03x19 & 03x20 - New Witch Order Part 1 & 2

All episode transcripts for this TV show, "Every Witch Way". Aired January 2014 - July 2015.*
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A teenage girl moves with her father to the suburbs of Miami, Florida, where she learns that she is a witch who is said to have great powers and abilities, as are many of her classmates, good and bad. Based on the Latin American series Grachi.
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03x19 & 03x20 - New Witch Order Part 1 & 2

Post by bunniefuu »


I got it.

But what took you so long?

I had to run here.

My powers don't work.

Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!

Am I too late? Well, you better hope not!

Do it, Emma.

For most, a spell is hidden, for its results are forbidden.

But for me, nothing is banned.

As Chosen One, I am in command.

It will give me great joy to turn Philip into a real boy!


Are you okay?

Let me get her to the table.



You're okay!


Ha! You're too late!

What have you done?

The right thing.

I expected more out of you.

Out of both of you.

Em, how do you feel?

Not so good.

You shouldn't have done that.

Do you think she's gonna be okay?

I don't know.


Hmm. Don't touch.

Wha... leave him alone! Ow!

I never thought it could be done.

Do you know how many frogs it took for the principal to make a son?


Wait, is everyone here that was here?

What do you mean? Nobody's... missing?

No. Everything's fine.

Philip's fine, Emma's recuperating, and the realm is still the realm.

You were wrong.

So naive.

So arrogant. Me?

What about you?

You're so arrogant that you can't even admit that she can do things that you can't.

I would be careful if I were you.

Once again, Mr. Novoa, you fail to see the point.

You're not helping!

Everything's okay!

No one got turned into a zombie, or a frog.

We're good.

Andi, let's take Emma home. She needs rest.

I'll take her home. (Sighing)

Man, do not start this again!

This has nothing to do with you.

This is realm business only.

Emma came to me for help, not you.

Are we absolutely sure he's human?

No, he's also part dragon.


I'm hungry.

Desdemona: Don't worry.

You'll get a little weaker... then better.

Daniel, your brothers need a...



Hi, Mom.

What's... going on here?

♪ I cast a spell it takes a hold of you ♪
♪ I see my dreams and they're all coming true ♪
♪ Come on let's go you and me together ♪
♪ Look up ahead there's a magical adventure ♪
♪ Every witch way-ay-ay-ay-ay ♪
♪ I'm trying every witch way-ay-ay-ay-ay ♪
♪ I'm going every witch way-ay-ay-ay-ay ♪
♪ Every Witch Way ♪♪


Quit stalling and let's go.

I want my crystal back. Uh, uh, uh, uh...

About that, I have a shift later, and a curfew, so how long is this all gonna take?

You still don't get it, do you?

This is a w*r. There is no curfew.

(Scoffing) Yeah, tell that to my dad. And Maddie.

Actually, she's the one who gave me the curfew.

The sleep is for a clear complexion.

I don't know how long this is gonna take.

If the witches give me the necklace back, then fine, we're done.

And if not? Then we expose the realm, and you can go home and get your beauty sleep.


Just in case you were thinking of warning them.

Mom, uh...

Daniel, who are these people?

Um... they, um... I'm Agamemnon, and... and this is Desdemona.

We don't have time for this.

Whoa! Whoa... Okay, what was that?

Listen, I know Feng Shui, and I am not afraid to use it! Wait, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom.

Uh, she is... and Agamem...

Now, don't freak, Mrs. M.

Wha... Okay...

This is Mr. Agamemnon from school.

He's our physics teacher, and he's here to tutor us for the physics mid-term.


And this is Desdemona, the lunch lady.

She brought us snacks.

Sorry I didn't tell you about the tutoring, Mom.

I was embarrassed.

Oh, Danny, there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

I mean, everyone needs a little tutoring, right?

And snacks.

Yes, we were just about to begin with subatomic particles, so...

