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05x24 - I'm a Good Girl, I Am

Posted: 03/17/15 22:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on Pretty Little Liars...

Oh, my God.


Hanna's been arrested.

Hanna's lawyer will do his best to get her out on bail.

But it might not be possible.


Tanner found the clothes Mona was wearing the day she died, and Hanna's blood was on them.

Have you talked to Toby since you got back?

It's not really a good idea, under the circumstances.

What can I get for you?

Actually, I'm looking for someone, Hanna Marin.

Why are you looking for Hanna Marin?

My name is Lesli.

I was a friend of Mona's.

Mrs. Van der Wall said you were trying to find me.

Not just you; the others. You girls were there for Mona, I wasn't. I want to thank you for that.

I'm getting a little tired of memorializing Mona.

Are you saying that the world's better off without her?

We're lucky she didn't get to college and start thinking about running for president.

The DA is offering a plea bargain.

If you plead guilty, and you take responsibility for your actions...

I did not k*ll Mona!

As the trial enters its second month, the state's case against Alison DiLaurentis the infamous teen accused of murdering her classmate, has taken a new turn.

Here to tell us more is our expert on the case, Sara Shepard.

Sara, you have been with this one since the beginning.

Tell me, is this kid going down, down, down?

She might, Bill.

The DA has painted Alison as the ultimate mean girl, and it looks like one of her classmates knew that her abduction was pulp fiction.

The defense claimed that Alison is a scapegoat.

Could she be innocent?

We'll know more today.

The prosecution, in its rebuttal, has just announced a surprise witness.

Surprise witness. That must've rattled the defense team.

Oh, it's rattled a lot of people.

Counselor, will you call your next witness, please?

The Commonwealth calls Lesli Stone to take the stand.

I knew she was trouble.

Where's she been all this time?

Probably took her a while to cross the River Styx.

I do.

♪ Got a secret, can you keep it ♪
♪ Swear this one you'll save ♪
♪ Better lock it in your pocket ♪
♪ Taking this one to the grave ♪
♪ If I show you then I'll know you won't tell what I said ♪
♪ 'Cause two can keep a secret if one of them is dead ♪

So you hadn't seen your friend since the school year began, but you were in constant communication.

Mona and I talked on the phone a lot.

We grew very close last summer.

We texted all the time.

And on one occasion, Mona actually sent you a card, correct?


And in this card, mailed two weeks before Thanksgiving, what did Mona tell you?

She was having a hard time, and she had been threatened by her.

And what was the nature of this threat?

Ally said if Mona opened her trap about the fake kidnapping that she'd be eaten by worms.

Objection. Hearsay.

The witness is quoting the victim, Your Honor. It's all in the card.

Objection overruled.

And why have you decided to share this card with us now, Lesli?

I couldn't find it.

It came during midterms, and I stuck it in a textbook.

And honestly, I didn't take it seriously enough.


Everyone has feuds in high school.

I didn't realize what Mona was dealing with until it was too late.

And then, when I came to see her mom, um...

What happened then?

I realized something weird was going on.

Even though Alison was already locked up, her friends were all on edge about anyone asking any questions, or touching Mona's things.

I was practically att*cked by Mona's boyfriend for borrowing a book from her room.

Do you think that Alison's friends were hiding something to protect her?


One of them, Hanna Marin, wouldn't even let me go into Mona's bedroom.

She stalked me the entire time I was in Rosewood.

What are you doing?

Calling Caleb.

Did you share your observations with Mona's mother?

If you're on your way there, tell Hanna that she just got tossed under another wheel of the bus.

You should probably call her mom, but, um... us first.



Have they taken a recess?


No, I just... I did.

It's getting worse.

I've been following the trial...

I thought I would hear from you the second that Hanna was arrested.

Your mom said you were in London.

I was, but I came back as soon as I could.

I couldn't reach out yet...

Okay, because your boss is using us to build a case against me.

So you've said.

I should probably get back.


How did the interview go?

For Oxford.

Not well.


"A" kind of followed me to the UK.

Packed some vials of blood in my bag without me knowing it, and my purse exploded and hemorrhaged all over a 200-year-old chair.

It was actually horrifying.

