08x17 - All I Need Is You

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Heartland". Aired: October 2007 to present.*
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A multi-generational saga set in Alberta, Canada and centered on a family getting through life together in both happy and trying times.
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08x17 - All I Need Is You

Post by bunniefuu »

Amy: Previously on "Heartland"...

Georgie: What's going on?

Katie: Divorce.

Georgie: What do you mean divorce?

We will be there for you, no matter what.

No you won't! Because if you wanted to be there for me, then you wouldn't be doing this!

Jack: Are you in love?

Tim: No, I barely speak to her.

Jack: I mean with Casey.

Jesse: Come on, we both know Caleb's not gonna come up with the cash in time, so pack up your stuff and get out.

Ty: don't do this.

Jesse: Oh, I'm just getting started.


(Punching thuds)

Jesse: Oh!

Ty: Get your hands off me!

Jesse: I've got you now.

Amy: Ty, what's going on? Where were you...?

I think I might be in trouble, Amy.

(Truck rumbles)

(Truck rumbles to a halt)

Here we are.

Are you nervous?

A little. Mostly just excited.

Amy: Me too.

Ty: Yeah.

(Doors open and bang shut)

(Birds chirp)

Amy and Ty: (Chuckle excitedly)

(Door opens)

(Door creaks shut)

(Zippers unzip, jackets rustle)

Minister: You must be the young couple that Joanna was telling me about.

Ty and Amy.

Ty: Yes... hi. Thanks you for doing this.

We really appreciate it, especially on such short notice.

Minister: "Why put off till tomorrow, what you can do today?"

This is my husband. He'll be acting as your witness.

All right then. Let's begin.

Are you both ready?

Lou: Okay, so... your wedding date is on the 29th.

Which gives us very little time to tie up loose ends.

For example, somebody needs to call back all of the guests who didn't rsvp.

And, by my count, there are at least 20 people who haven't replied yet.

Amy: Okay, I will do that as soon as I get back.

Lou: Great. And I'm gonna call each of the vendors and reconfirm every last detail.

Amy: Okay, thanks, Lou. That's a great idea.

Lou: What about your shoes?

Amy: My shoes...?

Lou: Yeah, have you practiced walking in them yet?

Amy: Uh... just at the store.

Lou: Amy, aren't you worried that you're gonna trip down the aisle or land face first on the dance floor?

Amy: I guess I am now. Why can't I just wear cowboy boots?

Lou: When you get back, I want you in those shoes doing laps around the house.

You can wear them while you're on the phone.

Amy: Great. Okay, I will, but I've gotta go right now.

I'm meeting Scott.

Lou: Okay.

Just hurry back, okay?

Oh, Amy, you know what? I almost forgot.

You need to tell Ty to get his hair cut, preferably today.

Amy: What? Why?

Lou: Because if he goes to the barber too close to the wedding, then he's gonna look like it's his 6th grade picture day.

Amy: Ugh. Okay.

Lou: Where is Ty anyway?

Amy: He's studying at his place.

Lou: At the trailer? I thought he got kicked out.

Jesse doesn't take possession of the land until the end of the month.

I guess we can officially take Jesse Stanton off the guest list?

Amy: Yes, that's probably a good idea. I really have to go, Lou.

Lou: Okay, look, as soon as you get back, we'll just go over the seating chart one last time.

Amy: Okay.

Lou: (Sighs)

(Door bangs shut, truck rumbles)

(Truck rumbles to a halt)

(Door slams shut)

(Crows caw)

Scott: Sort of creepy, isn't it?

Amy: (Gasps) Yeah, you could say that again.

So what happened to the owners?

Scott: Couldn't pay their mortgage.

Took off in the middle of the night.

And the horse they left behind is not been broke and definitely is not used to being around people.

Come on, I'll show you.

Scott: You sure you have time to take on a new horse?

Amy: Yeah, of course.

Scott: Aren't you getting married soon?

Amy: Am I?

Oh, yeah, I guess I am.