Oh! (Students murmuring)

Um, Emma, sweetie, are you okay?

I'm fine, just tired.

Well, you... you look a little pale, so you let me know if you need anything.


I've lost my powers.

Are you sure? Absolutely!

If I had powers, you would all be enjoying a hot Sahara breeze right now.

It's the crystal.

Emma dropped it when she cast the spell.


Great! Now it's missing!

We have to find that crystal, and dispose of it immediately.

Be my guest, but I'm taking Emma home.

I'll take her home! Um, wait!

Before anyone leaves, we have to come up with a suitable story for... him.

Andi: Don't worry.

We already did.

Philip's a Van Pelt.

Maddie Winkie, come on!

Your brother's gonna be home any minute, and I want to try a new color.

I'm not casting any more decorating spells.

And he's not my brother.

Oh, Maddie Winkie, now, don't be that way.

You're still my favorite! Yes, you are!

For now.

(Phone chirping)

I think it's kind of cool that you're gonna have an older brother.

Do you think Emma will make me one too?

Oh, no!

Grab my purse, we gotta go!

Proxy says Mia wants to expose the realm!


Oh, this is so exciting!

I wish I had a cape. Oh, wait! I do!

(Squealing excitedly)

They're heading to school.

Let's go. Okay.

Sometimes, I just feel like a superhero.

What would the realm do without me?

Wait for me! (Giggling)

Witches are so messy! (Scoffing)

Another reason not to like them.

Somebody obviously ransacked the place.

Oh. They better not have...

No! They stole the Cristal de Caballero.

(Laughing) That's funny how you say that.

"The Cristal de Caballero!"


Stop laughing!

Stop that!

Give me the card.

No way! And stop asking me.

Give... (Grunting) me the card! (Chuckling)

Give me the card!

(Electricity sparking) Ow!


I'm going to upload it, and let the whole world see who they really are.

Give it to me!

Let go! No!

Diego, stop it!

You're hurting yourself!


You're okay.

Just... don't be so stubborn next time.

Em... you're home.

What happened?

You fainted.

You exerted yourself with Phillip's spell.

Did it work?

You don't remember?


It did. And it was amazing.

You could see the light wash over him, and the colors... Where is everybody?

At my house, looking for the crystal.


I'm still a little dizzy. Yeah.

Just lay back.

Desdemona said you'd be fine.

You just have to rest and let your powers recharge.

Desdemona? The Council knows?

Man, you really don't remember.

Yeah, they do.

They weren't too happy, but nothing happened to the realm, so... we're good.

Come on, twitchy, let's go!


All that electricity woke me right up.

Where are we going?

Daniel's house. That's where they are.

How do you know?

I found your second phone.

My emergency phone?

That's only meant to be used during emergencies.

This was an emergency.

I urgently needed to know where Emma's at.

Okay, so you only texted Daniel.

You didn't happen to see any other texts, did you?

Of course not... "muffin."

You shouldn't go through people's phones!

It's just rude!

Diego? What are you doing here?

Um, we were, um... we were just... uh...

We were just leaving.

Keep answering like that, and you'll make "Mean Girl of the Month" on my blog.

Thank you!

What was that? Stammering and stuttering.

I'm a Kanay. We don't lie.

Maybe in the old days.

For someone who pretends to uphold our heritage so much, you certainly pick and choose the laws you follow.

You're right. I shouldn't lie.



Remember that memory card you wanted repaired?

It's in the nurse's office, fixed.

How do you know about my memory card?

Because I'm Black Hawk.

Nice try! But, Sophie's Black Hawk.

I saw her.

Well, I can be Sophie, too.

Shh, shh, shh. What are you doing?

Don't do that! Ha!

She was kidding! (Laughing)

Whoo, you're hilarious, Mia.

Uh, I'll see you at home, okay?

I thought you said Kanays told the truth.

And, I just told the truth.

