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04x16 - Poor Unfortunate Soul

Posted: 03/23/15 06:36
by bunniefuu
Previously on Once Upon A Time...

Emma: Regina's doing what?

David: She's going undercover.

Regina: They're after The Author, too. They feel the only way to get their happy ending is to destroy yours.

Regina: May I come in?

Gold: No amount of t*rture will work on him. But it will succeed on the man he used to be.

Emma: I know there's something about your past with Ursula you're not telling me. Did you break her heart?

Hook: Worse.

[ Past. Neverland ]

(It's night time, and Hook and his crew are sailing the ship through the waters of Neverland at night. Hook walks up to the helm and he's carrying a lantern. Smee is by the wheel and is eating cake.)

Hook: Mr. Smee, we are to return to Neverland with a full hold... not full bellies.

Mr Smee: Come on, Captain. Pan will never notice if a few cakes are missing.

Hook: You can eat as many cakes as you want after I find a way to destroy the Dark One. Until then, we keep pan happy.

Mr Smee: Of course.

Hook: (Begins to look entranced as a woman's voice can be heard) So you hear that? (The voice continues)

Mr Smee: It's beautiful.

(The sounds of waves crashing comes, the crew are too entranced by the Siren's song to notice that they are heading straight for rocks. Suddenly the singing stops, and the men come back to their senses.)

Hook: (Glances back through his telescope and sees that they are going to get shipwrecked) Rocks dead ahead! (He races back to the helm, and forcefully tries to steer the ship away from the rocks, successful in his actions)

Mr Smee: (Stands beside Hook) That voice, captain... What was it?

Hook: (Breathing heavily) The most dangerous creature in all the seas...A mermaid.

(The scene switches to a young Ursula sat on the rocks where Hook's ship was heading. She is watching Hook sail his ship back to safety. Ursula looks sad. A moment later, her father, Poseidon appears, and he isn't happy.)

Poseidon: Why did you let that ship go?

Ursula: I'm sorry, father, but I couldn't.

Poseidon: But I told you to. And I'm...

Ursula: Poseidon, King of the Sea. Yes, yes. I know, but still...I want to use my voice to make people happy, not to hurt them.

Poseidon: That's what your mother wanted, and look what happened to her.

Ursula: I miss her, too, father. But she's the one that taught me to sing, and I know she wouldn't want me to use my voice like this.

Poseidon: She also wouldn't want you to let her murderers sail free. She would want you to avenge her death.

Ursula: No! That's what you want! Just because one human hurt mother doesn't mean they're all bad.

Poseidon: Enough! As long as you live in my ocean, you will live by my rules.

Ursula: Then maybe I don't want to live in your ocean.

Poseidon: Ursula, pout all you want, but I expect you home by high tide. (Disappears in a rush of water)

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(At Mr Gold's cabin in the woods, Ursula is outside on the veranda, overlooking the lake, as she listens to someone singing on an old radio. She's unaware that Cruella has come outside)

Cruella De Vil: Darling. Come. You're missing out on all the fun.

(Ursula turns off her radio and follows Cruella. The scene changes to August who  is still tied up on a chair. Mr Gold and Regina are standing together, watching him struggle against his bonds)

August: I already told you... I don't know anything about this author.

Ursula: (Enters with Cruella and walks over to August, holding a knife against his throat) Well, perhaps you could use a little incentive.

August: Oh, that knife is not gonna make me remember something that I don't know.

Regina: Wait. (Uses her magic to take the knife from Ursula for herself)

Ursula: Is there a problem?

Cruella de Vil: I knew she'd never the stomach for this.

Regina: Please. I was torturing people back when you were still playing with puppies. This sorry excuse for a man used to be made of wood. So let's light a fire under him and see what happens. (She produces a magic fireball in her hand)

August: (Suddenly looks scared)  Okay. All right. You know something? I actually, uh, do remember something about The Author.

Regina: (Throws her fireball into the fireplace, lighting a fire)

August: Um...

Ursula: Don't hold out on us.

August: W-when I was in Hong Kong, uh, before the curse broke, I met a mystic. His name was The Dragon. I don't know how he knew about the book, but he had been looking for The Author for years. (He is looking at Mr Gold as he says this)

Mr Gold: And what did this "dragon" learn?

August: He died before I could ask.

Mr Gold: Oh, well, that's something you two are about to have in common. (Stands up and walks towards August)

August: And after he died... I took his research. And I brought it with me to Storybrooke.

Maleficent: Do you really think this man-child is telling us the truth?

Mr Gold: Well, it wouldn't be the first time he's lied to my face. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to pay a visit to his trailer to find out. (Walks over to coat rack and takes his jacket)

Ursula: While you're doing that, shall we carry on with the rest of the plan?

