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03x03 - Oblivion

Posted: 03/23/15 07:22
by bunniefuu

Damn it, Geoff!

You're okay. You're okay.

That's it! Breathe. That's it, breathe.

There you go.

What the hell was that?

I'm not paying you to drown me!

No, you're paying me to save your life.

Lesson one... you panic like that in a real dive, you're dead.

Thanks to your courage, your foresight, your vision, our city will be mentioned in the same breath as Paris, Rome, or Sydney.

I give you the Humboldt center for the performing arts.


Hey, hey. Thanks for coming.

Should I kiss them of your garment too?

You write a hell of a speech, Robin Gould.

Yeah, but the magic was all you.

Well, enjoy the moment.

We've got a lot of long hours ahead of us.

Well, there's no one I'd rather spend them with.

Angie: Hey.

If this is about the, uh, weapons re-certification, Vega and I already got the memo.

All right, come on in.

And get the door, please.

[Door shuts]

So, Neville Montgomery called the deputy chief, who then called Boyd...

Who called you.

Saying you caused a scene at his daughter's funeral.

I paid my respects and I returned a diamond tennis bracelet.

And that's it?

That's it.

I don't do diamond tennis bracelets.

[Exhales heavily]

Look, this thing rolled downhill hard and fast.

Which is pretty interesting, I think.

No, what it means is that Neville Montgomery has got some very powerful friends.

[She scoffs]

Have you got something on him?

The beginning of a theory.

Come on, Angie...

You need more than that.

You just got back.

So why cross the man who's got the deputy chief's ear?

Because the Montgomerys are hiding something, and you know how I feel about secrets.

I do.

You know, I can only protect you so far.

I'll do the best I can.

I appreciate it.

So we're good?

We got a possible homicide down at the park.

You're primary.

I'm on it.


I keep expecting original-recipe cross, but this "new cross" is very, uh, amenable.

I'd guess Mark wants a fresh start.

There's something different about you.

Take a guess.

New glasses?

To go with my new prescription.

Just in time for your weapons re-certification.

When do you want to hit the range?

Oh, yeah, no, looking forward to that.

When do you want to do it?

Don't you have a m*rder to investigate?

I do.

Actually, that's what we're trying to figure out.

A cyclist called it in.

She spotted the car early this morning, and then...

She noticed that.


All right.

We also found bootprints and a blood trail going into the woods.

It'd be great if we could find the body.

Officers are combing the woods.

Search party found a possible m*rder w*apon.


Car belongs to a Robin Gould. Her purse was in the car.

There's no cash in the wallet, but the plastic is all there.

Also, the Eldon card test came back "O" -positive, which matches the blood in the trunk, as well as the blood type on Robin Gould's donor card.

Why would you back in here if you're gonna pull a body outta your trunk?

Well, they'd have to know the area, right?

Know they had the time to move the body.

They'd have to know they weren't coming back to their car.

Property manager says Robin Gould was a quiet tenant, paid her rent on time.

Except last month, she asked for an extension.

And he saw a "for sale" sign in her car window.

Hey, this building have security cameras?

No. And the canvass hasn't yielded anything.

Well, she had two prescriptions filled out recently... a citalopram and a heparin.

That'd probably help us confirm that the blood in the car was hers.

I'll take care of that, Detective.

Thank you, sir.

Yeah, but there's no blood here.

Everything's just spotless and white.

Who lives like this?

Someone who likes a clean house, obviously.

Yeah, says the man who's never had kids.

You're gonna need another excuse now that Manny's in college, you know that, right?

So we got no sign of forced entry anywhere.

No sign of a struggle except this.

What do you think? She lets someone in...

They come in, they grab a knife, they take her?

Or she tries to defend herself and fails.

She doesn't scream?

Maybe she goes willingly.

Doesn't know they have the knife.

No, eh?

Something's not clicking here.

We should get Lucas to look into the car sale.

Yeah, no, you better let me handle that.

He's got his plate full now, these days.

With what?

Not really my place to say.


Look at you, running the investigation.

I know. Just like a real detective.

Any word on the tox screen?

Traces of citalopram, an anti-depressant, and heparin.

People who are susceptible to blood clots take it.

Well, we found prescriptions for both of those in Robin Gould's apartment.

So the blood is definitely Robin's?

The DNA from the blood found in Robin Gould's trunk is consistent with the DNA found on the toothbrush from her apartment.