Ah! (Grunting)

Being without my powers is most disconcerting!

Oh, tell me about it!

I know it's here somewhere. I can feel it zapping my powers!

Search the closet? Good idea!

Why don't we just leave it here, and never step foot in Daniel's house ever again?

No! We must not, once again, let the crystal fall into evil hands.

So, "Aggie," if I find the crystal, will you make me a guardian in training?

Oh, well...

No, I believe that ship has sailed.

And do not call me "Aggie."

(Chuckling) Aggie, Aggie, Aggie!


Yeah, okay, okay, no need for a wizard tantrum.

Okay, I had enough with Jax's little freak out from this afternoon.

Hey! That coin toss was rigged.

I should have been the one to take Emma home.

Daniel should be here. What if his mom comes back?

Christine: Daniel! Hey, could you open the door for me, please?

Oh, man, you are such a jinx!

Quick, places!

Thank you, Andi.

I made you some lemonade.

And pizza? Oh.

No, I'm sorry, just lemonade.

I thought you brought snacks.

I did, but they... consumed them already.

Oh. Well, if you're still hungry, I could get some snacks going.

Mm, that would be wonderful, thank you.

Now, back to dark matter.

But, where's Daniel?

Both: Uh...

He went to go get a sweater. He went to the bathroom.

Oh, no, he didn't. I would have seen him.

(Footsteps approaching)

Nobody moves until I get my necklace back!

I want my crystal... back.

Hey, guys! Mia's on her way, she's really mad...

Oh! Hey, Miss Miller.

And Mia. Hi.

Would someone please explain to me what is going on before I call all of your parents.

Uh... jeez, Mia.

I mean, why'd you lend me your necklace if you were gonna freak out about it.

What? Yeah, look...

I dropped the crystal, okay?

But it's in here somewhere, and as soon as we're done with our, ahem, physics, and... nutrit... nutrition homework, we'll look for it and give it back to you.

Mia, study.



Did you bring your textbook?

Y-y-you can use mine.

Uh, don't worry, Mrs. M, you know, Daniel just went to take Emma home 'cause she wasn't feeling good.

No, but Jax said... Yeah, yeah.

You know what?

Jax is just a little jealous, okay?

Between us, I think he likes Emma.

Oh, yeah. That... that's obvious.

Even a T3...

Hey, it's not like that!

Hey, you know, I told Daniel to come back as soon as he gets here.

And, uh, if you want to call my dad, go ahead.

I mean, he... he's in surgery, but he always answers during aneurism repairs.

No... he does? Yeah.

But... uh... uh Okay!

Good save.

Without my powers, I didn't know what to say.

Me, either. I kept saying spells in my head, but nothing!

I don't know how you humans do it.

Oh, and good job, Mia, on looking clueless.

This is fun.

That was a close one.

Oh, is this lemonade? Sweet!

We need to go get Daniel.

Mia: Stop!

Nobody leaves until I get my crystal back.

And just to make it clear, I don't care who finds out about us.

It's too late, anyway.


I should have held on tighter to Aggie.

I hope the kids are okay.

Uh, Nurse Lily, hi.

Gigi, isn't school closed?

Principal Alonso gave me permission to do my podcast from Studio "A."

The janitor's closet.

Also known as Studio "A."

I'm looking for my memory card.

It's about... this big.

I... I think... Oh!

Is it this one? Yes!

Here you go. Thank you!

You're welcome.

After this, we're gonna go down in history as the best pranksters ever.

The H2O are gonna be sorry they messed with us.

I don't see them.

You sure?

Their mom said they'd be here.

They'd better be!

I put together about a half a mile of piping.

Do you think they tricked us?

Don't panic.

Wait, that's them! Hide!

Hurry up!

I hope this is not another fight, 'cause Mia's lightning makes my hair frizzy.

It's the static electricity.

I know that.


Whoa. What happened here?

Eh, a little bit of everything.