Regina: (Looks surprised) Rest of the plan? What aren't you telling me?

Mr Gold: You're gonna have to do a lot more than just kidnap a marionette and torch a few logs for us to tell you everything. In the meantime, be content that you've finally chosen the winning side.

Regina: (Walks over to the fire and stares at it for a few moments, before smoke quickly begins to rise to the top of the chimney)

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Emma, Hook, David and Mary Margaret are out searching for Regina/August. They are walking in the direction of the cabin, and it is clear that Emma is wound up, and Mary Margaret senses this)

Mary Margaret: It's okay, Emma. As long as he's with Regina, Pinocchio will be all right.

Emma: We don't know that. I just wish I hadn't let her ditch me.

Hook: Swan, you couldn't have known that she'd drop that tracking device.

Emma: Yeah, but I let her talk me into thinking kidnapping him was a good idea. If anything happens to that kid, it's my fault.

David: (Bends down to inspect the tracks they have been following) Uh, the tracks end here. Looks like the rain washed them away.

Hook: (Turns to look at Emma) Oh, would now be an appropriate time for a locator spell?

Mary Margaret: (Looking into the distance) We may not need one. Look.

(They all stop to look at the smoke travelling towards them. It engulfs Mary Margaret, before disappearing inside of her. The others look on concerned)

David: Mary Margaret.

Emma: What the hell was that? Are you okay?

Mary Margaret: (Her voice is Regina's as she speaks) I have to make this quick. We don't have much time.

David: Regina?

Mary Margaret: (Still Regina) Pinocchio's fine. He's back to his old self, or older self.

Emma: August.

Mary Margaret: (Still Regina) But there's something else you need to know... Gold is here. We're holed up in his cabin, and he's in town for more than just The Author. But he won't tell me why, which means whatever it is he's's bad. (Regina leaves Mary Margaret, and Mary Margaret is back to her normal self)

Hook: So the Dark One's returned.

Emma: Yeah. (Turns to look at Hook)  There's only one person who can help us drive him back out.

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Emma, Hook, David and Mary Margaret are now in Gold's shop. Belle is with them, and they have just told her the news that Mr Gold has returned. She looks shocked at the news)

Belle: H-h-he's here? (She is stammering over her words) Th-that's... That's impossible.

Mary Margaret: Well, did you really think he'd stay away?

Emma: (Rushes forward) The dagger... you need to hand it over so we can stop this fight before it starts.

Belle: (Looks confused) The dagger? I-I don't have the dagger. Killian does.

Hook: (Looks shocked by the news and looks amongst everyone) Who? Me? Well, I haven't seen that cursed blade since you commanded the Crocodile to leave the first time.

Belle: But y-you took it from me last night to hide it where no one could find it.

Hook: After the lifetimes I spent searching for a way to destroy the Dark One, I'm pretty certain I'd remember holding that dagger in my hand.

Belle: Okay, well, if I didn't give it to you, then who...

Emma: You gave it to Gold... (She turns to face Hook) Disguised as you. He's back, and so is his power.

Belle: Even when I didn't think he could deceive me anymore...He found a way.

Hook: Banishment was too good for that demon. We should have driven that dagger through his heart when we had the chance.

Emma: Then your name would be written across it.

Hook: It's a small price to pay to ensure the Crocodile wouldn't come back again.

Emma: I know you're angry, but we defeated him before and we'll do it again.

Mary Margaret: Yeah, but the question is, how? We don't even know what he's planning.

David: First, we save August.

Hook: Yeah. You do that. I'll find out the Dark One's secret.

David: How are you gonna do that?

Hook: The sea witch Ursula. Remember when I said I had a past with her? Now's the time to use it.

Emma: How?

Hook: By taking a page out of your book, Swan. I'm gonna return her happy ending.

Emma: Can you really do that?

Hook: Aye. Because I'm the one who took it from her in the first place.

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Regina, August and the Queens of Darkness are still in Mr Gold's cabin, and they are waiting for Gold to return. Regina sits next to August, and she has the page of her and Robin Hood in her hands, slowly unfolding it). 

August: (Sighs) What's that... more kindling?

Regina: This page appeared to someone very important to me.

August: Robin Hood?

Regina: How do you know about Robin Hood?

August: Just 'cause the boy doesn't remember being me doesn't mean I don't remember being the boy.

Regina: Well, you're right. Robin did find it. But this page... it depicts something that didn't happen. And I think you know more than you're saying.

Cruella de Vil: (Notices that Ursula suddenly got a bit shifty) What's the matter, darling? Is there something out there?

