04x08 - Workin' Man (2)

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Trailer Park Boys". Aired: April 2001 to present.*
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Ricky and Julian are two guys whose lives were shaped by their experiences growing up in the Trailer Park. Their childhood was typical of most trailer park kids: stealing, fighting, smoking, drinking, scamming and listening to Van Halen.
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04x08 - Workin' Man (2)

Post by bunniefuu »

Barb, where's Ricky?

He's in the trailer.

Let's go get him.

Holy f*ck!



What in the f*ck?!

f*ck. Are you guys alright? She blew.

She blew. Ricky!


Holy f*ck!

I thought you were a goner. Your cigarette is on fire!

Oh, Ricky.

Put 'em down.

Jesus, the hot tub saved me. It must be fire retardant or something. It saved me. What the f*ck happened?

When we saw Lahey earlier, he had two full propane tanks, he was drunk as f*ck and he pissed himself.

I think he's trying to k*ll you, Rick.

Julian, Lahey's way too f*cking stupid to come up with this shit.

Tick-tock, tick-tock, the shit clock's ticking, Rick You trying to f*cking k*ll me, huh?

What the f*ck did I ever do to you?

Jim Lahey, you are sick!

Listen, the cops found the dope fields.


We just heard it on the news They didn't find the big one, though. Up by Highway 5.

We gotta harvest tonight, Ricky. Come on, get it together.

f*ck, we're probably not going to be able to use this truck How are we gonna get the dope to Moncton?

Don't worry about that.

Come on, Ricky. Well, wait a second, Ricky. Don't you think that we ought to call the fire department or something, honey?

Barb, it's a little fuckin worse than it looks, so f*ck it.

I gotta get some cigarettes and cops and dope and...

I gotta get something to eat What the f*ck? Ricky, where the f*ck are Corey and Trevor?

They better not be in that f*cking trailer.

They weren't f*cking in there. I don't know where they're at.

It's not my fault they got off their leeches. Guess what else f*ck Corey and Trevor. Lucy, smokes, let's go.

f*ck you!

You know what, Ricky?

You better start caring abou what happens to Corey and Trevor or you're going to be sorry.

Oh, is that right?

Yeah, it is right, Ricky.

Nice, girls. Great.

Real nice to see you.


Come on, Ricky. We gotta get to the dope field Go get changed and hurry up.

I gotta get changed too.

I can't harvest dope in my good clothes. They'll get ruined.

Bubbles, you gotta hurry up. We got no time to waste here Jesus, Ricky!

Officer George Green, please Ah, oh, George, it's Barb Lahey.

Listen, I, um, I am sorry to bother you, but it's Jim. I think he's lost it.

Oh, hi, Barb. Yeah, I know about Ricky.

Yeah, well, someone had to k*ll him, Barb.

Terry, that is f*cking awesome news, buddy. Thank you so much.

Look, I'll send some weed to the library, okay?

Talk to Phil. Thanks, buddy. Talk to you later.g Corey and Trevor are on the way, they'll to start harvestin right away. Just talked to f*cking Terry He's got a deal set up with a courier company.

We can express-ship the whole shipment right to Moncton with courier thing, guaranteed by 12 o'clock tomorrow.

If we can pull this off, we'll have enough money to buy the trailer park.

How are we gonna get the weed to the courier company?

We're gonna go borrow a truck, fill it full of weed, they're gonna take care of the rest.

The only problem is it takes 30 f*cking points What?!

There you mo-f*ckers are Know what I'm saying? What's this shit on the radio about the cops found your weed?

No shit.

Don't say you got no mo-f*cking weed?!

The show is in two m*therf*cking days, man, and my shit's on the line. I need some m*therf*cking weed Will you chill the f*ck out? Listen, we got one field left.

Everything's going to be cool.

Lots of weed.

I got a whole field of f*cking weed. I got more weed than you or anybody can have. There's lots of f*cking weed Landscaping company over here, if anybody's wondering what all the weed talk is.

Ricky, what the f*ck happened to your head?

f*cking Lahey blew me up. What happened to your head Why you wearing a wig, J-Roc? That's f*cked.