You should've called me.

I was told not to, remember?

It's fine.

I had a panic attack, I shredded my carry-on.

I wanted to swing back to Philadelphia, but, um...

Melissa's roommate helped me through it.

He was very sweet.

Oh, um...

Hey, Toby.

We need to talk to Hanna, soon.

Why? What else did Lesli say?

I can't. There are barracudas with duller teeth.

Stalked her? I did not stalk her.

You told me to keep an eye on her at all times.

I probably would've let her go to the bathroom by herself.

Who the hell is Lesli Stone?

I mean, does she go to our school, because I've never even heard her name before today.

She lives with Mona's grandparents.

Last summer, they became besties.

A bestie who couldn't be bothered to go to her funeral.

Yeah, and somehow dug up a greeting card that makes me look like Squeaky Fromme.

But, guys, what if Lesli's here on behalf of another friend?

She's not "A's" pawn.

Lesli really cared about Mona.

That's why she wants to see Ali fry.

Ali, what does your lawyer say about this?

Guys, we have nothing.

What happened at the Varjak Trail?

It led us back to Mona's house, and this paper filled with weird phrases.

I need something.

I'm about to get life in prison because Mona wanted to use her last Laurel and Hardy stamp.

Alison, what else can we do?

We questioned Cyrus, we hunted down the pizza box number.

Hanna even tried to tell Tanner about "A."

You don't have an alibi.

Now you're sounding like my lawyer.

She thinks going after a possible witness is a complete waste of time.

Wait. What witness?

Someone might have seen me, on Thanksgiving.

At the playground?

You said that you didn't see anybody.

I didn't, but I might not have been there alone.

Where the hell are you?

I've been here for an hour, and I'm freezing.

[rattling sound]

Why'd you run?

I thought it might've been "A," but now I'm not so sure.

So you don't know if it was a man or a woman.

Or a squirrel.

I saw the jacket, and... maybe someone was sleeping in there.

Look, Ali, maybe if we went back there...

[buzzing, line disconnects]


[busy signal drones]

What happened?

Her time's up.

Mike: Yeah, I'm coming.

Where have you been?

I had a make-up test.

I came back to get my stuff for practice.

What's going on?

Mona's pal Lesli, she took the stand today and she basically trashed you.


I've only met that girl once.

Yeah, well, you're kind of hard to forget when you try to pinch off someone's head.

What did she say?

Did you tell her that I was...

No, we can't talk to her.

Aria, if someone's making me look like I hurt Mona...

Okay, just shut up and listen to me.

There's a very good chance that you might get called in there to testify.

Bring it on.

I'm ready to talk.

No, no, no, you're not. Mike, you have to keep what you know to yourself.

I already made that mistake.

If I had gone to the cops the night I saw the blood and told them what Mona was planning, she might still be here.

Yeah, but if you bring up what Mona did, who she was helping, this could come back to bite you. It always does.

So, what, you're asking me to lie under oath?

No. I'm asking you to have three answers: yes, no, and I don't remember.

You got it?

Did you bring the paper?

The words from Mona's mirror.

What's the hold-up?

They're just words, they don't make any sense.

They only come in two sizes, girls.

Toby, hi. I'm so glad you're here.

Would you mind doing a coffee run?

I don't get it.

I have been through the academy the same as every other officer in there, so why am I being asked to photocopy parking tickets and fetch lattes while everybody else is working on a case?

Am I being punished for something?

Punished for what?

The night of the gallery break-in.

Why would you be punished?

You made an arrest.

When I ask you to go for a coffee run, it's because many of the officers are on back-to-backs.

I just thought it would be nice to have fresh coffee.



Mom put your dinner in the fridge.

What's that?

It was on the porch.

Looks like photo supplies.

Why are you suddenly in charge of all this? You're not even on yearbook.

'Cause Mom thinks that asking students to wipe lipstick from their teeth will distract me from the trial.

Hand me your keys, would you?


I can't keep this to myself.

I could help Hanna and Alison if I told the police.

The longer that I wait...

Mike, stop. Please.

What's that smell?


What the hell?


Is that a tongue?

Oh, my God.

Put it down. Mike, put it down.