Ursula: It's nothing. Just gonna go stretch my tentacles.

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Hook is in the woods near the cabin, trying to get Ursula to come to him. He's blown through a shell to get her)

Hook: Where is that infernal creature? (Suddenly tentacles crush him and he grunts in pain)

Ursula: Right here, captain.

Hook: Wait. I want to offer you a deal.

Ursula: After what you did to me? I don't think so.

Hook: Gold was wrong. You don't have to find the author to get what you want. (Gasps in air when Ursula releases her tentacles from around him)

Ursula: And why should I believe a word you say? Because I know what it is you desire.

Hook: And I know exactly where to get it.

Ursula: You still have it?

Hook: The Dark One... he's here for more than just The Author. If I return your happy ending, you're gonna tell me exactly what he's doing in Storybrooke.

Ursula: You got yourself a deal.

[ Past. Enchanted Forest ]

(Hook and his crew are in a tavern. A now human Ursula is singing, and all the men in the tavern listen entranced to her voice)

Ursula: ♪ I'll tell you a tale of the bottomless blue ♪
♪ And it's hey, to the starboard, heave ho ♪
♪ Look out, lad, a mermaid be waiting for you ♪
♪ In mysterious fathoms below ♪
♪ Mysterious fathoms below ♪

(She finishes and is met with applause)

Hook: (He has been watching her and he finally stands, making his way over to her) I'd recognize that voice anywhere. You're the mermaid who nearly sank my ship. But you didn't. For that, I owe you a drink.

(The scene changes to Hook and Ursula sat at a table in the corner of the room, they both have a drink. Ursula is in the process of explaining what happened earlier)

Ursula: After I let you escape, my father said I had to obey his rules if I wanted to live in his ocean.

Hook: Ah. I see you don't take well to ultimatums.

Ursula: (Chuckles) I broke into his vault and stole this. It lets me walk on land. (She shows him a bracelet)

Hook: Well, you're a brave lass.

Ursula: My father wasn't always so cruel, you know. He used to be happy. Listening to my mother and me sing used to bring him joy.

Hook: What changed, love?

Ursula: My mother was k*lled... By a pirate. That's why he forbade me to sing, except to guide sailors to their doom. He turned my voice into a w*apon. But it's all I have left of my mother. Singing is the only way to keep her spirit alive.

Hook: You have a rare gift. Your voice can soothe even the most haunted soul.

Ursula: You really think so?

Hook: For almost a century, my every waking moment has been consumed by one thought... making an evil man pay for what he did to the woman I loved. Listening to your voice... took away that pain. If even just for a brief moment.

Ursula: That's all I ever wanted To make people happy.

Hook: Well, that's what you're doing. So, why are you singing in this rat's nest?

Ursula: I'm saving for passage to Glowerhaven. My mother said it was her favourite place to sing. I'm trying to earn enough gold...

Hook: Oh, you don't need gold for that trip.

Ursula: I won't?

Hook: Not if I take you.

Ursula: (Chuckles) You'd really do that for me?

Hook: Meet me at the docks tomorrow morning.

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Hook and Ursula are standing at the docks, and Hook's ship is nowhere in sight.)

Ursula: So, where exactly did you bury my treasure?

Hook: Oh, I didn't bury what you're after. It's aboard the Jolly Roger.

Ursula: So where's the Jolly Roger?

Hook: Ha. Back in the Enchanted Forest. Now, can you still open portals underwater, or did you give up that power when you became the monster you are?

Ursula: The monster that you made me.

Hook: Can you open the portal or not?

Ursula: Yes, I can. But I'm afraid I'll need something from the Jolly Roger to know exactly where it is.

Hook: (Pulls a piece of wood out of his jacket) Piece of the rigging. Did you really think I'd trade my ship without taking a souvenir? (He hands the wood to Ursula who just holds it)  What's the matter... you don't like the ocean?

Ursula: I haven't dipped my toe in the sea since I was banished to this world. Stand back. (She uses her tentacle to touch the water, a small whirlpool appears)

Hook: It didn't work.

Ursula: (Chuckles) Yes it did.

Hook: (Looks down and see that his ship is caught in a glass bottle) Bloody hell.

Ursula: Looks like you're not the only thing that's changed.

[ Past. Enchanted Forest ]

(Hook has just left the tavern, and as he makes his way back towards the docks. He senses that someone is following him, so he stops and goes to turn)

Hook: The last man who tailed me ended up with a dagger in his gut. (Goes to attack whoever is following him, but he is grabbed by two men and a hood is put over his head)

(The scene changes to two men dragging Hook onto his ship, both holding onto his arms to stop Hook from attacking them). One of them removes his hood, and the let go of him and step back)

Hook: (Scoffs as his eyes land on Poseidon) You dare drag me onto my own ship? You're a dead man.