Anything else?

Toothbrush proved interesting.

That's the first time anyone's ever said that.

I found two separate DNA samples on it...

Robin's and a male's.

So, a boyfriend?

I didn't say that.

I said a male used her toothbrush.

So gross. Who shares their toothbrush?

Well, if I wake up somewhere unexpectedly.

You use your finger and toothpaste.



Why did you get into architecture?

That's what you're thinking about?

Is that wrong?

Not necessarily.

I did it for the hot girls.

And the eye wear.

What about you?

At first...

To make beautiful things.

And then?

And then I realized I wanted to leave a legacy.

You know, that's why most people have kids.

Well, I'm glad we agree we're not most people.

My mind could be changed.

I think I'd rather build a library.

It's always about work with you.

I thought my boss might like that.

It's one of the many things your boss likes.

Trail for the blood and the bootprints both went cold.

No trace of the body in the woods.

E.R.T.'s gonna call off the search.

What about fingerprints in the car?

Robin's, plus a few sets, but nothing that got a hit in the system.

Anything else useful in there?

You mean my settlement agreement?

Not likely.

Well, Betty didn't turn up anything unusual in the tox screen.

Digital forensics found an email chain between Robin and a potential buyer for her car.

She arranged to meet them at 7:00 P.M. last night.

Okay, well, the email suggests a premeditated abduction.

Yeah, but taking the knife from her apartment suggests spontaneity.

So does the sloppy crime scene.

Property manager said she was late on her rent and she was gonna sell her car, so, Vega, you check into her financials, I'll look into her phone records.

Nothing for me?

Do you have time?

Why wouldn't I?

Well, I just... I thought you were preoccupied, but you can chase down the person who sent the emails about the car.

No problem.

I'm gonna need your desk for the purpose of this investigation.

You can have mine.

The email account was created at the downtown library five minutes before responding to Robin's ad.

Okay, well, we know she was behind in her rent.

And she drained her checking account two days ago... almost 15,000, all cash.

Someone saw her withdraw the money, knew she was selling her car, and used that as their way in.

There's also the DNA on the toothbrush.

Well, someone at her office may know who she was seeing.

Or maybe she's dating someone from work.

You only make that mistake once.

Phone records show that her last call from her cell was at 6:58 to her firm.

Maybe that's her guy?

Man, I am hungry.

Cross: Yeah, me too.

Angie: I could go for Newman's.

[Men laughing]

No! No...

I hate this whole "whoever chooses lunch, pays for it" thing. No.

No, it's too late.

Been doing it for months.

You guys are gonna bankrupt me.

Paleo burger, please.

Two, please.

And a diet root beer.

What planet am I on?

I got to get down to the range.

Yes, you do.

You're gonna re-certify now?

I just need to get some practice in.

Thank you.


Detective Flynn.

Nice to see you here.

Join me.

Actually, I'm getting mine to go, but I'll wait with you.

This can't be a coincidence, running into you here.

This is your fault.

I haven't been able to stop thinking about burgers since you mentioned this place.

So you snuck away for a little lunch alone?

Robert doesn't appreciate the joys of fried food.

Well, that's a terrible way to live.

Not everyone understands our kind.

About London's funeral...

I heard I may have offended some people.

You don't have to apologize to me.

That implies I should apologize to someone?

Well, see it from the Montgomerys' side.

They've been through the wringer.

London's death. The funeral, the...

The lawsuit.

When you have money, people default to thinking the worst of you.

Well, I did appreciate the thought behind Neville's gift.

But departmental policy prevents you from accepting diamond tennis bracelets.


Yeah, among other things.

[Both chuckling]

That's me.

I should buy you a burger sometime.

Oh, well, that'd be great!

Just as long as it's not a thank-you.

Well, I could tell you to go to hell afterwards.

[Laughs] Call the department.


[Bell rings]

Thank you.

Full disclosure... I ran into Maria Snow on the lunch run.

Which I'm sure you didn't take advantage of.

As Robert's fiancée, she isn't "officially" a family member yet.

That seriously the angle you're gonna go with?

Uh, it might be, because she did offer to buy me lunch.

Well, just, uh, keep it friendly.

I'm always friendly.

But if the deputy chief finds out about my run-in, I want you to tell him it's your fault, because you eat paleo.

Tell me something... how's the case that you're actually assigned to going?