(Horse snorts nervously, gate clanks)

(Horse snorts, hooves thud)

Amy: Hey, boy.

(Horse whinnies wildly) Whoa, hey.

Hey, hey.

(Whinnies nervously)

Whoa... (Horse snorts nervously)


Let's get him in the trailer.

(Birds chirp)

(Vehicle rumbles to halt, engine cuts out)

(Doors open and bang shut)

(Sharp knock at the door)

(Sharp knock)

(Door clicks open)

Officer: You Ty Borden?

Ty: Yeah.

Officer: I'm Officer Wright.

I need you to step outside.

You're under arrest for the as*ault of Jesse Stanton.

It's my duty to inform you you're not obliged to say anything.

Turn around. Hands behind your back.

You also have the right...

(Hand cuffs jingle and rasp)

(Amy clucks her tongue, horse grunts)

(High-pitched whinny)

(Amy clucks her tongue, hooves plod)

Amy: Ha! (Horse grunts nervously)

(Loud metallic clatter)

(Doors bang shut)

(Doors click open, police vehicle rumbles)

All I Need Is You

♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪

(Birds chirp, tack jingles lightly)

Tim: Come on, Jack. Pick up the pace.

Jack: Oh, what's your big hurry?

Tim: It's Casey's birthday. I got plans.

Jack: Well, go on ahead then.

Paint doesn't seem to have a lot of gas in the t*nk today.

Tim: Well, it's no wonder. He's not as young as he used to be.

Old Paint should be... grazing in a field instead of worrying about hauling your butt around.

Jack: Now just because he's getting on in years doesn't mean he's ready for the pasture.

That goes for me too.

Tim: Yeah, yeah. You might not be ready to retire, Jack, but judging by the way that horse is moving, I think he is.

(Paint grunts softly, cattle moo nearby)

(Heavy pats)

(Hooves plod slowly)

(Phone beeps, footsteps crunch softly)

(Birds chirp)

(Phone rings and buzzes)

Amy: Hey, Ty.

So that horse that Scott and I picked up is quite a handful.

I'm gonna start working with him today, that is if Lou doesn't rope me into making wedding place cards or God knows what else.

Oh, and um...

Lou wants you to get your hair cut.

I think it looks good the way it is.

Uh... anyway, I hope your studying is going well.

I love you. I'll talk to you soon.

(Horse snorts, phone beeps off)

(Truck rumbles, engine cuts out)

(Doors open and close)

Casey: I thought you were taking me out for dinner.

Tim: Uh, well, I am... in a way.

I've-I've arranged for something... in conjunction with Maggie's... very special for the occasion.

Casey: Well, that sounds very romantic, but what's the occasion?

Tim: You didn't think I'd miss your birthday, do you?

(Quick kiss)

(Door bursts open)

Casey: (Awkwardly) Oh, wow...!

Tim: What?

No, it's nothing, it's just um...

It's not your birthday.

No, I mean, it's sort of...

Tim: Sort of...

Casey: I mean...

It's the 15th, so you're not that far...

How far off?

Um... well, you're only off by three...

Tim: Days?

Casey: Weeks.

Tim: Three weeks. Three weeks?

Casey: But Tim... (Chuckles) It doesn't matter!

Tim: I'm sorry.

Casey: Tim-Tim: I-I...

Casey: Shut up.

(Passionate kiss)

(Hooves thud, horse grunts)

Ss! Ss! (Clucks tongue)

Ss! (Clucks tongue)

(Rope whooshes, horse grunts nervously)

(Grunting nervously)

(Snorting nervously)

(Pawing and stamping)

You're okay...

Hey, settle. (Snorting)

(Whinnying loudly) Whoa.

(Grunts forcefully, hooves thunder)

Georgie: Amy, look out!

Amy: Whoa! Ungh!

(Lock clanks, Amy breathes hard)

Georgie: Are you okay?

Amy: (Relieved exhale) Yeah.

This guy's not so well behaved.

Georgie: Okay, well I'm supposed to tell you to go inside.

