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02x09 - The Accused

Posted: 03/21/15 00:23
by bunniefuu
Will it heal?

Tell me the truth.

Find me something to cover it.

Close the palace gates.

Admit no-one to the King's presence without my permission, especially not the Queen.

Rochefort att*cked the Queen.

He tried to force himself on her.

She fought him off.

Wounded him.

He dared to lay hands on you?

I trusted him.

I thought he was my friend.

The King has been informed?

My loyal musketeers will escort me.

Rochefort knows everything about you and the queen.

Get out of the way.

The King is not accepting visitors.

This is not a visitor, it's the Queen. Open the door.

Do as he says.

How dare you defy me!

Open the doors or we'll k*ll you and open them ourselves.

You dare bring an armed guard into my presence!

I must speak with you, sire.

You must indeed, madame.

Whatever Rochefort's told you is all lies!

Am I to be shouted at now?

Do you deny that you wrote this letter?

Is this your hand? Your royal seal?

The Queen wrote to her brother the King of Spain even though Your Majesty expressly forbade her to do so.

It was months ago.

When you were captured by slavers.

You invited foreign troops onto the sovereign soil of France?

You might have been dead.

My only thought was to protect your son, the Dauphin.

In any other of our subjects this might be called treason!

It was Rochefort who advised the Queen to write to Spain.

This girl is either a fantasist or a liar.

Your Majesty, she was there, she witnessed every word.

Your Majesty should listen to the Queen. You can't trust this man.

He is the only one I can trust.

Now go.

But... sire...

I can hardly bear to look at you.

You musketeers, return to your garrison.

Am I to be a prisoner, then?

Oi! You all need to learn some respect!

You were ordered to return to your garrison!

Will you deny your King's direct command?

There must be no suggestion that our faithful musketeers are disloyal.

Too late for that, madame.

You will address me as Your Majesty.

You will die for this.

I know you, Musketeer, what you are and what you have done.

If the Queen comes to any harm, you will pay for it with your blood.



(Door opens)

Take me to the boy!

(Baby gurgles)

Remove the Dauphin. The Queen is not fit to look after him.

How dare you!

Don't be provoked, Constance.

Forgive me, Your Majesty.

Look after my son well, Marguerite.

This is none of your doing.

You sought to beguile and betray.

Now you will answer for it.

He will not succeed, Constance.

In the end, the King will listen to me.

Rochefort knows.

If Rochefort's advances to the Queen were treason, what does that make yours?


I'm sure the King will appreciate the difference.

What's going on?

You created this mess. Tell them.

Not here.

I have found nothing to incriminate Aramis and the Queen.

Then you haven't been looking hard enough.

But it no longer matters.

I have everything I need.

Some new fashion I missed?

I'm not sure it'll catch on in the salons of Paris.

You think me a suitable target for your humour?

Hmm? I am ridiculous to you?


Beg for my forgiveness.

Beg! Beg for your life!


I beg you...

You're all the same.

Your beauty is nothing, nothing but deception.

But it's not me you want to strangle, is it?


What's all this about?

Aramis slept with the Queen.

You're not serious?

Would he joke about such a thing?

How? When?

At the convent when her life was threatened.

You didn't try to stop it?

If I'd known what he was going to do, I would have shot him there and then.

What's done is done.

Why didn't you tell us?

I had to protect the Queen's reputation.

You could've done that by not sleeping with her.

There's more.

The Dauphin might be my son.

IS my son.

Are you...?

You are speaking of the next King of France!

You can't be certain that he is your son.

I know he is.


And still more.

Rochefort knows.

Then there is nothing any of us can do about it.

There might be something.

Two drops of this medicine in some wine should ease the headache, Your Majesty.

But you must rest.

How can I when those I trust betray me?

I'll see the King is not disturbed.

(Baby cries)

Allow me to examine that.

No need.

There might be some risk of infection.

You can go now.

The Queen has always been so loyal.

She must have been distracted out of her wits.

She's been very foolish.

But... but perhaps she was just thinking of the Dauphin.

She must be brought to account.

Her treason put the country in danger.

If anyone else spoke of her like that, I would have his head!

Forgive me, sire.

My loyalty got the better of me.

I was only thinking... of France.

But I suppose you're right. She must be punished.

Let her think I'm still angry for now and later, I will forgive her bad judgment.

I like this.

It's very piratical.

It was a hunting accident, you say?

My quarry fought harder than I expected.

My head is improving.

That Lemay's a miracle worker.

I'm glad to hear it, sire.

I assume there's a reason you asked me for this meeting?