Who sent this to you?

Who do you think?

Now do you get it?

This gift was for you. The next time, it's gonna be your tongue on the porch.


Is everything all right?

Yeah. Everything's fine.

Mike, go eat dinner and we'll talk later.

So when did this happen?

Last night.

It was left out on my front porch.

My mother could've opened that box.

I wish she had.

Aria, if you and your brother are being threatened, you need to take that little gift to the police.

Hanna made that mistake, and now she's sitting behind bars.

Look, Ezra, I'm here because you get it.

You know what we're up against.

So will you do it or not?

Aria, even if I can get him out of town, I can't stop him from showing up to court if he's been subpoenaed.

I can't hide him.

I understand.

But it's a long drive up to your cabin, so you can at least explain to him why it is not necessary to volunteer dangerous information.

What about your parents? What do they say?

They're worried about Mike.

They're totally up for him getting out of town.

You know what.

Forget it. I came here because I didn't know who else to go to.

Don't read silence as a "no."

I'm just trying to wrap my head around this.

You and Mike or you and me?

I'll pick him up at 4:00.


Does Alison know we're doing this?

Did you talk to her?

No, I didn't want to get her hopes up.

Or Hanna's.

Can I help you?

Um, yeah. Maybe. We were just looking for somebody.

Playing hide-and-seek?

Yeah. Sorta.

Um, listen, this might sound a little bit crazy, but we're just looking to talk to anybody who might spend a lot of time here.

That would be me.

Yeah, my group comes up here a couple of times a month.

Our church bought the lot.

Have you ever seen anyone sleeping in here?

Or somebody who might spend a lot of time here by themselves during the day?

I've never seen anyone else up here besides us.

But if you're trying to help the homeless, we're doing a really neat Easter supper.

We could always use more volunteers.

Thank you.

You're actually only allowed 26 words, but if you need any editing suggestions...

Perfect. Thanks.

Ah, Molly Borman's ready.


Wow, you scared me.

You never called me back.

Last night?

Oh, yeah.

I'm sorry, there was... family stuff.

What's going on?

This about Mike?

Yeah, I asked Ezra to get him out of town for a couple of days.

The trial is starting to mess with his head.

You asked Ezra for help? I thought you and he were...

No, we are.

But... we're still friends, and he bonded with Mike after Mona's memorial.

I could bond with Mike, too.

You don't need a teaching degree for that.

I know, but he's got a cabin up in the Poconos, so my parents are comfortable with him taking Mike up there.

I see.

He's got Mom and Pop on his side, too.

Andrew, it's not a competition. I have a lot of history with Ezra, so if he wants to be there for me...

I've offered the same.

Somehow, you don't hear it when I say I'm here 24/7.

Um, Aria?

I hear you, okay? I do.

Hi. Can I see your form?


Showing up now seems a little convenient, doesn't it?

This chick gets a letter from a pal claiming a death threat, and she never mentions it to the cops for months.

Can we not talk about that?

She's making you and your friends look like a coven of witches.

I know.

Do you?

Because you need somebody to stand up in that courtroom and tell the jury the truth, before that four-eyed freak whips out some fake picture of you stashing a w*apon in Mona's sock drawer.

Do not put it past her.

Look, I only get to see you for 30 minutes.

I don't want to spend 28 of them talking about this.

What about Mike?

I mean, he's still sitting on a hell of a story, Hanna.

Leave him out of it.


Because he's a kid.

If he talks, that means two more years of high school being tortured by "A."

No, not if Mike opens his mouth and send the cops looking for the right person.

What am I supposed to do?

How am I gonna help you, Hanna?

Do you really want me to just show up here twice a week, and tell you what I thought was funny on South Park?

I can't even hold your frickin' hand.

I love you, Hanna, and I'm...

I'm not gonna just walk away.

I'm not gonna leave you.

That's just never gonna happen.

So Mike needs to speak up.

He's just a kid.


[gasps] Oh, my God!


Let me ask the questions, okay?

You can be aggressive sometimes.

I don't want to scare her.

I'm Emily.

This is Spencer.


We noticed that patch on your jacket.

We were wondering if you were part of the youth group.


