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01x08 - Medals

Posted: 03/19/14 21:17
by bunniefuu
Beatrice: Previously on 19-2...

Grandpa left that desk for me.

Amélie, you get the desk.

How's Theo?

Nick: He's still sleeping it off.

This was supposed to be your weekend with him.

He didn't wanna leave town.

Isabelle:So you went to the cabin by yourself?


Ben: You said you'd come with me.

Whispering: You hate it there.

(Sirens wailing, Nick screaming)

What the hell happened in there?

(Car alarm sounding)

(Sirens wailing)

Someone f*cked up.

(Sirens wailing)

(Siren wailing)

I got her!

(Dog whimpering)

We need fire and ambulance under the Jacques Cartier Bridge east of Dorion.

We got a real bad wreck here.

All right!

Man on police radio: Copy, 19-2.

You're gonna be all right, all right? Help is on the way.

Crying: Is she dead?


(Dog whimpering)

OK, we're doing everything we can.

We're gonna get you out of here, sir, OK?

Don't worry, we're-- Stay with me.

I did it on purpose.


What did you say?

I was trying to k*ll her.

(Crying and gasping)





(Whimpering and grunting)

Man: Look out behind you!

Enough of this crap!

Excuse me!

Man: Yeah, I got it!

If you don't need anything else...

(Car honking, men talking in distance)

Yeah, I'll clear the scene as soon as we have an idea of what we're dealing with here.

Like I told you, the driver confessed.

He said he was trying to k*ll his wife.

That doesn't make it so.

I'm just telling you.

(Men talking in distance)

Well, put it in your notes and stand on the other side of the tape.

Thank you.


Woman on radio: 33-6, we've spotted 2 individuals, black males.

They're running down...


Man: Watch it!

That d*ck better not make us late for the funeral.


You get the names?


The tactical officers shot in the raid.

I didn't know them.

I might be late, anyway. I gotta go see Harvey.

This is a cop funeral.

I know. I'll be there.

Ben: The last time I went to a cop funeral, guys came from all over.

City cops, RCMP...

Tyler: Half the city'll be there today.

You put on the uniform, you never know if you're be coming home.

So, I just have to swing by my place first.

I forgot my dress duds.

Oh, yeah.

I gotta pick up Harvey.

Yeah, I'll come.

(Phone ringing)

Sighing: No.


What, we're not going together?

I'll meet you there.


Jesus! You're on hot and cold, huh?

(Woman talking on radio, indistinct)

You know what, that's fine. Vince will drive me.

Yeah, I bet he will.

Man on radio: 34-12...

All ready to go?

Yeah, uh, change of plans. I don't think he's up for it.

(Phone ringing in distance)

It's good for him.

Not today.

Woman on PA: We have a cleanup on 34.

Well, then, time for activities.


Woman on TV: ...usually contains propane and other flammable compressed gas...

There you go!

Woman on TV:Experts theorize it's possible...

Oh! No... Keep on the page.

Keep on the page, OK?

All right, fine! Do it your way.

Woman on TV: An amber alert has been issued in the provinces of Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick in the abduction of 5-year-old Nathan Cody.

Police have already identified 2 suspects.

Charles Allen Leigh of Toronto, who has 2 prior convictions for sexual as*ault, and his common-law wife Winnie Clowe are both wanted for questioning.

Am... Amber.

Yeah, amber alert.

You remember those?

Yeah, amber...

Yeah. A 5-year-old kid.

You remember when I lost Theo? I told you about that.

(Woman talking on PA, indistinct)

He was five too. In a marketplace in Jamaica.

I looked for him for hours, called the cops...

I finally found him down the road eating mangoes with some kids he met.

He was having a ball.

That feeling I had in my gut that day never really went away.


I don't understand anything you're telling me!

(Both laughing)

OK, is it bad that I get horny after the funeral?

Laughing: Well, how long have you been on the sauce?

Oh, uh, since, uh, before the service.

Man: ...cut it off.

(♪ Rock on stereo )

Where the hell were you?

I was with Harvey.

Two cops die, and you can't pay your respects?

You know what? Harvey should've been there too.

Tyler: That's what I want.

Oh, really? Oh, ladies, ladies! This is Nick.

Nick, meet the ladies.

Hey, there! Buy us a drink?

Us? As in, both of you.

You can't handle both of us.

(Women laughing)

What are you laughing at?

(Women laughing)


You OK?

Why wouldn't I be?

Well, you no-showed a police funeral, Nick. Not cool!

I'm fine.

Do you wanna go home?