You claim you have information to bring down Rochefort. What is it?

Straight to the point, as ever.

Am I so fearsome you need reinforcements?

Look, whatever your price is, we will pay it.

The Queen's life may depend on what you know.

My God!

This isn't about the Spanish letters.

It's about Aramis and the Queen.

So it is true.

Just think what information like this might be worth.

I told you she can't be trusted.

Oh, I have no loyalty to Rochefort. The man is insane.

I'll give you what you want.

With a hefty price tag, no doubt.

Well, what else would you expect from a woman like me?

You disgust me.

Meanwhile, the King is bouncing another man's child on his knee.

Your morality will not stand, Musketeer.

How do we know you won't betray us?

You don't.

Rochefort is a Spanish agent.

He has been in the pay of the Madrid spy-master Vargas ever since his return.

Dear God.

I never meant to keep any secrets from you.

But you must understand why I had to.

Do you love her?

If she were an ordinary woman... it might be possible, but she isn't.

You have a child.

I should have just walked away, but... I've never met a woman like her.

Her courage, her endurance, her kindness.

And she needed me.

If you really love her, there's one thing you can do to prove it.

Deny it ever happened.

That boy is the King's son, Aramis.

That can't change... no matter what.

(Door opens)

What are you doing?

You have no future without me now.

Everything I do, you are part of.

Do you understand?

Why would the Spanish attack a Spanish Queen? What do they gain?

Ambassador Perales never believed in Vargas's scheme.

That's why Rochefort ordered his death.

How can you know that?

Because it was me who k*lled him.

You know the captain lost his position because of you.

D'Artagnan, let me worry about that.

I should have guessed. The m*rder had your hallmark.

I did what I had to do. I won't apologise.

Hah! I don't expect you to.

None of this helps us destroy Rochefort, we need proof of his guilt.

I can show you where he keeps his most important documents.

There might be something incriminating amongst them.

All right, but our immediate priority is the Queen's safety.

We have to get her away from him.

GUARD: Nothing to report.

We need a distraction.

Let me handle this.

If I was going to betray you, I'd have done it by now.

It's refreshments for the Queen.

Take a look.

(Footsteps approach)

We must get you away from here to a place of safety.

I need to be with the King.

Rochefort is a Spanish spy. He will destroy you.


My brother would not...

He could not forsake me like this.

I beg you.

The palace is no longer safe.

Rochefort knows now, the danger's too great.

Are we talking or leaving?

She's helping us now?

I can't abandon the Dauphin.

I'll stay with him.

Constance, Rochefort knows you're the Queen's ally, should anything happen to you...

Her Majesty can't stay here and she can't see her son. But I can.

We need to go. They might check on these guards at any moment.

Here, this way. It leads to the servants' landing.

Well, what about them?

I'll deal with it. Just go.


Will you be safe?

No-one's looking for me.

Just get the Queen to safety.

(God bless you, Constance.)

You are sure about this?

Marguerite will help me.

She's always been a friend to the Queen.


I've been searching for you for so long, Anne.

Or whatever name you give yourself now.


What are you doing here?

The only consolation I had for the agony and humiliation you caused me was the knowledge Athos hanged you years ago.

Then I lost even that.

So now I assume you're going to put things right.

You never were very imaginative, were you, Catherine?

This is justice for Thomas de la Fere -

my husband in all but name.

The man you m*rder*d.

Thomas forced himself on me.

He was not the man you thought of him...

Save your lies!

Only Athos believes them.

Perhaps that's why he spared you.

Athos had nothing to do with my survival.

I saved myself with no help from him.

He was determined to see me die.

Every word I spoke of Thomas is the truth.

If ever a man deserved to die, it was him.

(Catherine sobs)


This is not the way.

You were supposed to be here earlier.

I was. I wanted to hear what she would say.

You follow her like her shadow, her protector.

What hold does she have over you?

She is working for the service of France.

Her only service is to herself.

She's a murdering whore.

Nevertheless her mission is of vital importance and I cannot allow you to interfere with it.

Tell me the truth.

Do you still desire her?

Does her cruelty excite you?

Is that what you were drawn to when you chose her over me?

Whatever hatred you feel for her is nothing to mine.

But the future of France is at stake.

Believe your own lies if you want, don't expect me to swallow them. You can't let her go.

It's written all over your face.

You're still in love with her!

My God, does she never stop talking?

sh**t her and let's be on our way.

It's just a thought.

This ends here, Catherine.

Forgive me, if you can.

I'm growing tired of people trying to hang me.

Why are you angry with me?

I'm the one who nearly died!
(Baby cries)

Why will he not be quiet?

