.

I just... I'm not sure they would take me.

Why do you think that?

You need to stop judging yourself so much.

I see someone that could be a brilliant doctor.

You just have to get out of your own way.

You know, it's hard. I just...

I was that kid that would get 98 on a test, and I'd just be so pissed that I didn't get 100. But I'm still that kid.

And that makes you happy?


So, then change.

It's not that easy.

See? There you go, getting in your own way.

I got to get up to personnel and tell them that I'm out of here.

You know, Scott's gonna be pissed.

[Chuckles] Yeah, he's not the one I care about disappointing.

We are still contaminated, so I-I will let you know as soon as I know, okay?

EMS is on my ass to reopen.

The rest of the county is overloaded thanks to us.

Well, I talked to my boys at Fort Hood. They can overnight the prussian blue.

Oren's exposure's in his pelvis. He'll be dead by morning.

If you make the poison, make the f'ing antidote, too, right?

Yeah, well, exposure to cesium-137's pretty rare. So, so is the antidote.

Actually, it's not rare at all.

Prussian blue is an ink. It's the same compound used to print blueprints.

I've been brushing up on my toxicology for my medical boards.

[Garbage bag snaps]


How's Denise?

She's holding up.

Her husband lied to her.

Yeah... to protect her.

Maybe she doesn't need protection.

Where have I heard that before? Huh?

[Cellphone vibrates]

Midnight caller?

[Sighs] My bookie.

He wants me to start betting again. He misses the income.

Yeah, bet he does.

[Alarm beeping]

He's throwing PVCs.

Or maybe the chest tube's irritating his heart.

Did his X-rays come back yet?


Tee, it's a foreign body.

Damn it. That's a knife blade.

It probably broke off when he was stabbed. It's right next to his heart.

He's in V-fib.

Paddles at 200.

[Paddles thump]

Still V-fib.

Pushing to 300.

Tee, wait.

The shock is moving the blade tip.

If you shock him again, it's gonna tear his heart into ribbons.

Okay, we need to get it out. Cutting him open.

Hand me a rib spreader and a ten blade.


That's medicine?

It was in a soda bottle.

Uh, it's actually printer's ink.

Uh, paramedic picked it up from the newspaper plant.

Same chemical structure.

The cesium in your intestines will bond with the crystals in the ink, and you will evacuate the contaminant.

Will it hurt?

Not at all.

Though your, uh, your poop will be bright blue.

What if it doesn't work?

Right. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it, okay?

Sorry, but you... you've been saying that a lot.

This... this will help you.

It's gonna help.



All right, um, you will feel a gag in your throat.

[Breathing shakily]


That's... that's okay.

Hey, uh, do... do me a favor, okay?

All right. Close your eyes.

[Chuckles lightly]

That's okay.


All right, close your eyes.


Now, imagine you're on Crescent Lake with your dad.

Geigered everything... CT, waiting room, bathrooms.

All done.


Doctor thing doesn't work out, you got a bright future in housekeeping.

Okay, let's reopen to trauma. Tell Drew, and, uh, take down all the caution tape except for this side of the floor. Thanks, Kenny.

Oren stays quarantined till we know how he responds to the antidote.

[Engine shuts off]

Back again?

I'm not the only one.

So is the guy who said he learned his lesson.


What happened?

Got called to Alamo Plaza, man down.

He was dead when I arrived.

What a waste.

Hey, he refused care. What else could you do?

Hey, can you let me in?

I got to fax some paperwork before I transfer him to the morgue.



Damn! How long's it gonna be?

Tell you when we're ready.



You're letting that bitch in there?

What'd you call me?

A bitch, bitch.

Look, back up...

Drew, man! What the hell?! What are you doing?

He was trying to come in.

That fine. We're open again.

I'll get a gurney.

Your white blood cell count was lower, but that... that was expected.

Next test will tell us how the antidote did.

It's a bummer we never got superpowers, Paul.


If we, uh, if we did, what would yours be?

Go back in time.

Like, fly super fast, but in reverse.

Well, uh, what... what era would you, uh, travel to?

Like, uh, to meet Lincoln or Da Vinci?

This morning, before I got hurt, and I would blow off work today like Ferris Bueller.


You ever seen that movie?

Yeah, yeah.

What's th...


No, no, it's... it's okay.

Is it?

Um... Platelets are down. Here.


Here, hold this... hold this up there.