No. I want a drink! Talk to you later.

The word is, it was supposed to be some old Haitian couple minding the place.

That's it.

But then, tactical goes in there and it had already been cleared.

No meth lab, no Haitian family, just 2 bangers dumping shitloads of chemicals down the drain with AKs in hand.

And then, they just lit that place up.

At least they dropped the shitheads who did it right.

What the hell is that, open fire on tactical? Come on!


They were getting rid of the evidence?

That's the story.

(Door closing)

Which means they knew they were coming.

Only way it makes sense, man.

All right, fellas!

(♪ Man singing on stereo, indistinct ♪)

(Keys clinking)

Stay with me.

(Exhaling deeply)

(Car horns honking in distance)

(♪ Rock on stereo )

Woman: Mmm!

Man: Oh! Yeah!


You really are hot, you know? You're, like--


You're one of the hottest people I know.

And you're drunk.

I'm serious!

I wish I had those-- those Chinese-y eyes of yours.

They're Vietnamese.

And wars have been fought over less, but thank you.

Let me look at you.

(Men whistling)

Man 1: Whoo!

Man 2: Yes! God bless you lovely, little lesbian lovers!

(Men cheering)

Man 1: Wow!

Man 2: Yeah! Don't stop!



(Men laughing and talking, indistinct)


Well, I need another drink!

I think you should call it a night.

(Chair falling)

Easy, easy, easy! You OK?

You all right? You tipping chairs over?

You'll do the trick.

I'll do the what?

Let's split a cab.

Let's split a cab?

Whoa! What is happening?

Mind your business.

Get her home safe.


Audrey moaning: Oh yeah! Oh!

(Both moaning)

Oh, Vince!

(Audrey and Vince moaning)

Audrey and Vince: Oh!

Oh yeah! Oh, don't stop!

Oh, don't stop!

(Both moaning)

You want him? Take him.

You know what I want.

(Both moaning)

Audrey: Oh yeah, don't stop!

(Audrey and Vince panting and moaning)

(Billiard balls clicking)

You're blowing it with Audrey.


Yeah, I know.

She's too good for you.

You're jealous.

Laughing: The hell, I am!


I got a right.

We should start a support group.

(Both laughing)

Yeah, and Vince should join too, right?

Laughing: Yeah!


(Knocking on door)

(♪ Electronic lounge on stereo ♪)

(Knocking on door)


(Clearing throat)


What's the matter with you, man?

You don't answer your phone?

Hey, man, listen. It's not a good time, all right?

Laughing: Bullshit, man! It's Friday night!

You need to learn to live a little.


(Tyler grunting)

I figured how to fix the whole g*dd*mn world.

Is that right?


What you do, is you take the old folks, put them in prison, right?

And then, you take the prisoners, put them in the old folks home.

Voilà! Everybody wins!

That's brilliant. Now, I'm gonna call you a cab.

Mmm! I don't need me a cab.

I just got here!

Listen, man, I've got... I've--

Oysters! My man!

Laughing: You sure know how to live, huh?

(Knocking on door)


Hi! This is the good stuff.

Thank you!

You're welcome!

Come on in!

Thank you! Ooh!

You look nice.

Thank you!

(Tyler slurping)

Ben: He's, uh, he's just on his way out.

How in the hell did you land this one?

She's way too beautiful for you, bro!

This is Tyler!



Nice to meet you! Hello, Tyler.

Amélie is Nick's sister.

You kidding me?

So the legends of Barron's sister are true?

Well, half sister, technically.

You got the good half, ain't that right, baby girl?

Laughing: Thank you!

Laughing: Man, oh, man!

This is some next-level gossip right here!


What? Man, you are so uptight! Give me that!

You guys are having a five-star dinner, and you didn't invite the big dog?

I'm sorry!

No, it's fine!

Imagine that! What you got in here? Sushi?

You got the fancy stuff! You see them little red eggs?

That's the fancy shit right there!

You guys got enough to go around?

He should go.

Oh, I don't mind!

She-- she don't mind!

Yeah! Yeah, sure.

Laughing: My man!

Tyler: All right, then it's a party! Party!

(Amélie laughing, talking indistinctly)


(Truck beeping, birds chirping in distance)



(Grunting, sniffling)



Theo, Dad's here!

He's not even close to ready, and I'm running late.

Don't worry about it. I'll lock it up.

What's with the dog?

It's a rescue. What can I say? He wouldn't leave me alone.

I never pictured you for such a cute dog.

Anyone can take in a Rottweiler!