Lou and Lisa are fighting about the floor plan for the reception.

It's getting really ugly.

Okay, I'll go in.

You want me to put him in his stall?

No. You better let me handle it.

He's not really used to people.

(Grunting and stamping, whinnies sharply)

I'd just keep your distance from him for now.

He's got a bad temper.

(Approaching hooves clop)

Jack: Amy, you got a few minutes?

Amy: Uh, Lou's waiting for me inside.

Jack: Well, it won't take long. I need your opinion on something.

Amy: Okay.

Jack: Well, it's old Paint here.

Doesn't seem like he has much get up and go.

It might be his arthritis. It could be getting worse.

Jack: Well, if the right thing to do is to... stop riding him, I'll do that, but...

Well, we could try equine massage.

I've been a lot of reading about it online.

Amy: That's a good idea.

It might help soothe his joints and relax his muscles.

We'd sure appreciate it.

Lou: We've already chosen the colours for the decorative fabric panels, and we are going with more muted tones.

Lisa: Your tablecloths are white. Plain.

I mean, you go with muted tones, it's... kinda dull.

But these... look.

Look how charming these colours are together.

I'm pretty sure those are the same colours they used in the arena when the circus came to town.

What do you think?

Amy: I really like that.

Lisa: See?

Amy: But I... I also like that.

Lou: Okay, so... which is it?

Amy: I trust you guys completely, so whatever you decide, I'm happy with.

Lou: Amy, you have to be the tie breaker here.

Amy: No, I don't, because, luckily, I have the two best wedding planners a girl could ask for.

So you just carry on with what you're doing.

I trust you completely. Thank you.

(Receding footsteps)

(Fire crackles) Casey: Oh, it's a wonderful night.

I'm a lucky girl.

Tim: (Chuckles softly) This is close to perfect.

Casey: (Drowsily) Mmm...

Tim: You know, it's important that you know... (Fire crackles) that I'm not interested in seeing anyone else.

You're the girl for me.

Casey: (Drowsily) Mm...

Tim: The only one.

Casey: (Sleepily) Me too...

(Fire crackles)

Tim: I love you.

Casey: (Drowsily) Mmm...

(Fire crackles)

Tim: I do... really love you.

Casey: (Drowsily) Mmm...

(Fire crackles)

I'm tired.

I think I had too much champagne.

(Giggles) I'm gonna go freshen up.

(Sharp, mystified exhale)

(Birds chirp, cold air blows)

(Door clicks open)

(Low hum of chatter)

Thanks for coming.

Jack: as*ault?

Ty: (Sighs) I know...

(Doors open and shut)

I'll pay you back the bail money.

(Engine starts)

Ty: I'm sorry.

So, do you wanna swing by Heartland for breakfast?

Casey: Yeah, that'd be great.

Tim: Okay!

(Door clicks open)

Oh, Tim...?

Thanks again for last night.

It was wonderful. My best not-my-birthday ever.

(Quick kiss)

Tim: Hey, Casey...

That-that stuff I said last night about...

Well, that I'm not seeing anyone else and... and you're the only and...


I... I meant that.

So did I.

(Door bangs shut)

(remy pants)

Amy: Good morning?

Are you gonna be more cooperative today?

(High-pitched whinny, bucket drops)

(Gasps) Guess not.

Ty: Amy?

Amy: Ty! Hey!

Did you get my messages? Where have you been?

Is everything okay?

You need a really good lawyer.

Ty: Well, I actually spoke with one yesterday and she said a lot will depend on the judge.

Lou: So when's your court date?

Ty: Next month.

Lou: You know, Jesse, with his deep pockets, you can bet he's gonna have a whole team of hot-shot lawyers, so you just have to make sure yours has a good game plan.

Amy: These charges are so ridiculous.

Jesse provoked Ty. On purpose.

Ty: Actually, I tackled him first, Amy.

I lost my temper.

(Front door closes)

Tim: Good morning!

Casey: Hey, everybody!

Tim: Did we make it in time for breakfast?