Man, I ain't J-Roc. That mo-fucker's in jail, yo This ain't J-Roc. J-Roc's in jail 'till the album drops.

That's right, T.

Boys, let's go harvest. We got until sunrise before the cops start searching again. Let's go.

See you guys in Moncton.

Terry said it should be open. The keys should be in it.

Throw me your donair, Ricky.

Don't eat any of it, Bubbles Here, take my handgun.

Go boys, move!

It's come down to this, boys We're gonna be rich or we're going the f*ck back to jail.

Julian, what the f*ck are you talking about?

We're not going to jail.

Ricky. Corey and Trevor. Think about it.

Those guys are responsible for all that dope, man.

I dunno.

It's gonna be fine. I know they're stupid as f*ck, but they're getting a lot smartable and they can do this One, cut down the weed. Two, bundle in neat piles and put in bags. Man, that's easy.

Three, keep in radio contact and don't f*ck nothing up.

Oh, we f*cked up. Damn, dude, Sarah.

We didn't do the dishes or clean the litter. We're f*cked.

She's gonna freak.

Don't worry about it., I needed a break anyway. We'll go home, take care of that come back here and finish this up. It'll be 20 minutes They'll never know we were gone.


Turn off the f*cking lights, Bubbles.

Oh, yeah, Ricky, that's no problem.

Here, I'll just switch those off and manoeuvre this gigantic truck down a little narrow road in the pitch black.

Here, try Corey and Trevor again.

Ricky, put that out.

Papa Bear to d*ck and Weed. Where in the f*ck are you guys We're almost to the den.

For f*ck's sakes.

They must be still harvesting.

Hope they're almost f*cking done.

Holy f*ck, boys.

What?! What? I'm f*cking baked, but I think I just saw Lahey in a dress in the woods. It looked just like him.

I swear to f*ck.

Ricky, give me the joint Idiot.

Thank you, thank you.

Ricky, you got the whole f*cking cab here hot-boxed.

I can't see jack shit.

Oh, f*ck!


Omigod!, - Was that a f*cking moose ?

Omigod, boys. I don't know but whatever it was, it flipped over about three f*cking times What if it was a Samsquanch?

Bubbles, turn on the lights.

Oh, f*ck!


Are there any survivors?

Thank God you're here, dudes. What's up?

Why in the f*ck aren't you guys harvesting the dope?

You better be f*cking done.

Well, we just started.

Yeah, we forgot to do some shit for Sarah, but we're coming right back as soon as we're done.

How f*cked in the head are you guys?

I left you a simple little list. The sun's probably gonna be up in three f*cking hours, you morons!

Ricky, can you get us out of here, please?

The car's on fire. It could blow. We gotta get them out.

Bubbles, it's gonna burn itself out. It's no big deal Trevor, stop complaining. Stop being so f*cking selfish.

Let's go, smokes. You're f*cking lucky.

Well, I want to thank you two, because we are now officially f*cked.

Ricky, we're not f*cked yet. We just need to find some people to help us harvest. Come on, boys, we can do this.

Oh, yeah, Julian, it shouldn't be too hard, out in the middle of f*cking nowhere here.

Find a whole bunch of people to help us, that's easy enough Dude, the car is on fire !

Corey, it's not that bad All right? Stop complaining, get down there and cover your faces. I know what we're going to do here.

The two of you, shut the f*ck up.

We're sorry, Ricky.

Put your head down.

Shut the f*ck up.

I can't believe how f*cking stupid you two are Okay, boys, sit tight.

We have to leave you here.

We gotta get a chain.

All right, boys, here comes our miracle. Stay cool.

Stop the f*cking bus! Open the door! Open the f*cking door!

Okay, everybody, we're not here to hurt anyone.

We just need your help for a little while.

We just need one hour of your time to help us harvest some plants. Anybody that helps can carry as many plants away with them as they want.

Then you can go back to whatever the f*ck it is you do.

Holy f*ck! Do you have any idea who in the f*ck this is I know who they are. They're f*cking harvesters Let's go! Drive. Everybody up!, I still see a lot of weed here, people we gotta pick up the pace.