It takes a real man to rescue a fluffy dog.


That's right!

See, I got that kind of confidence.


Theo: All right, I'm ready.

OK, I'll see you later! Bye!

See ya! Hey, sport!


Oh my God, who's this little guy?

He's gonna be riding shotgun with us.



He's adorable. What's his name?

We gotta figure that out. He's a rescue.

Oh, nice!

Yeah, all right, let's do this.

Let's go, buddy. Whoo!

I know I said it already, but I'm really sorry about last night.

Don't worry about it. Tyler's pretty hilarious.

That wears off.

Um, do you always arrange your croissants just so, or am I special?

I like to take the time in the morning for a good breakfast and civilized conversation.

Oh, you are fresh off the marriage train!

How recent was the breakup?

Pretty recent.

So I'm your rebound?


Well, you can't be because you don't do monogamous relationships.

No, I don't.

So, I'm seeing someone else for a while now.


It's not like I'm betraying him. He knows the deal.

Sighing: We have an understanding.

You and him or me and you?

Well, both, hopefully.

I'm cool with it.

You are?

I am.

(Both laughing)


(Bells tolling, birds chirping in distance)

Jesus, Nick!

What the hell is this?

He's a rescue.

His owners died in a car accident.

Shouldn't you take him to a shelter?

I thought you two might get along.

You love dogs, and this one's city size.


Yeah! You want him?

Is this a peace offering?

Laughing: It's a gift.

Anything else?


Well, I know this is last minute, but I'm heading up to the cottage with Theo...


You wanna come?

As in, your son Theo?

Yeah, he's in the car. I told him you were coming.

(♪ Hip-hop on stereo )

Come in!

So? You coming?

What about your ex?

What about her?

Aren't you worried she's gonna find out.

I'm ready to tell her.


Yeah. 100%.

Why now, all of a sudden?

You want things out in the open, so let's do it.

Well, whisking me away to a cabin at the crack of dawn isn't exactly out in the open, Nick.


It'd mean a lot to me if you came.

I'm gonna start doing things right.

Well, I need half an hour, at least.

You got it!

You know, you and Theo, you walk the dog.

(Car horn honking in distance)

Gendron: Detective Sergeant?


What are you doing Saturday night? You're not on call.

Um, Saturday...

It's the Friends of Duchesneau dinner.

I've always wanted to go.

(Theo and Audrey talking, indistinct)

He's so cute!

Hey, Dad!

Nick: Hey!

Theo, come back!

Thanks. Show her how it's done!

Got it!

Audrey: He's going crazy over that stick!

Laughing: Look at him! He's so cute!

You have to show me how to do this thing. How does that work?

Oh, that's the best part of the cottage.


Can you hold this?

♪ ♪

I'm not hiding anymore, Nick.


Woman on PA:Investigator Harrison, please report to...

Let's go, guys! Fall in!

Sergeant, this schedule's 20 hours over.


We're officially out of overtime hours this year. You know that.

There are 3 months left this year. What am I supposed to do?

Start mixing in more solos, cover more ground more efficiently.

Solos are bullshit.

Mix in a few in quiet areas.

Add one or two a shift till we're back in the black.

Yes, sir. Fall in! Let's go!

(Woman talking, indistinct)

(Chairs scraping on floor)

(Man coughing)

Let's go, guys!
An update on our amber alert.

Female suspect, Winnie Clowe, was apprehended today in Cornwall.

We can now confirm that the child was abducted and is being held by Charles Allen Leigh.

Got a vehicle?

No, it'll be recently stolen.

This guy is on the move, so eyes open out there.

Here's his mug shot, though he may have changed his appearance.

(Phone ringing in distance)

OK, local business, ticket quotas are up starting today.


Ah, awesome!

Cars, let's go. 19-4. Bear and Joseph, lunch at 12:00.

19-2. Barron and Chartier, lunch will be at 1:00.

Man on radio: 25-10. We're on it.

Dispatcher on radio: We have complaints about a domestic disturbance. 1532 Prince Louis Boulevard.

19-2. We'll take it.

Dispatcher on radio: Copy, 19-2.

(Siren wailing)

I mean, look! Look at what he did to me!

Boo hoo! It's less than you deserved!

It meant nothing! I was shitfaced.

I'm still drunk. I haven't slept yet!

You're the one who chooses to stay out all night!

I don't even know his name, Germain!

I mean, how much more meaningless can you get?

He doesn't even understand.

Do you even think about what you're doing to me? Do you?

It doesn't mean you need to stick a fork into my hand!