Poseidon: You listen to me. My daughter is not going anywhere near this vessel tomorrow.

Hook: (Chuckles) Well, threatening me isn't gonna make her change her mind.

Poseidon: (Holds out a small shell) I don't need to change her mind. You do.

Hook: How's a seashell gonna help me?

Poseidon: (Waves his trident over the seashell and the shell glows momentarily) It's now enchanted to take away her reason to leave...her voice. Or rather, her singing voice. If she can't sing, she'll return to the sea, where she belongs.

Hook: She told me what that voice means to her. I won't betray her, not since she spared my ship.

Poseidon: What if I could offer you a way to destroy the Dark One?

Hook: What do you know about my feud with the Crocodile?

Poseidon: I know you've spent a lifetime searching for a way to k*ll him. I can offer you magic that will finally set you free.

Hook: What kind of magic do you mean?

Poseidon: Squid ink. A single drop is potent enough to paralyse any being, even Rumplestiltskin.

Hook: And all I have to do is steal your daughter's singing voice?

Poseidon: It's simple, pirate. Just show her how awful humans really can be.

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Hook and Ursula enter Mr Gold's shop, where Belle and Will have clearly just been kissing. They pull away as Ursula and Hook walk towards them)

Hook: Do hope we're not interrupting, but we need the thief's assistance.

Belle: And how do I know That you're really Killian?

Hook: Oh, now you decide to question my identity?

Ursula: If he were the Dark One, lover boy here would already be dead.

Will: Yeah, she's got a point there.

Will: But why should I help you?

Hook: Because for once, we want the same thing... the Dark One gone. The key to making that happen is in here. (Pulls out the glass bottle with his ship inside)

Will: (Bends down slightly to look at the ship) Right. That your ship, is it? Bit small, isn't it?

Hook: Careful, mate. It's unwise to insult the size of a pirate's ship. And you spent more time in wonderland than anyone I know. You must have something that can restore it.

Will: You're in luck. I think I might have just what you need.

[ Present. Storybrooke. Regina's Dream ]

(Regina is walking alone through the woods, looking at the page of her and Robin kissing)

Robin Hood: Regina!

Regina: Robin?

Robin Hood: Regina!  

Regina: Robin! I don't understand. How did you get here?

Robin Hood” That doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is I'm here with you now. (They kiss passionately, happy to be reunited)  

Regina: (Pulls away and smiling, but it quickly drops) Someone's watching. (She turns to see the Evil Queen walking towards them)

Regina: What the hell are you doing here?

Evil Queen: Get away from him! (Throws a fireball at the two of them)

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

Regina: (Gasps and wakes up)

Maleficent: (Has been watching her sleep) If you're having trouble sleeping, I have something that might help.

Regina: I'm fine. Thank you.

Mr Gold: (Enters the cabin and shuts the door behind him) Hello, dearies.

Cruella de Vil: Tell us... did you find anything at the puppet's trailer?

Mr Gold: (Chuckles) Of course not. I didn't even look. The man's a born liar. He never would have cracked so easily. Instead, I paid a visit to the fairies. Or rather, a visit to their ample supply of magic. (He pulls out a small potion vile)  Now, this potion can temporarily reverse any spell those do-gooders cast. They made him real. This can undo that. I promise you, deary... This is gonna hurt. (He removes August's gag and forces him to drink the potion, and very slowly August turns back into wood) Now... Let's see if we can pull this puppet's strings.

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Emma, Mary Margaret and David pull up before a bridge in the truck and all get out, straight away heading in the direction of Gold's cabin.)

Emma: Gold's cabin's up ahead. We go on foot from here.

Mary Margaret: Anything from Hook? Think he's managed to turn Ursula yet?

David: If she hasn't turned him.

Emma: Really? We're thinking that now?

David: Well, he kind of went to a dark place this morning.

Emma: Do you blame him? If Gold did to me what he did to Hook, I'd want to shove that dagger through his heart, too.

Mary Margaret: Emma, that's not you. You're not...

Emma: (Interrupts and defends Hook) It's also not Hook. Relax. I'm just saying I understood where he was coming from. Come on. Gold might not hurt a kid, but August? Who knows what he'll do to him? (Continues walking in the direction of the cabin)

(The scene changes back to Mr Gold, Regina and the Queens of Darkness in the cabin. August is completely wood again, having gone through the painful transformation. August turns back into a man again)

Cruella de Vil: When you said it was temporary, you weren't kidding, were you, darling?