Vega and I are... we're headed to the victim's office.

Oh, and I ate your onion rings.

I didn't order onion rings.

Oh, good. Then we're fine.

Oh, that's terrible.

The city's planning department is making my life hell.

What's the problem?

I got an email saying our drawings violate the building code.

But Victor already promised us a variance on the height restrictions.

All we had to do was file the document.

Well, um, well, Victor's gone.

Can you deal with his replacement?

I can't trust anyone else.

Yeah. Consider it done.

Thank you.

Dinner at l'Abattoir as a thank-you.

Or... you could add my name to the door.

Partner? Really.

You already sealed the deal once.


I was waiting until your birthday to tell you.

Oh! And I spoiled your surprise!

I will make it up to you.

So who's this bad man who's making your life hard?

Geoff Armstrong.

You know, I almost feel sorry for the guy.

He's gonna learn the hard way not to cross you.

Geoff Armstrong, please.

Announcement: Geoff, there's a call for you.

How'd it go on the range?

Not so good.


Mr. Griffin will be with you shortly.


What did Robin do?

Is she in trouble?

I heard she, uh, called here last night.

Yeah. I took the call.

It was about seven.

She was crazy stressed when she couldn't reach Isaac.

What'd she call about?

Work, I bet.

Anything specific?

She's always on the clock.

I'm surprised she missed her chance to get here first on a Saturday and show us all up.

Oh. Sounds like a bit of a suck-up.


Tell me about it.

But Isaac can't see it.

Well, maybe that's changed since they called off the wedding.

I see. So who called it off? Robin or Isaac?

I heard she did.


Isaac's better off without her.

Why would anyone spend so much money to be so uncomfortable?

Keeps meetings short.

I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.

Deadline for this proposal was midnight last night, but the graphics department screwed up the layout, so I got a 12-hour extension, and...

You don't care about any of this.

I'm Detective Oscar Vega, this is my partner, Detective Angie Flynn.

What can I do for you?

We need to speak with you about one of your employees...

Robin Gould.

She okay?

Hey there!

We're meeting for the dive lesson up at the shop first.

Oh, no, I'm... I'm not a student.

She's missing?

Are you looking for her? What can I do?

Well, you can start by answering our questions.

Yeah, of course. Anything.

Where were you last night?

We have to ask.

Um, yeah, I-I was with, um, a city planner that Robin's been having a problem with...

Geoff Armstrong.

I tried a steak dinner and a football game to grease the wheel.

What kind of problems?

A building variance. She couldn't seal the deal.

Did you?

Still waiting to see.

We understand that you and Robin were engaged?

Um, yeah, until she returned the ring a few days ago.

I still don't know why.

I mean, one minute we're inseparable, the next she's saying that we want different things.

Did it seem odd when Robin didn't show up to work this morning?

Your assistant made it sound like it's all-hands-on-deck around here.

I-I... just... I just assumed that she's been working from home since we split.

I-I've been trying to give her space.

You notice anything else unusual with her lately?

Yeah. She dumped me.

Isaac was heartbroken.

Well, it could be she met someone else.

Isaac's the jilted lover who got jealous.

Or Robin's not feeling it anymore, but she doesn't come right out and say it 'cause she's afraid of losing her job.

Hey, Brian, will you check Isaac Griffin's alibi?

A "Geoff Armstrong."


Robin: I'd like to find a way to work this out.

It's not my job to rubber-stamp everything that crosses my desk.

But we've never had hold-ups like this in the past.

What can I say, Robin? It's a new world order.

It's Ms. Gould.

And don't make me go over your head.

What, to the guy who fired Victor and then hired me?

Knock yourself out.

I don't make Isaac for this.

Could be she ended it, and then he bides his time to put distance between the breakup and her disappearance.

But if his alibi checks out, then what are we left with? Robbery?

But why steal the money and nothing else?

Well, small bills are easy.

Fencing her electronics or her jewelry's risky.



Look at this. You guys are hilarious.

Uh, practice didn't go so well?

I'm a little rusty.

How rusty?

A little rusty.

[Cell rings]

It's Brian.

Hey, how'd it go with Geoff Armstrong?

Geoff Armstrong won't be talking now.

Well, so much for Isaac Griffin's alibi.

We were only 40 feet down when Geoff indicated he needed to cut the dive short.

We were ascending, and... he went limp.

I could see he wasn't breathing, and by the time I got him to the surface, it was too late.