Did you ever spend time at River Road playground?

Um, we're looking for someone who might've been there on Thanksgiving.

I wasn't.

Okay, well, one of our friends was, and she heard... thought she might've heard someone who would've seen her that night.

So I just wanna ask you if...

You told her.

You promised you wouldn't, and you told your daughter.

How else would they know?


Have you heard from Mike?

He called when they were near Stroudsburg, but his phone cut out.

Yeah, well, the service is spotty up there, but they've got a land line at the cabin.


What's all this?

Just trying to find a quote for my yearbook picture.

That shouldn't be too hard.

You've had an eventful four years.

Maybe something from Hamlet.

Yeah, or Frankenstein.

Aria, Emily and Spencer had no right to corner that poor girl.

Once again, Mom, they did not corner her.

We are just trying to find someone who can back up Alison's story and prove that she wasn't in Rosewood that day.

You are not on her defense team.

Why won't you tell me why that girl freaked out and turned on you?

Kendra is a good kid who made a big mistake, and I promised to keep her secret. It's that simple.

What kind of big mistake?

I've got two friends that are sitting in jail right now, and this person might be able to help them.

Kendra went to a party the night before Thanksgiving.

She didn't know the other kids, and she got nervous.

She experimented with some drug that was cut with speed, and had a very bad reaction.

She was worried that her parents would figure out she was high as a kite, and there'd be hell to pay.

So she hid out at a playground until she was sober enough to go home and pass the cranberries.

Why would she tell you this?

You'd be surprised what students confide to their favorite teachers.

Or maybe you wouldn't.

Did she see Alison that day?

'Cause if she was at the playground...

She didn't mention seeing anybody else.

And why are you so sure that Alison was where she said she was?

You need to separate yourself from her.

And what about Hanna?

Am I just supposed to abandon her, too?

Kendra's not the only good kid out there who's made a big mistake, Mom.

That took a lot longer than I thought.

Takes about two hours.

Your sister usually falls asleep.

How often does she come up?


What the hell are you doing?

I thought you might be freaked out if you saw a light on.

Hey, Mike.

Hey, how's it going?

Can we skip the greetings, please?

What are you doing here, Caleb?

I'm here for a reality check.

Look, your sister is very scared, and she gave you bad advice.

There are a lot of people relying on you.

You need to come back with me and tell the truth.

Whoa. Stop.

We just got here. The only thing we're doing is taking off our jackets, heating up a frozen pizza, and if you calm down, we might even offer you a slice.

You know, I'm good. While it's defrosting, we're gonna be in Scranton.

Let's go, Mike.

You can't just throw him in the back of your car like a pair of boots.

This is a big decision to make.

Yeah, and I made it.

I wanna go back.

Mike, stop.

Do not be reckless with this.

You have a target on your back, and I know you wanna do the right thing.

Yeah, I do.

Which is coming back and telling what he knows.

He's right.

I need to do this. This is not gonna go away.

Okay, fine.

Would you mind getting the bags out of the back of the car?

You are messing with his head.


He's not made of glass.

He's 16.

You know what? We all have crap that we need to face that we don't feel ready for.

Hanna is locked in a cage with people who could k*ll her with a comb.

Oh, that's not fair.

What is fair?

When I was his age, I was sleeping on the street, and trying to stretch $11 to last me a week.

So, what, simply because your life was hard, his has to be, too?

No, but life doesn't get easier by avoiding things.

I guess you didn't learn that up on the horsey estate.

You wanna drag the kid back?

Fine. Then what?

Are you gonna be there for him in the fallout?

Or is it only Hanna you care about?

The kid is ready to put on his big-boy pants, and offer up a little insight.

Otherwise, I will.

[car starting]


Will you drink tomato juice?

Whatever. I don't care.

Actually, you might. This could be sauce.

That girl will never talk to us.

And if Aria's mom won't help us, we have to ask Toby.

He's a policeman, Spencer.

And if Kendra's such a good girl, she's not gonna lie to someone wearing that uniform.

Just please forget about Toby.

What happened between you two in that stairwell?


We danced around the fact that I basically dated two other guys.

Whoa, back up.

What do you mean, dated?