So, what are you guys doing here?

Proxy said Mia left a memory card here.

We need it.

Small card, about this big?


I just gave it to Gigi. She said it was hers.


We've been trying to get that memory card back for days!

I gotta tell Proxy.

Okay, what's a "proxy," and what's going on?

Proxy is a synonym for Kanay.

No, it's not. The memory card has all the footage of Emma and Maddie casting spells in the janitor's closet.

Studio "A"?

You just gave the biggest gossip at Iridium High evidence that witches exist.


Here, I made you some mint tea.

I know how much you like it.

Emma, I'm so sorry about everything.

Me, too.

You and I have been through so much together.

And I don't want it to end.

From the first day we met, remember?

In the principal's office...

My life has never been...

The same?



I'm so sorry I startled you.

You're... you're Emma, right?

♪ Some people say that the moment is gone ♪
♪ And then they tell you that it's time to move on ♪
♪ And we may be 100 worlds apart ♪
♪ But that won't keep me from your heart ♪
♪ You can't fight the rain when it's already falling ♪
♪ You can't hide the truth from yourself when you're all in ♪
♪ No, you can't fight the rain ♪
♪ No, I gotta face ♪
♪ This will always be drawing you closer ♪
♪ And closer, whatever I do ♪
♪ You can't fight the rain when it's already falling ♪
♪ You can't hide the truth from yourself when you're all in ♪
♪ No, you can't fight the rain ♪
♪ No, I gotta face ♪
♪ This will always be drawing you closer ♪
♪ And closer, whatever I do ♪
♪ It's always you ♪♪

Daniel, I...

Em, I know you're exhausted from helping Phillip.

We don't have to talk about this right now.

But when this is over, you have to choose.

It's Jax or me.

Oh, no, your dad's coming.

Emma, I just had the best Big Brains meeting...

What's he doing here? What are you doing here?

Emma wasn't feeling well, so I brought her home.

You're not feeling well? What's wrong?

I'm fine, just tired.

You don't look so good.

Well, I think you have a fever.

I'd better take your temperature.

I should go home. Check on... things.

Yeah, that's a great idea, unless you want more detention.

But we're not at... school.

(Phone beeping)

Oh, no.

It's Andi. Mia's at your house.

She wants her crystal back.

I'll take care of it.

Wait... I'm coming with you.

No, you need to rest. I'll take care of Mia.

I'm the one she's after.

If I don't go, she'll come here.

And my dad's here.

Let's go.

Emma, I'm gonna call Dr. Feinstein just to be sa...


Okay, people, be careful.

This place is rigged by the T3.

No talking!

That's what you're worried about?

Getting some foam on you?

Don't underestimate the T3.

They threw fish on Jax, spaghetti on me, and chocolate pudding on Mr. Alonso.


That's nothing compared to what I'm gonna do to you.

Are you sure about that? 'Cause, I don't know, man, that... that fish prank was pretty gross.

Will you stop talking and search?

Two bottles of nitrogen and a box of fireworks?

Daniel's siblings have problems.

Love fireworks!

Why does their mom even let them have this stuff?

What's all this piping for? And... and this?

Wait, don't touch that!

(Whirring) Oh!

(Growling) (Others chuckling)

What was that?

Jax got pranked.

What's up with zombie boy?

He looks different.

Phillip here to stay.


I... I am human.

That's what Emma did?

And you thought I was bad.

Don't even think about it.

Look, it's not here!

She's right. We've looked everywhere.

I said, keep looking!

Have you ever stopped to think that maybe, the crystal was destroyed from the spell?


It's the biggest spell you've ever seen, right?

Yeah, he's right.

I mean, Emma used it to amplify her powers.

Maybe she used it up and it disappeared.

Yeah. It makes sense.

No! You're just trying to confuse me.

They don't have their powers.

That means the crystal is here.


Unless what?

Unless... the exchange for Phillip was every witch's powers.