Does he not love his father?

He will not settle without his mother.

Here, let me take him.

Your Majesty...

What is it?

Why is she staring? It's very unnerving.

What is she doing here?

She offered to help.

You don't need help.

Take the Dauphin away. The King needs rest.

Perhaps his governess is right.

The child should be with his mother.

The Dauphin must stay with you, sire.

He must remain untainted by questions over the Queen's conduct.

Don't be ridiculous!

He is a baby. What can he possibly know of it?

His mother meant no harm, I'm sure. Just send for her.

We shall display magnanimity and forgiveness.

Your Majesty would benefit from a good night's sleep.

Why not wait until the morning to tell the Queen of your decision?


You're quite right. Let us sleep on it.

Why bother saving me?

Another moment with Catherine and you would've been rid of me for ever.

Do you still maintain that my brother tried to r*pe you?

Why would I lie about it?

You lied about everything.

You would never have married me if you'd known the truth about my past.

You sold yourself to the cardinal.

What else did I have to live for?

Why not become the woman you believed me to be?

We have work to do.

You're wasting your time.

He keeps everything of value in here.

There must be something.

(Outer door opens)

(Indistinct chatter)


It's the cardinal's secret cabinet.

Just pray Rochefort doesn't know about it.

(Loud click)

Quick. Quick!

That will be all, Captain.

(Door opens)

Help me.

(Baby cries)


Help. Argh...


Help! HELP!

(Door closes)

(Distant shouting)

Bring me tar water and salt - now!

Courage, sire. Courage. I am here now.

They have m*rder*d me, Rochefort.

Find Dr Lemay and arrest him.

I will discover who is responsible for this, sire.

I swear it!

The King is dying!

The King has been poisoned!

I'll stay, find out what's happened.

This is Rochefort's plan. Whatever it is, it is well advanced.

Let him show his hand and then we strike.

We are honoured to receive Your Majesty.

I am in need of your help now more than ever, Sister Teresa.

God turns no-one away who's in need of sanctuary.

You are all welcome.

(Footsteps approach)

Where is the Queen?

Where is she?


Take her.

The room is yours for as long as you need it, Your Majesty.

Porthos will take first watch and Athos should be here soon.

Hopefully he'll bring some good news.

In time, I must return to confront my enemies.

But you can escape, Aramis.

Live a different life... far away from danger.

I've never fled from danger in my life.

Won't you save yourself for my sake?

For the sake of my son?

Our son.

How could I live with myself if I abandoned my duty?

My only concern is for your safety.

I swear I will not allow anything to happen to you... because of me.


Whatever happens... I will never regret what happened here.

We have found those responsible, Your Majesty, at the heart of the Queen's household.

Th-Th-This is absurd!

These two were the means of executing the plot.

He's lying, sire. The Queen would never hurt you!

The medicine I prescribed was a mild opiate to soothe a headache!

With the bitter scent of poison?

Someone must have interfered with the bottle.

The very fact the Queen has fled the palace is an admission of her guilt.

Tell the King what you told me.

Constance and Lemay are intimate.

The doctor would do anything she asked.

The Queen met with them in secret.


Marguerite, what are you saying?

I cannot look at them.

Do what you must, only let me rest.

I am loyal!

Sire! Please! I beg you!

I beg you!

Did you find the letters?

No, but I think I found something better.

You don't seem too confident about it.

It's not that.

Something happened at the palace.

It's Constance, isn't it?

Constance is fine, as far as I know.

It's the King.

You must escort me back to Paris immediately.

Returning now would be unwise.

I will decide what is unwise!

The King has been poisoned. I don't know if he is alive or dead.

I must be ready to protect my son.

No-one would dare challenge my right to rule in his name.

Rochefort is capable of anything.

Even poisoning the King?

Well, maybe that was always the Spanish plan.

Get Rochefort close enough to the King to... to k*ll him.

It makes no sense. If the King dies, the Queen becomes regent.

Rochefort loses all his influence.

Not if the Queen is blamed for her husband's death.

He wouldn't dare!

He has accused you of treason. Why not m*rder as well?

With both the King and Queen gone, he'd be in a position to make terms with Spain.

You must wait for more news before you act.

Stay here, gather support, raise an army if you have to.

Raising an army would be an act of rebellion. It could mean civil w*r.

The Queen's right. She must go back.

Is it the Queen or Constance you're really worried about?

At least she had the guts to stay when none of us would!

Control yourselves!

I will decide my own fate. And I must return, whatever the risk.

With respect, that's madness. You can't be sure of your safety.

I know that.