Okay, stop looking at me like I'm the town pump.

There were a few spontaneous kisses, that's all.

Who kissed who?

Does it matter? I wasn't unconscious, Emily.

And honestly, it felt really good to be with somebody who wanted to be with me.

Something that Toby hasn't wanted since he put on that stupid uniform.

Closed mouth or open?

Drink your sauce.

[knocking on door]

Mrs. Montgomery called me.

We need to talk.

Let's get a dustpan, unless you gonna lick it up.

I've been studying the paper...

Two minutes, ladies.

Forget the paper.

There was someone there in the playground that day.

They found her.

guard: What's going on here? Everyone back to your stations.

My God, Alison, what are you doing?

We can talk in the infirmary.

Slam your hand in there.


Just do it.


I can't do it.

I can't do it.

Hold still.

How did this happen?

It was an accident.

It wasn't an accident last time, Alison.

If someone here is still harassing you...

This was an accident.

What happened to you?

She slammed her hand.

In a dryer.


Is this the first time you girls have done laundry?

Where do you two think you are?

Homeroom detention?

This is a m*rder trial, ladies.

And trying to defend someone who thinks she can manipulate the system is a challenge I never agreed to take on.

Give me the note.

Give it to me.

What is this?

I have an urgent message on my phone from your buddies.

Better not be another manipulation.




How long were you out there?

1:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m.?

Something like that.


And you were in the pipe the whole time?

Did you ever see anyone walk by?


But she heard a voice.

You heard a voice, right?


I got this.

Did you hear a voice?


A girl's voice.


Who was she talking to?

Sounded like she was on the phone.

And do you recall what she said?

Not really. My heart was pounding.

Thank you for stepping forward, Kendra.

If we need anything else, we'll call you.

Wait, no, why is she leaving?

Because it's 9:15 on a school night, and I'm betting that Kendra has algebra homework.

Good night.

But that's not the end of her story.

She heard Alison get in her car.

It's been a long day, ladies.

But if Kendra doesn't know what you'll be asking her on the stand...

I'm not putting Kendra on the stand.



No jury is going to be swayed by a witness who earlier in the day saw eight fingers on one hand, and was picking up NPR through her cavity fillings.

We are not that desperate.

Yes, we are.

We don't have anybody else.

Yes, we do.

I'm putting Alison on the stand.




What is this place?

I think it's some sort of scout camp. Pathfinders.

Are there cabins? Maybe he's hiding.

What the hell?

Do you see anything?


Holy crap!

What the hell is going on?

Get down.

Did you see anybody?

To the left, I think.

I can't see 'em.

Let's go.

Can I come in?

What's going on?

I have done a lot to get that.

I got my butt kicked in the academy for it.

I fought with my dad about it.

I even got a buzz cut.

I did it because I was tired of not being able to protect the one person in this world that matters most to me.

And I am not gonna choose, Spencer.

I'm not gonna choose between it and you.

I never asked you to.

I know.

But Tanner has.

And that's why I'm gonna tell her if she's not okay with me being with you, and being a cop, then she's gonna have to kick me off the force.

[phone ringing, voicemail beeps]

Ezra, where are you guys?

Why is nobody picking up the land line?

Call me when you get this, please.

Hey, Andrew, it's me...

I thought that you'd be home.

Listen, if you meant the whole 24/7 thing, I'd, um, I'd really like you to take a drive up to the cabin where Mike is staying.

I can't get a hold of him or Ezra or or anybody, and I just know that something's wrong, and I need your help.

Thank you.

Oh my God! Mike!

No, wait, wait.

What are you doing?

Getting proof.


It's okay.


Marcus: These stills were taken from the vicious attack on Mona.

As the forensics expert testified, the assailant hurled the victim with considerable force, strength that came from the assailant's right arm.

Alison, will you please toss that to me?

I'm gonna back up a little bit.

Objection. Where's counsel going with this?

Are we gonna watch the defendant skip rope, too?

Ms. Marcus, I don't like edible objects thrown in my courtroom.

Please, Your Honor, I'm building a foundation.

Get on with it.

Alison, toss that to me over here.

Again, please.

And one more time.

Was that last pass painful because of the recent burn to that arm?