Lou: Yeah, we are just getting started. Let me set you guys a place.

Casey: I'll get some plates.

Ty: I'll get a chair for you.

Tim: What-what's... what's going on? Why is everybody so glum?


Is it the wedding extravaganza?

All the planning and preparation for a few hours of wedding and then - phhhewt! Done? (Laughs)

When I look back on my wedding, it probably would've been better if Marion and I had just eloped.

Seriously, what is going on here, guys?

Georgie: Ty got arrested.

What? What'd you do this time?

Amy: Dad! Can we just not talk about this please?

Tim: What-what for?

Lou: Leave him alone.

Tim: No, I... I think it's a reasonable question.

Jesse Stanton filed a complaint against me.

Tim: Why would he do that?

Ty: Because I beat him up.

Tim: You beat him up.

(Clock ticks loudly)

That's serious. You can go to jail for that.

Lou: That is obviously the worst case scenario, okay?

Jesse is blowing this out of proportion and-and-and it is his word against Ty's.

Ty: Actually, it's not.

There were two construction workers there at the time that it happened, and my lawyer said that they're gonna testify that I beat up Jesse unprovoked.

Lisa: They were probably on Jesse's payroll.

How long did your lawyer say you could go to jail for?

A few years.

Tim: Years.

Amy: Dad, can we...

Tim: Wow.

Amy: Please stop talking about this?!

Tim: No, I don't think so.

I don't think so. We need to talk about this because you two are getting married and Ty could be going away for a very long time.

You need to have a plan, both of you.

Well, right now I need to get some sleep.

Um, can I get a lift?

Amy: Why don't just... rest in the loft?

You don't need to go all the way home.

Ty: Okay. (Receding footsteps)

(Front door opens)

(Footsteps thud on the stairs)

Amy: I brought you some extra blankets.

Ty: Thanks.

Amy: Ty, this is all gonna be over soon. You'll see.

I mean, there's no way any judge is gonna take Jesse's side.

Ty: (Sighs heavily) I instigated the fight, Amy.

I know you're trying to be positive, but there's a very good chance I could be found guilty.

That's not gonna happen.

You don't know that.

Amy: Ty, I love you.

No matter what, okay? It doesn't change anything.

Ty: I know, and I love you too, Amy.

But your dad is right.

I could go to jail for a very long time and if we go through with this wed...

Amy: If?!

What do you mean by "if"?

Ty: If... we go through with this wedding, we could be apart for years.

Are we ready for that?

I'm sorry, Amy. I really am... but this changes everything.

(Remy whines, stairs creak)

(Dialing beeps)

Amy: Jesse. This is Amy Fleming.

I need to call me back as soon as you can.


(Sighs heavily)

(Water runs)

Tim: I guess I should have a talk with Jesse Stanton.

Jack: A bad idea.

Casey: Jack's right.

You'll just stir up a hornets' nest.

Lisa: I hate to bring this up, but maybe we should suggest to Ty and Amy that they postpone the wedding?

Lou: No. No way.

Lisa: Well, we can't forget that Val Stanton's invited and how awkward is that gonna be?

Tim: No, no. Jesse is Val's son. Val doesn't come to the wedding.

Jack: We'll worry about Val Stanton later.

As for now, we are proceeding forward as planned.

(Doors thunk shut)


Peter: Did I miss breakfast? (Laughs awkwardly)

You're here! I-I thought you were at a conference in Berlin.

Peter: Yeah, I managed to get a junior associate to cover it for me, and grabbed the red eye, so...

Katie: Daddy, daddy, daddy!

Peter: Hey! Wah!

There she is! I missed you, Kitty Kat!

Katie: (Claps)

Sorry, I should've given you a call and...

Lou: Don't-don't be silly. I'll get you some breakfast.


(To Katie) Yay!
(Birds chirp)

(Approaching footsteps)

Jack: Couldn't sleep?

No. I uh...

I've been thinking too much.

You got a lot to think about.

How did I let this happen, Jack?

