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01x03 - Mickey Rooney Cries No More

Posted: 03/15/15 23:56
by bunniefuu
Previously on Powers...

It's Olympia.

Whatever was in this envelope was also in his blood stream.

I k*lled Bug.

This is my signed confession.

You know her?

Calista. Just a Wannabe.

What do you do?

I do stuff with light.


My name's Zora.

No, no!

Why were you on that roof?

Walker, he pushed me.

I caught you falling in the arms of a man with whom I share an incredibly complicated history.

I know she's lying.

I've spent all day listening to her lies and waiting for you to either call or come by.

I left a message.

On the number that I used to...

The old number.

I don't use that number anymore.

I had these lucky ties.

Only have one left, and I can't find it.

Your tie, it's askew.

I'm here to register my powers as law...

Can't an old friend pop by?

Blue Magma. I have an offer of clemency.

They'll never let me out of here.

They will.

If you do something to atone for the people you incinerated.

What's the offer?

An experimental treatment.

What treatment?


What do I do?

To participate in the trial, all you have to do is attack me.

f*ck you, Triphammer.

You're not gonna test some new w*apon on me.

My weapons and my armor have nothing to do with it.

Ronnie, you wanted to be a hero, but you weren't good at it.

People died.

Now you have a chance to make up for the misery you caused.

All you have to do is take a shot at the guy who put you in here.

That, or spend your life thinking of the kids you k*lled.

It's gone.

The fire is gone.

You put the fire out. You put the fire out.

I put the fire out.

f*ck! f*cking f*ck!

You're close, Harley.

Another one.

I k*lled another one.

What does it feel like?

It doesn't feel like anything to me.

I don't have powers.

But I expect it makes them feel like I feel without my armor.


And then it kills them.

Blue Magma, Ronnie Marquez, he had kids.

I have kids.

You remember what you said to me about them the day you came to me with the idea of the Drainer?

You remember what you said would happen to them if we didn't try to make this a reality?

You said they would all die.

You said 50 years was the most they could hope for.

You came to my home and you pronounced a death sentence on my kids, on every child in the world, within 50 years, if we didn't do this.

I have never once, since that day, allowed myself the liberty of feeling powerless.

Look at you.

The price you've paid to battle monsters.

Are you done with that now?

You know the guy?



Fucker just fell out of the sky. Boom.

Thank f*ck no one was inside.

Jesus shit. My son's not much younger than him.

You sure you got this?

Yeah, we got it.

Thanks. The younger ones, I can't, you know?

Partner's a class act.

You look like shit.

He brought it back.

I was up all night just sitting there with my g*n hoping he'd come again.

Pass this clusterfuck back to Golden.

Well, hey.

Let's go to that assh*le's club and find Calista.


I got him on breaking and entering.

You wanna see a dead body?


I want to find Calista and bust Royalle.

Come take a look.

Shit. That's the kid who was with Zora.

I didn't think he was a flier.

He has a registered powers profile.

"Levitation Boy. Maurice St. Clair.

Max vertical lift is three feet, no propulsion."

For his body to do this much damage and still remain intact, he couldn't have reached terminal velocity.

He must have been falling for five, six seconds.

So that's, maybe, 500 feet.

He dropped from a plane?


This is Class B airspace.

Even the smallest planes have to fly between 6,000 and 10,000 feet.

Look at the big brain on you.

When I first started flying, I used to crash all the time.

Only got a handle on it after I got my pilot's license.

Just because you can, doesn't mean you know how.

He came at an angle.

From there.


I'm wondering where Calista might be going next.

What other f*cked up shit she might try to get powers.

Is this a hangout for the Powerz Kidz?

No. No, it's not central enough for them.

So they probably wouldn't make a habit of coming up here to party, get high.

I'll come back later.

It's okay.

I know you don't think about girls that way.

I mean, you and Simons are a thing. Right?

Simons' sexuality defies categorization.

I'm not that modest.

Modesty is an unappreciated virtue these days.


Unexpected beauty is a nearly sacred thing.

A revelation changes you by the act of noticing it.

Hold something of yourself in reserve.

The promise of revelation.

Do you think the cops are still looking for me?

You going somewhere?

Do I need permission?

You can go wherever you want.

But, yes, the police are still looking for you.

You have no idea what it feels like to be trapped.

How do you think I discovered my power?

I spent a long time wishing I could get away from what my life was like.

And then...

You made your escape from the police, you even eluded Retro Girl.

But still I wonder...


I keep thinking of you, hiding, listening to Retro Girl as she betrayed you.

But you still admire her, don't you?

She's still Retro Girl.

No, she's not.

Retro Girl is not a person.

She is the overexposed image that's been sold to you.

She's a lie, Calista.

And until you free yourself from that trap, she will keep on hurting you.