What? No!
Hey, guys. Thanks for covering for me.

Best little cousins ever.

Finally, you're here!

We need major help!

No, you're doing a great job. Keep it up.

I just have to check on this memory card.

No, wait!

Okay, we're ready to order.


(Banging) (Gasping)

Get me out of here!

This place is... dark and dank!

Have you looked behind that TV?

No. We were over here, there's no way it could...

Keep looking! (Sighing)


Don't even try it!

What are you doing here?

I just want my crystal back, and then I'll leave.

It's not here!


Aah! Aah!

It's the Cristal de Caballero!

Jax, get it!

I got it!

(Static beeping)


(Static beeping) What's happening?

Let go of the crystal! Let it go!

It's mine!

It's the exchange.

Daniel: Emma, no!

No! Emma!

Hey! Sorry.

You couldn't land somewhere else?

I didn't have much of a choice.

Where's my necklace?

What necklace?

My crystal!

I can't lose it again!

I'm not gonna hurt you.

Ha! Like you could.

You don't need to protect yourself.

That's not why I wanted the crystal back.

It was... Never mind.

Do you know where we are?

It looks like... a train station.

Duh. (Sighing)

I don't think we're in Miami anymore.

Well, I'm going home.

This isn't much of an even fight.

Oh... wait!

That doesn't work on me the way it does the others.

Yeah, right.

That's for stealing my crystal.

And this is for Daniel.

Well, what happened? Where'd they go?

Did you make them disappear?


Mr. Novoa is right.

About what? The exchange.

I told you the world would balance itself.

The world can't be balanced without Emma.

Ugh. Really, dude?

Lay off me! We have bigger problems with this exchange thing you guys keep talking about!

Emma. Game.

For Phillip.

He's right!

Quick, do a spell and get them out!

I cannot. We cannot.

We've been exposed to the crystal for far too long.

We need time to recharge.

It'll be a few hours before we're up to casting spells again.

Well, we have to do something!

Andi! Hex!


Can you get them out like you got Phillip out?


He did what?

Oh, this is worse than I thought.

Now we have books casting spells?

What'd he say?

He said Phillip was a fluke.

He's gonna need more help to get them out.

Well, we'll wait a couple hours, and then we'll get them out.

A couple hours?

Emma is terrible at Zombie Apocalypse 3.

She won't make it.

Wait, what about Maddie?

She hasn't been exposed to the crystal yet.

One slice with pepperoni.

Where's my smoothie?

I'd like a ginger ale and two slices of pizza.

It's almost ready.

Is that my pizza?

Hurry, Hector!

Here ya go!

One smoothie.

What is that?

No more blogging. Hey!

We need help!

The customers are about to riot!

You guys can do high school calculus, but can't handle a couple of customers?

Really? Let's go!

There she is!

You know the drill, Panthers.

You'll get a smoothie, and we look for the memory card?

Exactly! (Phone chirping)

It's Proxy from his emergency phone.

Is something wrong?

I need to go.

I trust you to get me that card!

You do?

Of course she does.

Go see Diego, and don't worry about a thing.

This is our chance.

You go check the counter and I'll talk to Gigi.

Finally, we'll be heroes. (Squealing)

But... I already have a cape!

So you want me to rescue them again?

Yes. Both of them.

Our focus is on the Chosen One.

We're not leaving Mia in there.

Yeah, he's right. We bring them both home.

Phillip thinks they're at the train station.

That's where we was before he got out of the game.

That's a tough level.


Many. Danger!

He drew a map for us.

We're gonna have to send somebody in.

We can set a rendezvous point in time, and then Maddie can pull them out.

I'll go.

Andi: No, I'll go!

This is my turf.

No, I have to go. I can defend myself.

So can I. You don't have powers.

Neither do you. They're coming back!

I'm sorry, Daniel, but Jax is right.

You have to stay here and do damage control with your mom.