Did he have a pre-existing medical condition?


You can take your time.

Not that I know of.

Geoff and me have been diving for years.

He'd come out on weekends to make a little extra cash, help me out.

Gave him an excuse to keep diving.

Why did he need an excuse?

You're not married.

I asked Geoff to stop diving, but he wouldn't listen.

He said it was perfectly safe.

I know this is very difficult for you, but I need to ask you a few questions.

Do you know where Geoff was last night?

An architect took him to dinner, then to the game.

Can you think of anyone who might have had a problem with your husband?

The architect that took him to dinner.

Isaac Griffin.

What happened to Geoff Armstrong does not strike me as an equipment malfunction.

You got that right!

He suffocated, and someone is going to great lengths trying to make it look like an accident.

I'm thinking they put nitrous oxide in his tanks.

He wouldn't be able to tell?

Not till it was too late.

I put a hemolysing agent in his blood, and I found nitrosyl-hemoglobin.

Hmm. What's that?

A tattoo.

Or the remnants of one.

Looks like the zodiac sign for cancer, the crab.

He had laser treatments.

Which are far more painful than you would think.


No judgment.

What'd you have?

Oh, let's just say it was one of teenage Angie's many bad decisions.

So a butterfly over a guy's name?

Care Bear?

That hurts my feelings.

Robin: You were not kidding when you promised long hours.

Well, it's a glamorous life.


Let's order in.

Already did. Thai is on the way.

Great. Now make my day and tell me you changed Armstrong's mind about the variance.

I wish I could.

He won't budge.

I threw this to you because I don't have time to deal with it.

I don't understand. What's the problem?

I'm doing the best I can with a very difficult person.

Hey, that was a question, not a criticism.

It's... it's just...

This is so important to us, and he is the reason we can't move forward.

Okay. Then I'll do it.

And once I smooth things over with him, you go back to being point person until we all cut the ribbon together.

I don't get how you do your job, be around all that death.

First, you should call me Angie, 'cause we're sharing fries, and second, I like my job.

Yeah, well, you are very good at reading people.

Mm. It's all the observation.

What can you tell me about me?

Well, I can't give away my trade secrets.

And you did not invite me here for my sparkling conversation.

Not entirely.

Um... you seem really nice, and I'm in an awkward position.

Your boss?

No. My fiance.

Robert is convinced that you're investigating him in relation to the m*rder of Derek Caster.

So he asked you to talk to me?

No. He doesn't even know I'm here.

I, um, was just hoping I could ease his mind.

Well, if there was an active investigation, I could not comment.

[Phone chimes]

I got to go.

What would you say if it was an inactive investigation?

I would say "thanks for the fries."

Say hi to Isaac.

So cute!

Here you go. Can you hold her?

Whoa. Really?


What if I break her?

Don't be silly.

You're a natural, and I need a break.

[Baby fussing]

Uh, Maura. How's mat leave?


Highly recommend it as a sleep-deprivation experiment.

Sorry to interrupt.

You're not interrupting.

If Isaac had it his way, you guys would already be married and part of the mommy-and-me group.

[Isaac chuckles]

I think I can get the hang of this.

Do you want to hold her?

I...have a meeting.

What meeting?

It's a really boring one. You'd hate it.

Nice to see you, Maura.

You too.

I buzzed you twice.

I told you to hold my calls.

There's a guy on the phone, and he says it's about Robin.


Man: Is this, uh, Isaac Griffin?

Yes. This is him. Did you find her?

Just a sec. Somebody wants to talk to you.


Robin? Is that you?

Please let it be you.


How bad was his practice?

From what I heard, pretty bad.

Well, I think all the ribbing's getting to him.

Well, look, if I tanked a practice, I'd be worried that people weren't making fun of me.

Anyway, we found a connection between Robin Gould and Geoff Armstrong.

Besides Isaac and the building project?

They went to the same college for two years.

Robin studied architecture.

Geoff, urban planning.

Can we prove they knew each other in school?

No, but that's not a coincidence.

Huh! No, not at all. These deaths are related.

They just might not be related through Isaac.

Want me to re-interview Geoff Armstrong's wife?

Yes. Where's Vega?

Went to talk to Betty.


Uh, hey...

I need a witness to my signature.

Do you mind?

Yeah. Yeah, no problem.


It's weird, you know?