Can everybody please shut up? It's a working man I am There's too much f*cking weed, Julian.

? And I been down underground We're never gonna finish this. ? And I swear?

♪ If I ever see the sun♪

It's f*cking Corey and Trevor's fault.

Well, harvesting's a nightmare. We got 4,200 plants and that's a lot of work. You gotta pick the plants, take the leaves off, dry them, get them ready for sale. It's a lot of work.

This is serious shit. This is weed.

Ricky! You're forcing Rita MacNeil and her band to harvest dope at gunpoint.

You could be a little bit f*cking nicer, you know.

They could be a little bit faster.

Stop being such a d*ck.

I'm sorry.

Here's a nice one here, dear Thanks. I'm sorry for yelling at you guys, but we've gotta get this stuff out of here.

I've only got an hour, is the big problem here.

I'm not trying to be mean. I'm just stretched out.

I f*cking hate harvesting. I like planting the things and watering them, and looking after them, talking to them. I don't like f*cking harvesting.

You like smoking them, though.

Oh, I like smoking them.

Julian, we gotta get Corey and Trevor out of that wreck too Ah, shit! We don't have time, Bubbles.

We can't leave them out here in the middle of nowhere!

All right, all right. Let's start packing this stuff up.

Okay, easy, Bubs.

Well, it's working, boys. We're following them.

Don't try to make any sudden stops, boys.

I can't believe how f*cking stupid those guys are.

Let's just park in the middle of the road with no lights on.

Ricky, you told them not to have their lights on.

It's not totally their fault. I couldn't see a thing either.

I know that, but it was their f*cking fault All right, buddy, here comes the pavement.

Home trees, boys. Whoo!

All right, it should be smooth sailing now.

It's a lot f*cking easier going.

Can you see how it's got more power now, on the pavement I can't believe we did it.

I don't want to cause unnecessary alarm, but I think we might have a little situation here.

Let's just...

What are you doing?

What is it, Bubs?

Chain broke.

What in the f*ck?!

Turn around and go get them.

Oh, f*ck! Are you kidding me?

We have to.

Holy f*ck, those guys f*ck up a lot.

So you think it's possible this pile of burning cars has nothing to do with us?

Boys, I got no brakes!

Gear down, Bubbles! Gear down!


f*ck, boys, what are we going to do?

You better not be working the streets again, Randy.

Where's Jim?

I don't know., I don't give a f*ck. I'm just trying to work here make some extra money to feed myself.

Take me to jail, George, I don't care.

Or if you got 10 bucks...

Boys, we're f*cked!

The cops are going to be here.

What are we going to do?

Dudes, thanks for coming back. Can you get us out now?

I cannot believe you idiots f*cked up again.

Now shut the f*ck up. We're taking care of it.

Ricky, we're gonna have to get another courier down here now.

Julian, how are we gonna get another courier here?

Here. Call this number, ask for Terry, tell him where we are.

Terry, yeah.

I don't trust Terry and I don't trust DVD.

I'm going to Moncton with the dope. f*ck it.

I'll go with you, Ricky.

Neither one of you guys are going with the dope. It's too risky.

It's too much money and too much dope. Think about it.

Someone has to go to Moncton with the dope.

I'm pinned. I'm pinned.

Push, dickweed!

You push!


Omigod, thank you.

Oh, thank you so much!

Shut up. The two of you guys, shut the f*ck up.

I gotta get all of these packages to Moncton.

One of your drivers was drunk, had an accident, took off.

I don't know where the f*ck he's at., You got any tape?

Uh, masking tape, clear tape packing tape, opaque tape?

Go get some f*cking tape Go get some f*cking tape, there, f*ck-Ex! Come on, this is weed on the ground here.

Boys, I'm glad you're out.

Ah, thanks, dude.


Hey, what are you doing?

Corey and Trevor, get the f*ck up here. Sorry about this.

You gotta go to Moncton with the dope. Just a couple of hours DVD's going to be there waiting for you. Hook up with him.

Do what he says and transport what he tells you to transport Cops catch you, we don't know you. It's only fair, boys.