Retro Girl is lonely and vulgar, but she is vastly powerful.

And you are not the only one who'll get hurt.

Who would have known Zora would have been juiced up like this?

PAR? What is she, like, 20?

Well, she must have something real or they wouldn't bother.

So, back when this guy was the keynote at our annual retreat, and Richard made it my job to make sure that he got there on time.

So I finally tracked him down at the Hotel La Chapelle, where he was shacked up with some very famous actress, and he's hammered.

You remember this?


So I get him in the costume and into the limo.

We pull in to the Four Seasons, paparazzi is everywhere, he pulls down the mask, looks at me and pukes all over me.

And you know what he says? "Sorry, dude.

It was either you or them, and you don't have a camera."

That was a long time ago.

Times change.

I mean, here I am. There you are.

And here these are.

What the f*ck?

Yeah, looks like your agent doesn't recognize your dead friend.

Okay. See, when my client tells me some cops are harassing her on the street...

We're just trying to figure out what happened.

... and then sans counsel, you make her show you some f*cking after hours club...

It's a m*rder investigation.

Don't say a f*cking word to them.

Hey, we have a dead kid. She saw him two nights ago.

And you dump this shit on my table?

You used to be an assh*le that could fly, now you're just an assh*le.

She's a star.

She's a f*cking hero, and I won't...

Don't talk like I'm not here!

Look at me, but don't see just me.

See the whole room.

Extend your peripheral vision.

You are in control.


We weren't a thing.

We made out a few times, but I really don't know him.

See? She doesn't know...

The Wannabe, Calista, whatever happened between the two of you, she ended the night by jumping off a building.

Is she...

She's alive.

But she's still missing.

We don't want her to end up like this.


I think Zora is tired.

Just look it up.


Thank you.

The flowers.

When did this start?

When the cops came.

After this last awake and aware period, I pulled out the orbitoclast, and he said the same thing.

Is something wrong?

The cellular regeneration is the basis of his speed, strength and toughness.

Even his ability to consume and absorb biokinetic energy.

We can't turn his powers off.

We can only ret*rd them.



By severing his self-awareness.

Is he still in there?

Something is in there.

The power is certainly still in there.

You know, I read his book in high school.

We all read his book.

His book was bullshit.

Let me know if he says anything new at the next awake and aware period.

I thought it was a good book.

Tell her I'm not a criminal.

Are you not a criminal?

You ran from the police.

You said that I could trust you, and then you sold me out to the cops.

No. I never said that.

I never promised you anything.

I brought you into my home and you lied to me.

And I don't have time for this. Call Powers Division.

Royalle said that you're dangerous.

That you're gonna hurt me and everyone around me.

So, tell me about Royalle.

He's trying to build something.

So what does he want from you?

Why are you with him?

I want powers.

I mean, I have powers, I just haven't...

No one takes me seriously.

That's why I jumped off the building.


Walker said that that's how he found his powers.

You would have died.

Do you understand that if I hadn't been there, you would have died?

But you've always saved me.

Not you, um...

My mom.

My dad would lose his shit, over anything.

You never knew what would set him off, but you knew what was coming.

And my mom would flash this Retro Girl tattoo that she had on the back of her hand.

It was like a promise that she would keep me safe.

And she did.

She would stand between me and him, and she would take as many punches as she could.

She pretended to be you to make herself strong.

I know it's crazy, but I knew that you would save me if I jumped.

The fall k*lled him.

Also, he has red corkscrews in his DNA.

This stuff again?

Olympia with the exploding heart, the headless Power with the impossible wound, and the flier who can't fly.

All appear to have been taking the same, well, let's call it a drug until we know otherwise.

What does it do?

I have no idea what it does.

We have three dead Powers.

If Wannabes decide to try it, my guess is they'll die instantly.


How soon until we can identify...

Probably never.

I'll do what I can.

Thank you, Doc.


Hey, it's me, Kaotic Chic, again.

You sure you don't think this is weird?

I'm not stalking you or anything.

It's all good.

Can I ask you something?


Why do you play the game?

I like hurting them.

It makes me feel in control.

Like I'm not weak.

I know that's f*cked up.

It's not.

My cousin died when some assh*le wrecked a building fighting another assh*le who was trying to blow it up.

Makes perfect sense, right?

One got away and one got a movie deal.

No one had to answer for any of it.

No one even knows what it meant to my family or to me.

Somebody should.

Someone should make a statement.

A statement?

That's cool. I know a place.

Wolfe is beginning to remember things.

What does it mean?

Nothing, I think.

His brain has to heal daily, forming new connections.

I don't know that his actual thoughts, his memories even exist any longer.

When's the next test?

When I'm ready.

When I feel confident I won't k*ll anyone else.