You're lucky that's all I could find.

Oh, really?

Well, thank God, the Yonishu knives were in the dishwasher!

The Yonishu knives don't go in the dishwasher!

Please, please!

Go sit down! Right there!

Nick: Sit down!

Ben: Let's go!

I'm not sorry I did it. I know I'm older.

I can't hold onto him forever, but these people he meets.



Well, he didn't get stabbed at a Grindr, he got stabbed by you.

You need an ambulance?

You wanna press charges?

Of course, not! He loves me, and I love him.

That's why he stabbed me.

I mean, he's actually super gentle.

So, is this something you two can work out on your own?

Well, for a fork in the hand, what kind of time would he serve?

Laughing: Of course, not! It's just a scratch.

Anonymous hook ups, Grindr...

I don't get it, man. There's always consequences.

Woman on radio: 8-17, we have an agitated young woman...

Laughing: g*dd*mn, you straight, Chartier.

You just may be the straightest, white man alive.

What, 'cause your love life's going so great?



No, no, no, no, no!

You don't get to say "Touché."

I just did.

The person saying the thing doesn't say "Touché."

That's right, I just touchéed myself.

No, I'm supposed to say "Touché."

Then, say it!

No, because it wasn't a--

(Nick sighing, Ben laughing)

Forget it!

He doesn't even live here and there's dog hair everywhere.

His name's Homer.

Did you name him that or did Dad?

Dad's girlfriend did.

Yeah, her name's Audrey.

She's pretty cool.

I bet she is!

(Men talking, indistinct)

Woman on PA:Attention, all patrol vehicles parked in...

Ben: What's up?

Look what I got. Just for today.

You went to AA.

Good for you, man.


I ain't been dry 24 hours, but they say the first day's the most important one.

What was the meeting like?

It was cool.

I went to one out of town so I wouldn't bump into anybody, you know.

Yeah. Well played.


I want you to hang onto that for me.

I don't know, man.

No, I think you're supposed to hang onto it.

I'll keep the other ones.


Have a good one!

All right, man!

You should take it home.

I don't know if it'll fit in my elevator.

After all that?

It was the principle.


Well, I could put it up at the cottage for you until you move out of your divorcee lodgings.

Hey, I'm not a divorcee.

Not yet.

OK, thanks.

Yeah, put it up at the cottage.


Actually, I'm seeing someone.



Who is she?

A cop. Audrey.

Ha! A white cop?

Wow, you really have a type, huh?

What makes you think she's white?

British accent: "Audrey, love, would you mind just--"

All right, all right! Hey, hey, hey!


All right, all right. Theo!

I gotta go.

No, no, no. Come on, you always say that.

It's always true.

So, what about your friend? He come back yet?




He's still got another month dusting bits of pottery with a toothbrush.

He loves it. Bye!

Theo: Bye!


You look happy.

I'm always happy.

Extra happy.

You got a little glow-thing going on.

Thanks! I showered!

Hmm! So when's he coming back?

Soon! Hmm! OK.

So, who's Auntie's "friend"?

Nick: An archaeologist.

Who says I only have one friend?

Nick: Whoa, whoa! What? Excuse me?

(Birds chirping, cawing)

(Horn honking)

What you don't want no coffee?

I'm telling you, this here is the best shitty coffee in 19.

Probably the whole damn city.

It's not for me, man.

This place smells like a pet store.

Probably is a pet store.

We should ask him what he's got in the back.

You got calling cards?

You can't park in the alley. You have to move your van.

Man: Just give me the calling cards.

Clerk: You can't park there. Move your van.

Here, $40 times 2 cards. And this too.

You tend to buy stuffed animals at a quarter to midnight?

More of an early-evening purchase for me.

That's the guy.

Charles Allen Leigh.

(Siren wailing)

19-2. We have a sighting of Charles Allen Leigh.

He's in a large grey van on Hochelaga, east of Fullum.

We don't know where the kid is.

Proceed with caution.

Woman: Copy, 19-2.

Should I ram him?

You can't ram him!

There might be a kid in there!


(Engine revving)


Get out of the f*cking car!

Put your hands on your head!

Step out--

Step out of the car!



Hands! Face the van!

Face the van!

Face the van!

Up against-- Yeah, yeah!

♪ ♪
♪ ♪

(Siren wailing)

I got you. You all right?

We're gonna take you home.

What's your name?


Nathan? OK, Nathan, are you hurt?


You OK?



(Indistinct chatter)

Well, I hate to do this to you, Vincent, I really do.