I thought I'd changed, I...

I thought I had, but...

I'm still that stupid kid from juvie who moved up to this loft eight years ago.

Oh, that's B.S.

You're not the same kid that moved up here.

Not by a long shot.

You think I'd let you marry my granddaughter if that were true?

Eight years ago when you moved up here, what did I say to you?

Ty: You said that if it were up to you, you'd kick my butt so far down the road I'd be crapping in Montana.

Jack: Yes, I did say that, but I also said something about my granddaughters.

Ty: Yeah... you said to keep ten feet from them at all times and then you threatened to remove any part of me that crossed that line.

Well, it's obvious you didn't listen to me.

But I'm glad you didn't, and I'm gonna tell you why.

Watching you grow up over these past eight years confirms something that I've always believed; that the goodness in a man runs much deeper than one moment in time.

You're a good man, Ty Borden.

Ty: (Choked up) I wanna believe that, I do, but I can't keep messing up like this, Jack.

Jack: I don't judge a man for his mistakes.

It's what he does to repair those mistakes that counts.

Now, you and Amy, you got a lot of decisions to make over the next few days and I have no doubt you'll do the right thing.

Well, I better get going.

If I don't have that dude ranch in perfect shape, Lou will be kicking my butt so far down the road...

Ty: (Mutters like Jack) You'll be crapping in Montana.

Lou: Here you go.

Sorry, the uh... eggs are probably a little dry.

Peter: Oh, no, are you kidding me? It looks great.

Thank you so much.

And Lou, I will call before I come next time, I just...

Lou: I told you, it's fine.

Georgie and Katie get more time with their dad, and that's all that matters.

Where is Georgie, by the way?

Oh, she's out in the barn helping Amy.

Probably trying to get away from all of this... wedding craziness.

Who am I kidding, she's probably trying to escape me.

Oh, that's not true, come on.

Lou: Oh, no, it is. I've been... a total nightmare lately.

But somebody has to throw this wedding and I feel like if I don't nag everyone to death, nothing gets done.

I hate being that person, Peter, but I just...

I just want my sister's wedding day to be special, you know? And I thought she did too, but now I'm not so sure.

Maybe she'd be happier with crepe paper decorations and beef on a bun.

(Laughs) Well, maybe.

And Lisa, she... she says she's trying to help, but... all she does is second guess every decision I make.

And on top of everything, Katie and Georgie, they... they keep asking me what's going on between me and you, and I don't always know what to tell them.

Oh, and Ty might be going to jail.

So there's that little thing.

Ty might be going to jail?

(Tearing up) There is a very good possibility.

He beat up Jesse Stanton.

Peter: Are you kidding me?

Oh. Hey, come here.

Come here. Oh... (Blows out his breath)

Okay. (Lou cries)

I'm just trying so hard to keep it together, Peter, but I... it feels like no matter what I do, I just make everyone around me miserable.

Peter: No, that is not true.

Lou: Yes.

You're just, you know, sometimes... you're the bad cop, you know.

The bad cop?

Like when we're trying to get the kids to bed and you lay down the law and I negotiate for an extra hour, then we end up just giving them a few extra minutes.

They feel like they've won, but...

Really, we got them to bed just on time.


And I come out like the hero and then you come out looking like...

The wicked witch of the west?

No, no, no. Just the bad cop.

And you're also the planner, the organizer, the chief executive in charge of the entire Bartlett-Flemming-Morris clan, and I know that that is not an easy place to be.

I also know - we all know - that you are the beating heart of this whole family, Lou, and we are so lucky to have you.


Peter: (Blows out his breath)

Lou: (Exhales sharply)

Peter: (Clears his throat)

Thank you for the breakfast.

(Sighs) Thank you for... your kind words.

You're welcome.

(Tap turns on and off)

You're asking me here to plea Ty's case you're wasting your time.

I came to accept your offer.

What offer's that?

I will work for you at Briar Ridge, just like you wanted.

On one condition: You drop the charges against Ty.

And you do that, I'm all yours.