This is fun.

I feel... lighter here.

We need to stop.

Aww, giving up?


I didn't think so!

Three train cars and a... (Groaning)

Why did you stop?


It's the crystal, isn't it?

I know where we are. (Groaning)

You do?

Zombie Apocalypse 3!

The video game? Yes!

(Groaning) Zombies!

Yes, run!




It's the best I could do.

Let's go.

Come on, over there!

I already told you, it's my card, my footage, and my scoop.

Just wanted to... And by the way, why did Mia have my memory card?

Mia, uh...

Yeah, Mia.

You'd better hope none of my blogs are missing.

Gigi! I'm busy.

We need some help.

Some strange girl is tossing pizzas behind the counter.


Sophie! (Giggling)

Nurse Lily?

Nurse Lily, what are you doing here?

I'm getting that footage. Ha!

No one's exposing the realm on my watch.

Us, too! Twinsies!

Okay, do you guys know where Gigi is?

In the back.

No, she went over to... Ow!

Katie: We'll guard the door.

Quick, get the computer before she gets back!

We're gonna be the heroes this time.

Got it, Gigi!

Gigi: Hurry!


What are you waiting for? Jump in!

I can't!

Cast a spell or something.

Don't just sit there!

I'm too weak! I can't!

Help me!



I beat the Chosen One!





It's done, Dad.

We won!



Don't move.

Come on.

They'll be back.

We have to climb aboard.


Thank you.

Jax: Emma!


Oh! That can't be.

Is that your weird wizard friend?


We don't have much time.

We need to get out of here soon.

I still can't believe you're here.

(Chuckling) I guess I lost the coin toss, huh?

We might not get out.

There's no place I'd rather be.

Everything I've done this year, everything I've accomplished, it's all for you.

You don't have to prove yourself to me, Jax.

Only you know the real me.

Emma: Hi, Dad!

This is Jax Novoa.

A new student transfer from, uh...


♪ I promise not to let you down ♪
♪ To always keep you safe and sound ♪
♪ I promise you ♪
♪ I'll chase the monsters ♪
♪ From your closet before bed ♪
♪ And gently sing you to sleep ♪
♪ Emma's song ♪
♪ You're the light in my eye ♪
♪ Emma's song ♪
♪ You bring joy to my life ♪♪

I believe in my heart that you and I belong together.

But you have to choose.

You can't have both of us.

I never... I know. I know.

But when we get out of here, you have to decide, is it Daniel, or is it me?

(Clearing throat)


You're having your romantic moment now?

It's none of your business.

We were just talking.


The zombies are gone. Are you feeling better?

I am.

Okay, well, let's go. We've only got 10 minutes to get to the clock tower.

Great. That gives us enough time.

I have to get my necklace first.

Wh... what? No. The crystal...

If you're going to double cross us again...

It's my dad's.

It's the only thing I have left.

I'm not leaving without it.


Be quiet!

(Scraping) Quiet!

Come on, let's go. We don't have much time.


(Groaning) Hey!

(Groaning, snarling)



(Jax grunting)

(Kids laughing)

(Kids laughing)


I... Oh!

(Whimpering) Oh, my God.


Jax: Go on!

Go, go!


Stand behind me!

(Groaning, snarling)

You too, Mia. Uh, I...

Get ready.


It worked!

Emma! I'm so happy to see you.


Ha! It was all me. I saved you.


It was a group effort.

We're going to have to keep our eye on you.

Thank you!

I told you witches are good people.

Did he just call us... people?


(Sighing) Thanks for bringing her back.

Now, where's the crystal?


We lost it in the train station.

You lost it?

Yes. Mia dropped it when we landed, and we were too busy trying to stay alive to get it back.

So, it's lost in the game, hmm?


Thank you.

I couldn't have survived without you.

Me, neither.

See you at school?

Wait, you're just gonna let her go, like that?

We will deal with her later.