[Breathing heavily]

I kind of... I kind of can't breathe, Paul.

You're fine. You're fine. Don't panic.

Legs up, okay?


Hey, no, no.

Can't... Paul.


No, no, no.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.



I-I need help here! Somebody ... somebody grab Topher!

All these cops out here and you knock the guy out?

He started it. I was just...

Protecting me.


Hey, look, I'm on your team, all right, but get your stories straight.

This isn't just going away.

A crazy night, right?

They're all crazy.

You talking about doctors now?

Ragosa: Where's Topher?! Paul's guy's coding!

Drew: Paul, what do you have?

He's dehydrated from vomiting, electrolyte imbalance triggered V-fib, and he lost his pulse.

What you're gonna do...

I got it. I got it.

Don't leave me. I got you.

[Paddles thump]



Hey. Hey.

What happened, Paul?

You went away, but I, uh, I got you back.

[Voice breaking] Oh, thank you.

[Monitor beeping]

Blade's not anterior. Must be behind the heart.

Careful, tee. One slip...

No, he's come this far. I'm not letting him down now.

Okay, I got it.

I'm worried about cutting the vena cava.

Curved Kelly.




Almost there.

Got it.

[High-pitched beeping]

Heart's fibrillating.

Okay. Give me some room.

Good. Good, good. I got it.

[Sighing] Nice.

[High-pitched beeping stops]

Heart's back in sinus.

We did it.


Couldn't have got through this without you.

Let's close him up.

Okay. Let's do it.

Joey: I checked Laura's medical records.

She never got screened, knowing that she could have a ticking time b*mb in her brain just like her dad.

It doesn't mean it's inevitable.

Your mom's cancer.

You take the BRCA test that we talked about, see if you have the gene?

Actually, I did.

I'm just... waiting for the results.

That took guts.

Scary to face our future.


But if you can keep yourself from regretting something, then you should do it, right?

Most definitely.

Gwen: So, I talked to my guy.

Your stalker got paroled last week.



He had eight more years.

Made a deal.

But the DOC wants your help.

They can revoke his parole for harassing you, lock him up.

Yeah, okay.


I have to tell TC.

Wait. I thought he was a new man.

He is.


And we are. Look, it's j...

There's some things that he's still working through, and if I tell him about this...

I don't understand, Jordan.

What are you so afraid of?


Look, Gwen, this isn't like what happened to you.

I'm... Gwen, I'm sorry. I didn't... I didn't mean it that way.

Figure it out and let me know.

I'm sor...

Damn it.

[Monitor beeping]

Thank you.

[Denise sighs]

[Cellphone vibrates]

[Cellphone beeps]

Hey, Annie.

I thought you wanted to crash.

You're where?

Yeah, okay.

[Cellphone beeps]

TC: I need your help with Annie.

Oh, the sister-in-law.

She's Thad's wife.

She seems like a hot mess.

Yeah, well, she hasn't been the same since he died.

I can tell she and Jordan aren't exactly kindred spirits?

You could say they have a history.

That's a catfight I don't want a part of.

Well, good luck with that.


[Clears throat]


I'm gonna... Go.

You're leaving?

Yeah, I feel like crap. I just want to crash at my place.

You want me to come by later with some soup?

No, I need to sleep, but I'll check in with you later.


Did you, um, did you want to talk to me about something?

Uh... It can wait.

Get some rest.


[Cellphone vibrates]

[Cellphone Beeps]

[Horn honks]


Scott, I...

Jordan, are you okay?

No, I-I... I have a patient.

He's been stalking me, and I don't know, w...

Well, come on. Let's get in the car and we'll call the police.

But what if...

Jordan, come on. I'm not asking.

Let's go. I'll just cancel my meeting.

Yeah, this is Dr. Scott Clemmens at San Antonio Memorial.

I need to talk to the police right away.



Thought you needed to crash.

I needed a nightcap, and there's no booze at your house.


Barkeep, uh, two of your finest Irish whiskeys.


I'm okay. Thanks.

TC Callahan refusing Irish whiskey?


It's the end of days.

Why are you here, Annie?

I couldn't stay in your place anymore, Tee.

Thad's everywhere.

It got me so damn depressed.

Yeah. Okay. I-I get that.

I've been there.

I'm starting over.

But I wanted to finally say goodbye first, you and me.

Just give him a proper send-off. One last wake.

I don't need to get wasted anymore to celebrate my brother.

No, but it'd be a lot more fun.