At one time, the idea of Amy Fleming working at Briar Ridge meant everything in the world to me.

But not anymore.

Unfortunately, that offer's expired.

And I'm not dropping the charges against Ty.

Why are you doing this?

Jesse: Because the name Stanton used to mean something in this town.

My father worked himself to death, literally, trying to build a strong business and reputation, only to have it dismantled by my incompetent mother and frivolous sister.

All of this - Hudson - this used to be Stanton territory, and it will be again.

I'm simply reclaiming my birthright.

You're a fool if you really believe that.

(Amused chuckle)

You know, with a small twist of fate, you could be marrying me instead of that nobody Ty Borden.

We really could've been something together.

That would've never happened. Never in a million years.

Jesse: Hey, Amy, never say never.

(Door slams shut)


(Hoof strikes the ground, horse snorts)

(Stall door clatters as horse kicks it)

Georgie: Hey... it's okay.

(Horse grunts nervously)

You're all right.

You know... you look a lot like my horse Phoenix.

His owner wasn't very nice to him either, and then he came to Heartland, and now he's an amazing horse.

You don't like being cooped up in there, do you?

(Latch clatters)

Tim: Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Whoa, honey.

(Stall door clanks shut)

(Latch clatters)

I wouldn't do that if I were you.

That guy looks like he's got a mean streak.

Georgie: Well, he's probably just getting used to being at Heartland.

I'm sure deep down, he's a gentle, well behaved horse.

I'm not so sure about that.

Georgie: Okay, well, sometimes you think something's a certain way, but then something happens and you realize it's actually not that way at all, and what you really wanted is finally coming true.

I'm not sure I follow you there.

Lou and Peter.

What about them?

Well, everyone thinks they're breaking up, but they're not.

They're not?

(Low hum of chatter, music plays)

Val: I don't know what to say. I mean, none of this sounds like Jesse at all.

Well, he didn't mention anything to you?

Look, he's... He's a really smart boy.

He wouldn't be pursing this if he weren't justified at some level.

Val. Now you know, Ty.

Do you really believe he deserves to go to jail over this?

If he did attack my son, then... maybe he should go to jail.

Jack: Ty made a mistake, there is no doubt about that, but... your son's made his share of mistakes too.

Hell, we all have.

Now, I know our families haven't always gotten along, but... we've always managed to work out our differences somehow.

Right now, I'm hoping that you can... convince Jesse to find another way to deal with this.

He's pretty stubborn, just like his father.

Is that so? Like his father?



Okay. Like me too.

So I'm not sure anything I say will make a difference.

This is important. Amy and Ty, they...

Well, they... They've been thinking they should cancel this wedding and...

I'm asking you, Val, please, talk to your son.

Ty: Taking back his birthright?

Amy: That's what he said.

Peter: God, what does that even mean?

Amy: I don't know.

Lou: I think I do.

You know that housing development on the West Side of Hudson?

What, those Tacky McMansions?

Yeah. That used to be ranch land as far as the eye could see.

And then Val's husband started lending money to down-on-their-luck ranchers and convinced them all to use their land as collateral.

Amy: Oh. And let me guess. He called in the loans, took the land, and then sold it to developers.

He made a fortune.

A lot of people were upset, but... then Mr. Stanton died and everyone just... kinda forgot about it.

Peter: Jesse's picking up where his old man left off, huh?

Lou: Sounds like he doesn't care who he hurts along the way.

Well, I uh... I better get going.

I've been wearing these clothes for two days now.

Amy: I will drive you home.

Tim: Hey!

Amy: Hi, dad.

You two made any decisions yet?

No, we haven't.

Tim: Well, you better hurry up.

Your honeymoon's gonna end up being a conjugal visit.


Amy: Real nice, dad.

Lou: You staying for dinner?

Tim: No. I gotta get back to Big River.

I just wanted you to know I heard the good news.

Lou: What good news?

Tim: That must have been some lip lock, general.

What're you... what're you talking about?

Tim: You and Peter.