Mr Gold: You see, you may no longer look like the puppet you once were, but it matters not. That potion you just drank has activated that... built-in lie detector of yours.

August: I don't know what you're talking about. (He groans as his nose starts to grow)

Mr Gold: (Chuckles) Excellent. The next lie is gonna hurt. (He forces August towards the fire and dangles his nose in it, August clearly in pain) What do you know about The Author?

August: I already told you everything. (He lies and his nose grows once again. He grunts in pain as his nose gets closer to the fire)

Mr Gold: Try again, dearie. Where is he?

August: I don't know. (His nose grows once again)

Mr Gold: Do not fool yourself. I will get my answer.

August: Okay.

Mr Gold: (Pulls him back) Where is he?

August: All right. I'm gonna tell you what you want to know. The Sorcerer, uh, trapped The Author behind a door.

Cruella de Vil: The Sorcerer? A door? He's speaking in riddles.

August: No, listen to me, Gold. You know about the sorcerer. You know I'm telling the truth. And she... (He turns to look at Regina) She knows about the door. I know my papa gave you my things. There was a page that I took out of the book. Had an illustration of the door on it.

Mr Gold: Regina?

Regina: They were just scraps of paper.

Mr Gold: Then you'll have no problem sharing them with us now.

Regina: Well, I would if I hadn't already given them to Henry.

Mr Gold: (Nods, before looking back at August) Do you remember what the door looks like?

August: Uh... Made of wood. Hand-carved frame. Gilt in gold.

Mr Gold: Where is the door?

August: All I know... Is... it's somewhere in Storybrooke.

Mr Gold: (Chuckles and pats August's back, before pushing August back onto the chair) There we are, now. That wasn't so hard, now, was it? Since the sorcerer was the one who did the trapping, we will start our search for the door at his mansion. Maleficent. (He starts putting on his jacket)

Regina: I'll stay here and watch the puppet.

Mr Gold: No, no. Cruella will be our guard dog. Since you're the only one who's seen the drawing of the door, you're gonna have to help us find it. (Leaves the cabin)  

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Hook and Ursula are back at the docks with the fluid that Will gave them, which will enlarge Hook's ship to it's proper size. Hook is holding the glass bottle, and Ursula is preparing to drop the water onto the bottle)

Hook: Be careful, love. That's distilled from wonderland's finest mushrooms. Spill one drop, and, well, Storybrooke will have a giant squid in its harbour.

(The ship inside the bottle begins to glow yellow, and Hook throws the bottle into the water, as he and Ursula watch on. Moments later the ship returns to it's original size)

Hook: Now that's a ship fit for a pirate.

[ Past. Enchanted Forest ]

(Ursula is singing on the ship again, and the crew are distracted, including Mr Smee. Hook makes his way down onto the deck, getting ready to set sail.)

Ursula: ♪ fathoms below ♪

Hook: Mr. Smee, clear the deck.

Ursula: ♪ Below. Wayward Western winds blow ♪

Hook:  I'd like a moment alone with our guest.

Smee: (Whistles, to signal the crew to leave Ursula and Hook alone)

Ursula: ♪ Poseidon is king and his merpeople sing ♪
♪ In mysterious fathoms below ♪
♪ Mysterious fathoms ♪ (Stops singing when she realizes Hook wants to talk to her) I hope you don't mind. I thought your crew might like something to work by.

Hook: Aye. It's beautiful. I'm afraid I've got something to show you. (He holds his hand out to reveal the shell that Poseidon gave him)

Ursula: I know what that is. Why do you have that? Please don't use it!

Hook: Don't worry. I won't. But you must know... your father gave this to me. He thought you'd return home if you could no longer sing. In exchange for helping him, he offered me squid ink... a w*apon that would finally let me get my revenge against the Dark One.

Ursula: And you would sacrifice that prize for me?

Hook: I know that voice is the only thing you have left of your mother. If I had something left of my love... Look, I may be a pirate... but I have a code. And I promise to never take that voice from you.

Ursula: But that means you'll remain trapped as Pan's servant forever.

Hook: Not necessarily. You stole that bracelet from your father's vault. I'd wager that's where he keeps the squid ink.

Ursula: You want me to steal it for you.

Hook: I'll take you to Glowerhaven and wherever else you want to go.

Ursula: Then we can both get what we want.

Hook: Aye.

Ursula: Now you're thinking like a pirate.

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Hook and Ursula are now on the ship, and are heading into the room where Hook is keeping Ursula's voice. Hook in the process is taking in his ship, happy to see it again)

Hook: Mm. I never thought I'd walk this sweet vessel again.