No, you won't.

Who would do this?

I'm gonna be in so much trouble.

This is so messy.

I think that was the point.

We should've seen this coming.

Can you guys stop talking and clean?

My dad's gonna be here any second.

I think we need a new mop.

That one's all gelatin out.

I can't believe we didn't see this coming.

It must've taken them about...

About least two hours to assemble.


That's at least two days work.

For you maybe.

This isn't over.

Hector, is this your backpack?

What do you want?

We're waiting for our pizza order.

We're closed.

Wow. How did this happen?

You know exactly what happened.

You know it was them, you saw them.

Us? No way.

We're just waiting for our pizzas.

That's not true, this is a setup.

If they did it, how come your backpack has pipes and whatever this is?

I don't know!

This sounds like a family matter.

Yeah, we better go.


Ding. I get it, the H2O.

Hector and Oscar.

You're the pranksters.

I'm calling your parents.

No, wait!

We've been made.

They think they got us, but this isn't over.

We are done fighting Kanays.

Mia's free to go and do as she pleases.

Says who?

I do, I'm the Chosen One, aren't I?

Yes, but...

Well, I'm making decisions for the realm.

Nobodies going to bother you, don't worry.

Well, that's my cue to go.

I think I've been shocked enough for one day.

You don't have to follow me anymore.

You're free.

What? Really?

Yes, it's over.

You don't have to obey me anymore, at least not until you lose the next duel.


I'm free at last, I'm free at last.

What are you wearing?

Oh, it's nothing.

Psh, this old thing?

Oh, it's just something the Panthers made me.

Proxy, let's go.

Oh, wait, Philip should go with you too.

Check out his new digs.

You live at home.

Maddie sister.

This is what I get for saving you guys?

Aren't you lucky.


Come on, Philip, let's go home buddy.

Don't forget.

You owe me.

Both of you.

I know.


Wait 'til she finds out you promised her mother powers.

You what?



It's not what you think.

You just can't go around giving people powers.

Oh, lay off her a little, would you?

Let her explain.

This has gotten completely out of hand.


Put your powers in here and we will keep them safe until you're finished your training.

It's only temporary, a preventive measure.

And if I don't?

We'll have to rethink our position regarding your viability as the Chosen One.

No. I'm not giving up my powers.

Yeah, you go, Emma!

Are you defying us?

After all that has happened, we rescued you from that game.

Uh, technically, I rescued her.

Technically, Maddie and the Hex rescued all of you.

The Council is here to guide you and help you realize your potential.

I know, and I appreciate that.

But you can't guide me if you don't trust me.

You have to trust me to do the right thing.

Oh, it's not that simple.

Look at all that's happened.

Freezing time, zombies.

We were almost exposed to the world.

But we weren't.

I'm not trying to give you a hard time or be disrespectful.

But it's time things changed.

What's the point of having powers if you can't help people?

You have to trust me, we have to trust each other.

Things are about to change in the realm and I hope you change with them.

This is outrageous.

Good, because from now on, humans, Kanays, witches, and whatever else there is, we're all going to work together.

Starting with you.

Am I finally getting wings?

No, but you'll get a Guardians kit.

A real one?

Oh, can you make it a belt?

I think it's cooler.

I'm making Andi the first human Guardian.

There's never been a human Guardian.

That's why she said the first human Guardian.

You deserve it, Andi.

All right.

We will comply.


Agamemnon, she's the Chosen One.

We have a sworn duty to support her.

I still need you, Agamemnon, now more than ever.

There's a lot I don't know and lot of witches out there to look after.

I can't believe I did that!

It's the beginning of a new era.

I know, Hexy, I'll be careful.

I'm just... so happy, I need to get out here.

Go! I have to go to Maddie's and check up on Philip.

You know, make sure she didn't Pantherize him like she did to Diego.

Come on, I'll walk you home.

Let's get out of here, come on.

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