This is the biggest mission we've ever asked you to do Can you do it?

Yo, we got this.

Can we at least get our chips out of the car?

Well, where are they?

They're in the car.

Here they are.

Here, boys, give them-

I need those, boys, I'm sorry.

I'm f*cking starving.

Oh, come on, dude.

What in the f*ck?!

f*ck off, Lahey, I don't got time for this shit Julian, get my f*cking g*n. It's in the truck.

Ricky, no g*ns. Jim, Jim, Jim, no g*ns. Look, see?

No g*ns. Everything's cool, buddy.

Jim, what the f*ck are you doing?

Put the g*n away before someone gets hurt.

Oh, someone is gonna get hurt, Julian.

You've completely lost your mind, haven't you, Lahey?

Oh, have I lost my mind, Ricky?

Or is this the way the world ends?

Are you f*cking nuts?!

Dispatch, this is East 85. Jim Lahey's lost his goddamned mind.

I need backup, I need ERT. King and Portland, now.

You have about one minute left to live, boy.

Is that right? What's this all about, Lahey Fine, you're the f*cking Trailer Park Supervisor.

Is that all you want me to say Jim Lahey is the Trailer Park Supervisor, not me.

He's the best f*cking supervisor in the world.

Do a great job, Jim. Yippee-yeah.

Put down the g*ns.

Check this out.

Jesus Christ!

Come on, Jim, it's George.

Put the g*ns down.

Ricky, it's time to say goodbye.

I'm about to extinguish your little shit-flame forever You got time for one last word, boy?


Who's there, Ricky?

A drunk Trailer Park Supervisor with f*cking g*ns and dynamite, drunk, with a f*cking dress on, who's going f*cking back to jail for a long f*cking time.

I'm Nancy Regan at downtown Dartmouth, where an armed standoff has just begun.

A middle-aged, intoxicated man wearing a dress and strapped with dynamite has taken another man - younger, intoxicated, also possibly on dr*gs - hostage.

Have you seen this shit? You see what's going on here You've got the SWAT team here, f*cking cops everywhere.

You're on the f*cking news live here. You happy about that?

Can we have a moment?

No, you can't.

I'm about to get f*cking shot. f*ck off.

I hope you're happy with yourself, 'cause you f*cked up You f*cked up big-time.

Oh, yeah, Rick?


How's this for big-time?

How do you like that, Ricky?

That's what I'm talking about. That's a big-time f*ck-up.

You're going to jail for this.

I might sh**t you, and then I might sh**t myself.

I'll tell you what. You guess, Ricky.

You guess who I'm going to sh**t first.

Will it be you, Rick?


Or will it be me?







sh**t yourself! Not me!

I got two loaded g*ns pointed straight at you.

Yeah, and I'm not too f*cking happy about that I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job, but you need Randy here immediately.

He might be our only hope.

Jen, get Randy.

I saw him working the streets earlier at King Donair.

If he's not there, try the McDonald's parking lot Will somebody please sh**t this f*cking guy?

Someone give me a minute .

Somebody give me a smoke , if I got one minute left to live. You got any smokes?

I know you got some on you. Give me a f*cking smoke.

You don't need a smoke, Ricky.

Say a little prayer, boy.

Let me roll a joint, something, please.

I'm prepared to die if it will make Sunnyvale a better place to live.

I don't want to hurt anybody except Ricky.

So everybody just go home and let me do what I have to do.

Jim, put down your weapons. Don't make us sh**t you.

You're just drunk. You just need to sober up.

You'll see how crazy all this is.

George, why don't you put down the f*cking bullhorn.

We're ten feet away, for f*ck's sakes.

Jim, you used to be an officer, for Christ's sake.

George, I only had two drinks.

And like you said, I used to be an officer, George.

Used to be.

Ricky, I'm either gonna k*ll you and spend the rest of my life in jail, or I'm gonna k*ll us both, Rick.

You got a smoke, man?

You don't even know what the f*ck is going on here, do you?

Lahey, please give me a cigarette before you sh**t me.


You're the reason, Rick.

You're the f*cking reason.

George, Dean has a shot.