No, you don't. You were hustling the shit out of me.

You were asking for it, man.

With your eyes.

(♪ Soft rock on stereo )

Hey there!


Can I buy you a drink?

No, it's OK. Thanks!

Look, I'm sorry about the other night.

I was, uh...

I was drunk and acting stupid.

Don't worry about it.

I didn't mean that kissing you was stupid, just... just the way I went about it.

Because of Nick.


Putting on a show with me, with Vince...

Well, with Vince, yeah, but...


...with you, it wasn't only that.

And I didn't mean to hurt you.

It was just, uh...

I was just messed up.

But you're all better now, right?

With Nick?

Best we've been.

So I guess it worked!

(Both laughing)

I guess it did.


Oh, look who it is!


Local hero, Officer Ben Chartier!


I seen you on TV, man.

I'd clap, but, you know, both my hands are full.


You even go to that meeting?


Yeah! Yeah, of course I did.


I did!

And I'm gonna go to another one and another one and another one.

It's just... These things take time.

Ma'am, I need your ID, OK?

Do you have one?


Yeah? OK.

(Objects clanging on ground)

Well, OK!

Thank you very much!

Man on police radio: ...traffic light on Masson.


What do you want from me, man?

You know what? It is what it is.

It's just what I do, man.

Well, you don't have to.

Do I disappoint you?




Isabelle: Hey! Come in!

Is Theo here?

No, he's staying at Guillaume's.

It's a last-minute thing.


I know. I'm a pushover.

Guillaume's not that bad.

Uh, yeah, he is!

Yeah, he is a little shit.


Um, I made dinner, if you wanna stay.


That was quite the bust.

Yeah, thanks!

You know, right place, right time, I guess.

It just fell in our lap.

Theo told me about Audrey.

Did he?

It's getting serious?

Yeah. Yeah, it is.

I'm glad you're moving on.

There's a couple more, but they're warm.

I don't mind.

I'll get a refill too.

(Moaning and panting)

Don't stop!

(Moaning and panting)

Oh my God!

I'm nobody's momma though!

(Both laughing)

(Talking indistinctly)

(Knocking at door)

Ben: Buzz!



Yeah... Oh, I'm just gonna...

Don't worry about it! Just leave those! It's fine.

Did you bring a tape measure?

You betcha!

Two pieces?


I'm just going.

Amélie: Oh, this is Justine! Justine, Ben.

We grew up together.

Yeah, we've met, through JM.

(Car horn honking outside)

Oh, right! Of course! JM.


Hey, um, maybe don't say anything to Nick.

We're still trying to figure out the approach.

Yeah. I won't.

I gotta run.

It's been way too long!

OK, well, be safe.


Amélie: Bye!

Justine: Bye!

(Car horn honking outside)

So, this is the desk.


Did you get your shift covered tomorrow?

Yes, I did.

Will it fit?

Looks good.

It's a really nice desk!

Why are you taking it to the cottage?

It's a really nice cottage.


It's Nick's desk. He wants it there.


Thank you for doing this.

Yeah, no problem.


(Cell vibrating)


Well, there's no way I can look like a pro now.

What? What?

No way I can look like a pro.

(Laughing) What was that? You are such...

You do know how to make a girl feel comfortable.

♪ ♪
♪ ♪

Theo: Mom, I'm home!

Come on, we gotta go!

Shit! I'm coming!

He has soccer.

Just wait here till we're gone.


What am I hiding for?

Jesus, Nick.

Are you ready?


(Car door opening)

Ben: Oh shit!

Wake up! Wake up! Your brother's here!


You OK?

Yeah! Yeah!



Don't start.


What the hell are you doing?

What does it look like I'm doing?

And you bring him here?

This is my place too, Nick!

Why didn't you tell me?

Because I knew you were gonna react exactly like this.

Jesus, Amélie!

Oh, f*ck off, OK? It's not even your business.

I work with the guy!

Everything isn't about you!

Nick: Wait a minute. Wait! Hey, hey, hey!

Hey, hey, hey! Stop, stop, stop, all right?

Stay out of this!

I'm already in it.

I'm talking to my sister.

Nick, listen to me, we were gonna tell you.

I'm talking to my sister!

Now, get the--

Back off, man!

Not a good idea!

OK, stop it!

Stop! Don't!

You wanna do this?

We gonna do this? Yeah?

Amélie: Oh!


(Nick and Ben grunting and groaning)

f*cking children!

(Objects clattering inside)

(Nick and Ben grunting)



Thank you!


Thank you, sir.