Ragosa: Big man on campus.

[Laughs] Look at the kid.

Yo, Toph, yo, you should have seen that boy flying solo on that code.

I know. I know. He's really stepping up.


Paul. Excuse us, gentlemen.

I got, uh, Oren's last test.


Are you serious?

I'm sorry.


You have two weeks, maybe... maybe three.

T-there's the possibility of a bone marrow transplant, but it's a Hail Mary.

What about Alaska? Can I still go to Alaska?

You'll be too weak.

Come on.

But we can... we can make you comfortable here.

No. No. I want to go to my dad's house. I want to...

Can't stay here.

Oren, um...

You're still contaminated.

I know, but...

You'll expose your dad to radiation, poison his house by brushing your teeth, using the toilet.

I-it's... it's better if you stay here, okay?


It's best if I stay here.

I'm... I'm so sor... I'm so sorry... Oren.

I got that job so that I could go on the trip.

And now I can't even go on the trip because of the job.

[Voice breaking] I...

I feel like... somebody stole my life.

Will... Will you still take care of me?

Every day.

If you'll let me.

Yeah, I just don't want...

I just don't want to do it alone, you know?

Can I...


What's-her-name know you're here?

What's-her-name does not.

I can't believe you're still with her.

Why does Jordan bug you so much?

She thinks she's better than me.

Nah. I don't think she thinks that at all.

You're blind when it comes to her.

She's not family.

Oh. I almost forgot. I want to show you.

I got your mom's videos transferred to digital.

[Chuckles] Pony football.

Thad hit three touchdowns that game.

Your brother was on our team.


Thad and I had a bet who could talk to you first, and he hid my bike.

[Clears throat]

And he beat me to it that day.

What if you'd won the bet?


[Glasses clink]

Automated voice: Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging.

[Cellphone beeps]

He must be sleeping, 'cause he's still not answering.

Well, then I'm staying.

No. No, Scott, I'm... I'm fine. You can go. It's okay.

Jordan. I saw your face. You were terrified.

Come on. You don't have to put on a front.

I'm not TC.

What does that mean?

You know what that means.

You're scared.

That's normal.

I still can't believe they let him out.

Well, now they'll put him right back in... For good this time.

Thank you for being here, Scott.

Any time you have an insane stalker, I'm your guy.

Anyway, you should get some rest.


You have the exposure of 30 X-rays, so take the prussian blue pills for a month to be safe.

And take a few days off, too.

Yeah, I'm... I'm okay, actually.

Um, yeah, I'll see you tomorrow?


You did good, Paul.

You didn't think. You acted.

That's the first step to being a real doctor.

Hey. I was just about to leave you a note.

That's... that's perfect timing. I was... was looking for you.

I wanted to give you my going-away gift.

Wow. Thanks.


♪ Can't be found. Can't be found. ♪


Very stylish. Perfection, right?

Yeah. It's good.



I just... I figured if I got stationed somewhere tropical, and...

Well, you wanted to visit, you know, you'd be set.

♪ I can see ♪

So, that's an invitation?

Yes. It is.

You know, the shift is over, and I'm not your boss anymore.

So I can say what I want.

Which is?

♪ Grace falls down on quiet hearts ♪
♪ You don't have to yell ♪
♪ Don't have to yell ♪

Come on, Kenny. [Pats back]

Hey, Dad.

Yeah, it's, um...

Yeah, not so good, actually.


Yeah, do you have a minute to talk?

♪ I will rise ♪
♪ I'll follow your eyes and ♪
♪ Grace falls down on quiet hearts ♪
♪ Just when you think you might fall apart ♪

TC: The Stingray. I loved that bike.

Had the three-speed shifter on the frame.

He'd never let me ride it.

I bet he'd let you ride it now.


Let's go back to your place.

I'll make my famous Bloody Marys.

I'll get the tab.

Jordan called.

Of course she did.

I better call her back.

I'm gonna hit the ladies'. Watch my purse.

♪ Grace falls down on quiet hearts ♪

[Cellphone vibrating]

♪ Just when you think you might fall apart ♪
♪ Grace falls down on quiet hearts ♪

TC: Hey, uh, saw you called.

Um, sorry. You must be sleeping, so sleep well.

♪ Don't have to yell ♪

Could you, uh, take care of Annie's purse?

I got to get some air.

♪ You don't have to yell ♪
♪ Don't have to yell ♪