Ursula: Yes, well, you can ogle your ship after you return my singing voice.

Hook: (Takes is hook out from it's brace and the attachment is a key, which he uses to open a safe, before attaching his back in place. He holds the shell out to her) Now, you know the deal I hand this over, you tell me every detail of the Dark One's plan. (Hands the shell to Ursula)

Ursula: (The shell begins to vocalize) Oh, you hear that?

Hook: (Smiles) Aye.

Ursula: (Watches as her voice leaves the shell and begins to travel towards her. Moments later, it stops and disappears back in the shell) It didn't work.

Hook: Why the devil not?

Ursula: Because you're wrong, Hook. Villains can't get their happy endings. (Sighs) I never should have believed you when you said we could do this without The Author.

Hook: I delivered your voice. It's not my fault if your magic can't get it out of the bloody shell. Now tell me what Gold has planned.

Ursula: Our deal is over. You get nothing!

Hook: (He angrily grabs his g*n, cocks it and points it at Ursula) Our deal is not done. I have to stop the Dark One. He's taken too much from me already.

Ursula: You haven't changed one bit. Still the same selfish pirate, as always. Never go up against a woman with eight hands. (She uses one of her tentacles to knock the g*n out of his hand) Especially when you only have one. (Knocks him out)

(The scene changes to Ursula on the deck of the ship, holing Hook in one of her tentacles. Hook is still unconscious)

Ursula: Have a nice swim, Captain. (She throws him overboard)

(Hook lands in the water, and immediately goes under from his heavy leather and not being conscious to try and stay afloat. Moments later, he reappears and Ariel has a hold of him)

Ariel: Don't worry. You can thank me later.

(The scene changes to Ariel throwing Hook back on his bed. He's conscious now, but wet and cold)

Ariel: Are you okay?

Hook: Aye.

Ariel: Good. (She leans forward and slaps him across the cheek hard) That's for tossing black beard overboard before he could tell me where Eric was. I had to rescue that awful man to find him.

Hook: Then why are you here? I thought you and your prince were living happily ever after.

Ariel: I was, until I got trapped in that bottle. After you traded the Jolly Roger to Black Beard, he used your ship to terrorize a lot of people, including some royals from Arendelle. The queen trapped your ship as punishment.

Hook: Elsa did that?

Ariel: And I accidentally got swept up in the magic, so thanks for letting me out. Was that the real Ursula? Why was she throwing you overboard?

Hook: Because I was so focused on getting what I want, I made a promise to her I couldn't deliver. (Groans) Maybe she was right. Maybe villains can't get their happy endings.

Ariel” Maybe that's because villains always go about getting them the wrong way.

Hook: I'm gonna need your help.

[ Past. Enchanted Forest ]

(Ursula is back from stealing the squid ink from her father, and she meets Hook on the deck of his ship, holding it out for him)

Hook: I trust that you didn't run into any trouble.

Ursula: Nothing I couldn't handle.

Hook: I've waited a century for this. I couldn't have done this without your help, Ursula. So, tell me, where do you want to go to first?

Poseidon: (He has arrived on the ship without either of them noticing) You're not taking her anywhere.

Hook: (Sees his men draw their swords ready to fight) Stand down, men. This is between me and the sea king.

Ursula: No! It's about me. Hook told me what you asked him to do. You were trying to take away the only thing I have left of mother.

Poseidon: So I wouldn't lose you the way I lost her. You may have fooled my daughter, but I know exactly what you are. You only care about one thing... your vengeance. (He uses his trident to take back the squid ink) Now you'll never get it.

Hook: (Angry) You have no idea what you've just done. (Attempts to draw his sword to strike Poseidon, but gets frozen)

Poseidon: You dare attack a deity?

Hook: I don't have to k*ll you to make you suffer. I know I'm not the only one consumed by vengeance. (He suddenly turns to Ursula and holds the shell out, it beginning to take away her voice)

Ursula: No! (Her voice leaves her and enters the shell)

Hook: (Momentarily looks guilty before turning back to Poseidon) Now you'll never sink another ship with this.

Ursula: (Hoarsely) How could you? You said you had a code. You said you'd never steal my voice.

Hook: That was before your father destroyed my one chance at revenge.

Ursula: My father is a tyrant, but you're no better. Keep it. If this is what humans are like, no one deserves to hear it. (She takes off the cuff and jumps off the side of the ship)

Poseidon: Ursula! (He turns to face Hook) Give me the shell.

Hook: And give you the satisfaction of returning it to her? Now go. Before I destroy it and everything you hold dear.