The kiss that you two shared earlier today.

Georgie thinks you're getting back together.

So are you?

(Peter sighs)

(Truck idles)

Ty: Amy, I'm really sorry this is happening.

This is not your fault.

It is my fault. I hit Jesse, and this is on me, and now I have to face this.

Any judge is gonna see right through Jesse.

And what if he doesn't?

Amy, if I'm found guilty, I'm not gonna graduate from vet school.

I'll have a criminal record.

And the life that we planned together... where you're working with troubled horses and I'm fixing their physical problems - it can't happen... Because I won't be a vet.

How can I stand at the altar and vow to honour and protect you when I don't even know if we can be together?

So what're you saying?

I'm saying I think we should postpone our wedding.



Hey, sweetie, it's-it's early. Are you feeling okay?

Georgie: Yeah. I've just got my first extreme team practice in the m morning, so I thought I should get some sleep.

Peter: Oh, that's exciting.

Lou: Yeah, it sure is.

Peter: You're gonna be great. You know, we're real proud of you.

Georgie: Thanks.

Uh... all right. Good night.

Lou: Um, actually, Georgie, there's um...

There's something we wanted to talk to you about.

Peter: Yeah.


You see...

Wh-when two people...

Who love each other very much...

Peter: And-and have a long history together...

They... they sometimes... Um...

Is this about the birds and the bees?

Because I already know about that stuff.

Peter: Um, no, no. That's-that's not where we're going with this.

Georgie, we know that you saw us kissing.

And we just-we thought it was really important that we explain to you what happened.

Peter: See, your mom and I have been together for a really long time and now that we're separated, it's... it's a big adjustment for us.

Lou: Yeah.

Peter: And uh... sometimes certain feelings come to the surface.

Lou: But just because those feelings are there, it doesn't necessarily mean that we're getting back together.

I know that.

Lou: You do?

Georgie: Yeah! I'm not a kid.

I know it's not that simple.

So... you're okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Is there... anything else you wanted to talk about?

(Chuckles softly) No, no. That's... that's pretty much it.

Lou: We love you.

Peter: Sleep tight.

Lou: See you in the morning.

(Door creaks shut)

Georgie: (Stifles tears)

(Birds chirp)

Server: There you go.

Val: Thank you.

Server: You're welcome.

(Diner buzzes with chatter, music plays quietly)

(Chair scrapes back)

Really mom? Milk?

That's what you always order when we come here.

Yeah, back when I was twelve.

Val: Oh. Well, I thought since you were acting like such a child, it was fitting.

Okay, what's this really about?

Drop the charges against Ty.

You promised when I took over Briar Ridge that you wouldn't question my methods.

Val: Your business methods.

This thing with Ty is nothing but petty revenge.

It's beneath you.

Jesse: You know instead of milk, we should be drinking champagne.

I got the land back from Caleb.

I still have no idea why you gave them that in the first place.

It was a wedding gift.

Yeah, and now I got it back.

We are one step closer to continuing dad's legacy.

Val: Jesse, the developers don't want just the land the trailer sits on.

You'll need Big River and a large part of Heartland, and Jack would never sell to you.

Jesse: Why do you think I'm doing this to Ty?

A few days from the trial, I'll offer to drop the charges if they agree to sell.

And you think that's a good idea?

Yeah, I do.

The Flemings happen to be my friends.


Val: Look, I know you put your dad up on a pedestal, but I never condoned the way he did business.

You drop those charges!

No, I won't.

This isn't a discussion.

Do as I say, or I'll come back to Briar Ridge and take control.

You'll be out looking for a job.

(Scoffs) You wouldn't do that.

Let's not ever forget who's really in charge here, my dear sweet boy.

Enjoy your milk.

(Crow caws)

Ty: So um...

How do you wanna do this?

I think we should go in together...

Tell them we're postponing the wedding.

(Sighs) I have a feeling Lou's not gonna take this very well.

She'll understand.

(Ty's cell phone rings)


It's my lawyer. (Phone beeps)



Are you serious?