We've been separated for almost a year, but now that we've got the papers, it's just...


The first one is always the hardest.

I'm not sure if that helps.

What I do know...

Is you're gonna get a lot of use out of your gym membership.

It'll get better.


You know, those glasses look good on you, Oscar.


Very authoritative and professional.

Well, my vision's been a bit blurry, so the optometrist thought some new lenses would help.

How long has that been going on?

Off and on now? A few weeks.

Any other symptoms?

Not really.

Not really what?

Not really, uh, you know, a few headaches.

Occasional double vision, but, you know, I'm a little stressed, so it's all...

It's no biggie.

Next time you have double vision, turn your head 90 degrees...

Turn it back...

Tell me what happens.


Okay, what else do you need?

Oh, I want to take another look at Robin Gould's case, see if there's anything that strikes you as weird.

Nah. It's pretty straightforward.

Really? So there's nothing odd about a 30-year-old woman taking heparin?

It's an anticoagulant.

Women who take oral contraceptives and had blood clots take it.

Any other uses?

Um... [exhales]

Clinical trials testing its efficacy in treating inflammatory bowel disease.

Mm. Yeah, that's not the direction I'm thinking.


It's used for blood storage, but only short term.

Well, how short?

Assume the same k*ller went after both of them.

We got a sloppy clean-up at Robin's crime scene and what seems like no plan for her m*rder, right?

So all the markings of a disorganized homicide.

But Geoff's death was nearly perfect...

In planning and execution.

In fact, if Isaac Griffin hadn't mentioned him as an alibi, then he might've been mistake as an accidental drowning.

Yes, but at least we have his body.

All we have for Robin is blood and some bootprints.

[Sighs] Pretty shallow bootprints.

Very shallow for a guy who wears a size 12.

Angie: Especially if he's carrying a body.

Which we have yet to find.

That's an excellent point.

All we have is a trail of blood leading in the woods.

What if that's because there was nothing for it to lead to?

Maybe there's no body?

Maybe Robin's not dead.

But how would she pull this off?

Betty said you could use heparin to store blood.

So Robin drew her own blood and then added the heparin after?

Well, you can't be accused of m*rder if you're already dead.

That's a great alibi.

Aw, it's a great alibi, especially if you're willing to throw your life away.


Oh, my god.


Oh, my god. I've been going out of my mind!

I thought... I thought you were dead!

I'm sorry you had to go through that.

What's going on?

We have to get out of here.

What happened?

Come with me. Right now!

I have to leave town, and I want you to come with me.

I thought you were dead, Robin.

You can't ask me to give up my whole life without knowing what this is all about.

I'm protecting you!

From what?

Please! Just trust me.

All I know is that it's not safe to stay here.

"Safe"? What does that even mean?

Robin, what kind of trouble are you in?

Just forget it! This was a terrible idea.



I already lost you once.

I can't let that happen again.

We'll figure this out together.

Are you sure?

Whatever this is about, nothing can change the fact that I love you.

Did Geoff ever tell you anything unusual that happened to him in his past?

Geoff was in a serious car accident when he was in college.

Was there a passenger in his car?

An old girlfriend.

She was injured pretty badly.

Geoff dropped out after that.

He called it his "year of the abyss."

Do you remember her name?


Have you ever seen this woman before?

Yeah. I, um...

I saw her near the dock the day Geoff died.

I thought she was a student.

Did she have dive gear?

She had something.

Did Geoff ever talk to you about Robin Gould?

Only to say they had the worst breakup ever.

Vega: We have reason to believe that Robin is still alive.


Well, then where is she?

You haven't heard from her?

No. I mean, if she had, I would have called you right away.

Then she hasn't told you that she m*rder*d Geoff Armstrong?

Geoff Armstrong's dead?

All signs point to Robin.

No... what?

You think Isaac's known all along Robin's alive?

No. No, he was devastated when we told him she was missing.

Well, he knows now.

Agreed, but I don't think he's gonna say anything.

No, he loves her.

Oh, yeah, no, helping a m*rder*r, that's, uh, that's love.

I know, send flowers, right?


[Remote entry chirps]

Hmm. Wonder where Isaac's heading off in such a hurry.

One guess.

You're late.

What's wrong?

The police know you're alive.

What did you tell them?



We have to go.

What have you done?

I love you. Isn't that enough?

Geoff Armstrong is dead.

They say that you k*lled him.