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(August is fully back to normal now, the potion having finally worn off. Cruella is sitting in an arm chair watching him)

Cruella de Vil: Thank heavens that potion was only temporary. The scruff is so much more attractive than the timber.

Emma: (Kicks open the door and enters the cabin) I'm here for my friend.

Cruella de Vil: So, the saviour found us, did she? Now leave. (She pulls out her g*n and points it at Emma)

Emma: (Raises her hands, ready to perform magic)

Mary Margaret: (She is there first and knocks Cruella out by hitting her over the head with a frying pan, and Cruella falls to the floor unconscious)

Emma: Nice one, mom.

Mary Margaret: Well, first thing you learn as a bandit... back door's usually unlocked.

Emma: (Turns to August and places her hand on his shoulder) August, are you okay? Did they hurt you?

August: I'll survive.

Emma: (Uses her magic to un-tie the ropes around his legs)

August: Oh. Well, I see somebody's been practicing.

Emma: Well, I seem to remember someone telling me I just needed to believe in myself.

August: I always knew you'd figure it out.

Emma: (Kneels down in front of him) It's good to have you back, even if it isn't the way things were supposed to be. I'm glad I didn't have to wait 20 years to see you as you again.

August: (Chuckles) Me too.

Emma: Come on. Let's get you out of here. (Stands up)

Ursula: (Enters the cabin and stops her) No one is going anywhere.

Emma: (Looks around for Hook and a worried expression crosses her face) Where the hell is Hook? What'd you do to him?

Ursula: Sorry, sweetheart. Your boyfriend is shark bait.

Emma: (Raises her hands to strike Ursula with magic)

Ursula: (Uses her tentacles to start strangling Mary Margaret) Oh! Drop those hands, or your mother here's gonna need gills to breathe.

[ Past. Somewhere at sea ]

(Ursula is sitting alone in the same place as before, only this time not singing. Poseidon arrives)

Poseidon: I'm sorry, Ursula. But I had to.

Ursula: Don't you understand? My singing was the only thing keeping mother's spirit alive, and now she's gone forever. You wanted me to choose a side. Well, father, I'm choosing one... mine! (She reaches out and grabs his trident, pointing it at her)

Poseidon: (Puts his hands up in a surrendering motion) Ursula, don't!

Ursula: All you ever wanted was for me to remain your precious, little mermaid. Well, I'm not gonna be that anymore. In fact, I'm not gonna be a mermaid at all. You named me Ursula after the sea goddess of old. Legend says she was strong and powerful. Well, that's exactly what I want to be.

Poseidon: Ursula, wait!

Ursula: (She points his trident at her tail and moments later, eight tentacles appear) Now I'm even more powerful than you. And the whole sea will be at the mercy of my every whim. You don't need to protect me, father. You need to fear me.

[Present. Storybrooke ]

(They are all still in Gold's cabin. Mary Margaret is still be strangled by Ursula's tentacle, and Emma, David and August can only watch on)

Emma: Ursula, you don't need to do this.

Ursula: That's where you're wrong. I can't have him leave with you. Not when The Author is the only one who can give me what I want.

Hook: (He enters the cabin, looking healthy) That's not true.

Emma: (Sighs with relief)

Ursula: How are you still breathing?

Hook: (Walks further into the cabin and stands beside Emma, who puts her hand on his arm) I'm good at surviving. Or you're bad at k*lling. Either way, you don't need the author to get what you want. I know why you couldn't release your voice from that shell. Only the one who enchanted it can do that.

Ursula: Wait. You don't mean...

Hook: (Nods) Aye.

Poseidon: (Walks into the cabin)

Ursula: Father?

Poseidon: Ursula.

Ursula: (Gasps) How are you here in this land?

Poseidon: A young mermaid found me and brought me through a portal. I need to say something. I'm sorry, Ursula. I never should have forced you to use your voice as a w*apon. It was just... Every time I heard you sing, I heard your mother, and it was too painful. I let that pain fuel my desire for vengeance, but it shouldn't have. It should have reminded me that I still had a piece of her... you. Let me return your voice so I can hear it one last time. (He opens his palm, and the shell is there)

Ursula: (Her voice travels towards her and she starts vocalizing. Moments later, her voice is back)

Poseidon: (Sighs)  Now that you are whole again, I'll leave you in peace.

Ursula: Wait. My voice is all we have left of mother. You took it from me once. I don't want to do the same thing to you.

Poseidon: What are you saying?

Ursula: I've missed you. (Hugs Poseidon)

Emma: (Now has her hand on Hook's chest and his arm is around her. She smiles up at him as he helped return Ursula's happy ending)

Poseidon: I've missed you, too.