Last chance, Jim! Put down your weapons or we'll have to make our move George, there's dope in those boxes.

George, you are the dumbest cop on the force.

The dumbest.

Take the shot.

Ah, f*ck! Ah, f*ck!

I'm f*cking shot again! You idiots!

Sorry about that. That was an accident.

We were trying to knock the g*n out of Jim's hand and we f*cked up.


You get this guys out of here.

You happy now? I'm f*cking shot!

You're the reason, Ricky, that I never made any difference.

Oh, Jesus Christ...

Mr. Lahey!

You made a difference to me, Mr. Lahey.

You got me off the streets once and then I became an Assistant Trailer Park Supervisor.

Please, Mr. Lahey, get me off the streets again Randy, I'm sorry, boy.

I need a f*cking doctor over here!

I gotta do what I gotta do.

Plead insanity and you'll be back in the park in six weeks with me.

Please, Mr. Lahey.

You're the only one that ever made any sense, Randy.

Let's go home, Mr. Lahey I want everyone to f*cking know if there's any court bullshit over this, you guys shot me!

I didn't do a f*cking thing! I'll sue every one of you!

You guys getting this?! Every bit of it?!

Names, let's go! Names! Who shot me?! Did you f*cking sh**t me?

Why are you guys pointing your g*ns at me, still?

Cops pointing g*ns at me, sh**ting me for no reason!

Hi, there. Ricky, we probably should, you know... deal with some stuff here. Give the microphone back to the lady and let's get the f*ck out of here.

Well, I guess we're done here.

So who was driving the truck, boys?

Better not have been you, Julian!

Drinking and driving, you know that., George, it was actually me that was driving. Here, look I got my rig license right there.

Bubbles, this has got to be the worst fake license I've seen in my life. It's illegal, too. Here, Karen Ah, f*ck! Watch the leg.

I am.

What's this, Richard?

15 one-gram joints, which I can now legally carry. So go f*ck yourself.

You know what, George? The way I see it, you guys got nothing. Not a f*cking thing.

If you try to prosecute this, you're gonna look like a f*cking idiot.

You know who's going to jail, George? You guys are. Not me I'm not going to f*cking jail, you are.

Apparently they got this stupid rule, that 'cause I'm on probation, I can't carry any dope on me which is bullshit. Anyway, I don't care. Now I'm here and hanging out with the boys. Terry's here and Phil and... You know, it's gonna be a good time.

The food's been good so far. There's lots of dope going around now, 'cause you can't smoke, so there's more dope and that's pretty cool.

Jail's not nearly as bad as I thought., I mean, I get drunk in here with the boys all the time there's good dope in here, good books, satellite TV.

They gave me a new suit to wear that's kind of like a spaceman suit.

The bad part is I talked to Barb and she dumped me 'cause I'm in jail, which, you know, I don't understand, Like if chicks could just come to jail and see what it's like they'd realize it's no big dea I at all. It's a good time.

But, no, they gotta freak out.

"Oh, you're in jail, I gotta dump you. "

So I just can't believe everything went so smoothr with Corey and Trevor. I mean, we tracked the waybill numbe and everything went off perfectly. I mean... we're getting out of here and we're buying the park.

Car, paid for, cash. Trailer, paid for cash.

For years, Ricky and Julian have been f*cking with us, man They're always hard on Trevor. So you know what?

It feels damn good. We jacked their money.

And now I have no time or candy for them b*tches, man, 'cause they played themselves.

Those guys wanted to buy the trailer park? Well, f*ck them.

We bought the trailer park. Now we're players and we're cool I'm really proud of Mr. Lahey.

He hasn't mentioned Ricky once That's a huge sign of improvement.

It's so strange without Mr. Lahey in the trailer park.

But he's not going to be here long.

He's going to get out soon. Right, Mr. Lahey?

The judge even granted me permission to look after one of my kitties: Vince the Pinse He was born with no bones in his foot, here, and he's got these floppy little fingers, so he can't look after himself Actually, he can look after himself just fine, I just tricked the judge, 'cause I wanted the little mo-fucker in here with me.

Ha. What are you saying?

What are you saying?
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