Okay. Uh... no. Thank you.

(Phone beeps off) Amy: What?

Jesse's dropping the charges.

Amy: He is?

Ty: Yes!

Amy: He is?! Oh, that's so great!

Ty, why... Why did he drop them?

(Emotional) I don't know. I don't care.

It's over, Amy.

It's over.

I'm not going to jail.

Amy: No.

(Passionate kiss)

Amy: Ty, let's... let's get married right now.

Ty: What?

Amy: We have been through so much over the last few years, and this is our moment. I don't wanna wait another minute!

Well... what about the wedding and the...?

This marriage... this next step in our life... this is ours, okay? Just ours.

I know exactly where we should do it.

(Excited laugh)

(Sighs with relief)

Here we are.

Are you nervous?

A little. Mostly just excited.

Amy: Me too.

Ty: Yeah.

(Doors click open)

(Doors slam shut)

(Birds chirp)

(Horse snorts softly)

Georgie: (Forceful exhale) I'm not afraid of you.

I'm not afraid of anything.

(Latch clunks)

(Georgie clucks her tongue, horse grunts)

(Hooves clop)

Georgie: Get going! Come on! (Clucks her tongue)

Come on! (Clucks her tongue)

(Horse grunts nervously)

(Hooves plod heavily)

(Horse snorts sharply, Georgie gasps)

(Hooves thunder)

(Latch clanks)

What is your problem?! What?!

So what if you were abandoned? Who cares?

That's what people do! They hurt you!

So boo hoo, just... get over it!

(Snorts softly)

Get over it! (Breathing hard)

(To herself) Just... just get over it.

(Snorts softly)

You have a note on the fridge.

Lou: A note?

Lisa: Mm-hmm.

Lou: From who?

Lisa: I'm not sure.

(Paper rustles)

Lou: Oh, it's from Amy.

Lisa: What'd she say?

Lou: Jesse dropped the charges!

Lisa: Are you serious?!

Jack: Now there is some good news!

Lou: 'Kay, there's more. Uh, they've gone on a little road trip.

But don't worry, they'll be back by tomorrow afternoon.

Lisa: Where'd they go?

Lou: It doesn't say.

I'm gonna give Amy a call.

Jack: Oh, Lou, leave 'em be.

They probably wanna celebrate and it's only until tomorrow.

(Phone rings)

See? That's probably them right there.

(Phone rings, phone beeps on)

Jack: Yeah, yeah, hello!

Will Vernon! How the heck are ya?!

You did? Is that so?

(Approaching footsteps, fire crackles nearby)

Casey: How's Katie doing?

Tim: Well... I was telling her about my rodeo days and... she fell asleep on me.

Casey: Hmm...

That... sound, that sound you just made, what-what does that mean? What does that sound mean?

What're you talking about?

It's crazy, never mind.


Are you okay?


I wanted to tell you something.

I'm just gonna come out and say this.

Casey: Okay.

Lou: Dad?

You are not going to believe this!

Tim: What?

Lou: Well, Jesse dropped the charges.

Casey: That's great.

Tim: Isn't that a good thing?

Jack: Well, yes, it is...

Lou: (Peeved) Yes. but we just got a call from Will Vernon.

Now apparently Amy contacted Joanna just this morning to see if they could stay at her place in Pike River for the night.

Tim: What's the big deal?

Lou: Well, Ty and Amy also asked Joanna to talk to the minister.

They're eloping!

♪ Over the mountains and under the stars ♪
♪ We go over the mountains ♪
♪ and under the stars... ♪

Minister: You must be the young couple that Joanna was telling me about.

Ty and Amy.

Ty: Yes. Hi. Thanks for doing this.

We really appreciate it, especially on such short notice.

"Why put off till tomorrow what you can do today?"

This is my husband. He'll be acting as your witness.

♪...a broken guitar ♪
♪ while the rain water washes away ♪

Minister: All right then. Let's begin. Are you both ready?

♪...over the mountains and under the stars ♪
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