Mary Margaret: (She notices that Cruella is gone) Where's Cruella?

David: Uh, she must have slipped away, most likely to warn Gold. We should clear out before they get back.

Ursula: (She silently thanks Hook again before leaving with Poseidon)

Emma: (To August) Are you okay?

August: I'm okay. (He is helped out the cabin by Mary Margaret and David)

Emma: (Knows that something is bothering Hook) Hook, what's wrong? You gave Ursula everything she wanted.

Hook: But I almost didn't, love. I was so desperate to figure out what the Crocodile was up to, I almost became the man I used to be. You have no idea how easy it is to fall back into the darkness.

Emma: (Moves closer to him) Whatever mistakes you made with Ursula, you fixed.

Hook: Aye. But it's a stark reminder of something.

Emma: What?

Hook: With all this talk of authors and the book, we've never discussed one fact... I was a villain.

Emma: But you're not anymore.

Hook: Neither is Regina, but she still lost her happy ending. If we're to believe the rules of the book, then it's only a matter of time before I lose mine.

Emma: Wait. If you're afraid of losing your happy ending, that means you found it. What is it?

Hook: Don't you know, Emma? It's you.

Emma: (She tears up at his words, and continues to look at him for a few moments, before leaning into kiss him. A lone tear makes its way down her cheek. She's happy crying)

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Regina, Mr Gold and Maleficent are walking back towards the cabin, after having an unsuccessful search at the Apprentice's mansion for the door)

Regina: Well, that was a royal waste of time.

Mr Gold: The door may not be in the sorcerer's mansion, but it's somewhere in Storybrooke. We will find it.

Cruella de Vil: (Screeches to a stop in front of them in her car)

Mr Gold: (Surprised to see her) What are you doing here? Where's August?

Cruella de Vil: They rescued him... the heroes.

Mr Gold: You had one simple task.

Cruella de Vil: It wasn't my fault! We have a mole.

Maleficent: (Looks at Regina) Who would be foolish enough to cross us?

Cruella de Vil: I know exactly who. Ursula. She sold us out for a reunion with daddy dearest.

Mr Gold: All right. We may have lost our informant, but we still have his information. (Turns to face Regina)  Bring us the illustration of the door. Maybe there's something in it the puppet missed.

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(It's night now, and Hook, Ursula and Poseidon are at the docks)

Hook: I suppose this is farewell.

Ursula: It is, but first, I have to hold up my end of the deal. (Ursula nods at Poseidon, before he leaves them on the dock) Gold's plan... I'm afraid it involves Emma. She's the only way he can secure happy endings for the villains.

Hook: Well, I thought he was gonna get The Author to rewrite everyone's stories.

Ursula: It's not that simple. The Author can't just change things in this world because he didn't give everyone their happy endings here.

Hook: Emma did.

Ursula: She's the savior. And as long as there's a savior, The Author can't give the villains what they really want. And the Dark One knows this.

Hook: The Dark One's gonna try to k*ll Emma?

Ursula: Worse... he plans to fill her heart with darkness forever.

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Emma is making a hot drink in the kitchen in the Blanchard apartment when Regina enters. Henry is looking through the book, and August is asleep on the couch)

Regina: (Sighs and walks up to Emma) We're lucky he's okay.

Emma: It wasn't luck. You got us that message. Thank you.

Regina: I need your help with something.

Emma: What is it?

Regina: I had a dream today... Robin Hood came back, we were finally together, but then, I... The Evil Queen... showed up with a fireball in her hand.

Emma: I may not be Archie, but it sounds like you're afraid of the villain you used to be and the one you might become again.

Regina: No, I don't think that's it. In my dream, I don't think the Evil Queen was there to hurt Robin. I think she was there to protect him.

Emma: From what?

Regina: I don't know. I just... Felt it. You used to track people for a living. Can you get me a phone number, a way to contact him, anything?

Emma: Yeah. Yeah, I can do that.

Henry: Mom!

Emma: (Brings August the hot drink)

August: (Is awake now and doesn't look happy to see Regina and he is also looks surprised) What is she doing here?

Emma: Oh, it's okay. I promise.

Regina: (Sighs) August... We need to talk about how I'm going to keep up my cover with Gold. The only reason I was able to come here... is because they think I'm stealing this page. We didn't find the door at the sorcerer's mansion.

August: That's because it's not there.

Henry: What?

Regina: But... You said you didn't know where it was. And your nose didn't grow.

August: My nose didn't grow because I wasn't lying. When Gold asked me, I didn't know where the door was because I didn't know where Henry was keeping this page. Regina... (Points at the page) This isn't just an illustration. This is the door. The Author is trapped inside the book.