No, ma'am.

My elbow, this part of my arm, I once broke it and it never completely healed.

How old were you when you broke it?

Around three maybe.

You were just over two-and-a-half.

And I have doctors' reports that show that the fracture never healed properly.

Ladies and gentlemen, this victim was slammed against the wall.

Hurled like a rag doll, something that Alison isn't even capable of doing with a one-pound grapefruit.

So you can't give me an exact time this occurred, but you believe it happened between 10:00 and midnight.

How tall was this individual, approximately?

I already told you.

Mike's vision was impaired, and we couldn't see anybody.

It was dark.

So neither of you can tell me the sex, the height, or the hair color of this individual.


In fact, you can't even be sure whether it was more than one individual.

Is this the same information you gave the sheriff in Allegheny County?

Um, no, because we came straight here, because we figured it was connected.

You have to file it in the county where the incident occurred.


This town has it so ass-backwards, I cannot...

Okay, don't you get it?

There is somebody after us.

The same person who went after Hanna Marin and her friends did this.

So just to be clear, instead of helping untie your friend, you stopped to take a photo.

It's kind of an odd reaction, don't you think?

Alison, I'm sorry.

Frankly surprised to hear about your injury at this late juncture.

Did this prevent you from participating in your school's PE program?

No, sir.

Have you had to steer away from certain sports?

Yes, I have.

What about summers at sleep-away camp?

Did that weak arm keep you from taking electives like archery?

Shall I repeat the question?

Did you take archery?

I don't remember.

Well, let's refresh your memory.

You not only took it, you were darn good at it.

Can you explain to the jury how you managed to beat out every camper when the contest requires sh**ting at five separate targets from the same spot?


[phones buzzing]

Your Honor, can you instruct the witness to answer the question?

Miss DiLaurentis, please answer Mr. Sirk's question.

Counselor, would you please repeat the question for the witness?

Lieutenant, I need to speak with you.

Toby, you should not have come in here today.

It's about Spencer Hastings.

There is nothing you can do. It is too late.

Too late for what?

To help her or her friends.

They chose to help the wrong person.

Please make sure the door is closed and locked when I'm gone.


The jury may be deliberating for some time.

There's a private room down the hall.

I'm fine.

Where's your dad?

He and Jason went to get food.

I'm still too nervous to eat.

Honestly, I'm mystified.

They had one hour for lunch, and they managed to dig up an award you won when you were 11 years old.

I didn't even win it.

What do you mean?

I talked my bunkmate into sinking the arrows before I even picked up the bow.

We rigged it.

It's too late to tell the truth now, huh?

Hey. Sorry I couldn't get here earlier.

How are you doing?

Kind of a mess, actually.

Where were you last night?

I called you a bunch of times.

Did you get my messages?

Yeah, I'm an idiot.

I was rushing to finish my yearbook page, and my phone must've died.

Why are you sitting in here?

It's either here or the parking lot.

I hate this. I hate waiting.

Can I wait with you?


Hey, where's that yearbook form?


I could actually use your help.

I can't decide what to cut.


I mean, I know you're a nice guy and all, but I didn't know you were an award-winning Pathfinder scout.


Twelve years.

You never know when those skills are gonna come in handy.

♪ The shattered hope, the scattered past ♪

Have you reached a verdict?

We have, Your Honor.

In the case of the Commonwealth v. Alison DiLaurentis, we, the jury, find the defendant guilty of m*rder in the first degree.

♪ Everything is gone ♪
♪ And this nightmare's closing in ♪
♪ Everything is lost ♪


♪ There's a sorrow beneath my skin ♪
♪ This is the end ♪
♪ Of me ♪
♪ This is the end ♪
♪ Of me ♪
♪ Everything is lost ♪
♪ And this nightmare's closing in ♪
♪ This is the end ♪
♪ Of me ♪
♪ Do you know where you're going to? ♪
♪ Do you like the things that life is showing you? ♪
♪ Where are you going to? ♪
♪ Do you know? ♪
♪ Do you get what you're hoping for? ♪
♪ When you look behind you, there's no open door ♪
♪ What are you hoping for? ♪
♪ Do you know? ♪