Tell me they're wrong.

Oh, my god.




Stay away from me.

Place your hands up!

Robin Gould!

Dispatch, we have affirmative contact.

Hands up where we can see them!

Nice and slow.

Isaac had nothing to do with this!

That's good to know.

Well, we proved she's not dead.

Now all we got to do is prove she k*lled Geoff Armstrong.

She faked her own death.

Yeah, but it doesn't prove that she k*lled him.

We have a witness down on the dock who saw her the day after she "died."

Yeah, but no one saw her switch the tanks, so all we really have is circumstantial evidence.

I dug into Geoff's car accident.

Robin was airlifted to hospital. Geoff? Not even a scratch.

Well, 10 years is a long time to hold a grudge.

What is that?

On her necklace?

That's the same thing that Geoff's getting lasered off his wrist.

Well, maybe he got it during pledge week and he regretted it ever since.

I have a superman logo over my heart.

Oh? That's better than mine.

"Rolling stones" lips?

Oh, stop it.

Chinese symbol for peace?

Now you're making fun of me.

Okay, so we have two cancer signs.

When was Robin born?

March 28th. She's an Aries.

So Geoff is January 25th. That makes him Aquarius.

So who's the cancer?

Hi, Robin.

I'm Detective Angie Flynn.

You had a lot of people worried about you.

[Angie clears her throat]

Faking your own death as an alibi...

I gotta tell you, that's one for the books.

Makes me wonder.

What happened between you and Geoff that would make you willing to go this far?

I know it has to do with the car accident.

Trauma like that can be hard on a relationship.

"Hard on a relationship."

That crash...

Changed me forever.

Would you like to drive?

Not if you slow down.

We're not missing that ferry.

It's okay, babe. So we miss one dive.

It's not a big deal.

It is.

I want to get in one more dive.


How far along were you?

First trimester.

How did you know that?

Geoff has the tattoo of a crab, and you have the same symbol on your necklace, so we knew that a birthday in July was meaningful to both of you, and after that, since we knew what to look for, everything fell into place.

Geoff was so excited, he got a tattoo.

I was worried about harming the baby, so he bought me the necklace.


And after the crash, you couldn't have children of your own?

Maybe I should talk to your supervisor.

What? The guy who fired Victor and then hired me?

Be my guest.

Well, what choice do I have? I can't work with you.

You better find a way, because I'm not going anywhere.

Why are you doing this to me?

Here we go.

"Here we go"?

I'm sorry. Are you uncomfortable?

Am I bringing back bad memories for you?

Like the time you caused my miscarriage that made me infertile?

Okay, calm down and lower your voice.

Yeah, why should I be upset, right?

You just ruined my life and then dumped me.

You know what? Spare me the martyr routine.

It was an accident.

Is your wife pregnant?

I've moved on, Robin.

It's time you did, too.

It must've felt impossible to move on.

Well, I tried, with Isaac.

But then he changed his mind.

About having kids?


Yeah, for Isaac, having kids became what life was all about.

There was... nothing else.

Do you have kids?

I have a son.

So then you know what it is to love that baby inside you so completely.

I'll never have that feeling again.

Geoff stole that from me.

I was going to lose everything all over again because of what Geoff did to me.

Is that why you k*lled him?


Cross: Nice work with that confession.


You know, quarterly reports will never be as satisfying as closing a case.

Yeah, but quarterly reports are a lot easier to leave at the office.

This'll never be just a job to you, will it?

That's why you're such a good detective.

You seen Vega?

I think he went to re-certify.


[Bell rings]

Hey! I passed.

Congrats. No double vision?

No, took your advice. It worked.

I want you to do me a favour...


And call this guy.

Tell him I sent you.

Who is it?

A specialist.

Can I buy you a drink?


Because it's your turn to come and see me.

Come over.


Okay. All right. I'll see you soon. Bye.

Maria, what are you doing here?

I'm sorry to come to your house, but I couldn't risk being seen at the station.

Well, what's going on? You all right? Everything okay?

I was taking notes on a call with Neville and his lawyer.

Neville asked me to step out of the room, and I forgot to turn my recorder off.

When I listened to it later, I heard Neville say, "if she wants 50,000, give her 50,000.

As far as I'm concerned, it's money well spent."

Here is a copy of the recording.

You have a theory to go along with this?

I think Neville Montgomery ordered Derek Caster's m*rder.