We need to get this done.

So let me work.

I gave something to Olympia when I hooked up with him.

This stuff, Sway.

It's like a powers booster.

Johnny Royalle is using you to pimp out dr*gs.

It's not like that.

Oh, it's exactly like that.

It wasn't even him. It was this guy, Bug.

Johnny was really mad when he found out.

Don't make excuses for him.

You're being used. He is exploiting you.

He is offering you something he cannot give you.

You don't need powers in order to be powerful.


Come, let me show you something.

You're not gonna call the police?

No, you're under my protection now.

But let me show you how power really works.

First, you have to look the part. Come on.

Golden got something on that Chubb182 username.

Guy's name is Larry Gerald.

It's linked to a Show Us Your Powers account.

Posted a new video.

Levitation Boy taking off.

Catch me if you can.

He was priming his powers.

"Priming his powers"?

All he could do was hover, nothing badass.

Why do you think he was hanging out with a Wannabe like me?

Kidz with legit power think the rest of us are losers.

How did he do it, Larry?


Shit cranks the limits.

It's a total boost.

He thought he could do some trick night flying, maybe get his video to go viral, but guess he needed to take more.

That's an unregulated powers enhancer.

Who'd he get it from?

You don't tell me, I'm going to assume it was you.

I'm going to ask you again.

Who did he get it from?

The new place. Here and Gone.

Johnny Royalle?

I don't think so.

I don't know. Shit.

Where's the rest of it?

Thought that maybe it could, uh, give me some powers, but then he fell. I didn't have the balls.

At least you're alive.

You know, the kid was holding.

He's a kid.

You wanna ruin his life for being stupid?

If Royalle is selling powers enhancers, dropping him down the Shaft gets easy.

Have to make sure you do it the right way.

Probably have to go to his club, see it happen.

But not too close.

Just observational, for f*ck's sake.

Observational. f*ck yeah.

What happens if I k*ll you?


The deal is the same.

You attack me, the test commences, and clemency is yours.

They shorted one of my eyes.

That's okay.

Just saying I'm not at my best.


You can't ride the lightning!

I can't... I feel...

What do you feel?

I can't feel myself.



It's funny.

Can't believe you did an episode of Baywatch.

Yeah. Shouldn't you be looking out there?

I thought Righteous Thunder never left New York.

Hawking his new energy drink would be my guess.

Did you ever have your own energy drink?

They weren't a thing in my day.



Black Diamonds.

It's in the book. Around page 76, I think.

You think.


Ooh, can I get a pair? The '90s are totally coming back.

Why are we here?

I told you, I'm going to show you how power really works.

Try not to squint.


She f*cking lied to us.

Calista's been with her the whole time.

If we go in there, we are the lead story in the Powers That Be.

And Royalle's lawyers rain down shit on the entire division, so...

Listen to me. We can go in there, okay?


She is like f*cking gravity.

When she goes into a room, everybody is paying attention to her.

Okay. Okay.

We have to be some di-f*cking-screet m*therf*ckers.

Okay? No distractions with your personal shit, with, like, your former ex and your bestie. Okay?

Di-f*cking-screet. Yeah.


Let's go.

Welcome to Here and Gone.

We're honored to have you.


God damn it!

I thought you said di-f*cking-screet.

I thought you wanted the f*ck inside.

Powers or a face, people, that's how you get inside.

Hey, schoolboy!

Yeah, you got something. Come on.

Watch your back. This way.

She brought Retro Girl.

Create some space for a private chat, please.

Excuse us.

Hey, Ma'am. Please go back.

Retro Girl.

Retro... Retro Girl, I love you!

I love you!

Excuse us.

A little space. A little more space, please.

Excuse us. Thank you.


Do you see her?

Got her.

Or not.

How's it going, man?

All right, dude.

Thanks, baby.

The Kidz are taking Sway.


And the bald creep, creeps, whatever, they're doing the passes.

Royalle's dealing in his own club.

You're trying to make me jealous?

I was just about to come find you.

To tell me what?

That you brought Retro Girl to my home?

What did you tell her?

I didn't tell her anything.

What does she want here?

She wants to protect me. She wants to show me something.

What does she want to show you?

She wants to show me how real power works.

You kept talking about how she's so dangerous.

But I'm close to her now. She won't do anything to hurt me.

And I can protect you, make sure she leaves you alone.

And if you tell me what you're doing, I could, you know, help you.

Please don't be mad at me.

I'm not mad at you. I'll never be mad at you.

But it's time to go to the safe place.


Go to the safe place, Annabel.

We can figure out just cause later.

There's a stash here somewhere.

Unregulated power enhancer, that's a massive bust.

He's not dealing. He's giving it to them.

There's no money changing hands.

Righteous Thunder, Queen Noir, none of the big Powers are on Sway.