But if the King lives, he will need me by him.

And if he dies... my duty is clear.

I owe it to my son.

And to France.

Vargas is the only man alive who can identify Rochefort for who he really is.

What use is that? He won't just hand himself in.

But he might come if he thought his entire scheme was about to be exposed.

Rochefort's seal.

We write in his hand, asking Vargas for help.

Vargas must know his hand.

Seal or no seal, he'll see the letter's a forgery.

We can copy his style.

I'm no forger.

No, nor me.

I am.

I have been copying the ancient texts of the Holy Fathers for many years.

I have developed some skill at duplicating the original hand.

Though it is a sin to boast.

Vargas has never trusted anyone in his life.

He'll be expecting an ambush.

Not if there's only one man waiting for him.

Please, dear God, help your daughter.

Please, please, God.

Help your daughter.

I beg you, please...

Why are you praying?

You have nothing to be frightened of.

Unless you want forgiveness for your lies, of course.


I absolve you.

I am your god now.

Release me.

Release me from this agony.

I cannot... I will not lie for you any more.

The King might die!

If I'd meant to k*ll him, he'd be dead.

It was just enough to weaken him.

To remind him who his friends are.

You gave him too much.

I didn't want any of this. I loved Aramis.

Shhh. (She sobs)

But he didn't love you, did he?

You wanted revenge and now you have it.

Doesn't it taste sweet?

What have I become?

What have you done to me?

We are not done yet.

Sister, I could kiss you.

Best not, perhaps.

Your Majesty, I will beg you one more time.

At least stay until we have Vargas.

It is impossible.

I know the danger, Captain, but I must go.

Godspeed, Porthos.

Your Majesty.



Constance is a brave girl.

She'll be fine.

Look after yourself.

I always do. It's you lot I worry about.

Just... stay alive.

I'll do my best.

I cannot delay any longer, Captain.

What have I done to deserve this, Constance?

I swear I have never in my life made a mistake prescribing remedies.

Someone tampered with the medicine.

But Lady Marguerite... Why would she say such things of us?

(Door opens)

My proposition is simple.

Testify against Aramis and the Queen and you live.

I had a feeling you might prove stubborn.

You have been found guilty of the attempted assassination of the King, the penalty for which is death.

May God have mercy on your soul.

Impossible. I have done nothing wrong.

This is not justice!

You can't do this! He's innocent!

I've had no trial, no chance to defend myself!

No! Dear God, no!


Before his blood dries, you will be next.

This is m*rder!

(She whimpers)

I have done nothing wrong!

Your turn.

But you can still save yourself.

You have until dawn tomorrow to consider your position.

Marguerite's reply to our note.

What news of the King?

She doesn't say, exactly. But he must be recovering.

She's arranged a private audience and will lead you to him.

We should wait for confirmation that the King is safe.

My husband is alive. Marguerite would not lie about that.

We must do as she says. This might be our only chance.


Tell me, how is the Dauphin?

Majesty, come this way.

Are you sure this is safe?

Please, we only have a few moments.

This way.

Run! For God's sake, save yourself! Run!

Put down your weapons!

Where is the King?

Take me to him.

First, you must answer to the charge of his attempted assassination.

It's absurd! The Queen wasn't even in the palace.

Her household has proved a den of assassins.

Her key accomplice, Dr Lemay, lost his head.

The Bonacieux woman will be ex*cuted for her part in the conspiracy tomorrow.

It's a lie. Constance is innocent.

Confine the Queen to her quarters. Securely this time.

You will not succeed in this, Rochefort.

The King will see what you are!

A murderous plot against him, planned by his unfaithful, deceitful wife.

He has no choice but to condemn you.

You have no evidence. It will be my word against yours.


It will be a little more than that.

You did know your son's governess was sleeping with your musketeer too?

Let me see my son.

Hardly appropriate.

The King will very soon know the depths of your disgrace.

Arrest the musketeer Aramis on a charge of high treason.


These are the King's orders. Will you defy them?

Sleeping with the Queen has consequences.

As you are about to discover.

Get to Constance while you still can.


I'll get you out of here, I swear it. I won't let them hurt you.

I'm not afraid. I love you.

Never give up hope.

(He gasps)

Ugh! God.

CONSTANCE: D'Artagnan!


D'Artagnan, I love you.

You will never touch me again, Rochefort.

There is only you and I now.

The Dauphin is his son Do not speak to your King in this way!


I have been falsely accused.

w*r has been declared on Spain.


You're to be taken from here to await execution.

Aramis! Aramis!

Holy Mary, Mother of God... pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death...