He's giving it to the Kidz. f*ck.

We need to get Calista. Now.


I'll circle around the top.

All right. Back door in five.

See you then.


See ya.

Other people wanna take a shit and do blow, douchewad.

What the...

This is some uncivilized shit, man.


No, no, no, no. Time to go now.

Get off me!

Hold up, hold up, hold up. What the f*ck is going on here?

This... this is what's going on.

That supposed to mean something to me?

It would if you could read.

You know how many lives I've saved? How many cops I've saved?

Don't flash that crackerjack shit at me.

It's a party, so ease up on the kid.

I got some crackerjack shit for you.




I ain't seen you in a minute.

You all right?


She with you?


Teach your partner some manners.

f*ck you.

Let it go.

We need to ask her some questions.

f*ck that cop shit, brother.

The kid was with Philip when he died, Edwin.

Sad days, man.

Olympia dying in bed. I ain't going out like that.

There are worse ways to go.

Ain't the same up there without you, bro.

Ain't the same since you fell.

Appreciate it.

We have to go out the front.

How are you still alive?

I ran away before Wolfe could k*ll me.

Much as that seems to have disappointed humanity.

No, I mean, how are you still living with yourself?

How have you not k*lled yourself yet?

If I'm such a figure of repulsion, why are you here?

Did you come here to, what, beat me up?

Well, in just the few moments that I've been here, that's enough for the Twitter-verse to explode.

"Retro Girl visits Johnny Royalle's nightclub."

And the minute I walk out that door, the world will be quivering in anticipation of what I'll say.

And when I tell them, "Yes, it's a fine place to bring your mom and dad and do some B-list Power watching," you'll be out of business in a week.

And when that week is over and nobody's watching you, cares about what you do, I may come back to beat you up.

You're hurting me.

We dodged the bald guy?


Well, don't worry about them.

Christian. Detective.

I'm so glad you could come.

Simons informs me someone's broken in through a back door.

Are you here to investigate this illegal entry?

Don't get close to him.

Because, I mean, what other reason would you have for entering a licensed establishment run by a registered Power who has a restraining order against the entire f*cking Powers Division?

Calista, come here.

Calista, on the roof...

They can't touch you.

On the roof, I was wrong.

You're not like everybody else.

You proved that when you jumped.

They can't take you away.

There's something inside of you that won't give up, won't give in.

Come with us.

Calista, it's time to go.

It's under control, Janice.

Yes, it is because she's coming with me.

I'll go with you. I love you.

Stop touching me and grabbing me!

You do what you have to do.

But you're on your own.

f*ck this. You're coming with us.

We are the police, okay?


Enough of this.

They can't take you away from your home.

I'm sorry.

It wasn't safe back there.

Where are we?

Where are we?

I'll tell you a story.

You never know, she could've been picked up by a pervert.

Oh, yeah, you know everything. You always do.

I told her Becca's mom couldn't bring me home.

I kept waiting for her, but...

Where do you want to go?

Come on. Where should we go?

There is no place.

I was reading about Bear Island in the Barents Sea, off Norway.

The beaches have snow instead of sand.

It'd be cold.

Oh, God damn it. Screw you!

Bear Island is one of the cleanest places on Earth.

Hardly anyone lives there.

They don't even have phones there.

No one could find us.

That's where we should go.

Annabel, get out here!

We're gonna go away from here, Bel.

Close your eyes. We're not here.

I don't want to go away.

I just don't want him to hurt me anymore.

We're gonna go to Bear Island and we're gonna make snow angels on the beach.

And we're gonna go away.

If you were here...

What are you doing in here?

Huh? Come here! You can't hide from me!

Make it stop. Make it stop.

Leave her alone!

Get out of my way!

Make it stop. Make it stop.

Make it stop. Make it stop.

Make it stop. Make it stop.


You came back for her, right?

I was 15.

I don't know, but this deserted island, the night lasts all winter, the winters are long.

I didn't even understand how I got there.

I mean, I knew I must be a Power, but I didn't know how it worked.

I tried, I tried to get back.

But I couldn't, not for years.

It was too late.

Is it something that you can fix?

Let's go home, Calista.

I had her.

I f*cking had her.

I know.

And I was doing everything right in there and then I had to go and lose my shit.

You were good in there. You're a good detective and a good partner.

I need you to hide.

Wait. What? No. You can't leave me here.

Simons will come get you.

They won't think to look for you here.

You have to trust me.

I don't understand.

There's something I gotta do.

Just hide.

Johnny, don't leave me!

I'll be back.


Uh, hey.

Uh, you know how to get out of here?

Yeah, I do.

Thirty-six seconds late.

I left her out back. Go get her.

Can I go home, Johnny?

I want to go home now.